HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-12-02, Page 3BSLUT
i rarsFD
Conu ne
Man Is Built to Successfully Buffet the
Seas of Life.
"Set your mind on the things we truly de -ire and
that aro above." -Colossians iii. ter
11. ' All the ways in which we ought
e A great balloon carrying several to go are kept eternally free,
ttie LY a pips, leen went up the other day. It was though often they be found rugged
driven helplessly by the strong and dangerous. It is for us to learn
wind on an unfortunate course, and that we can become more rugged
hastened to drop to earth and safe- and dangerous than anything this
ty before half the proposed voy- world can marshal in our way ; and,
ago had been accomplished. At furthermore, as we are it's appoint -
about the same hour a ship railed ed roasters, they are here for our
from the sante vicinity in the same service and convenience and bene -
strung wind, and. in spite of this fits• when we will compel them.
e incl, pressed on to her destiny- I Life is a royal excursion -- the
tion successfully. ! greatest voyage, the mightiest cam -
Here is a fine parable of lire. Its paign, the noblest quest of the
wind c10 blow, wllatsoe'r way we ages! But. sten make it is. It is
go. Go east. go west, go north, : for our sakes, and only
,.-a ..ear, go south. Balloons go with every I IF WE MAKE GOOD.
1 .Y tt : t .,.. !D YFC,
wind that blows. Dirigibles - go
P':.�Ms. TGR buti;�li"ATION• where they point. Straws drive Great and fine as it is in possibili-
• M :AiLs r SKIN. with the breeze,but live birds fav ties, we can wreck or waste it, eon -
b t 1
..>,:isrKa�T..�,CJt;Pl.Elifflll{ whither theyplease. •So the ships fuse and blast it.
Iper"tr v`r: Q_; of the sea. despite winds. tides. cur- Now, we think we want to "get
. r...v n -- lents and billows, work their way there," to "make good," to arrive.
en till the anchor is cast at the port But do we T And if so, how T
to which they started. I 11 re must lnearr it, and snake some
Tho highways for man are divine- reasonable plan and preparation
lv appointed and guarded, and the and start right, at least. Of course,
harbors of life are kept by angelic in a moral and spiritual way, we
sentinels and 'need the heavenly equipment and
in the future with those who suffer
lack at Jerusalem.
15. Quoted from Exod. 16. 18, and
illustrating the principle of equa-
lity from the ruiraculeus bestottal
ot the manna in the eildcruess.
There, whatever each man gather-
ed, much or little, was (emit, open
measurement, to be Drily "an
timer for each man." In the c'hris-
tian family the same result i' to be
heartily go of :achieved, not by miracle, but by
ntc• rcy.
Must !soar Signature oi*
See FL, Stmna , %t rayper ne!ow,
Very omen earl c., easy
to take et-. uw,:,r.
SItlOJs4l.. .
Troubled With
For Years.
Any irregularity of the bov.cl:a is al-
ways dangerous to your health and
should bo corrected at once for if this is
not dour constipation and ell sorts of
diseases are liable to attack you.
Milburn'a Laza-Liver Pills cure Con.
etipation and all Stomach, Liver and
Bowel complaints.
Mr. henry Pearce, 49 Standish Ave.,
Owen Sound, Ont., writes: - ' I Paving
boon troablod for years with constipation,
and trying various so-called remedies
which did me no good whatever, 1 was
persuaded to try Milburn's Laxa-Liver
Pills. I havo found thein most bene-
ficial; they are, indeed, a splendid pill,
and I can heartily recommend them to all
those who suffer fro:n constipation."
Price 25 cents s vial or 5 for $1.00
at all dealers, or sent direct on receipt
of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited,
Toronto, Ont.
Sometimes the thought that. is
cost labored for proves most elu-
ive. Many persons who believe
hat they can say what they mean
surprised by this discovery in
trying to compose a concise, effec-
tive letter, or advertisement, or
after-dinner speech, or even a tele-
gram. The commonplace inscrip-
tions which may often be rend on
medals, and public ntonuinents and
tombstones, were no doubt chosen
after much thought, and in despair
of the inspiration that failed to
come. The inhabitants of a French
village built a bridge. It was a
fin.- structure, and ought to he de-
corated with a suitable inscription.
