HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-12-09, Page 8• • • • • • • t k Jr' tit X iJ 1 t�: ti 't' 1 M �, S DEC. 8th Ulu • +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++t•++++++++++4 44++ ++++++++++++++++++++ - . + . fes++++++++++++4 STEWART's PHONE 16 a.l +4 Xmas. 16 Days More We Make Your Money go far by Buying at this Store �\ c arc prepared to do the biggest Xmas. trade we 4. have ever done. Large and careful buying has fitted us 't' + to meet the demand for a big season. • Mantles Although this season has been the largest we have ever bad, yet our present showing n co�tprises all the newest F styles including loose, semi t ' and tight fitting in all colors i ' ane! sizes. $7.50, 10.00, 15 00. c . r 20.00 a Furs {{.. Our showing of furs for •1• Xmas trade is worthy of the +h nspection of all interested. •!. ut• Lined Coate with mink er sable collars lined with wine Canadian rat. Every + sat guaranteed by makers t ndourselves.-42-15-65t-75 -p Men's Overcoats Underwear A great assortment of nob- For men, boys, women and bystyles eanowo n display. y pl y. We girls. This is this seaon every. world suggest that you see one needs good warm under - this display and the prices, too, they are so reasonable. writ and you will do well to We have theta in black and see our big range in fleece fancy tweeds with the new lined and fine and heavy. wool convertable coilar.- $8-$10 at prices that will talk. 50e. $12-315 talc., 75c., $1.00, $1.25 to $ 1.75 • Linoleums, Carpets & Rugs These handy and sanitary floor coverings are greatly in fav- or. We have just received a new lot of goods and invite you to see theta. See our range of room rugs from $8 75 to $40.00 Lino!eumns and oilcloths all prices. We cut, fit and lay free of charge. CHINA This is a goof; time to select your Xmas China•as our tables a r• t les hl i with everything er •thi French, n new ' Susi l 5 f, Austrian, l rE ache English and Yrie sign nares. Imported direct. Our showing of Dinner Sets is the !lest in town. Beautiful 105 piece Dinner Sets ranging from $7.75 to $15.00 GROCERIES This departtnent should not he overlooked as your Christmas P •f n E is will vu he well looked after. All our new fruits are in stock. Raisins, Currants, Dates, figs Spices, Peels, Cereals, etc. at the very lowest prices. Try ovr Japan Tea :30c. We want a large quantity of Turkeys, Geese, Ducks,Chicken dead or alive for which we will pay the highee.t prices. also But- ter. Eggs, Dried Apples, etc. J • A. BTEW'A,.RT +++++++++++++++++• ++++++++++++++•i•+++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ •+++++++++++++++++ Retiring From Business Go with the crowd to R. N. Rowe's Great clearing sale of his entire stock of dry goods - clothing -mantles -furs -boots and shoes -heavy and light robbers -wall paper and linoleumns. AH good goods. We have the cleanest stook in town and must be all cleared out regardless of cost, as I am giving up business. Highest price paid for all kinds of produce. /, R. N. ROWE Phone 22 One door north P. 0 Our Stock is the Favorite of Christmas Shoppers PfA1.K AS YOU LIKE there is nothing can take the place of Furniture in the esteem of gift. givers. Nothing else is an serviceable --nothing else tentinds one of the giver every day in the year as Furniture does, For reason of newness and variety and alround Rookies,' we ask yo:t to do your choosieg from this stock of ours. You can't buy under our pi ices for our goods. In all respects this store stands ready to offer you furniture certainties. Christmas shoppers are requested to stake it a point to at least see how Well we are prepared to make their shopping satisfactory. To -day isn't a bit too soon to get interested. JAMES BEVERLEY Leading Undertaker and Embalmer You Take No Gnaws When You Get Your Fall and Winter Suits from an old established and reliable house ike ours. 