HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-12-02, Page 84 TAN J;XE1t kt '1'1M1 S DEC.2ud 1ttUt. 146++++44++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4 STEWART'S PHONE 16 0010 Pour weeks to zetas. We Make Your Money go far by Buying at this Store We are prepared to do the biggest Xmas. trade we have ever done. Large and careful buying has fitted us to meet the demand for a big season. Mantleas Rbcs Although this season has been the largest we have ever had, yet our present showing comprises all the newest styles including loose, semi and tight fitting in all colors and sizes. $7.50, 10.00, 15.00, :40.00 Our showing of furs for Xmas trade is worthy of the inspection of all interested. Fur Lined Coate with mink or sable collars lined with prime Canadian rat. Every coat guaranteed by makers and ourselves. -42-45-05-75 Men's Overcoats Underwear A great assortment of nob- by styles now on display. We would suggest that you see this display and the prices, too, they are so reasonable. We have them in black and fancy tweeds with the new convenable coilar.-$8-$10 $12-815 For men, boys, women and girls. This is this seaon every. one needs good warm under- wear nderwear and you will do well to see our big range in fleece lined and fine and heavy. wool at prices that will talk. 50c. 60c., 75e., $1.00, $1.25 to $ 1.75 Linoleums, Carpets & Rugs These handy and sanitary floor coverings are greatly in fav- or. We have just received a new lot of goods and invite you ;to see them. See our range of room ruga from $8.75 to $40.00 Linoleumns and oilcloths all prices. We cut, fit and lay free of charge. CHINA This is a good time to select your X►nae China as our tables are filled with everything new in Austrian, French. English and Prussian wares. Imported direct. Our showing of Dinner Sets is the hest in town. Beautiful 108 piece Dinner Sets ranging from $7.75 to 815.00 GROCERIES This department should not be overlooked as your Christmas needs will be well looked after. All our new fruits are in stock. Raisius, Currants, Dates, Figs Spices, Peels, Cereals, etc. at the very lowest prices. Try ovr Japan Tea 30c. We want a large quantity of Turkeys, Geese, Ducks,Chicken dead or alive for which we will pay the highest prices. also But- ter, Eggs, Dried Apples, etc. T. A. STEW.A.RT ++++++++++++++++4- +++++++++++++++++++++++444 +++++++++++++++++++++++++4 •++++++++++'P++++++ Retiring From Business Go with the crowd to R. N. Rowe's Great clearing sale of his entire stock of dry goods - clothing -mantles -furs -boots and shoes --heavy and light rubbers -wall paper and linoleumns. All good goods. We have the cleanest ,tock in town and must be all cleared out regardless of cost, as I am giving up business. Highest price paid for all kinds of produce. R. N. ROWE Phone 22 One door north P. 0 1 Our Store is the Favorite of Christmas Shoppers TALK AS YOU LiKE there is nothing can take the place of Furniture in the esteem of gift. givers. Nothing else is ao serviceable -nothing else ((elands one of the giver every day in the year as Furniture does, Fur reason of newness and variety and alround gooinese we ask you to do your choosing from this stock of ours. You can't buy under our prices for our goods. in all respects t.hie stare stands ready to offer jou furniture certainties. Christmas shoppers are requested to make it a point to at least see how Well we are prepared to make their shopping satisfactory. To -day isn't a bit too soon to get interested. JAMES BEVERLEY Leading Undertaker and Embalmer ttrn 1t: You Take No Gnaws When You Get Your Fall and Winter Suits from an old established and reliable house ike ours. Time -tried Reputation is what ensures you satiAaction. RT. JOHNS Merchant Tailor - Exeter, Ontario. ulwwulu�ww Market Report. -The followiu; is tbe report of Exeter markets, cor- rected up to 1).