HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-11-25, Page 5THS; EXETER )TIMES, NOV. 25th 1909 Purchased Blacksmith Business Having purchased the Blacksmith business from Mr. Alonzo Hodgins, I am prepared to do all kinds of Black- smith Work for the General Public and respectfully solicit the patronage of the Old Customers of the shop and many new ones. I am sure we can give you entire batisfaction. "Horse Shoeing a Specialty" .�.. , Dan Maclsaac. CREU l TON, ONTARIO, Por6hd6 BI6KmJth BosIo6SS ,J.1,1/11\t,klr• Having purchased the blacksmith property and business of Mn. A. E. PYDM, near the Town Hall I am prepared to do all kinds of Blacksmith Work for the General Public, and respectfully solicit the patronage ot all the Old Customers of the Shop and many New Ones. I believe we can give you entire satisfaction. Yours, David Russell. Make Each Animal Worth 25% Over Its Cost On 3i of a Cent a Day Nobody ever heard of "stock food" curing the bots or colic, making bens lay in winter, increasing the yield of milli five pounds per coma day. or restoring run-down animals to plumpness and vigor. When you feed "stock food " to your cow, horse, swine or poultry, "TEE( You are merely feeding them what you are growing on your own farm. EEL" Otv Your animals do need not sera feed, but something to help their 2:04 bodies bodies get all the good out of the feed you gave them so they can get fat and stay fat all year round; also to prevent disease, cure disease and keep LarRrr( JYinner nj them up to the best possible condition. No "stock food" can do all these a n ya c e r on things. ROYAL PURPLR STOCK SPECIFIC can and does. It is Gian4ci,cw,t '08 Not a "Stock Food" But a "Conditioner" ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPEC iFIC contains no grain. nor farm products. it increases yield of milk from three to five pounds per cow per day before the Specific has been used two weeks. It makes the milk richer and adds flesh faster than any other preparation known. Young calves ted with ROYAL PURPLE are as large at six weeks old as they would be when fed with ordinarymaterials at ten weeks. ROYAL PUPLE STOCK SPECIFIC builds up run-down animals and restores them to plumpness almost magically. Cures bots. colic. worms, skin diseases and debility permanently. Dan Mctwvan, the horseman, says: "1 have used ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPEC/FIC Persistently in the fceJing of 'The iiel,• 2.04 largest winner of any pacer on Grand Circuit in 1904, and •Henry Winters,' 2.0:4. brother of Allen Winters.' winner of 136.000 in trotting stakes In 1904. These horses have never then off their feed since 1 commenced using Royal Purple Specific almost a year ago, and 1 will always have it in my stables.•' qyal STOCK AND POULTRY SPECiFICS One S. Package e0 ROYAL g F Y A t, P URPL days,6 STOCK P SPECIFIC which is awill last one tittle over tww animal seventy ofhree of a cent a day, Most Stock foods in bili St packages Last but fifty days and are given three times a Jay. ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC 1s given bat once a day, and lasts half again as IOng A 11.50 pail containing four times the amount of the fifty cent package will fast 2a0day% ROYAL PURPLE will inetea9e the value of your stock 254- It Is an astonishingly quick fattener, stimulating the appetite and the Wish for food, assisting nature to di,test and turn kc+ int,, flesh. As a he fattener it is a leader. FIC tls.illaave many times its cost in veterinary hills. ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY SPECI- s our other Specific for poultry, not for stock. One :50 cent package will last twenty-five 4 70 days, or a pail costing $1.50 will last twenty-five hens 240 days, which is four timcsrnore material for only three times the cost. It makes a "laying machine"out of your hens • immer and wvintera�,r,revents fowls losing flesh�pm t n uttin euro poultry and eurpoultr diseases. Every package of OYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC or POULTRY SPECIFIC is I guaranteed, R Just use ROYAL PURPLE nn one asset,. animals and any other Preparation on another them animal II heat to depth or else back tcome er your money. PEER-Ask itu.R ill skyROYAL PURPLE has Your merchant or write us for our valuable a -page booklet on cattle and poultry diseases, containing nisi cookin • receipes and full articularsabout Rr)YAL PURPLE STOCK and POUL- TRY SPECIFICS, If t'ou cannot get !loyal' Purple Specifics from merchants or agents, we will supply lou direct, express prepaid, on re.eipt of 51.50a pail for either Poultry or Sto:k Specifics. Make money acting as our agent in your district. Write for terms, I Par sale by all up•t0•date merchants. W.I. Jenkins Mfg, Co., London, Can. Royal Purple Stock nnd l'oultry kip veins.; ;end free booklets in tutock 3,y are kept W. J. IIEAMAN, Exeter, 11ANLON & O'111RIEN. Centralia. Have Seen 111 t • !neighbors it is hard to say how ser- iious a blaze might have occurred as there was a gale blowing from the West nt the time. ?fir Charles Shoemaker, of 'Park- hill. i1 in town visiting her mother. Mr.. F. .Demuth, who .bas been in poor health lately. Father Leiseltc, who has be.•n par- ish priest at .Drysdale for a number 1 , of years, intends leaving for a par- lh h e m isb near Windsor. Father Lander- 1 vine, of IDlontreal, is to be bis Hue- t j i censor. he of MTs have already turned out many -•r. --- 1Vinter Suits. HAVIy you seen Zurich 'Road, died of heart failure arren S. Ilignan, of �on w•ce f HAVE: you noticed the new' g,inday, Nov. lath having reached the D e we are displaying? IiAVR you ag,' of 69 years, 6 tnnnths. The fun- sist o trd h\Vinttrttcter er sit a Ore puttingI ernl took place on Tue.day of last M d how well the HI' When i vHAVE MI 1 elk, interment bcinJ; to the I''annt,. ;was viltecemetery.y last Of Sour friends tell yon their;Mr. John Procter was in Stratford M Crediton Mr. George II. Bedford, returned Tuesday from Denfield, where hs operated a thresher during the past few mouths. II.. will remain here until the first of the year when lie expects to resume his position with the Goodison route at Sarnia. Having sold out my 'Horse -shoeing ' and Blacksmith business 'I desire to thank the public and surrounding country Lor the large patronage which has 'been given me those many years I have been doing business with you. I will will be found with my old friend Thomas Trevethick handling our celebrated cutters and sleighs. Our stock trill be complete Ina few days. It will be n pleasure ►to us to have You call at lour show rooms and inspect our stock. We have never abown a finer assortment, go It rouble to show you !them Whether you buy or not. A call solicited. Yours Sincere:y Alonzo Uodgins. Mfrs. Dr. Orme and daughter, of Centralia, spent n fete days in town visiting relatives. 'Mr. Pram ;Braun ;was in London on business. Miss Tillie Win, of London. is spending a few weeks with her par- ents. Ilerb, Either spent Saturday it London on business. quarterly meeting iwas held in the Evangelical church Sunday, A. Y. Hoist the preaching elder conducted the services. 'Miss Lillian Geiser spent Saturday in London. Mr. Ed. Worm spent Sunday in Zurich visiting friends. Miss 'Mabel Inman spent a few days in London visiting friends. Mr. Claude ,Bluett spent Saturday 1 and Sunday int Toronto. We Ore glad to 'see Mr. Levi Stahl out again. Mr. Frank Finkbciner left for Lon- don Saturday where be has accepted a position as' tailor. 