Exeter Times, 1909-12-02, Page 7-4
a 14-1 1-1 1 I1 -t i 1- t I-t••t•1-•i• 14-t{
New DIrglble Torpedo Will Carry a
Ton of Dynamite.
That latest and most terrible en-
gine of naval warfare, the new dir-
gible torpedo whose movements are
controlled by wireless telegraphy,
carries a charge of 1,0a0 pounds --
not far short of a ton—of dynamite.
What this means call be faintly im-
agined, when it is remembered that
u em-
largest dirgible torpedoes
i,loyed up till now carry less than
200 pounds. Yet the results obtain-
ed with these and others of even
smaller size, have been sufficiently
Thus, the very first torpedo of the
modern dirgible type that was ever
used in warfare, which contained a
FIVE I1CC 1 (i�►.) Slut!) of S Idris Insturbanees Mak-
ing Great Strides.
BUT G OT \ 0 It 1:1.11:1' 1 x'1'11, 11.: The study of earthquakes is said
Modern Methal; Dispose a of the l• aE U U ll 11's h 1 U N i:1 t,. have been pursued most diligent -
as p PILLS. ly in Japan and in Italy. The dis-
c Y Grose Instead of Tr�atiag the — [livery which led to the establish-
M414.•i-1-1••L.t.•i•.i•-1-i' I-•i••1-1.1••t-1-t-itrent of observatories, furnished
Sylnpt111113- R'ondcrful ('Itrt' of .1. 1'. Richard, v.ith delicate instruments for re -
11 ho was 't oil end i►y I:heliuia- c•,rd'nL distant earthquakes, was
More and snore wide r.hbon is Neuralgia means simply "nerve due. to an accident. In 1877 a Bus -
pain," so there may be a great va- time and h iodic.[ pawn, >;elsl
being used on hats. sian astronomer noticed, while
Bus -
Kent County Talking.
There are few•e:r sucdu slippers nation in the character and inter- m)tking observations with one of
Pity of the pain and any nerve 1u l b St. Ignace, Dent Co., N. Be the levels attached to a telescope,
Awemule of tabu' the body May bo affected. There Nov.22 S )ecial
lir heti are growing larger as y (Special).—After helug that the bubble of the level was os-
.vasa❑ ttuvance3. are a norther of causes of neural-
eural 'tortured for four years with sack dilating, but anparently for no see-
but the most common is a gen oche, Rheunrttiut,_ Stillness of the Ron, hirectly, however, [hero ennlo
The all hl,ick toilet i, the reign Joints and Pains in ilio Loins, and the Wows of an earthquake at lqui-
ing favorite in Paris. c rat run-down condition Of the sys ,.
!'he shawl effect is simulated in tem. The discovery of this fact getting no relief from five doctors ,foe, which had occurred an hour
from reliable statistics led to the whom he called in, Mr. Antoine t . and a quarter before the oseilla
many of the new fur pieces. new treatment for neuralgia wh,cn bursting charge of only 50 pounds, Richard, a well known farlucl tis- tions of the instrument; and since
:►tuii a gray chiffon cloth proems consists in building up the general sufficed to destroy the fine new Tur- ing near here, is spreading the then it has been ascertained that
es to he popular for cv.'niug wear. health bythe tonic treatment and
'1'h. latest demand of fashion is kish monitor Dai-Matsin during the goad news that he is unto more a this is just the time needed for the
•i s, disposing of the cause of the Russo-Turkish War in 1877. well mon, and that he owes his cure earth waves to travel the 8.000
that t muff sltsil match the hat. trouble The Japanese during their last t(' Dodd's Kidney fills. Speaking )eakw miles between the two points. Such
\c•..:r [oust Ow si:aple Ilitle u`rei•_ . I f;
noon gown in higher favor than Persons reduced by acute swa-
IC*( war with China, used comparative- . of his wonderful cure, Mr. Richard was the beginning of what seems
Hess, yr by severe mental or physi- l\, stnall torpedoes of a very simi- I says :— to be now a highly developed at -
The muddy toned colors of last' cal strain, or by loss of sleep arc lar. type. Yet by their aid they sue -1 "I was a helpless man in July, tempt at the formation of a new
season are iittle seen in present frequently victims of neuralgia and c,,eded in sinking the great iron -;1007. I'or four years I had endue- science.
