HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-11-25, Page 6DOMINION'S NAVAL FORCE
Annual Cost for Cruisers and Destroyers
Will be About $2,000,000
-_-`-- ef scentado ,ted by the Ad -
ttlegrt.ptste ROMA From One Ows Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and
sad Other Countries el Other Dairy Produce at
Regent Events. Howe anti Abroad.
. ': :. Nov. 23--1'luur -- On-
Mr. (;eerFe Stroud, i cent. patents,
Biggest Grain Exporter in Dominion Gives
Reasons for Prediction.
1111.1 T IS GOING ON .tl'ROSS
'1'11 t: BORDER.
Items From the We Keputllic of lu-
_ - - tcre-t to Canadian
bulge. $longi freakier'.
A despatch front Winnipeg says : , responsible for a big arch lull, ,);l 1►irugo
James Carruthers, of Montreal, the these reports be substantiated On 42 railroads a
( \\ \ll1 biggest grain exporter in Canada, Ice, it will hate a lit ening effect. 2;..00U rail t14e hreme►1 as-wsd in-
A despatch frons Oltnm u say s ' `m raft'. They Jisttlacc 4,500 tuns, tl ♦♦ell Tol r ut i l , pay.
. -t meat of the D11mimi"tt g5 knots an trot+, fl 90 lot c n } its in the 1\'ca in find if tete su}i},1)• 1 .•Thu7 another thin • look at the yrs. Russell Sage has given $10.-
Thr tauter ► 7 and have a speed cf , thin year from the Canadian West eituution in the States. Europe
;known :::::
u11uonrturbieen-OoroiswunllyF ur00horse er. action tee cruet i►uy eey ar p Company, re- track, 'Toronto, and $-1.15 to lhcl hold out
or n . H ~bane �s; tee drwhc being
elew etitli big cac
til of Parliament, g K
e cruisers of They are armed with two six-inch The 1'urned out at A) liner, will r utside in buyers' seeks. on I cin' to make a trip through the :But it doesn't look at present as , l,t r�car'utiug for ihr fuune:tuons
the construction of obit ) trick firers, as cent
and ten font inept q } mm�, first potents, $5.(iU e)► tr:uk, going g to a new factory at Derr-, N. H•,
the Bristol class, costing $1,900,000 flet weapons. rentor•( to Brantford. 1\'rst to find what the furthers are ; if they were };cin to get touch.
testing tie 11 as sura Serilms •tlrtr cs of graft and Toronto; second patents, 5ste ►e Prices there arks at least six cents tanner)• vats 1:,0 years old herr un -
$400, and f tins destroyers, g X3.20. and strong bakers',
stem to uoiug• earthed.
as a nucleus of ('un- The destroyers are small and vet')' nutectnk criminals i,re made [ feel,- said \i r. Carruthers, l higher than those which would uta'::
ad00,000 each, of speedy craft, intent d to .war • 1 ' f,• p Cotton [tills of New Bedford,
e. The number 1 also • against the Council of St. Boniface. •Se un truck, •romit c\u. 1 lurtheru "that eel, -t prices are bound fur!the Bruin •nthose r •for •w ort. \“. operatives
aria's notal fore ilauittha 1\ 1 1 Mass., employing 17,000 op
d hire required tar these against torpedo boats. They
o Mr -
t r. a H. Duller, M.P., intro- ay ports, and No. 2 North- higher leeels, 1 base my belief on • premiums on cash wheat keep with
un -
officers art carry torpedoes, to be » p
noted a bill in the Commons to $1.0-1, B • 1.- t a number of }paints which are now above the December option, trill curtail operations two nun's
•u[ breaking. this nxvups tier week.
