HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-11-25, Page 8E X E T .� k 'r• \' M �: b NOV. 25th 'tow
�. 44+4.4 04. «
OffluI Four Wcck.S to Xmas.
We Make Your Money go far by
Buying at this Store
We are prepared to do the biggest Xmas. trade we
have ever done. Large and careful buying has fitted us
to meet the demand for a big season.
Although this season has
been the largest we have ever
had, yet our present showing
comprises all the newest
styles including loose, semi
and tight fitting in all colors
and sires. $7,50, 10.00, 15.00,
Our showing of furs for
Xwaa trade is worthy of the
inspection of all interested.
Fur Lined Coate with mink
or sable collars lined with
prime Canadian rat. Every
coat guaranteed by makers
and ourselves. -42--45 -65-75
Men's Overcoats
A great assortment of nob-
by styles now on display. We
would suggest that you see
this display and the peicea,
too, they are so reasonable.
We have them in black and
fancy tweeds with the new
conversable coilar.-$8-$10
For men, boys, women and
girls. This is this seaon every-
one needs good warm under-
wear and you will do well to
see our big range in fleece
lined and fine and heavy. wool
at prices that will talk. 50c.
ti0c., 75c., $1.00, $1.25 to $ 1.75
Linoleums, Carpets & Rugs
These handy and sanitary floor coverings are greatly in fav-
or. We have just received a new lot of goods and invite you to
see theta. See our range of room ruga from $6.75 to $40.00
Lino'eumos and oilcloths all prices. We cut, fit and lay free of
This is a good time to select your Xmaa China'as our tables
are tilled with everything new in Austrian, French. English and
1'russiau wares. Imported direct.
Our showing of Dinner Sets is the best in town. Beautiful
108 piece Dinner Sets ranging from $7.75 to $15.00
This department should not be overlooked as your Christmas
needs will he well looked after. All our new fruits are in stock.
Raisins, Currants, Dates, Figs Spices, Peels, Cereals, etc. at the
very lowest prices. Try ovr Japan Tea 30c.
We want a large quantity of Turkeys, Geese, Ducks,Chicken
dead or alive for which we will pay the highest prices, also But-
ter, Eggs, Dried Apples, etc.
Selling out our entire stock
Great Clearing
of our Big Stock, for Cash or Produce.
('hone 22 One door north P. 0
It is a Long Walk to as
Good a Stock
For general completeness of stock for all-the-
titlme readiness to serve our custolller3 we can't
see how it would be possible to surpass this
store's usefulness to this c'mmunity.
We stand prepared to cater to every home's
furniture wants, however large, however small.
There is never any treed for us to make any
excuse for our goods. All we ask is that you
test our Furniture by the best that you know
of. We will be glad to abide by your decision.
Leading Undertaker and Embalmer
MT?? $•
You Take No Chances
When You (let Your
Fall and Winter Suits
from an old established and reliable house
like ours.
'I'ilut'-tried Deputation is what ensures yon
Merchant Tailor - Exeter, Ontario.
Market Report. -The followlnj is
the report of Exeter markets. cor-
rected up to November 23th.
Wheat. standard $1.02
Os. is 34 to 36o.
Peas 75 to 80e.
Barley 48 to 60 cent&
Brau $22.00
Shorts $23.00
Star flour $2.75.
Feed flour $1.50 to $1.55.
Butter 22c.
Eger 25e.
Iltty $9.00, $10.40
{logs liv.•+weight. $7.:0..
Potatoes 75 to 90 cents
Coal, $7.25 a ton.
Turkeys 13 and 16c.
Duck; 10 and lle.
Hens 7c.
Chicken '10c.
Dried Apples 6 1-2c.
•••••••• NNN••
HR iNE BOY SINR' Church Directory
Opera House, Exeter
Friday Nov.26
Tickets: Children lbc;
Adults 25e; Reserved 35e
Plan at Cole's Drug store
The annual bazaar given by the
Ladies' Guild of the Trivttt Memorial
Church will be held in the Town {fall
on Friday December 10th.
