HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-11-25, Page 4SHE E1E1 E B TIMES, NOV. 25th 1909. THE NATIVE PURITY AND FRAGRANCE OF "SALA TEAis preserved by the use of sealed lead packets, Black, Mixed or Natural Green' COURT OF REVISION LOCAL IMPROVEMENT TAKE NOTICE that the ;1lunicipal !Council of the Corporation of nthe ,Village of Exeter has constructed the following works ns Local improve -1 gnents and intends to to pass a By - Law in pursuance of the Municipal) Act for levying frontage rate to pay for the same namely • 1. A granolithic walk on the east Aldo of Andrew Street from Miry Street to James Street. 2. A granolithic walk on the west side of Andrew Street from Victoria Street to James Street. • 3. A granolithic walk on the north side of James Street from a point in the southern boundary of the Methodist church property to Albert Street. ' A. .A grauolithio walk on the south side of James Street from Elizabeth Street to Albert Street. 6 A granolithic evalk on the east side of Albert Street from James Street -to the northern boundary of the proir•;rty of William Taylor. 13. .A granolithic walk on the north side of John Street from Main Street to Andrew Street. 7. .A granolithic walk en the south side of John Street from An- drew Street to Albert Street. ' 8. A granolithic walk on the south side of .Ann Street from Main Street lo Carling Street. P. A granolitbio walk on the south side of Simcoe Street and Main Street to a poitit in the . northtwt'n boundary of the property of;Eleazer Williams. 10 A granolilbic walk on the North side of Simcoe Street from !lain Street eo Albert Street. 11 A granolithic .walk on the east side of Williatn Street and Sanders Street to a point in the south boun- dary of the property of Miss Pass- more. 12 A granolith'c iwwalk on the cast aide of William street, from Huron Street to dhc outh Boundary. 13 A granolithic walk on the west side of William Street, from . Huron Street Ito the south boundary. 11ain Street to Carling Street. side bf 'William street from Victoria Street to North Street. 15 A grauolith:e ,walk on the east side of 'William street from C;idley Street to Victoria Street. 16 A ).ranolitbic walk on the north side of Heron street from Albert street to Carling street. 17 ‘A granolithic walk on the south side of Huron street from 'blain Street to Carling ftreet. 18 A granolithic walk on the south ride of Sanders street from Mein Strer t to Carling Street. 11) A granolithic walk on th. north .=ide of Sanders street from •1Villiarn Street rto Carling Street. 21) A granolithic evelk on the east side of Carling street from Gidtey street to Sanders Street. 21 A granolitbio walk on eh' vest side of Carling street from Huron street to Mill street. 22 A granolithic wsnik on the eolith side of endley Street from •Main street to Carling Street. 24 A granolithic walk on the Horeb cid of it;id!.y street horn Maiti St. to Williatn street. 21 A gr:tuolitti c •walk on 1 h eouth side of 1'.ough.ell etr, et front Main St. to Andrew street. 2'. A granolithic wwaik on the eolith side of North street from Main street lo• a point on the !tort,' •n1 boundary of he Property of !)r. Bond. 26 A granolithic \walk on the north side of wVeilini,'Ion street to the east- ern emend u'y of rhe properly of the Cr Ind Truck 7tailw ey romp uty. 2: A erenolilbcwalk on th•note h aid • of Victoria street from Main Sineet 10 1 he said Eastern lei iiidary of the said Railway Comp Inv". pro- Ieert '2')yA t:r:u'olithie walk nil tti• north mid • of the Lake Vold from Main et. lo F:Iiiebeth i5 rest. owner of the properties .fronting and abutting the said streets upon which the .aid walks are constructed shall pay 2 per cent. of the cost thereof to be raised by a special and proportionate frontage assessment up- on the said properties. AND TAKE NOTICE, that a Court of ;Revision will be held in the Town Hall, Exeter, on the 15th day of 1)eoember. A. D., 1909, at the hour of '8 o'clock p. m.. •for the purpose of hearing complaints against the proposed assessments or accuracy of frontage measurements or any other complaint which persons interested may desire to make and which us by law cognisable by the Court. Dated at Exeter this 23rd day of November. 