•e.ariber lad. Wheat. standard $1.02 Oats 36 to 37. ITen, 60 to 't;5 cents, Barley 48 to 60 cents. ltran $22.00 Shorts $23.00 Star flour $2.75. Feed flour $1.50 to $1.55. Mutter 22c. Eggs 25c. Hay $9.00, $10.00 Hogs. livcweigbr, $7.40. Potatoes 75 to 90 centa Coal, $7.25 a ton. Chicken, 8 & 9 alive !l, ,'k 10 dressed Ducks 8 & 9 alive, 10 di:r 11 dressed (:nese 7 & 8 alive, 9' & 10 dressed Turkeys 13 and 14 alive, 15 & 16 dressed Fowl 6 & 7 alive, 7' & 8 dressed Dried Apples 7c. ••••••••••••••NN•••• • LOCALS •••••••• P••••••• Christmas three weeks from Satur- day. J. G. Stanbury is acting as counsel at the assizes at Goderich this week. •Mr. )tarry Fowler, of the Bank of Commerce staff is relieving at Coder- ich. ll r. John Eidt. of Ailsa Craig, was in town for a few days during the past week. b1r. and Mrs Samuel Gidley of Blyth. were in town Sunday visiting their brother Fred. Ex -President Roosevelt has killed an animal called a kob. \Vondes if it's troubled with corns. Mr. and Mrs. John Heudle left Monday for Spokane. Wash., 'where they will make their future home. The Times to January 1st, 1911 to new subscribers for $1,00. To Unit- ed States $1.50 strictly .111 advance. '.1rs. Sou1hcott 'moved last week into the house recently .purchased from John Rundle on Andrew street. The Toronto News says that govs crnmen1 patronage should b' divided. So do the fellows who are not in power. Mr• Chas. Seawright left last Wed- nesday for Westfield, N Y. to attend the funeral of his mother who died that day. 'Mrs. C:. W. Harrison, who visited her parents in London for the past several months, returned ..home Thursday. Homer Bagshaw, who has been in the west for the past two years, ar- rived home last wreck to remain for the winter. The Exeter voters will have two by-laws to vote on this year. the Local Op:ion by-law and the Jackson Mfg. Cu. by-law. Mr. harry Dougall, of ltogerville, who had his leg badly injured in n shooting ,occident a week ago, its gcttine long nicely. •Mr. 'I hos. E. Ilandford shipped a car load of horses tv Winnipeg on Monday and also a load to 'Matheson, New Ontario, on Wednesday. The eclipse of the moon took place early (Saturday morning, but owing to the unseasonable hour, not many remained awake to witness it. bliss Stella Gregory has been ap- pointed principal of the continuation school at Lakefield, near Teterboro at n salary of 1$83 per month. Mr. A. E. f'ytu returned Saturday from a too months' visit In Sa-kat- cheww'an. He %%ill remain here for the winter, and possibly return ie the spring. I)r. and Mr,. Stanbury. of Mayfield, Caine down on Friday to hear their clever grandson sing and remained over 'Sunday with their on Mr. J. G. Stanbury.: Mr. Fred tidies-. oho has had sev- eral paralytic strokes. had another one, one day last week. \1r. Gidley is in a very low condition and ,s un- able to speak. The British 'Columbia elections were h,•Id last Thursday :and the Me Bride government won a decisive vie - tory. only two Liberals and two So- cialists being cicted. Dr. and Ali s. Malloy left Monday for Tot onto, ashore Mrs. Malloy will remain awhile the I)r. takes a post graduate course in New York before going to the northwest. \\'e regret to sate that Mr,. Meer) Cooper, of Myth. is glowing consider- ably sweaker and her life is in a pr, carious condition. She has btert in failing health for some time despite medical skill and most .attentive nursing. The marriage took place at th, home of the brute's p.lent-, London N. \V,dnesday, Nov. 24th. when Bea- tr.r, 'May, daiighter of Mr. and Mr.. \\'i,,, I)e: ii was married to '.1r Chaff. S. Sanders. of Exeter North. Th• young couple will reside in Exeter. On Monday of last week Mr. i;iorg • Huston. of Bayfield, went. to his room to retire for the night, his wife re mainin.; down stairs to attend to Font'. matter . hearing a noise rhe hurried to the roots and found .11r. Huston had f. 11,•11 out of ha d anal in :1 few tnitul, • he