The brightest minds of the village
grappled with the problem, but no-
thing quite expressed the pride and
satisfaction of the townspeople. The
tablet that was finally put up read,
"This bridge was made here."
"Pa, why do you call Uncle
Frank a near -relation?"
"Because he's so close with his
tt �Bronctz fjs.' i
Tightness across the Chest Share
Pains and a Difficulty in Breathing, n
Secretion of Thick Phlegm, at first wh?te
but later of a greenish or yellon nth colt,
...rug. Toni the bronchial tuhea whe:
toughing, especially the first thing in the
)3rnnehitia is generally the result of i
old caused by erpo.ure to wet are
Inclement weather and when neglecter
will become chronic.
Chronic Bronchitis is one of the Il'OX
general c•uiues of Consumption. ('un• 11(
first symptosis of Bronchitis l.y the use
1 fir. Wood's Nora ay Pine Syrup
••••-•-++++ Miss Martha Bout.
+ get, Little i eLos
Wig tflue., r, tiara: "Lust
spring 1 nms yen
+ poorly. had a Loi
++++++++ cough. sick hei,(t
a clic. could res
leep. and was tired all the time. 1 eon ,
suited two do:tora, and both told enc• 1 Irak call for aid that Pent was en -
had bronchitis, and ?Mt Stied me to gate IIi • (-enraged to urge TO 1i., into, ap-
teaching. 1 trier) almost everything 1 o' t.iirenlly (2 Cor. 12. 1-). had CM'
mono of the medicinesave me nu relief
g � t,od from Ephesus the former let -
One of m • friends advised we to try 1)r. io
tto the Corinthians, And who
Weed's Norway I'ine Syrup. 1 had
scarcely taken the first bottle when 1 bird undertaken the task of orgait-
I,egsn to get better and when f had taken i icing the collection among them, to
the fourth Mottle 1 felt tie well ss ever. I11y 1 (•(implete this e'irk, which had been
Dough had left me and 1 could reel well. ' interrupted be the bre, it-, of hie
Dr. WO -),l's is the original Pine S,t•nlp stay at ('orinih. Maden le -ginning
It is put lip in 8 yellow wrap! ere (ht(c , and complete are sacerdotal words,
pine trees the trade mark. and the pie*.1 reit-mug te the initial rites and the
25 cents. There are many imitations of
"Dr. Wood's." so be sure vet ireeite tLc full perf•+rinnnce of a sa•'riflce, nod
geneine when you tisk for it. ate• therefero properly used in cen-
Mnmifacturel wily bv' The T. Milbura 1 r.(( tion w ith tete encriftein1 offering
Co.. Limited, Toronto, Ont. let alms. it was Titus also
Opinion of the Montreal Produce
Merchants' Association.
All readers of this paper will be
interested in the following letter,
sent out by the Montreal Produce
'Merchants' Association, and the
•resolution adopted by them in con-
nection with certain sections of the
new Insurance Bill, now before the
Government at Ottawa.
We have no comment to make on
the statements in this letter, which
was sent out by the Montreal Board
of Trade to the Butter and Cheese
Boards throughout the country,
and to all others whom they thought
it would interest. It is published,
however, because it is undoubtedly
of interest to members of every
rural community in the country:
Dear Sir, -Probably you are
aware that at the last session of
Parliament, clauses were inserted
ie the Insurance Bill to prevent the
i light. but those may be taken for placing of any insurance with
DEATHLESS LIG,TTS• granted, as already bestowed. when others than Companies licensed in
The winds that blow and the ci.r- one has adjusted himself to the di- Canada ; in other words, to prevent
rents that flow are masters or ser- !vine will -is pointed right. the owner of property from seeking
vents, as we ourselves determine. ! And this higher Providence will outside insurance, no matter how
Life is a God-given warfare -a ever attend to meet all the emer- excessive the rates, or unfavorable
heaven-sent gale -and we are born geneies incident to such a cense- the conditions, offered by local
children of battle and storm. Ours crated life. Companies. .