1 will be 1,408, and the pity I tt ckrog lsttger 81 0L list rte
Wheat -No. = mixed. :k((ecting the mai t• 1.nI otic ,u, p signs Dennis Galt ally. a 1,ainter, ir11
ill include Germany has but eight at the pre-; several
u stocks are at a �ew ebb. Prices , that I•:urupe will have to come t" ; tri Off a scaffold on the Wil -
1 i1 -
u -No. and No. - tafee been so high fur the lust tit„ ',Canada for her supply
and "'eat"- I12� f
"" `" 1ave e111' prices higher. liantsburs bridge, N. 1%, and e as
con- %%bite and red Winter. the naval force is estimated at $2,- inst;uptl' killed.
vessels u,rlltrlit serves Ina a ern,
roll and victualling will cost about 1 )' suppress race -track gambling. ,
$500,000 a year, The total cost of craft.
scouts similar to the Bristols, i The t'i^l'i• I{.,a .:,;�1,\l1, ship
--; $i.04 tou81`05ren
000,000 0 year. This w dock-
yardsthe maintenance of efficient i
yards at Halifax and l:sc}uiurult,
which will he available for the larg-
est ships of the Royal Navy.
The Bristols are the most recent
- TRADE t -'OR ll("l'OBE1t.
totals About Sixty -tan and a Ralf
A despatch from Ottawa says:
Canada's trade for Octeher was
$62,417,614, an increase of $5,189,-
1161 compared with October of last
ar. Imports for the month to-
taled $31,473,960, an increase of
x carts of domestic
X3,81 •t,600. Exports
products totalled *27,250,759, an
increase of nearly one nlillinie Feu'
the first seven months of the fiscal
year the total trade has been $306,-
807,482, an increase of $48,400,497,
as compared with the corresponding
1,critd of last year. Imports total-
led *202.787,905. an increase of
forty trillions. Exports of domestic
products totalled $147,735,014, an
increase of a little over eleven mil -
}ions. Last year during the curre-
'pending seven menthe coin and
million valued at. 47,212,812 was
Imported. This year the aliment
was only $1,586,487. The fetal cus-
toms revenue for the seven months
teas $33,797,520, an increase of $6,-
787,452, or nearly one million a
HOLD '1'01:lit WHEAT.
Big Falling Off in Shipments frotn
the West.
A despatch from Winnipeg says:
Traffic open on the local railways
are wondering •that has happened
to the wheat crop of Western Can-
ada, because since the beginning
of the month there has been a big
falling off in grain shipments.
"There won't he the usual rush at
the close of navigation," a promin-
ent official remarked ou Thursday.
'•The faru►rrs are holding their
*heat for higher p►•ice5 and we ean-
not get Al it at all. At evcry point
in the country we have cars wait-
Fent time, while Britain has toe
ty-one of 25 -knot speed. In ads
Alex. Bailey of North Ran ass, 'Metes -.\o. taken enough wheat to salt~) 1 b
q this tint. rill also inclined to 1,{7e built the great lock at Sault
tion to scoting, these shills would i knee keel down and robbed by an and No. 3 tura a( 57 to 58C out mediate demands.
b:• useful in time of war fur the tiro ;Guru, in spite of ntanupulut:on, 1„ lie♦'e (hat the United States (ion- qtr. Marin, dice in Cincinnati, 0.,
uu of ocean trade routes. ! unknown nuts, who visited hishonse side. 1 aired .y.
tech ; ir. the earl} morning. j O11}c-\e,. 2 (hkt:u i„ white. new. ttheut prices eventually conic to it ernn►cl,t reports have soon a'Lat
- ,% one :3ti, to 1I Selections of 217,430 acres of the
(:lief Justice Dubuc of Dian:h,- 37 to 35c outs:dr, Csuuula \fest, 1
su , (1y
and demand basis and that ererestimaud the crop there. 1
is the prime factor we must look at 1 '.\nd now we're coining to the 250.000 granted under th^ act of
ENGINE SWEPT IN'f0 1{1\1:11. 'ha, who is retiring, was presented' oats. fort1,.,c for N,). i t , determine the future trend of 'greatest factor of all, the Lowers• :1901. have been made fur Oklahoma
- , with 8 chair by the Provincial Gov- :"+^ No. 3, Bay Ports• I'uit er, it'.
the market. The Argentine crop ;They holed the toe to the sit nation
Engineer Killed and Two injured
eminent, and with a portrait of }{yes \6 to 88; ontsidr. \\' 1 1 you may remit assured that wee- Hunucacl} Dver, of Milo, Me.,
'n the West. himself b} the Winnipeg Bar.
t Bell Telephone otCic•ials at ; Buckwheat -56e, The
i which some one had lost.