was dead : Ih • cause of death was heart failure. lir. 1111 -- was well known and highly res- pected and his sudden call was .1 -hock In the citizens. Bazaar Church Directory I JAMES STREET ,THE EL BLS METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Richard Hobbs, Pastor Town Hall Sunday Public \or=Lip-10.SU small A Creat ClearingSale f and 7 p.nr. of Class Service-Sutday 9.10 a.m. •en Friday Dec, loth d atter Morning Service and \Vednes-i • da) :1* Ready -Made ClothYn`Slig _lien'. Class and Catachuuiens Sunday ut 2 p.m. Under auspices of the Ladies Sunday school sod Bible Classes 2.;0, r Guild of Trivia Memorial Epp.worn.. th Learnt• -Tuesday at p.m 1 Church Trayer blectin,g_Thursday at 8 p.ru. A $2.000 Stock of Clothing will positively** Bev, T. Wesley Cos, us will preach next Sunday December 5th. cleared to the last dollar before Xmas. Times Want Column ' So look sharp for bargains. 24 Mens Tweed suits regular $6.50 to , $10.00 to clear $4 90. 12 Mens Black and Blue Clay Worsted suits regul LADIES MAN -TAILORED SUITSi 88.5*) to $12,00 clearing at $11.50. 14 Mens Black and Blue Serge regalar *J. and $7.50 to clear $5.00. Mens heavy dark stripe Tweed sults newest cut re- . Exeter Ladies may now obtain a Ruler $13.50 for $11.00. A few only Mens Tweed at $11.00 and $10.00 sizes 37. strictly man -tailored Suit by one of 38, 39 and 40; These are all heavy double suits and of the newest styles and the best city tailors is ithout going to will be cleared at $8.00. Mens double breasted Tweed sults regular 810.00 and the city or the trouble of getting fit- 811.00 for $8.00, Mens Canadian Tweed single breasted regular $7.50 and • ted. Satisfaction ,guaranteed. For $8.00 clearing at $11.00. Youths suits in Tweed and Worsted ranging frown further particulars call at Miss 'I•om's $5.00 to $I0.00 to clear 25; oft. Boys suite in fancy Tweed single and double dressmaking rooms over Wilson Oros. breasted at clearing pt ices $4.50 for $3.511; $4.00 for $3.00; $3.75 for $2.75. 25 store. 18-11-4 Boys suits in gond heavy Tweeds to clear at $1.00. 23 Mens Overcoats rang. - . ing from $5.00 to $12 00 to cleat. at $'3.00. Come early and get your era$ DR. OVENS EYE AND EAR SUR- choice, fleoa, will be at the Commercial ltutel- flours 9 a. in. to 1 p. Highest price paid for produce. All kinds of Poultry taken dead or alive. m all ea Glasses properly fitted and die - Next Next visit Monday, .Dec. 20th, aall CARLINC caeca of eye ear and nose treated. BROS. day. MOUSE FOR SALE -Brick resid- ence and lot on Main Street, third house south of Presbyterian church. Compare Your Razor Six rooms. For terms and particu- lars apply to James Whyte or Dick- �-� son & Carling. Don't Forget It All kinds of fancy and use- ful articles, home-made bread cakes etc for sale. 'Recently we Fent out a large num- ber of accounts for subscription to the TIMES. In a good many rases the persons owing have responded ,for which they have our hearty thanks. We would ask others who have re- ceived accounts to remit as 500n u; possible. 'Money is needed to run a newspaper. Government Pays -The last echo of the Local Option fight waged in Hen - ,e,11 almost three years ago, was heard only recently when the On- tario Government issued their cheque to 'Messrs (Madman & Stanbury for the costs incurred throughout rhe long struggle. It will be remembered that at first the council undertook to defend the local option by-law, but wvhen there were evidence; that they were playing the people false the temperance people engaged Mr. Stan - bury. The defence of the by-law was taken nut of the hand= of the council by th • court. The government was ap- pealed to by .Mr. Stanbury and they agreed to pay him the .costs if he would defend the by-law. The case was carried to appeal and in every court the by-law was upheld. Mr. "I)o you use flour/ Have you been Coxworth paid part of the expense= getting