HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-12-09, Page 7CARTERS
Kick Aeedscho and yeller* all the troubles tnet-
askMnt to a bilious able of the system. such N
Disciness, Nausea, Lrowsiueas, Distress atter
eating, pale In the st le. !o. While their moat
**Mr 3144 cuccoes hue been ehowu fu curing
rteadarha. yet Carters Little Liver Pills are
equally valuable in Cunstil'si Lnn. curing and pre-
venting tht,annoy Put complaint,_ Idle they also
corr.. t all •ilsorderi of l l:e n tonurh,stl mul,te the
liver and regulate the bunch. Lien U t.ey only
leho they w.•11.1 be al ruos t 1•ricclesc to those wbo
eutr.rfrom tills listreaslag cornld.iiut;but eortu•
LatelytlirgouducesdoesiedeudI re,audthose
wbomu•: try themwiJlfin.ttbv.ellttlepills valn-
able to en !pally wa.athst they will not be
Lag to to du k,thout thou. But after ell slck hoed
bthe bane Cr en nn,,.y lives that here la where
we mess our great lw.:et. Our gide cure It while
Otherd do not.
Cart.•r's Little Luer Pills are eery -milt and
very easy to take. Ono or two pills make a dose.
They are t.trlcily carets' io and do not gripe or
purge. bei by their gait tleaction please ell who
rise them..
Cil.T23 ILIIDI;1'38 CO., 11f 7 T Z.
:mall ?ill, Small Dam Inall incl]
Hints for Busy Housekeepers.
Recipes and Other Valuable Information
of Particular Interest to Womea Polka.
Pancakes. -Three cupfuls of hut- Gasoline Cleaning.--Gloveit or
termilk, one scant teaspoonful of neckwear much soiled should soak
soda, one-half teaspoonful Of salt• for some time in gasoline before
of flour, ,stand,
u cfor nth'
no of cornn ul more n i e e '
rubbing. To keep the gasoline fromt3 fi ctn•oly
meal.removes stains from the fingers or
evaporating during the process put better F.eeps the scarf -skin from
Graham Griddle Cakes. -Warm it in a glass jar or jelly glass if it
one pint of milk and one pint of is large enough. ('over tightly and ever -tip if; on tbh nails. The hn
water, put half of the mixture in let soak until the dirt is loosened. ger`tips should be rubbed every
stone jar, add fir: teacupfuls of The danger of igniting is removed (lay with pumice -stone_
graham flour and two cupfuls of When babies
l by having the gasoline in a covered are teething the;
wheat flour, one sugarspoonful of i suffer very much from thirst, which
brown sugar, beat until smooth, , is caused by feterishness. To allay
P lames. -If black plumes aro
add rest of milk and water, lastly' the thirst it is a good plan to give
tfrill tound and a sofa pillow for a
mattress. The handles could be
tied with ribbon to match the va•
lance. A baby can be easily car-
ried about in this.
' It is not generally known that
common alum melted in an iron
spoon over hot coats forms an ex-
ceedingly strong cement for join-
ing glass, china, foetal, or break-
ages of any kind. Articles mended
with this cement may be washed
without fear of coining apart. agal.i.
:1 small block of pumice -stone
should find a place on every wash -
THE S. S. LESSONIIil�i ministering -This indicates ul to ma re- H1s Friend Sal
e for!
versa! of Paul's judgment implied
in his refusal to take Mark with
hien on the second missionary tour
(:Acts 15. 37-40). The latter made
good, and was with the apostle in
Rome at the time of the writing of
the letter to the Colossians (Col. +++44♦♦♦♦ lir. JB. Rusks
Lesson X1. Paul's Last Words. 2 4. 10). + Liver. ♦ Ornnge:.;adle, (hut.,
12. Tychicus-Together with Tro- Complaint ♦ write,,. (bad beep
• • Tint. 4. 1.18. Coldest Text, phimus he is in the )art • with Paul Ctued. ♦troublewith Ply..
party ♦ pepsic nd Live
Phil. 1. 21. on the journey from Macedonia to ♦♦ ♦♦♦ Complaint and tried
Jerusalem, although he is nut men- teeny different re -
Verses 1-S. Iielieveing his own end tioned in Acts 21. 29, and may not medics but obtained little or no a\a-J.. A
t( he'r
not far off, Paul exhorts Pun -fn ndadvisedmetoliceyourl d flicker
have completed the journey. Again fills a trial, but 1 told him 1 had tried so
arils to teach the truth with roue_- we find him at Rome with Paul dur- many -cure alis" that I was tired paying
ed firmness, especially as a period
,ing the first imprisonment, and out money for thins giving me no 6cnefilt.