'Pisa -tried Reputation is what ensures you satisfaction. W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor - Exeter, Ontario T Market Report. -The following is • hr I''uecs Calendar for 1910 is now; the report of Exeter markets, cor- te:ut}. Co paid up subscribers only.'\ Church Directory rested up to ecember 9th. 1 Exeter (.1. U. C. F. Nu. 01 meets on I Wheat ;roue 05.02 to $1.05. 441'riday evening Dec. 17. Election of ' JAMES STREET j j1 j� v L4L Oats. 33e. 3iic. ofllcerr and other important businesr. d'e•as 80 to h3 rents It. N. Rowe, Recorder. Barley 48 to 60 cents. - The annual election of ellicers of ltr:an $22.00 James Street Methodist church Ep- Rev. Richard Hobbs, Pastor Shorts $'-'r $0 worth League wart hull on TuesdayGreat Clearing Star flour $2.75• evening last and resulted ll follows: Sunday Public \1'or,hip-1.0.30 a.me Sale of Feed flour $1.50 to $1.55. President. Mr. A. E. Bussell; 1st Vice and 7 pant. E1ggs 26c.2,. Dr. Rou'stou; 2nd Vice, Miss E. Tay -r Class Service -Sunday 0.30 a.m. and - g6tor; asst, Miss %%'hiteford; 3rd Vice,after Norman^ Service and \\'edaes- g,,,,„ HogHays. tiive eight. Miss J. is rcirL. 4th V:ice, Miss Dinersday tiig n' d Ready -Made •Bog, re75 to 9 tic.dnt AJ. Miss t; Hobo: Secretary, cef; �ow� 91en's Cla: ar:d Catachumrrra Cloth�nI ututue•s 75 to JO cents Sutiday t:t 2 for J. Sweet; 'tress, Clinton Sweet; p.m. Coal, $7.25 a ton. Pianist, !Diss Brown. Asst. Miss T. Sunday £chool and Bible Classes 2.30 Chickens 8 & 9 Alive 9 & 10 dressed Sweet; Temperance, T. O. Southcott; tr•n• Ducks 8 & 9 alive. 10 el�s 11 dr.- t'd Lookout, J. M. Soutbcott.. Floral, Epworth League -Tuesday itt R. p.m Geese 7 & 8 alive. J & 10 dress d Miss ltosti Cudmore, Sec. Treas. of Prayer Meeting -Thursday at 8 p.m. A $2.000 Stock of Clothing will positively be Turkeys 13 :old It itlive. 15 & 16 Forward Movement, Miss V, Frayne December 12th, Missionary day, Rev. dressed Asst. Miss P. Kestle. It. W. \foodstworth, of Toronto, will cleared to the last dollar before Xmas hotwl G S 7 alive, 7 & 8 dressed Af,•ssrs. Win. Paw -len Al. McDonnellpreach. . 1/tied Apples 7a and Barry Smith on Saturday acted• as an arbitration board in a cattle Times Want Column; So look sharp for bargains. 21 Mens Tweed suits regular $0.50 to case between Samuel Stanlake and 810.00 to clear $1.90. 12 Mens Black and Blue Clay Worsted suits regular John Hawkins. 'It appears that some LADIES 'MAN -TAILORED SUITS $8.50 to $12.00 clearing at $0.511. 14 Mens Black and Blue Serge regular $0.50 weeks ago Mr. Hawkins purchased . Exeter Ladies may now obtain a and $7 50 to clear $5.00. Mens heavy dark stripe Tweed suits newest cut re - three steers from Stanlake to be de- strictly man -tailored Suit by one of gular $13.b0 for $11.00. A few only Dlens Tweed at $11.00 and $10.00 sizes 37, livered a month later: but before de- the beat city tailors without going to 38, 'k`) and 40; These are all heavy double suits and of the newest styles and livery .two of the the city or the trouble of getting fit- will be cleared at $8.(X). Mens double breasted Tweed suits regular *10.00 and ted. Satiafsction .guaranteed. For $11.00 for $8.00. Mens Canadian Tweed single breasted regular $750 and further particulars call at ilfiss Tom's $8 W clearing at $0.00. �� Youths suits in Tweed and Worsted ranging from dressmaking rooms over' 'Wilson Brox. $5.00 to $10.00 to clear 25% off. Boys salts in fancy Tweed single and double store. 18-11.4 breasted at clearing tutees $1.50 for $3.50; $4.00 for $3.00; $3.73 for $2.75. 26 Boys suits in good heavy Tweeds to clear at $1.00. 