Exeter Times, 1909-12-09, Page 2STRIKE OF TSE SwITCBMEN Not a Wheel Turning on any Freight Train Between St. Paul and Seattle A despatch from St. 1'au1, Minae- advised the general managers of all nota, says: The strike of switchmen the Western railroads that if any on the Northern transcontinental ette►npt is made to replace the lines between St. Paul and the 1'a- striking switchmen by non-union cific coast has already involved 65,- men he will call a strike. The 005 people directly and indirectly, situation at present is tuts: That and before the strike is adjusted it nine of the jobbers of Chicago, the is believed that 150,000 persons will Twin Cities or Duluth can ship a have been affected. Net a wheel is single article except by express. turning on any freight train be- Not a farmer in the North-West can tween St. Paul and Seattle. In Min- deliver to the commission houses of neapolis three of the big flour mills the Twin Cities except by express. have closed down for the reason That the prospective Christmas bu- that they could not receive grain siness throughout the North-West nor ship neer. At St. Cloud, Minn., on all lines is paralyzed. Milling the Great Northern has closed its and manufacturing industries are shops, putting 500 men in idleness. hourly being suspended and the loss At Superior. Wis., the (great North- in money runs into the hundreds of tarn has close -1 down its shops and thousands of dollars every 21 hours. docks, crowding out 350 sten. At This is the most far-reaching and St. Cloud, in the granite works, 500 disastrous strike that has occurred men were thrown out of employ- in the West fur 25 years, and the meet because of the uneertainty of determination on both sides to fight the future. From St. Cloud. Wil- to a finish promises to prolong the mar, Verge. (;rand Forks, Jnnies- struggle for weeks. town. Devil's Lake, Minnt.. Billings, Telegrams from the northern '.1fin- Livi:zgston, Butte and Helena 165 peseta iron range towns on Wed- eneine : reiws were called off. The nesdav night, which incledes a po- switchmen have allowed perishable nutation of more than 175.000. say freight to be attached to passenger that if the strike continues for a trains to be taker to terminal sta- week there will he a food fanzine in lions, i• -t. this c.nly applies to the all of the towns. One of the ef- next t3 losers. This situation is Teets of the strike is the suspension practically the same clear to the of the hig necking -horses at South roast. St. Paul. They ern neither receive The chief of the Brotherhood of live stock nor ship their present Locomotive Firemen on Wednesday supply of produce. Ill MICR .tl'ION DOUBLED. Enormous influx Froin l•. 5. Dur- ing Past Seven Months. A despatch from Winnineg says: Complete fie:t res regarding the American immigration to Canada have just been compiled, and show an enormous increase in the num- ber of immigrants arriving from the United States this year. The biggest. months were April, May, June and October, the first two ex- ceeding any of the other months by about two thousand. The figures for November have not vet been compiled. The totals for this year from April to October, inclusive, Ni:W BOATS FOR THE PACIFIC. The C. P. R. is Preparing to Build Thein at Once. :1 dcsnateh from Montreal says: Arrangements are new under way by the Canadian Pacific Railway fur the construction of two new boats for the Pacific Coact service at a cost of about $1.250.0'10, Capt. .1. W. Troup, manager of the Pacific service. is now in Jfontreal discnss- ine arrangements as to the building of these new boats with the offici- als at headquarters. It has been definitely decided that their con- struction will be immediately un- dertaken. but details have not vet nre : --1909, 65,755: 1908, 38,844. been worked out. Capt. 