HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-12-02, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES, DEC. 2nd 1908 Purchased Blacksmith Business Having purchased the Blacksmith business from Mr. Alonzo Hodgins, 1 am prepared to do all kinds of Black- smith Work for the General Public and respectfully solicit the patronage of the Old Customers of the shop and many new ones. I am sure we can give you entire satisfaction. "Horse Shoeing a Specialty" Dan Ma©Isaac. ONTARIO, 411111111fr CREI►ITON, Pur6hscd I31d6SIll1th Having purchased the blacksmith property and business of MR. A. E. Pv t, near the Town Hall I am prepared to do all kinds of Blacksmith Work for the General Public, and respectfully solicit the patronage of all the Old Customers of the Shop and many New Ones. I believe we can give you entire satisfaction. Yours, David Russell. Crediton 'Mr. Gorge II. nedfor.:, returned Tuesday from Wilficld, where h! operated a tbresbr during the pit few month.,. Ile will remain here until the first of the year when be expects to resum" his position with the Goodison Corn., at Sarnia. Having sold out my Ilorse-sho.•int; snd 'Blacksmith business I desire to thank 'the public and surrounding country for the large patronage which has 'been given me those many years I have been doing business with you. I will 'Mill tie found with my old friend 'Thomas Trevethick handling our celebrated cutters rend sleighs. Our !stock will be complete In a few days It will be n pleasure Ito us to Bu$11165sat have you callour show rooms and inspect our stock. We have never shown u finer assortment, no trouble to show you :them whether you buy or not.. A call solicited. Yours Sincerely Alonzo Ilodgins. Mr. and Mrs. S. Brown spent Sun- day in Zurich the guests of Mt'. and Mrs. J. 1'reeter. Mi. Garnet Baker, of Tendon, spent Sunday in town visiting friends. Dr. McCue Spent a few days in Tor- onto last week visiting his brother. The inert feints of Crediton aro pre- paring for the holiday trade . Pros- pective Christmas shoppers will do s• ell Jo well to ascertain what they can get at home beim e• they send or carry their money to boost other towns. if your merchant has not in stock exactly what you want, the rea- son perhaps is, that his experience has been discouraging. Perhaps he has had complete up-to•date stocks of cer- tain lines which he offered at prices as low as any. Perhsps they were goods just such as yon wanted to buy and did buy, but you did not buy from him. You sent your money to the city stores. Others like you did the same. Your storekeeper found him- self at the end of the season with a large portion of his stock on hand. Next season this stock was out of date and he could not bell it all. He lost. money trying to accommodate you. You did not appreciate his efforts to serve you and lost ,honey instead of making a profit. His expenses must be paid somehow and cannot afford to sell you other goods as cheaply as he could if you favored him with all your trade instead of just depending upon him for such goons, the securing of which entailed ntucb trouble and expense. You expect your merchant to be at your service with a full stock of goods at prices as low as any when you feel like patronizing him, but you forget all the favors he has done you in this way. when you take the notion into your head that your money is yours and you can buy ;where you like. Of course you caii. but are you doing justice to yourself and your town when you send your money a- way from hornet Try and build up the town. Miss Edna Brock. of Exeter, is vis- iting a few days with her sister firs . Bert Clark. Miss Gladys Eseery. of Centralia. spent Tuesday in town visiting with friends. Mrs. 