Exeter Times, 1909-12-02, Page 4SHE EXETER TIME S, DEC. 2nd 1909.
is certainly an economical beverage,
yet this is all that
costs. One pound will make 220 cape of
the purest and most delicious Tea.
�the properties fronting
and abutting rthe said ntrcets upon
j Va which the said walks are constructed
- - •-' of the cost
AL IMPROVEMENT Atli par tanper loon., .
thereof to fien by raised by a special and
proportionate frontage assessment up.
on the said properties.
KE NOTICE that the Municipal AND TAKE NOTICE, that a
cit of the ICorporatiou of dhe Court of (Revision will be held in the
ge of Bseter has constructed the Town hall, Exeter, on the 15th day
wing works as Local Reprove- of .December, A. D., L9Q9, at the hour
s and intends to to pass a 13).- of '8 o'clock p. m., for the purpose
in pursuance of the Municipal of hearing complaints against elle
for levying frontage rate to pay proposed asse•stnents or aecurney of
frontage megqsureuieiits or fill Other
complaint which persons interested
may desire to make and which us by
law cognisable by the Court.
Dated at Exeter this e3rd day of
November. 1909.
the satlte'iamely:-
, A granolithic walk on the cast
of Andrew Street from Mary
et to James Street.
, A granolilhic walk on the west
of Andrew Street from Victoria
et to James Street.
A granolithio punks On the
th side of James Street from a
. t in the southern boundary of the
thodis_t church property to Albert For any case of nervousness. sleep-
eet. leasness, weak stomach, indigestion.
d. A granolithic Walk on the dyspepsia. try Carter's Little Liver
th side of James Street from ['ills. Relief is sure. The only nerve
zabcth Street to Albert Street. medicine in market.
A gratiolithic walk on the east
of Albert Street from James :.0 YEARS EXPERIENCE OF AN
get to Ithe northern boundary of OLD NURSE,
property of William Taylor.
G. A granolithio walk on the Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup Is
rth side of John Street from Main the prescription of one of the best
reet to Andrew Street. • female physicians and nurses in the
7. A granolithio walk on the United States, and has been used for
uth side of John Street from Alt- fifty years with never -failing success
ew Street to Albert Street. by millions of mothers for their
2. A granolithio walk on the children. It relieves the child from
uth side of Aun Street from Main pain, cures diarrhoea, +griping in
reet to Carling Street. the bowels And wind colic. By giving
9. A granolithio walk on the health to the child, it rests the
uth side of Simeoe Street and Main mother. Twenty-five cents P bottle.
reet +lo a point in the northern
undary of the property of;Eleazer •
10 A granolithic walk on the In the matter of the estate of
orth side of Sirucoe Street from Thomas Herm sr., late of the Tp.
ain Street to Albert Street. of Osborne, in the County of Huron,
11 A granolithis walk on the east farmer, deceased.
ide of William Street and Sanders Notice is hereby given pursuant to
treet to a point in the south boun- It. i. 0., 1897, chap. 129, that all
ary of the property of Miss Pass- cicditors and others having claims
ore. against the estate of the late Thos.
12 A teranolitbc /walk on the east llern, sr., who died on or about
ide of •Vb illinm street, from Huron the 25th day of Oct., 1909, are re -
Street toethe South Boundary. quircd on or before the 6th day pf
13 A granolithic walk on the Dec. 19Q9 to send by post. prepaid
west gide of William Street, trom ar deliver to Mesars. Gladinan &
Huron Street Ito the south boundary. Wartburg, solicitors for the execu.
14 A kranolitbic walk on the nest tor of the estate of the
side of 'William street from Victoria eaid deceased their cbristian
/street ho John Street. and surnames, addressee and des
15 A granolithic ,walk on the east criptionee the full partieulara-ot their
Bide of 'William street from tlidley cI'ime. the etatcineot of their ao.
Street to Victoria Street. counts and the nature of the se -
16 A granolithio walk on the florLh amities, if any, held by them. And
side of Huron street from Albert further take notice that after such
street to Carling street. last mentioned data the sai.1 Execu-
17 ,A granolithic walk on tbe tor will proceed to distribute
south side of Huron street from tho assets of the deceased amon; the
Main Street 'to Carling 'street. ,i rlics entitled thereto. having re -
18 A granolithic walk on the _gird only 10 the claims of which
south side of Sanders street frorn they ehall 'ben have notice and that
the said executor will not be liable
for the maid nssete or any part there-
of to any person or persons of whose
claims notice shall not have been
received by then;, nt tho time of such
dist rdbul ion.
