HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-12-09, Page 111. xrter HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZET1 N. ISISCS. rHIaTY-SEVENTR YEAR -No 1887 EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THIIRSDAY MORNING, DEC. 9th 1909, $1.00 per year in advance if z •••••••,•NNNNN•••NN•,••N• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• JONES & CLARK'S Phone No. 32. Christmas Shopping News OnIb 13 More Shoppinu Daps Left • It is time now to get busy and think of your Christmas buy- ing. The early shoppers get the choice of the good things that are going. Don't leave it until the last few busy days. Buy early and often and avoid the rush. Ilere are a few of the beau - Wel things fns Xmas. ' Xmas Handkerchiefs 200 Doz. Fancy Handker- chiefs. The best in the land for the price. Prices 3c up to $1.00 each Xmas Collars and Belts Something entirely new for this Xmas. The nicest we have ever shown. Prices lac to $1. Xmas. Waists Silk \Vaists in Black,Brown Green and (`ream. Net \Vaists in all new designs. Prices $3 to $7 Xmas. Gloves A good thing for this time of year. Kid, Mocha and Dog Skin, lined or unlined. New Shades Xmas. Linens A big seller, Fancy Doylies Centre Pieces, Tray Cloths, Runners and Scarfs. See them Xmas. Scarfs Silk Scarfs and Fascinators in ;White, Cre:un or Black, Very dainty head or heck gear. Xmas. Furs One of the best presents to buy. Ruff.i, Scarfs, Muffs and Caps, also Fur -lined Coats Xmas. rlillinery Do you want a nice new Hat for Xmas. Come and see the big bargains we are offer• ing. Gents Furnishings for Christmas Our New Neck Scarfs in all the New Shades and Shapes The very best shown Our New Neck Ties are alt the latest and the largest stock to pick from Our New Gloves are the best yet, Kid, Mocha, Sweede and Dog Skin Our New Fancy Vests are very swell The real thing Fictive one Our new Shirts and Collars W G & R Brand are the very best %Ve carry the largest and best assorted stock of Men's Furnishings in town and are in the best position to fix you up right Jones & Clark Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford paper. Cl•)thing also high grade shoes and wall •••••••N•••••••••••NNN •••••••••••••N•••• ••••••••••••••••••• •••N••••••••••••••••••••• ftoI1au was - Golan Drug shore A visit to our Stote cannot fail to offer many valu- able suggestions in solving the perplexing questions what to bay for a Christmas Gift at a moderate cost that will combine all the essentials cf Elegance Practibility Make Your Choice The gift you want Is undoebtcdly in our stock. 1\'t' are prepared to do the biggest Xmas. trade we have ever done. You will find it a plc:t,me t) choose ilroni our assortment. Bee and be convincer!. An early choice secures the best selection. inspect Them Ebony Goods Everything in Ebony including Choice Toilet and Manicure Sets These make beautiful presents for a lady St .00 -.$55.00 Choose Early Appropriateness Choice Gifts Imported Perfumes Leather Goods Xmas Stationery Post Card Albums Shaving Outfits Ladies Hand Bags Glove and Handker- chief Boxes, etc, etc. 25c-$4.00 Buy Now The Largest and Best Assortment of XnI%s. Cards and Calendars m town. S. COLE, Phm. B, •••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••N•• s A Large Consignment of 2 1 1 O•••••ONO •••••••• NN• •••••••••• 40* S 1••••NNON* Brand New, Up-to.date Clothing Arriving this Week Some of the lines: - OV1-:RCOATS Black Beaver, Black and 'Brown Weltons, Fancy Tweeds an(1 Worsteds, Rain Coats, and Fur•line(l. New lines of children's special Bloomers, Knickers New Caps, Swell new Shirts and Ties, New flats. SANDY BAWDEN A beautiful Wtltch or Clock given away to customers. School Reports November Report Exeter School. 