01 error is fast approaching. know that he was sent with the Ile said• ' If they don't heap, or cure you,
1. I charge thee -A word full of apostle's blessing, bearing the let- I will stand the price.' So seeing his faith
solemnity, emphasized by the fact tt rs to the churches at Ephesus and not the ]'fila, , for the twoevitals, and [ ver
decei l
ed, for they s •
► cw which
had a
that the adjuration to Timothy is Colosse. Tradition makes him a used. They gave relief which ha+ had •
uttered in the sight of an all -seeing :bishop. more lasting effect than any medicine
God, and of Christ Jesus, who is 1 13. The cloak -A long, thick, up-
DEC 12.
"If They Deal Help or
Cure You I Will Staled
The Price."
gray , take n little tube of blae k ell to judge all men, both those dead per garment, which the approach of thein ia, they oro sofa!! and cosy to take
one cupful of hatter before adding a teaspoonful or two of pure cold and those who will he living at winter(verse 21)would make most 1 belivet them to be the bbe (uedicine
cne-half teaspoonful of salt and One paint and mix ill gasoline enough eater several times during 1110 day.Christ's appearing, Barin which, together for Liver Trouble there is to fo found."
to cover them ; di then! in, (hake F 1 g. grateful. Price 25 cents a vial or 5 for $1.00. as
spoonful of soda dissolved in r1 lit -i well until dry, then hold over steam It is wonderful how this will sootne with the final, glorious kingdom, is Carpus - Nothing further is all (loiters. or will he sent direct by mail
tie water. !;r•ets night mia two- and ((let a frets 1 .baby I invoked to impress Timothy with known of him, but the passage is
tllc weight of his responsibility. part of the proof that Paul had re-
2. Preach the word -The perfect, cently been east.
authoritative message of the gospel. The hooks -Probably papyrus
Paul has just (2 Tint. 3. 16) declar- rolls, to distinguish them from the
cd the profitableness of all inspired parchments, which were prepared
Scripture. from the skins of goats. ) hen
Be urgent in season, out of sea- inade from calves' skins, they are
son -"The voice said, Cry." called vellutn. Why Paul wanted Their ('lass Afloat.
Preaching must bo passionate if it then! especially is not known ; per- The twenty new British destroy -
would be potent. And that, whe- haps, because they were more pre- ers for which contracts were plao-
tlter the opportunity is, apparent or cious, being parchment and not ed a short time ago will be the fast -
rot. If the door is not open, storm paper. It has been variously con-' est vessels of their class afloat.
it. lectured that they contained the Their speed will be something over
Reprove --Convict of error in bo- Old Testament in Creek, docu• thirty knots; indeed, they are ex -
lief or conduct. (Compare 2 Tim. ments to prove Paul's Roman citi- � pected to reach a speed of thirty -
3. 10). Bishop Ellicott thus enutn- zenship, or even sayings of Jesus. ' three knots, and do it in a sea in
crates the uses of Scripture: it 14. Alexander the coppersmith- which the smaller torpedo boats
evil and prejudiced, corrects the whose name is coupled with`vas'
fallen, and trains in righteousness H •nhenaeus the heretical „o
I1 . I I such ala • t le rltish navv s
I or hot air to curl and they will look I u ) y when ec
thirds Graham and one-third flour, j erythi lg els: has failed.
like new. Paint of any color used i
according to the amount desired ; ' i.: the same way will brighten and After sweeping a room, leave it
add milk once in awhile when it i clean colored plumes, or white i a little time for the dust to settle;
can be spared -it helps to brown then take a clean damp cloth and
them nicely. Cheaper and healthier ones, also flowers. wipe the furniture, polishing after -
than buckwheat. I (:leaning Net. -To clean delicate wards by rubbing well with a cls
Best Pancakes. -While doing up, net yokes and waists snake a thick I duster. In this way the dust is
the evening work put the r.quiied paste of !lour and gasoline, use the !really removed, net merely scatter
amount of sour (thick) milk into a paste with a small stiff brush and ieedas is generoved, , the case. Do
mixingbowl. Beat in flour enough ; rub well. Leave a thick coating of
g not overlook the -.op of high pieces
Le make a thick batter. Beat in 1 the paste on to dry. When gasp of furniture.
salt, cover, and set aside. In the Pine has evaporated the flour will
brush out leaving ne'; clean and -_____416.--
Indelible Marks -Soak the stains
morning dissolve soda in cold water.
