HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-11-25, Page 1'£IIIIaTY-SEVENTH Yt&s-No 1885
Phone No. 320
Good News for
'This Week
Are You Ready for ' _
th eCold Weather
No better place to go theta right here for your Winter Wear-
ables. We are well prepared with all the nice warns goods to
keep you comfortable for the cold snap that is coming sure. Get
busy, drop in and see our tempting array.
A $12.50 Ladies Jacket for $10.00
This is a very "Special" Coat. Made of first claw cloth in
the very latest styles. Several cuts to pick from and comes in
Black, Blue or Green. Other good Coats $14, $13, and $18. Our
Children and Misses Coats. are the best we have ever shown.
For the Cold Weather
Nice Real Down Comfort-
ers with plain and fancy sa-
teen coverings in beautiful
colors. The very best goods
cotton and wool tilled com-
forters all colors for $2 to $3.
Blankets Galore. You
should buy your supply now
and be all ready. First class
wool blankets, the best Cana-
dian makes from $3 to $7.
Shaker blankets in grey or
white all sizes.
The death of Samuel Cobblcdick re-
moves a man well known and high-
ly respected in Exeter for th, last
half century and for thirty one
years a resident of the town.
The son of William Cobbledick and
his wife Grace Cory, he was oorn near
Stratton. Cornwall, England on Jan.
1st. 1822. With his parents and
brothers and sisters he came to Can-
ada In 1837, landing at Quebec and
proceeding west and settling to the
Township of Clark. Durham County.
He was married to Jane Allen in
1843 and remained in Clark till the
spring of 1855, when desiring more
land. he moved to 'McGillivray and
purchased the farm on the 1st Con-
cession a mile and a half north of
Clandeboye, then Irishtown, where Its.
was widely known as i successful
farmer till he retired to Exeter on
May 151b. 1878. here he lost the
wife of his youth and the mother of
his family in 1890. Later he was
married to .Mrs. Ellen 8tewartson,,of
Lucas, who 'has been the faithful
companion of his declining years and
now with the family mourns his
loss. A majority of his 'family two
sons and ,four daughters predeceas-
ed him, hnost of them in early child-
hood. Those who survive him arc,
David. of North Exeter ; Joseph. of
Calgary ; Mrs. !Mary J. Hicks, of Riv-
• ersidc, Calif.: find Rcv. George H.,
of Quebec, all of ;whom were present
at his funeral, save Joseph, who had
• returned home but a short time be-
i fore from a visit with his father.
• Other relatives present were. his son
in-law, W. T. Galloway. of Sarnia.
his grandson Toronto ; W. J.eBlnir. 0f Godeiich;
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Elliot. of Lucan :
his step children Thomas and John
Stewartson and Mr. and Mrs. Pim-
Of late. years Mr. Cobbfedick's
health bad been precarious, but his
final illness was of less than a week's
duration. Though he suffered great-
ly his end was one which became bis
long religious life. Converted at 18
years of age he had been ever since
a loyal and consistent member of
the Methodist church. Of a richly
emotional christian experience, he
was for (many years an esteemed
class leader
and later intth eNursere o'dy
till bis advancing age forced his re-
tirement. Full of years, he wel-
comed the call, when at almost 88
years the promise was fulfilled to
him. "Thou shalt Deme to thy grave
in a full age !like ns n shock of grain
cometh in in his season."t
to interment in the Exeter cemetery
an appropriate funeral service was
conducted at his late residence on
Saturday, the lath Inst, by Rev. It.
Robbs, pastor. of James Street Meth-
odist church, who also made a mem.
orial reference at the next Sab-
bath morning rervice to the loss the
church 'had sustained.
Desirable Dress
47340 yard
51 inch Panama
cloth. Good heavy
weight. Colors black
bine, brown or gray.
Something extra
5oc yard
('Iain or striped
Satin or Venetian
cloth. This 'sone of
our leaders and is
worth looking after.
75c yard
This buys some of
our best plain or
striped Suitinge. All
the new goods and
shades at this price.
it Yard Wide Silks
50c Taffeta Silk
$1 buys our one yard
wide beautiful Taffeta Silk
Lovely silk for Waists,
Dresses or Coats. Good
Suitings in this silk. War-
ranted to wear.