styles. I it is come-on in the case of those clad Ting -Yuen, the pride of the ed the greatest torture from Rack ?'
suffering from anaemia or blood -i (hineso Navy.I ache. Rheumatism, Stiffness of the r
Hatpin, with ball shaped tops of lessuesw. This brings us to the ac- j On July 3rd, 1850, the Chilian 'Joints and Pains in the Loins. 1 POULTRY.
fill .
gun metal are to be had in several
i , eralia
tualcause ofneuralgia, which is We call the attention of our read -
sizes transport Loa was destroyed in Cal- had dark circles under my eyes, my
Fiches and shawl draperies are , nerve starvation. The blood which Lao Harbor by anon-di rgible. tor -head ached and I it'as offer dizzy. ers to the advertisement of Gunn,
seen on many of the handsome ev- ,
in normal i►caTth carries to the pedo concealed in a fruit boat, I I was attended by fire doctors, but Langlois i¢ Co., Montreal, which
ening trucks. nerves all of their nourishment, is which carried a bursting charge of not one of them could help me.
appears elsewhere in this paper. If
unable to porforns this duty satis- 30Cpounds of dynamite. This w•as' "Then I began to use Dodd's Kid Y°' have any poultry to place on
Heavy serge and the old -fashion- '
ell poplins are exceedingly smart for factor ily when it is weak or impure. the biggest quantity that up till Hey Pills and after the first few the market during the holiday sea
tailored suits. Build up the blood and the neural then bad been used in naval war- doses I bean to improve. I used son, take their advice and commu-
nicate with them before rushing
The fashionable stationery is in nerves became better nourished. fare, and the effect was terrible. 'four buses in all and now I am ,
soft shades with hemstitched her_Not only was the Loa herself blewn ; working every day on the farm a floods to market. It is a good plan
tiers of white. Ur. Williams' Pink Pills arc a •f , bits, with the loss of 150 men out will man. I owe my wonderful cure to write to these people if you have
Wings and ears made, of ribbon
blood -making tonic, and for ►-..s of her crew .of 200, but every house t'p Dodd's Kidney Pills and nothing eggs, butter, poultry or honey to
aro among the trimmings to be used reason euro even the most obstin in Callao was shaken to its founds- else." ;dispose of at any time, as they are
ate cases of neuralgia. Every dose tions, and the ships in the harbor There is no ease or kind of Kid known to be a very reliable house.
x, on fall millinery. of this medicine makes new, rich
fiome of the late winter hat mod blood, which feeds the starved 'rocked to and fro as from an earth Hey Disease that Dodd's Kidney
els show the use of silk ribbons k.
veins and drives out the sharp, duper shschowever, the most stns- I ills will not cure. He (fiercely)~' \We dont need
woven with gold threads.that rug any more than a cat needs
darting, stabbing pains of neural .
While sontache braid is holding Kia Mrs. John Tihert, Little Itis 'ng example of what can be accom- PHILOSGPI11 OF LUCKgh. two tails. How often have I told
its own, rattail braid is growing ex- er, N, S., says :—"A few years ago a -1 losivelished �fired in close a heavy t contactge of rto — thing ,i�necaua�dear,
it's cheap?" buy any-
ceedingl; popular. I was a great sufferer from neural- 1. Ile on Lookout for Good, it Rill
Colored plumes are worn againan ironclad's bottom, was afforded (with an air of one who has got the
on black hats, being chosen, of Kia in my head and face. At times by the destruction o {the Petro'pav- Surely Colne to You. better of the argument)—"But it
the attacks were simply excruciat-lovsk duringthe Russo-Japanese (Every petp wasn't cheap, mylove; it coste$20.''