Solicitors for said executor.
Dared at FxetL•r, this 1Sth day of
November 1909.
held Tuesday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. fretbour.
lir-. G.o. Burton has returned
from her visit with friends at Lis-
Mr. T. Ellotti bas Ewen confined
to his bed owing to the bursting of
a blood vessel in his leg.
I'ercy Doupe bas resigned the lead-
ership of the !Methodist Church choir.
Miss llilde Hoskins visited in Exe-
ter la -t week.
A meting was held friday night
by some of those who were opposed
to the passing of the railway by-law.
but weft the outcome of the meeting
was we are tu+alilt' to find out.
Mia; Vera llez1.•wood was home on
Sunday for a r hort visit
Mr. R. Davi•, of Lakeside, le home
his school being closed for a week
on account of eickneas.
Mr. Wm. Benne ie suffering from
a bad abscess on h r hand.
Mr. Greenwood, of Bethel and Miss
Monteith, of Thanes !toad, visited the
•l' irkton Methodist Sunday School on
Itev. Mrs. Snell has been confined to
her room through a cold.
We are sorry to report that Mr. v
C'itherland is very law
and blight
hopes t ..ei tained for his recovery.
Members of the family from a dis-
tance have been summoned home.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Elliott are both
laid up and although 'Mr. Elliott ' Is
doing well, Mrs. Elliott appears to be
getting weaker, but Iwe hope to Fee
them both around again soon.
The baking de;uonstration at Wm.
M.,ore', last week was a great Suc-
cess in ,pito of the Inclemency of the
weather. Many were the practical
hints received by those who attended.
We hope the ,success of it will encour-
ate Mr. Moore to hold another in the
near future and that bis business will
b: materially benefitted by tt.
Vague whisperings are In the nir
regarding the railroad. Rumors are
rife and their name is legion. The
opposition bad ten men in the field
on Saturday last trying to raise mon-
ey to enter a protest, and the other
side declare if defeated will submit
another petition to the Council forc-
ing them to place the by-law before
the people again. Why can't hey
leave things alone/ When people say
they want it and vote for it and
carry it, it ought to be sufficient, but
if its worth fighting. against its worth
fighting for. Some folks needn't lull
themselves to sleep by saying "If it's
quashed this time It will be the last
of it." Nonsense 1 You'll You'll never
hear the last of it kill 'we get sir;
There are just as good fighters on the
by-law's side as on the opposition side
and then just as willing' to spend "their
dimes in its interest. humors or no
rumors. peace or strife, we'll stnnd
by this railroad till we get it, because
its needed, because its right and be-
cause we deserve it.
Main Street to Carling Street.
W A' granolithic walk on the
north side of Sanders street from
William Street etc Carling Street.
20 A granolithio .walk on the east
nide of Carling street from Gidley
street to Sanders Street.
21 A granolithio walk on tb east
side of Carling street from .Huron
street to iliill street.
22 A granolilhic walk on 1112 south
aide of (tittle), Street from Main
street to Carling street. EltmvllIe
2:1 A )rauclithic ;walk on the north The sparrow bunting .match bo-
nnie of diidley street from Main St. 'Ween Winchelsea and Elimville has
to William (street. been called off, owing to the former
21 A granolithic ;walk ou t • south team being affected with "cold feet"
side of LonghalI street frorn Main St. or Fomcthing to that. affect. The
to Andrew street. match was arranged :some weeks ago
2i A granolithic walk on for south by Winchelsea challenging Elimville,
side of North ,tr.et frorn .!lain street the iosers to pay for the oyster sup -
lo a point on th.• t,orih•rr► boundary per. The match was to hive lasted
of he property of Ur. Bond. two week±, but after n week's hunt -
26 :\ granolithic walk on the north ing the boys from Winchelsea backed
side of Wellington street to the east- out much to the surprise of our boys,
ern boundery of the property of the echo had secured over three thousand
Grand Tinuk •It•cilway Company. i heads.
