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Exeter Times, 1909-11-25, Page 7
r 1 YOUNG FOLKS 1N THEIR 11'.11'. • • (,raidma, di. you s'puse hens ian talk :'• asked Alice. -mid Speckle talked to me the ether day-,'' said grandineth.•r. "1 mean -!,'• made me under -land what she t. ant:'tl.,, \1 aydnla ! !t•,w did she do is And .Vice's eyes grow big and round. "It %vas 'shun Mr. Gray was mak- ing the new fence. 1 heard a noise at the kitchen deer, and when 1 opened it there was Speckle, brist- ling her feutflver' and cackling away at a great rate. She turned at once and went around the house as though she knew 1 would follow.' "O grandma "' interrupted .11ic.•. "Did pat !" "Of e.,urse.'• said her grandtut,- thor. ••She went as fast as her lien legs swill carry Iter dew's to the fence. :eel 't hen I got there I retort two of her tittle chickens !old fallen iron a best -hole while Mr. Gray DISFIGURING. TORTUR- ING SKIN TROUBLE Cannot be Cured by Salves and Ointments --Thq Blood Must be Purified. T'.l•tit)PE•s Di la All holiday traseIIl•rs should shun lloryslaw, in Galicia "the back ..f Europe" --truthfully" called the dirt- iest plaee iu T•:urepe. 1t is the oil - trade centre, and is decidedly not. beautiful. In the main street all the houses have been built on 'eine rt fuse, and most of then) have stunk below the level of the street. In "Iluw MRS. OLARK 1OUND RELIEF 11 i ER Is' tits 01 s l I' 1' is {t l \ (: fO1111'S 1y111\1:1 PI 1.1.s: I. I It 1:11 III:It, fact, there is not a solid brick or pleasant 1'oiul Matron 'fob, Her A blemished skin, irritating sore, stone building in the whole of the Suffering sister. Hoe to bo Free town, and many of the houses are From the Terrible fain` that pimples. eczema, salt rheum and in a state of partial or entire col- Make I.ife a Burden. other skin disorders are all signal, ut distress, telling that your blood lapse. Unrefined petroleum is ev- il impure or weak. You cannot erywhere. It gets into everything I'teas.ult l'oin's Ont., Nov. 15 - cure rezcul:t and other skin true- -food and clothing ---lord the atmos- . (Special). -That most of the ills tiles with ointments and outward h,here reeks of t. 11ong one side that the suffering women of Canada applications. 'these things may give of the main street is-‘11 raise'' wood- hate to bear are due to disordered t: mpurary relief, but cannot cure en pavement. and bene•ith it is an Kidneys, and that the natural sole because the trouble is routed in the oil (listch. Buryslaw'es maid water- fur then) is Dudd's Kidney !'ills, is 1„Doti and can only be removed by tut!' a narrow, sluggish, oily (ince ❑tore sl►u%wii iu the case of ales. purifying and enriching the blood. stream. On its backs the town', re- l,.se l C. Clarke, a well-known re- fuse is cast, and the ,naiket booths sident of this place and a prIlnin- lIr. Williams' Pink !'ills speedily are erected alongside: %%•Mile the lo- est member of the Salvation Army. euro skin troubles because they en- rich, purify and build up the im- poverished blood that caused the trouble. As they feed and cleanse the blond the skin grows fair, the bloom of health return and new strength is found. No other medi- cine has ever had such wonderful results in curing all diseases due to bad blood. Miss Elizabeth Gillis, Lad gene to his dinner." Kensington, P.E.I., says :-"\1'ut•ds ' • V :isn't it nice that you found :can hardly express how grateful I them said Aline, with a sigh feel l for what Dr. Williams' Pink sal af.tetton. l do b,h•e%chens I lls have done for me. seven run talk, if tliey" can make people 'years before 1 began their use 1 understand them so well." I was troubled with salt rheum. My "There's the rooster coining 111- : hands and arms