__ I Miss Lottie Sheldon, of Mt. Plea-
,, 2, 7• c outside. m ill play a great part. c tate and y
eat-5tic, dew freights.
hica'o I talked wink sen
rt_ `Ing h1111% have arranged ••• 1 side. ' years •...-- foreigners
li sUuct :► erydock at 1.eviF• u stl to ti0d outside, mutated no smith's, but have onl} "lu t b I;cerge W. Foster, the contractor
f m e sal b: •• t seders and they all take
m scan (luring the eetst week [what ' es will have to stay at ie a•.t ae high erig a potato on his fa n„ and in_
:lmrric+err "mow, r tr •' a• the♦• are now to make Mete side th.' potato was a gold watch
•nt ;4'/ to 75c on track. Toronto. will do to prices. They have been loosen up.''
B • It-p`;2l is hugs Terentu, anti
1 \ (Imunage reports flout that ecu 1 .
C says: Engineer Gough, of Kam- their company is not in the rest
A despatch from North Bend, B. Montreal issue a statement that ( ern-: n,
loops, was killed and two trainmen niergcl .ef the �� r Stern t
were badly injured in a wreck on
the Canadian Pacific on 'Tuesday
night a few miles west -of here. A
landslide struck the engine of the
freight train just niter it had
emerged from a tunnel, and carried
the locomotive and four ears over
tin embankment down 200 feet into
the Fraser below. The engineer
was not seen again. Fireman Mac-
kay jumped. He sustained a broken
arm. wtule Br akesman Foster, of
Kamloops, was given a severe shak-
ing up. Three ears were derailed
besides those carried over into rue
river. A blinding snowstorm was
raging at the time. The slide missed
the eastbound pitssengc•r train by
half an hour.
.A Bad Italian Named Scalso Sen -
'pion 7c to
legraph Company and the American shorts at e23.50 in bugs, 'Toronto. L- - ----- - -•I mode to sec by an operation. She
Telephone Company.at 5':4 to 5%e per lb. Good lots of STEA )I Si' IPS TO 1' 1• RA.
f fat hugs about 8' c per lie is 23 years old.
New Contract 11 ilk Thompson Dr. C. J. Otto, who 13 years ago
sant Mich., bons blind, has been
GREAT BIIITAIN. Apples -Prices, $2 to *3.50 per : Toronto. Nov. 23. --There was &
Lord Charles Beresford is to be ;barrel, according, to
gl ( uality. fair hush which l sold ling ot *5ftochoirt0 butchers',
the Unionist candidate in the cont iBea►is *1.5.6 to 1 emit. to (1 at *5 loads at a; 1.°25 10
ing bye -election in Portsmouth. 1 e. at ,,utside points in lttrke lots• $4.85 ; choice rows from $4.25 0
II Combe dozen, $2.25 to•
Thr House of Lords passed the ; out} - It is rumored to South land bill altering certain t13 ; extracted. 1(t!.,c per r Ib. 5 70 ; .1.60. Feeders were
s n i nitie 5� e5light- !twill be signed i„r tl) b) S' R I y Pa., that 8,000 Bethlehem Steel
Irish , and he slttright, Minister of Ttauc
amendments which the Commons Ha. Ne. 4 tint�t14) $114 on track, ' iv easier.
i I.nnd,s xt. 45.50 to *U and 1 ontnu'rct•, and the Thompson i Company workmen will be given a•
had declined to accept. ane Nu. 2, •.13 v 10 per cent.• increase in wages.
sheep at k3.•_':, to 81. Nags - Sc' 151etuaship 1 01Iipany. .\n hent o[
In a speeell at \taichestcr, Mr. Toronto. 1(cts, ' 7. tU f.o b., :upd 47.ti� [ed and 82:r,000 for Foch a subsidized set By his will Walter Townsend. a
Arthur J. Balfour declared that Straw --98.50 to $9.50 011 heel:• • twattreel• cue is prutuled in the estimates jreests backer of New Murk, re-
reform • as the only }u act:- T Potatoes -48 4' brought clown 'fhursdav ill the Cont- quests that. his body be cremated
cal alternatiyc to the pre»rut bud fors -48 to 50c per bag on •• MOOSE JAW. will he a month- and the ashes fed to the flowers.