A message was received yesterday
afternoon ny 1)r. 1I. IC. nyndtnan, of
the death of his brother Dr. Garnet
llyudtnan at Minot, N. D.
The beautiful autumn weather we
Just four weeks to Christmas had been enjoying the first part of
An eclipse of the [noon will take the month, was put completely to
1 rout last week by a heavy snow
place :Saturday morning. storm which started Wednesday,
Mr. 1t. E. Pickard returned last Thursday morning the ground was
week from Frobisher. Sask.
'Hiss Cora k'owell spent a feww'
days in Loudon last week.
The '\lisscs Wilson, of llensall. ++•ere
the guests of 'Miss 'Beatrice Luker
The London Flee Press speaks high-
ly of the singing of Master Stanhury
at London last week.
Owing to !Monday beim; ro dark,
the electr:c light service came a on
at 3.30 in the afternoon.
Norman llodgert left last week
for Ottawa„ where he has secured a
situation as hardware clerk.
Judge Doyle held Court of Revision
hem yesterday' when a number of
names were struck off the voters'
The work of laying the new water
mains has been progressing rapidly.
The iron pipe has been laid as far
as the '*'own hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Young. of
.London, +vert the guests of the lat-
ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James
13ecr over Sunday.
Miss Passmore has returned home
from a pleasant visit with friends in
peeled to bring danger anywhere.
*'ort Colborne, *team vtlIe. Hamilton they are expected to confirm vital
Toronto and ;London. cosmic facts.
covered to the depth of about a foot
wiih a mantle of snow. Those who
had the sidewalk's placed in front of
their residences during the past
summer, had their dreams of luxury
badly shattered, when it came to
shovelling off many yards of snow.
There promises to he a Large crowd
at the concert in the Opera House on
Friday night to hear Master Douglas
Stanhury and the splendid program
which will he put on. Although the
seats have gone rapidly there are still
some gond seats available for those
who apply at once. Douglas will ap-
pear in kilts.
A Regular Storm Period runs from
the 27th, into .December, being cent-
ral on the 29th. '*'his period en-
ters with the Full Moon on the 27th.
Falling barometer and brisk autum-
nal storm; of raid and wind, turning
to .sleet and :-now, will h•• passing
eastward across tht, country during
the last three day; of November.
The 27th is the central of a probable
seismic period, extending from about
the 25th to the 29th. While few. if
any, of {hese seismic periods are ax -
Mary had a little lamb,
It followed her around.
But now the butchers" .have it
At tw,•n'y (cents a pound.
Th re were no services in the Main
Street church last Sunday evening -
on account of the anniversary ser-
vices being held in James stre '.t
Mr. and lllrs,
here last week
some tits.. '}1r. Hooper having taken
the position of book-keeper with W.
IL Levet t.
The fi• eral of the late Sirs.
Thomas Coates took place from her
late re- dcnce a.)11. tsborne. Thurs-
day afternoon and was attended by
persons occupying over one hundred
Principal S. Martin, 11. A.. of the
St. Marys Collegiate and brother of
\I r. S. Martin, WW1). has had the
honor of being re-elected as a re.
presentative of the high School
teacher= of Ontario on the advisory
Board of Education.
a. ta-
Sanders, ho h bee ..n s
itcv. ww
tioned at J=ucknow, and who has ac-
cepted a pall to the Anglican church
at Ilrintford. ,was a visitor in town
Sunday and [Monday and assisted Rev.
Collins with also eerviees in Triv-it:
Memorial chili ch Sunday.
Mrs. Jame- \\'illi: Friday night
%while• walking along Main Street
slipped and fell on the sidewalk. She
was assisted to her home, where it
was found she had sustained a badly
bruised hip. which will confine her
to the house for tome weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. D. 11. Stimmel, of
\Vaitsbury, \\'ash., who have been vis-
iting tli latter'- Lather here for sev-
eril weeks left yesterday for their
western home, intending .to ..top off
at several important plaices enroute
before arriving at their destinat on.