were nearly always t( the yard," said grandmother. a mass of torturing cracks and "Let's watch him and see if he says soros. I tried several doctors and how-dy-do." spent :t great deal of stoney without It, certainly looked like it. The • getting any benefit. Indeed my -old fellow stalked up 1" the hens, hands seemed to be getting worse who shied very still and seemed to all the time. Finally my brother be listening with great attention. persuade i i • • to give Dr. Williams In a minute he turned round and !'ink Pills a trial and I ant happy ent out into the lane, both hens to say they have completely cured f.•1lnwing hits. "0, grandma," ate. 1 used in all seven boxes. and said Alice, "he did say something. I I would not be without them in a know he did ! I'm going to see if 1 case of this kind if they cost !n 0 can find out what he told them." dollars a box instead of fifty cents. "111 go, too," said grandma- I hope my experience will be of cal washerwomen --though, from external appearances, one would judge that Iaundresst)s did trot exist there at all -do t.hci.r washing in its oily depths. J011N (SETS BACK. She steed there and glared at hint. ":Ind you mean to stand there and ask me t % press your trousers l" she demanded with all the stern- 1she ( ss could muster. e It•, y dcal m "• re- sponded certain , sponded M r. Stehle atlabl• ; "is tl at asking ton much?" "Well, 1 should say it is, John Henry Stubb. 1'd have you know Hat when you married me you did Mrs. Clarke is always ready le give her experience for the benefit of Ler suffering sisters. "My sickness commenced twenty years ago with the change of life, ' says Mrs. Clarke. "My health teas in a bad state. Water %would run from my head which would make me faint. When 1 came out of the fainting spells I Look fits. 1 was bloated till I was clumsy. The pain I suffered was awful. It would go t-' my feet and then to my head. . me, and I Many doctors attended 1 tried many medicines, but nothing gave ole relief till I used I)odd's Kidney Pills. The first. box stop- ped the fits and seven boxes cured me completely." rot Marry a sadiron." Every suffering woman should use That evening his turn cause. I:)odd's Kidney Pills. 11hey make `'John, (108:," chill" Mrs. strong, healthy. Kidneys, and the eibli just after supper, 1 wish woman who has gond Kidneys is %1 11 would do plc a favor before you safe -guarded against those terrible co Hutton my 'waist up in the pilins that make miserable the lives Seek, that's a good elan. of so many women. But Mr. Stubb merely puffed his ',;ar and chuckled Poftly. A CENTURY OF M.1RRIAGE. "Nay' Nes! Mania. i would lave you knew when yen accepted :n • you (Ed not ray 'Yes' to a but - they, as she put down the peas. benefit to seine other sufferer from 'unhook." Alice ran ahead. skin trouble." And picking ftp his cane, ho "Colne quick ! ('o►ne quick!" she These Pills are sold by all ,Inetli- 1 -t rode nut. called, as she looked into the field eine dealers or will be sent by luail on the other side of the lane! at, 50 cents a box or six boxes fer "They're having a pard'!" 0.2.50 by The Dr. Williams' Me B ABY'S OWN TABLETS A ceremony wlli011 very probably has never had its equal in the his- tory of anyone up to this tune was celebrated lately in the little vil- lage of Isonbalgi, in Hungary. It took place to commemorate the mar- riage of the eouplo Szatnlnari, unit- ed fur exactly 100 years. The hus- Sure enough, they were having a cine Co., Brockville, Ont. A 11T. LE L!i E BAYER band is 120 years of age and the feast of worms. It was plainly to -----,p i eife lits. Their descendants count be seen that the rooster had found .. I There. is ne tither medicine for lit to ether more than 230 