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Exeter Times, 1909-12-09, Page 4
A.HE EXEZER TIMES, DEC. 9th 1909. HILL -GROWN `f' own at an elevation (,f b 000 f ''+ t.11 ±)►�Ards, where nd climate combine to give that delightful fragrance and delicious flavor, is u,ed in Its purity and btrungtll uletice it much more economical to use tl{Itu urhes teas. owners of 11 he properties ,fronting fold abutt,n lite eeld streets upon h:ch 1hl &odd walks ere constructed ,ball ply 23 per cent. of the cost thereof to be raised by a special and proport'onate frontage assessment up - nn the Enid properties. A.\J TAKE NOTICE, that a Coi-r. of (Revision will be held in the Toon !tall, Exeter, on the 15th day c• r A.19 atr •f l , , mb r. D., 119, the Lou RT OF REVISION AL IMPROVEMENT KE NOTICE that the 'Municipei oil of tha £).;,oration of The e of Exeter has constructed the 'Mg works as Local improve- s and intends to to pass a By- of 8 o'clock p. m., •for the purpose in pursuance of the Municipal of hearing complaints against the for levying frontage rate to pay he aurae namely proposed assessments or accuracy of A granolithic walk on the cast frontage moncurernr•nts or any other Id of Anthem Street trout M•try complaint :ty desire 10 make andnwbich us s tby t to James Street. law cognisable by the Court. A granolithic walk on the mel of .Andrew Street from Victoria fluted at Exeter this ¢and day of et to James Street. November. 1909. JOS. SENIOR, Clerk. A granolilbio walk on the b side of James Street from a t in the southern boundary of the bodist church property to Albert et. A granolithic walk on the th side of James Street from To prohibit the sale by Retail abeth Street to Albert Street. ofirituous, Fermented, A granolithic evaIh on th east p of Albert Street from James or other Manufactured Li- eet to ;the northern boundary of (Dors in the Municipality property of William Taylor, G. A granolithic walk on the of the Village of Exeter. th side of John Street from Main cet to .Andrew Street. 7. .A granolithio walk on the The Municipal Council of the Vil- th side of Jobn Street from An- lage of Exeter hereby enacts as fol - 1 A BY=LAW w Street to Albert Street. lows: 8. A granolithic walk on the th side of Ann Street from Main eet to Carling Street. 9. A grauolithic walk on the th side of bimcoe Street and Main set to a point in the northern ndary of the property of;Eleazer Illiaans• 10 A granolithic walk on the rtb side of ►Suncor Street from sin Street to Albert Street. 11 A granolithio walk on the east de of William Street and Sanders treet to •a point in the south bouu- ary of the property of bliss Pass - ore. 12 A granolithic iwalk on the east de of .William street, from Huron tree'. ao Ibe South Boundary. 13 A granolithic walk on the est side of William Street, from uron Street Ito the south boundary. ' ie wap e 'trivet .1 t k on th 14 rt no ith_ t. 1 ide of '\\ illiaw s:rect frorn Victoria treet leo John Street. 15 A granolith.c ,walk on thceast ide of •William street from 'Oldie). reet to Victoria Street. 16 A pranolithfc walk on the north 1de of Huron street front Albert treet to Carling street. 17 •A granolithic walk on the That the sale by .retail of spirit- uous. fermented, or other manufac- tured liquors is and shall be prohiij)- ited in every tavern, inu or other house or place of public entertainment in the said municipality, and the safe thereof. except by wholesale, is and shall be prohibited in every shop or place other than n house of public entertainment in the said municipal- ity. 2. That the vote of the electors of the said Village of Exeter will be taken on this .By-law by the deputy= returning officers hereinafter named on Monday, the Third day of January. One thousand nine hundred and ten, commencing at Nine o'clock in the morning and continuing until Fisc o'clock in the afternoon at the under- mentioned places: Polling Subdivision No. 1 at Silas 'landlord's residence Main Street be Edward Treble, Deputy Returning Of- ficer. and Ilerbert fiord, Poll Clerk. ''oiling Subdivision No. 2 at Weekes; Bros., Marble Shop. Main Street, by \\'m. D. Weekes, Deputy iteturning Officer and Janes Weekes, Poll Clerk. Polling Subdivision No. 3 at Jno. Mitchell. office, corner of Main nod south side of Huron street from Wellington Streets by Richard G. ?Bain Street 10 Carling street. Seldom, Deputy Returning Officer, and 18 A granolithio walk on the Alexander G. Dyer, Poll Clerk. mouth -ide of Sanders street from Polling Subdivision No. 4 at Slain n:rett to Catling Street. its A granolithic walk on the Town Hall, Main Street by Joseph north ,=ids of Sanders street from %Villiant Street Ito Carling Street. 