HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-12-02, Page 1alitTY-SEVENTR YEAR—No 1886 zeta • ••••••••••••••••••••• •••N•NN•••••••N•N JONES & CLARK'S Phone No. 32 Christmas Shopping News Oulu 20 More Shopping Daus Lett It is time now to get busy and think of your Christmas buy- ing. The early shoppers get the choice of the good things that are yoand often and avoid thee it tl rt eh 'ast few Here are ai few of the beau tiful things for Xmas. OA, HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZE T 1 EXETER, ONT., CANADA. THIIRSDAY MORNING. DEC. 21111 1909, Locals Xmas Handkerchiefs chiieefs.DThe Fbeatctt Itheiand for the price. Prices 3c up to $1.00 each Xmas. Waists Silk Waists in Black,Brown Green and Cream. Net Waists in all new designs. Prices $3 to $7 Xmas. Linens A bi seller, Fancy Centre Pieces,TraDoylies Centre Runners and Scarfs. See them Xmas. Scarfs inilk White, Creamor fs and Fctnators Black Very dainty head or neck gear. i • Xmas Z� Collars and Belts =� Something entirely new for I this Xmas. The nicest we - have ever shown. • Prices 25c to $1. Xmas. Gloves Agood r thing di for this KMohand time Skin, lined or unlined. New Shades Xmas. Furs One of the best presents to buy. and Caps, also Fur lineSt s d Coats Xmas. !Millinery Do you want a nice new Hat for Xmae. Come and see the big bargains we are offer- ing. Gents Furnishings for Christmas Our New Neck Scarfs in all the New Shades and Shapes The very best shown Our New Neck Ties are all the latest and thelargest stock to pick from Our New Gloves are the best yet, Kid, Mocha, Sweede and Dog Skin Our New Fancy Vests are very swell The real thing Have one Our new Shirts and Collars W G & R Brand are the very best We carry the largest and best assorted stock of Men's Furnishings in town and are in the best position to fix you up right Jones Clark Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing also high grade shoes and wall paper. •••••NN••••••N•N•••N• NNN♦N•••••••N• •••••••••••NNN•• •••N•••NNN••••••N•••• OUR XMAS STOCK is complete! We are Jot1ll proud of it and Teel sonfltlen we san please Uou. Watches Clocks Jewelery Silver wear Cut Glass Hand Painted China EverUtihina GholGe in the above lines wlil be fonntl Jo 011r 51o6k firitag,1311, S. FITTON. Wt IMIN(t R1NIJA ANi) M.11tRiA(tl. LiCHNSIRe ()PTiOiAN. The Best F1our.....i If it is the best flour you want there is but one place in town to gt t it—that is from us. The brands are: Jewell Royal Household t(Onlario Blended) (Ogilvie's) 5 ROSES PURITY (Lake of Woods) (SVesteln Canada Flour Mills) Leave your orders or call up Phone 2. R G. SELDON, Exeter. Y Get your overcoats and suits at 11 N. 'Rowe's. Mr. 'Barry ,Taylor and family of llensalt 'moved to town this week. The Noi•tb Middlesex bye -election takes Place nett Monday. For mantles and furs go to 11. N. Row•(•', great clearing sale. They are both good and cheap. It. N. Rowe', b!g stock is going first. Come quick if you want come great bargains. 11 N. Rowe is r..•lliug out his big stork and retiring from business. That's the place for bargains. Miss E. i'er,h•Ile. mho has been vis• icing relatives here for the pest few months, returns to Vancouver to -day. Miss Vera Campbell attended the funeral of her cousin at fleaforth, Tuesday. Mrs. Morden and (laughter, of Bt. Marys were guests of ':Mrs. $. •k'. Sharpe at the 'Manse the former part of the week. 'ILcs.Elizabeth Iicaman, of :Cot- lingwvood, frac the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Denman 'Monday. 'Miss N. Walter spent Sunday With friends in Londotrt. Mr. and 3lrs, I4 Bradley, of Niag- ara Falls, are gucete of Mrs. Bradley's parents 'Mr. end Mrs. Thos, White. 