. Lived its a Cave and Drank the Beat into hatter thoroughly. Beat
Finest of Wines. ; the required number of eggs for
A wild roan of the woods, who has amount of hatter light. Fuld light- in kerosene before putting them The Sense of Smell No Longer of
lived in the forests and hills on tele , Iy into batter. This will hasten in water, then wash in the usual Importance.
Swiss shore of Lake Constance for , the breakfast getting and you will • way and the stains will all disap-
pancakes fit for a king.!pear. The doctrine of the survival of the
teaches the ignorant convicts the May be the sumo as the Alexander could make Lille or no head
recently near Herlsaue last two years, �as arrested i Cornmeal Cakes. -Sift togethcr Black Taffeta. --To freshen black fittest in its application to the or-
r- h that of
taffeta or satins ala of the human bodyThese vessels are to be built
He is an escaped German convict ! one and one-half large cups corn- •sponge with strong g prompted a men n order to make the I I Trm I 20 2 Tim. 2 17 teacher twenty menthe and are expected
Warned Joseph Sadler, who, in agile meal, one heaping teaspoon baking tea to wlec•h a little ammonia has some highly interested speculations ) 19 s Ic} k 1 B upreme ut
cf his strange habits, lived in great � powder, teaspoonful salt, table- been added. Then press on the in the course of Dr. J. Lindsay's 1
must e serve exercise long-suffering;1il)ne he was a personal opponent of Paul. the arm of powerful and swift tur-
luxury. He is a middie,a ed mar !spoon sugar. Rub in one teaspoon "'rong side over a damp cloth. I Bradshaw lecture delivered before The Lord will render to him ac- pedo destroyers.
g _ the Royal College of Physicians in that is, patience under all circum- , cording to his works -Not an ex -
lard and add enough water to make 1 g
of great strength. He lived in r, gLondon recent! stances. session ofpersonal bitterness, '- e.
thin batter Then adi one or two L:IUNDLY. y' P' but
state of nature, inhabiting a CAVO eggs. Beat well and fry on hot Tho lecturer suggested that "wis- 3. Sound doctrine -As opposed to "zeal for the truth."• STARVING OCT HE (;EIIMS.
inn mountain, but by burglary oh- gKHandkerchiefs.---Drop the hand- duns teeth are a ruined industry" the false teaching which even then -- f' --- "Unfortunately for this theory, it
riddle. This makes enough for F
tailed the host food and drink. The tae, and theyare certainly fine. kerchiefs, before washing, into eold and said that sensational though was beginning to crystallite into the }:MB:1RRASSING P0l'I•L.1RiTY. is not fully supported by the facts.
cave contained a largo quantity of water to which has been added a the thought appears it seems pro- fables (4) of the Gnostics. - The truth, as w0 have pointed out,
fine wines, champagnes, liqueurs, - little borax and plenty of soap. liable that the sense of smell no
Having itching ears -Uneasy, Amusing is prrirac0 of Father is that the conditions aro mode more
presence game and fruits, a ail -
PIIS AND FILLING. Boll thoroughly. Rinse in two longer of much practical importance Sickly longings for novelty. indite-
Mathew. farornble fnr intestinal putrefaction
on receipt of price.