good resultst \Vhat are you and the government paid the bat- paying for its We mire selling our ancc. best blended "Snow Drift" family flour, and our pure Manitoba flour A very pretty wedding was solem- "Baker'sFavorite" nt 02.75 per hag. nizcd at the home of the Brides par- We guarantee every bag we sell to ergs, St. Marys. on !Thursday, Nov, ilia', souexcellent results. Try it and 2tt h, when Zella Grace Rea. daughter be convinced. Feed prices Bran $20. - of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rea was unit- 00 per ton, Shorts $22.00 per ton. ed in marriage to Dr. L. L. rollick, Hensalt Flour 'Mills, of St. Marys, and a former resident II. TOOK, SONS & CO. of Exeter. The wedding took place at high noon in the presence of about FAll'.I FOR SALE- Choice hun- fot.v rinnests and immediate friends dred acre [arum, being Lot 3, Con. 1, of t tt : contracting :parties. They tisborne, London Iload, 3-4 mile from We • unattended, except for the ring Centralia, three /tiles from Exeter"... heal- r, Ilarvey. the little brother of On the premises there Is erected a the bride. Lohengrin's wedding good brick house, all conveniences a march Was played by Miss Edith large bank barn 80x45, finished in Humphrey, of Toronto, After the latest improved style ; drive house, ceremony and the usual congratulate good orchard, never failing supply of tions had been extended the wedding water ; well in house and barn. 12 party sat down to a sumptuous wed-� acres fall wheat and plowing done. ding luncheon. The tanles werel if not sold privately pn or before 20 Iash ly decorated with moms, Chinese; day of December, will be sold by pub- lilli, s and maple leaves. Dr. and tic auction at a date to be fixed tat - Mrs. rollick left on the afternoon' mar. Easy terms of payment. For train for a short honeymoon trip to terms and particulars apply to Jar. Toronto and Exeter, arriving herr IIandford, prop., Centralia or to T. Saturday .to participate in the golden Cameron, auctioneer, Farquhar. wedding festivities of the groom's -op----- parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. Follick, Mort - which pleasing event took place yes- terday, FOR SALE Cottage and three lots in Exeter, being lots Nos. 65, 56 and 57 south of timcoe Street. On this property is a frame cottage (brick foundation) con- taining five rooms and a good cel- lar also a good well and a large stable. Good garden and fruit trees. The property has to be Fold to wind up an estate. Apply to GLADMAN & ST ANBURY, Barristers, Exeter, Ontario. Eck With the Newt Carbo e ter_ ►�.e�r .r_�. �...a Don't he satisfied with the razor .you been produced. The result is the are using because you merely think 1lardest cutting edge known to s,lence 1t is the best. --u blade tilst you never have to Get the Carbo•Magnetle. It will !tone or grind. last longer -It x.111 gilt• you a quicker, smoother shave. Try 11 for 30 days at our expense - then you trill know whteh 1s the best ---for the sure test of value is com- parison. "Hight temlwrtng • is the secret of t .tubo -Magnetic Superiority. The "Carlin edge- is se, uri d by an even electric heat of 1'.50) d, gees 1'ahren- •n hr•tt-u (nocess of carbonization simi- lar to that by which diamonds • • ere W. J. HEAMAN, Don't take our word Mr it -the razor proves itself -come In today and get one on 30 days' trial -free. LOOK PDrt TML1 TRADE Vie6t1'adewiht'he Car.6o e" EXETER, ONT. ARTIS'I'IC PLEASE THE is a word that covers a wide range land benefit yourself and family by of eubj cts. We are going to forget : using STAR flour. It bakes Jan tnuch the oth v+, and claim your attention better rind go;•t tan much farther than MONEY TO LOAN -On first ".lfort- as we tell about ordinary brands. gage at 5 per cent. Apply at Times ARTISTIC TAILORING AT THE USE OF STAR FLOUR Office. 