'The 'Misses Kestte, of London. are guests at the borne of Mr. E. Jory. Should Local Option carry in Exe- ter, Stephen. hen P Day and Hibbert the nearest place available for those wishing to get liquid refreshment: of the "hard" kind will he Grant Bend, unless they feel dike going to Clandeboyc or Lucan. Samuel Gratton, a constable from Stephen was before His Honor Judge Doyle Thursday, charged with bolding a raffle for a horse, and with stop- ping two motorists claiming that they were going faster than the law al- lowed and fining them. Ile fined them ten dollars, but settled for eight, and pleaded guilty to .both charges- There were petitions in de-' fendant's favor, from citizens of the township, and the outcome was that defendant got off oa suspended sen- tence. The postal authorities le•re begun a crusade against the people as ho per- sist in putting correspondence in newspapers and parcels. During the past few days a large number of Parcels have been held up for exami- nation at Toronto and nearly alt have been found to contain letters. Thew parcels have to forwarded to the inspector of the division in which they tv, re posted, and an investigation will be bald with 'a view of punishing; the parties. The penalty for violating; the portal regulations in this respect is from s10 to $40. ,alr. and ,i1rs. Enoch rollick cele- brated their golden wending on Wed- nesday, ,December 1st. The d:.y was Pleasantly spent by the family in hon- or of the occasion. A wedding dinner was served in the dining room, the tables being beautifully decorated with chrysanthemums. smilax. etc In the afternoon a program of speeches presentations.. readings and music seas carried out. The presents to the honored couple were in har- mony with the occasion Mr. a Ex - ter r ` foraEnutmberhave resided in of years and h zcte ma d ► :1 n tt • .• S wa rut rete l is b• their S r genial ul Jt 1 att d kindly d r. lick 'was born in 11a,niltrortrand li t 1857 was married to Miss Annie Fenwick. of ilay. They resided in that town- ship :previo,t. to corning to Exeter. Their family comprises three boys and t wo girls, E. A.. of town • 1)r. L. L, St. .'tar's: 1)1'. E. it.. Gland Fork.. if St.Marys.ttwho ogre alle "hornf'1olatt- tend the festivities. Among others who were present were :Mrs. Gill. of Grand Item' and Rev. 1t.lke,•, of Ar- kona. Th., Times join: tsi1it the many friends in ww ishiug tth nt continued year; of health and happiness. While '31r. Will,Carter. for the Jackson Mfg. engineer ,, was Co.,oClinton, the other day assisting in removitl,, the fence dimes. Laymen's Missionary many of whom°:me"dange`ous and are in need of gospel teaching. 11-hitr it is a duty which we owe to our God that these people b. Christianized, it is our duty for our own protection Exeter is favored in tieing that it be done. It is the one Jarge one of task of Canada to -day. the places in which the Laymen's The convention continued yesterda Missionary 'Movement is holding c, a session being held itt the Maint campaign, The convention opened T, virht llerno,ia'l1fchin the urch ;'in the ,t (e - here Tuesday afternoon with a meet.. tentoon and evening. ing in the Presbyterian church at which some excellent addresses were delivered by the visiting laymen. In a ness, Palpitation b the heart, tier- delivered evening the most important eche cal tremblings, nervous head - the meet- ache, ceJd hands and feoi, paIa in the ing of the convention was held, when bank and other forme of weakness a banquet was given itt the James are