to accept equipment to take stores, 1 So, the great matter is the point- The Bill was referred to the
charts and course, to set and man- , ing, the course planned, whether Banking and Commercial Commit -
age sails, and to capture and mas- we are trimmed and lashed toward tee of the House of Commons, the
ter winds and currents, and to con- Tarshish, or tneking and sheeting . insurance interests wore well or -
quer voyage and victory. Yes. homeward to the port Of peace.gunized and well represented ; the
ours ! For we are apt. to get what REV. C. Q. 11'1(IGHT. i public for the most part was un-
aware that any such clauses were
DEC. 5.
Leeson X. Paul on the (:race of Cit-
ing, 2 Cor. S. 1-15. Golden
Test, Arts 20. 35.
Verses 1-5. Example of generous
giving in the Macedonian churcices_
1. Brethren -Striking the charac-
teristic note of the entire chapter,
brotherly love.
Tho grace of God -The true in-
spiration of the liberal giving of
the churches of Macedonia, namely,
those in Berta a, Thessalonica, and
Philippi. Paul had been a person-
al observer of the life of the Mace-
donian Christians.
2. In much proof of affliction -
The testing brought by persecution
(Acts 17. 6; 1 Thess. 2. 14 ; 3. 2, 3).
There were two fruits of their trials.
One was joy (Acts 5. 41). The other
was their poverty, so deep as to
drain their resources and make lib-
erality nearly out of the (tuestion.
But joy and poverty worked to-
gether to effect a most notable ex-
ample of Christian giving.
3. Twofold proof of Macedonian
liberality: (1) it was conscientious
-according to their power; (2) it
was spontaneous --of their own ac-
cord. The remarkable thing in
Macedonia was that the believers
gave not only as they were able,
but oven went beyond their power.
Thi., Pani does not encourage or
expect the Corinthians to du (verse
4. Beseeching us . . in regard
e` this grace -They eagerly sought
from Paul the favor of being per-
mitted to exercise this unusual
charity, and to Make common
cause with other believers in the
ministry of brotherly kindness (fel-
lowship in . . . ministering).
5. Not as we had hoped -He had
had good expectation of them. but
they had surpassed sten this. Not
only had they shown an unwonted
generosity in gifts of stoney, when
their extreme poverty led hits to
hope for only slight aid. Best ot
all, they had stack an nnwithhold-
ing surrender of themselves to
Christ as Lerd, and had placed
themselves at the disposal of the
apostle, ns an instrument of the
will of God. This primary giving
over of their tvilli; wa3 the neces-
sary condition of their subsequent
sifts of money.