When one of the rigs were re-
turning from the funeral of the
late {Mrs. Cortes Thursday afternoon
th• king bolt of flue of the rigs fell
out, causing the horses to run away.
Th y [made a e, ltd run :,s far as the
residence of Mr. John Halter, where
they fell and eeere easily captured
aid attached to 'the rig.
List w,ek we Fent out a number
of eceonnl- to subscribers, who are
in arrears and already several have
re•lnnded. It take's money to tun a
tea% -pep, r and tubacription account
.t;n :1 lams way to keep things run -
Haig, so we trill be pleased if those
' lin are in arrears will kindly look
at their labels :ind remit us the re-
quired amount.
It pays to Adw•, rtiste-1n the Tirnes
Want Column last week there went
two ad-. inserted, Calc for an astray
steer, end the other for a house for
sale. Thursday the steer was re-
turned to its owner and the same day
the ow :ter of the house made a dal
for th• sale of ti's 1,:operty. both re-
ultin; from advertising in the T;nles.
Miss Cora Prier. returned Saturday
from Ingersoll, where she was called
about three weeks ago, owing to the
(If h, r mother, ales. 'l'hoj
Trane. all,. Prior was visitaig with
relatives its ingi•rsoll when she oats
taken ill with pneumonia. She is at
present piogressing favorably and is
expected horn:- in a couple of w• rk-.
Contractor ,los.•ph i.3W 011 finist],d
the dam (.4aturday and nt t o'clock
clo ed th•• elates in t final,•. allowing
th• water to accumulate in the basin.
Al seven o'clock the basin was filled
and the Reiter commenced flowing
over the dam. The water dors not
flood hack as far as it did when the
ole{ dam w•as in condition, bot (his 's
owiu): to the fact that the flooding
rights of the eorroration do not altoww
th •m to flood th • property of Mr.
Alex Dow.
A art at offer to r:; w subscriber,
Th,• Tirn s aril Family Herald and
Weck;y Star from now till Jan 1910
for TW l;N 1 Y. FI V E CEN'(8. This of-
fer is good 10 points in Canada only.
Ed. .11ooper, arrived
and will r,•main for
The anniversary and ten -meeting
of the James Street Methodist charch
were held last Sunday and Monday
and were exceptionally pleasing and
entertaining. The speaker on Sunday
was 'Rev. 1)r. Dougall, of Goderich,
:Ind he delivered two excellent ser-
mons, the subject of his discouracts
being the life of Christ. He pictur-
ed our Lord as being different from
other men. Although a child, who
had not '1he advantages of securing
on (location like some other child-
ren of his day, still at an early age
he ..art among the people teaching
the': the true precepts of reli-
gion. His life was n perfect one and
should be copied by everyone desir-
ous of living a Christian life. Oa
Dollen!' is on orator of ability and
his discourses 'Were so interosting and
hull of good 1hen,rbt that the large
congregations which greeted ,him
were highly pleased. The choir had
arranged special music for the oc-
casion and assisted by 'Miss Mina
Taylor of [London, added greatly to
ill,• success of the anniversary. The
old fashioned tt•a meeting 'Monday
•v n' 'was' largely attended
t rung i rt y not-
withstanding ib • disagreeable weath-
er. After the refreshments had been
served :in excellent program was giv-
en in the body of the church, 'when
addresses were given by Revs Dou-
gall and Binders and the resident
ministers. interspersed with ib solo9 by
Misses Quina Taylor, Nina Carling,
'loin Carling and a violin solo by
Miss Delight Dobbs. The proceeds
of the two days amounted to $500.
Only a few weeks : irn 1 h.' Layno its
Missionary Movement o as irritated in
Exeter and a local ns'ori:lion repro
sent alive of the religious and bast
mesa life of our Village was formed.
Thal the [movement has taken root
and is (ironing is evidenced by ; h •
progress already made. As was an-
uoune d Iasi week. a Conference un
der the auspices of the Movement is
to be held here on Tuesday the 20:h
November rind Wednesday the 1st of
D,'eenshrr. 'I'h,• various couttnitt •
nppoinled to prepare a program fie
the sessions have completed their
work and Ih fulloo inn interesting
Proust Sin has been arranged.