get. track ter Quinsies. WRECK .1 1 _ 1110115. The service Announcement was made of a
Lord Lansdowne gave notice in '. i onitr♦•-Chickens, dressed, 11 tot 1 one. 'fhc only Steamship c„nnt`' Alar, adopted by the New fork ten -
1. Wheat Train 11:111 Intra Nle{11:; '+f' tion e. Thu my steamship
Canada and Cuba at 1 P
the House of Lards that on dgetbe 12c o19e' lb.:
duck'. 'lb., 1't to elnntiing Cars. ,resent is provided by the blcxi• teal Railroad and its affiliated lines
t more that the budget be t' to 1.1< P per lb. 1 for the pensioning of old employes.
13c; geese, 9 to lOc } \ despatch from Moose Jaw can service., which includes Cuba , Denver and Salt. take City Book -
;says; One e,f 1 worst. arr;ks that en the southern trios, but not an ,,fakers lost, $60,000 on horse races
'fHh. 1):1IR ' evere occurred in this vicinity hap- 'the return trips. 'There is a emi-
on at, the Latenia track, heal' Cincin
Butter -Pound prints, 23 to 22eee : 1pencd near the yarn limits of this sidernhle 1 rads in tcba%ce, fruits nuti, through a cleverly executed
tubs and large rolls, 20 to 21c : in cite shortly hefure midnight, on and sugar which ran he handled by i tapping of telegraph wires.
fester, 17 to 19e; creamery, 21; t0 \Vtdncsdav, resulting in the death the new serf ice. , When Edward Letehntere, known
- _ _ -_ as the "museum thief,' is released
'TO CHANGE IRON TO STEE from the Ohio penitents try this
Steamship Company. ( ptu•citast•d the Limier farm. un the
A despatch from Ottawa says: , outskirts of Allentown, l'a., for
A tenth -act. for a direct steamship $9,700, has just sold it for $97,000.
service between St, John and Cuba ltd i 5 nth Bethlehem,
•.( • ,'Ir Ic t
tented at Cobalt.
A despatch from Cobalt says:
V Scalso, an Italian, charged with
stabbing James Stevens, n eec•tion-
Man, lust Sunday, was on Thursday
sentenced by Magistrate Atkinson
to ten years. The attack was en-
tirely unprovoked. Stevens' com-
panions were jangling with an
Italian crowd when Stevens tried
to patch up the peace. Scalso
rushed in, \sithout. having been
spoken to, and cut Stevens down,
making a murderous attack upon
hila, one of the nine knife wounds
being a fraction of an inch from
the heart. Stevens is still confined
in the hospital, and was unable to
give evidence.
Ina'rt till their mhrels getting rusty.
They are certainly not marketing Sin men ('antitied at (•obalt
the wheat we looked for. and all
Could Not Pay Eines.
the wheat has not goer out of the
country yet. September and Oc-
tober were very heavy months for
[shipments .if wheat. Neremlior has
been started very Welk-. and
tloesu't stern to be getting any
4\ 1111'111'.1' 1.1111111. 110)111.
billed the Bishop of ('risen at Lima.
.\ despatch from limn, Peru.
I : The Bishops 1,f tuna, has beeit
killed by n bomb thrown by an
Anarchist. The Bishop was riding
in his carriage with his secretary,
1 bomb as hurled at the ve-
not accepted until an appeal can
be made to the country.
Richard Watson Gilder, editor
of The Century Magazine. is dead.
Six workmen lost their lives in a
"^c and Solids, 24'/.: to 25c per 1b. of Roland 1llllings, aged 25, au
cave-in in at urry.n e time N. C.
A despatch from Cobalt says:
Unable to raise the Money t7, pay
heave fines imposed for selling
[whiskey here. six men were taken
down to North Bay on Wednesday
afternoon. They and their sen-
tences were :-S. Sawyer, Laa•is
Lawson. S. Buchanan and Henry
Finnigan, three months: Ben
Smith, 15 months, and Charles
Tripp, 12 months.
'1'111: 1'I It ST M A R'1'I'llt.