The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto,
Twenty of the Fastest Vessels of
ver table service, a quantity of lin- Pumpkin Pte. Ttvc cupfuls of ; eaters. They will he white as snow to civilized man and hence remov- ing thein to seek teacher; who w•itl ! by the retention of the intestinal
en, but no money. All the goods gratedsoothe their consciences by pander- An amusia;; result of the Iropular-
pumpkin, four cupfuls of a;•d perfectly dealt.
ed from the action of natural selee- 1secretions, by the exclusion of air,
had been stolen, as the wild roan milk, three cupfuls of ,tg;u. three j Ironing Blank:ets.--Erse It small tion, is becomingrudimentary. ing to their lusts. ":1 corrupt will ity of bother Mathew, the great and by the exclusion of fru; i.+, the
1 - y • temper,ance advocate, is recorded in ;starch and sugar admitted to the police. eggs beaten separately, one sait- whisk broom, brushing when dry on, The many yards of the human in- ever chooses its own doctrine."a recent hook by Edward Gilliat, g food (detect -its
"A few years' imprisonment, and spoonful of salt, one teaspoci;ful of the line. not too hard, and in onotest;ne, it has been suggested, arc 5. Be sober --The verb implies M.A.. entitled "Heroes of Modern 1 which hinder putrefaction and aro
then I shall enjoy myself again,- rutmeg. Enough for three small direction. '1lhis raises the nap and simply "survivals from a herhiver- both watchfulness and sohriety. Crusades. ' Father Mathew held ar- of the greatest service in cleansing
ho said when arrested. No charge pies or two large ones. tI.ey appear like new. ; eus progenitor and of no service to 1)o the work of an evangelist -the intestine. When the antler tic
of violence can be brought against Pie Filling. -Beat two egg -I Tight, To ]White Linens. ---Put to soak . a mixed feeder like elan." The Not the specific work of the office rived in the dusk of the evening and germicidal ,ro ertiee of fruits
at the house of a parish priest in a , 1 p
Flasher. He never carried arms. add one heaping cupful of prepared ..,ter night in water in which Has lecturer added that some authorities called by that name, but. the pro-; remote part of Galway. His host' were unknown and the anti -toxic
He will be tried next week at Heri-pumpkin, one scant cupful sugar, been dissolved one teaspoonful of advocated snipping off a few feet claiming of the gospel which was conducted him to a room on the properties of rice and other vete
•au. one-half teaspoonful of ground' cream of tartar to every quart cf from man's tediously long intestine. still incumbent upon Timothy, ahs not dreamed of, fastingwas na_
,I� ginger, one-half teaspoonful all- water. When ironed they will he ' Like the speeches of many hulitiet though he had attained a loftier ground floor, in which thus a largo •
rurally resorted to fnr the cure of
s ice two teaspoonfuls cinnnrm,n, snow white. position. I bay window without blind or cur- 'biliousness' P1 8118, it is rambling, involved and an fain. biliousness and allied conditions.
TWO SNAILS PULL A POUND. one teaspoonful vanilla. a little' Ironing Board. --The ordinary 'interminable time corning to the rnIfill tby ministry --Civ
e 11(111)- No sooner rias rather Mathew in But now that the light has emne and
nutmeg, and halt pint of boat (I may he trade much handier . point ; it should be cut down. fol heed to every phase of the work. bed than he turned his face to the abetter method has been worked
cream, together with half pint of for ironing garments of all deserip- ; The human 0. Already being offered -He is
They Haul a Toy Cannon. Carriage jaw, Dr, leincleay' wall and fell into a deep slmuber. ;out, why should we revive ••.,r
milk. One pint of milk may be tion•t, but especially skirts and 'thinks, is getting smaller ne.i smal- thinking of his approaching mar- , ,!waking, ns usual, at an early hour ancient and clumsy method 1"
and Load of Shot. used instend of cream. Mix in the shirts try the use of the sats, plane kr, which c xplains wl- • the teeth tyrdom, and describes it in terms le the (Horning, he opened his eyes, - -+- One day by way of experiment,,, order given. beating well pour into and square. Notches are (lade near are often so crowded together (I(at of the drink offerings of tilt. •sews repeated a prayer, and tuned CIRCUMSTANCES AND A (';
11 y]Sit
says a writes in the Strand, "I har- a pie tin lined with rich pastry, 'the ends to allow the tops of the the removal of some of thea► is a and heathen. poured out upon their ward the window. ]]'hate was his
nesse( two common and bake from twenty to thirty nein- 1 chairs to pass through, while a ` necessity in early life. Our toes Sacrifices. (Gimp are Phil. e. 17).