'Troup will There has been on increase of near- sail for England next Friday from ly I00 per cent. in every month, St. John by the Empress of Britain, and in the month of October there and the final arrangements for the was an increase of over 100 per construction of the two new boats cent. will he made there. WATER iN TIIF: BETTER. .in Extenive Fraud Perpetrated by Fnreiguere In Montreal. A despatch from Montreal says: A gigantic butter fraud is engag• A despat,•h from Edmonton, ing the attention of the city and Alta., says: A settlement of the Provincial authorities. Thousands eopl strike in all the local mines of pounds of butter, it is found, has been effected. The Standard have already been disposed nf, and r.:ine. the largest near Edmonton selen grocers aro known to be int affected, will pay the men 211/., ,:Heaied. The butter was purcbas- cents more per ear ruined and will est freta the w•lu.le-alers at 24 cents recognize the anion in check off a pound. It way, retailed at 22 cents and ether matters. which it before a pound. which aroused the au- refused to do. The Frank mine thorities. in%estigation showed and Ritchie mine nlso agreed to the that the 1• .cter had been worked same terms and the men in both over will) • .to,. and made heavier. cases are again at work. Parkdn'^ se that a i ,.nlsorne pre,fit was bc- mine will be clueed tip. ns it is in n ing made. 111 one ease there was had condition financially. :1t Car - 3a per cent. water. M...1 of those (lift mine. near ifoiinville, where implicated are foreigners. fifty amen walked out en Monday with the advice of a union official. Fllf''f SF:1 1,0111. the trouble was remedied Millthe men have returned to work at the Sir 1 Blur krel Wilson to _me old terms. Il eeed Sir John Fisher. ---.-- A despatch from London s:ays: DROWNED 1N RIDEAU l'.1N t1.. Sir Robert Kti tet \\'ikon has been appointed First Sea Lord of the \d- inirally, in succession to Sir .1.4in Fisher, who is soon to retire. STRIKE SETTLE). Opern(iwes and Men 111 .Alberta Mines Keach an Agreement. 4. W11.1. 19.101-1IN ON 1;1.11. fonui,nns i1 ill Kec•...•ntt►I1 1111 \inth of Nest Month. A despatch front Ottawa says: Parliament will adjourn for the Christmas holidays on the 17th of this month, and will resume sittings nu .inn. 10t11. Yonne Woman Broke 'Through Tee While Skating. A despat.lr from Ottawa says: Miss Annie Peet, aged nineteen, of Drummond s'reet, Ottawa East, was drowned while skating en the Rideau Canal en Thursday night. She was with two male companions, when the ire gave wily and all three fell into the water. The young men managed to get to lied, but efforts to rescue Miss flet were unsuc- cessful. TWO KILLEB, THREE 1NJIIED Fat1ti Explosions in McKinley -Darragh and N ipissing. Mines A despatch from Cobalt says: John McLeod ..ad his face seiazll►- I'icking into a missed hole at the 75. r•ci, a rock crushing hitt cheek -bone • foot level of the McKinley -Darragh and damaging one eye. and hie legs were pierced with flying splinters. he was brought to the lied Cress thepital. tied will rec.rver. This is the third inun to he killed at the suint, on Wednesday afternoon. an Austrian mucker was blown to pier. C., and John McLeod, machine tnnn, *CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS t1A1't'1:N1\Gs FiiO)I ALL OVER THEGI.OI:t:. Trieereenle 9rlets front Our Ono and Other countries et Roteut Events. CANADA. The revenue of the Dominion will he nearly *100,000,000 this year. The :dontt•eal Street Railway Company has been fined for using its cars to carry building material. Building permits aggregating in value $16,535,6S2 have been issued in Toronto so far this year, a new record. Mr. Miller's bill to abolish race- track betting was discussed in the Commons and referred to a s1ecial committee. GREAT BRIT.IIN. The House of Lords rejected the budget by a vote of 350 to 75. British Columbia was awarded a gold Medal at the Colonial fruit show in London. It is stated in England that the Duke of Connaught would be pleas - ea to accept the position of Gover- nor-General of Canada. The British House of Commons passed a resolution declaring that in rejecting the budget the House of Lords had ceminitted a breach of the constitution. tiNITED STATES. Eight