Suffragette Gets Two Months' Hard
A de'pnlch from Bristol. Eng-
..el ggs-Case lots, -30 to 3''2 per Englishman. who was fireman on
Edward C'urn•, one time manager elortn for fresh, and 26 l0 27c for .the North Line freight, and the
of the Montreal Telegraph Com titnrage. t setup}etc 41reckinl; .,i seven rats.
office at Cubuur•g is dead Cheese -121/(F pct lb for large,
!fillings was crtlsl,+•d under a ten -
A Detroit Judge says that half and teuvrs sl wife and a r'.
week he will be arrested r rte 1-
1 {Ila:o Blacksmith Has invented jog ruins from the Kationa
tinny s u s I },. Simple Ettettive Process. ;11111 at Washington. ]).C.
at Staten island, ! t If and at 12%c for tiwins• der. He
wIrl► a ,umr a'
hicle. The Bishop was instantly lend, says: Ellen Pitman. an elder•
killed, and his secrit+lry terribly in -'1; Snffrltgette, is the first martyr
jured. Both of the; secretary's peg. :., the cause to be setttc'nccd to hard
mere amputated. The murderer 1.bor. She was arraigned in the
made an unsuccessful attempt at magistrate's court un Wednesday
suicide. The pelice had a hard 11 a charge of throwing n stone
time resetting the assassin from a through a window of the post -office.
tread which bad caught him and She was sentenced to two months'
were determined to lynch
se -
1►as a brother in Souris. B. J. Burke, of New York, was
f baby. Fn .\ despatch from Gallipolis• awarded $582,000 agalnet, St. Clair
of the applications fur divorce that HOG PROnUCTS. 1 gimlet. Butts was gashed en the Ohio, says : :\ new srcrtt, nlrthoel :County, Missouri, in the Federal
come before hila involve persona , which is said to he able to save the Court at Kansas City, on bonds for
married in Windsor. Bacon. Lang ch11r, 14 to 14„e tack of the bend. l;rukcutlur Bert. 'United States Steel Corporation a railway which never was built_
1)r. Louise G. Robinevitth de- per lb. in ease lots; mess perk. Barber was slightly injured. at hast g1,tx)es S a year has been The carr has involved famous lilt
utonstrated to medical men at New e26.50; short- ent, $28. , Ieavily loaded wheat train ran into
o her ability to restore a dead Hants- Light, to ntetlintt►. 15 to a string of cars standing in the sold by Mason Grover, village gation.
1t rkblacksmith at Indwell, near hese, Hunt Tilford Dickinson, a 10 -year -
rabbit to life by means of rythtnie We ; doe heavy, 14e to 119'- ; rolls., yard. - -+ !fres RL'(1(1,000 and realties. The c.ld motherless boy, now on a (en -
clrrtrir 81' excitations. 1.1 to l f, ,c; shoulders, t Ria plantation, has inherited $4,-
Plans are en foot to hold an ex- backs, 19 to 20e; breakfast bacon, REGISTERED MAIL STOLEN• halm is t0 convert iron err. 1111„
steel by a simple urocess, and this (x(,0110 (om the estate of his
liititiolt in ers to celebrate the 17 to 1- c. 1 ; tubs, 15'�c; fi;.1NN1 Ilisappc•ars Front ;steel
do away with much of the me- gland -uncle, Wesley Hunt Tilford,
fiftieth anniversary of the freedom Lard- Tierces, 1.5/c, Northern Trail'. t•iictnistil now used and the long a former sivepreiiden1. of the Stan-
1'fhr prosecution of the sugar
of the negro rare i11 .\nu sten, pails, t6c. o
tine eneeloyed in this 1rans orme lard Oil Company.
S IN MONTREAL. A despatch from Rose isle, M4(11 lien work. Greyer •has been a pour Released from the Molokai toper
trust frauds at New York gives BUSINESS ' iloba, says: BobLery of the r1 ►(Is :man all his lits and has little edu roleny in the Pacific as tutee. Dlrs.