persons. He- So you 'think married life tilt` ones as safe as Itahy's -.II g 1 a quantity of them where the ought to be one grand, swe�l. The two old people, who inhabit a �'I':tb)els, or so sure, in its beneficial ground had been freshly plowed, song ?" She -"\'es." H. 11'hdt c ffe,cts. These Tablet. speedily de- (suite modest little cottage, a11•e very and had told the hens about it. air would you prefer for tl, . nnatri much lowed by their neighbors, awho ble slruy" wuruls, break u , colds, thus surround them with every possible menial song?" Bhe -' `.1 think :1 1 1 „ preventing deadly croup, allay Millionaire." aarc•. 'they are, however, almost --. - simple fevers, and bring the little quite blind and (leaf. They pass te.ath through painlessly. airs• their time away mostly in sleeping. They Cleanse While They Cure. (' .. Wearer, Saskatchewan Lallll- 1 g' 1 shouldn't wonder," said The vegetable compounds of which Still rweasi sell• the old man ing, Srlsk., saws :--"I haver used Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are ell 111- Balby's Own 'Tablets for sty" little smokes a title pipe with evident posed, mainly dandelion. and plan • satisfaction, and enjoys a glass of one in cases of colds, stomach and drake, clear tlto stomach and inte': wine. The queerest thing about Low•el 1rubles, and other minor tines of deleterious hatter and re their whole life is that this old coil - "Why eats, and have Heyer known "11 by 1"' exclaimed Uncle Jack, store the deranged organs to health l)'em t', fail in speedily restoring • hr • ehave e',thew sever evere 181111 quitted brotheir 'there. as he looked from the window ono ful action. Hence the} are the brat g nurrnimsr• remedy for indigestion available the (hil'l's health. I think there ts''1'he.ir life has been pessel there Hal and Kathie ran to see in ano lets•-inr f�,r babies like the to -day. Atrial of them will est quietly' Anil peacefully, and never hurry lish the truth f this assertion and 'I'ublct..'•mold b> nneaicinr d�al- "T'r'aps they think it is a candy - shop," said :!lice, "and p'r'aps the rooster is treat-ing then, just as Uncle Dick did nie yesterday." grandmother. mat *HAT THEY FOUND. ''l do believe it's an owl!" said (10 more to cenvinee the ailing than fromOr7 i e 'I 1:1 it at •la \Villiams' ntsa i }iso box Uncle Jack. anything that can be w rig ten of "Where's his head inquired ('o., Brockville, Ont. Hal. Uncle Jack tapped on the window, and sure enough, up cattle a little head, two bright eyes blinked and winked at the children, and they saw a real live owl! "Couldn't we catch hint ?" asked Hal, in a whis- per. "i'd so like to have an owl, Uncle Jack." The owl rustled his feathers and put his head on one sido, stretched out his leg and -- "Oh, lie's down the fireplace!" shouted Hal, and in a second lie was running (Lown the stairs, t hump! thump ! thump ! Uncle .Tack and Kathie ran, too. There he sat, a very sooty, black little owl, indeed, right in the mid - di% of the fireplace. He ',linked and winked more than ever. and rustled his feathers all over his fate little body. "Let's put a basket over him, and Uncle Jack can lake him out.' sug- gested Ilal. Uncle Jack's eyes twinkled as he answered, •'Well, ruts and get the basket. •' Hal did ruts, and was back again 111 a minute. laaselkoo ' • Now get him. quick, Uncle ark !" exclaimed Hal, under his breath. '•Hoot' Hout•., Both children rushed from the library. and never stepped till they reached their mother's room. "Have you got him called Kathie, as Uncle .Tack came up the stairs. "He's flown up the chimney,' • 1 Uncle Jack, laughing. _"Ile w'ial an owl to let. Uncle n,, even 'e it11 fur gloves r 0 'I'm most glad." said Kathie, "'for he seated ate- awful "' me alw•nyv scared !" an swered Ital. in a lofty tone. .1Il i II, worelered w111. Uncle .lack laugh- ed so bud and long.