11-25.4 1 REASONABLE PRICES HERE Dr. Uarnet 1', llyndlnatt. announec- \Ve serif our of means better bread, biscuits, cake, tn.nt o.f whose death appeared inlast NOTICE-Collectorector W. J, flissett, y y ock rw,ek"s Times, was the youngest sore will be nt the clown Hall on 11th, s`'I`'e':p`I Plecc this goobds, a� 11 a� well by I,ie. Cu... in your borne, and conte of of the late Dr. Ifyndman and !was born 17th and 14th, of Deg ether to recess., old-time patmue. i corm, Ino Order >, c+nrk to dry, in Exeter 35 years ago. About twelvetaxes, Kindly .bring correct change. Try Us If You Like Artistic I The next time you heed flour you'll years ago he graduated in medicine - Garments insist on having the STAR brand even from the ,Detroit College of Medi- STRAYED , if it cast .more. But it doesn't. g e'will surely please you, cine and wont to 'Mello, N. D., where Strayed onto the premises of the W'�/� -Manufactured by - he began practice. Later he moved undersigned a yearling heifer. Own - to W. W. TAMAN r Minot, N. D., and co'lhe be his er can get same by paying expenses. HARVEY BROS. profession. 'Two years ago he became • Merchant Tailor. affected with tubercular trouble. Nurse (;it1 \N:ntted-For day time EXETER - ONTARIO, ne, d in rapid Si..ges, and only : can go home :i ghts. Apply to it was not until the disease was in its Mr. 0, W. Ha: ri'on, which adva last !.tag, did be inform his i'otke of his illness. Resides his widow• he leaves his mother, four brother., Geo. John and 1)r. Ii. K., Ex,ter. Will. 1101•SF 1GI2 SALE -Lots 3i; and 31 of \1'innipeg and Mi Edi Um ,t home. Huron Slicet in Phi` village U IfExe- 111' remains were interred at Minot. ter. Brick hoes.•, kitchen and .wood- We are as Rush as Kees with our Xmas Stock -Don't be sur - to charuo o[ Ibe order of the Eagles, hard and soh water. This is n nieo prise house toile weeks tc Xmas If you want first choice and an of aw bleb he was .1 n,, rob, r, Fou,.• and w al 45, .sold ata close an excellent variety to choose from, come now to I low's 's Drug store Th • concert under the auspices of estate, 1f hdt sold privately on or J of illy Caw•en Presbyterian church before the 18th. ,!)ecerub•r it Mill be Leather Goods Stationery sold by Public Auction a Central hotel, Exeter on Friday theirlat. Dec. Ver v Latest Style The finest line of box - at 2 o'clock p. tn. For terms and Music Rolls, Bill Folds, ea ever shown in tow n 1 Particulars apply to Win. and A. Hod- Change Purses, Ladies front tic to $1.50. Also g •rt Executors or Thos. Cameron., Chatalene Bags, Card letter stale rind opener Auctioneer. Farquhar 1'. 10. Cases, %Vristlet Bands for Watches, Leat her Toilet Cases Fobs, etc. From the cheapest to Chocolates the test. A special i►ar- Lowney s and Huy lees gain al $5.01', Cnntain- Fresh from the factor- ing Brush, Comb and ire. Whet is nicer then Mirror. a box of Chocolate.'er Mirrors Bon -lions for Xmas' Ruwewood, Ebony Post Cards ()retitle, (hol(1, etc, Our Post ('girds to nn end. magnifying n,Jrrrs aro You heed to see to rip- a wonder. Ask nto Fre predate. theta. Post (',ted Albn,ris Teddy Dears frost 15, Io $I. Don't. 14‘)Away wit"?ens. These little toys ore I j Ute )deafest fun ;no- 1 (hied(' for children you Liquid „ted Powder, I ever saw lie to $:3.e0 1 Carne to Hooey's if von want varletv, also TUI- ' let. \Niters. COOK Wheat and Orta wanted. FIowey's Drug Store N. i).. last Friday. the funeral being shed. large drive house and vtabte, 4 h •id Friday evening in th • (1;; ,r1 house vias 0 care ,treat and tie large audience was pleased with th hieh class of entertainment andovt•ry number on the progr.un was received witti n,er•ted applause. Master Doa:g- las `;t afilm ry. the ten -year-old boy Contralto was. 'the feature of she warning :mud those who failed In hear ilas talented ginger. missed :1 treat worth enure than the price of admis- sion. i)ouglas is po-s,e•+s, rl of a clear Contralto voice. and with his ,elear• articujolion holds his audi, nee every minute. 