11. S. Department FORM III Honors. L. G. Watson R13.7, 4. Mar- chand 85.3, A. Pickard 77, A.. Dow 75.3. I'ass. Wm. Monteith 74.5, C. Pickard 72.7, R. Dougall 71.1, II. Carling 69.8, R. Hooper 69.7, E. Cope- land 67.5, H. Jones 67. No. on roll 30 average 28. \Vm. 11. \Vt•idt•nbatntncr 13. A. Principal, • ('ORM II Honors. B. Hoggarth 87. E. Case 81, G. Passmore 80, S. Petty 77. Pass, R. Dearing 74, We McLean 72, II. Sweet 71, M. Elston '70. C. Copeland 70, A. Coleman 70, E. Howey 68. 11. Enke 66, G. Acheson 66, W. Stewart 65, L. Grieve ti4. L. Steacy 61. L. Frayne 63, E. Ilunkin 63, W; Weis - miller 61. No. on roll 31, average 29,. E. M. hobo, teacher. FORM I Honors, C. Pickard 85, M. Ilobkirk 83, II. Glenn 183. 0. Rennie 82. .I: Welsh 79, R. Wood 78, S. Geiger i'R. Pass, P. Brown 74, R. Bissett 70, 1. Essery 68, F. Treibner 68, II, May 68, A. ;Willis 67. V. Geiger 67, A. Mor- gan 67. S. $outhcott 64, M. Hanlon 63, F. Essery 63, L. Harvey 02, It Case 61. M. Acheson 61. Commercial Senior IIonors. G. Hooper 80. 8. Gil- lies 77. B. Boyle 77. Junior Pass. C. Harvey 72. M. Jowell 67, 13. Atkin- son 61, E. Jlrickwood 61. No. on roll 46, average 41. A. M. Johnston. teacher I'. S. Department ROOM IV. Sr. IV. Honors, Jean Setdon 86, Joe Davis 81. Russell Balkwill 78, David Hall 78. Greta Bissett 75. Pass, Willie Snell 74. Florence Arnold 73, Bert Gillies 63, Viola Rowe 62. Jr. 6V. Honors. Linden Harvey 85, Muriel Jones 78, hIrno Sweet 76. Pass. Ethel I3alkwill 72, Ethel Day 62. Eric Hur- don 62. Blanche (Nance 61, Harper Rivers 60. No. on roll 39, average 34. EXETP.'It COUNCIL Larry Cuts Out Spar - The Council of the Village of Exe- I ter met in the reading roout of the Town (fall on Friday, Dec. 3rd, at 8 o'clock p. nt. All the members were present. The minutes of the meeting llegorry. an' if fez are thinkin' iv held Nov. 19th. were read and ap- havin' a sparrow killin' match, my proved. thanks will be ixtinded wid intherest Mr. Jas. N. Howard asked leave of , at tin per cint if yez would leave me the council to open a drain across' Main St. at the corner of Main and Marc, also asked the council to fur- nish the tile and share half the labor. Per }legman -Luker -That the re- quest of Jas. N. Howard be granted 1 goinon for a week, when 1 was in - subject to the overseeing by the voited by wan iv the Flimviile b row Matches out iv th' game. If it haddent bane fer a misundershlandin' an' 11 got on both soidcs the match bechune F.lint- ville an' Winchelsea w•uddent have bane called off. Th' gatne had bane street commission and the work to be to fait busy, an' tit' vera nixt day proceeded with at once. -Carried. anither chap called on me to help. an' A communication was read ,(row thinkin' he wuz on the same soide ez Mr. Farncomb renew iron buckles .Bob Sillery ?I did loikewise by ixcipt- for hose. in' th' invitation, but begorry, he The matter laid over until the fire happened to be wan iv th' Winchelsea chief and Mr. Farncomb can confer chaps, ez 11 learned later. together. Now this goin• arouno wid a dark The By-law re Local Option as pre- lanthern, climbing rickety ladders, rented by Mr. E. AV. Gladman was an' havin' birds bumpin' yea in th' presented to the council and discussed nose, thinkin' its the knot hole, issent and on motion of Johns -Luker that what its cracked up to be, so I nrran- the same he now read a first and sc- ged with th' first party that a trip cond time, and the saute be published to Ilurondale. would save a lot iv in the Easter Times paper, thrubble ez their match wuz over an' The council discussed the Jackson they bad a lot iv heads lyin' around Mfg. Co'y, Iiy-law along ,with hie. what they haddent anny use for, an' Dickson and on motion of Beaman if we could git a couple iv thousand, Luker. That the By-law be prepared they Would help in th' count, an' we and the