miners are entombed in a copper aline at Ducktown, Tenn. COUNTRY PRODUCE. The United States Government has severed diplomatic relations Apples -$2 to 8:1.50 per barrel, with Nicaragua.according to quality. Miss Juanita C. Hovr.rd of Chi- Beans -Car lots outside, $1.50 to sago was married by the side of her *1.60, and sunlit lits here $1.70 to father's coffin. $1.90. It is estimated that 200 lives were Honey -Combs, dozen, 82.25 to lust in the recent tornadoes in the $3; extracted, 10;.,c per 111. southern States. Hay -No. 1 timothy, $14.50 to $15 William C. Utley, Treasurer of and No. 2 $13 to $1.1 on track, To- tbc Pittsburg, Pa., Cresbytery, is ronto. 1;41.034 short in his accounts. Straw -$7.50 to $8 on track, To - Mr. J. P. Morgan has purchased a ronto. majority of the stock in the Equit- Potatoes -15 to 50c per bag on able Life Insurance Company. truck for Ontarius. Abraham Ruef, the San Francis- Poultry -Chickens, dressed, 11 to co boss under sentence for bribery, 12c per Ib. ; fowl, 8 to 9c: turkeys, has been released because of ill- 15 to Ice per lb; ducks, ib., 11 to health. 12c; geese, 9 to IOc per lb. Chicago's Telephone Commission -- has ordered the telephone compan- THE D:IIIZY MARKETS. ies operating in the city to place Butter -Pound prints, 23 to 24c; meters on their instrwuents' tubs and large rolls, 21 to 22c; in- G1;N'ERAL. -- ferior, 18 to 19c: creamery, 27 to 2Se. and solids, 26 to 26'/.,c per .b. The Australian naval loan bill has Eggs -Case lots, 30 to 32c per passed the House of Representa- dozen for fresh, and '25 to 26c for flees. storage. The Austrian Government has Cheese -12'4e per ib. for large, decided to establish a Consulate at and at I2'/,e for twins. Winnipeg. The Italian Cabinet. has resigned, HOC PRODUCTS. following its defeat on a fiscal re - .form measure. Bacon --Long clear, 1314 to 14c per lb. in case lets; tress Fork, DIlION IS INSANE.$26; short cut, 1x29 to $29.50. Hams -Light to medium, 14% to Montreal Murderer of Constable 15!.4c; do.. heavy. 13% to 14c; rolls, Shea Will Ce to Asylum.14 to 14Ne; ; shoulders, 12'; to 13e; becks, 19 to 20e; breakfast bacon, A despatch from Montreal says: 17 to 18e. Word was received in the city on Lard -Tierces, 15?.;e: tubs, IGc; Thursday afternoon from Ottawa to pails. IG;ac. the effect that John Dillon is to es - (ape the gallows. The report of BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. the specialists, Dr. Phelan of King- ston and Dr. Burgess of the Ver- Montreal. Dee. 7.- Oats, No. 2 dun Protestant hospital for the in- Canada Western. 40,'-:; to 41e; bar - sane, on the mental condition of ley, No. 2, 66 to 67c ; Manitoba feed Dillon was trade known on Thurs- barley, 52 tc► 5:1e: buckwheat. 54 to (inv. In effect the reeort is that ;,s' ,r. Flour -Manitoba Spring Dillon is not of sufficiently sound .heat patents, firsts, $5.70; Mani - mi -id to appreciate the sentence. tote Spring wheat patents, sec - and that, in view of this, the Crown ends, 55.20; Winter wheat patents, would not he justified in carrying ; $5.6;n: Manitoba strong bakers. 85; out the sentence of death ptomaine- st rai¢ht rollers, $5.10 to 85.25; cd upon him in September last. straight .rollers in hags, 82.41) to ----.14- $2.50. Feed- On( nrio bran. $20.- 1 MI'NTER'S MiST.% E. 51 to *21.50; Ontnrio middlings, $23 to 823.50; Manitoba bran. gl9 John Smith Kills W. Me('tenry, to $20; Manitoba shorts. *22 to 823; Taking Mini for n Deer. pure grain mnuille, $32 to *33; A despatch from linthwrll, Mani_ mixed nuntille. 525 to $27. Cheese icon, say.: The first fatalitw of the -7.• Mani - Westerns, 111", to 11'/.c for late Sep - hie game shooting season we• tererl nll make, rind 117; to 12e for Sep - r sr herr on Wednesday afternoon, teethe,. make. with eastecns 11!/ to when John Smith shot and killed W. 11%c. Butter --September cream - McCreary in mistake for n deer. ery,, 25 to 25' e, and current re - The bullet bit Alct'rrnrw full in the mitts at 24 to 24',:;e. Eggs- Select - chest and caused instant death. His cd stock. 