relieved by Carter's Iron Pills Street church, u•hcre plates trete _ laid for over two hundred. ARE YOU GOING SOUTH S_IJTIi OI; -. The Laymen's Alias ionary' Move- ment is a massing of the men of the \\ thITHIS1\•INTER! Now church on a spacious platform of, Nois ,the time to plan vont k • giving Christ to the tvhotc world It Movement s an energy rather than an organiza- tion. co-operating with the regular missionary agencies of the churches in securing adequate enlargement of their hvork. It administers no mss. sionary funds, sends out no mission- aries. It is an inspiration .not an administration. It stands for in- vestigation. education. and Co-opera- tion. In the short space of three years 75 men. mostly business men, bare visited the mission fields abroad and their reports upon returning have done much to strengthen and inspire the home churches in their mission- ary projects. After [ cr the excellent e lc 1 nt repast. the ladies of the different ehutrchc. had provided. had been given ample justice and the ladies who had so kindly given their time and services and the young men who had Eo effic- iently .twaited upon the bauqueters, were given votes of thanks, the 'Reeve T. II, McCallum, called upon 'Rev. Pi E. E. Shore, Assistant Secretary of Missionary hoard Methodist Church of Canada. Ile Shore paid a •Qligh tribute tto the women, claiming they were 'the backbone of the missionary work, having entered into the cam- paign over forty years odo when the first W. M. S. was formed.. The ob- ject of the Laymen's Missionary .Movement, he said was to instill into, the men the necessity of doing a sys- tematic personal canvass among the I entire congregations thus assuring the multiplication of ,results. Rev. Shore asked the question, "Is Chr[';_ tianity essential to civilization" and proceeded to show that it is. !What t...uld Canada be to -day ,if everything -rat has been brought to us through civilization were taken awv7:y. But to day Canada ,is going through :1 transition, and it is owing to the Christianity that prevails among us that we are the country that we are He spoke of Mahometanisrn, of the de- sire of ,1Mahomctati countries like Turkey and Persia having a desire for hatred instead of for Jove. even the misrule of these countries is d ii to the tact 'that Christianity does not prevail in their political lives. fie dwelt upon liindooism and the illi- teracy of the classes, only .fiv, per went of the llindoos being able to read :and write in their own language. i1, ,lagan, where he visited, the con- ditions were somewhat diffcr,•nt, -tL:• Japanese are an energ.•tie people, have wonderful mercantile interests. excellent schools, wvondcrful navy and army. but according to many of their leading statesmen lack what the west- ern countries have, c k w the n w� r o 1 dg, •u t Chri to California, (Mexico Florida or the Sunny South. Consult nearest 1;. rh R. Agent regarding low tourist rates or addre=s i. 1). !MCDouaid, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. Zurich aghter of Rev,\and�Mrsria 1C.aO. J. Madass, was married here on Saturday, to Mr. Bernhard: of Preston, Mr. Conrad Thiel bas purchased the !Demuth property at the North end from the executor. Mr. F, 1\7. !less. The purchase price is $600.0ot Mr. A T, Cooper, of Clinton, deliv- ered a temperance address in the Evangelical church last Sunday even- ing. Miss iiianche Laporte of the Sauble Line left last week to attend the Lir- suline Ladies College at Chatham, for (he winter months. Mfr. George Demony of the ,Lake Road, left last week for a two weeks visit with his daughter Airs, Granville of Chatham, his Fou, A. J. of Windsor and friends in Courtright It is reported that Mr. J. J. ;Merri- er intends erecting a brick evapor- ator next year. Mr. and Airs. Ed. W,.lhelm. of Bad- en Fpent the past two weeks with the later's parents. Mr. and Aira. David tiarlras. of the Sauble Linc. 