f;. Tnsomnch--Tp smelt an extent
had tate Macedonian+ resuor.ded to
Lore to the C'orintllians the two being introduced, and for this rea-
letters non- embodied in our Sec- • son there was no properly org:utiz-
ond Epistle to the Corinthians. •ed opposition. The result was that
Paul seems to have had unusual a compromise was arrived at, and a
confidence iii the ability of 'littls tax of I5 per cent.. was placed on
to deal with the trying conditions the premiums paid for all insur-
er placed with Companies not
ac C/ Bit--ntli registered in Canada. The 11111 did
7. But -Why should it any greateces- not puss the Senate, and so did not
sate: for thisTins r exert great become law at last session, but it
effort in direction, when they i, understood that it will be are so highly endowed with other
troduced in the Senate on the re-in-
graces, Consistency re -assembling of Parliament with even
the grace of Itte • way ofs raore stringent conditions embodied
oThera wag r better way Paul
'4 it !elation places itself on record as
proving that their lure for I uul i strongly opposed )used to any alteration
• was genuine. i The members of our Association g )
8. 1 speak not. by way of cont 'feel that the original object of the in the insurance laws that will in
mundinent-An enforced liberality g g an • way restrict the freedom of our
uvcrnmcnt. legislation was the pro- )
would rob it of that very spontane- tection of the public, and whilst members in securing instil -mice to
•icy which slakes it a virtue. But they du not ask that any injustice the fullest extent of their require-
someshould be done to the insurance in- monis, or that will deprive the as-
• pat Corinth - hads treatediPaul t Wrests, the • feel very strongly that sured of the right of placing such
nppexl for more: :as a desire to get S insurance with strung financial coin -
control of their possessions and 'there is nu justification for a re-
1striction of thepresent conditions,Panics operating outside of ('an-
. h • is anxious to show them that. and
his only purpose is to test the sin - 'nor the imp enda
ition of a protective Furthpl, Reseh(d that tt copy of
verity of their professed loyalty by ',insurance t
this resolution be sent to the Min -
enabling thein to give as freely as, It is the aim of the Association •,
the Macedonians. to reduce the cost of handling farm ister of Agriculture .t
I g for .111(1 smile fat two minced onions, six soft ; then trash them a ith a spacer
clainming his special iiiierest in toe small green peppers, or five larger spuou until smooth ; grnne prefer
9. The highest incentive to gen- and dairy produce to the very low -
Bill, on behalf of the dairying and
itis for the x.or is in the est possible figure and so )nucure ones, which have been parboiled, them not mashed, or rub through
erousgiving I produce industries of Canada. then cooled b( fore they are minced.manifestation of that grace in the the greatest benefit to the farmer. which we realize will be so vitally
humiliimtien and self-denial of ('heist Apart from those large concerns teaspoonful of minced chives,
Jesus our lord (a nerd which mag- ,
who Sin( been compelled to seek
ossa le ,isand a(gis01le:ion be enacted. affected if the pro llirte large t.matoes, peeled and
rifles the condescension of Christ. Outside insurance solely on emend,I lef
ns Paul does again in Phil. 2 5-S). e,i the inability of the registe, e.i
He was rich -Calling attention to (.0111118nn. to give them It sulliei 1•'0011 f If ICES 1 N GERM .1 N Y.
(the glory surrounding that form of Int anemia of insurance, other'
Stead)titmice Since 1907 and
existence which he had with the Iia, e her n compelled to seek out -
Father before his entrunce into hu- 1 side insurance on uccuunt of ex- I Big Increases in Seplemher.
man flesh. Ices-ive rates, or the stringent con file 1'osslsebe "Zeitung, of Berlin,
He became poor -.1c clti I time � ditions inserted in the politics 1 Y 1 publishes a table of figures drawn
imperfection:. and impoverishment � the local Comlutuies. I from official reports relating to
t , which flesh is heir, especially the • There is -•o question but tnnt at' prices of food and other comniutli- thick sour milk in a clean bag to the
shame of death on a cross. Whitt the present time the majority of the . ties in Germine in recent years. drain over night ; do nut cook the fere ttIy. stirrinfromg all h0 fireas add
he gave up, as ['ani elsewhere insurers who effect their insurance ` Remarkable dif(creures p10)8110(1 milk ; it is lush to
without and g
teaches, w►a, not the choractei and v%itl, registplc.l l'orupanie,, Inc pre- between Autrumt and September of clues not all ge to whey. In the fuitlrmold.leWhenlfirm)fturna(rutPan d
n nim take the curds and put in .
T thnll be only too happy to do so.
1 aut, Dear Sir,
Yours truly,
Whereas certain sections of the
Bill called ".1n Act respecting In-
surance" that is to bo introduced
rt the coming session of Parliament,
ail! have the effect of increasing ('ream Sauce. --Tho cream used
the cost of fire insurance to every to stake this sauce roust be strictly
user thereof ; fresh, otherwise it would curdle.