promise et de♦ele}►ing into an in-
n �lontrea}, Nov, 23.--Oats-Nip. 2 teie•d until has just reuse to light. cation. 'Manuel 1-reitlis returned to Santa
41'tigatiot► which may rank with Canada Western, 41% to 41':rc. '1'twu pttrkrts, containing ", ' u -__�_ -_� ;Clara County, California. to find
the insurance' inquiry of four years Basten - No. '2, 64.3 to (37(' ; 411 Se- surd '5,004) respectively. 71i at. •l,er 1nlshnnJ married again. with
hgo. ba feed barley, 32 to 53c. (tuck -'•peered (rent registered snail of the IIIt.1\h '11 1 3I1.1)1's .11'11). 'three children. He refused to take
wheal -58 t., :)K'.ir. Flour Muni (•N.li. Hn►lucy train on Nov, 1st. Ler hack at first, but. relented af-
GENERAL. tuba Spring a heat. patents. first x• They were addr(5'e Rn 1 terward.
•d t0 Halifax '. `Il Matt
1lantttl In dee rf 11 1
l'h; snail clerk f w♦;ts hemi. ' The 1'apitul building in mashing.
A despatch from Ottawa says: tun is hating its annual bath,
' f I• Ibrun, a nil - T wrlwl• firemen from different en -
Fier hundred persens. including e5.70; (1o., second:; $.15.20; 1\lnter and Belmont, 1i,u►.
Iwo Americans, hnvt been stemma- aluat pure 7rurantc, hal 11 stinks he ii ac nee
ily executed in Nicaragua, nitoba strong bakers', $5; str+tighl , t
uan insurgents have rotll'rs, $5.10 to *5.2:' : do.. in bags, ' menta ray absent trent the car Romain 1 aaln7, o ,u
The Nitarug K .31. heed Ontario elide traneferring some trail l0 OW Inge in liteeell County, 30 miles gine houses of the city are a•a•lung
seized the Dictator, e ( nrwvrgia. f..2.40 ran 2 R2 : e middlings, Winnipegn1train, ellen they met at. 'from Ottawa, killed hintself ontt`Cerel dirtnthe %%biteArttirotuluteedust
their steamer, and prrss,(1 it arta bran, $t.'1 to $22 , dee $tilt tc'dny Horning. when he 41
''k,_,r;.:,0 to fe'_'1; \int►itei,;t 1')111►, 1,,111' Sudunk• .� heed )nines at lite hotel at lac- durinit the past yi 1 It will t
their service. ' ' $21 ; de., shorts, Kee to ?c2t
Herr I'awlc,wski, general agent • t•. 6;32 to $:13: '1'11111:1: WERE 111{1111 \ 1:11. lernn, he walked down tea store a week to olein the 1 apitel an
ni the \orlh German Lloyd liar at Imre grain n 'Ile. --- where a tinsmith ons working. Ile ilio office buildings.
Naris, 111 di tl('I suicide btc11ltx( tif mixed :needle, >?2:r to Ft1?,7. Hees' 'ellen.. I'
fiuuntutl dtllutlitn c '" tc 11� e for late Skiff Capsized at Port lrlhur ;seized a bottle ofl ici�l awl
f tit , 1 1lednecd•IwI k ti I►
Senor Iiabicl, :► wcu l Iy .pant- n } 1 ; , F
til -s 85.50 to $S,Gn; Ma- i,; unable to account for the dis7tp-
\\ t sttrnv, 1 1,► r r ing that hr m cu c s c
1 1 S 1•' I1 1llitke unit 11 ' c 1,, I.:' for Sep- ill • • flits genal ur not, he drank If , ;
'rrtts Doctors were called. and, BOVIN1.5 .1 `i Bi ROM aril, the crones of the )flue Hope: tcmber !tonus. with taste ens ut \ drepatch from Pert .\11hut
read, is reported to have hien to i1' e. Better- Finest ercante•r!'' •suyec:'l'hree men arse ilit"ned here' when they had dime all in their 1.1 Kerte Ihr gcneraik arcel
than I
re51nrd in the wreck of the steam- '13r, and fresh 24 `to 2.11;,e. Eggs on Wednesday when a skiif capsir.ell power te. relieve Lia aufferinus h aceem}rlishmrnts of the conn
d Selected stork ,, to lye, and .
er l.a Snyder near Singapore millinew 'if fon) while nosing'aa brought to the hospital herr. c•„tv have net included that e
Ratner are John :Marshall Legradc, ri•
wa i the animal 1114 quite a re 7s.