Tuesday :iflernnon, ::0th Nov. the
Conference will open at C.:'.° in th
Presbyterian church and n ill b
addressed by \ir. W. U. Senior and
Itcv. T. 1j. I,. Shor•, 11.A., 11.1).
To. =day evening, Dampier at th
in In s
Street Methodist cliureh•
6.30 p.m. for w h ch tick, 1. arc h •iti_
issued. Al this banquet Mr. If. 11
Gordon, r. F. E. Shore. I1.A.. It i
and Mr. 11. 'Ralph Steele, will t
print and deliver addressea.
Wednesday forenoon, A meeting o'
th • \lini-lerial Association %%ill ; .k
plan` in th• Main street dletliodi-r
church, open at 1010.
Wednesday :`fternonn. The Conf. -•
cur.. In ill resum• work in the Tiicit•
Memorial Church at 2.30 and .-d-
dresses will br given by lire. it. \w.
Allen of the Anglican ilrir h of the
1.tymen'.a Missionary ,Movement, Mr
T. 11, Preston and Mr. 11. It. Gordon.
Wednesday evening. A Bass iM••; t
na ".11 b • h. ill in rhe• Triv;tt '\{ern•
°Cal church, beginning at eight
o'clock n1 A%hall addresses will h
delivered by Mr. T. J1. Preston. 11-.
W. ('. Senior. 'Rev. R. W. Allen :met
Bishop Williams. of London.
'Special atusie at the viriters meet-
ings is being srrang. d tor. ThPub-
lic is cordially Inv ted to ::1: tfin
meetings of the ('•in►er•i ' .
Rev. Richard Hobbs, Pastor
Sunday l'ublic Worship -10.30 a.m),
and 7 p.m.
Class Service -Sunday 0.30 a.m. and
after Morning Service and Wednes-
day night.
Young Men's Class and Catechumens
Slimily at 2 p.m.
Sunday .School end Bible Classes 2.30
p. ❑h'.
Epworth League -Tuesday at 8. p.m
I'rayer Meeting -Thursday nt 8 t..m.
Nov. 28- The Pastor will preach
both morning and evening. Subject
at night -"The evils of the liquor
traffic and the right [elation of the
Christian thereto."
Times Want Column
. Exeter Ladies may now obtain a
strictly man -tailored Suit by one of $3.50 for $2.50
the best city tailors [without going to
the city or the trouble of getting fit- $a•00 for $1.00.
ted. Satisfaction .guaranteed. For
further particulars call at Miss Tom's
dressmaking rooms over *Wilson IBroa.
store. 18-11-4
We told you so some time ago in one of our
advertisements. We told you this would be a big
season with us. We have a right to say so too.
Our store never was in a better position to meet
one's needs than it is this fall. Tho goodb we are
showing and the modest prices we aro quoting are
making people 'sit up and take notice'. Have you
looked over our goods? Have you asked the >p -
Good goods and low prices are the two things that
are making us a big season. No matter what you
may need whether Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes
Groceries, Crockery, it will pay you to come here.
Special -= --
'Phis week we are offering a number of Ladies
Ready -to -Wear Skirts at bargain prices.
.- _� `- -
geon. will be at the Commercial
Hotel. hours 9 a. m. to 1 p.
m. Glasses properly fitted and dis-
eases of eye ear and nose treated.
Next visit Monday. nee. 20th. all
HOUSE FOR SALE -(trick resid-
ence and lot on Main Street, third
house south of Presbyterian church.
Six rooms. For terms and particu-
lars apply to James Whyte or Disk -
son & Carling.
As Lam now in the west on a
trip for my health, my book accounts
will not be collected until I return
two months hence. A. 1:. PYM.
Exeter, Sept., 9th 1909. 9-16-5
$4.00 for $3.00 $4,75 for $3.75
A few odd Skirts at $5.00 for $3.00
Highest price paid for Produce, Butter 22. Eggs 25,Dried Apples 0l; Potatoes
50c per bag. All kinds of poultry taken dead or alive at top prices
in trade or cash.