1909. JOS. SENIOR, Clerk. FARMERS IIAVE PATIENCE. There is considerable dissatisfac- tion among the farmers and others on account of the muddy 'condition of blain street. which is about as bad as it has ever been in the history of the town. The council this year bus had in band several big undertak- ings, including the laying of ‘miles of new sidewalks, the building of the dam, 'the laying of water mains, etc. and for that reason have not put a great deal of gravel on the street. Even though the street had been covered with gravel, the conditions would bare been very little 'better than 'they ure. Luring the past two months 'there has been an immensta amount of traffic on the street. Thousands of loads of dirt has been hauled from the basin at the river, us many loads of apples have • been brought in to the evaporators, large quantities of grain have been taken to the `mill and itkese with the heavy rains and snow falls of the past few weeks would put ane road, outside of a pavement, in bad condition. The suggestion has been made many times that crushed alone be put on instead of gravel ;which has to be carted away each spring in the shape of mud, and the council has this mat- ter under consideration, although they do not expect anythig to be done this year owing to the heavy expendi- ture already incurred. But the coun- cil of next year should take up the matter early. There is plenty of stone at the river, and it now belongs to the corporation, and should the council deem it inadvisable to pur- chase a crusher, no doubt one could be rented for a nominal sum. For any naso of nervousness, sleep- lessness, weak etoutaoh, indigestion. dyspepsia, try Carter's Little Liver t ills. Itelief is sure. The only nerve medicine in market. tO YEARS 1EXPERIENCE OF AN OLD NURSE. Mrs. Wins:oww's Soothing Syrup Is the prescription of one of the best female' physicians and nurses 'in the United States, and has been used for fifty years with never -falling success by millions of mothers for their children. It relieves the child from pain. cures diarrhoea, griping in the bowels and wind colic. ity giving health to the child, it rests the soother. Twenty-five cents p bottle. NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the matter of the estate of Thomas lle'rrt, sr., late of the Tp. of tisbornc, in the County of Huron. farmer. deceased. Notice is hereby giver) pursuant to It. C. O., 11197, chap. 129, that all Creditors a 1111 others having claims ngainst the estate of the late Thos. Dern. sr., who died on or about the 2'ith d ty of 1)ct.. 1909, are re- quired on or before the Oth day pf Dec. 1010 to send by post, prepaid er deliver to Alesrrs. Gladrnan & Statibury, solicitors for the execu- tor of the estate of the .aid deee:asesl their christian and surnernes. addlesse•I and dere ANI, 10 n9icSS the final cost thereof criptions, the full particulars of their upon the propertlee abutting there- claims, the stetcinet,t of their ac• on and 10 be benefitted thereby. and counts and the nature of the w- ell a statement ':bowing the Linde it 104. it any, held by them. And li:IbL• 10 pay the btid assessment and further Like nutter that after such I h nem, • of th owners thee, of a. • last mentioned ditto the sal 1 Fxecu. f it Ih'•y can b• a .cert anted from1 tor wwi11 proceed to distribute 111 11,1 leevised Asses'tnent Roll .s; the assets of the deeeas:d :mon; the )u, . .,n f.1 • in the office of the clerk 1 wilier. enril!•el ihcr.•to. h:.w•iltti ro- of : 11 \I.,n a polity and ie open for' i! e. 41 only i o t he el eint+ of which insp. e .ori tiering office hours. I they shall then he vs• notice nit() that fh• iot,f cot of tend walk= lei the said exec•rtor will not be liable F.'6 •.97, w tech shall be paid as fol. for .In' v,i't .,•,,cte u: .'ny pert there. ,owe : 111 t,.:1113 rot !.un or persons of whose 'Ube mu ti:e:pality will a.enme and st in.. i wire .hall tint 11 ere been sty Dur of the gen ! I fund+ to b_ received by 1twin a1 1he1irneeasuch lee ,,, r:• l •sernenr tie, +lie+ I Ole? ion. co ,f •ie run- r C. nit of the said (I.