20 A grau,olitb c ,walk on the east side of Carling street from Oidley street to Sanders Street. 21 A granolithic walk on th vest aide of Carling street hour .Iluron street to Mil! street. 22 A gr,nolithic walk on Ih.,:outh sid• of (;idle)• Street front Main street to Carling street. 2J A granolithic ,walk on the north side of IGidley street from \fain St. to %Villiant 'street. 21 A {:r:n:olith c ,nalk on ih.• south side of Lough:ell street [rout Main St. to Andrew et rest. 2;, A grauolit hic a alk on th • south aide of North vitt et from Main street to n point on the l.or:b •ru boundary of the property of J)t•. Bond. 20 A eru,olithig wvalk on th- north side of \t•eliington street to t b + east- ern houndt!y of the property of the (:rand frank'Railway Company. 27 A gr•tnolii h c ,walk on the north side of Victoria street 'horn Main Street to the raid Eastern boundary of the slid Railway Company"s pro- t'rly. 28 A Irraunlithic walk on th north side of th • Lake .Itoed from Slain Ft. to I?lizebeth Street. ANli to ta•-e-e th' final cost thereof 111011 the properties abutting there- on told to be betiefitted ther by,andT Takee noticee that the above is a u That a statement showingthe land+ copy of a true proposed IIy-Law filch 11'►v /table to pay the held assessment and the Warn •. of the owners thor.oi . f -'r . t li v e in b' atieertained from th • I,=t t tee .1 Assessment itoil is 1101% 1.11 (11 111 1 h.• office of the clerk of lit • '1' n c [silty and is open for Davis. Deputy Returning Officer. and It. ;Nelson Taylor. Poll Clerk. • 3 That on Monday the twenty-seven- th day of December A. D. 1909 at the Clerk's office in the Town Hall in the \ illage of Exeter. at the hour of Tio clock in the n:teruoon the Reeve h.11 appoint in writing. signed lay himself. loo persons to attend at lie final summing up of the votes by tits clerk, and one person to attend :et each polling place on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous of promoting the passing of this Ity-Latl<, and n like number on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous of opl:osingIhe passing of this ply -Law, 4. That the Clerk of the said Muni- cipal Council of the Village of Exeter shall attend at his office in the Town (fall in the said Village of Exeter at the hour of Ten o'clock in the fort - noon on the Fourth day of January A. 1). 11010, to sum t.p the number of votes given for and ngainst this By - Lew. S. This IIy-Law shall come intp turn• and take effect as from the First day of May next after the final passing thereof. 1909.' ncil Chamber. Jr 1. December. (1'. S•1 .toy. Senior. Clerk, NOTICE. 1•:•, P taken into consideration by the Mrtniciial ('onncil of the Village of ileeter and which will be finally pass- ed by the slid Co•tncil (in the event of the nss,•ni o' the (lectors being ob- tained thereto. as provided by "The let p.ction de rine riffle hours. l•:ttuor License Act". and arnend- l'h tot l cu -t of 1• lid waik" to merits thereto) after one month from 8:65.97, 't h ch /Atoll he paid it fol- the first publication thereof in the tows: Exeter T;tae~ nets paper the date of niii, a•p.:111y „iii a�utm• end %%Web first publication gas 'rhurs- rly out of Ih^ generel fund- to be ala)• th.• Ninth day of December A. 1), raised by ; ( assessment :h • 1!i0) and that at the hour. day and co.) of )1: i, •reecen of the sa;d Flares therein fixed for taking the ew,ik • it; . it : t .Intersections votes of the electors the lolls will be and 7,-, 1 r c n:. e' tho co.t of the held. Iodine • of t h • - .t wall, and the (I•. 13.1 Joa. Senior. Clerk. earranrearomproarearalararlarraratraaratrarro,.,.ar.....