The colonel of a certain ca airy
garden snails ;, 8. At the close of his life he disitin• to ace n crowd of penpla nt regimen! ansa martinet in all ex-
ceed('tu a my gun carriage to see if they ales. clothes basket or von'e heavy object once so handy when we swung on oupull it along. Although the
Preparing Pumpkin. Scrape the placed on one of the chairs will the hrauches of the prinlevalgf r• looks back II pull his ealeer as a 1`"th sexes and all ag:!t sta•udulg veal his own haws.
abit On one, or. -
gun carriage was heavy, of lead, hard shell with a piece of broken steady it.
the 81114118 pulled it so easily that window glass before cutting. 'Then -___-
I loaded the body of the carriage cut in half, then into strips, and (;i\Ci;RB$F;:111. maintaining the, up
with small shot. slice into small squares. after which I
"The snails, however, were more put into covered ruastiug pan with ' Soft (iingerbread,--One-half cup- i i'I hatht civilizationrun; counter to
than equal to the task. Anxious to a pint of water and place in a rood fol of butler ..r lard, three-fourths natural selection Dr. Lindsa • thinks
test their strength still further I at• crate oven. Let steam until ten- I cupful of sugar. one-half cupful is evident and instances the mnrri-
taehrd a my cannon made of load der, then remove the cover, and ; black molasses, one-half cupful of i irge eustt ns, the not 1111e4 /1/1111011
and brass behind the gun carriage, cook down to a dry pulp. cool and sour milk, one egg beaten light, one cnnjunc•tion of youth and beauty
but il
loa(lthe rm,vc•rl ils and on once againr wit
h(w tion l • ress through a colander• rehis quires spoonful teaspoonful
of of ginger, one-half tete- l with age and wealth, f.'r example.
g pared on ironing(184' ginger, one-half tea- He also questions whether the roe -
same nl,pnrent• ease. I extra fuel ant! needs It•ss attention i spi"'nful of cinna►non, one even i dies! profession is free from serious
Out of curiosity I decided to . than if cooked in the usual way. i teaspoonful of soda dissolved in -responsibility1 t
weigh the cannon, gun carriage and
" contest similar to those with which lhptte ul 110111 of the big bay w•in- elision the regiment was about to
est, ore also undergoing elimintl•dew• some even flatten' their nus-
!,. ever • inhabitant of Houle was fa- g start on a lona march, and orders
tint! CX('rpt the great toe, a'lll(`h •I9 y g ge•1 against t!re glass, ail eager to w -or(' issued that I e.'n .,, , 5hn(Ild1 1
'or service
in miller. The geed fight is not that
r,: lk, two cupfuls of flour. "when i preserves
Ithese villein)villein)nature has plainly
shot, and to my great surprise i
Fairy Ginger I1rea(1. Bread. -Two table- marked nut for elimination." the total weight to be almost 1 ('AIn1•: DON'TS. spoonfuls of molasses, one table- 1In spite of the average iucrerts-
peun(1. 1 venture to think this Don't exl,cct. sac• e;, ii you make poonful of milk, one teaspoonful ing duration of human life, the
•1• good load for two snails toof ginger, one-half teaspoonful of ' nhatement of some of the worst
rr your cake "by guess."
tl....Ltgo. Don't use strung butter; it is soda, fluor enough to make n stiff ccunrges of the human rare, such as
poor economy.
Don't neglect to cream butter
and sugar thoroughly. When the
butter is too hard to blend easily
warns the how], and if neeessary
the sugar.
1)orl't melt the bitter as this will
change the flavor and texture of
the cake
Don't forget that sweet milk
makes cake that cuts like pound
cake, and that sour milk makes
Caught Cold
By Working
In Water.
♦ Distressing', Tinkling Sense.
tion In The Throat.
Mr. Albert MacPbee, ('higeecto Mines,
N.8., writes: --"in Oct., 19NlS, I caught
of battle, but the strife of the , get a peep at his re'.ercuet•. reduced to the minimum. A lieu -
games. Remembering the words of ' A more modest. roan that) he did tenant of the eauadron had just re -
his Lord, "It i, finished,'' he. comes net exist, And great was his em- criced from his father a small hu:
victoriously to the end of the bai-rassment. Ile looked round (,f books, and asked the colonel if
cuttrsr, bearing safe tic faith which furtively for u bell -rope, lint such A 1►•; might not take it Along.
had been intrusted as a precious de- ;luxury was not to be thought of in "('ertainly not, sir'" toured the
posit to his keeping (I Tim. I. 11 ; n priest's house in Galway ! He chief. "No, sir!"