course, to match the gown. ing, and I would be forced to re
p woman has her super -
Mother of pearl and jet form a\tar. This splendid vessel was the stitions. -- -
main in bed. I tried doctors'medi-
Something, to her, stands;
combination seen in seine of the cines, put did not receive any belie-
flagship of the Russian Admiral for luck—a horseshoe picked up, I An Always Ready Pill.—To those
newest buckles and pins. (1' until I began using Dr. \Williams' lliakaroff, and was first-class in ev- a four -leafed clover ft und, a pin 1 of regular habit medicine is of little
Muffs, all of which are enormous, !'ink Pills, and I am happy to say cry respect. Yet she was blown up gathered up from the floor, a block concern, but the great majority of
are apparently to be used as much that the benefit I received from and sunk with the greatest ease by cat straying into the house, a birth- men are not of regular habit. The
in evening is in daytime. these was wonderful. I may also a contact mine containing 500 lbs. day stone, a lucky date or number, worry and cares of business pre -
Trimmings which dangle and add that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ; of dynamite. ' etc. She believes by definite ex- vent it. and nut of the irregularity
swing in the most bewitching swag cured my daughter of anaemia and And now nearly four times this amples, and in this she is usually of life comes dyspepsia, indigestion,
will adorn gowns and wraps this I indigestion, at a time when we be- quantity is to be used, and in die- correct. \Vhat she calls luck has liver and kidney troubles as a pro -
winter• gun to dispair of her getting bet -
torpedoes. The next naval really corse to her the very day or test. The run-down system de-
'nce plain skirt is seen no more ter. I can highly recommend these war ought to witness a big mortal- week in which she found the horse- mantis a corrective and there is
except for strict tailormades, and , Pills to anyone suffering from these , ity amongst Drerinoughts, shoe or put on the birthday ring. novo batter than Parmclee's Vege
here the long jacket conceals the troubles." �•— It is not mere 'coincidence. It has table Pills. They are simple in their
bare dress. i You can get Dr. Williams' Pink $ A RELIABLE MEDI(INB happened as she says. The only compositinn and can be taken by
The smartest, thing in gloves are 1 Pills from any dealer in medicines! FOR ALL CHILDREN thing she. fails to see is just why the most delizately constituted.
white glace kind, with [bice side ' or they will be sent by mail at 50 and how it has happened, says Har -
strands of heavy black embroidery
down the back. by The Dr. Williams'Medicine Co., iv safe. This medicine is as good The most important thing in life you don't use 1
`Silks which have all over figures Brockville, Ont. for the new born babe as the well is one's attitude toward it. To the or so in a month." He—"I have PA P E STO C
oven into the fabric have their _ wren attitude lite brings thought of it,mum, hut there's so
owe special narr.e this season. They r grown child. It contains no opiate g R nothing. K
\\ AN'I IUL. 01 poisonous stuff. The mother who To the right attitude it brings ev- many kinds of soap, an' it's so
ere called Falzunnc' gives this medicine to her child has orything• The blind doctrine of luck hard to tel which is and which is Air's (tags, iron, Metals. Ruhb, re. t:te.
Ruffles appear on the left side of A woman seldom has any time to the guarantee of a government an- ix the handmaid of this clear truth. not injurious to the skin that 1
some of the oihe raise tailored be thankful for the things she has alyst that these statements arc The woman who finds afour-leaved don't like to take any risks." E.
blouses—giving a dainty and dis-because of the many other things true. This is worth something to clover and is convinced that lifeI
she wants. ! every mother for Baby's Own Tab- holds something pleasant for her in l
lets is the Only medicine that is sold the immediate future gets at once
Boon for the Bilious. - -
A BoTho Tinder such a guarantee. The Tab- into the right attitude. She looks
Mr. Poultry Producer
,��.� waar•�
WE HAVE NOTHING TO ADO to our advice of last wee k.
WE REPEAT : " Don't utsh )otr Poultry on to the ntar.ct he!.we quality
and conditions s:arrant."
WRITE US •or our special instructions co\erinb Killing, Plucking, l'acL.ng,
l{t c.