�e ,'-. ,...rte... rat -a ./.....rerat:'.OI162r,a....anaa7M11,a as. For Cotrgis-1 ake This Do you !mow a remedy for coughs and colds nearly seventy years old? There is one-Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Once in the family, it stays. it is not a doctor, docs not take the place of a ;'octor. It is a doctor's aid. Made for the trcatnx;it of ail throat and lung troubles. Ask r your own doctor his opinion of it. Follow his advice. No alcohol in this cough medicine. j. C. A(Ierco..t 111 mg. BY-LAW NO. A By-law authorizing the praywent annually, for a period of ten years of the sum of three hundred dollars to the Jackson Manufacturing Company of Clinton. for the rent of a factory premises in the Village of Exeter, granting the said Company Exemption from Municipal taxation (except for certain purposes) and free water ser- vice for a period of ten years, and authorizing the payment to t he said Company of the sunt of Two hundred and twenty-five dollars for a gaso- line engine. \\'lll•:ItI.AS, .the said Jackson Man- ufacturing Company arc desirous of opening a branch of their Clothing manufacturing business in the ,Vil- lage of Exeter, and for that purpose have applied to the Municipal 1;oun- cil of the said Village of Exeter for certain payments, exemptions and con- cessions which are set out and detail- ed in an 'Indenture of Agreement bearing date of sixth day of Decem- bearing date of sixth day of ccem- and between the said Company and the said Municipal Council and which is in the words and figures following, that is to say: - THIS AGREEMENT made and en- tered into this sixth day of December A. D. l 0), between The Jackson Man- ufacturing Company, of Clinton, On- tario. (hereinafter called the Com pany) of the first part and The Mutt icipal Council of the Village of Exe ter. (hereinafter called the Corpora tion) of the second part. WHEREAS the above named Com patty is an 'Industrial Company, bav ing nn established business in tbe Town of Clinton for the manufacture of clothing and being desirous of opening a branch of their said bus bless in the said Village 'of Exeter, have applied to the said Corporation for the payment to the said Company annually for the period of ten years such sum not exceeding three hundred dollars as the 'Company shell be re ttuired to pay as a rental for pre mists. to be used and occupied by them ns a factory, in the said Vii lage of Exeter, and further have ap plied to the said Corporation for ex emption from blunjcipal taxation, ex eept for certain rates hereinafter specified for n period of tett ,years, and for free water service for the same period and for the payment to there of the sura of iwo hundred and twenty five dollars for the purchase of a gasoline engine for their said factory. AND \\'i1tl(EAS, the said Corpor- ation is desirous of securing the said !Industry for their Municipality and for that {ntrpose have consented to grant the application of the said Com- pany. subject of course to the sanc- tion and approval of ratepayers. NOW THEREFORE THIS AGHEE- \iENT \F.1TNi:SS-L:T1I that the said Corporation hereby agrees to pay to the Company annually for the period of ten years such sura as the Company shall expend annualiy for rental of premises used and occupied by t hem as a factory (such annual ,payment not to exceed three hundred dollars in any single year) and to.graut theft exemption from blunicipal ,taxation, except for school purposes and special frontage taxes. for a period of .ten years. and free %eater service for a like period. and to pay to therm the said sum of two hundred and twenty -y five dollars for the purchase of p gasoline engine for their said factory upon the following terms and condi- lions: 1 The said Company agree to es- tablish a branch of their said Manu- facturing business in the said \ Wage of Exeter in the premises known as "The 11. Pickard Co. Store" situate 1 on part of Lot Number Twenty-five on the Enst side of Main Street, or :rush other suitable premises as the Company may be able to obtain n satisfactory lease of. and to have the saute fully equipped as a factory for the nt 'lituti act 11 re of clothing and to hart. said factory in operation not lat- er then the first day of February, 1910. and by the close of the year to have not less than twenty-five em- ployees at work therein. 