HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-11-18, Page 8h: X E E R 'r i M E S NOV. 18th MIN • ++++++ +++++ 14-a+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4 sTEwARI"s PHONE 16 AHE YOU GETTING the best value for your money? We Ielieve we can save you some good stoney this fall. Our stock was bought early before any of the big advances took I,l.0 e. Our stock is particularly large and well assorted. Come in and see what we can do for you. Our Showing of Ladies' Fur -Lined Coats is the largest we have ever made and the values are l strictly in favor of the buyer. Our coats are lined with pilule Canadian rat, and collars and reveres of Mink, Alaska Sehle. Auaetican Sable and Isabella Sable. The shells are made from fine pure wool Kersey, 50 laches long $37.50 to $05.00. Men's and Bolls' Reads -to -Wear Sults Are leading lines with toe. Yon have a stock of four hundred Suits to pick from. styles the latest, cloths the newest. You save the mid- dle profit as every suit conies to us direct front the makers, an d many of the new novel- ties nrad.- expressly for our own trade. $2 50 to $18.00. Overcoats tor Men, For Bous, For Youths Our Overcoats show a style in cut and Huish distinctly their own. We have the new Military coat with com- bination stand or turn collar, in men's and boys, and we have the staple plain tailor- made Overcoat also the hea- vy tweed Ulster in all sizes. Don't miss our Coats $2.50 to $16.00. "King Hats for Dressy Young Men If you wear a '•King" hat you wear the Hat that has the largest sale of anv list in the trade. We are the sole selling agents for Exeter. Every hat is sold under a guarantee. The new fall shapes are now all in. We also show a swell lot of softknock- about Hata in blues and greens. ff Here's A Bargain Ror Yost We have y tahle of men's and boys' Overcoat.e, all odds and ends of different lines; a clean up of our whole stock. Prices were *5.(N) to $12 Olt You take your pick for $9.75. And Here's Another Ba gain A clean-up of our Ladies' Mantles, not the latest styles, but good, honeststaple coats. Just the coat you want for rough, hard wear. Your pick for $2.90 Child's soft downy wool 25c the pait for Ladies Rib - vests, ribbed, natural colors, bed Cashmere Hose, double 15 to ...x knee. Ladies rihhe+l shaped vests white and natural '-'a to $1.00. $19.51) buys from us 108 piece Semi -porcelain China Dinner Set, beautifully decor- ated and gold traced. 85c each for men's pure wool ribbed Underwear. Val- ue that talks. All our Millinery goes on sale at just about half price, and we have a lot of it to sel- ect from too. Bring along your farm produce. You'll find us on the job all the time. Poultry alive or dressed, Dried Appies, Butter, Eggs, Etc., Etc. just as good as cash. J. A. S'21TART +++++++44++++++++. ++++++++++++44++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -i•++++++++++++++++ One fi+ tt tt. •1• tt Selling out our entire stock Great Clearing ,Sale of our Big Stock, for Cash or Produce. R. N. ROWE Phone 22 One door north P. 0 It is a Long Walk to as Good a Stock For general completeness of stock for all -the - time readiness to servo our customers we can't see )low it would be possible to surpass this store's usefulness to this c')mmunity. We stand prepared to cater to every home's furniture wants, however large, however Small. There is never any need for us to make an excuse or our goods. All we ask is that you est our Furniture the best that you know o. a willbe glad to abide y your decision. Market Report. -The tollowin; is Norman )lodger). of London, was Times Want Column the retort of Exeter markets, cor-1 home for Sunday. rested up to November 18th. Mr. John McLaughlin has been \\ heat. standard $1.02 forced to lay oft +� irk for the past LADIES 'MAN-TAILO1tEU SUIT.; (Jots 34 to 36e Yeas 75 to 80c.te" days. owing to iururies !coeired . Exeter Ladies may now obtain a 13ar.ey 48 to 60 cents. Bran $2'_.00 Shorts $23.00 Star flour $2.75. Feed flour 81.50 to $1.55. Butter 22c. Eggs 24c. Hay $9.00, $10.00 Hoes 1i v..'wea!h1, 87.:30. Potatoes 75 to 90 cents Coal, $7.25 a ton. Ducks '10c. Hens 7c. 