21 A gr'nolithc.wnik on tb•north)
side of Vicrorie street Irony Main
Street to the said Eastern boundary
of 111• ',lid It,ilway Company"s pro- The Rt. Marys. ieirktou and Exe-
pert y. ter Co. is putting in new phnnes all
24 A granolithic walk on the north h•• time. Soon every farmer within
side of the l:tke ho id from NI :lin et reach of their lines will .have a
to i.Iiz•ebetti t4tn et. poen . rfw. my new phones have been
AND 10 assess the final cost thereof pet in by Manager i'erry wince the
mom the properties abutting there- p breelo, of the new directory in
on end to b• b•tiefitted then by. and Sep:, intn•r and orders are in for 25
that .e e tee ne nt 4. how ing the laud• more. When this number ho• been
liable to pay iii meld assessment and installed it will bring the l:±t up to
the name- of the owners then -o` as ono,
far as th y can b! ascertained from ,\ peetilier incident i• 1:oted in
Ih, I•'at Revised Aseernment Itoll is eosin( et ion nvith the voting In t he
now on fit• in the office of the clerk Itlen'hard 'Railway I)y-law at Kirk,
of the eltole:t pithy end is open for tem. The roll indicated lig in 0 in
'nap c:ion during office hours. favor of Ih,• by-law nt Ihis divi±ion
The total cost of said walks is although l'rof. hale. one of the lead -
836. -w97, ah:ch shall be paid as fol- ing opponent + of the by-law voted
lows : there. An nir of mystery Deems to
The mini e:pality will assume and hang around the incident. \Ve are
pay tett of the general fund± to be informed, however. rho Prof. ,Dale
/'ailed by general asee±sn►enr th.• d'selaimn having voted yea.
ro.t of th • ron•tritenon of the tend The regular monthly meeting of
walk= tieott ::11 street .intersections he le. (1. 'I'. M. ua± held Friday
and 75 per cent. of the coat of the evening.
bale nc.. of t s lid walk=, and the Th • Worn int'= institute 'nee Ong was
Mrs. Matthew Routley underwent
an operation last week for tbe 're-
moval of an abscess on the stomach:
and although successful, for a time
little hopes were entertained of her
surviving the shock of the operation
and her immediate relatives vete
summoned. However she rallied and
is now on a fair way to recovery.
The Anniversary services held In
&•Ysmith church Ia,t Sunday .were n
grand success. The weather was fine
and the church was well filled •at
both morning and afternoon services.
Rev. Millyard. of llensall, preached in
the morning and Rev. Hobbs, of Exe-
ter in the afternoon, while the Kipp2n
Methodist church choir furnished the
tnusic at both services. The collec-
tions amounted to about thirty-tlhree
dollars. . ; 1 1 ;14.1!
On Monday evening 1 t -t a Temper-
ance meeting was held in the church.
Rev. It. Hobbs. of Exeter. and Mr. It
O'Brien. of Chi-elhurst. were present
and each addressed the met ting.
It,•v. 1V. iL Taylor. of Varna. occu-
pied the pulpit of the Methodist
church on Sunday I.t±t, while 'Rev.
Mr. Ihtlt took Auniver=ary services
on the Varna circuit.
.Miss /Laura Itutt rendered several
readings and solos which were not
only dwell appreciated but were ex-
ceedingly well rendered. Mies Mutt
has rare talents along this line and
will 1►o doubt have a name above nit
other +Moentionists.
Rev. 11. Watson will D. V. occupy
the pulpit of the 'Methodist church
here on Sunday next while Rev. Mr.
Rett takes ch'erge of the Anniversary
services at f:limville.
Extensive preparations are being
made for the annual Christmas Con-
cert and Tea Meeting in connecelorr
wit h the Sunday School which takes
place on December the nineteenth.
Don't forget the date.
At the Epworth Lengue meeting on
Tuesday evening a interesting di bate
was listened to by between 60 end 70
per'ons. The subject was resolved
i hat The future of Winnipeg is greet-
er that (hat of Montreal. The affir-
mative side was taken ny Mies
Gladys Essery and 1)r. Orme while
Misses Vera E.st'ry and Pomeroy took
the negative. The judges for th• rle-
bate were Mr. Byron Hicks. Mrs. '%Vin.