0. YO). 'Chen, resuming the (anger dare not even put a leaf nut to stamp "Um very sorry, colonel ; it will
age of tie games, he points to the the flour; he was fairly in prison be very dull oat there without tiny
between the blankets. t•ea(lin
crown which ig to ht! his ietta►d g. My father sent me A case
sot righteousness. just its the tic- : The crowd was growing larger of whiskey, but of course 1 couldn't
betimes athlete _tura the cretin of noel the talk I.)ud••r. He conl(1 hear
physical supremacy.
l•it end' it
At that day A reiterated word of "De yr ser hill, Vary, n�thore
the Old Testanieut. sonnet ted with "])Runs, ngto. lair lac take a
Judgment and the setting up of the hulk, an' God bless se, child!"
Oh•, wir,hn, there's the blessed
take that 1"
"Not take it. sir 1" again reared
the colonel. "Certainly you can,
sir! Anything in reason, sir!"
(•1180 hatter. Spread thin un iron
Messianic kingdom. In the \civ • `-'- "'
tuberculosis, typhoid fever and lila - )nest abed!
sheets or inverted haus, bake in n luria and the declining Birk int(• „f Testament it gains new nen11inG bet I "lfamn►y, there he lies. a -snoop.- A DUSTY SPOT.
slow oven, and cot into sryu::res h, nefit snclelies, physical (legener_ its rlsseciAtiun with the persunnl re- in' ! I "an ser hit, poll'" A school inspector, noted for his
while hot. ()tion is, i)r. Lindsay believes turn of ('hrist at the end of the
-- 'gal world. In the coil, church, to b0 Three mortal hnnrs did the pris. idiosyncrasies, happened to notice
ins; ort in l: t.tic i. and the metol shit (0 stand "before our Lord ('ler wish fur deliscrance. Then that a terrestrial globe in one of
CIDER RECIPES. hr d0duc0s is the profound infln(nc( 1.1 boa came t•tpl,ing, afraid to lis- the class -imine was very dusty.
of rcolution on the race and the iin- Jcsur. at Iii, coming was a great
lush his gars. tau early, sow the ']his annoyed him, and, hutting his
Hunitrirl ( Cider.-- i. rube wipenspirati.oi 1111(1 cnnlrulting motive.
dry. and quarter apples. Put 1 -','•mane• to medicine "f keeping in begs at gaze, and spot lint to clear finger on the glebe. he cried u•it,
view theTo hate loved his ap .e:.rinR was n
through cleat chnpprr, (ling the great discu(crics ..f lin tbrn, off the house front. There's duet here an inch thick"'
f ouchstune of judgment.
finest knife. Place in muslin bag 9 13. Paul bids Timothy make e�'-' Ilia thicker than that, rip," calm-
- and put inn fruit pteeser. - •i•- If1.1�11 tll:\'S N'I'ItIh1:S. Iv replied the new teacher. 11hst
, n speedy journey to hint, (,ringint(
Boiled (;ides. ---Boil three wile," li l en duly calla on n man he is certain necessary art ides .1 11/1
d, you menu t'' asked the inspee-
light, agency cake• of terfce')' sweet cider down to ••^1•t re it mit. Employee. of I heritable In -Silos ter sharply. "Why,- came the
warns hint ap(ain,t au rne.1 . lion I outplain of Pay. arsw.'r. •'von've gut your finger on
Don't feign that long leafing one gallon and bottle while lief, Re sure of your Alin before at- 11 I)emas ttiii with I'anl .lupin
before the hal ing powder is added Superior to brand fur fruit cake or
makes fine delicious cake, but don't
mince meat Skin) carefully and
cold by working in _stoat, Gua had n beat violo.etly after adding baking sec Olaf it does not scorch while
very bad cough and that distressing.
boiling. Copper, brass or agate
tickling sensation in my thro►t ao i Dunt measure your flour before should he used, neper tin. A
could not nsant night, and th my lungs sifting, and don't, forget to do it brow kettle thoroughly cle: ned with
were s1 very sore 1 had to give up work. after sifting. It 111011/18 economy vinegar and salt, and washedin
Our c ^to in flour and a light cake. Too elrrtn water a r t
�. r gave hue medicine but it did isb It as gno(j,as IIny
touch flour causes the cake to break thing eon con use.
open w•Illle taking.