'Miss Glady's Essery, of Centralia, spent Sunday in town the guest of Miss Ella Beaver. A temperance meeting was held In the Evangelical church Tuesday even- ing, an address was given by A. Y. Ilaist. The male chorus gave n few selections. Mr. M. I•'inkbeincr was in London on 'Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs. hiattheww .i"inkbeiner and Mr. and Mrs. M. Wein returned home Friday after spending a few, weeks in Michigan visiting friends. Mr. Fred Finkbeiner is spending a few days in Seaforth visiting friends. We had a very heavy rain on Mon- day. It lasted nearly all day. Far- mers shouldn't be scarce of water this winter. over While Creditor' bridge mith awith s coming, traction n bolt came out of the boiler and scalded Willie. It is now up at Albert Morlock's shop for repairs. Mr. Wm. Wenzel 1 sol d his to Frank Taylor. Ile claims be had the best cow in town. ;Miss Clara Palmer attended the wedding of bliss G. Glavin, of eft. Carmel. on Tuesday. Nensall Mr. James McArthur, who injured his back by falling out of an apple•tree aotne weeks ago diad of his in- juries Saturday morning. An opera- tion was performed for the removal of a broken portion of his trine. but it proved of no avail. Mr. Nortu;ut Cook was in . Lucan last tt •ek, st;irting up the electric Tight plant in that village. Thelege twill vote ou a by -lath to pur- chase 'the plant and iu the meantime it swill be operated by the corpora- tion. Cook & Sons having leased It. Miss Stutrgeon, ,who ha.s resided in our village for a number of years. last Saturday disposed of her house- hold goods. '1'he Ladies' Aid of Carmel church gave a foul supper and concert Fri- dty evening, for %which cu► excellent program was Orrutded. 31r. Kendrick, tit ho was here at- tending his uwife's Inner:IL bas re- turned to .make several trips on the lakes before the close of navigation. 11,• wwill return here for the winter. Mensal! has notw' ono of the roost convenient and handsomely fitted post (iranct Bend .1r . W. it. Oliver received word recently that her sister Mrs. Jos. Alberts, of it. Marys, was very sick. Mr. and Mrs, Abner Moltard accom- panied by Mr_. Mollards mother. Mrs. Jno• Dolt Jett for ,London on Tues- day morning where Mr.. Mollard is to undergo au operatiuti. r. Chester, sf Sit'nia, who has been at the 'llrenner flocse for some time lett for his home un Saturdty. "llewware all you boys of our fairtown" look out for that dope that bas got noised abru:,d. Matirioe I3renner a►td his ,sister, Mn. Jas, diannon visited in Park- hill on ]Saturday. '1'bt' recent cold :nap has not been able to close up all the animals that hop around the bush. The 13911 Telephone men left for I'arkhill on 'Friday, after repairing the l lies in this tleighborhood. Herman Zimmer, of Dashwood, wasa iGrand Jiend visitor on Sunday. 'Mr. McIntyre, of Mitchell, visited•at W.(tv rhlrito over f Arko Siebert Cot.Hcv. IDir]]taker, of Arkona, is topreach educational services ,in the Alethoelist church There next Sunday. office fora place of its site in this henry Eilber M. 1', I'a returned of the ;Province. It is a credit in horn`' Saturday after a very suc- internal fitting ito the enter cessftil hunt on the old river. pulse We Ore pleased to sea Mrs. Jas. of the .postmaster and the wworkmenemployed in construction, 'rbc cab-1Clarkaround again after her recent ;net, which its of oyprus toed, witbIllness.hard oil finish, is very beautiful. It What's the matter with our Town is V shaped, flattened at the pointfathers( Nothing about election for atld the general opinion is .-that it cannot bc• /surpassed for convenience. It has 210 hadsome lock noxes. wvith polished metal doors and bevelled plate glass li,;hts, also 10 Iock draw- ers of •the same material and 80 call boxes. The designers were the post• master and Harry Ingram, and the atter, wwho bad the contract, made a grand job of 'the cabinet. He was ably assisted by J. Johnston and I1It SIEBERT & CO We are aiming at giving you the very best. goods—the very best tl'iality at the \'t'ry lowest. pricte Special Prices in Millinery to reduce our large stock of Millinery we will give a epetial discount of millinery for the remainder of diff month. CARPETS This is a line we want to clear out and wilt sell all Dur carpel$ at cost. WVe aleo full l ne of Ull line of ndrwear)raps adress a such otes' therCgoods as are f'ud in au upttodate store at reaonable prices. We want your business! Butter, Eggs, Poul Dried