27 ,lo 28e, and No. 1 cand- two brothers were in the hush with Icd at 25 to 26e per d••'en. him and at once conveyed the body UNITED STATES V.1Rl�1:'15. to this teen. Smith also came in and gave himself up to the police. Buffalo, Dec. 7. --Wheat - Spring _4. - wheat, No. 1 Neithern. carloads, 111(;1I CST I'RI('I: EVER 1'.t11). store, ft1.11: Winter, No. 2 red, - - *1.21; No. 2 white, 81.22. ('nrn- t'z Tule Steer Sold at Chicago for No. 3 yellow, 02! le; No. 4 yellow, Ten Cent% a found. cc;' .e : Ne. 3 corn, 60e; No. 4 corn, 5sr : No. 3 white, 61c. Oats -No. '2 1 (leseateh from (hiceee snee: white. 111:e. Prime steers en Wednesday reach- ( •Iii• :i . , Dee. 7. --Wheat -- ('ash rd the highest price ever pnid on No. .' reit, 51.19 to 141.21: No. 3 red the epee market. in Chicago. Nin.' 81.1e to el.17: No. '2 hard, 81.07", hew steers. averaging 1.574 I,onrrls, to Rt (19: No. 3 hard. 51.02 to Al.- �IT�� Clerk n; $9.50 per hundred wriuht, 00: No. 1 Northern, 131.0;'.. In RI.- Railway 11'luil Clerk Charged ..1 telt yearlings. weighing 1.051 091,S : No. 2 Northern. f41.05!! to p•.unds. also soled it the same prier. 81.os�: No. :: Spring. 41.0'3 to A1. ing Money Package. 1 =in�le head sold at 1••n cent per .O(;. Corn No. 2 white. old. 62'.' I •and. to 03',r; No. 3 new. 66'._.c; Nn. 3 _ ---- - - !' white. new. t5(1'ic : No. 3��yello.w. ;1 'spatch from Winnipeg sans : employed a lawyer and was rrmnnil- 1. O (;11.1,1:11 ON '1•R 1C e. new. 57 to 58e. Onts---No. 2 white, The climax of a $5,000 robbery oc- ed for one week. His salary is $I.S0 12' c : No. 3, 4A" e: Ne. 3 white, Burred on Thursday, when John A. per clay and he has been in the ser - t.. 41%e: No. 4 white. 39 l., harness. a railway mail clerk, was vice for one year. The detectives 51c : :standard. 41', to '2';c. as rested charged with the crime. It of the city, the railway and the - 'is the sequel of the disappearance post -office department are main- -LIVI•: STOCK MARKETS. of a package containing $5,855 from taining the utmost secrecy about Montreal. Dec. -Prime beeves the mails on the ('arman-Hartney the case. They admit, however, 41:, to 5!.;e per pound; pretty good branch of the Canadian Northern that several persons are involved aninut1 . 3' to •1! c; comNov.N ino i stock. 1(ailvay on I. The police in the robbery and that a number 19 to ac per Ile; lean canners. 1'; found 81.000 of the etnlen money of thefts of equnl interest I►nvo ec- to 2e per pound: !pitch cows, from ',i \1'e:inesday, but admit the web- carred recently in the service t. bielt l$30 to 560 each ; calves from 3 te lent of Yul-ing the mysterious affair hate not been explained. The titg• 5';e ler lb.; sheep fret) 33, to I'•,e i< pestling them. hr st'on is that ali have been corn i per Ib. ; latnlrb at 5`, to ii c per r Barnett took his arrest coolly, misted by the same gang. THE WORLD'S MARKETS REPORTS FROM TUE LEADING TRADE CENTRES. Price,' of Cattle, Grain. Cheese ant: Other Dairy Produce at Home and Abroad. IiIu-:A DSTUFFS. Toronto, Dec. 7.---Flour-Ontario wheat 90 per cent. patents, $4.30 to $4.35 in buyers' sacks on track, Toronto, and $4.20 to $4.25 out- side in buyers' sacks. 'Manitoba flour, first patents, $5.60 on track, Toronto; second patents, 85.10 to 55.20 and strong bakers', $4.90 to $5 on track, Toronto. Manitoba Wheat -No. 1 Northern $1.04, Bay ports, and N. 2 North- ern, 51.02%. Hay ports. Ontario Wheat -No. 2 mixed, 51.03 to 51.04 outside. and No. 2 white and red, $1.01 outside. Barley ---No. 2, 60 to Glc outside, and No. 3 extra, 55 to 59c outside. Oats -No. 2 Ontario white, :36 to 37c outside. Canada West oats, 37,14 to Mc for No. 2, and 36% to 37c for No. 3, Bay ports. Peas -87 to 88e outside. Rye -No. 2, 72 to 73c outside. Buckwheat -sac high freights, and 54c low freights . Corn -Old No. 3 American yel- low, 71Y, to 72e Toronto, and new No. 3 yellow, 65'4 on track, To- ronto. Bran -820.50 in bags, Toronto, and shorts, $23 to $23.50, in bags, Toronto. • ADRIFT FOR THREE DAYSTIN MERRY QLD ENGLAND Terrible Experience