'McCue spent n few days at Centralia visiting friends. Miss Alma Hill spent Mondry with (fends in Exeter. Mr:. Sarni. Brown left Tuesday for ifrrlitl, where she will visit friends and relatives. The Misses Wolfe spent Monday in Exeter on business. Rev. Fear, of Exeter. occupied the p rlpit in the Methodist church f3nn- d':y morning and ltev. Yelland in the evening. Mr. NViliiam Brown and lough; r of Dashwood. spent Tuesday in tots:r visiting his brother Barney. The children are being k pt busy practising for the Christmas enter- tainm nt. Mr. Norman Holtzmann and Mr. At Wolfe left Tuesday ,morning for Sar - &a. where they have accepted posi- trons. Mr. Adrian Coughlin r•pent Sunday in Centralia visiting his parents. Miss Lillian Robinson. of Exeter, spent a few days in tow-tl with fritierd9 iligninimmSWISansile 1 CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. has the reputation of being the beet practable training school in Canada. Thorough courses have prodced results. Business Been say our gradu- ates are thio best and they ap- ply to us for office help. Our graduates succeed as none other. Three Departments— Commercial, Shorthand , an Tielegraphy. Enter at once. Write for our free catalogue. ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN, Have You Seen � Them • 2 2 2 Z Principals. • N♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦e♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Manure Litters 1 Beatty Bros.' Feed and Litter Carriers Overhead Conveyors. Beatty Bros.' Steel Stalls & Stanchions can he installed as cheap as lumber and last forever. Beatty Bros.' Load Binder These tbree things are grea labor -savers for farmers and necessities cn a farm. For sale by W. T. Gillespie Phone 51. 0000 Exeter • NVe have already turned out many smart Winter Suits. HAVE you seen theni? HAVE you noticed the new fabrics we are displaying? HAVE you noticed the Character we are putting into our NVinter Suits? HAVE you noticed how well they fit? When some of your friends tell you their Suits were made by Holtzman, ex- amine their clothes closely. Notice every detain about them. The style, the fit. the linings. the finish is differ- ent. Our customers are proud of the clotnes we turn out for them, they tike to compare our clothes with other makes. It you are not already ac• quainted with Our Clothes ask some of your friends about them, they will gadly "put you wise" that we KNOW HOW to make clothes at reasonable prices. J. H. Holtzmann CREDITON. THE BEST CHRISTMAS GIFT. Every parent who swishes to make the family happy should order as n Xmas gift the beautiful picture, "The Soul's Awakening." given with "The Family llerald and Weekly Star" of 'Montreal. One dollar will pay n whole year's subscription to that best of nil weeklies and a copy of the beautiful picture. Every home will he the better of both the paper and picture. A dollar sent now will bring yon the picture before Christmas and you will never regret it. "We are only little ones, but we know Buk eased our pain and cured our sores. haps it would cure you, too, if you tried Isn't this sound advice trorn "babes and '.u, kiin;;s?'f.ke it! The speakers aro the chiidra.•n Mrs. 1.. 11'eb,tcr, of Scvn,our A(ontre il, and the mother adds toe ght t.) thi•ir appeal. She says : " My litre girl contracted scalp d case -at sell • 1. Rad gatherings _ 1 over her head, and not on y •'au tel the child acute pain but made her v. y ill. The sc,res discharged, and occurring on the scalp we feared she would lose all her hair. She was in a pitiable plight when we tried 7,anl•13uk, Zatn- Per- it ? " hut a few day.' treatment with this i,alm retie her ease. Then the ores ha c in to hea', and we con• tnucd the Zam lluk treatment. in a short tirnesire was quite healed. "Mv little hey sustained a seri- ous scald on the neck. It set up a bad sore, and quite a fr w thing; we tried failed to heal it or give h.rn case.. Once more Ise Its -nee: t.) Zam-Buk, and we were not disappointed. It acted like a charm in drawing away the pain, and soon healed the wound." 7am.ltuk is "something different" in th' way of balms. It contains powerful healing her hal essences, which, as scam as applied to skin diseases, kill off the germs and end the painful smarting. p,her, essences c nt.sinsd t ere so stimulate the cell: that new healthy tissue is size lily firmed. Eczema. it. h, ulcers, cold sores, abscesys, festering sores, blood poisoning. chronic wounds, cold cracks, etc., are healed and caret in this way. Use it for all skin injuries and diseases it is also of great service for piles. All chemists and st •res at So cent, box, or lam -Bok Co., Toronto. FR1:I: BOX :rid n, 1 Bent stamp for vet - age. an.i we wilt mail tr:a1 box tree. Mention th1.. s. S. Na. 11 STEPiHEN. 