--- Youth's ('om• pahIien 1N END IN ViEW. Kind Neighbor (necempanicd by a large mastiff, to n little girl very much afraid of hint) --'''He's a good Clog : he nc'. er 111111= anyone. Don't woo see haw Ire's %peeing his tail 1" Little Girl (sti!1 shrinking hock) -"Yes. 1 see but 111111 i:,lt't the cud I'tu afraid of." these pills. KEEP YOUR 'l'EMI'F.R. which of all domestic virtues is most essential to a happy parried life ? The ability to keep Due's tem- AUTUMN.\i. \\'.IHNIN(1. Daddy, start the furnace up; JOhtinv, (•ut seine wood; atoll•, wear your heavyweight; Susy, here's your hood ; Inas a wish arisen in their minds to know anything of the wast world which lies beyond their narrow ho- rizon. .1 Wide Sphere of Usefulness. - The consumption of 14. Thomas' select ric Oil has grown to great t,rol,'rti.rns. Note ithstanding the per, beyond all question. 'fhere fact that it bus now been on the i; nothing which lends more to vis- 11'illie, get your overcoat; market fur over thirty-one years, Tummy, hunt your sled- Its 1►rvrsperity is as great :Is ever, cry, not only for its possessor, but Winter's coming down the bike; and the demand for it in that period also for those about him, than an Nut %cit f tr ahc ill has very greatly increased. It is h. neficial in all countries, and wher- ever introduced fresh supplies are constantly asked for. ungovernable and unreasonable ' temper. No one is worse to live with - ---'- -- The average %vunlan is not sali,- than an ill-tempered man, except,CUREO HIS BLADDER TROUBLE. tied to do its she pleases unless she perhaps, an ill-tempered %%•nlllatl. 11.. Herbert Bauer of 0avisvllle. -a%•s he can 'make other (people (1e as she completely owes 1:111 Pills a debt of gratitude which �(arll\" a lilrge man indulges Ill Itlea.(`s. Bad-tempered people he eau never repay. Ile suffered for years ll tatlk. Urine except by much straining. which - - with Bladder 'trouble. and could not nags smaHollutw;ly''x (UI'tl Cure destroys caused great pain. The efficacy of !Tickle's .Inti -Con- all kinds of corns and warts. root Mr. Bauer sent for a free sample of Gin suniptive Syrup in curing coughs and branch. \1'hu, then %%ual(1 en - Pills. The first dose did hid, so much good and colds arid arresting inll:twine- dure then) with such a cheap and that he ordered six hoses and began to tion of the lungs, can ire established i ffcet.nal remedy within reach' take theta regularly. A nionth•s treat- by hundreds of testimonials from _.--..- meat completely cured him. all sorts and conditions of men.. it THERE .11i E 111': \s ,xs. Yon can try (lin Pills before you boy i-1 a standard remedy in these all- 1 them. Write National !)rug A Chemical average woman can put lip('o.. Inen1. %%' 1.• Toronto. for free sample. nietits 110(1 alt affecti 1115 of the conineng arguments why a loam s At all deolere, a0t. s bus. 6 for *^-.50. throat 1111(1 Inngs. it is highly re von %.iiarA isl 1(1 last • four %sinters ---.t commended by medicine vendors. "ve110(1 why her bonnet 15 only gaud lar because they know and appreciate fore weeks.itsvalue as a curative. Try" it. USELESS KNOW 1.I:!)(;1:. Dr. Morse's The young Hurn 101(1 just, faced the' parson with the only girl. and was Indian Root Pills now in search of information. owe their singular raptoven.-. to "''.111 sou tell ill/` how' to governOwe Ithru11tattsnl. Lumbago rind a wife !" lie asked of the man who MR. PO UL TR Y RAISER DON'T play Ir to the hands o1 the POULTRY SPECULATORS eh.) are sronring the ...untry and uu.ktn,r up all the live birds they ruu lay their hands uu Naturally their object 1+ to get the bulge on you and reap the benefit of a strou;;rr and ,u..ro profitable market later on in the seaann. DON'T rush your Poultry on to the market too soon. F.1tIen al.'