votes of the qualified clec- could sit down an' Taff. So a thrip witz arranged an th' heads secured, tors taken thereon at the January Municipal election. -Carried. an' we had the Taff an' th' heads in Mr. Chas. E. ,Hackney addressed our Pockets. w'id th' oyster supper the council in regard overcharge in thrown in. But bag, a whin th' nixt chap came along, a farm land taxation. The clerk was wuz from thinkin' he authorizedl to mon' uz from the same team, an' knowin' and re tort at he edia tibio tdatheir wuz some more heads up at night.g yt Ilurondale, what haddent bane taken, ! directed him up to see Dan Dew to A lay -law calling for a public git some more, but Dan was nixt to meeting of the citizens to nominate a what team th' gintlemin belonged to Reeve, Councillors and Public School nn' diddent have army. They wuz all Trustees was read and on motion of hurried nw•aitin' removal to fcrti- Johns-Carling. That the sarne be lite th' land, so he diddent get anny. now read a second and third time. Then th' second gintlemin called a The Reeve and Clerk signing the council iv war iv hez compatriots to same. decoidc on what wuz th' best thing Per. Johns -Carling -that a special to o. nn' itwuz decoided that ez meeting of the Council be held on haddent given wshim th' tip about zit h.! C. Vosper, teacher. ( Monday night to discuss Jackson Mfg. Ilurondale sparrows first. th' match It0051 VI, Co'y. Sly -law and that the Clerk re- be called off. an' accordin' to reports Jr. III. Honors. Lila Zuefle 89, Mar- quest the C. 11. Iinell to be present it wuz• vin Vincent 84, Melville Gladman 80, to discuss some re -arrangements of But then agin, 4 am informed that Bertha Ilorney 80, Dorothy White 79, certain electric lights. -Carried, is tvussent my fasts, that it mux th' Gerald Fitton 78. ('ass. Karl Weiden- hamrner 71, Dorothy Kunz 70. Gordon Ford 67. Gordon ,Wella 66, Dora Houlden 63, Amy Johns C2. Sr. 4I. IIonors, Alice Taylor 83, Marguerite Pickard 81, Milton Kydd 81, Mildred Hardy 80. Rhoda Cornish 79, ITerbert Hector 77, Archie Davis 77. Pass. Viola Welsh 74, Mary Day 72, Millie Walker 72, Edna Johns 71, Lillie Walker 71, Wm. Jacobi 30, Drew sKitight 65. Cecil Dearing 60. No. on roll 34, average 31. II. M. Kinsman, teacher ROOM V. Sr. '111. Honors, Lulu Redden 75. Mildred Heywood 75. Willie Manson 74, .toe Follick 73, Etta Bowie 71, Beatrice Hodgert 70. Pass. Alberta Knight 68, Anna Bell 63, Oliver Davis 60, Annie Day 60. Jr, III. IIonors, Marjorie Huston 75, Pearl Jackson 75, Marjorie Setdon 71, Fanny ilowey 70. Alma Mack 70. Pas', Edith Davis 66, Harry ('arsons 62, Florence Wood 60. No. on roll 32, average 29. J. Murray, leacher. 11OO51 VII. Sr. Pt. 111. IIonors. Gladys IIarvey 93, Viola Jones 84, Bertha Jackson 87, Mabel hackney 83. Pass. Winnie Knight 67, Mildred ITartleih 61, Mild- red Marchand 61, Arlo Delve 60. No. o troll 43, average 37. A. Sleeth, teacher. ROOM ViiI. Sr. Pt. 0, IIonors, Verde Hill 91. Maurice Harvey. 48; Mary Taylor. 86 Idella Davis. R4 ; Enrl Magee. 78; M. Houlden. 76: Pass. Thelma Connor. 72 Wilbert Gillespie. 67 ; Charles Setter. 65. ,Tunior part 1. Clyde Heaman. 89 ; Mildred Harvey. 86 ; Mary Vincent. 85 Philippa harness. 76. Pass. M. Web- ster. 73; Edward Yellow. 70; lteita Palmer. 68 ; Vcrda Row ecliffe. 67; F. Vincent. 