Oke and Mr. 0. Event.. The judges
gove their deck -ion to th.• were tiv•
ride which Was quite agreeable to th
majority peresent, after which ligh'
refreshments were served.
Miss L. Ilowerd. of Toronto.
visiting at the home of Geo. Ear 'r11
Rev. F. leveeing. a well-known re-
tired :Method`et clergyman, pisa'•d
:may at his residence. Sarni t. Nov.
20th. Deceased eta fered from .1 p;ir-
•elyt'e stroke on Monday cveniuu, �,nd
lingered in nn nnconseious coedit:on
and without stir tering until Irrid'y.
Mr. Fessnnt came to this (*multi y at
an early age fionr England, and for
forty years was an active niinistte
in the Method'•t Church. For .ntn-
yenrs h•' wire located in the lee, 1 e,
eon ference. and suss at nna' I'm • •
Com :'t Centralia and has b •en ii e -
ing retired nt feernie for th • l.e
twelve yearo Ile is •arviv, J be
grow not fancily of .four '( r:• -end
'hoe. deo:rliter•.
IIE`.NILSeV 11.9
A w. r) p e' ' • ,
n z ,i n- I' is r:t
t'r c o.+ 7'., ) leo it it r ` o , :gird,
h n t 111 pr e .,i • 1
„ i 1• t,,, .1 Ga
. r I d ,' eel r
';I.tv u h ram* 1he happy bride
ei '`I r. Agu•:us lIrnnesv a prneper-
ons young farmer of near Central
One Dose for Coughs
Children cough at night? Give them Ayer's Cherry Pec-
toral. Often a single dose at bedtime will completely
control the cough. Good for any one with a cold or cough.
Good for easy ca.-,cs, hard cases; good for acute cases,
chronic cases. Ask your doctor to tell you, honestly and
frankly, just what he thinks of this old standard remedy.
No alcohol in this cough medicine. / C. dr,r►Co.,,ou't f,7ffa>s.
A lacy liver makes a lazy boy. An active brain demends an active liver. No better
laxative for boys and girls than Ayer's Pills; Ask your doctor about them. Ile knows.
We know of no other medicine which has been so suc-
cessful in relieving the suffering of women, or secured so
many genuine testimonials, as has Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound. _. ,
In almost every conmiunity you will find women who
have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg-
etable Compound. Almost every woman you meet has
either been benefited by it, or knows some one who has.
In the Pinkham Laboratory at Lyn , Mass., are files con-
taining over one million one hundred thousand letters from
women seeking health, in which many openly state over
their own signatures that they have regained their health
by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has saved
many women from surgical operations.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is made ex'
elusively from roots and herbs, and is perfectly harmless.
The reason why it is so successful is because it contains'
ingredients which act directly upon the female organism,'
restoring it to healthy and normal activity.
Thousands of unsolicited and genuine testimonials such
as the following prove the efficiency of this simple remedy.
Belleriver, Que.-"Without Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound I would not be alive. For five months I had painful
and irregular periods and inflammation of the uterus. I suf-
fered like a martyr and thought often of death. I consulted
two doctors who could do nothing for me. I went to a hospital,
and the best doctors said I must submit to an operation, because
I had a tumor. 1 went back home much discouraged. One of
my cousins advised me to take your Compound, as it had cured
her. I did so and soon commenced to feel better, and nlyappe-
tite carne back with the first bottle. Now I feel no painand am
cured. Your remedy is deserving of praise."D .
Chatel, Valleyfield, Belleriver, Quebec.
Women who are suffering from those distressing ills
peculiar to their sex should not lose sight of these facts
or doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound to restore their health.
the very impressive ceremony being
soilemnized by Rev. Fr. Forster P. to the bride was a beautiful fur lined
'1'. Promptly nt the hour oe eo coat with muff to match and to the
o'clock ,to the strains of the bridal bridesmaid a ring set with topaz and
chorus from Lohengrin and Wendel- to the groomsman and ushers gold
ssohn's Wedding march, the bride cuff links with monogram inscribed.