\lt\tw\ it NfA\RI'.lil' a •1'. ::1 1 .inters..erion9 Solicitor. for "aid executor. ens ; 1 cent. of the coot of the i).t,(•d at Exeter, this 17.th day of lie • of the said ww•llko. ::•r1 the Cetobcr I!'tr. Mit. ROOSEVELT STOPS THE CHARGE OF A BIG BRING Th: huge beast was standing in en- tirely open country, although there were a tel' scattered trees of no great size at some little distance from bim. We left our horses in a dip of the ground and began the approach ; I cannot say that sae stalked him, for the approach was too easy. The wind blew frotu bine to us, and a rhino's eyesight is dull. Thirty yards from where he ,food was u bush four or five feet high, and though it was so thin that ,We could distinctly see him through 'the leaves, it shielded us from the vision of bis small piglikc eyes as we advanced toward it, stoop- ing and in single file. I leading The big beast stood like an uncouth statue. his bide black in the sunlight; he seemed what he was, a monster surviving ov.r from the world's past, from the days when the beasts of the prime .ran riot in their strength, before mau threw so cun- ning of brain and hand as to toaster them. So little did he dream of our presence that when we were a hund- red yards off he actually lay down. Walking lightly. and with every sense keyed up we at last reached the bush, and 1 pusbcd ,forward the safety of the double-barrelled Hol- land rifle 'which 1 was now to use for the first :time on big game. As I stepped to one side of the bush so as to get a clear nim, with Slitter following, the rhino saw me and jumped to his feet with the agility of a polo pony. As he rose I put in the right barrel, the bullet going through both lungs. At the same moment he wheeled, the b'd spout- ing from his nostrils, an;) galloped full on us. Before he coultt iet quite all the •way round in his eadlong rush to reach us, 1 struck him with my left hand barrel, tbe bullet en- tering between 'the Steck and the shoulder and piercing bis heart. At the sante finstant Captain Stetter fir- ed, his (bullet entering the neck ver- tebrae. :Ploughing up the ground ground With horn and feet. the great bull rhino, still head towards us. dropped just 'thirteen paces from where we stood. Frorn African game trails by Theodore Roosevelt in the December. Christmas, Scribner. THE COMING OF HALLEY COMET Halley's comet spends a very Email fraction of its ti.nte (within human view. If it be one of the triumphs of modern astronomy that it has ac- curately traced its course ,through its complete round of seventy-five years it is little less of an achieve- ment to follow it back through the centuries to the 'times before the 'Christian era. It must not be thought. from the name that it bears. that Sir Edmund Malley was the first ever to see this stupendous objects much less that it came into beings or first visited this part of the uni- verse in bis day. Ilalley tam the comet in 1682, and died in 1742, six- ty years later, and sixteen years be- fore the comet's next appearance. But the comet was an old affair when he looked upon on 1 tww ; and when he successfully solved the problem of ils idenlity with a number of his- torical comets, and the periodical character of its returns to our sky. it had been making its round of space The DocQor's First to uestion "How arc \. our bowels?" e'ls?" This is generally the first ques- tion the doctor ,ass:::. Ile knows Ivhat a sluggish liver m. al.. 1 Ic know:; what a long list of distressing com- plaints restl'.t from constipation. lit_' knows that headaches, hili<,u'. :e!tutlic::, inedit°estion, impure blood, t:nd general debility ; !C . c1l promptly relieved by a good liver rill. 1Vc u i::h ) OIi 1%i t,ilk with your own doctor about this subject. :1.k in at the same time if he approves Of ,�}cr�s Pills. 14: says. .C' A erCo. ,na'•ir -m w�.a►a..rt. 11ER PIIYSICIAN ADVISED 1 Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Columbus, Ohio.- "I have taken Lydia E. l'inkltam's Vegetable Com- pound during .