GET THE BENEFIT of our 35 years experience for the asking.
IT � II Ia 1P..LY c V.
r CO.,r C rnada's largest Pr, Wise
dor Baby's Sake
Exercise rare. Those who buy unknown
brands of Ca...lensed ati,k for the baby. b.• -
cause of the. saving o' a few cents, may find
the experiment a costly one. The o, 'y brao-i
especially prepared ler infant feeding i.
Borden's Eagle Brand
Condensed Milk
%VM. H. DUNN, Agent
. M9 1RI-AL.
t. -
•a . - .. ,.ve.ie best':'• Y. -... - • .. .- . •x.
Your hl.,od has become thin and weak.
The drain ur r your al stern the past {eve
months has t, :•n very great. You are con.
sequently feeling " all out of sorts" and
"run dawn." Your aPpetlte is had and
you hardly have enough energy le!t to do
your daily duties. You should take
t'S'i'CH1NE, the greatest cf Tonics, with.
out d -lay. Thu will put you on your feet
at once.
Gentlemen !.."I have used PSYCI LINE
and 1 do think it a the grs•ate<t tonic and
system builder known. i would advise all
wh , are run-do,.n or physically weak to
use PSYCH' NE." Yours truly, Mrs. Jas.
B-rt:.nd, West Toronto.
If rex are weak PSTCHINE wfl maize roe these.
F.A. Sala by all Druggists & Dealers, SOC. A 11
per kettle.
at,d al. kind. of lo a,- h'u g:or•, al,'
[write to •:a abilt )oars.
'cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 Baby's Own Tablets are absolute- per's Bazaar. She (to beggar)—"It's a wonder
s sea) and water once A GREAT DEM, ND FOR
tinctly feminine touch.
Pretty blouses of Japanese silk,
trade with Dutch collars, are list
ed among the desirables belonging liver is a very sensatdve organ and lets cure such ailments as indiges-, out for something gond to cone
to thefeminine wardrobe '1 deranged. W this
Kahn are heavy ottoman s11k there is undue scerchon of bile and and teething troubles, destroy
buttons will he in good style and the acrid liquid flows into the sto- worms, break up colds and thus
lured and worsted cloth bone but- mach and sours it. It is a most prevent deadly croup. Sold by me -
tons will hs consistered correct. distressing ailment. and many are dieine dealers or by mail nt 23 cents
The filet of black velvet about half prone _to it. In this condition a a box from The Dr. Williams' Me-
an inch wide, and finished with a man finds the best remedy in ear- divine Co., Brockville, Ont.
tiny bow either in front or to one melee's Vegetable Pills, which are —
side, is seen a great deal. I warranted to speedily correct the ! ,
For between scaions there are disorder. There is no better inedi- ! DIRESSING OULfRY.
mime beautiful black silk hats made cine in the entire list of pill pre • The manner in which poultry is
upon frames. Here satin and moire, parations. i deessed determines largely the price
ottoman and bengaline are equally ' ---- it w
ill bring in market. All in-
conspicuous. Brown --"Let us cross the street. I looking specimens, ragged and
Marquisette, which is used for ( i see Smith coming, and 1 don't torn, will he passed by for a bet -
dressy blouses. launders well and want to meet hint. I owe hits a lit -ter appearing bird by nine people
has a d: tided air. It is gaining In tie money." Robinson --"You're out of ten, even though the hard-
Fopnlnrit as the season draws to all right here. He'll cross the. looking specimen MAW in reality bo
a larger and fatter bird. It is not
a hard matter to dress them to loo(
neat, and as the price is what all
A Liniment for the Logger. — growers are after it pays to do
Loggers lead a life which exposes the work well.
them to many perils. Wounds, The bird should have had access
cuts and bruises cannot he aro- to neither food nor water fbr
gcthcr avoided in preparing timber twenty-four hours, and should be
for the drive and in river work, caught carefully so as not to bruise
where wet and cold combined are it or badly frighten it. This is eas-
or daily experience coughs and colds ily done in darkening the pinee
where they are confined, or catch-
ing with a crook. similar to the
el:1-tune shepherd's crook.