( tier -e 11 properly yours. -11; then sell ,t when .•.'stilt. of both stock and n, rket will warrant your securing the highest pri,•e of the season. The pa=l three years have dearly pr.,v. en that those who held their Poultry until the latter part of December. here reaped the large -A. rout -lit for thea outlay. DON'T overlook the fact that the above remarks are h Y In the nature of advice, and th,t ii eon have any Poultry on (land that viol wish to dispose of NOW. we are in the best position of any hro-e in the eolintry, RA 10ixO NOiF.. to handle 45111P for you. We are in the business every day in the year. and our 35 years of ever Increasing business and a Inst of sat istled shinoera are proof sufficient of our ability to please you. DON'T forget to write us when you are ready t,.. shit. GUNN, 1,1114,111 CO. Limited, MONTREAL Canada's Largest Produce Dealers. , • 'r,. t ', Ir r ot:lt .1I•.ctAt.•cu.. r TER. POULTRY and HON I:1'. THE POSE. All mankind has a pose - 'Tis a beautiful game, And wherever one goes He will find it the same. Little trouble, I'm sure, To tell which is which ; For the rich all talk peer And the poor all talk rich. SENTENCE Silt MONS. Lois 'lever stops to be afraid. The worst sins aro the ones for which we have no appetite. He can help no one who does not desire to help the helpless. Take care of your leisure and your life will take care of itself. Some revivals plan to Cure all ills by Ililowiag folks into fits. He who Inas no time to be grate- ful has no power to enjoy a bless• lie w hard would be all our hearts but for our hardships and sorrows. ')pinions about the past c0.11 never take the place of work for the fu- n u rt•. \!'hen a faith is dead it is casto- 111813' to elnbalni it in obsolete 11)1 l'ileeti. Success depends not on what a pian makes, but on what success makes of hint. Many it Iran who is berating the devil has no objection to boarding free with him. No man has any better world be- fore hint than he is seeking to make about him. When a man's religion is all hot air the only thing he thinks about i•, going up. 11'hen men stake a mockery of sin their sins are sure to slake a mockery of then'. Most of those who are worried lest we lose the liberty to go wrong would be out of business if we all went right. POULTRY. \\'e call the attention of our rend• ers to the advectisenleut of The Gunn, Langlois Company, of Mont real, which appears elsewhere in this paper. If you have any pont- try to place on the market during the holiday season take their advice and communicate with thorn before rushing your goods to market. It is a geed plan to write to these peo- ple if you have eggs, butter, pool• PILES CURED at HOME by t1111Por honey to dispose of at any New Absorption Method If you suffer from bleedini-•, itch- ing, blind or protuding Pile;. send me your address, and I will toll vett how to cure yourself at hurtle by the new absorption treatment.; and will also seed some of this home treatment free for trial, with references from your own locality if requested. Immediate relief and permanent cure assured. lend no money, but tell others of this offer. Write to -day to Mrs. M. Summers, Box P 720, Windsor. Ont. UN('i.E I•:'ZRA SAYS: "SoiIletinles the best way tet' say - in' the right thing at the right time it by keepin' porfee ly still." Pills of Attested Valle.