apples and Dutch sets taken in Exchange, FARM PROFITS May be largely increased by knowing the exact condition of the farmer's market, and by learning of the best method in farm practice. This is precisely the , sort of information the Farmers' Weekly • Sun gives in every issue. It has no equal as a Farmer's Business Paper. Good farmers rely on it. For price see our clubbing offer. Cent-aliaRev. \V Ct. t aytor, of Varna. will occupy the pulpit of the Methodist Church wwbile Bev, Mr. 3lutt takes anniversary services on the Varna circuit. A ng of e• W;1. held ITuesdayheveFningrwbeth n Leltty. Mr. Itutt delivered a picture talk on the United Staten after ww•hieb a Bible contest on the life of Solomon. Misses (:. Essery and Lily 'Robinson, were the captains. Miss Robinson's side n•on. Mr. and rll'rs, W. Essery svo are glad to hear are able to move nbout now. They have )tad a long seise of typhoid fever. Mr. \V• 1t, Elliott returned from 1t visit of three rnarntbs in the wvest onSatnrday. \flossIsnuna Abbott, of ttos.eati, i„ rguest of her sister, Mrs. \Villiam rsobs,Ira. Thomas Ilissett and daughter a Edna, of Exeter. were the guest the Misses Ilaitdford a day last k. ira. Charles Dupla') visited her er in Lucan a few days fast week. r. A. 'RR. Jlenmish, of itderton. themtest of 'Mr. James Handford week.Lillian Elliott ffave' two well dered solos in .the Methodist reit oft Sunday. ww hich torr. much rec.atetl by all. • were made by Holtzman, ex -1 their clothes closely. Notice every detain about them. The style, the tit. the 1" , gs. the finish is differ- ent. Our customers nee proud of the ctotnes we turn out f•r them, they like to compare our clothes with other Noakes. 11 you ate slot already no FOR FLETCHER'S quainted with Our (clothes tisk some CAS T of your friends about the, they will 4 R 1 A jail r ''put you wise" th it we KNOW NOW to stake clothes at reasonable i 1 Last \Vednesday ns n witness in 'an onion snit being tried there. Children Cry H. Boltzmann W ('4EI)11 ON. Zurich A very pretty wweddng wast cele -I brnted at the Mennonite church of be 1lth in't., When Lydia Ante tighter of Mr. and Mrs. Joel il.•eh- er becatne the wife of Mr. Christian rh. of Blake. The e,•remnnv wwa3• performed at high noon by itcv. N,1 Stauffer. of illake. After the cert..; mony th,• yoting enlple drove to th:•I borne of the bride's parents, where a wedding dinner woe served. The young count,will settle down on :tt form on the Bronson Line. Mrs. it. 110wald's hnuac at the West end hid a narrow escape from' b.';iig by fire 01) W 1j1 stay. Ti, re n as finite a hole terut into the roof. near the chimney. and but for the timely arrival of some pples anted The Centralia Evaporator Highest prices paid Thos. Elston I'i ol►ril 10r. Ten elm npp Whalen eynolds. W. Stoneman put on the finish. Ross & Taylor :furnished the material, and the Office Specialty Co., of Toronto, the boars. When the mesinase glass in two shades is placed in She handsome pannefs the effect will be fine. To this we might ndd that ;during the year . a very handsome plate 1'Elai.s front has been put in lube post office. Ifensall post office was opened some thirty years e late ago by when theh village .Tames first t started, and 'luring all these years Mr. G. J. (Sutherland has been connected with 'the office, first as assistant. and of late years tis postmaster. Mr. Sutherland is a most obliging and painstaking official, and the many im- provements and conveniences that he has now established in the office test- ify to his desire to have the office convenient add up to date in every respect, as .well as to have things es comfortable and convenient as pos- sible for the public. Mr. Sutherland is certainly do be congratulated on what he has done, and we trust he may be spared s•red P many years toenjoy the conveniences of his new offe and also to serve the public in the capacity of their postmaster. ARE YOU GfJN,G SOUTH' Ori WEST THIS WINTF.Rf Now is dhe time to plan your ltrip 10 