Whereas any increase in the rates A half pint of cream in a small
of insurance on farm and dairy pro- saucepan and, when it boils, stir
duce will have an injurious effect, in it a teaspoonful of flour provi-
and therefore Leconte burdensome ously Mixed smooth with a little
to the farming and produce Indus- cold ruilk. Stir until it boils again,
tries of Canada; then add a tittle salt, but uu pep
Whereas the general fire insur-
ance companies located i►► Canada spoonful of vinegar, and as soon as
are asking for legislation wf:ich it has boiled remove the saucepan
will tend to confine to or give ten_ from the fire and put in the sauce
trol of all fire insurance in the Do- a half cupful of butter. Stir again
minion to their own companies to until the butter is melted and serve
the detriment of all the insured iuuncdintely with toiled fish, lege
throughout Canada ;
tables, or hued Lolled eggs.
Whereas the Fre Insurance Cont-; Omelet.- Nothing is more simple
panics, known as the Regular or to make than an omelet, and few
Tariff Companies, have an orguitiz_ things are more delicious when well
ration known as the "('a::alien Fire niado. An omelet must be cooked whites beaten to a stiff froth, and
Underwriters' Association," which quickly and in a large pan. Do n tablespoonful of vanilla. Mix well
Association fixes the rates of insur- not mix flour or mite in it under and pour into a deep buttered fire -
on any or all property, the any circumstances. It may be eco- proof dish. Sprinkle powdered re-
tuembers of which Association run ' nornicul, but it makes it heavy. ! gar on the top and set it in a good
Beat the eggs well, yellow and white oven. Leave it unlit it has risen,
together. Put two tablespoonfuls . then serve immecfiatel .
„f butter in a frying pan for six `
ergs. When it is quite hot put in M (II:1N BERRY RFCi I1ES.
the beaten eggs with salt and pep-
per. With a fork bring to the con- Cranberry Jelly. -Cook one quart
tre the cooked part. of the eggs from 1 of cranberries in one cupful of
the edge and us soon us it is all water over the fire for ten minutes.
thickened take hold of the pan and Rub through a sieve, add one cup -
turn the omelet over on n hot dish . ful of sugar and stir until the st-
and sore. Turn over the edges 1 gar is dissolved, then pour into
while the centre is still soft, thus jelly glasses. This should not be
allowed to boil or it will not jell.
Cranberry Sauce. --Wash ono
quart of cranberries, then put theta
in a saucepan with one quart of
water; let them simmer gently un -
tit each cranberry bursts open. Re-
move the cover of the pan. add two
cupfuls of sugar, and let them boil
•♦•♦♦ $♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦.N. -+♦♦M
♦ :
♦ • ♦
lig Home
i •
t-♦-1♦i+441-•4. 14♦♦♦•+++•
Could Not Sleep
In The Dark.
Doctor Said Heart and
Nerves Wore Responsible.
There is many a'nan and woman toss -
Mg night after night uuon a sleepless beet.
Their ayes do not close in the sweet and
refreshing repose that comes to those
whose heart and nerves are right. Some
eoastitutioual disturbance, morn• or
disease has so de'+ilit:ttetl and irritated
the nervous sy+ten►, that it cannot bo
Mrs. Calvin Stark. Roe -.l none, tint.,
writes:-" About two years ago I began
to be troubled with a smothering sensa-
tion at night, when 1 would lie dont. I
got so bald 1 could not sleep in the dark,
and would have to sit up and rule niy
li•n',s, they would become so numb.
My d�'tor said my heart and nerves wero
re:•)on-ible. I saw \lilhurn'r, heart and
Nerve fills advertise(! and got a box to
try them. I took three bones and can
1107• lie down and sleep without the light
burning and can rest tvctl. 1 can recom-
mend them highly to all nervous and run
down women."