2 The said Company agrees to in- stall in the premises within eighteen mouths from the first day of Febru- ary 1910. machinery, plant and equip- ment to the value of at least two 1hous:uad dollars. 3 The said Company agree to op- erate and continue in operation their said factory for a period of ten year.: commencing on 1he first day of Feb- r':ary. 1910. 4 The said Company agree to em- ploy and keep employed in their said factory and upon the premises occu- pied by them tor and during the first year of the said terra. at least twenty five employees. and for and during ,he second and each subsequent year an average of nt least forty employ- ees, computation of such average in nay year to be based on the number of employees of the Company at said factory miring the years that shall have elapsed excepting the first. S The said Company agree ,t hat they will at any time during the said term at the request of the said Cor- poration furnish satisfactory evidetnce its to the number of employees engag- ed by them in the said factory. 6 'II is hereby further agreed by and het%%een the parties hereto that the said yearly sum of three hundred dollars so to he paid by the said Cor- poration to the said Company-. shall be paid as follows: -The first )ear- ly payment on the first day of Feb- ruary. A. 1). 1'111, and pttbsequent Payments yearly thereafter, bet the said Corporation shall be and nr, here- by empowered to withhold pa)•nrent of the said yearly stuns, or any of them. if the said Company fail in the performance of any part of thin a- greement on their part to be p-•rfortn- ed. 7 'it is hereby further ngre,•.1 that the said exemption from M inicipal intuition hereby granted by the raid Corporation to the said C,nnpany shall. with the exceptions aforesaid extend to and include taxation on their Mitts fact tiring Jutsitiesa. (or business essesamenle their stock and the buildings and land so to he used I orenp: -d by I hent :a•i aforeenid. s• eh e.-.e.:)ps'on ,hal! cess:• if the 1 Company `nil in lb* l er'o. m ince arty ;tlwe o' lh;s raer.•etal ni. in !,.'r {.art to I,e perforin •.'. The said n{' ot1 > :.11. 1 ale fro:it 111 • firs( You c.ef:,lot recover rrontptly if your bevels arc conetipatul. Ayres fills arc gently lax I day of February 1910. alive; act directly on the liver. Sohl fur nearly sixty years. Ask your doctor all about them.t is furl h.•r agree I that the e,I *re., w also s'ee'r.• 113 to b• supplied the said Company shall be ouch ser - ivice as the said Corporation shall be enabled to supply by their system of water works now being installed. the said Company t• make all necessary and proper connections %with the Cor- poration's said system and to pay for such connections and the mainten- ance thereof. 9 And it is further agreed -that the sow of two hundred and twenty- five dollars so to be paid by the said Corporation to the said Company for the purchase of a gasoline engine for their said factory shall become due and be paid on the fifteenth day of May, 1910. 10 The said Company further ag res to deposit with the said Corpora- tion the sum of seventy-five dollars, which suet is to defray (he expenses of submitting a by-law to the rate- payers of the said Corporation here- inafter mentioned, should succi by 2 That the said, The Jackson Man- ufacturing Couipauy shall (*subject to the terms and couditious of the said agreement) be exempt from munici- pal taxation upon and in respect of their manufacturing business and stock. and upon and in respect of the land and buildings occupied by them as a factory, in the said Village of Faster. duriug the period of ten years computed from the First day of Feb- ruary .A. 1). 1910 but this exemption shall not extend to or include school taxes, our to any especial [rootage tax. 3 The said Jackson Manufacturing Company shall have free water ser- vice for their said factory as provid- ed in the said agreement for a period of ten years to be computed (rout the date of the completion of the water works system now being installed by the said Municipality. ,,4 That this by-law shall come in- law carry and the said Company fail' to force and take effect on the day of the final passing thereof. 