California, Calexico Florida or the Sunny South. Consult nearest 6, 11: 1R. Agent regarding low tourist rates or address .1. i), fMfCDonald, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. Ellmville Anniversary Services will be pre- sented here on Sunday. Dec. 5th, by Rev. W, 11. Butt, of 'Centralia. spec- ial collections In aid of the church Fund. Mr. 1t. Skinner f=old a fine team of 2 year old colts to Mr. it. J' ydd for a handsome pros.. fir. John Tucker has moved to the village to reside. The At Moine given by the Adult Bible 'Class o1 Thursday evening Last was quite it success, about 85 being in nitenda,ee, a good programme was rendered and lunch was also served and the evening very pleas- antly spent. Mr. and IMrs, John Johns have gone to Exeter where they wilt .b the future reside. Miss Ella Veal bas gone to London to accept a situation offered her there and William expects to keep hatch. 1 The Ielephotic frorn the village north will soon be ready .for the )tette. 13ETHESDA ANNiVi;rRSAiRY SER- VICES The anniversary servioes of the Be- thesda Methodist church will be held on ;Sunday, Nov. 28th, when IRev, lL, Ilicke, o; Crediton. mill preach in the afternoon at 2.30 p, tan. and in the evening at 7 p. tn. .when free will offering wwi.I1 be taken. Speciai music at both services. •Rev. B. A. Fear, Pastor. A('CTION SALT'. of Durham, rend•, ,and Iiolstein Coo -, nn Friday. Nov. 1 10th, 1909, ;at 0111' u'clnek. at the T)o- minion house Stable., Zarieh• A number f roan here attended th • AUCTION C"PION SALE of Choice Doi Anniversary serrates at Zion on jtittd•ty las:. Mr. Jesse Jacques frinday,d at Mr. Art hit G•;unitlg... Mr. Thomas Lingard and Mr, AI- . Hold. Exeter, on Wednesday. Decent - mer Morley left this week for Strat- I bar 1st, Commencing at one o'clock. ford where they intend working for tit'' following : -Iiigh grade Holstein, 'h.• winter. I too cows dile to calve at Sime of Mr. hector Jlillson. St:ndayed at "1'. x tows dee to calve in March Zion. t and April High Grade Durham Cows, Otte row dile is calve at time of sale, WARNING 1150 COW? due to calve about the first :if ,1: ;'ry, J2 cotes due to calve in Th:• Family Ilerald and Weekly 'March and .April; six steers, two Stir of Mont real in this week's issue years old ; one mare !rising four years are warning their present subscribers old, agricultural; one mare rianj to renew earlier than usual this three years old, draught; one Ilack- scawon, ns there is an enormous de- Hey, good farmers' driver, three mind frorn now sitbrci ibers and there years old ; one choice black driving is apt to be it congestion at the close mare, four years old; pap (armor's of the year. The new premium pie- driver, 8 years old; One atandar.t into, "Tho Soni"i Awakening." k bred bay mate, 10 years old; two causing :1 perfect furore of enthusi• Portland cutters, been used; .ane asm in all parts of the 1)ontinion, is set of single harness. is certainly n beautiful picture and The cobs are ail bred from gond is appreciated more and more the o;- milking Orrin nrld may be Peen et tenor one sees it. 1t is 19 x 21 le- the lintel stab'es ih • day previous to cies, ready for framing. A copy i- 1 he sale.sent to revery etibscriber for 1910. The above sleets are the prat. •rty and along with such a paper as The of A. 'C. 'Ward.Fam le Herald and Weekly Star at TERMS oln SALE—Eight ►nonthq one dollar a year certainly is the credit will be niwen on Qnrni.t) v.!.hest bargain of the year. Clergy- approved joint notes or n discount men of all denominations are urging pirents to become pos$essorA of a copy of this interesting pieture. Cott 5 and Choice Steers and Horses.Tho . Cameron hag received bonnie - lions from 'Mr. Williams to sell by T''iblio Auction at the Afetropolita Mayor heard yet. Wake up attd get adoing. Mr. Jos, Oliver has a spring duck that weighs 9 lbs. neat this "I mean the duck" if you can. A report seems to have got spread between here and Parkhill that each patron of the