'BORN Langford—Iu Blanshard on Nov, 14 to Mr, and Mrs. Herb Langford a daughter. Squire—In Blanshard on Nov. kith to Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Squire, a dau- ghter, Parkinson—In Blanchard on Nov. 10 to Mr. and Airs. Frank Patkineon a son. WHITE—In Exeter, Wellington Bt., on Friday, Nov, Path, to hair. and' Mrs. Fred \White, a daughter. ENt;LIS11—In Crediton. Nov. 21st, to Mr. and Mr.., John English, a son. 11'ILLIANIS—In Exeter North. Sun- day. Nor. 2✓ith, to Mr. and Mr,► James 1t'illiams, n son. \1',\I.PEIt _} MARRIED Wednesday. D�e. 1 —InLondon.Lotttic Elliott to Mr. .Tobn •\Walper, both of Exeter, THIEL—litiCIi—At ,);,sbwood, Wed- neumsday. Koch. �ofbDashwood toy Rev El- moreThiel, of Zurich. F[ )L1.[C(i-It1:A—Iu St. Marys. Thou, - day. Nor. 25th. Miss%etla Grace !tea. daughter of \ .1 7 .7 Ild Mts. 1 ..t n I m , n I ]t• d 0 (.a per r• t ,t o Dr. ! rent of the point-� FOLLICK—I'i'•N1\'1C1( L. (,. l•'nll:ck. lation me wtorsbippt rs of idols. the 11:13. on religion of China has not don' for wick onber 1st, 1'•511 Suss Annie Fen- th(•nt what the wick daughter of Mrs. Wm. Fen - t desu•e, The Chines.• %Vick, ro Mr. have great capabilities for learnin • r linuclt 1'oUick• b3 the Ind if given n chance call stand late ]rev. lin}Jr•, shoulder to shoulder with their white neighbor°, as hat been shown among FARM PROFITS students who have attended college in thin country. t• a Chilies(' c pre May be largely increased by knowing the preys to awful vices, such as; th,, exact condition of the farmer's market, opium titbit and tn:luy o[ their ttomert and by learning of the best method in are horribly morally degraded,practice. This is r farm precisely flys Mr. 11, 11. Got don, of 'Toronto. was sort of information the Farmers'' Weekly 1110 next speaker. Ile hid visited Stn gives is every issue. It has no equal China. Japan and Koren in 1901.1901 as a Fa and was conversant with the wonder- farmers rely onBusinessior ricer Goad let work that is going on ie these e P ave oar conntrics, ttbcrc' thea itlobbing eller. have w'oud,r- ful cdue..7tiortal institutions, but arc! woefully Licking in Christianity. A(i:ETfNG UL' '!'ilii IMl'!t0` to front of the former '3tol- something That will touch the moral COUNTY' COUNCIL. sous 7iank building ho found ( crtae of the Plane under the ca jack not tcochin • themthatveliy and the County of Huron will Pping" of ortt of the! b religion The meeting of the Corporation of Posts- It had evidently been placed nitegrity ate essential. h(• was ill caunci c ill m'rt in the Cher.. ,,,,d forgotten „.heti the fenc , I Ch'1,a shortly after the Boxer upris- Goderich, hong Tuesday. the 7th. day was being built about n Feore of mg and told how of ' cou►•erts to Chiistlanit-f've keilc•di(b it °fA11 caccountsatfornsettk,nentt must t)- •, rs ago :,nd was just about as rood y Di ,' tb•' d ay ,t was covered up. doom by maintaining their belief and be placed with the Clerk on or bcfor, - -s love for Christ. In Korea the natives' the above date. Th 11, on County Council will are developing a quality meet at •<:oderich nett 'huesda •, y that tiould y of Chris. (laird Nov. 24th, 10(10. y 1triml ret its to :•i d Hottwith=taridtrig the 1-1riet h.tmr• W. LANE, C alis -I _ lerk.