of Two Nova Scotia Fishermen. A despatch from 1 tight' , N. S., : the schooner Venus. and brought into says: One of the most appall.zhg Westport in an exhausted con - stories of hardship and suffering ever experienced by lova Scotia' They had been for three and a half days in their open boat, with fishermen conies from Westport, on the machinery broken down, with - the Bay of Fundy. Last Monday , out feed. helpless, and es-- esel to morning at three o'clock, Gee. Re- erne of the worst series of st ,ems 'mot, aged 55 years, and his son, in years. Thcv are as yet unable hay, need 20, left Westport in a to give an account of their terrible small 20 -foot gasoline boat for the experiences. When their engine fishing grounds. They were seed broke down they were comnellerd to hauling their trawls at 10 o'clock lie at nnehnr throughout the recent the sante morning by Cant. Nelson gales until Thursday morning. when Thurber, of the schooner Swan, and they broke adrift from their moor - nothing was seen of them until ings and were carried to sea. The about one o'cloek on Thursdav af- heavy rains stem -died them with ternnon, when they were nicked up 1• ster or they would have eerisl►ed. off Trinity Ledge, 20 miles from The doctor thinks that, with care, Land, by Capt. A. J. Thurber, of • the men will recover. lb.; good lots of fat hogs, 8i to 8%c per lb. Toronto. Dec. 7.-A few extra choice pickers steers and heifers sold un to 85.50. and several lots realized *5 to 55.25. Butchers' Ci/WS of the choice close were very much wanted. a few selects selling at 84.80. whilst $4 to $4.50 were common prices for well -finished ani- mals. Stockers and feeders are still being bought by farriers. Milk- ers and springers were the only stock that showed any signs of be- ing easier. Calves of the elioice va- riety reached the 87 hark. Sheep and lambs, despite the abundant simply, were very firm. Hogs -Se- lects quoted at 57.50 f.o.b., and $7.75, fed and watered. 4. FROM ERIN'S GREEN ISLE NiEH'S BY M_1I1. 1.1103: IAF.• LAND'E SHORES. Happenings in the Emerald isle of Interest to Irish- men. There took place at Newry rec- ently the death of Mr. Joseph Fow- ler, J. P., after an illness of short duration. The number of schools in Ireland i' which Irish was taught in 1908 was 3,047, as against 2,861 schools in 1907. PL.IYING ON THE ICE. . Fire completely destroyed Me- bute $1,250. Dowell's motor and cycle works, Hat-ry Morton, cutlery manufac- Mr. `VIII. Boyee's Ten -year-old Son Armagh, with the entire stock, exturer, was fined $50 at Sheffield for Drowned in Maple Lake. cept two cars. marking knives with a trade mark clA despatch from Haliburton says: Rev. Alexander McMullen, one of Rodgers resembling that of Joseph Roily. the ten -year-old son of Mr. the best known Rosman Catholic Rodgths and Sons. Wm. Boyce, a farmer at Maple clergymen in Ulster, has died at At the inquest of the tweeollier- Lake, twelve miles north of here, the age of 84 years. en victims of the Darren Colliery explosion the jury found that the was drowned on Thursday morning A child was treated in Steeven's explosion was caused by shot -firing while playing on the ice on the Hospital, Dublin, who had swallow- igniting coal dust. lake. With some younger compan- rd a number of beetles contained in a porter bottle. Alderman William Fairbrother, ions he was testing a weak spot in Alderman has resigned his seat on the the ice, when he broke through and The King has appointed the Earl Warwickshire County Council, has was drowned before his compan of Arran to be a Knight of the Or- hunted with the \Warwickshire rox- ions could get help. The body was der of St. Patrick in ,lace of the hounds for sixty-one seasons. recovered an hour Inter in 24 feet Earl of Carysfort, deceased. Mr. William Creese, of Tedding- of water. The underground system of tele- ton, near Tewkesbury, who eclebr - - -- -�-. graph is to bo introduced between ted his eighty-ninth bi:thday, is t o WORKED ON SUNDAYDublin and Belfast by way of a he- only survivor