Rural Free •Mail De- livery would have to pay sLoo for his box and also $1.00 every year for service. Now this is not so. The patron pays for his hox which tben becomes his property, but the Govern- ment pays the carrier for serving the same. Its a good thing supposing it is n grit measure and people should grasp it :when they get the chance for don't ,forget it is here to otay and you ,might as well have the bene- fit of it when you have to beip pay for it. Farquhar _hiss Addie Tunlntill spent last week with her aunt Mrs, Louis Aids - worth, of Mayfield. Mr-. John Campbell spent n part of last week with her sister Mrs, \V, G. Bell. of Ileo=at;,. Messrs McColey and No'.c s have suc- eeeded in putting dowel it well for Thos. ]Rundle and have moved to Mr. Cee{tis" of Elimville. They stem to he up to their job. Sots • of the 'nail boxes have ar- rived. but we are tint u.re when the rural trail will commence, We see our new merchant is tak- ing intow — a long felt want. John seems to be a hustler. Mr. john Tucker and family mov- ed to Elimvile lest week. Neighbors atilt miss Bohn", genial smile. SENSMiTH Thr' anniversary f-erwices of the Sexsmith church will be held .next Sunday, when ]Hew. 'Millyard. of Ifen- sill will preach at 11 a. m. and !ter. Hobbs, of Exeter at 2.Ni. \Vm. Cornish bas rented lot 0, Concession 4, from the Canada Coy. and has moved onto the property. Mr. Amos .Wildfong"s home Is un- der quarantine, owing to some of the family having scarlet fever. One day last week while•'.lir. \V(f_ Northcott, of 'Exeter North was as- sisting his Ron picking apples on the 2nd, h' fell from a tree. and while no bones marc broken, he was badly shaken up by the fall. Palpitation of the heart, ner- vousness, t ren►blings, nervous bead - ache, cold hands and tett, pain in the hank and other forms of weakness are relieved by Carter's Iron Pills WATER GAUGE BURST C. 1'. II. Fireman Badly Soild;d. C. 1', It. fireman, Geo. iI, fhlffus, who lives in 'Robertson Street, Fort William, while on his t•ng:n' near Westford happened a nisty ace. - dent, Thr• water gauge of the loco- motive bur • rid scalded the whole of the left . 1i • of his face and head terribly. "It so bappsned," amid .I)Itffus to our representative, "that 1 had n not of Za - 3 m f uk in my pocket, which 1 used for a sore on my lip, and when 1 had recovered from the first shock .of the accident, I produced the balm and had it applied freely to the scalded parr. At the tittle 1 applied it 1 was suffering acute agony, but with- in a wonderfully :short ,time Z.irn- lJuk }favi• ins ease. 1 wwas nhie ,to continue my journey, and upon reach- ing home i obtained more Zan►-iluk and contittned the 1rcatmerit. It acted wonderfully well, and in a few days had I he wound nicely beatings 1 don't know anything Po fine as a healer of burns, scalds, cuts. ..and similar injuries wwh'ch workers are so liable to; rind in any opinion a box of Zan -link should be kept handy in every worker's home." There is son'eihing diff,•;e nt :old superior about Zan, -link. Time and again workers in all branches of trade have proved its vast superiority over th,• advertised ointment.; and salves of the day. No doubt the fact Ih.tt/,am-auk is made entirely front herbal essences and extracts, whil.t ordinary ointments contain mora or less animal fats and oils, goes a iong way to explain Zant-Ruk's superior, icy. however this may he, the fact r, mains that in four continents to which it has been ir►trodrtced w. ith:n ten year- it has become t he leading hon44.1mM balm' For hunt', tuts, scalds. breis.`•, ees. in.a, piles, ulcers, ring -worn, itch, salt -rheum, bad leg, festering sores. chipp d places, cold -sores. frost -bites, and ill skin injuries and lifseases, %irn•itink is beyond doubt n most marvellous cure. Druggists and stores sell at :0 e.