�• change of life. My doctor told me it was good, and since taking it I feel so much better that 1 eau do all my work again. I think Lydia E. Vinkham's Vegetable Com- pound a fine remedy or all woinali'a troubles, and I never forget to tell mr friends what it has done for me." -Mrs. E. ITANS0N, 804 East Long St., Columbus Ohio. Another Woman helped. Granitevflle, Vt.-"I was passing through the Change of Life and suffered from nervousness and other annoying symptoms. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound restored my 1►ealt h and strength. and proved worth mountains of gold to inc. For the sake of other suffering women I am willing you should publish my letter." -Stns. CltAttt.i•:v IIAiICLAY, R.F.D., Granite- ville, Vt. Women who are passing through this critical period or who are suffering from any of those distressing ills pe- culiar to their sex should not lose sight of the fact that for thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, which is made from roots and hefts, has been the standard remedy for female ills. In almost every commu- nity you will tlnd women who have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. am Buk is the hest remedy known for sunburn, heat. rashes, eczema. sore feet, stings and blisters. A skin food! .4 . 1"u.%.;1... nv.i S•U„L ski ) 3� BRAND C -o RN SYRUP. Makes 111 /5 Housekeeping Easier - - • 'Crown Brand Syrup" should be more largely used by everyone. It simplifies the making of deli- cious dishes to such an extent that hour -- keeping becomes easier in everyway. Crown Brand Syrup eaten with bread. toast, biscuits, pudding, porridge or pastry, provides sustaining dishes t%..t- please the palate and don't overheat the body -dishes that are plain, wholesome, easily prepared and easily digested and at the sante time very nourishing. Won't you try CROWN BRAND SYRUP? When you think of its purity, its whblesomeuess, of all the dainty and delightful dishes you can make with it, -when you think of its fine "honey -cream" flavor and clear golden colour, -and how it will save you trouble and bring variety to every meal -don't you think it worth your while to order some. Children thrive on it. Adults enjoy it. Foe your convenience Crown Brand Brno is put'lp in 2.5. 10 and 20 au tisk tiro with lift-od The Edwardsburg Starch Co., Limited ESTABLISHED 1868. 30' Works: CARDINAL Ont. 0,7ices: AIO5TREAl.,TORONTO and tin ANTe0I:U ...•..H•w Bank The Molsons Incorporated 1866 CAP TAL(paid up) . • • • s3 500.000 00 RESERVE FUND •••• .... $,500.000.00 liras ;65 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correepondeuts in all tbe Principal Cities in the World. General Banking Business Transacted. Savings Bank Department at all Brancbee. Interest allowed at highest current rate. Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager NN••aNN N•NA•AN***OM THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Reserve, $6,000,000 DRAFTS ON FOREIGN COUNTRIES Arrangements have recently been completed under which the branche. of this Bank are able to male Drafts on the principal points 171 the foltowlna countries 1 Austria-Hungary Belgium' Brazil Bulgaria (Ceylon DenmCrete ai-k Finland Ireland Rusela Formosa HairSera France Japan Siam Fr'ch Cochin -China Java South Africa Germany Manchuria Straits Settlements Great Britain Mexico Sweden Switzerland Turks West ladies tee and elsewhere Chlece Norway I'ersla EHcela�nd Iands Faroe Islands Ina Roumazda NO DELAY IN ISSUING. FULL PARTICULARS ON APPLICA'liIUb Exeter Branch-G.W Harrison, Manager Branch also at Crediton. I T1 R. A. F. ROULSTON, L. D. 13, iJ Dentist. Member o: I I fire a Pleasure to their IO,aw pt$ces in Drer . Anderson's kson & formeeasr 1 Owners. dental parlors We have sold and are selling a great DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L D. 8., D• for ages. been 'traced back to (he 'times before many high class pianos and our num D• S•, Honor graduate of Toronto That the comet originally entered Christ. The gaps are riot all filled I emus satisfied customers is the strong University. our solar system from distant regions in the rather dates : but this is I eat guarantee of this