'Chicken '10c. Dried 'Apples 60. ••••••••N••+•NN++++Nt►• s LOCALS 1 A new brick chimney has er clod at the creamery. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Oke. of London, are guests at the 'Central. Mr. Alf. (Davidson. of London, was a visitor in town last. week. Mrs. R. N. iitowe spent Sunday In Si. 'larys with her daughter, Ida. Miss Stella iGillics, was the guest of Miss Esscry at 'Centralia over Sunday. Mr. Geo. Hawkins; returned last 'reek after spending 'two months in Winnipeg. Mr. Thos. Ila'4n was confined to his house for scleral ,'aye, suffering from Lumbago. Miss Clark, of Crediton. visited Miss flceda'Baker In town the form- er part of the week. lllanshard township 'will vote on the tit. (Marys and Western Ontario by-law to -morrow. Mr. Jack McConnell and 'Miss Rose Elliot. of Lolttdon. were guests at h+• 'Comrnertral Sunday. Nev. D. W. Collins is conducting a series of +week night services in the Trivitt Memorial churclii Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Gladman en- tertained a number fo their friends Wednesday evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jnmes Whyte, w'ho recently proved to Zurich, were vis- itors in town Sunday and Monday. ,M. Millie uss•' Mathews. who was vla- been while pouring bot metal into a moulding box. There was come mois- ture in the box. .which caused the metal to !explode, portions striking him in the tight eye and the right strictly man -tailored Suit by one of the best city tailors without going to the city or the trouble of getting fit- ted. Satisfaction .guaranteed. For further particulars call at Miss 'rorn's band. I. is the !worst accident Mr. dressmaking rooms over 'Nilson tiros. McLaughlin has .ever sustained. but store. 18-11.t this Oiw is not serious 'enough to keep him away from his stork• for any great length of tints. Next your Lent will bey:in on Feb- reery 9. fifteen days earlier than it dal this year so that Easter Sunday will fall on March 28, instead of April Ilth, as it did this year. Inas- much as the first full moon aftee the vernal equinox which falls on March 21st each year it is evident next year will near the record for early dating. It will be the second earliest Easter in a quarter of a 'century that of March 22nd, 1901, being the vernal equinox in that period. When the dust is on the counter] and the cobweb's on the shelf, and there's no one in the store but your own disheartened golf, and your stock is getting . helf worn and everything 'ooks stale and bills enough are com- ing in to make n banker pale, Oh! thews the +time a fellow is n feeling kind o" blue and is puzzled with the thought of Ole proper thing to do. In such a situation but one remedy ap- 1`see. If you want to get the cus- tomers, you've got to advertise. Will Shirrlty. a prosperous busi- ness man, of-J)etroit, and a former resident, of Exeter, died in that city on friday. Nov. 5th, after a .pro- tracted i11 less from tubercular trouble. The deceased was born in Hay Township. where he spent his boy hood days. For a titne he worked at the jewelry business here 'with Mr. Robert }licks. afterwards going to Detroit, where lie took a position as accountant. A few years ago he en- tered the mnnufaoturing business making articles of brass. His con- stutution was never very rugged. DR. OVENS EYE AND KALI BUR- Qeon. will be at the Commerelal note:. Hours 9 n. tn. to 1 p. m. Glasses properly fitted and dis- eases of eye ear and nose treated. Next visit Monday, Nov. 15th, fore- noon. Iiensall in afternoon. HOUSE FOR LE -Brick resid- ence and lot on .Main Street, third house south of Presbyterian church. Six rooms. For terms and particu- lars apply to James Whyte or Dick- son & Carling. NOTICE As I am now in the west on a trip .for my health, my book accounts will not be collected until I return two months hence. A. E. PYM. Exeter, Sept., 9th 1909. 