"20,000 Razors
for Free Trial!"
A new scientific discovery --a secret We [want you to l:nn-, and enjoy
ra ecss-has revolutionised the mann- the smooth shaving rum.:art you can
facture of razors. This discovery en- obtain only through the lung ;weep-
ahles tis to offer you a blade of Carbo- tog dtngoi:al stroke of a/rtraight blade
steel -(steel taus carbon) --which you standard razor -the Carbo-Magnetle-
du not Sena to hone or grind; a blade which ruts the hairs cleanly +without
that stays sharp always. splitting them or turning the ends
back Into the skit to cause Irritation,
pimples. and cve:n worse troubie.i. So
come In today and get a Carbo-Mag-
neUe Razor un 3U Days' 1•'rce Trial.
To prove it we will distribute Carbo -
Magnetic 1:.e::o: i 1 n 3) DAYS"r11.11 : b-
h•dutely free -there is ono here fur
u u.
FOR SALE This Razor Is tempered by a secret toottwanrrsrwtaer+nR►t it.
Cottage and three lots in Exeter, electric 1 slices at an :tl•.-,autely even �- - - _--
being lots Nos. 65, 56 and 57 south of
te•mi>.•rature of 2.500 degrees. The re- O''� -`t •,
volt its the hardest cutting edge known Z`
Simco& Street. On this property is a to science. A blade of (•.ubu-steel that
frame cottage (brick foundation) con-''
we I,.r a lifetime of perfect r •
twining five rooms and a good cel- wear-, no boning -no grinding,
wPsblP6laademrffiflie tLAJ;bO
lar also a hood well and a large
stable. Good garden and fruit trees. W.
The property has to be t;o'.d to wind
up en estate. Apply to
Exeter, Ontario.
"Do you use flourf (lave you been
getting good results[ What me you ,
paying for it! We me selling our r� f ,� i�`
best blended "Snow Drift" family
flour, and our pure Manitoba flour
"Baker's Favorite" At $2.75 per bag.
We (guarantee every bag we; [cell to
give you excellent results. Try it and
h:' ^onvinced. Feed prices Bran $20.-
00 pe: ton. Shorts $22.00 per ton.
llensall Flour 'Mills,
II, 0001i, SONS & CO, c � t
FARM FOR SALE- Choice hun- s•. Sizinese monthCos' trainadeing ate dtf-
decd acre (arra, icing Lot 3, Con. 1, _J • o Buellege mth
Usborne, London ]toad, 3-4 mile from-^`-c"�11 c. Terence. was, it a good
Centralia, three (miles front Exeter. WI investment? He thinks so.
On the premises there is erected a PLEASE THE COOK 1,, His address is New Osgoode,
good brick house, all conveniences a d- Sask,
large bank barn 80x45. finished in and benefit yourself and family by
latest improved style: drive house. using f+'1'AR flour. It bakes ho much .. s Four courses:
good orchard, never failing supply of better mud goes ro [much farther than -.- = PREPARATORY, COMMERCIAL
water ; well in house and barn, 12 ordinary brands o
acres fall wheat and plowing done, p STENO(:RAPAY, TELEGRAPHY
not sold privately pn or betore 20 THE USE OF STAR FLOUR `' Enter any time. Individual
day of !December, will be sold by pub- means better bread, biscuits, eukc, + instruction. Write for par-
ic auctionfit a date to be
fixed al -
pie, etc_, in your 'home. and tonne of ticulare,
cr. Easy terms of payment For them, too. Order n. sack to -day. +terms and particulars apply to Jas. The next time you need flour you'll
Sandford, prop., Centralia or to T. insist on having the STAR brand even
Cameron, auctioneer, Farquhar. if it cant more,. But it doesn't. Clinton Business
MONEY TO LOAN -nn first {tort
-Manufactured by -
gage at b per cent. Apply at Times
HARVEY h �f� p (1 j� �S t
Of Lets 11-25 4 ' 1 K V u ROS
WANTED -An ex Wheat and Oats wanted.
p ricna d hoes:•- Geo. Spotton, Principal. ,
maid. 'lieferencesr required. Goa-' •}•l••t•t++•i"€f3++++i ++++•I••f•!fr+�
wages. App:y G. W. Harrison. *Cann-'
dian (lank of Commerce. Exeter.