Pei.•.• T.0 cents per Sox or 3 for $1.25
at all dealers. or mailed direct on receipt
of nrico, by tho 1'. Milburn Co., Limited,
'Tc root o. Ont.
trol about 88 per cent of the total
insurance reported to the Domin-
ion Government, and all agree to
maintain uniform rates and condi-
Whereas the original object of
Government regulation was fur the
protection of the public and not for
the benefit of the insurance com-
panies ;
Whereas it bus frequently been
found impossible to obtain all the
insurance required fl•ont re•gister-
cd companies, which companies; fre-
quently limit or refuse the accept-
ance of risks which du not suit
Whereas it is not proposed to tax
registered insurance companies for
re -insuring a portion of their risks
with unregistered companies, th(
insured also should have the pri-
vilege of placing insurance with
such unregistered companies with-
out having to pay a tax for so do-
Whereas for many year, past
eventual recourse to Under: niters
at Lloyd's, London, or other un-
registered concerns, has been the
owners' chief safeguard against tiro
excessive rates of a virtual combine,
and the only means of placing all
the insurance required;
Th rehire Resolved that this Asso-
keeping it juicy and tender. Beat
the eggs well, but not too much,
as they would become thin and wat-
ery after a while. Peas, aspara-
gus tips, finely cut up potatoes or
mushroonts. all previously cooked,
can be added to an omelet. As
soon as the eggs are in the frying
pan add about half a pint of cut' for twenty minutes without the
up vegetables to six eggs. Ar- cover. The cranberries must never
range carefully in the eoutrc length-
wise and finish omelet as above.
Pea Patties. --Make a rich nie
crust, working the dough but little.
Cut with buscuit cutter after rolling
the dough out as for pies. Fit the
circular pieces into patty pans and
bake until light brown. Pour the
liquid from a can of peas, wash
them slightly, and put them over
the fire with only enough water to
keep theta from burning. Cook un-
til dry. Prepare a white sauce as 1 and butter. The juice prepared this
follows: Three tablespoonfuls of way snakes a fine drink for feverish
butter and one heaving table-
spoonful of flour. Mix well to-
gether and add one pint. of trot milk
and boil until thick. Place each
crust on a small plate and fill with
be stirred from the time they are
placed on the fire. This is an un-
failing recipe for the most delici-
ous preparation of cranberries. It
is good with turkey and game.
Preserved Cranberries. -- Wash
the cranberries and put them into
a jar with two cupfuls of sugar. Set
the jar in a pan of water and let it
boil gently for three hours. Done
this way, they will keep indefinitely
and are delightful to eat with bread
Custard.- -Buil one pint of milk
with the rind of a lemon; sweeten
to taste, a11(1 add the beaten yolks
of four eggs. Stir over the fire until
pens. Pour over the white ;sauce the eggs thicken. Du not buil,
and serve hot. These are appetiz- strain. and let cool.
ing and delicious and will be sure ('ranberry Tart Pie. --Pick one
to please. all who like peas. quart of cranberries free from all
Ragout. Beef. -Cut two pounds of imperfections, put. in a saucepan:
teal course beef into dice, fry five add one pint of water, one Immo!
minutes in but dripping fat, in the of sugar, and simmer gently until
a colander to free them from the
skins. Turn out in a shallow pan
t•• get (quite cold. Line pie plates
sliced; six clopped olives; and a with thin puff paste; fill thein with
teaspoonful of sweet herbs, season :cooked cranberries, and lay strips
with pepper ; and when the mixture i of paste across the top. Brush over
has cooled live minutes add a tea- • ttlth beaten egg and bake quickly
spoonful of vinegar. Turn till in- +ie a hot oven.
Cranberry and Rice Jelly.- Boil
and press the fruit, strain the juice
into a saucepan, and by degrees mix
in with it ns much rice flour as will,
when boiled. thicken to a jelly. Roil
to a saucepan, rover closely, and
stew an hour or until the meat is
in bits. This is nice.
Cottage Sala(f.e-Put one quart of
power which he had 88 God, but tested against excessive rates by ; the present year. zonae few products
those special splendors which stake the certain knowledge that the own- falling, while the majority- of the
ti the experience of God. ! e:• will have Iccrourse to entei(le in. most important continued to rise.