9-16-5 FOR SALE Cottage and three lots in Exeter, being lots Nos. 65, 56 and 57 south of Siwcoe Street. On this property is a frame cottage (brick foundation) con- taining five rooms and a good cel- lar also a good well and a large stable. Good garden and fruit trees. The property has to be so'.d to wind up an estate. Apply to GLADMAN & STANBURY, Barristers, Exeter, Ontario. "Do you us-. flour? Have you been getting good resultst What are you p:lying for it1 We are selling our best blended "Snow Drift" .family flour, and our pure Manitoba flour "Maker's favorite" at 8,2.75 per bag. We guarantee every bag we sell to give you excellent results. Try it and be convinced. Feed prices :Brats 820. - Concert. - Complete arrangements 00 per ton. Shorts 822.00 per ton, have now been made for the excelleut IIensall 'Flour Mills. program which will nc presented in lie Z`OOK, SONS & CO. the Opera House on Friday the 2Gth i11st., under the auspices of the .choir FARM FOR SALE- Choice hun- and officers of Cavcn Presbyterian Bred nore farm, being Lot :1,Con. 1. church. In addition to Master Doug.. Usborne. London ito:id, :1-4 mile from las Stanbury. who is now recognized Centralia, three aniles from Exeter - as the leading, if not the only con- On the premises there is erected n Irnito boy singer in Canada, the ser- good brick house, all conveniences a iting her sister, Mrs. Saxon Fitton, v1ot's of Miss Lillian Elliott. of Cen- large bank barn 80x45, finished in has returned to her borne in Toronto fralia have hero sceurcd. 'Miss El- latest improved slyke; drive house,, 'Clinton New Era. -"Mr. thatch- liott has been training under the good orchard, never failing Supply of ford, of Exeter, and 'Mrs. Thompson, best teachers In the city and possetseees water: well in house and barn. 12 of Toronto, are guests ofs. Mrs. C. S. a vo:ce ofrarecharm. These will be acres fall wheat and plowing done. liaw•ke." assisted bythe well-known local (a- if not sold privately pn or before 20 vorites in elocution and song. The day of 'December, will be sold by pub - The Southcott brothers Tuesday plat) of the Hall will be found at W. tic nuction at a date to be fixed lat- purchased John 'Itendle's house at S. Cole's drug store. • r Easy terms of payment. For lot on Andrew street, and will to c terms :tad particulars apply to Jas. possession Dec. 1st. The anniversary and tea -meeting of lfandford, prop.. Centralia or to T. The bye -election in North Al Ile. the James street Methodist church, Cameron, auctioneer, Farquhar. sex made necessary by the r� na- Exeter, will be held on Sunday and - tion of 'Duncan 0. Ross, will held Monday, November 21 and 22. On FOR SALE -A new I 1-2 story on Monday, 'Dec. 6th. Sunday Rev. Dr. Dougall, of Godcrich, frame house. on the corner of Wil - will preach :it 10. M a.m. and 7 p.m. linen and Victoria Streets, very con - '1'« Mina'J'aylor, Soprano soloist, of vetrient from cellar to attic. Apply eWest lected by 0 majority of et in the 1 -rig street Presbyterian church, to William Miners On tho Premises, or Wed's-daydofclu t bye -ole ion held Lo .,lon, •will assist the choir itt both by letter to Exeter 'P. O. services. Thank offering and roller - Alis; Lulu Martie retu sed 10 St. h - - - - Trus- - Marys Monday, to remain her studies having sufficiently recovered from quinsy from which she was suffering. Mrs. Chas, Livingstone. who Spent the sumtner With her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jno.' +Ilawkshaw, returned to her home in/Milterton on Saturday Lost, The Trustee}'djo,rd of the James St. Methodist chi rch have decided to have the 'intej•ior of the church dec- orated, put in stained windows ane' make other improvements. Main Street has been in a frights tul condition during the past few weeks. owing to the large 'mount of sunt. evhi a the roads in the coun- try have been in a fairly good con- dition. 