•nts a hox and the Zam-Rolf Co., Toronto, will mail a hox, pool free, upon receipt of price, to any of our of six per cent p.'r annum for eash on readers who may have difficulty in credit nmounls• Air. Williams. Pro- obtaining a supply of the genuine praetor: Thos. Ctmr'ron, Auctioneer. Zam-Bok from their local store,. . Hartleib Block. DASHWOOD Grand Bend D8Ddrtffl6otdj sore Bargaius in We have decided to give the ladies scale good values in Millinery. We are going to clear out our stock of Hats and in order to do so quickly we will alloy yon 3' OFF REGULAR SELLING PRICE. e Now is your chance. Come quick. rlen's Ready -Made Suits These suits are the very latest styles. All shades and prices. Prices art: tock -bottom. Just as low and lower than elsewhere becaut•e our expenses are lighter. Call and have a look at theta. Also we carry a hill line of Tweed Pants, Overalls, Odd Vests, Boys Knickers and Ready-made Suits, Reefers and Overcoats. Winter Underwear For Men, Women and Children We carry the famous PicN•ANOLR Brand which is recognized to be the beet make on the market. We have theta in fleeced lined, union and natural wool. Now is the time to buy. Crockery and Glassware We carry a full line in thie department. It comprises Dinner Bete, Toilet sets, Table Sete, Water Sete, Vases, Cups and 8sucers, ILea p , Odd Plates, Odd Cups and Saucers and all kinds of Fancy Poultry and all kinds of trade taken at highest prices. Your trade solicited, W. T. AMOS, - GRAND BEND BOOMING Having added a considerable stock in all lines of Groceries, Canned Goods, Confectionery Staple Goods and Rubbers We are now able to supply with good fresh goods at Sacrifice prices. Come along and give us a call. No trouble to show goods. Highest Prices paid for Poultry, Butter, Eggs and Dried Apples. JOHN CAMPBELL, Farquhar Dis.KENNEDY&KENNEDY CURE DISEASES OF MEN PATIENTS TREATED THROUGHOUT CANADA FOR 20 YEARS K,:r:vrny. Mitntt'.tt, tonteroa or Def. K. K. CONSULTATION FREE Books Free on Diaeas•:s of Men. H unable to call, write for a Question Blank for HOME TREATMENT Drs. K. & K. nre favorably known thmugh out t`anada macre they have done lois' nen for over 20 years 'thousands of patients bare been treated and curvet by their great skill and through the virtue of their New Method Treatment, when you treat with thein you know you are dealing with remain ethic physicians as they own and occupy their Own ofllco LuiIJing In Detroit, valuer; at 'astern. 15 hen trey decide your rase 1s curable, all your worry is removed foroft know they still not deceive you. They y guarantee to euro all curable Cases. No matter how many d„et,rs Lase failed to lri.•flt you; no tnntter how much money you have spent Iti wain; nn matter how dis- couraged you may 1 e. rt. set give up In des- pair until you get a free opinion from these toaster specialists. If 1411 are at I);riRent within the clutches of any) secret halJt u)tieh is sapling your lite by ,degrees: If you aro suffering frorn the results of raft lt,disr•re- tMns; If your blend d hits been tainted (roti, tiny private dls.roso ttnd roll dare nut marry; If you are married and lite to dread mis' ton's breaking nut suet exposing your oast; If yeti are suffering as the result of is Inas• ,:n.•r11 IIfe-p,,, K, & K- are your Refuge. Lay pine ease before tilt ru confidentially and they will tell you honestly If you are curable. YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED We Treat and Cure VARICOSE VEINS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD and URINARY COMPLAINTS KIDNEY and BLADDER Diseases and all Diseases Peculiar to Men. DRS. KENN EDY& KENNED Y Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Flatulence When every bite you eat seems to turn to gas and your stomach and intestines cause you end- less discomfort, it is an unfailing sign that your en- tire system needs a thorough housecleaning. •• P.ar r>rrrce NZ?—TABLETS"NR cures flatulence by eliminating the cause of the disturl•- ance—inactive liver. 'fake an NR tablet to-niet and you'll feel better in the morning. Better than Pills for Liver Ills 50 Get a 25c,Box. For Sale by W 8. Cole, Exeter.