NOTICE -Collector W. J. fiissctt,r
will be at the Town 11a11 on {lily'
Pith and 14th, of ieeember to receive
tax;=, Kindly bring correct change,
•ta u
d +-f•d-+d 'l 1- Fd• Wl••t d ++++++++++++
One year ago, Mr. George
Wakeman was earning about
$100 per year as farm laborer.
o Now he is earning at the rtitd
of $062 per year.
`;;rayed onto she ilremise- of the
trnd.•rsigned a yearling heifer. Ot%le-
er c it name by p`v:ng exprIi• 1.
ail-. .lames WeStentt, ton and
d:lighter, left Tuesday for their home
at Douglas, 'Man.
The Hoard of Trustees o' the Cln•;
tun institute hr= aple01'1t'd .ties
Isabella .1. Macdougall Il. A., of th•
staff of the \Viarton 11. S, teacher[
of `Ntodern Languages and [English to•
succeed Mr. E. E. (tall, [who recently,
resigned In accept a position on th,•'
staff of the dlain'tton (7. 1. Mrs-
M:Iednugatt in a teacher of expel hole...
an honor gi adult., of Toronto Uni-
versity acid comes to Clintom with the a
very highest recommendations.
All Good Kilids of
Flour and Feed
kept on hand
Bran and Shoos
Sold 1)y the 'ton.
Wheat taken in t xchar gc
for Fleur and Oats taken in
exchange for Oatmeal.
W. Rivers
is a %%ord that covers :► wide range
of subj.eat.. WA. are yo 11. 10 forret
th • oth •r-. and chine your attention
: 1' tell about
We verify th•-e b) nor stock of well
s: 1• eta d p goods, ea w •i1 { by.
Id-e:m.• patron i
Try Uu s If YoLike Artistic
\1' • ..ill .lir :y 1's i c )o:.
1 Manure Litters
Beatty Bros.' Feed
and Litter Carriers
Overhead Conveyors.
Beatty Bros.' Steel
Stalls & Stanchions
can be installed as cheap
as lumber and last forever.
Beatty Bros.' Load
These three things are great
labor -savers for fernier& and
necessities cn a farm
Fur sale by
W. T. Gill•:pie
Phone 51. i':xeter.
Merchant Taile.r
For what .h: 11 +s • b• Ih:uikful:
Ther.• are ('01111111)11 tn. re co:111110 , i
but how pr c 1••'s ae b n t k n lway :
oar . yrs to sec, oar fe t to .: lk.:,nd'
our hndr.owh
a. to ,k •,: fo•• hal:h
and Fin north. home rind h:e•nds. and
i many pth r rrietc.v.. The one wise •
reeogn•xes h;s hl'•seings and is gi at.•-
ful, is nror• to h.• envied thin those'
who . tijt.y ronntless bless rigs. yet; t,
fail to recognise theta. David, in the! aj
I'•-11111,, is .constantly eaprese;tig,
,bank - and 4; rat atid� . "Messed be • .y A
h I.•lyd "ho d i I, .o idrill us a itb
benefits.'' So 'a1 r-honld give thanks,
V, (or daily b Dellis. 'Mesa kite Lord.' t'H•••••••••••••••••N••••
U, my Soul"
has the reputation of being
the beet pract.able training
echonl in Canada. Thorough
courses bave prodeed ninths.
Business 'lien say our gradu-
ates are 1 •0 heat and they ap-
ply to us 1.lr office help. Our
grnduate•s succeed as none
other. 9' i res Department s--
C'ntn me, . 'al, Hh (nth/std. lett
Enter et once. W rite for our
flee cat.+ingue.