1 The reflegtion of a fire 4n the Hay Swamps near Zurich, could be plain- ly seen bete Sunday night. The re- port was cftrrent here Monday that the Johnston house at Zurich was destroyed, ut such was not the case. Miss Mn el Miners, who wens taken very ill o the 9th. inst., has so far recovered that she left for London nn Mondny evening with her sister, Mrs. '11. tr. Johns. 'who was called tree, by phone to wait on her nick sister. Messrs. N. D. l Iu rdou, Lyman Palmer nd John Charlton spent several days chest .wreck shooting at Lake with. Owing 10 the tine weather the ducks remained out on :h • 1 k e dur:ng their stray, and a few rabbits, squirrels and fish s'erc the the res It of their outing Huron county oval) have twelvecon- Iests fo local option in January. The folio tint; places have handed in th 'evil •d p •til ions all fully signed, Towns -C intoe noel Wingham; L'iges,-text fere lit usscls. Myth and Mayfield ; ownships-Colt o G ii•y, Step n. Tuckersmith and Tut li- berty. Colborne, , re y Y f Messrs. G. JOrlet and W. 11. t by 1 1 Lovett. have made their properties f W i d b most pleas nor Ly the construction of a bo,leva outs'de the w•nik along their pn isos on Sendets street. JAMES BEVERLEY the rn:ctetial used was takers from the river and is nicely trunked up and sodded. Several other residents in town are having their property im- proved its the same manner. A black cocker t:panicl belonging to Curt )farness iw'as the victim of mi.teken . identity last Thursday afternoon, and n.s a 'esu ll made a rapid exit to the dogs' paradise. 'Iwo local nitnrods %tcrc in the woods hunting black squirrels and were intently looking (or one of the black creature` to make it; npp,•aranee. when Cart's dog passed close oto a log. only a part of the back being visible t0 the hunters. 'thinking it n squirrel. tang event 11e gun. and1 with 0 Yelp the doss keeled over. .Mr. 11x1 nese thought his dog was shot purposely. but the hunters 111c men not given to such trick;, so the shooting of the animal waft quite accidental. Leading Undertaker and Embalmer You Take No Chances When You Get Your Fall and Winter Suits from an old established and reliable 110118e like ours. Time -tried Reputation is what ensures you satisf,lction. W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor - Exeter, Ontario. 1 !1 A Meat offer to new subscribers The 'Times and I'arai:y II. rald ,end Week:s Stir from now ti'I Jan 1910 for 'f\\'1•:N1Y.F1\'1 ('ENIS This of- est of London,:e:sisted the choir and n ter is good to pointe in Canada only. made a favorable imprritsion with the large congregations. WANTED -An experienced horse - tee Board. On Monday evening from staid. 'References required. Good 6 to 8 o'cloek an old fashioned tett, wages. Apply G. W. Harrison, Cana - for which the church bas becotne(dian Bank of Commerce. Exeter. famous, will ao served in the Lecture room. after Which 0 select progratnI ESTRAY STEER -Came to my re - will be given in the Audilorinrll. Mt•'I wises about Ootober 20th. ican'wner Dougall, Miss 'Taylor and Mist De. can secure 'b light Hobbs. V iolin Soloist. together ter same Y raying expensev+ with the resident ministers of the Iia connection therewith. A. 'Pen - town will contribute to 'the enter- tainment. Tickets for 'ten nud ,en- tertainment 25e, ;children tinder 12 years, 15c. !teeth n f Mrs. T bomas Contra._ The death occurred on 'Tuesday, Nov- ember 161h, at Ler home a short dis- tance from Exeter, of Betsy Fisher. relict of the Irate '!'bomas Coutes, who died about fourteen years titin. Hhe was nged 67 years and 11 months and her death is attributed mainly to a'n- ile decay. She was born in Yorkshire Enhl'nd, and when six month.; old elate to Canada with tier pirents. The family settled on the 2nd 'Con- cession of Usborne on the fartn now owned by Josh )larding. Filly years ego she was married to Mr. Coates, six children bring the result sof the union, Richard, Paul, Will, Frank :ind Alf, of llsbornc and Charles, of Pont i:10, Mich. She was the last of eight children. her sister. Me-. '1,•nnear. of Yonke•re. N. Y., raying n couple weeks ago, mention of which was butd' at the time. The deceas- ed was :t woman noted for her good etueli!1 s. living nn upright 'Christian 1:fe and was much beloved by her 1'rgc ',Stele of acquaintances. The funeral wii11 be held Io•d:1) fr nin her tete residence for interment its the Exeter cemetery beside the remains of her husb•ied. The anniversary services of the elf:tis street Methodist church were held last Sunday, when Rev. Dr. Rut- ledge, of Wiegham. delivered two very impressive r'ertnonS. At the morning service the church was well filled, while in the evening a tow of chairs was placed in each aisle uud around the altar. The evening text was taken from iI Timothy 2: 1", "Study to chew thyself approved n - to God, a s' orkrnan that necdeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of tants." Ereryone no rnat- .. r what. Ih' calling in life should at all linnet do their best at whatever they undertake, caring not for public sentiment or flatlet a•c long as thew feel that in the eyes of the Lord, they are doing what is tight. A man's conscience is his character, it tells him right front wrong. and by this he will re, judged on the final d:ty of reckoning. No ,natter how wealthy ;t matt may be be cannot take oily of life with him when be leaves this life. ile is worth n" mor i than the poorest. his assets •b;.ing what he bas made of himself. The hu n b lc ehoem ak•r who do es h is beattheir best with most favus, even 71 Lord looks n1on have elan havedonc done!' in melting shoes sooty ith ; much favor as the wencher tt•hn prepares his best sermons. 1•. very , ,p•tson eotne.r into tine world alike, unpre-r p'red for what is before Its, and it tel , our duty to do our hest at all times. The tnnsio of lb • city was esp.e'ally good. qtr. C. J. 1'iuk the lend 1010-• Word was received here Wednes- day afternoon of Inst week of the death at J)ouglas.'Man.. of James Westcott, a former resident of this section aged 60 years and 2 months. Mr. Westcott took sick a short time after his visit here last spring. and several limos 'was thought to be dying. He was born in the township of Usborne a short distance ,from Exeter, wbere he resided until about twenty years ago,'when he went west, his family following ,later. He is survived by his widow, five children. Jesse, of California : frank, of Douglas ; 'Mrs. Richard Coates, of Usborne : Mrs. W. Fe giuson, of bliuncota. Man.; and lla. at home. Also one brother and four sisters. Wm. of Usborne: Mrs. P. Fisher. Mrs. W. Snell, Mrs. •John .Delbridge• and Mrs. Chas. 'Kydd, of Wapclla, Sauk. In religion he was a Metho- dist and in !politics was a Liberal, The remains were shipped front Douglas Friday alight rind arrived here Monday, and were taken to the residence of his non-in./law, Richard Coates, from •whorl' the funeral took place Tuesday, interment .being in the Exeter cemelr_ry. lour Feed All Good Kinds of Flour and Feed kept on hand Bran and Shorts Sold by the Ton. Wheat taken in exchange for Flour and Oats taken in exchange for Oatln:al. W. Rivers EXETER, - ONTARIO. THE OLD RELIABLE We told 3 ou so some time ago in one of our advertisements. We told you this would be a big season with us. We have a right to say so too. Our store never was in a better j)ositioll to meet one's needs than it is this fall. The goods we are showing and the modest prices we are quoting are slaking people 'sit up and take notice'. '_lave you looked over our goods? Have you asked the ces? Good goods and low prices are the two tfi1T a that are slaking us a big season. No matter what you may need whether Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes Groceries, Crockery, it will pay you to come here, Special This week we are offering a number of Ladies Ready -to -Wear Skirts at bargain prices. $3.50 for $2,50 $4.00 for $ .00 $4,75 for $3.75 $5.00 for $4.00. A few odd Skirts at $5.00 for $3.00 Highest price paid for Produce, Butter 22, Eggs 24. Dried Apples 6: Potatoes 50c per bag. All kinds of poultry token degd or alive at top prices in trader cash. '- - CARLING BROS. "20,000 Razors for