For ,vou1 sakes --Which ought • surance if necessity arises. Any at- The price of hops, which has sunk•.Stay with a silver lurk,
shape those, so deeply favored, ort t( ration in the existing insurance steadily since 1)307, more than doteT; crispts(„lettuce leaves, and sari
of all selfishness. "Christ parted lavt, thiel► would restrict the ,b. hied last as 100. 'faking the per, ice until ready to scree.
i with his riches and took our puv- . tainiii, of fire insurance outside of age price am during the (1.1•110(11.4: cS .riffle . f i(i• e. --Cook foto tahlc-
eels. in order that we night part Canncla, would nut only immediate-. leafelaflM, the average Irl( l' of rye , st 11nful.i of rice inn (loser of milk
eitd out poverty and take Itis ly re -list on 110 dlti1 ins and farm is 1907 was 130, in 10011, II.), Surd in ``
" i ing irlteI( , is by rea tel of the in- last September 117.•t. 11-heut hog i `lith four tableslriunhtlg of sugar.
riches. 1 ��')lrn dere remove from the Tier,
, 10. I give to judgment- Pttul tells crra�r(1 c•,>I ..f in -u r.m lees it, the risen from i lti in I g t.to 123.3 in ' aln(1 when cmremo but still warm.
large e • lirluti wh+• at the pre 1909 bring in
booster I
R 1 serve with cream and pow•det'ee
cold bowl and odd one snitspoon 1
of salt and a dash of pepper and sugar.
one-half '419(01 of sweet errata]. Cranberry and Apple Pie. -feel,
core and slice five large cooking
apples. Put a layer at the bottom
of n pie dish. Sprinkle with su-
gar. Next put in a layer of cran-
berries, and more apples and cran-
berries until the dish is full. Mois-
ten with half n cnpfu1 of water.
Cuter with n nice short (•rust,
brushed over %'.i1It beaten egg. Bake
the pie fol' about. 811 hoar ili a mod -
andwhat in his judgule)tt is fitting (' r ' add to it fent- yolks of eggs, six
I f lir His reInti n t the church sent In•ie 1"s'I1'' out ole of the 1,33. Heys, which In 19(17, were J. 1
U41, not one of etcrlordship, but 0'099 FS. btit it would also affect (mate I1-cn to 1 liar Maze has risen (�r•`�a prate oven. This pie is nice served
advisory (I (.'or. 7. 6, 25). these 11•eeses which at present 11)811re favour lee to 1(;e;.!+, bullet from 63 to weak Back with custard-
This is pvpcdient iur vet--B.fp.-• it%i:It 'eui-tend ('oIi panics, is that 122, laid from 131 to la:, while beef • Had • Cranberry Pudding Baked. ---Peter
ring not to his advising rather 1 n II I • on1y naturill that the rate8a11(1 has fallen seine 1:; per cent. i
comm:u)ding, but 7. to. the matter ('^I,+lit i,u.s would shortly hpcot.1 Pork, which is the most consent,- 1 Would Often Lie in Rod For
contained in verseThe force 111' 114'•'' en. • 'le if competition y( ie e l ureal, has risco from lu., in 1907 i Days. Scarcely Able To.
Paul's exhortation is in the flirt rut off. t, 1:39.0, and m4)188805 troll I It t,• Tnrn Herself. bread is softened odd two eggs well
rthat a ,tear had elapsed 81110e they I en:•i . otev.it 1 n cop% of the 21 t. Potatoes have finical 7 tier- beaten and stir info the breed
had taken the first stept toward n ' te.:oltdien %%hieh has been passed by cent.. and herrings 40; rite has Tal. airs. Arci(.-ehnare, Black Point. N.B., crumbs. Add one pint of stewed
I collection, and et011 before that, ; this Association and fee:vertical to lee from 110 to 104 ; cotton has ris- 1 writes: ---"Cor years 1 was troubled will' mulberries and sweeten 1) ansae.