of the twelve origin - ginning of the system in Ireland. a: members of the Y. M. C. A. Contractors on Regina Parliament A boy cycling out to deliver z For the purpose of providing Buildings Disregard Law.telegraph message at Tongulec work for the unemployed. the Hrls- farm, near Roscommon, was met to. city council resolved to con- A despatch from Regina says: by several persons and cautioned struct a lake and pleasure ground ('unsblo feeling hbee• n not to deliver his message. He at Portishead, at a cost of $22,000 aroused iernn the city throughas the ac- persisted, however, in doing se. The South Wales miners with-, tion of contractors in continuing The matter was reported to the p0- drew their request. for a 2y2 per work on the Parliament buildings lice. cent. advance in wages and accept- .w ccept- Sunday. An army of men wA tree which a farmer named e 1 the owners' suggestion to cenr- machinery were busy all day, muchith Geo. Hart, an aged roan, was cut- mence negotiations fur a new ngree- mrnt. NI:WS 111. MAIL ABOUT J011t BULL. AND UIS I'EOI'I.E. O. srrences in the Land T6a1 Reigns Supreme in the C'oru• werc•ial 11'or•Id. Several gold coins are repocteli to have fallen from an old mattress cinch boys at Hyde threw on a bonfire. Lord Exeter accepted the invite turn of the Stamford town counci to become the mayor for the ensu big year. Tho Duke of Northumberland tail the foundation stone of the new Queen Elizabeth Grammar Schools at Hexham. Eccleshall guardians at Sheffield decided to lease a largo tract oI moorland and set the unemployed to reclaim it. Incendiary fires at four fames have occurred at hlubberley, mat Winslow. Corn and hay stacks and buildings were destroyed. Anne Taylor was stated at a Hackney inquest to have died (tune the effccts•of a broken ankle at the age of ninety-one. Blackfriars Bridge subway, by means of which one of London's dangerous crossings may be avo:d-.1 ed, was opened November 25. As an aged lady named Sheffield was alighting from a trap at Wit- tering, near Stamford, she was killed by a passing motor car. Bred at Martatn, Norfolk, a mag- pie -pigeon has been sold for $300, a record price for the breed, and, in gold, heavier than the bird itself. In the Isle of Wight Workhouse it was proved that one night nurse had charge of 13 wards containing 9.) patients, male and female. The Royal Geographical Society will contribute $2,500 towards Cap- tain Scotts Antarctic expedition, and the Royal Society will contri- te) the annoyance of Sabbatarians, who remembered the fining of farm ers for a similar offence last sum- mer. -+ SELF-CONTROL. The self-control of the Japanese, oven in times of the utmost stress, and their courtesy, which begets quietness and discretion, are both brought out by a writer in St. Paul's Magazine. "Cry. It will do you good,,, 1 said one„ to a poor Japanese wo- man, who, crouching beside iter dying husband, was controlling herself with nn effort that would, I feared, make her ill. Si►e laid her little slim brown finger upon her trembling red lip and shook her head. then whisper- ed, "It might disturb hint." "Cry. It will du you good," i said the next day, when the man was dead, and ih l seemed almost prostrate with grief and' over -on - forced self-control. "It would be most rude to make a hideous noise before the sacred dead," came the soft. reply. Two Irish centenarians have just died --a woman of the small farm- ing elnss at Tinnekilla, near Cain. Limerick. at the age of 105, and Mrs. Catherine Neary, of C'lonfre', Stokestown, county Roscommon. at the age of 104. Ling down at Fannaghmore, fell more quickly than expected, and A lady, whilst worshipping in 11 - Hart was fatally injured. ford Parish Church on Sunday 'fhe death is announced of Mrs. night was injured by a pipe which Hannah Allen, of St. Olaf's Road, fell from the organ. The force of Fulham, who was for thirty-nine the blow was minimized by the years in the service of Queen Vic- thick bonnet she was wearing. toria as housekeeper. Nearly 150 boiler