We have a full range of
colors in this priced silk.
which we warrant to wear
and give perfect satisfac-
tion. The best seller we
ever had.
Gents New Ties Scarfs, :Gloves, Susn der s
Shirts,Caps and Underwear. This is the spot
& Clark
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford
Clothing also high grade shoes and wall paper.
•••••••N••••••♦••N•NN• •N••N•••♦NNN•♦
•••••••••♦•♦••••••♦ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Christmas', Portals
DON'l' let this Christmas come and go without /tending
all your friends dainty and appropriate Postal Curds.
They will in all probability send cards to you don't let
them outdo sole in kindness and thoughtflriness. And don't
forget the friendless, poor and shnt-ing. Send them rands
as Poet. Cards in
range nlgnal fylfrom Handsomely Lithographedantiss They
bossed Cords at 2 for tie. to I�xquisitely Colored ('Ards lith•
()graphed on ([NAL Srt.K at 10e. Conte in and Zook theta
Fancy !loxes of Christmas Stationery 011 hand.
Come early!
The Best Flour-...m
C If it is the !)est, flour you want, there is hilt one !)lace
111 .' r � '
n to f,l t it- that is front us. The brands are:
Jewell Royal Household
,(Ontario Blended) (Ogilvie's)
(Lake of Woods) (SVestern Canada Hour Mills)
Leave your orders or call up Phone 2.
R. G. SELDON, Exeter.
Issss sssssssssssssss spi
For Exeter
It is up to the ratepayers of Exe-
ter to say whether or not they want
n branch of one of the most enter-
Icrprising and flourishing industries
in Western Ontario for our town.
namely ,Ibe Jackson Manufacturing
Company, of Clinton.
Mr. Thomas Jackson, a member of
the firm was here Tuesday and sub-
mitted a proposition to the council,
and if accepted the company will lo-
cate a branch herr inside of a couple
of months.
The propostiion is that they .be
given free rent of the Robert Pick-
ard building for a term of ten years
To the Readers of The ITxet •r
Times. -No doubt it %till b.• i+,terra•
ing to volt to know a little about
(2ueb.•c and the was of the wept,•
and what they can put up with as
compared with the ways of our own
speaking people. Things are not too
bad until you leave Montreal so this
is where 1 will begin. I took the C.
N. out of Montreal nt 8.30 in the
.corning travelling along through
the different little villages. Whey are
all small and Joliette is ; the first'
place of any size. I did not stop off
there, but to sec it from the drain
wouldyou 1 the 'towns very it ie a The nexplace comfort-
able of
any importance is St. Paulin, a small
exemption from taxation except vlltage. I stopped at tCharet{t
school taxes for that period and a mils and drove out five miles to see
a customer. No doubt you will all
know when I am down in these parts
it is for business, as I have no time
yet for trips of just pleasure seek-
ing. One of 'the ,worst features of
the small towns and villages here is
the %rant of sidewalks. Ilowever this
is one comfort the Frenchmen has no
use for. Their houses are built on
the side of the road with no room for
walks. The inhabitants just ,plod
through the mud and think nothing
of it. I was talking with a livery-
man about this fact, and although be
could not speak English, I got enough
out of him to know they had no
money for such luxuries. Gravel is
thing l
g they have not got, just mud
roads, and they are awful. They
never think of fixing them up and
there are holes 18 inches deep and
mud to correspond. Leaving this
place I went to the /own of Grand
Mare. arriving there about 9.30 p. ren„
this is a town of quite a size. They
have a large paper mill ,with all
French employes. It is very hard for
ale 10 get along without anyone to
talk to, so I have 'to keep quiet leav-
ing 'Grand ,Marc I got to Quebec
about 7.30 on the 16th. I have no
doubt you have often ,heard about
French Quebec, but you have to be
there to know it. You cannot get
any person to answer
gasoline engine not to coat more than
.`t225, they .in return it employ al the
end of 'the first year not less than
25 'hands, not Jess than 40 at the end
of the second year, after that any
number up 3o 100.