Suspend the bird, with a double-
edged poultry knife cut each side
I drink, writes lir. F. N. Burn, in of the throat to sewer the jugular,
('hantbers's Journal. i also put Kindly mention the name of this then up and backward through the
a little salt. with sugar and milk, pe. per in is riling to ad4ell iseri. roof of the mouth into the brain
in every cup of tea, coffee or cocoa - -- - to destroy the sense of pain. l'laee
I use.
tri •call c orange len scenes
tion, colic, constipation, diarrhoea, 'along, and so she sees it and grasps
it. If she had not found the clover
and had gone dully and fretfully'
along instead, she would never have t
noticed the pleasant thing at all.
That is the whole psychology of
luck. It seems too simple to be If a roan never has any use for a
true—but really its simplicity is its d•,( -tor he hasn't much of a kick
sign manual of verity. "ming.Expect good, look for good, be-
lieve in good—and life becomes ! Often what appear to he the most
good and grows ever better.
WATER G.1I'Gi•: itI•ItST.
C. P. R. Fireman Badly Scalded.
its height. ( street as soon as he sees us. He
Irish crochet is seen on all the ;owes int money."
cloth and silk gowns, and insets of
Irish crochet, large as well as
stnall, ornament some of the waists
of cotton crepe.
Dancing slippers, whether of pat-
ent leather or .1 velvet, now have
several straps leer the, instep, each
decorated in some manner with
beads or tinsel.
1 have in the past seven or eight
yr ars found the advnntage of put-
ting a little salt in all the water
and muscular pains cannot but en-
sue. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil
when applied to the injured or ad-
ministered to the ailing, works
FOR LI f 1' a hook in lower beak, with a
I have been a resident in the! Ioardieg Mistre ss --- "Is there ; weight attached, and begin to pick
tropics for over forty years, and anvthing wrong with that egg, Mr. I at the wings as these cool quickest.
except ter a sprained ankle have Fourper l 1 see you are according The breast feathers come off very
Basion to call in a doe- • it n very critical examination." l easily, and there is small need of
t, tc ke any medicine in the Mr. Ftwrper---"Oh. net, any- tenting the skin if care is exercised.
last .,tirty years. I believe every . thing wrong with the (gg. Mrs. When picked remove from hook,
one's Its alt -b i'i the tropics would Skirpem. I was jest looking for
be very much better if 1►e used more the wishbone, that's all.
salt. I find the benefit of drinking-
hunhler t,f cold water with a lit- Sick H
tle salt in it every morning on tis eadaehes
ing at about 5 o'clock. before my arc not caused M *nothing wrong
In the head. but by constipation.
hath •,r cap of cocoa, which I tuft• hlliouf,ntss and indigestion. Read -
1:11y take between 5.30 and 6. ache powders or tablets may dead -
If people could he induced to try • en. but cannot cure them. Dr.
the raas' and cheat) method of talc- Norst's Indian R,a,t Pile do core
ing a little common salt with the rick headache in the sensible way
v.ater they drink. they would in Inc
generality of cases find that they
would scldem require tither medi-
A man can afford to lout Ill- vw'n
is tile horn of t,Zlcnty.
by reroofing the cnn.tlpatton of
sick stomach which carped them. a4 compact a shape as possible.
Dr. M-irse•. Indian Ro.,t Pills are Thisives them a plumpar-
pnreir a.ttctaele free from any g a Pik
and, where the market requires it,
tut off the bead and draw the skin
over the stump and tie neatly,
remove entrails, cutting as small a
piece around the vent as possible.
Where head and entrails are left
simply wash all blood from the
beak. Press wings and legs close
to body and tie a string around
to hold them. See that feet and
shanks are clean and cool then in
armful drug. fate and sure. When once. and they also pack for ship -
},11 ftrl the headrohe coming lake trent much better.
Dr. Morse's Indian -
Root Pi I I s it., much easier to lay plans than
t , hatch thele out.