I had had the will to do it. 1110 tiler ' the Minister of Agriculture, and 1 en from 116 to 112.0, t%hilt, otter 1 weak hack• i'iteutimea 1 have lain i i
4 e e'suggest that you call n mer;_ textiles, likewise metals, hate c ill- 1 peri for day,. i..•1nA scarcely able to turn Bake in n well buttered dish until
(II) they must slake up for their ani tel gg repair, and 1 t , c naso been a geese firm. Serve vrith stowed crnnhr•r
dilatoriness and actualh eempletV ing of your Heald, have the resole- len cuu4ideralyly sufferer while tiing to perform my rip, er with He( et, sauce.
boiling water on rine pint of bread.
crumbs: melt m)e tablespoonful of
butter and stir in it. When fila
v hat was so lung age begun. tie!' approvecl, and forward sante 1 4' household duties. 1 lad dcaters att( nd-
Out of your nbility-Aceording to the Mini -ler of .\gtictilturo,w•itlll'HI' hINI) WE ALL IIAV1.. ing tit without avail and trirdlinimenta
to ,t our means.ds litllr draw . as possible. 1 know I Harr tet any nlnrnt r t•,cl - " and plasters, but nothing teemed to do
imp any gna. f was apron In give mp in
1,. 11 herr there is the proper dls that thi . i• ei,iewhat into in the enquired the 4 I,I
l t 'lpr •.i 11 ;• 1 e I despair when my htuchenel induced me to
pu!titi•+11 to give munlclhing, what seamen anti that it tray he dtfl1••alt ler tecent11- try float's Kidney fills. and after using
snakes the gift acceptable to God for you to get the member. t.1- •yes, 1,111•81 1, • .aid 1.114 71,171 ere : tn0 ))rtes 1 arm no111 wp11 and able to do
is a due recognition of the law of get he r, but the Itlattt'r is o1 �;tlhci-Muria the counter. ".'boot AN hat. 7111' work. 1 ant positive f)oen'a Kidney (.uta pocket for papers of needles.
1'�II= ate all that you claim for ahem. and 1 ..
preportnon ill gating. God does not (int importance to warrant vena• price do %uta +t lab to lay fel' 1010 •
. 1'1�I1 scales are easily re m11ve•l If
e i1d a(Iti.0 all kidnet sufferers to give ,
seek n silly prodigality which over- making 1t special effort to get a :cif "The price in u•• ebjeet if 1 can rbcs 1 (sir +rial ., boiling water is poured over them.
1 - EIi'l. 111 IS.
('lean rihb .ns anti light kid gleve.l
with ben/imp.
No needle hook in complete with -
baps n man's resources.
13, 11.. The true comnnlnism of
brotherly love. There is no need
that nny should he distressed, pro-
vided all practice eg118111}. Those
who hate abundance must share
with those. who want, not forgetting
Ihnt these tthn enjoy 10.1110% at
Corinth may easily change places
ficicnt number of members together get the kind 1 air. aft(•r. „nut
to form a quorum to give you au• i wont is one that will Arouse the
lhnrily to take action. girl without %%r,ki"'c the %thole rani.
'flee matter has been fulls di encs. ily.-
cd by our .lasocintiin and by tori- 1
11114 members who hate devoted n
considerable amount of time to the
qucstien, and if there is any farther
information which I CAN give you,
)ft) ''i lit 1)N1:1- PILLS rue a purely Eyelet embroidery is tory'fai►tty
vegetable medicine. realizing 'peek. per- i•• Baht blue die pink or rose soler
mantnt relief, without amp atter ill entre,. (,11 white.
:1 medicine that will abaobllely elite1,8c1.-
Clean white e,irirh tenth, tat In
don't knee of an} such eieek ache sod all fnnn• of Kidney and 131addcr • uarnl se:g eoid• and rime in water
t eseaSe, i
As that, 1,10•111(1.•- said the man. I'rice, all cents per bon. or 3 for SI '27,, ►• itt1le blued.
"We keep just the el,Iinary kind-- at all dealers or The T. Milburn ('o., t.iat• if the. wu'himg is dune at Items.,
the k ind that will wake the %hide nett. Toronto. one hang 1110 clothes un the hug without disturbing the I;lrl. ' In ordering specify "Doaa'r•" 'the ivrong side out.