2.'3 Mens Overcoats rang- ing from $5.00 to $12.00 to clear at $3.00. Come early and get your firs* choice. METHODIST CHURCH •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • ••s••••• ••o••••• animals died. Mr. Two weeks to Christmas. Hawkins getting the third one. Mr. AI r. Geo. Jones returned last week Stanlake `vented payment •for the from the west. objected, cattle, to which Mr. Hawkins objected, and arbitration was agreed Mr. Lew. Jones. of St. Thomas, cis- upon. The result was that Mr. Stan- ited relatives here Sunday. lake loses the value of one of the Several houses in town are querns- steers. and Mr. Hawkins pays for the tied owing to scarlet fever. other one. n At Mrs. llorney is visiting her laugh- Ottawa they are publishing a ler, Mrs. Fletcher at liirkton, map on which in due course twill be shown every mill. blacksmith shop. Elmore and Annie Lang, of St. church, etc., in the Dominion. This Marys. visited tit James Gould's Sun- big slap trill be made up of sheets, day. ' each of which will take in about 450 Rev. C. W. Baker. of Arkona, vis- square utiles. Already some 15,000 ited Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Coultis during square miles have been mapped out the past week. along the frontier. All sorts of things Rev. Cousens, of Clinton, preached will be recorded on it. For instance in the James Street church last Sun- all roads, streams and bridges are day. Rev. Iiobbs going to Clinton. classified. and by contours with n vertical interval of 25 feet, the height Rev. Jatnes Livingstone. of Mit- and shape of every .hill is given• shell. was the guest of Rev. Richard Woods and orchards are marked and Ilobbs a couple of days last week. the density of the trees approximately Joseph Davis is having the vacant indicated. Concessions and lots are roosts next to 1)r. Ilynduian's fixed up numbered and great amount of other for Dr. McGillicuddy. A new front valuable information supplied. 'It is is being put in. the only snap produced in Canada on Airs. Thos. Prior. returned last which the correct natnes of all places b �, \w week from ingersoil, having xecov- ho n. ll erect sufficiently from her recent ill- he ath of ltobt. 'rayne on on- ness to make the trip. ElaT)'• D(ececmber Gth. reImoves oneMof LOCALS I Mr. Thos. 1�ernick left last Thurs_ Exeter's oldest inhabitants, be being day with a car load of horses dor Mr. at the time of his death 88 years and T. E. Ilaudford, the destination be- 10 months. Bis death was due to fin- ing Cochrane, New Ontario. (lionize. coupled with senile decay, due to old age. Mr .Iraync bad been en - The H. 8, Literary Society have joying good health for one of his made full preparations to hold their years up to the time of his illness, annual ''At Home" in McDonnell's and Friday last walked to the town Hall on \\'ednesday evening, December the 22nd. A great offer 10 new subscribers The rilTimes ,_ and Family Herald and Wcek:y Star from now till Jan 1010 for TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. This of- fer is good to points in Canada only. 1)r. Mcore. of London assisted by Drs. Jlyn 'man and McGillicuddy per formed an operation for appendicitis on Roy Coward, son of Geo. Coward. Winchelrt .,, Sunday. Mr. \'.. ;1. Mellott was confined to his hole, several days during the past week suffering from a tbruiscd leg caused by falling on the sidewalk while on his way home one evening last week. The mart•:age took place on Thurs- day, Dec. 2nd. of Miss Clara Cudmore, daughter of Mr. George Cudmore, town, to Mr. William Frazer, of Cen- tralia. The ceremony was performed by 1tev. Rich lel Hobbs in the presence of a number of invited guests. The Trivitt Memorial Ladies Guild Bazaar, Friday afternoon and even- ing, Dec. IOth. Afternoon tea 2 to 6 o'clock. admission 10 cents; evening good program admission 10 . cents. All kinds of fancy and useful articles and horse made cooking and candy 'will be cold. Dillon. the Montreal murderer of Constable