UNITED S'fA'fl•:S D1.\ 111(1.'1'' Abner l;urJoh and fete Kams; e, -llr i,,.re,n.'lt}e,, They tan tri! the ail
here from New Or.
Found at 'I i• '1'Icame } \l 'T Grenfell was matnrd preach
+ ` +t 1,+ , `:
e 21k• per dozen. .. aclv,xi the canal basin. near
Ile died a few tense after his nr- eenthcr prophet. But. dairymen
. 1 I,nrc
.A P1,114:11 1:11,1) 1'1 I:I,f►,
�,, 'n Lahr. in 'I hand, r : 3r . . , ofa storm by the dimi)iu-
liuff11l•+. Nuy. °:3. 1\ Ieal a� The torn
flaw' Ilktricl. i, r; Nie. 1 Northern. carloads, leans. The bodies haws not yet 1'et•n
,• •ecrrcd, The tourtli man if 34
Chienit•o to Miss :\tma �ic('L•ut tient Of the tea n milk. 'the falling
•,ff is tel see appreciable in a inter.
tore, Winter. . eends..
r c (nahan.
;1 despatch (ren fort .)silos Rl.0 � :� No. 3 )e'IIo1r, act+. rr.rue,el. �..�.�--•� 1 ul ill the
• 'e t u•�t infallible, and when•
him. `imprisonment at. hard labor.
(tbe•t Beres seasons the
"Ili- I. rule t nl t
says: The
first r1:5r te(I f of pho e r r. a' 1, : \ o. d ycllor�, Is.. r ; \ o.
Ro1d has hecn rep0rtrd fr0n1 Sat u,; ' nd s n•
1)nts birth. Ise kit fie
1.al.e in Thunders Bay ditrict, whrrt• I,ica,,, Ney, ss. -\'heal -('ash
ltatwe mucic•�; '1 1 ill Os
L I`Vl 1'l l While I �' • ' r Ail to
00 XJ111fl1VS
OBNIANS •,h• �uddnl♦ diminished
' ' Le fess a lrtuu hdoue r<mn
Estimates For the Fiscal Year Submitted
to Parliament.
n pron er , ed. >R1.1t1; o. red. :hat bad weather is 1•ettli►►1. OSi
a ern- rich tied w It c cs , grin stn
for tl5ariz lode. he the black sand • to 1.15: \o. •: Lard. q*1' to .
emir 11111!• ago the at 711x:
found is •aid to the same kind No, :3 rnrd, t?I.U:3 to $1.111 : No. 1'
Nurlhern, yl.l+l lo >3t.11 ; No. t+, gine• district fell off 1,. an at n,-
ns mule tae ed,. line fnnu,n•, rood Nei -there, *l.') to $1.09: No, 3 ince extent. 1►air' horn were or-
t small stamped,. alre has hr•'i► '1Irtrhl $1.t►1 t„ .. 1.n7'.'. ('ern -- , , ei, and were trying ws to hot rets
ti ,rinK. t11ilk froth each ether, but nnhi,dv
for the fields already. T51 th •fens Nlr.. 2.•
6s.': to 1,:;',c•; Ne, yellow.
rinilus had been staked at th • !act -61'•;c; No. :3, s.:;' .c: N7,. :: -(Toon, 11od an} to spare. 'they all knew
report. �C.t,,c: No. }. s,•'' ••. 1)itte •No. :1, what the matter sax when t
- -. storm tante fleet ties, and ellen this •
Result of the Disaster in the Cherry,
Illinois, Coal Mine.
-a' :s' c; NO :3 lt,,. le tic: o.
il'1'\1.. t e. hey. ::c to ,, standard, •fl ,\ ,1,•spnr,37 fro,n I Lcrr}, ll! . ' 1„••-i,1c• t„ u,. !r, 11:1 ft •!'hc two usual supply of milk mac furl u;um-
-- „•u, ,at,�• of tnililiu forced Ihcm this. 11 aa9 snnldy our of the
A t st:'I 11.111"
r the fiscal year
. estimates
rn 'fl t imioy afternoon by tike 1 1
•a to itt-
' I estimate
c •sur 'Iltie i• .1 It from ()Untie a}a: 500 for
clu(1rs t?a,t)(ltl,t0+t for the purchase. Sacs: .\(Ir► three mining expel "t lac;, with tlnbhrd rine(. rnrimr. (acts of Nature 41.116 1 .