--Parine- lee's Vegetable Pills are the result of careful study of the properties of certain roots and herbs, and the action of such as 50(181ives and lax- atives on the digest lye apparatus. The success the compounders have suet with attests the value of their work. These pills have been recog- nized for 111311y years as the best cleansers of the system that can be got. Their excellency" was recogniz- e'1 from the first and they grow more popular daily. WON! .1XI SH. spoil the lives of those who associ- ate with them. The feeling of strain is ever present. ; one never knows just when the storm will break, al- though apparently t he weal her, metaphorically, is "set fair.'' Life in these circumstances becomes a burden almost beyond bearing. There's no use saying "(let thee behind me, Satan."w'he,l ‘.,11 put him in your hip 1'-ket. Mrs. Robert E. Peary, more than nine,When a woman flatters her 11113- !ears ago. favorably a ommented on Marine ,:toll and the(! risks Ilial for Illsley, Eye Rcmedr af'er its application an her h feels as if he had been taken tip Family for Eye Troubles resulting (roan Measles and Kraal Fever• and later re- 11, it halt..rll fel' lee tall'pure of being commended to the famous Explorer. the i Man who now returns home its the inseov.:lhl'ettn rent. erer of the North Pole. ('old. Cutting Winds and Dust cause Iced. Weak. Watery Eyes. Murine Eye Remedy a8urds He• • Much distress and sickness in (•hil- liable itelief. Write Shuttle Eye Remedy ; , Co., Chicago.. for illustrated Eye Books. tacii is caused by worms. Mother Murine, 50c.. by Mail from .%I1 Druggists (;rnccs' Worm Exterminator f;i\rc Father --"You kiddies are well eh: by removing the ••:1'1- • give . it a trial and lie con" .: ,'•1. now -a - (lays. I've 30011 the dna' wh, :r -- 1 had the be content %%i' a dry crud Kindly mention the name of this for my dinner." Eldest Son (an . paper in writing lo ad%erlisers. incorrigible) ---"1'e see ye're better -.-- riff since ye cam' wi' us, faither." WISDOM 11'.11I.s. 1_. tes. NO. 17 U7 Many on everyday man is a weak one. %fork on a sound basis, like the pile-driver. Marriage is like a cucumber --- it doubles you up. A gond many songs have plenty (1' gas, but no meter. Soldiers are usually a bore -they drill so much. People %%Ito lead the simple life generally have to. Never try- to alight from a lady's train w11011 ill motion. A good many actors are roman ti( w'Iit, are not good romantic 810 - IA .T5. ilea%en judges the sincerity of ottr affection for God by flit! cost of our scrsicc fur loan. Sybil to their power of stimulating and strengtlien; ng the kidneys. 'alley hurl been tip against the game for enable these organs to thoroughly filter from the bliss' the uric acid Ihlrty yenl'3. (the product of waste matter which '1 con, replied the other sadly • gel. int,, the Joint.' and mu•ele,l "But what's the use -she wlrn't let and eanbt•n l)leae painful dieea•ee. Sher hall a century of e•onvtant yM1.'• use has proved conclusively that 1)r. •• Mores• a Indian Root !'ills -- strengthen weak kidneys and Some people are more afraid of get' - I lt:I'u the, ass .'f 11 lead •l•,g. Cure R h e u m at i s m ..••••=11. when you begin eating Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes you soon feel that your digestive power has increased. 1 Try KELLOGG'S to -day. you'll wonder what we have added to make KELLOGG'S so deli- cious ---so strengthening. BRONCHITIS If Neglected, it soon reaches the Law aid may Prove Fatal. Mr. G. l.. Darrow cf 116 ;Millicent St.. Toronto, writes tinder date of September 13, 1908, "One year ago the spring I con- tracted a severe cold in the chat, which developed into Broach'' s. I took three kinds of medicine and found no improve- ment. Afriend of mine advised me to try PSYCHINE and induce days I le 't like a new !ninepin. 1 desire tolet otheraknow what a valuable cute you have in PSY- CH1NEfot itcured me where all other meci- icineshadfailed. l aro more tha'tthankfulto be well mala, and for the oke of others who tnav be ill,you may publish thistestimonial.