The council invited ,the business
men and others of the town to ..a
meeting which was held to the Town
Hall Tuesday evening and it was
largely attended.
'Mr. J. A. fltewart was appointed
chairman of the meeting and he called
upon (Councillor tlfcamat► to give an
outline of the negotiations, which Mr.
Stewart and Mr. Ileaman had with
the Jackson !Company. After Mr.
IIeaman 'had (given n very intelli-
gent report, Mr. Jackson explained
what the company would do in return
for the acceptance of their proposi-
tion. A number of others present
were asked to (give 'their views and
all were u5lanirnous in having a by-
law submitted, and a vote will be
Laken at the coming January elec-
The Jackson Company at present
employ about 170 bands and no doubt
if they .can get the help Imre. will
employ more than the number stated
in their agreement. It Is the best
proposition ever submitted to Exeter
and it is our opportunity to IS'ot it.
An option has been secured on 'the
Pickard 'building for a rental f
uuy at your
o questions, but talk about streets,nnd
X800 gnat year and every person Mho narrow ones too. This is the worst
has a vote should support the pro-
yet, streets 10 feet !vide, with car
posed by-law. Mr. Jackson gave t he tracks and sidewalks on the same
committee to understand that of the T.
str:et. Some of ,the people of Exeter
end of 'the second year they will in ore not satisfied with 4 foot walks,
all probability employ 75 hands. bit they lived here, they would not
haavv e in some places walks 2 feet
EXETER COUNCii. wide. (!'our feet is a wide walk in
This city. 1 have travelled a great
The regular council meeting was deal, but this caps the whole of them. ®�
held .in the reading room its the I thought Seattle was the worst. but •;
Town Hall Friday ,•vening, Novena- it is ;not a patch to this. It takes
her 191 b, alt anrmbers being present you half cin hour to go an • FURNITUREof tee carding `hld lac street car. where nr1} otht�rtpt:rcnla and IJNDERTAKINGiii
on Nov. 15th tvcre read and approved it takes ten minutes. Itgo
A communication from the Smart or up the great height youf steps down i tel' limit1114111111• (1•:11!111:IIINIPIiilUlli11:.111U11111111:NIL111N1Nt/N/lath
Turner Co., Hamilton was read, al- cannot go any pther lel P• your
so n letter from Mr. h'nrncomb re-
down the hills, In Quebeebtheyhhav Parlor Suit Parlor Tables
gardind the :securing an option oa a Pery few cement walks. What they
second pump. Ordered filed, have is stone or lumber. One of the Easy Chair Odd Chairs
_ things you Hee is the single horse
LOCAL. (Yi'T[ON PETITION Music Cabinet Couches
e b}• -law granting the St Marys The clerk reported as to the number drawing
They have aro double t •stn,
and ,Western Ontario `Railway a bon_! of .tam's on the petition and also tar drawing loads as we have, fib they Sideboards Hall Racks
its of $20,000 was voted on lot for of
of names on the last revised employe thre.�'times ns many amen
third time last Fridayt otos list and verified the arrd take very small , loads, Tacit Buffets Kitchen Cabinets
and for the 1)etit:on
by a majority of four. At the Kirk- as presented. carts for hide 01 ;111 kinds of store
ton 'poll every vote gest was in favor Per motion of Councillors Johns goods are'made of two wheels, a pair Dining -room Tables Dining Chairs
of the by-law. The scrutineer for the freeman, tett the council accept the centre of afof Rhets dset poleswo :Ire attacbrd
1 onlorition, who voted at tont poll, petition of Ithe ratepayers and that
Jong sol• s. The Dainty, well made and at reasonable prices.