leaning on the arm of her brother At the completion of the ceremony
James advanced slowly up the gen- tb, young couple repaired to •the
trc aisle. where the groom awaited' hom • of the bride's mother where a
ben, while ;bliss Clara. sister of thou most sumptuous and appetitizing
bride was bridesmaid. The bride feast was partaken of by only
looked stately and lovely in her! the immediate relatives. numbering
graceful nuptial robe of rich Ivory, about sixty. The dining rooms was
satin made in princess atyle with baby! tnstefully decorated with w Lite bunt -
Irish lace 'yoke, elaborately trim -e ing and evergreens, while pink and
med with pearl trimmings and wore! white carnntions were everywhere in
the conventional veil of rick muiline evidence. The estimation in wh'eh'tlho
and orange blossoms, and carried a young couple are held was shown by
white ivory p: nyer book and pearl the many presents presented to them,
rosary. The bridesmaid looked Mr. and Mrs. Hennessy left on the
charming in a beautiful ';own of, 520 train from Centrnlin for Niagara
mauve mess:dine made in ,princes. and other eastern points where they
style with trimmings of overlace and will 'pend their honeymoon, 'the
applique. She Wore a beautiful white bride's ming away goon was of
hat with silk ribbon streamers. The amethyst shade with hat .to match
groom eves supported by his cousin with ermine crown. On their return
Mr. Cecil 3Ic1lhargey. of Lnican. and will reside on the groom's h'autiful
the ushers were Mr. Thomas Nagle, of farm.' The wishes of all necorn•
St. :Marys. Mr. Alphonsus McIlhar- piny thein and may their future be
gey. of Elginfield. The groom"s gift one of hapjiineel and prosperity.
HEN you order Syrup
emphasise the name
this name means that
you want the best -the purest -
the most wholesome and reliable
table syrup it is possible to
So perfect and genuinely deli-
cleme is "Crown Brand.;yrup"
thatou'll enjoy its flavor about
ten times more than that of any
other make.
It costs you no more than ordi-
nary syrup and yet it Is purer.
better, and mote wholesotne In
every way. It. is the greatest
food for growing children, and
CAD be gen in any quantity
"Crown Brand Syrup„ is put
tip in a, 5, totted so lb. air -tight
tins, with lift-off lids.
When you buy "Crown Brand"
you obtain a Syrup es clear as
crystal and of guaranteed purity
and wholesomeness.
The Edwardsberg Starch Co.
torts: tlfr••: •'n
C1t11s11, Dot. MIIT$tM. TM1011TI set It11STFMD.
The Molsons Bank
Incorporated 1855
CAP TAL (paid up)
$3 500.000 00
lfas ;65 Brauches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the.
Principal Cities in the World.
General Banking Business Transacted.
Savings Bank Department
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager
Paid-up Capital, $W 000,000 Reserve, $6,000,000
Arrangements have recently beers completed under which the brenchee
of this Bank are able to issue Drafts on the principal points
In the following countries :
Austria-Hungary Finland Ireland Russia
Belgium Formosa Italy Sonia
Brazil France Japan Siam
Bulgaria Ft'ch Cochin -China Jaya South Africa
Ceylon Germany Manchuria Straits Settlements
China Great Britain Mexico Sweden
Crete eeeca Norway SvlLztrland
Denmark Helloed Pe 'sta Turkey
Egypt Iceland Pbt'giplae Islands West Indies sys
Panels Islands India Roumania and elsewhere
Exeter Branch-G.W Harrison, Manager
Branch also at Crediton.
fl1h6raUc Plano DR. G. F. ROUI.Siat. Mee. D. mbeer oc Be
R. 0. D. 8., of Ontario and Honor
D. D. 8.. Dentist.
Graduate of Toronto University.
Are a .Pleasure to their OFFICE: -Over Dickson & Carling'e
Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former
Owners. dental parlors
We have sold and are selling a great
many high class pianos and our num
erous satisfied customers is the strong
est guarantee of this assertion.
Our pianos to -day are the best that
.he beat Piano makers produce and
our prices are right.
W. BROWNING, M. D., M. 0
Do not be too quick to believe per- . P. g„ Graduate Victoria Un
sone who tell yqu different from the varsity. office and residonenee. Donuislee
above for the purpose of selling you t.atroratorr. Exeter.
cheap and in some cases trashy goods/
Associate Coroner of Huron.
at big prices.
Call and see Us It. Bright, M. D., M.O. P. and
g•S., Honor Graduate Toronto Un -
and pe eonvllicedtftit what we gay iversity. Two years resident physician
we live up to. and residence, 1)r. Amos' old stand
Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. Office
Andrew Street, Exeter.