Don't hold the flour sifter high I _
o•xl so 1 got a lint tic of Dr. Wood's
Pine Syrup at. 1 by the time I
had used two bottles I was entirely
cured. 1 am always recommending it to
my friend:].''
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup co:n-
hines the potent healing virtuee of the ('"kc rh • 11' 1:' r litltlld be the
Norway pine tree with other absorbent, os en. La'•2t'. rich cakes require
expectorant and soothing medicines of slow hiking.
reaognired worth. and is absolutely harm- Don't. forge( to add fruit before
less prompt and arse for the ware of putting in the flour, as this will •you statin the bine courch in Crete, (turn which Poli! Al the meeting 11. rher day 1 ,`' .•t.�, a''! sr""„h rrol6hs•. I eas
Coughs, 1 prevent it falling to the bottom of ,oar smaller, and it will he much ♦ K ,ret ,,oaf fnr a uaro,her of ye:+rs wuh
. g Cold, kronchiti•, ('roup. dote 1 ++ +4++++ Gt t hair r(rrned by wished hint to he trails t., a•. (Tit lilt Iho..e nu•t, whe cool•! half •,••• a• trd � dcsl+ep,ia and ro (d et no rxlicf ,1nt.1 1
?t►rnnt, Pain or Tightnc•g in the ('hcxt the cakr• racier to mend. ening Milburn's Heart 1 1 led fh Ifs t trio I iS I d k Moral iii! i k
Don 1 warp. heavily about 1110 fork is not geed for children, as 1 i'll I it I (fres It frOn t 1 •Ne ,e 1 11• na H• 1t t. '(•••
sod all Threat en.tt.rtniTroabh`s. kitchen while the cake is in the it. is too rich ; but nacre!fati. gond
Beene, of inet•ilions of Dr ]l'oad's 'even. for them with bread. It arts like
Mornay rine Sy l„ f), Ask for it amt Don't thrust n hest' hroom cod-liver oil in strengthening the
twist on g••t;ing _bat you ani, far it is Straw into the middle of the rake ; system. ben) should not be given
pen lei in A ycllOW wrapper, three int
P it will surely fall if you du. t . � (ung people, as it is difficult to
trees Ca- trade mark, and the price '23 1)ort't al1..'.v cake* to Poul iii p•ui, d!ge:t. -
unless tit^ re.•ipr• specially palls for i ,1n ingenious het fora baby can
Meese -tenet nely by Ti•e T. 11ilt.t::u it Such rt;r. are ';tri to 'e damp b. made trent a clothes -basket coy -
;14I„ I.•,•iied, Toronto, Oat. i 1 the b••ttom. erect with a bright color, with a
and turn rapidly. allowing the light-
er baking pee der to he blown Steer rah soap dirretly on the
nwri . hair when shampooing, as it is very
Don't. ferret that the smaller the hard to wash out. Always use soap
i t a liquid forin.
When darning ,tockings run a
thread round each hole before be-
ginning, and drag- until the edges
le fief. 'Thio make, the hole ap-
tempting to 8181) n mosquito. some of the first imprisonment, and :1 bathetic strike of blind men has the desert of Sahara."
-- figures in the gieo(ings to the ('o. lust been satisfactorily settled in
Heart Trouble Cured. ;ing (4. 14), and in flit 11itr•r )'at -is. niter having lasted little '�`
t•• Philemon (24). Tradition say. more th:ul a week. The meeting was Was d roubl ed
that I,is shrinking from his (heti, held in n Paris wine shop parlor.
Thro,igh one cause or another a large and returning to Thessalenicn, audience and speakers were rut- With D 8 e sia.
majority or the people are troubled with it hick was possibly his home, end• • hl'+Feil in a charitable institntiuh: l' r�
some forte of heart truuhle• et1 in total apostasy. where Ihrt ]molt br(IShO., hating For Years Codd Get No Reli:1
'I'Ite sy*tool becomes run down. the (: nave•!+ is know n only be this 'well taught the handirr11ft in the •Unfit She Tried
heart pttll,itatea. You bavv weak and reference. • e'nbli'hinent.
dizzy epe la, a smothering ft•elipg, rn1(1 Vitus had probably Rear t•. Ila! Thn men drrlarrd that the iu<ti-, Burdock
U Bitters.
el tawny lirods and (vet. stoutness of Burd(1ck Blood Bitters.