was the a vole h.• taken on a Local Optiot/ to the axle of the cart, the rLafts and
voting for it. Followingley-Law at the January Municipal el- polesobeing in his straight lines. back
Bed Doom Suits Bed Couches Mattresses
I to the back. This leaves the back end
For Against Cellon. Carried, Councillor Carlin
subd-vi•ion No. 1 _ti 28 not voting. K veep near the ground. Any thing
Subdivision No. 2 39 39 Mr. (egos, Hartnett was suffices ns long as it docs not colt Springs, Brass and Iron Beds
Subdivision No. 3 IR J8 permission so cut the lutnbergas or- ranted would bcuch orworth e. ahebogth$,1125. outfitI lefa
fill bdicieion No. 4 36 53 derrd by the council in lengths of Quebec on the 17th for C eutimi, • 7 a Newest styles and all at popular priet's
mubdivision No. i1 28 6.2 8, 110. '12 feet, 3 inches wide, miles north, ns far as the road � F
Subdivision No. 5 -919 - 1 er C:•rling-Luker, !bat the of- the head of theSagenny river, which RO WE & ATKINSON
fur of Messrs. Ilrent, Noxon Co., of empties into the St. L.aw•rence. If I
241 210 Toronto, of 22,489 tor the k22,000 had been not
day earlier. !
ft is understood a protest will be "'rater works debentures be :reeepted have. had a sail down Ibis rjrRbt -. The Leading Home Furlliehere and b'uneral Directory,
entetcd, owing to o-omr alleged ten-
subject to approval by Mr. P. ruV• to the St. Latyrcnce. but the ; �
nets voting as owners-
solicitor, Carried. boat left 'the mornin • after i ° l ill -j it ttllEi tet =, = t _ , j t» r-«
;est i ...wMY •�.M -+• i• jTt. ve.- 1}gN�Y•...N•.
got i «iLtfjfisiie iN1i..iii.•.i j
man -Johns. that tar 'wet-
nt- there, and not having my `business
er tower
placed ns near th • pre-
•ted had to wait to corse back V---
Molsons' Bank Annual r `lane: is possblc. Carried to Quebec to continue trey route east,♦N•••N••••••••••••••••••♦•••••••••♦•••NN•••N♦♦♦
fenders for the cement nbutni.9it Cheutimi is n very nim,-
for tar water tower were op_I qlt youplace. teat O
is if can ball hill niaa. Every • THE ONE PRICE •
Report from the [ollowin;; parties: A. eQ.
d o'" is French. Imagine' enc' , oin:r into STORE i
)fobs, r. Jos. Lawson and Messrs Ta tar dining morn for ren From the date of this issue we are rnnrkiu out
Al a recent annual meeting of the for & Sande' l . The lettingu of the
g unable to speak End li a lowest possible Cash Price. We Rive no dicing t andleat w,• use
waiter brio 2
Molsot,.4 Batik held in Montreal the contract ens held over awaiting the and err,' handicapped by being nn,bl� jz theerycme alike. You know that you are getting •
following report and statement w res
s advice. to speak French, but it happened that sauteprice y Is g Y'>ur gouts at
presented to the there/udders. which Pcr Carling -Luker -that the rno- 11 anyone else and we guarantee Out• Primo; the
a gentleman arrived .there from Lowest in Town.
was considered by them as highly tion as,mad•• at the last meeting 111- Boston, who could speak both Ian. All (foods Marked in Plain ['llfurelt
satisfactory' lootion a $tUO to he collected from It. Bungrs, <o be anode the waiter und:•.r-
Thr ser profits far the year amount N. 'Rowe and ?, Armstrong pe rem_ stand. It is pretty slough and get A Handsome Premium
to I,:493,t7!LfO, From shit here h:•en cinder!. and that the amoanr be riots )•ourself in the same fix and you will To every cnelonler whopurchases
laid quarterly dividends of 2 1-2 per by the coettca to Mr. 'it, (I, Seldon as 2 $''.i IN) worth of !'rep at.