- Stop that told or the results w Il be serious. You can do this by toning up the system with PSYCHINE. r.r Sslr by s0 Dreaalda. SOc. & f 1 yr Kilda Dr. T. A. SLOCUM LiIMITED. TORONTO READ WHAT HE OWES TO Mr. R. C. Blurton, a prominent Sal- vation Army worker, who occupies the proud positron of Deputy Band Master at the Temple, Toronto, bears testi- mony to the the great healing power of Zam-Buk balm. He says:- " Pimples an,l sores broke out all over my (a e and neck andnotwithstanding a d did , tI •and cure them theyspread. n I t.I ) places the skin was inflamed over big batches and caused me great pain and inconvenience, I was advised to try Zam- Buk and for several days I applied it to the AMC) anointing it often with the healing balm. It soon began to sooth the pain. and in a short time the sores ceased to be so angry and painful! With perseverance' Zeal - Lu!: haled the sorer completely and made my skin as smooth and clear as possible. I strongly recommend 'lam-Ru:'.to all who sutler from unsightly skin troubles. sores, ulcers, etc. It is a wonderful healer!" . 'Zatn•Buk cures ecr-ma, itch, blood poison, festering, chronic and suppurat- ing sore;, horns, cuts, barber's rash, ti,tu!a andel! skin injuries and diseases. It is alio .t specific for piles. All druggists and store: 50e. a hot or 3 for $I•25. Send 10. stamp to Zam•Buk Co., Toronto for sample boa. AGENTS WANTED. i" AN('FA(Tt'Ri\I: t OMP.1NY w kNri 1/ roan to xrll dir.•el to farmed.. Qui.'k seller. Every farmer watits one. 701. profit. Experience valuable but uinrces nary. Postal today brings particulars. Chariest Adams, Sarnia. Ont. £TOCKS. To INVESTORS -- IOU R ORDERS 't0 buy or sell Stocks will receive Lar personal at tent• . K. If. Mathews. Beck- er. 43 Scott St., •1'orun.o. •ing 1 Cleaning 1 Vey Nseery beet seal yew week eeUbe NUMMI I t1M[RIBAM eTiiNe Oe !Lees tor ewes le yew seem en wad Ya,rs. lI.streail,Taronto, Ottawa, ()robes. Iron Pip© for Sale 50.000 tt, iron pipe. 1111 5i1(.11 for watt 1. steam. fencing. 1'.. lOd as!n.rew. heltil,g, aha(tiag• cheap. lend for list stating whit sod need. IMPER SALu en WAST E 11, METAL CO.. l. MPntlell 11114 panel . Cush log MINN We buy Wing and Tail 'I'urkep btsr heather:+. \\'rite for prices. lit W. Nelson S4 Co., Toronto, 0t:f. Dressed Poultry ANY QUANTITY. uuy, DA1'IM.S. /MRCS, JCAL41,t17.4ad(OA?D' • Tor !'roup. Dipltthsrla• Inana uea, Crate es, 1/111..411.11. Hurn.• Analds. Ace dente. B io 4414,tk aIle, t)unahet Wounds,Pol.nnou. Bltee of lugs. Prot kris, things of Insect., eta, awe Radway's Ready Relief. market Prices Guaranteed REMITTANCES DAILY Ship by Express and Advise THE J. A. McLean Pr oduce Co. ES �iRalsa Them syltlteat MOM r... LIMITED, e q L ase.► �/ rte. -e. I:e ra• s..1 i .., 1.14., T.,ru:,t ,,;onb. 74 to 76 Front St. East. Toronto i etsystAStfer.ralt - I.S 0.5 ..,t..., . Pw Ni✓c" � -�iaeoiKx• THE ORIOI,. %I. Make No Mistake! 1n 1 ,, :,Z (O 1 l.•d \lir►, tstr n„ r.l:,.l t BORDEN'S EAGLE BRAND CONDENSED MILK 1 he', al• .r,,.•r•ere ., hrn114s t" '••• raj'• r..ne aha ' 1 .. :, 1• •',...,1 n,•t for user 1.:,; ,e.,' IT IS A PERFECT INFANT F000. Borden's Condensed Milk Company Selll•ry Repre'entatl,t 1111. 11. 1)1 \♦, Toronto and slentreal. At All Grocers 0c 1i your. hasn't got it. tell 11in1 to get it tor )ou• PC KG. But we have added nothing. KELLOGG'S Is simply the roal food-valt'e of tho corn, separated from the useless portions by ItELLOCC'S SECRET 'method. KELLOGG'S is ready to Garde. No fusaing, no cooking. Just add m lk or '•:'•^ a dainty. deli- i onloou o nna yet, _ on dolic-tcyf and a Bony-bu!'htr� food colnbinul. I TOASTED. CORN FL