1'ollott it,R is the !•sport of S. 144 No. 11 Se phen. based on exam`. for the month of November. Names arc in ord.•r of merit. Jr. iV.!Cbas. Step- han. Sr. ill. Laura Stephan. Francis leifond. .Ir. Ii1: Emma Zeller, Jo II La fond, trent. Willert. tlthellard rfitep- h tie Sr. 11. Ire rretrcan, Olive t Vil- h rt. .Ir. 11. Henry lleifond, Willie Stephan. i't. 11. Ecrott I.afoud. Myr- tle tt'ille•rt. Pt. L. ter. .Eddie Greb, Otto Stephan. Amos [Stephan. Pt. 1. ir. ata•rill:r Willert. Ade•:st [mined. No on roll e2, average 19. 'R. X. Keyei, Teacher. 96 One yenr ngo, Mr. George se Wakeman was ear,iing about SRN) per year ae fartn laborer. ▪ o Now he is enrning at the rate + 0,0 of tlnxr_' per year. ,ae at our 13tl5I11s'os College 'nide the d►f- ▪ • ference. Was it a good investment? Ile thinks so. lis address is New Osgoode, Sack. • mFour crntrses: t'IIEI'.\N.\Te►1iV, CONMEn('t.\t. oc 'TENoon.sPAV, TRI.I:OKAt'IIV :• o r• m Enter any time. individual instruction. Write for par- ticulars. 1 if Clinton Business I- College se Jt. (ie,. Spot ten. lf'rincipnl. e. BUY YOUR HOLIDAY CIFTS CHRISTMAS CATALOGUE AND SAVE MONEY IT IS MAILED FREE UPON REQUEST Write for our Special Jewelry Catalogue TORONTO - CANADA Grand Send Shooting is the order of the day Just now. Louis Itavelle was a Parkhill vis- itor on Monday. Mrs. W. ID. Oliver is In St. Warr:. waiting on her sister ;who is very 411. It, v. C. Baker, of Arkona, preached Educational sermons in the Methodist church here on Sunday.laat. Mr. .los. Shanow bas bis new etablc about completed and has otherwise improved the appearance of his new lot by having it fenced and levelled off. iBE•.THESDA The nnniversary services of the bit hesda Methodist Church were held Inst Sunday and notwithstanding the unfavorable weather large eon• gr:ag.'Cons listened to sexcell.htt sermons delivered by ;Rev. Itob:'rt Rieke. of Crediton. The Misses Ed. u t Foll:ck and Alice Howard anti Mr. Iferb Sou 1 hcot t assisted in the mus- ic. They hwere accompanied by Miss Jew -i• Manson. Whalen Misses Olive !fern and Ethel Iiar- vey, of •Exeter, spent Sunday here with the foriner's cousins, the Misses Pearl and lila Hern. Mrs. .1. Short, of White Oak is vis- iting with her btother Mr. J. V. Miii- `eon. Miss Hilda Gunning spent Sunday with her aunt Mrs. David Johnston, of McIntyre. Tho convention held here Net week .vas a decided success in every way. The lessons taught by Revel. Snell and Vance and Mise I)oupe were very in- structive, also the addresses given by Rev. Stevenson, of Intcan and the II- lnstrated lecture on Palestine in the time of Christ given by Rev. ('arlisle, of Intcan, was very warmly received. Mr. Carlisle, although a young man, i.: a very enthusiastic and bright speaker. Mr. and Mrs, Anthony I.amphear gave a wedding reception to their noire who was recently united in mar- t inge ar•tinge to Mr. !ferry Donor. in Michi• irate A very enjoyable time was spent by all present. Mr. and M rs. Wright visited at the Mclntyreb. S. last Sunday, Specie Nottoe. BETTER THAN SPANKING. Spanking d- not corn children of bed- wetting!. Thorn lists r ,notional muse f -r this trouble. Mrs. NI. :; :vintners, Rex SI Windsor, Ont., will send free to any mother her successful home treatment, with full instructions. Rend no money,but write her lo -day if y ur children trnnhlo you in this way. Don't blame the child, the chances ire it can't help it. This treatment also ?erect adults and need prs-plo tr,•ahlyd with urine ditlicultica by day or night. RUSSELDALE Too late for last week. IMiss Beatrice Clark is not improv- ing as rapidly as ger many friends ' would wish to hear. Mr. Wesley Balfour, who bas been in poor health for some time, is, we :ire pleased to say. improving. Miss Jennie •Itussell, before leaving to take a position as nurse in the hospital at Flint. 