makers at the Ireland's tobacco crop this tear, shops of the railway works at Itrigh- on account of the sunny weather •n ton Station have come out on strike. August, is much above the average. The dispute is understood 'to bo Last year seine 60,000 pounds were caused by laborers bring pla •ed on grown in Ireland. boiler makers' jobs. Believed to have been struck by The Lord Mayor of Bristc t re - lightning, the Protestant church of ports that a fund, opened son c timo Knocktopher, County Kilkenny, ago for the benefit of cab preonrie- w•as recently destroyed by fire, tors and drivers thrown out of et which originated in the spire. ploytnent by the introduction Three cattle drives took place in taxicabs has reached the sum o Galway district on a recent morn- $'4,015. ing. 'Twelve men were arrested, ---- - and were subsequently bound over I'IGE0\ NESSE\Ci?RS. t ► be of good behavior for twelve -- months, or in default three months. leased a lighthouse Attendant's The report of the Inspectors of Life. Lunatics on the management of Pretty pigeons of Australia ear - lunatics and lunatic asylums in Ire- re packages and messages between Innd during 1908 shows that there Hobart and Mantsuyker 'stand were 23.931 insane persons in such lighthouse, a distance of abre ' establishments, compared with 23,- enty-five miles. Last November 71a in 1907. they called a physician .or a light - /1 woman patient at the work- 'muse attendant and probablvesavcd house hospital, Lisuaskea, County hi-• life. Three birds are liberated Roscommon, was said to have con- v ith messages every three weeks, sunned in one day 10 glasses of and when accident or illness occurs champagne, three glasses of win- three additional birds are set tree. cnrnis, two ghtsses of brandy. three Twelve birds in all are used for lents of tnitk, and two eggs. the service. While message.; have not, always reached their dirstina- tion. the service has nevertheless been highly satisfactory. 'fhe messaeeel are written on a piece or paper tied under the 1 • hint the marine board to i4w petite cclluloid.casrs w 1c Way be adjusted under the bird's wing, and. in which a geed deal of infor- mation might be carried. The birds are fed on grey liens of good quality, get plenty of grit and fresh water, and are kept tk.. • oughly clean. They are else allow- ed at their station plenty of oppor- tunity for needle! exercise. tont .laat.suykcr Island lighthouse, which has a most isolated position, could secure a physician from Ho- bart sixteen hours after he had been sent for by pigeon post has suggested important possibilities for more g( neral use of honking pigeons for such service. Trophies are to be provided f r homing eons- peeitiolls, SO AA to encourage /Ni- ers t!► breed the toed desrrietvein of carriers. There ere (sheet .'1,- Oth' of these birds in Australia. 1+ - ARREST IN BIG RODE With Steal - was badly injured. Ging down (nine in one year. Remains of Han and 11 c:nrnn Found after a series of holes bad been Another fart! nccidc,za throng's Near lloelrrnl. abet, the machine gang went to the rlvnamite (we'll -red (01 1Wednesday .1 des,.at -h fru rn Montreal saws: face where the explosion had taken night. Alfred Sil,ia AS instantly 'I•;,,. badly mangled remains of a place, and the (lead Ivan sttl(•k a killed and Allan (arewel1 and \\d- 11911 end woman were found along }rick in the rock. The .lustrien was Siam K'kkn seriensly injercd iii nn the 11.T.R. track'. corner StEli- killed in the drift. his head, nnr explosion in the Fourth of July rabet1, 9uect and Coir St. Paul arm and one kg berg scsere'l (turn shaft at the Nip::sling mine. Thr Road. on Thsursdov night. it is his body. Ile .81110 to the M'Kie- men were alonea mise preparing`, supposed the temple were walking ley -Darragh front Austria tl►See to fire, and it is t.1nieight that their [along the track to Tul•cot "illapte. month+ ago, and has a wire nod candles came in contact with the ;rhea thee were run down by an throe c)tildtca on the other lode. cxpLisivo• I ta`Ino. re;