Mrs. Robert E. Peary, r:wre loan n.ne
fears ago. favorably comms-n'tvlon Marine
ye 1te,utiy after Its anpLcation i • h••r
Family for Eye Troubles resulting trona
Measles and Scarlet Fever. and later re.
commended to the famous Ex,do•.•r, too
Man who now returns home :,s the Discos,
errr of the North Pole. Cold, Cutting
Winds and Duet rause Rc•t, Ve: k. iyaterr
Eyes. Murine Eye Remedy affords Re-
liable Relief. Write {Larose Eye Remedy*
Co.. ('hicrgo., for illustrated Eye Rooke
Murillo, 50c.. by Mail from All Druggists.
C. P. R. firemnn, Geo. H. Duffus• nd coughs with BIeklo's Antl-
who lives in Robertson Street, Fa
elt nnsumptive Syrup, the recognir.-
WillianT, while on his engine near ed remedy for all affections of the
Westford happened with a nasty throat and lungs.
accident. Tire water gauge of the
locomotive burst and scalded the The average man is either (lis -
left side of his face and head terribly ..r.tiafied with what ho has or with
"It so hnppenrti,"said "tiff" to „hat he lia-,n't.
our representative, that 1 had a _- ___
box of ''/.am -Bok in my pocket. All Thus Sabin of Eglington. says:
I used fora sore on my lit,, and "i have removed ten corns from my
when I had recovered from the first fret with Holloway's Corn Cure."
shock of the accident. 1 produced Reader. go thou and do likewise.
the halm and had it applied freely - __-
t,, the scalded parts. ..1t. the tune, Kindly mention the name of this
paper in writing to advertisers.
"Let me see," mused the young
trivial occurrences of life prove to
be the most momentous. Many aro
disposed to regard a cold as a slight
thing. deserving of little consider-
ation, and this neglect often results
in most serious ailments entailing
years of suffering. Drive out colds
I applied it 1 was suffering acute
agony. but within a wonderful short
time Znrn-Bak gave me ease. I wns
able to continue my journey, and
upon reaching home I obtained
more Zinn -link and continued the man in the parlor scene, "I have
treatment. It acted wonderfully Leen courting you for about three
well, and in a few days had the years. haven't 1 I"
wound nicely healing. I don't "Yes, I believe sn."• replied the
know anything so fine as a healer I atient maid.
of burns, scalds. cuts, and similar "Well," he continued, "I think I
injuries which workers are so liable have made love to you long enough.
to; and in my opinion a box of Tam- Let's get married."
Bilk should be kept bandy in every
worker's home."
For burns, cuts. scalds. bruises ec-
zema, piles ulcera. ring -worms, itch,
,altrheum, had leg, festering sores.
chapped places. cold -sores, frost-
bites, and all skin injuries raid dis-
eases, Zam-Bak is beyund doubt a
most marvellous cure.
Oruggites and stores sell at 50
cents :t box and the Tem -Bilk Co.,
Toronto, will mail a hex. post free,
upon receipt of price, to any of our
Horne people look upon t:.e ship
of state as a political band u ag-
geld for fres sample to
Clonal Orua a CnsnItcal
Dept. W. L ,
Co.. Toronto.
AdeIalde and M sad Sts.,
f Toronto, Ont.
Phone for particulars Main 4693.
.061 J •.
I till - 1 r" �Oe;; 5\
662 TIe•PIn, Chased, Crescent, and
genuine Baroque Pearl.
906 Rlrg. well cut Ruby. with fine Opal.
929- Rirg, set alts, S Rubles.
1002- Brooch. strorg, well•fir,lshed,
with sparkling Brilliants.
Above ate guaranteed heavy gold tailed
foods. Sr nt pre' aid on receipt of mire.when ordering fling + measure angerwitb a
thick piece of parer.
nose f_7
rlteXlZiii'S adit..IIC
div y'eIt n ) !:•.,,
r 1 erns t•,
troll' on to twenty
minutes For Head
tette1s ek Or new
oust. Toothache,
Ne•irallrla. Rhea
ntatb,m. l ai mbago.