1 wish to bre at home. sweet borne. this store between now and December 25th we will give prep his
cent. each, :'S:o0,000: taxes, R17.4f2.09 per bill. Carried. A. E. 110DGF:RT, choice of a beautiful Orin Gold -Plated Clock, Hest American j
to Officers" Pension Fund. +1U 01111 rt vement; swan excellent Nene Thin.PlaModel
and expended mt 'trench Premises,
Per tiiohns-Lnkrr, :hat an rave- - - -Open Mace, Gun
trough h.• placid on the cast side itOoug.VILLh etal(..ase,Stem Wind. Stent Set Watch, Nickel Movement,
.,fdedt.'7, len Profit
no �i0i,084.7:1 to bre of the old mitt building, also a facejointed hack, inside ca to
added to 1'rnfit earl Loot erecta( hal-
Mr. Hairy Dou¢all, sr. met with a P protect movement, A guaranteed
ane,• making tr }Q;ii,7G't,I:S, The c•pl_ holed. tar Itt•eve ID look after the very serious accident rem -salty after- timepiece,
tnl paid up is .t;t.u00,000. it 9nmr. Y:arrird noon while taking part in the annual• Your Credit is Good Here" Z
Irl 110,000• Reserve fund •1'h, follow salt ACCOII,l(s were read shooting•
match of the itogerville (Inn • SANDY
In replying to the vote of th:ulkm end approved, -'f. Musk:its h Eon (tub. The match eves held in one of BAWDEN
the President Erma, that in :ren}• acro„nr p r c m ,.•: y. 4.10: It, C, ,y,1. Mr, [human's tielda, ,and hie gun fail- Clothing, ((outs and Hhoes, Furnishings, (lata
work the 1)1,ector. hard had the sat_ dun, a It, G. for c,•ment for cemetery rig to goo$ he headed it to his son to Everything R , ('ap r,
(stare on o[ doing in canna ct!on with 1►.70; It, G. Eiclrimr, cement for N.•
t h • 'llusinrm9 of the (lank eluting tie. E.crossing. 7,1' tr. G. 5;•1don. retn-
i/:rst y:•ar. t h. General •Manager null ''nt and 1 nt. for ;l ltd.
• labor. Davis)amib,r,!.
1.00 per year In advance
Try a Carbo Magnetic Razor
for a nice easy shave everyone guaranteed $2.00
other Razors from 75c. to $1 5o.
Stock and PoultryFoods
International Dr. Scott's and Royal Purple 25c., 50c.
and $1,00 pkgs. Salts, Sulphur and Salt Petre.
Axes from 65c. to $1.25
X cut Saws $2.75 to $4.50
A few Wood Heaters from .. $2,0o to $4.00
See our Cast Range with Reservoir
Coal Heaters from • • • • • • $Z 5 •oo
Ranges ' • • • $15 to $46,00
Stove Pipes, Elbows, Coal Hods and Sifters.
$2s� to $53
Stoves andiijs
We have just concluded a successful demonstra-
tion on the Pandora Range which was so highly
satisfactory as was testified by the number of
Ranges sold. Anyone needing a stove or range
will do well to consult us. Our prices are right.
Plumbing and Furnace Work a Specialty.
Let us quote you Prices on your Furnace wcrk, Plumb-
ing, Roofiing, Eaveirougning and General Tinsmith work.
Awgnvs a� SON
4t11:iiii lei([ l !.
•■ .. iii. f. .i. ■..iiiN 5.- t -rt, E=13s.s.g.,t
ascertain the trough•, In the meantime •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
using the letter's gene. White the t
young man mu; handling the weapon
it accideutflly %veto r.IT, striking Mr.
Dougall on the leg, and althotteh he
,1. [Iissel t, ore It:unite. fine ; •1. S.rn nr WAN wearing top boot's. the calf o1 the
message, 23c: Jerry .Knorr, n ,rat leg watt loin away end the bone badly
watch, 1.r0; Thos, ilould,•n, 1,60r, ehiit.red. 'l be injured titan %vas rar-
3,2•�; W, '11. (;itlr'pie, freight ac. w. tied (0 his 1 • and nod•cal NN.sist
1v, 8,15. Aare hastier Nunrmoned from Mensal!.
st.Iff were the ones; who deserved it 'Gillis, talo 1 00 lid I
t hold. res. Their ,ng fere „note, 1,00, labor 2 7 W
the thanks of the shat•
interest and devotion to the work
lege b .en during the yrnr just clotted
as it had h.en in previous ones, most
7 b,• V ice -President added a ft 1v t e-
neerke with regard to the staff,
tt bele bre snit). numbered over 500.