66. No. on roll 50, average 43. II. Pennock., Teacher.. Locals A ilcactionary Storrs Period is cen- tral on the 41 h. 5t h and Gth. Bet the probabilities err that the last atoms in November will last one or two days into December, with rain and snow. especially in en'tern parts of the country. A cold were of much inten- sity will prevail over western to cen- tral sections 01 1lie errant re as wr pass from November into Dere►nber• From the Ith to the 7th. the cold will relax. the barometer will fel!. and renewed slnrnie of rain and 'nosy will prevail over most 'eetinns of the country. passing in reculnr prn:rreesive order from it est to east. Behind these stones look for return of rising baro- meter end clearing. cold weather. A liecular Storm Period extends from the 9th to the 141h. tieing cen- tral nn the 11th. This period em - latices Now Moon at an eclipse node en the 12th. The eclipse of the Moon. it mea he remembered. fall' on No- vember 271h. end the eclipse of rho S in on Decetnher 12th. About the Sth to i5th of December is ileo a time of maximum magnetic perturbation. dale to certnin relations of Earth and. Run -the Enrth's'oeth macnetie pole being most inclined to the Sun's cttuetnr. Very low barometer and marked rise in temperature will begin in western seclione nitwit the 10th. anal deina the llth to 11th violent %tinter storms will sweep enstwardly acre's the eo•tntry. Fierce gales and high tide' will 'res.til on the Atlantic Ocean generally. at this an" following ilccenthrr period'. illizzards from the northwest. followed by n cold wave and hi^h btrometer that will reach far into the 'oath. nhont the 12th to the 15th. A seismic period is eentral on the 121h, covering the 9th to the 14th. ► The following accounts were read and passed: -A. G. Dyer, selecting jurors, *14.00; Jos, Senior, selecting jurors, 4.00; Jas• Na. Howard, labor at mill dam water works acc. 33.25; Ed. McGuire Secy. Co. No. 1 12 fire- r • it @ 5.00. 60,00; .Geo. Anderson •c'y. Co. Na. 2 16 firemen ® 5.00. .0.00; Geo. Anderson per fire chief 50.00; Engineer 40.00; Fireman 10.00; Thos. G. Creech. gravel for ceme- tery 11.00; Thos. (11. Creech, gravel account ,192.85 ; Thos. G. Creech, labor account 10.25; Ross Taylor Co'y., lumber account to Oct. 20,19,06 :(Jones & Clark. mat for door at Town Hall. 85 cents: Geo. Cutlmore, labor 4.00, Thos. Brock do 2.12 ; Walter \Vest- eot.t do 2.50; \Vm. Arnold, draying 25 cents ; Sidney Sanders do 2.10 Wm. Gillespie do 2.12 ; David Gil lies do 2.01); W .1. Ilissott. pt. salary 33.001 C. W. Cross. pt. salary cemetery, 29.00; .Ross -Taylor Co'y., lumber ac- count re new walks, 52.82; M. .lack - son. scrap iron for water work at darn 26.88: M. Jackson, iron pipe 1:95 Exeter Electric Light and Power Co'y. arc lighting 65.31, Series Street light- ing 50.74. Town Hall lighting 3.60; The Bell Telephone Co.. messages. 5.00; The. Jlell Telephone Co., half year rent cemetery phone 12.51); R. G. Sol - don, cement and lime account as sanc- tioned by (he Reeve 8.40; 'rimes Print- ing Co.. advertising By-law and No- tices 35.50; Thos. IH:trton, per certi- ficate of F. Farncomb and charged to his account 26.30; The London Adver- tiser Co'y.. for Water Works adver tieing Tenders 5.10; ,los. Senior, per Dennis Wire and Iron Works by Water Works account 16.75; C. • T. Ilrooks, express charges 2.45: W. T. Gillespie. freight and cartage. \Vater Works account 7.:33. passed on motion of Johns -Luker, --Carried. Adj. by Luker. JOS. SENIOR. Clerk. it1ARit1ED FRAZER-CI'DMOI(E - In Exeter. Thursday, Dec. 2n1. by Rev, it. Hobbs. Clern, datghlrr of Mr. Goo. Cudmore to Mr. \Vm. Frazer. ItATZ--1 AIINEll-4n Stephen. on \\•ednesdn. Dec. 1st. by Rev. Rear, Miss Lavine, eldest daughter of Mr. end Mrs. John Fahner. to Mr. Wil - !Mtn I1. ltalz. of IChiva. DiE1) .1,\QCES-In 1'shorne. on Friday. De- cember 3rd, 111(19 William Jaques. eget' 73 years. 6 months and 13 dys. Mt-CU-RDY-in isl;iy, Alta.. Tuesday-, November :!0th. Arthur McCurdy. son of '1'hoenas McCurdy. or t:'horne. 