'Mich., was presented by the congregation of Roy's I'res- byteriati church" with n handsome suit case and Bible and nicely word- ed address. Mr.. '1t. in. Roy. feho has been un- der the doctor's cnre for some time, is now able to go out for a abure drive. Mrs. Thos, Francis has received a check for `:2000.110 trot!' tiro C. 0. C. 1'. council for insurance of the lite Mr. E'ranci,. Mt. Plea: 1 (Methodist Church is at present !gelding evangelistic ser- vices. '.Mrs. John rMurrny, of Avonton. i= at present the guest of 'Mr. and Mrs. Mark CLark. Mrs. John 'McPhail visited friends in Cromarty and Exeter lost week. Dashwood Mr.. L. I:. Eidt left Saturday to v,sit her parents at Lisbon. Mi.t E. Kellcrmann visited her fat h r in Zulich on Sunday. Emma and Saloma Tiernan visited with friends in Crediton Sunday. Mr. It. Cooke. of Merlin. spent Sun day at the home of Mr. .1. K. Goete. Mr,. Andrew Truemner, of Detroit is rp tiding a few weeks here with re- latives and friends. A v,ry pretty wedding took place on Wednesday. Nov. 25th .It the Lutheran church at four o"clock. when Miss Amelia second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Kock were rear. red to al r. Elmore 'Thiel. of Zurich. The br:de entered tb' church lean- ing on the arm of h•r father. wear- inc r Trine -ss ;;ort n of cream broad- cloth. a flowing chiffon vei! and carrying a huge cluster of .while Chrysanthemums. Mires Vine Koch noted as bridesmaid ;while Mr. Thiel brother of the groom was best man. 1 Th' effective marriage is•remony was Iperformed by Bev. Thur. while 'Miss Laura Kraft presided et the organ. After the ceremony a rec;ption wns hold at the home of th!' brid.•'.e ,par- ents. About seventy guests b•ittg present. The bride reg: ived many beautiful presents. We all join lit wi.lutig Ia `dlit . Theya'il1 reside in Zurich. The Evangelical Sunday School hive ti.•c'ded to hold their Christntis Fts- 1 t:v,1 on December 25th. A tt•mp.'ranen meeting mill h • held in t1:.shwood at the Estngelical ('birch on Monday evening, Dccem- h r f h. Auumbcr of speakers have been Secured for the evening. Our Grocery Catalogue lists every delicacy NERVOUS, LIFELESS DEBILITATED MEN YOUNG MEN AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN, the victimx of early indiscretions and Tater ex. et-ssea, wt,o all, failures in life—you are the ones we can restore to manhood and revive the spark of energy and vitality. Don't giro up in despair !ascot's() von have treated s it h other do;•tors, W.W.I electric belts and tried various drug store nostrums. Our New Method Treatment has snatched hundreds from the brink of despair, bat re- Ston•d happiness to 11:11rnls of horses and has mate successful most of those who were '•down and out." we ,reeribo specific rem- edies for each individual ease according to the symptoms and complications—we have ro ivatent medicines. '1 his is one of the secrets of our wonderful sneceat as Bar treatment can- not fall, for we proscribe remedies adapted to each individual crass Only curable eaww ac- cepted. Wo have clone (urines* throughout Canada for over 20 Years. CURABLE CASES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY Are you a violent Have you lost hope? Are )you intending to marry? as your blood been tits•-ri+.•d? Have you any weakness? Our New Method Treatment will cu-.• you hs 11, for others It wilt .1.. f•r wrn1.tl'ConsuntIthiltation' Free. Nn rnatrer who hos treated yt.•,, ..rite for an hnn(4.t opinion Free of Charge. Books Free— •-11.,y1,t..,1, Manh.•.1. I itherhood.'• 4111ustrat al) 00 Diseases of yfeu. EADER NO NAMES USED WiTHOUT WRirrEN CONSENT. No names ow baser er envel- opes. Ev thing Coef,dcatial. Question list and Cost of Treatment FREE FOR HOME TREATMF (T. DRs.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich Overindulgence Some day you may eat too much. Some night (if you're a man) you may drink more than is good for you. For all excesses in eating and drinking e(4:11,4 W- TABLETS- PR is best because it acts on the liver, moves the bowe' and gets rid of whatever may be overloading yo.. - stomach. For any sickness of the sort—constipa- tion or stomach and liver troubles take an NR tab- let to -night and you'll feel better in the morning. S2 Get a 25Box.