� c•pline the increase itt the "Hermit" Women with pate co lorless faces tnalion is twonderftii for Christ ian.ty.Jttho feel weak and discouraged. will Mr. W. C. Senior. the next speaker, receive both 'tient al and bodily vitto, %yds in a rentinmood 11 isc.-ot Ceiling by using Ca rter's Iron Pills, which how he had many times been in the! aro made for the blood, nerves room (01 1 hn 1%Y011ngster at- complexion. andl tending Solidly School. Ile wasglad! to ace so many old 1 c. s togeth •1 ;./k- ing an interest to the Food conk of movement, aril th,, %sas what is just 1 1e hitt is taking pl .1• • all over the 1 abysm ent is the lat er movement t i t i u.. -..unary twnik and p+otnt.e+ i11 tb(•1 war future to be th,. most impor- :.Int. the object of rhe• movementJ is to get at the men. It is easy Ito the women and children intcrcated' and they ars doing good work, but its the rttii.k of the tree. so to, • p ak ,bat they Ater •n,l rot h:atieh-I ss• The movcnt� tet has nothing to do •wi,h the frieilp,:c of missionary fund.+ Or the Sending out or rnis.iatariesi 1ilose matter, are al t(.nd.-(! to by th tit -stop boards of the dilfezent .Ie -s A I CTION SALE: of Choice Dairy C1111 :UM ('1101C litters and horses. Tho,. Cameron has received Moms_ tions from :\1r. William- to tell by ;I itt,j a Aoetion at th,• •11e•tropolitau Hotel, I':.tetcr, on Wednesday. 1); c..m- b. r 1st, comm,•tle:1w at one o'clock. the following :—high grade Holstein, too cows duo to calve at time of site, N cows clue to calve in M 1reb and April high Grade Durham Cows, (111' cotw due to calve at time of Pale, t tt o coca true to calve about the first of ,tanuary. d2 cows due to calveto alarch aril April: Fix ete,re, two years old; one more rising four old. agrieutloral ; ,one marc years taxing three years old, draught : one (lack. n y. pool farmers' driver. three {-ear, ell: one cho:ce black driving mare, four years old: one farmer's driver, k years old; one standar I bred itiy snare, 10 years old: too I•orillnd cultists, been a:ed: tele set of .Mold•• harries.%. The cows are all bred from gnnd, nom n.rt,ons. milking t%irair and may lint the :dm is to fret the iln. eta ) re b• .0en at at the mens seek ng 10 brut(; th nt in- rl►e day pr, viona to to co-operation w%11It Thr sale' and .:: o :hr s3rtpath} Th.. above %te^r. are th• i`rnpsrrr th^ world. pr Cha toll 1 to of A. V. Ward. present t in • t ;i, TEit11` UP SALE—E'ghl mouth= at1'ooti, f I ►, eortd ry ei�t children krrel�lsa.r, bo: n credit %%111 be eieen on surnisht:.• Alr. 11. ltaiph Sleeit'• of t3uelph approved .joint notem or a discount gave aft cxce(L•nt nddr •s eoufinioK, of 'ix per cent Prr annum for cash on trio. 1 rn Credit amounts. Mr, a William•, Pro- en (•, tcntia(h factorinth scot k o%w- prieter; Thto.. Cameron, Auctioneer. wit to the large g of for,;grl- PPles $t.00 per year In advance Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces and Plumbing Wood Heaters Second Hand wood cooks ..., , • $2,00 Lo $ 5.00 • Ranges with reset voir • • 7•0o to t 2,pp Heaters with oven 26 00 to 53.00 — -- — -- — . , , •34 0to 46.00 urnace work plumbing estimates cheerfully furished. Complete and large stock of cutlery always on band Gillette safety razors rt 41 blades • • • • 5.00 Ever Ready safety razors1,00 ,.. ,..- Carbo magnet;_ • • • • • • • • 1.00 Other - 2,00 Pocket Knives.... • • • • .