1 0AYN8:- :n Exeter. Monday. De- cember 6th. itobert lerayne. aged 88 years and 10 months. \Votnen with pale co torten faces ttbo feel weak end discouraged, will receive botb nitnta1 and bodily vitro, by tieing Carter's iron fills, tt hick ere made for the blood. nerves en.) complexion. Owing to crowded space several school reports have been laid over un- til next week. The report of the Laymen's Miss- ionary conference with resolutions will be withheld tt'1 next week. Mr. and Mrs. Agnilln Snell and young son, of Winnipeg. are visiting the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Snell. Mt. OVENS RWF. I. f{A'! It geon. will be at the Coreo,-`,eiat Note'. Beers It a. ere to 1 p. m, Glaese, properly fitted and dile panes. of eve ear and ,ta.a trest,':1 Next visit Monday, Dee. 20th. all doy. fault iv wan if the Ilurondale boys, ‘,110 is sparkin' a girl from Win- chelsea, givin' away th' deal, so that nayther soidt• can have anny hnrrud feelings aginst enc. ez wiiddent give ayther soide away, ex annythin' )1 Ioikc is attendin' an oyster supper, whin 0'm not wan iv th' losers. iNTERESFINO LETTIt:ii FROM A. E. RODGEItr In my last. letter I left yam at and their w'nys• I might say before leav- ing them more about their rigs. The sleighs are made of 10 inch boards for runners, with a flat top. They have all one-horse rigs. The shafts are not put on rigid like the shafts on the rigs we use in our part. but hang loose attached with two rings one at each side and when they go down a hill, the back end of the shafts drop to the ground in front of the runners, serving as a brake for the sleigh. The cutters are made in the same way, and whets people sit in the seats, they are just ten inches from the snow runners. which are 10 inches deep. the seat being on top of this. They are far front being the cozy cutters ee are used to. You will wonder at me knowing so ranch re- garding these sleighs. but there was good sleighing when 1 left. Leav- or someething in the ing there Friday morning we got to Quebec Friday night. and remained in Jewlry line is al - noon. It rained all dile. i took my ways appreciated Its the latter place until Sunday after - ticket for Chatham. N. 11„ 424 miles a Christmas gift, east. Chatham is n nice town of :,bout 3.0011 inhabitants. I ern now in civilization he'ng nutong English 'peaking people and 1 find it a great relief, 1 went from Chatham to New- ceslle. nitwit twenty miles down the river in n boat. Newcastle is n splendid little town where a lot of le•nrbering is done. I left Tuesday for tlloneton, the head of the great 0. T. 1'. This is n good town. well built, but all frame buildings. not like Exe- ter. or other places in Western Can- ada. I might say here without get- ting into politics Whoa the 1. C. ILAof tt hich we rend so touch about ns beim! ti railway that never pay's its tiny. This no doubt. is far too true : loo many officials on this road. men gnjore falling over each other try- in:r to do something. In speaking to some people that should know. 1 ens informed that there are now n• tout three to every four employed 18 years ago. and there could he one more of the four cut off. Then it might be a paying toad for our coun- try. 1 loft Moncton about three o'- clock for Surnmerside. 1'. E. I. This ens a nice trip of Whoa 85 miler on the boat. Huntrnersi e. is not enure, or n place and 1 left there for Charlotte town. getting there about 11 o'clock. This is n fine island and has the hest land of any place enst of Montreal Chicoutimi. among the Fr It CARVERS IN PAIRS 1.00, 1.25, 1 5, and $1,75 NICKLE PLATED TEA POTS 80, 00 and $1.00 AIR RIFLES 1.00 and $1.25 SAFETY RAZORS 1.00 and $5.00 BOYS POCKET KNIVES 5,10, 15 and 25c GIRLS POCKET KNIVES 25 35. 