11, gave four numbers in two of ohieh were duetts. his mother assisting him. bliss Lilian .Elliott. of altralia. oho is always n favar- 11 ss,th Exeter audiences app at:d three times, and sash of her lumbars avert, heartily cnrhored. bliss Nin: Kinsman made her first app. trams. as a vocalist before an andieuc Stec possesses a sweet voice and no doubt oil! he heard more in the fu- ture. Ed. .1. tChrislie eist:tined h No pap r cin b• {,ubli•hed without reputation as ,i vocalist and his nuns home patronage, and every ratan is in- her "1 want to do as i please" mot 1e•rested in keeping up ► hom:' piper. oil)) a hearty enchore, Percy Gillies If a railroad or factory is 0 ant: d. gave "\Then the old hill wheel ill h • Iwo spaper.4 are supposed to %aork turning" in gond voiee. Mts. \Neid,rl- ,or it. If a leibl,c meeting i- want- hnnrner furnish. d the e•locutiontry, d ;or ,uy purpose. the neo -pip •r is piri of the program. and was .1 do,stil Ca11,d upon forfree notice. if for moo numbers. batt so well was ah•, any of Ih,• societies have :i sipper or r c, v'd (tett sh^ found :t nco,s.arc reception of any kind. tn.• r.55.1.iper to r •pond to s v••ral enchnres b for., is sup{,n.,d to give the nrcrvtry no- sh• was :alioeed :o retire. Th• \1i.. P 1.C,, 1h•• new_p:,per. must puff th, I)osw rind Moneor pleased the audience schools and everything else to ad- with their du••tt. wbit,• the quarterf. vane,. the interests of tate busin,as consisting of Messrs Senior, Kin,stnan, men of the place. and then give them ('htitti,. and '1'.iy lou made a d, eided t handsome notice oheti they pa.!h t. They were i• •rt:au ty grmd. and( away And yet cont, of thein dot -hnuld keep up ill Sr Rood wo: k. On. no:hing 10 k rep gip th • horn. p•ip,r• t pl as'n: feature o: th ev •niog''s en - A great offer to new subseribertr� I• rnainni,•nt was ,h, aAsenee of a The Times and 1'atni'y I1,•r1'd and l ch•airman, each number following i:• �. \Neck:y Star from raw till Jan 1910Cil live order. Rev, R. F. Sh iris, for 'f\VENTY-FIVE CENTS. This of - opened the program with , short ad- EXETER. fer is good to points in Canada only. dress. after which the artists looked after the program. lour AND Feed An Good Kinds of Flour and Feed kept on hand Bran and Shorts Sold by the 'Foo. Wheat taken in cxcharage for Flour and Oats taken in exchange for Oatmeal. Rivers - ONTARIO. ICalendars Local View Calendars at 1:a: others at. Inc HOW EY'S Watcombe Pottery The finest lin.. of 014 ('„o„t ry Tea `3r is ever shown, nt low prices. Kodaks Why not give a nice little Brownie Camera to your young friends for Xmas. A world of amusement for from $2.01 to $12 00 also Kodak Albums Kodak Calends Brushes week! ecial line for Xmas in hair, Cloth. Hat Brushes, ('ore In and see them.Pocket Combs Nice linefor gentle- men 15c and 2.e. Razors Rnzr,r•5 ft run the best makers. Raz. r St rope Fil•nving Soap. Cream of Reties fot• Yfte r- ing can't be i' Perfume Atomizers Ieia(1141 sttwles, Big aa- erwm tment 5)e to $2.00 .1 DRUG STORE 1'IIONE 5(1 EX El kit, ONT, ! When 1look ow'•r the misty ptst h r, If. 1 h e,ws,4 0101111.1 on .:h., ' that Fes in ef, rat'I shade, rcgr.ls 014 .I Bel u , %%Jule Coil) •t+ w, reg Cont.. ever we f h ek and fall, regrets :11 I b • fold . 1 always loaded myself far t h b: enk• 1'vc mad 1 fooled with brass %, hit others ed.. allot :sway rn:1117 Rnld.•n (•oars. •:a Ihough 1 gold. And env, nIa•, 1 in Ih,• yellow I have y.„r• to burne end out of Ib it l 1.1. I'm b ,•ted and down 11 Fee[ he, i gather l(';: Jut 1h,• jay• do std i could let out a yell of grief nor r 1111 ti. Dant•• For1ii11,• knoekecla Ihat would make soar Flood congeal. at my Inimbl,• door, with honors fame i Hut atw:,7 from th•• moldy pas 1 turn Natl pelf but 1 turned in bed svithl lo th, future glad and free, to tbe a lazy rotor, and told her to chase' skies above where 1 he red stars burn. and you won' t hear a howl from me. iAilik