assertion. Dental Surgeon of the univese is practically pertain. doubtless due to the :wants of - re - Office Once within our confines it was cap- cords in an unscientific age. begin- Our pianos to -day are the best that Office over Gladman & Stanbury tared, as is supposed, by Neptune, ning. however, with A. D. 1060, not I -be best Piano makers produce and Main street-SZETEA. our most distant planet, and its speed a date is missing, although. owing tO l our prices are right. i became so induced that it was compel- the disturbing influences of the T W. BROWNING, M. D., M. 0 led 'to adopt the elliptical form of planets passed by the comet in cone- Do not be• top'gpick. to believe per- J when Ibis happened no otie can know from 741-2 to 179 years, above for the purpose of selling you hallOrade ?IanosD. D. 8., R.C D.S of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. w• itra • I Noww•t in and goin the intervals differ sons Who teff different from the ' oaP.k. S„ Graduate Victoria Ern g, I viltin.lty. otl6oe and rseidenenoe. Domlato� orbit which it no g or guess. It: may have been within The earliest date which we possess the history of mankind, or ages be- is 13. U. 240: Our next date is 600 fore. All owe know is that the comet years later -namely, A. D. 4a1. Then like the moon, is here. and that it conies 700. Now we come to an un - has been here for a long time. broken series, beginning with 1066. Some of the greatest discoveriee1 the date of the Norman invasion of have grown out of what are called England..under William the Con- -lucky guesses.' Malley had a strong queror, when the comet %vas supposed o his ail -conquer - 1682 o f the symbol suspicion that the great comet of to be y q 1682 wwas oto stranger. Ile was famil- ing !sword, and people stood aghast iar with the fact that remarkable at the celestial spectacle. The comet comets had been seen in 1531 and 1607 repeated its visits in 1145, 1222. 1301. and here were two intervals of so 1378 and 1456. nearly ?seventy-five years each that It probably never produced such he !wondered whether these three consternation as in the later 'year. were not one and 'the same comet rz- No one imagined that this was mere - turning with a certain regularity. ly the return of an old visitor. ab - His suspicion was converted to corn- solutely• no more strange than the re- viotion, •when he examined the course turn of new ,moon each month or of of these three and found them to fit the planet /Mars to opposition every into each other so ninety that it liras two years. The popular mind was al - impossible any longer to believe that ready in a ferment. The Turks bad they (were three; they w_re .really -Laken Constantinople, and were three - one And the ea►ne. toning to overrun Europe, and every - It is strange that he did not go thing seemed ripe for destruction, back still further to 1156. s whose((!((! when 'the comet put in an appear - comet so shook Europe with terror ince, confirming alt fears. and seem - and dismay, for here \vas the same in- ingly depriving men of what little Ierval, and be could not be ignorant wit. they had left. It was then that, of that visitation. Ile might also according to tradition. Pope Caliztus easily have included the famous issued his famous bull against the comet of 1066 in his survey; but it Turk, the devil and the comet. Ile seems that he did not. But in the at least ordered special prayers to three dates of 1531, 1607 and 1682 he be said and the church bells to be felt 'that he had sufficient data to rung et noon, which practice con - warrant a prediotion. And this be tinues to this day. Terrified by the now ventured upon -namely. that in nightly apparition which endured for the year 1738 there would o@ a fresh months, dhc people poured their visit of a comet already teen at !east wweenh at the feet of the church, im- thrce times; end so interested was ploriug petitions that heaven might he in the result of his prophecy, and save the %world from its doom. .o confident that be could not live to in 1531, the comet, almost forgot- nneons it, that he frankly expressed ten, was again on exhibition. rol- a hop,• that the world would recog- lowing that it was seen in the years Hies that it was an Englishman who 1607. 