••• Scissors, shears Bread knives•••••• Tea spoons plated Dessert spoons plated Table spoons plated Pio knives, Berry spoons and fro IS m 75c. to 1,50 • • 5C. to 2,25 • • 25c to 1.25 15c to 25 .90 to 3.50 •••• ....200to4 5o • ..240to475 cold meat forks HERMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORI R urainummummlinumummumn FIJRNITURE and UNDERTAKING1111.11:111111• IIiI11 Parlor Suit Parlor Tables Easy Chair Odd Chairs Music Cabinet Couches Sideboards Hall Racks Buffets Kitchen Cabinets Dining -room Tables Dining Chairs Dainty, well -made and at reasonable prices. Bed Room Suits Bed Couches Mattresses Springs, Brass and Iron Beds Newest Styles and all at popular prices ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors, mffiimmllimajuli'l0sntlyoranzmunimzimi •♦••NN•••N•N♦♦♦•♦•♦♦♦� •••••••••♦••••NN♦••••••• • • THE ONF3 PRICE STORE : iFrom the date of this isauo we are marking our goods at the lowest possible Cash Price. We give no discountyand we use : the same prione de as anyone else sole. You know that i we g(tarante ou are spier Prices ur atat he • Lowest in Town, • All Goods Marked in Plain Figures A Handsortite Premium To every cnelomer who purchases MOO worth of goods at this store hetween now and December 25th we will give Free hit choice ce o fa beautiful t tfil Ormolu tl I Gold -Plated Cin ck ls Best A mert ca nMovemsnt oran excellent Men's Open GunMetal Case, Stem WindStem etWtch Nickel Movement, 2 • jointed hack, inside cap to protect movement. A guaranteed time piece, • "Your Credit is Good Here" - - • Z Z I SANDY BAWDEN Clothing, Boots and shoes, Furnishings, Hate, ('ape. •••♦♦••♦NNN••••♦•N•N• •••N•• - ••••••••••••••••••• • II1(•t•4i••M••Fi-4•l-4•f•I.4$44•F•t••(••f-•9••I'•I••t + t -M fi•+-'c++ --- -1•.;..;..-+-1--; -:-.14-1 : i•f•:'•I•-1• M --------------- RANOONING OF l (SATURDAY;1:" OEO. 4TN) COLE'S •DRUG STORE! 1 See Our Handsome Display noi a new ides., novel Choice and beautiful pr bentsefortlades. Suittatres ,Ie artdyappropri- ate gifts for men. 18 Shopping Days to Christmas Don't proscrastinatel Look over our stock now! Make your choice early. A smell deposit will keep any article for you. Low prices will surprise you. Sunday echooi teachers we have many thing,' to interest you. nouasu Goo.— GOiecs Druq Stor6 1 antf..,..,..,..++++++++++++++++++++ •.-ir•:..; +,l..:•+i ..e++++÷..:„.::7„...._._. — — ---- --_ —• t - Th home of lir, and Sir•. James mind and hands had llrovid: d, The \1'oodley. of Hr•a(orth. was the acme popularity of th • grid, was r►idenrcd o1 a pretty wedding on \W((tnesd%►•, by th ,,tJmermis and choice gift: ttith November 24th, when their only which itt friend.. honored the oc- d.augbter. Maude, was married to Mr. O°`Ion. John Cummings. .of Seafortit Th, flame, 1 Echlin, a we II -known tesi% ser, ninny was performed by itev. l dent of ''oderieh for some year-, pa. - 11. l.arkin. in Ib- prrsrnee of a lin wd antsl ty gtii1.• : u(Id,•nly nn friday ,1, d number of gt:••s►t. Thr bride, nicht at th• r• ' d••nce of tli• broth- whn et,rri(•d a bouquet of rose., tt t' 'r. the old f ,rail pailette de cheer silk :end embroidered roomy of As Y h°tris nr ago silk ynk• wit . Lfl, td. A short tints ago h nut7chr• trimmings. a blood vr.•el n, bis ,nn nits rutr- 1i. r trn`nt•-:,was (1rrs4 tta' at r:avv� tilted, and his d,•alh i, t' bits" %'enrrian broadcloth taiiorcd f d'Ic' to itis aint. (h, the conlpl•,mt, r.f th. imp. h. ad. nR s a ysis v. the g the ti:,l service the company s ,,-nt a It :td. D it only 111 months .ago'4iice � 1:1 t' hone around the (,ytival board` Air. Echlin's oif.• died. and on !110,. da3 i t=t ons of his d.uta)nori, �ltiee 1ti paid a lout and delighted ttibutel Cepa, nnderwrnt an operation in to the Tempting lujuriee whist) 'kit• f the bo.p'ta1 in Toronto (or appendi- elti.. —AT— The Centralia Evaporator Highest lrri(P. paid. Thos. Elston l'rol►riitot •