Free Trial!" A heW scientific discovery -a secret process -has revolutionized the manu- facture of razors. This discovery en- ables us to offer you a blade of Carbo - steel -(steel plus carbon) -which you do not have to hone or grind; a blade that stays sharp always. To prove It we will dlatrlbute Carbo - Magnetic I:azais on 3J Days' Trial ab- solutely free -there is one here for YOU. This Razor is tempered by a secret electric process at an absolutely even temperature of 2.500 degrees. The re- sult Is the hardest cutting edge known to science. A blade of Carbo -steel that we guautntee lar a lifetime of perfect wear, no honing -no grinding. W. J. HEAMAN, We want you to knr•y and enjoy the smooth shaving coi.,.ort you can obtain only through the long sweep - Ing diagonal stroke of n straight blade standard razor-tho Carbo-1lagnetic- which cuts the hairs cleanly without splitting them or turning the ends back Into the skin to cause irritation, pimples, and even worm troubles. So come in today and get a Carbo-Mag- nette Razor on 30 Days' Free Trial. Loon rDRTHIS TRADE MARK .6behludetoithde Carlo &gife EXETER, ONT. +++++++.1-14+++++.14++-:•++++++ -r X962 One year ago, Mr. George Wakeman was earning about iC $101) per year as farm laborer. F2. Now he is earning at thA r 'nenof $962 per year, PLEASE THE COOK 0 u b 0 nd benefit yourself and family by sin ; STAR flour. It bakes no !such etc r rind goes so much farther than rdiniry brands. THE USE OF STAR FLOUR Six months' training at our Business College made the eh ference. Wee it a g investment? He thinks His address is New Osg Seek. •1 s Four courses: t. PILEI'AItAToRY, COMMERCIAL a =i STENOORAPAY, TELEtillAPI(Y $, Y time. Enter any •- i i Individual t . moons better bread. biscuits, cake. +instruction. Write for par - pie. etc.. in your borne, and metro of + ; ticulara them. too. Order to sack to -day. The next time you need ;lour you'll insist on having the STAR brand even if it cost 'more. But It doesn't. -Manufactured by-. •t. HARVEY BROS. Wheat and Oate wanted. THE THREE MEN represented in the picture are dis- cussing the eucstion of WHO IS THE BEST TAILOR? Autumn is once more here. and the cortin,•, crisp mornings will make a Feil Suit and Overcoat necessary. if sot want Ihetn cut properly and made nice:y, come to us, and ne can guarantee n perfect fit in accordance with the latest designs. W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor. EXETER -- ONTARIO, Mrs. Jamie; Wceteolt and children' Frank and !dn. of Dong)!;. Mnn .. were bore :Mending the' funeral of the. trite James Vestcotf. Mr.1 1..K. Fleming.countyiv c , t. • tory of the Huron Youtig Men's A.- eneia:ion, hat• been rippointed nuc of the five as ociate editors nt "Iternl i Manhood, n monthly rttogit.:' d1,• - voted to the County Work of the; \•sung Alen'; Christian Asrurittion o(' North Arner:cs" The monthly will t b' publ:•hed iii New fork City and p Mr. F1, m'ug's field cotnprises .1 he i 2 states of 'Maine, Vermont and thin 1. sin and the' province of Ont.it io. Ile p hs+ thu= a his territory to cover bet, .• -•+ h • he, the requisite ability and en-' •••••••••••••••4f+•+•H••*NS ergy to do St well. 'ttrlliriiIlltor. L-.... Clinton Business College Geo, Spotton, Principal. 1 Manure Litters 1 Beatty Bros.' Feed and Litter Carriers Overhead Conveyors. Beatty Bros.' Steel Stalls & Stanchions can be installed as cheap as lumber and last forever. Beatty Bros.' Load Binder These three things are great labor -savers for farmers and neceseitiee cn a farm. For sale by W. T. Gillespie Phone 51. Exeter. �CENTNtivy STRATFORD, has the reputation of being the hest practable training school in (:,'nada. Thorough courses have prinked results. Rosiness nuen say our gradu- ates are the trout snit they Ap- ply to era for office help. Our greats )tea succeed AN name other. Three Departmente- Commercial, Shorthand, au TelegrRphy. Ent.- at once. Write far our free ..'Intogne. ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN. Principals. 1 1 • 1