1r0.11h, anns,•►tiun of pias and needle, matin, on the east coast of the Ad. t.titi•'n make, undue profits out of
rush of blood to the head, etc. ►inti. ••n some uli•ttion sot Paul. thin! and hinders tient horn work_ 4 + + ♦ ♦ 4 4 ♦ ♦ M - s Herman
IVherevr•r there are sickly people eel, lie remained one of the tn,••t trust. ing by the pie •e fol their own hear ♦ ♦ 1)ici:eu.oa. Benton,
oars!: harts Milhnrn's Heart and hirer r•I helper of the apostle. who had ft' nr haul_. This Ctntentwnt h;t. ♦ Csn Car * N.D., _'tiro, • f
Pills will be found an effectual medicine. I j ♦ An!,tb,ne ♦ haew (sett Murdock
stn. 11'm. h:I►iotr hint (of n companion in a uulnry been drnird hr the nl,ul;ugrnlrnt• 4 ioR ♦ Mood Bitters and
Angus, Ont.. El. though the East after the first int• who •n'. that 111.' men employed by 4 4 Iind that few Ice-
♦ ♦ It Is with the ust 0.i/eminent. at that ting 'Tung Ihrir would ether•.r i<r h:rt'.• to beg ♦ ♦ } ♦ 1 4' + shrines ern give
♦Heart Trouble rlst nl plra•,tle 1%, rite -wag left behind to organi.o the in the -tie't•-itueli•
♦ Cured. ♦-
II 1 12) to meet hire 1 \ I s. fl I .,r in••:c n .;e Kiruc ora ter+. tool
am .'erre rills suffered 1 ' Mare wrl4 in the neighborhood of .'•I males to their place, yearly 1 titre., bottles and became eure(a anti 1 r•'.n
heart trouble, weakness
eat '.sd smothering
',almttia. (See nrtiele, "fifes, al' thr .nrnke,. w,,•,. ,!. ,,...,.:.c • now .•al unvt'r,ing without it hurting roe,
spell.. 1 but
a 1 will hi hI• recommend it to alt who aro
mndicinee but receited no benefit. 1 Ilasting's Bible' Dirtinner).) 111r ( halru,AN I:io •r•!i• v. iv. h.+•i le. rr,tl'e�sih r h b
friend advised me to buy a hos of your
pills. w•hioh 1 did, and noon found great
relief 1 highly recommend there pill.
to anyone Buffering from heart trouble "
Priori 50 tents per box. or 3 boxes for
31.23, at all dealers, or maitre direct on
receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co.,
Limited, 't'oroato, Vat.
11. Luke Ne alone• ••f 11.' a+un{ 110 Icy1 to his chair. Each r 01111 wag, ( 1 g tuna(
roil V.
1ravc•II,It: .et,tp;lli.,il' of Paul re• tett t., t; '
It IoM -k mood mile., hits sr, e0.0.1] wh•
his Ware .01 the r•:,sfor►n an 1 11 re re;,•Hetioe, ecrrndi,tg ever :14 v.wr.,
waisted, rtlth••nkh ethri ("h, i'.(etn 1,1d hoe. to f:•.• tier n:,.li••,I.•.`. In . as n epe,•itr• for Dyspepsia in all its poria,•,
disciples etre near (verge 21). :1 '-pity of tlie:r -.ikhtl... .•,,_. t►nd; *nil all disease= 'tieing from this ca•r••••.
writer "f the thiel rentor, (I.•ciares their blind !wafer., thesnr••i/sera 1'.,r oale by all dealers.
that Luke died in liilhy►ti.i et the' d(•livero(I fiery :,rlr!rr ..e'•, 3.4.0m..1 IItn•l'.tetnred nnit• by The T. Milburn
lege of seventy-jpttr. 'pealed by vehement ge:•tures.
('e.. Limit�`d, Toronio, Usk