5 That the votes of the -electors of the said Village of Exeter quali- fied to vote on this By-law shall be taken on Monday, the 3rd day of January, 1910, commencing at eine o'clock in the forenoon and continu- ing until five o'clock in the afternoon of the same day at the following - polling paces within the said Village of Exeter by the following Deputy Returning Officers: -- Polling sub -division No. 1, at Site as 'landlord's residence, Edward Tre-. ble, Deputy ,Returning Officer ; Her- bert Ford, Poll Clerk. Polling sub -division No. 2, Weekes' Marble Shop, W. D. Weekes, Deputy Returning Officer and James .Weekes, Poll Clerk. . Polling sub -division ,No. 3, John Mitchell's office, It. G. Seldom, , De- puty .Returning Officer and Alex. 0. Dyer, Poll Clerk. Polling sub -division No. 4, Town - 11a11, Joseph Davis, Deputy Return- - way with equal facility. ing Officer and R. N. Taylor Poll Clerk. 6 That Thursday the 30th day of poratc Seal and the hand of . December, 1909, at Eleven o'clock A. their M. shall be the day and hour and the Reeve and Clerk. to carry out the terms of this con- tract, Rut should the said by-law be carried and the said Company carry out the conditions of this agreement or should the said by-law be defeated then the said sutn is to be returned to the said Company. 11 This agreement is entered Into upon the understanding that the said Corporation wilt submit to the rate- payers of the said Village of Exeter a by-law authorizing the said Cor- poration to make the said payments and to grant the said exemptions; and this agreement is therefore sub- ject to the said by-law being carried by the said ratepayers in accordance with the provisions of the Ontario Municipal Act. 12 And It is also agreed and pro- vided that any cessation of operations due to any cause not in the control of the Company shall not be deemed a breach of the provisions of this a- greement. 'IN WITNESS WHEREOF tbe said parties of the first part have hereun- to set their hand and seal and the said Corporation has affixed Sheir Cor- ................ The Molsons Bank 1 Incorporated 1855 CAP TAL (paid up) ,.., RESERVE FUND •••• $3 500,000.00 53.500,000.00 ;tis Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in alt the Principal Cities in the World. General Banking Business Transected. Savings Bank Department at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. Dickson & Carling. Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager •N •N•NN••4o•**N•NNNNstt►Noo*NA THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1867 B. E. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000,009 ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager I Reserve Fund, - 6,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England COUNTRY BUSINESS Every facility afforded to farmers jukci others for the transaction of' their banking business. Sales notes will be cashed or taken for collection. BANKING BY MAIL The Jackson Manufacturing Co., per W. Jackson: T. II. McCallum, Reeve, per J. S.; Jos. Senior, Clerk; Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of J. Wilts, as to execution by The Jackson Manufacturing Company ; L. H. Dickson, as to execution by the Corporation of the iVillage of ,Exe- ter. AND WHEREAS for the ,purpose of making the said payments to the said Company as set forth in the said Agreement,•it twill be necessary to raise by special rate on all rateable property in the 'Village of Exeter during the year 1910, the sum of Five hundred nand twenty -fire dollars and Clerk's office in the Town Hall shall be the place 'where the Reeve shall. attend to appoint persons to attend tai oh6rddc at the various polling places afore- P said and at the final summing up of i- dle votes by the Clerk on behalf of i' Are a Pleasure to their persons interested in promoting or op-. e. •y -law h Owners. Accounts may be opened by mail aqd monies deposited or withdrawn in this 122 Exeter Branch-G.W Harrison, Manager Branch also at Crediton. posing the passing of this .I re- spectively. 7 That the Clerk of the Corpora- tion of the Village of Exeter shall - We have sold and are selling agreat attend at his office in the said Vil- many high class pianos and our num Inge of Exeter, at twelve o'clock, erous satisfied customers is tbestrong noon. on Tuesday the 9th day of Jan- -est guarantee of this assertion. nary 1910, to sum up the number of - votes given for and against this ply- _ Our pianos today are the best that maw.'