Shea. wi:l not go to the gallows on Dec. 10. Drs. Phelan and Burgess forwarded their report to the Minister of Justice. and it was evident that preparations nre being rnncle for the transfer of the old book agent to the Asylum for the Criminal Insane at Kingston. The principal case at the ess.izes at Stunt ford this week. is thn' o' ala stilton Merner. son or the late Sena- tor Merner. vs. Senator Valentine Rats. in which the former asks dam- ages for alleged breach of contract on the part of the defendant to pay certain emounls for the sale of a seat in the senate. Senator Matz gives an unqualified denial. (Recently lire rent out a 11rge nun1- ber of accounts for subscription to the 3.151 ES. in a good many rases he persons awing have responded .for tabes, Ih y have our hearty thanks. t,ould ask others w•ho have ru- e. •.v,•d acrnlunIs lo remit ns soon as pn--ibis. Money k needed to run a new -pap •r. XMAS FLOUR it is usually slapposed to be holy and ei:slletoe. but when yon think of 1 he Nines dinner I guess it is the o: her kind. that rho miller grinds. that yo t consider. WHERE WOOD THE PLUM - PUDDING BE itlto.1 1l' l'or the hest results in, all kinds of baking use only the STAIR grand. as it combines nutritive valet• t%ilh quality and appearance. -MM.anaf,:c;ured by - HARVEY BROS. hall to pay his taxes. He was born in north Moulton, Devonshire, Eng -1 mile from in 1821 and when 23 years of age was married to Margaret Westcott, the couple making their honeymoon a trip to their future home in Canada. They first settled on the London !toad, near Devon, but later ,roved to the end CO cession of Usborne, where they re- sit: •d ntil 28 years ago, when they ret r.•., to Exeter to spend their de- clit. n:: years. Mrs. Frayne died a- bout five years ago. The deceased was a strong adherent of the Metho- dist church and In politics was a Conservative. He iri survived by three sons and five daughters, namely John and James. of I�sborne, ,Peter, of Exeter: Airs. \Vin. Oke. llllrondale; Mrs. \Nark. Caradoc . Mrs. Geo. Ilea - FOR SALE Cottage and three lots in Exeter, being lots Nos. 55, 56 and 57 south of Simcoe Street. On this property is a frame cottage (brick foundation) con- taining five rooms and a good cel- lar also a good well and a large stable. Good garden and fruit trees. The property has to be sold to wind up an estate. Apply to GLADMAN & STANI3URY, Barristers. Exeter, Ontario. HOUSE FOR SALE -Brick resid- ence and tot on Main Street, third house south of Presbyterian church. Six roma. For terms and particu- lars apply to James Whyte or Dick- son & Carling. - "Do you use ilourf Have you been getting good results\ What are ypu paying for itt We tore selling our host 0 blended "Snow Drift (amply flour, and our pure 'Manitoba alto ba II "linker's Favorite" at 82.75our We guarantee everybagper bag. we sell 1;0 give you excellent results. Try it anti be convinced. Feed prices Bran $20,- 00 per tort, Shorts $22.00 per top. Hensel! Flour 'Milts. II, IYOOK, SONS. & C0.1 FARM 'FOTt SALE- Choice hon- I W. J. Butter 23c. Eggs. 20c, Dried Apples 0c, Potatoes 50c per bag. All kind. of poultry taken as Oaeh or trade. CARLINC BROS. Do Not Buy It Until You Tri It Tho CathoeMagnettc Razor is not tern; "red in uacrou tire heat. but by means of a secret electric process at an even ;:•nip rature "f 2,500 degrees At the same Instant the steel Is carbonized tun proeess similar to that I.y which diamonds have been pro- duct . d The result Is (Ti' h irdest cutting- edge kttca•n to 4c:•',nc,•-_:c Watts On guar. nl:•e far :, .'tctltli;e of net feet wear -no honing. ro • t'inti'ng. -The land -i with ; • .: h•, edge" t t superior to any , •.,r ever made. whether the rt.,1:, hollow -ground or the "wafer" h1 ,:,• of the "safety." But you do nos, recd to take our <Ired acre farm, being