:11111 r .
r end treed over the ,
1 a
:on from l he Province of Quebce to
the Province of !trios), Columbia.
Daring the rapt year there had not
been n single complaint agarol any
member mgr
rof tr
h staff. and ref
L o
rh �•,•
r yea ra
there hare
not Ir,
en any
if -m-1101 an the Guarantee Fund.
lh s ,omelhing for th.' Share-
hnl,b r- and (lir.otore to be I•rou.1 of
Councillors C:,rlinz and Luker 11 r,• The injurid Inr-iiiIrr was dressed and
appointed a committee to report on it wax totted that amputation is not
h c• ,
m •nl
Per IL•aman - Luker. that R. G. - �+
Seldott he .paid *618.49. 11llaitc•• (fur Ki%N.TiV(i OF THE HURON0n the 'walk•:. It ss 10 per rent. 11A COs. NT YCOUNCIL.
r 0001'101.
h :,
rant to
n Ina
t .
!. o
1 'a The
1 h
this I meeting
relnn en
red t
forhr Corporation
one •e.r ora
n n
1 er Deem -in -Johns. that the 'it,eve• (.!tats of lluron will alert in the
'• e• ;1t int the /ill leer CIr-P1 o'clock
the 7th.
gine and regarding the new walks, December. nt ., o'clock n m
and t mrncrll r Carling •r. Mr. F. 1• comic! champ r, in the
yawn of
I arnrornb r u d 1 1 Gods rich o.. Tu d h da}.
11- hid mach l•le.•ur, to supporting Ih• I.oe el Option Icy -1,11" and met-
1tIv) l the-Pr,sider+t had said. ler. p•rreining :D Ow water work.
will he -taken tip at a special m:et-
3)TEI) Ad). by Lnkor.
.'r to b,• called by the Itcev:•.
WILLiAMS-1n Crediton ori Sunday, d1 W HI(Nl0ll.
Nov. 221st, to '\1r. and Mrs. (,corse in our last week's report of the
\\'il!iems, a son. Exeter Counca meeting n tt o ra
111•NI)MAN-On \Vcdn••5da n R phit
24th. at 'Minot. N. D. Dr. G,1,n t the contracterror price madeS instating that
i'. llyndman, formerly of Exeter, was price (bre the hydrant,.
1500 each Mott d of 115,00 each.
All nceounte for settlement must
b' placed with the Clerk on or b•for,
the nhove date.
felted Nov. 21th, 19(A1.
W. LANE. Clerk.
\Vonten with pale co (orlees face,
who OA weak end discouraged, will
receive both aro ntal end bodily vigor
by using Carter's Iron ['ills. whish
ere merle for the blood, *errs' sod
••••••♦••••••♦••••♦••N•♦♦ •♦•♦••N•♦♦••♦•••♦••♦♦•••♦
•• Ready For Xmesta With the is•
S :
Finest stn the Laitid
have1 it ChristIrvin (lards in endless variety ---the most 1pntl
lots ruse been
and daintily etnbnss0d cards, with a hundred designs t to ehoo8e
front. at two for five renta. style, whereOthers inimitable
designs Are richlyn,bnssptl and teccolo rq blown
upon the earls. Ind.serihahly dainty. '('hese are only five cents.
And i the
n we
+ h
and F
I Silk(
1 eacmc of 9t carbeauty. Wonderfully pretty cards tinselled
with Gold 'finmel, ('ante with Frees, Transparent Cards, Perfum-
ed Cards, iir.ags And Metal Novelt y Conte- Cards for every taste
galaxy tt x
y ()f net ant ;woody. 014r prices on All (saps
are sitrin•isinoie law, so low th .t you cannot :Nord not to 1484
a great many of there this season,
ilesidea theme see the variety of Fancy (:ones, Stationery,
Toilet. Articles and Pe, -fun ,
• Edisoni'honogrsphs. many .tyles.
S Edison Kpcords, Amhetnl And Standard.
_ • \NATO!! 01111 WINDOW
('.,n.e In and look around. l'ou'rs welcome,
THE PURITY J. Willie Powell, Manger. Z=