45 and 50 MEN'S POCKET KNIVES 20, 25, 35, 45 to $1.25 LADIES POCKET KNIVES 35, 50 and 75c. Xmas fldrthdr6 Bissell Carpet Sweepe Make a very acceptable gift. Our prices children 25c and 35e. Reg. size $2.75. $3.50 and $4.50 Food Choppers and Raisin Seeder 03c to $1.75 CARVERS IN CASES 2.25, 2.50, 3.00 and $4.50 NICKLE PLATED COFFEE PO 90, 1.00, and $1.10 22 Cal. RIFLES 3.00 and $1.50 ORDINARY RAZORS 75c, 1.00, 1.25, $2.1141 N. P. Sad Irons $i to $1.20 set Asbestos Irons $2.Oo per Set These are heavily plated Irons A 11OT /RON A COLD IIANDLf; • 4s81S0 ros, 1.10 ,1•.i4) ' n;t.. HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE i i FURNITURE and UNDERTAKUNG UI"IILII.II Ih;lli.11i'll'll 11 11 11111 11 1. 11 11 II 11• II 11 II II 11 11 11. Parlor Suit Parlor gables Easy Chair Odd Chairs Music Cabinet Couches Sideboards Hall Racks Buffets Kitchen Cabinets Dining -room Tables Dining Chairs Dainty, well -made and at reasonable prices. Bed Room Suits Bed Couches Mattresses Springs, Brass and Iron Beds Newest styles and all at popular prices ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Homo Furnishers and Funeral Director's. Enlaintnar NIBIEiii3ffiiii«i.i.rsrarj pa i' The Biggest Christmas Display of Jewelry Ever Shown in Exeler A WATCH Chet-MOetott n is n Vary of nbo.it 15- (1011 and is gross Mir fest. We left on Thursany morning for l'iclou and had a very rough sail of about 55 miles. It ens so roue') Iha1 the propeller of of the boat one oat 0- f water a considerable portion o' the time and while many were limbic to retain (that they hal eaten. 1 did. althotgh %%ilh sntnr dif:icufty. l'ictou is a twin of nl.o:,1 4 (1011. 1 remained un- til night. then went to New Glasgott- a twin of aho•tt 7.000. where (here ere tots of industries. s ieh as iron foundries mine. o.' all kinds and lac- .or,es. Eterytbing is local option lie:r an I match tante (peel than wtier tit :or is so'd openly. i then wens In Tr'!ro. 'i'li!s is it fine lean on the ;, C. Iden{;- a junction point and having n enr work'. the nnly in - 'l airy. Alt a'onfr 13:'s part o.' the co entry is it r; roach rind farming is sot vers. root 1,....enese. The Hide are small with lots of water around them. streams galore. The woods here are See Our Watches Unequalled Anywhere Our Silverware Is the best that ing " lr could bo selected and when comes We have the to our Jewelry you most complete 'r , ,.�' can find none better stock in Quick Sales Huron County caiiifigair Small Profits "Silver Platt Ural ti,ii .ia tw..,Ui IPV Wears." Certified Silverware (t.,,,::1,88 ROGERS BROS: Rogers rea Spoons Rogers Dessert Spoons Rogers 'Pablo Spoons Rogers 'Mittel. Knives, Sugar Shells, Pickle. Forks, Sauce Ladles. ''t(•. An ' Optician& shall pine and sl•rece, t. it h .vanes• white ropier. 1 am naw in II•iiifnit and it iv n very nice city. 11 line to be clean for it is on the side of a hill running down to the water. This is not a prohibition toe and Saturday nights the bars do not close et 7 o'clock. From my observation 1 think old Ontario ahead of any of the provinces. i cnn speak of all of them now as I have been in every one. 1 ata Hort on my return trip home. A. E. lloigerts THERE IS BUT ONE Every (ismer .how'd know that the price offered by the 'cal. rs for rattle, hogs, etc., is a fair or.e. Cow . an bs know thio► if he dors net take a firm business paper? it •meter or is u• yer or business in In r,l 1 be a a:i.uut Ills business pre er l 1 Erre es but ()tie farmers' business and market paper. :hat At the is The Weekly Sun ``tart 1910 right 1.! !tn... 1,11 snb.crlbing. majori� J. W. Doyle. the conservative can- didate. on Monday was cl,•rt..i .et th Eye -election in North �iirldl.•:.•r, to represent that rifling in th • Local Legislature by a majority of 96 over W. .1. :Mitchell the Liberal candi- date. The majorities by menicipal- itics were: no) le Ilitele Ails:( Craig 25 Adelaide 49 'liddulph ..165 leican•711 McGillivray '1 :55 Metcalfe 66 I':i rkhill 11 Strnlhroy 1•:. Williams . w. Williams 36 107 5'► 378 350 generel elections D.;nenn C. ril cirried the riding by 109