,alis In the back,
erne or kidneys.
rains around the
liver. pleurisy,
swellings of the Jot ate, and
pat n• of all kin is. use
"Tho man who scatters the seeds
nv kindness don't need to worry
about the cultivation ; the crop will
take keer uv itself."
Mother Graves' Worm Extermin-
ator has no equal for destroying
worms in children and adults. See
that you get the genuine when pur-
"But why did you leave your
last place'?" the lady asked of the
would-hc conk.
"To tell the trt.th. mum," said
Sara I. "I just couldn't stand the
way the master an' the missus used
to quarrel. mum."
"Dear me i Do you mean 1n env
that they actually dared to quar.rl
—and before the servants?"
"Why, ycs, mum, all the time.
When it wasn't me an' hien, non,
V., was me an' her."
A man must have a certain
nmount of wisd.rn in order to rea-
lize what a fool he is.
Are women's rights likely
Ns• rake children's wrongi'
will enable you to imurove your
education. Our lessons by mail will help
you to study to advantage. Wo teach Com-
mercial work, Public and high School
subject.., Steam Engineering, sn-eliameal
Drawing, Journalism, Agriculture. Stock
Raising. and 100 other courses. A -k for
what you need. Canadian Oorrcanx,u,lenee
College. Limited, Dent. K., Toronto. Can-
A good position is guaranteed to
every person who completes our
Shorthand and Typewriting Course.
Our excellent modern facilities enable
one to finish such a course in a very
short time. Nrite for particulars to
British -American Business College
'T. M. WATSON. Principal.
man to sell direct to farmers. Goa
seller. Every farmer wants one. 70%
profit. Experience valuable but unneces-
sary. Postal today brings particulars.
Charles Adams, Sarnia, Ont.
No srr.nrin,. rubbing or polishing regrind.
Just dip the silver iu warn water c„utaining •
small amount of Elect res silver Clta ger and wipe
on towel. Alt tarnish. pease and ,lift instantly
rerttr..ed. Makes oldest sitter as bright a, new.
('an 1.e used for eheape.t plate and finest sterling.
Cannot harm silver in any way. sen•i thirt> eight
cents for full -sited package. Useful tsou.ehold
a•t,e'e Filen tree for a few minuted of your time.
t'•.•k horn \lams{:.et tiring Co.. Brantford, Us.t trio'
• buy or sell Stocks will re.rr'e my
Personal attention. S. M. Mathes.. Brok-
er, 43 Scott St.. Toron.o.
drr'+AL VES Rs:se Thee without Milk
ft,•.klot I'rv••
Steele. 11r,rgs Seed Co„ Ltd., Toro t: ,40n11.
D ::FECTIVE IIEARINC °' Win° ''y the
of the marvel. of the ele••trioal"sst.cn 10 '110
thr.•.ghout thn world. Write for cit,!ogne.
General Acoustic Co., of Canada, Ltd , PIS gunge
Sit . Toronto.
Do you trap or buy
Purr I am' anada'e
largest dealer, l pay
highest prices. Your
shipment.. solicited.
1 pay mall and ex-
press charges- remit
promptly. Also largest dealer to Hoe(hidee,
Sheepskins, etc. Q•wtatior,sand shei i n: tags
sent free. t►
Cosh lOf Turey Fea1Her.S
We buy Wing and Tail Turku
Feathers. Write for prices.
H. W. Nelson 4 Co., Toronto, On!
Dressed Pouttry
Market Prices Guaranteed
Ship by Express and Ad.n..
J. A. Mclean Pr o iuc9 Co.
74 to 76 Front St. East, Toronto
Mamma ---'`1 ani delight•'d at the
interest my boy is taking in his
writing. He spends two hours a
day at it."
Visitor—"Really 1 How strancol
How did you get him to do it e.
1 told hien t•, w rit6
Inc out a list of everything he wants
for his birthday, and he's sill et
it "
I S 11 INO. I We.