. .he beet Piano makers produce and \01MCF. and doing the second and each sub- The above is n true copy of the -,our prices are right. Do not be too quick to believe per- J DR. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. S, D. D. 8., Dentist. Member of R. 0. D. 8., of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. OFFICE: -Over Dickson & Carling's Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former dental parlors D. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D D. 8., Honor graduate of Toronto University. Dental Surgeon - Office over Gladman & Stanbury Main street-BarTH& e'equent year of the said period of ten )osed By-law which has been tak- years, the sum of Three hundred dol- en into consideration and which will Lara be finally passed by Abe Council of AND WHEREAS the whole rate- the Corporation of the Village of Exeter in the event of the assent of able t,roperty of the said Village of the electors being obtained , thereto Exeter according to the last revised after one month from the first pub- :elssessment Roll being for the year lication in the Exeter Advocate and 1!:09, is ti 573,513. Exeter Times Newspapers, which first AND WHEIIEAS the amount of publication Is on the Uth day of Dec- ember, 1909, and take notice that the votes of the duly qualified qua need electors of the said bfunicipality will be taken thereon at the hour, day and places fixed and by the Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks named - in /the preceding JIy-law. Every leaseholder entitled by law to vote on the proposed By-law shall at least ten days next preceding the day of polling file in the office of the Clerk of the said Municipality, a statutory declaration stating that bis lease meets the requirements by law entitling him to vote in such By- law and the names of Leaseholders neglecting to file such a declaration shall not be •placed on the Voters', List for such voting. Dated at Exeter this 7th day of De- cember, A. 1), 1909, .OHEpl1 BEN1:101i, ,. Clerk of the Village of Exeter. the Debenture debt of the said Vi!- lage of Exeter, exclusive of local im- provctnent debts, sectred by special rates and assessment i4 $34,861.21, and no part of the principal or interest thereon is in arrears.' .THEREFORE the Municipal Coun- cil of' the Village of Exeter enacts as foalows :- 1 That for the purposes in the foregoing recitals and agreement gnentioned there shall be raised an- nually by special rate on al the rate- nblc property of the Municipality of the Village of Exeter the following 9r,rns for and during the following years. For the year '19.10 the sum of $525. For the year 1911, the sura of 300 For the year 1912. the sura of 300 For the year 1913, the sum of 300 For the year 1911, the sum of 300 For tete year 1915. the sum of 300 _ For the year 1916, the sum of 300 For the year 1917. the sum of 300 iIORN For the year 1918. the sums of 300 'KENT --11n Ilarpley on Saturday, For the year 1911). the sum of 300 ec. 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. James Ken - For the year 1920. the sum of 300 ny twin daughters. adrarria EtRM4D (09.16301 °i.�. s'(?' r-asasr: UP Glve at To Your Children "CROWN BRAND SV1LL'1"" i.; a fool not only fur children but for everyone -and it i,; used by everyone. 1t i.+ a table delicacy which should Ile in every home. It is the one thing that satisfies that L,t1gia for sweets which all healthy children and most adults have. Used in the home, it saves trouble ill the making up of delicious (lcss.•rt, and other get, -d things to eat. "CROWN LI::\' 1) SVRiA"' stands for the hi)'hest 1•oesiblc purity in table syrup. It is prepared i i a clean wholesome manner 1:0111 the very fine:.t ingredients, which develop a delicious Ilavor as of fine honey and rich cream. These are strong tea<•et,s why yttt shonLl insist on having "CROWN BRAND SYRUP-. Yaw &ales has it foe roq in 2. 5,10 and 20 b air-lisht van with l.11 -o& ad.. The Edwardsburg Starch Co., Limited ESTABLISHED 1868. 10) %Co,k.: CA itDINAI.,Ont. ()'ice.: MONTI(R.