construction and maintenance itp- of 1 �''
ships. the n►aintrnnnce and up -keep it firs. 11crr, ih•porltel• LIVE \I 11ih1•:Tfi. hod mode tow,+ tri ti into the• .\s ii rrsnit of the d:e11sfec. there knmwn, 1'[ for which no pastil
1 ( Winnipeg mat.: "'al Min • on 'fhnrsday 11fterne1'f1 Pry in this tooth of only a few thou- rsplanulion has been given.
t.. It'
(•onditinn+ in 1lheria 1l here 1'rair• t
?titling Marti) 31. 1911, carr.' table d'
o docks nrdx at heclnimalt and Hall- \ dt-lutteh from.v0111111'111. \ i \few o1 the tl rt had foun7l weedy. at least 1 itttll orphan14
sae, 11n(1 ihr eaah1:51u)teu(. and l'ulunizuti,.n Agent �;p!crs, who hue r, .... it was learned that t ..a 1 �--.
u e Minister. The total en ren �1ne1 141(1(151`, Smite families e,f r-"'-
ru ts to Qe1,h01,• mnintrnaner of training schools as been haying e♦tenxiwe myestiva►- Lest \oIIL-\\est turtle Fuld at iJattd flied amounts o n p- tions mad, e,f uep•,rle.l lessee and about 3c per 111. and little. ever. ' cry bodice along 1) lett l,f the mitre and t
f 1 t amount f $2440,500 I l 't Is 't' (o l'.e • g+tllr.rv. Thr .rnrcl► ter ihr bodies eight lehittc`r`'rtrj rlrlit'Ir('hi,,el depend•ent
!1. an int relief` a A14,-77,2.940-
aganti s. 1 1 t t k ,.
The total capital a ref $ - sear, preprinted under this teat lay- danger 1 f centime)stock. 2 to 3e p(t lb.; I l cent of
-n 1- an :Herr•.•.• .,f A5,- yens, 111(11 iy an :ucrease of 142, es
NO K1(h 1 O!lfl\',
tall tr of suffering +Ilttenl( 1111` Ilt'lr' '1rt1\' gent +l 1 7 lean 'nest last for days. Til(` Iia rrleS (.11 <' itis'
n1 't 71. t I a re 1 (1 nter + ` strengthened 11111 air 1)tttn•an McDonald. of Spring- "I'm .lorry e,o 11x(•11 \" flnlir nude
settler( in .11 t al• leer Ili.: must be�'
,rairir. lime Iasi month. has re. !canners freta }'.; lr.•)rcaidcn( ref Ili -trim No. rlird, 1 said t H 11.
1 the datn8ge'lliilc•1 cows freta . 441 t" gist each. into the lhen511Hds 1,(i',o..11151111r,r,ielrll United Mine \\'ork,•le- ril►,r :n (1)il. il'x all , Haj hest,•' hr r^
%14s be and states that 11 .,+ }o t' r }ler (1(1001ea%rrn. Witter.
t tum:lie'( turned re•iRnedlw, 'I ain't gut no
how been Krea;lr ex:lgKerotcd, and , Ih.:th7god, fed cake-.
(hitt 1t1,'a • 1• i{I r•elll tell Ila eller 111.: geed 1Y411'e Slt :1 111 lit per 11'. l`rreu1lenl,tef(pwparts
watl'hc:dtlall Illlglll of It 111', 11!Iltt)1U11etlroll-will
hlllir•Cfl i,r• kick eorniU'./'
(sheep, :3% to :t;'.c per lb.; lamb' 1
t94 c7:,..l;. 'Thr grand total is 7)9,594). 'there is an estimate of
1e, O:O,f►!+.,•5,+. theses.. r
. 7.,- $$11,750,000►0 for the Trent ,•anal, an
nn f :4 1
inereast+ of $7eren00, 'The militia
There is a tete) navel 71171 epri- '.'Bunte[ xhoa .111 insrealse of (erl'
1t1V1p ^1 Q:1,676,50I1 as against ` $2,000,0a0.