Lot 3, \Con. 1 Usborne, London Mond -4 Ia . three miles e from Exeter. Un the premises there is erected a good brick house, all conveniences a large bank barn 80x45, finished in latest improved style: drive house, good orchard. never failing supply of water; well in house and barn. 12 acres fall wheat and plowing done. If not sold privately pn or before 20 day of December, twill be sold by pub- lic suction at a date to be fixed bit- er. Easy terms of payment. For terms nad particulars apply to Jas. Handford, prop., Centralia or to T. Cameron, auctioneer, Farquhar. STRAYED Strayed onto my farm London Road man. Regina: Mrs. Tomlinson. Lon- north. a yearling heifer. owner may d have sante on proving property and paying all expenses. F. J, WICK WIRE, SCHOOL TEACHER WANTED For S. 8. No. 10 Usborne. apply stat- ing salary and qualifications to J. T. Morgan, Hay P. O. Ont. NOTICE -Collector W. J. Bissett. will be at the Town Hall on 11th. 13th and 14th, of December to receive taxes. Kindly .bring correct change. Nurse Cir!; Wnnled-I'or day time only: can go home nights. Apply to Mrs. G. W. Harrison. DOG LOST -0e Saturday, Dee. lith, one and a quarter miles west of tier-) smith church, n black and tan hound. tell and slim with hair cut short at tip of tail. answers to the name of SFxeter. I:croley. Finder rewarded. . Gould on and Miss Lizzie at home. The funeral arrangctneats hake not yet been completed. awaiting the arrival of Mrs. Ileaman. of Regina. Edward Mara. the McGillivray Township fanner, who was arraigned, charged with arson, in , connection with the bursting of a barn leased by \\'tn. fatten, on the night of June 26, Ives acquit ted by Judge Macbeth Thursday afternoon. The accused was the only witness of importance called for the defence during the afternoon. lis told of Ile events of the evening in question. Early in the evening he drove over to the house of a mast formerly emp:oyed by him, to pay a certain amount or money he olwea. Ile 11r,c1 triune -41 )torte be- tween t):30 and 10 p. m. His .wife was not at homy at the time. ne she had gone to Lucnn with a neighbor's wife, so he went directly to bed and did not awaken till Mrs. Mara called him about 10:15. Ile had . nothing whatever to do with the fire, and bad known nothing of it till he ttas nwnk- cued by the flames, when he had gone over in his hare feet. On the follow - morning he had gone over to the burned barn searing the boots that had been produced in court as evi- dence. "1 suppose," said his honor. "that his ht•ife sill give the same testimony!'" ••I suppose so.' replied Mr. McKillop. "Then I can see nu object in proceeding farther," replied the judge. In summing up the evi- dence Judge Mitcttelh remarked that there was nn utter failure on the part of the crown to establish any motive for the crime. Their case. too. tt as based entirely on suspicion. All 151 1 Ls a word (hit covet: a wide ranter of hu hj4e:s. \1',• are go. ng to forge: th • nth •rs and el t'ln you:. env/It.o:1 as we tell about ARTISTIC TAILO. 1NG AT REASONAKLE PRI(:ES HERE We verify th:s by our stock of well' selected p eee goods, as well ::.a hw old-tipal i01),/.. Try Us if You Like Artistic Garmonts • 11•4 'e ill fur, ly teea•e yo.:. W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor Wheat and Oats wanted. EXETER - , ONTARIO, • IIOC3E FUi1 SALE -Lot: ,'.G and 37 Huron Street in ithe village• c) (Exe- ter. Brick house, kitchen and •wood - h, d. 1:1rge drive house and et:thle. hard and :oft water. This iv n stoat house and will 6:• :void to close an e0ate. if tint tell privately tan or b •fore the 18th. J)ecemb.•r it will be -old by Public Auction at Central Hotel. Exeter nn Frilly th•' Sia. Dec. tt 2 o'clock p. m. For term: and pit -Cellars apply to Wm. and A. Ilod- •rt Executors or Thos. C.rnu•rort, Auct `.sneer. 