1682, when Halley viewed itis road• the prediction. 1759, when it returned according to Halley's prediction and 1835. when it was last seen, and by some fcww who survive and are about straining their old eyes to Fee it again. Now, in this year 1903, it has just been freshly sighted, and. before the year expires we shalt all hope to sec it with the naked eye. But the month= of ilsglory and splendor wilt be in the year 1910, now close at hand. Halley had been resting In ,his grave for sixteen years, and astrono- mers all over Europe were watching for the return of the comet, when a Sexony fernier, George Palitscb by name, having the love of th stare and it small iclescope, li c'me th.' 1)r. Cook lo steal the prize from the toiling l'enrys of hie day, and sighted the monster 011 it+ return trip. It was on Christmas night of (be year 1758. and henceforth thin was Valley's cornet : for lie had made himself and th • visitant famous by a first sue - prediction of the return of a periodical cornet. We have mentioned Ih' fact that Ilalley '.1rangely overlooked other dates that he might have includes: in his series, and that the comet has Such in the history of this famous comet. We may say that it will next nppenr about 1985. and some few children who see it now will again ace it in that year. So fir as 'w•e know. at interval: of about seventy- five years, ilalley's comet .will con- tinue 'to be the wonder of earthly spectators till time shall be no more. FREE TO YOU MY SISTER rR"INO FROM WOMEN 0 AILMENTS. F[R. i nm a w•oroan. 1 know weauan's snfTcrings. 1 havo found 1) 0 cure. i will omit Tree of any charge. my home treat. .sent with full Itu+tntctione to nayy sultervr from 1un1C14 5 ailments. 1 want 10 tell ail women about this cure- sou, my reader. for yourself. your daughter, yourntotl.er, or Sour si*tcr. I want to tell )nu stow to euro yourself nt. Lome without the help of re doctor. Men cannot understand wwom- en'sse:Iferings. %w'hnt w•o women know from ese rtence 'seknow het ter than tiny doctor. I know lint my hotno treatment is n Nile nrid sure curd for Leucorrheraor Whitish dlschaege,1 Iceratlon.1)Ise placement or Palling of theWomh, Prrfuse.Scanty or Palnlul Periods, Uterine or Ovarian tumors or Oruwths, riko pains In the head, back and bowels, bearrngdnw nteelings.nervousness. creeping feel - Ing up the spine. ntclanchol), de•lie to cry, hot flashes, e•enrmess. kidney and bladder troubles where teusrd by weakness peculiar to our sex. 1 want1 n.i t 4 ) oa a complete 1) days treatment entirely free to prole to you 1Lnt )nn ,:an Coto yourself nt horn ensu qq kly and enrol{(y•. Itcn.rrnhor. that It nue cost you nothing to give Die trestnuent complete trial: An t If you sho(rld wi-le to cntitinile.It will eo t 3 -mi n.:lyabo,ut 12 cents a week. orlessthen I woe, nt.•n d.rv. It will not interfere with Tone work nrOcrupatfun. Just send me your mime •n,1aldrrrs.,clltnohaw yell suffer. ifynnwish and IAilleeudyou tho wrapper,treats(entfor yonrease.cud irelyfive. inttl•te0by retmrsninll. 1witlnlsoocndyonIre. otcost.ny hook --..WOMAN'S OWN MEDICAL ADVISER 'with explanatory Illnet nations *how Ing why women.'C••r.and how they can easily cure theneseler=nth }:w cry woman should have It owl lease to think fur herself ThenwhPnthed,w'tor'nys--ronmusthateanopera- lfon,'youcan(lci...,fort.: r.elf Theueon4eofwisest' hnwecored themselves with myhome tenwely itenrea all, old est ynan(. To Mothers of Daughters, 1 v: ill explain n newt,. home ire -totem which speedily nd etfeetnially cures l.eacorrh.ea. eaeen Sickness, slid Painful or Irrcgolar %ten-tmat lots io •arms Ladles. Plumpness And health always roAtilt from 11. line. tvhererer > on lice. f c. 1 refer you to ladiP- of your own twenty who know nod will gla•lly tell nny sufferer that tIlk L1 metreatmeet rrnlly currant: wwnmPn's di-utee'nnd neakP+women tec.1 strong. plump Awl rot e=!. Just send me your address, and the tree ten day, treatments.