Se Martin' & Sell f(ONEY TO LOAN
DR. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D
D. 8., Honor graduate of Toronto
Dental Surgeon
Office over Gladman & Stanbury
Main street -EXETER.
Here's Good News
The market prices for old junk
are alive and so is
The Old Reliable Firm
M. Jackson & Son
one door south of the Metropoli-
tan. Just look at the following
prices (no trade. and no truck)
all cash.
Rags 75 c. per hundred
Iron from tfl)c. to 75e. per hun.
Old rubber hoots & shoes 7c. lb.
Copper and braes 9c. per ib,
Horse hair 30c. per lb,
Lead and zinc 2 1/2c. per lb.
Bring your goods here and get
the worth of your money.
A great variety of .IRON
PIPEalways on hand at a rea-
sonable price, suitable for fence
posts, bracing boulevarding.
M. Jackson & Sons
Spools oI Ise Win NorM weal
Any person who is the sole head
of a fannies, or any male over li
years okl may homestead a querte,
sectoni of available Dominion land to
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Alberta
The applicant must appear in persoe JOSH t A JOHNS
at the Dominion Lands Agonoy or Secv.Treas. Farquhar
Sub -agency for the district. Entry 123 GIADMAN & BTANBtJRY. Solicitor,
proxy may be had at the agency, oe
certain conditions, by fat her, mother
Son, daughter, brother, or sister or
•1,1euding homesteader.
Duties :-Six months residence upor
and cultivation of the land in esot
of three years. A homesteader ma)
live within nine miles of his born, -
stead on a darns of et least 80 acre/
so:ely owned arid occupied by him or December ith to loth inclusive
tee father, mother, son. daughter iteturn limit Dec. l.tth.
brother or sister. Account " Omane Provincial Fsir
in certain districts a honiestealei
n good standing rimy pre-empt •
(puatter section alongside his f home- Chicago
street Price Q3. persere. Duties $12 30 Return
home -
Must reside nix months irteaoh oof sl a •
years from dote of Homestead ent r)
(.no:nding the time required to earl Nov. 24. 21). art; Dec. 1. 5 and 11
homestead patent) and eultivt•• Return limit i)ec•enetwr 12i h.
fifty acres extra. Account
A homesteader who has exhauster i
hie homestead right and cannot ul• Live 'tOCr( Exposition
lain a pre-emption may take a pier Above rates apply Froin Exeter
chased leeneste.td in certain district,
Prior t3. per acre. Duties. -Must Proportionate teles (tont ,ill points in
n•aide ' t mon(h. in each of thre. Ontario
years. cn:there fifty "tree and •ren' 1
a hoes.' won, h $300.0): full Information (rent
w. w, (NAT, j J. 1. KNIGHT, hepr't Agent.
Terepnty of rlho trir,i•ter of Me lr .rMv
N. R.-UnactM Aunt pn,tk•Mloa of teteadvetw• I or write .1. D. MCDO" A1,1), i'nioe
semis von seeMpall for
Drew. Toronto. Ont.
We have nallmlbed private funds for trays
-sob upon farm or village sroperby at towage
rsass of tubeneb.
BaeHate,s Solteltor. Notarise, Conveyssoots
Commleetoaere. Jloileitore tor the Noisome
Bank, gee.
nosey So Loma at lowest rams of interest
011/ICE t -MAIN STREET, =all=
A. Cassae a• a, f_ n. DICUSAII
Ws have a largeamount of private funds
M� �m and v111aaeproperttes as loweata
Banisters Sonoltore. 10 alb tL Eagles
Conveyancer Accounts Collected
MONKY to loan at lowest rate,,
Nord, west Lauda for Seta.
Office. Main Street. Exeter
Tne Usborne and Ribbon
Farmer's Mutual Fire insur-
ance Gompanu
Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.
President -J. L. RUSSELL.
Vise-1'reaid,, nt-W. 11. l'ASSb1ORIS
WM. Batx•,c W 1Nc1I1'.LSICA P, O.
JOHN EMERY. Exeter, agent HO
IJeborrae and Biddulph.
OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, eves/
for Hibbert, Fullerton and Logan.
Guelph $2.40 Return