1•'a r(Iuha r I'. 10. Flour 7 ANI) Feed MI Good Kinds of Flour and Feed kept on hand Bran and Shorts Sold by the 'roil. Wheat taken in c xchani e for Flour and Oats taken in exchange for Oatm:al. W. Rivers EXETER. - ONrAnto. HEAMAN, word for this -you can try the Carbo- llfagnetie without risking a penny of your own nosey -you call enjoy 3) cool, comfortable shaves with it at our expense -you ries compare it with the razor that you aro 'new using and Judge for yourself which Is hest -then if you want. you can return the Carli0- 1-.7agnetic and net be out a : etet. LOOK PCR TI:t51'R,in: MARK ....0 a)i .1 Glie61&k with the Car 6o &fisi EXETER, ONT. DEARING'S BAZAAR The Santa Claus Headquar- ters for Christmas Toys, Dolls, Fancy' China, Candy, Fruits, Nuts, Lamps, Eto. Goode all new and the beat that can be secured for Xmas. Gifts. Call early and Inspect Our Goods No trouble to show goods DEARING'S BAZAAR In every homi somebody ought to buy somebody an Edison Phonograph for Christmas this year. The beat Xmas present is something all can enjoy. Old as well as young enjoy it. All kinds of selec- tions, sacred. sentimental, comic songs, beautiful quartettes, band and orchestra music. Machines *10.50. $24.60, $39 and up. Records 40e., 85c., 85c, Trade off your old machine for a new one. Get a catalogue, come and let us show them to yon nr write us. See our Fancy M,nicatre Sets, Shaving Sete, Sewing Sets, Jewell (lases. B ague Figures, 5 king tiers, Tobacco Jars, Polished Brass ink Stands, Vases'. Perfumes, etc. PI ices vary low. Thousands of the inell;est Post Carrie, Booklets, Polders and Calenders to choose from. See the cute Souvenir Polders and Calendere of the both Methodist rhuiches, Tr ivitt M.niot ial and Public School. "Your faraway friends would eppriciiite the.e front the old town." Don't forget this -The t'urity is the only store in town sellieg these. it will pay you to do your shopping here. THE PURITY .i.\Villis Powell, Manager. ri owey's Drug Store We arc as Busy as Bees with cur Xmas Stock -Don't be sur- prised -Just four weeks to Xrnas If you want first choice and an excellent variety to choose from, come now to I lowcy'a Drug store Leather Goods Very irtteet Style Music Bons, Biu Folds, Change l'ot'us, Ladies ('hutalenc Bag., Card (Cases, Wristlet Brands for 1Vatches, ',ember Fobs, etc, Chocolates Lowrie} a ard iluylet•s Fre5ti fit uI the factor- ies. % ilnt is nicer than a Lc x of Clituolatee or Mirrors Stationery The finest line of box- es ever shown in town (tom Tic to $1.50. Also letter seals and opencta Toilet Cases From the cheapest. to the best. A'Teem) bat - gain et $5.00, contain - :ng Brush, Comb and Mirror. llon.}3one far rotas? Rosewood, Mealy Post Cards I Orinuln, Gold, ole. Our' Post Cards to no end. magnifying mit tors ale IYou need to see to ap• a wonder. Ark to see preeiale. • them. Post Card Albums Teddy Bears i from lbe to $1. Don't go away without one.These little toys ate Ithe gieutest fun pro- Perfumey diesels for children you Liquid anI'oader, t• ver Maw 35c to Vi.U11 (`ante to Hoadr*'y's if you want, variety. also toi. Watcombe let Waters. Pottery Calendars I The finest line of Old Love! \•iew ('slender" 'ou ,try Tee Met,' ever et 15c others at 10c 1 ('sho,c'n, At low prices. Kodaks Why not give a nice little Brownie Canters to your young fciende f or X loan. A s orld of a'nosenlent feet from $2.91 to $121M1 nibs Kodak Alatnl lireKodak ('alend Brushes A Ep'cinl lit e for' Xtons in flair, ('loth. Hat !tu ue•hee. ('c Inc in and see them. Pocket Combs Nice line fir gentle men Ihc end 'Li:•, Razors Rz"Isfron•1he beet tit+akers. 1taz. r (Strops `''ac'ink Soap. ('ream ••f Hese?) for „flet shay - :lig cant be ben'. Perfume Atomizers • Liles( styles. Hug as- ertmetlt SUc,to $2.00 I PIIOvHOWEY'S DRUG STORE Ex EMU, ONT. 1