• pea. eon tho book. Wei today, as you may not sec this offer again. Address : MRS. M. summan$. Box 11 ail • WINDSOR, ONT. cheap andlinieeinemosees trashy goods at big Was. Ca11 .and see Us and pe convinced that what we say we live up to. S. MdrUn. Son tl6rM's Good News The market prices for old junk are alive and so is The Old Reliable Firm M. Jackson & Son one door south of the Metropoli- tan. Just look at the following prices (no trade, and no truck) all cash. Rags 75 c, per hundred Iron from OOc. to 75c. per hon. Old rubber boots & shoes 7c. lb. Copper and braes 9c. per lb. Horse hair 30c. per Ib. Lead and zinc 2 1/2c. per lb. Bring your goods here and get the worth of your money. A great variety of IRON PIPRalways on hand at a rea- sonable price, suitable for fence poets, bracing boulegarding. M. Jackson & sons SYoopsls 01 Me llb0I0H Mohd teal HOMESTEAD IRICOULATIONSa Any person who is the sole bead 01 a familJ, or any mats ever 11 years ofd may homestead a quartet seotoni of available Dominion land io Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Alberta The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Laneis Agency or Sub -agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be had at the agenoy, eo certain conelitioni+. by father. mother son, daughter, brother, or sister 0' intending homesteader. Duties :-Ha months residence nixie and cultivation of the land in earn ut three years. A homesteader me) live within nine miles of bis home- stead on a 'farm of at least 80 acr... seedy owned and occupied by flim or nee father, mother, .on, els ughter brother or sister. In ()erten' districts a hornestea.fer n good standing mny lire-atapt . 'I-rirter section alongside his home - Minn Price x3. per "ere. h Duties - Minn Chicago$12 30 Return Must reside six months ineaoh of *is • years from date of homestead entry (motudirtg the time required to eart hotnestead patent) and oultivte, fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhauster his horneatead right Anil cannot ot• rain apre-emption may take a Sur Above rates apply from Exeter eha.ed harf4stead in certain dintriett Price S3. per acre. Duties. -Must Proportionate rates from all points in scsido s•e monthe in eaeh of tine-. Ontario years, eultivete fifty acres and erre, t house worst 0ry1. Full information fromw,$ W. GORY0., ( J. J. iKNIGHT, Depot Agent. Deputy of the Minister of the Wert.* N. R.--t'nauthnrir(•d pntdlratinr, et We adreetle• or write .1. 0. MCDr')\ :11.1), Halos Demo. Toronto. Ont. Laboratory. Exeter. Associate Coroner of Huron. R. Bright, M. D., M.C. P. and TX R. Honor Graduate Toronto Un- iversity. Two years resident physician Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. Oftice and residence, Dr. Amos' old scan Andrew Street, Exeter. �400/ HONEY TO LOAN r. We have nnlimlbed private funds for invest ant upon farm or village ;reverter at lowat r►tas o[ interest. DICKSON & CARLING DICKSONZuter & CARLING, n ►rrt,tevs, Solicitors, Notarlea, Oonvelia goers Oommiaetonere. so/loiters tor the /Labor Bank. Yeo. UMW ID Lona ab lowers rates at Oatmeal. 01110E r -MAIN STREET. RXITIBB. s. oestrus n. a, L. N. arttaCU riONEY TO LOAN. W. kave a iarge amount of private funds sae onirand village propertied at townie interOLADMAN & 8TANBURY Harridan Solicitors. )' aro Et. /zeta? ERNEST ELLIOT Conveyancer Accounts Collected - MONEY to loan at lowest rates. North vett Lands for Sale. Office, Main Street. Exeter Inc Usborne and Hibbert Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur- ance Gompanu Head Office. Farquhar,' Ont. President -J. L. RUSSELL. Vfoe-President- W. II. l'AS8MOREI DIRECTORS. WM, ROY, I3onicnocM P. Q Wm. BRocx WINCHItL8MA P. O. T. RYAIN, DUBLIN P. 01 ROBERT NORRIB, Staffs. AGENTS. JOHN EMERY. Exeter, agent ha Osborne and Aiddulph. OLIVER BARRiS, Munro, sae,/ far Hibbert, Fullerton and Logan. JOSHiiA JOHNS Secy.Treas. Farquhar OLADMAN & BTANI3URY. Mtlleitore GRAND TRUNK RAILWAw SYSTtn. Guelph $2,40 Return December lth to 11)th inclusive Return limit Dec. 1.1tb. Account "Ontario Peovmend Fair Nov. 28, 29, 110; Dec. 1. 6 and 0 Return limit iheember 19th. Account l,ivo $tock Exposition meat wlftnot ha paid foe