►t„TORONTO & nRANTFORD W. BROWNING, N. D., M. 0 sons who tell you different from the P. 8., Graduate Victoria Un above for the purpose of sellingTabora. once and residouetrce. Domietoo P p you T.alwrator•r, Fester. cheap and in some cases trashy goods Associate Coroner of Huron. at big prices. Call and see Us and pe convinced that what we say we live up to,. S. Martlo & Son Herb's Good News The market prices for old junk are alive and so is The Old Reliable Firm M. Jackson & Son one door south of the Metropoli- tan. Just look at, the following prices (no trade, and no truck) all cash. Rage 75 c, per hundred Iron front t60c. to 75c. per hun. Old rubber hoots & shoes 7c. lb. Copper and brass 9c. per Ib. Haase hair 3t)c. per Ib. Lead and zinc 2 1/2c. per lb. Bring your goods hero and get the worth of your money. A great variety of .IRON P1 t'Ealways on hand at a rea- sonable price, suitable for fence posts, bracing boulevarding. M. Jackson & sons 7.4 •. e -its:,t ;:1'41_ synopsis 01 ins GHOdloo Noun MI HOMFMTKAD RROCLATIONa.31 Any person w In; is the sore head of a /emits, or any male over it Years 01.41 May homestead a quarte? aectoni of available Dominion laud to Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Alberts The applicant must appear in persor, at the 1)olniniun Lands Agency 01 Sub -agency for the district. Entry bj proxy may be had at the agency, oc certain conditions. by father. mother son, daughter, brother. or sister o' ,ittendiug homesteader. Duties :-Six months residence upot and cultivation of the land in esct '' f three yearn. A botnesteeder m.t) live within nine miles of his horn.- ed .farm of at least 80 acret scstaaly owned attd occip;ed by him or h:.y fattier, smother, son, daughter brother or sister. in certain distriots a homesteader ;n good standing may pre-empt . quarter section alongside his borne - stout. Prices $3. per acre. !)mics - Must reside six months ineaoh of s a Chicago $12.30 Return It, Blight, M. ll., M.C. P. and •$., Honor Graduate Toronto Un- iversity. Two years resident physician Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. Office and residence, I)r. Amos' (Id stand Andrew Street, ee t Exeter. CONEY TO LOAN We have unlimited private funds for intr.s enb neon farm or village y,operty ab Lowest r.1ee of Interest, DICKSON et CARLING - - Exeter DICKSON & CARLING, 1) arristers, Solicitors. Notaries, tem i s) aanses Comulsst,nncrn. Solicitors nor thsmoieties Bank, Ere. Moser to Llan at lowest rater of intermit. OFFICE t -MAIN STREET, LxlCTltiE. L CA$LJKQ B. A. 4 H. DICt1SC■ HONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private fuses o lnton num and .linwe go properties at lost* MADMAN Iit STANBUI4Y Barristers Solicitors. It' all. t t. 1 aslp ERNEST ELLIVT Conveyancer Accounts Collects'& MONEY to loan at iowest ►ate,•• North west Lauda for Sale. Office, Main Street, Exeter Tile Usborne and tifbbert Farmer's Mutual Fire lane aos0 Gomm Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. Pre•idcnt-J. L. RUSSELL. Vlee.Preeident-W, 11. PA88MORA DIRECTORS. WM. ROY, BORNHOLM P. 0, Wm. Bnocx W/NCIIELORA P. O. T. RYAN, DUBLIN P. Of ROBERT NORRIS, 8taffa, AGENTS. JOHN E8SERY, Ex•+ter, agent fel Lisburne and Ilieldulph. OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, &Real for Hibbert, Futlirton and Logan. JOSHUA JOIiNS Secy.Tr©as. Farquhar GLADMAN & STANRUItY, Q,lt,itor• GRAND TRUNII RAILWAY YS w M Guelph $2.40 keturY,.. December 1th to Pelt inclusiv Return limit. i)ee. Lab. Account "Ontnru) i'mviee'al Fair years from data of homestead entrl (inohudirtg the time required to earl Nov, 2`4, 20, 3o; Dec. 1. and li homestead patent) and ou!tivitt. 1 Helton limit December 12th. fifty notes extra. A hoincstcader who has exhauster {{ Account homestead right and cannot of. I Jive Stook Expo4i1.IO11 tain a pre-emption may take a par chased hnrneyt••ad in certain district. Above rates apply fr,•:,. Exeter Price ?3. per acre. Duties.--Mn.t 'Proportionate rates front n9 point• 10 reside .:a months in each of titre. I Ontario pears, c•r:t;vile fifty acres and erre' n honk worth $.100.t))r Full inftnntntiutt font Demi, of iIu Minister of the Interior J. J. h N I li 11'r, D(rt t Agent. N.tt.-t'nanutorlsedpabUoatloit of thisadvertise or writ• J. 11. MCDONAI.I), (lnios• treat will not Fe pain for 1►rt:nt. Toronto Ont.