Exeter Times, 1909-11-18, Page 711.141 -1 -1 -i -iii' -f1.41 -1 -1•i --$-I Fashion Flints. Si 1411 1 1 ; l i i L 11 i i -t H-144 FASHIONABLE MAT!' I;1 Al.. The rich softness of velvet has received sere ! effect of moire by some process evolved in France, and as a result there is a Material which is wonderfully beautiful for afternoon gowns, says a Paris let- ter. One moire velvet gown burst upon the vision of u favored few and met with well-deserved acLnir- at,Sn. It was of rich amethyst tune, indigestion that digest the food for with touches of black mieitc for the. stomach give relief for only a trimming. The ornate tyea%C of the ,Leet time. Ultimately they unfit material needed little trimming, the •turuach to do its own proper and the beauty of line and drapery work, because they make its al - spoke much for the suppleness of ready weak powers still weaker by this new velvet. A guimpe of tuck- � disuse, while the remedy that ed amethyst chiffon had a suhyoke l strengthens the stomach makes it of 'Ptsu lace, which steppe(! at a' capable of digesting the food for its narrow 'wiping of moire silk.; A high self, and this benefit is lasting. A TONIC TREATMENT FOR INDIGESTION Remedies That Digest the Food Will Not Cure the Trouble -- The Stomach Must bo Fitted to do Nature's Work. The tonic treatment far indiges- tion, dyspepsia, catarrh of the sto- mach and gastritis is having re- markable success in curing obstin- ate cases ar,d deserves attention from every sufferer. Its principal is that remedies for girdle of 'Llack had a scaljeoped top remedy that is not only a tonic for and bottc.rts,_ and tiny' cuffs held the stomach, but for the blood and what the rest of you are doing, or n sleeves at nerves as well, invigorates the en- 11"w much noise you are making, it down the puffed c uffo the elbows. doesn't bother ane, and I and able tire system and makes recovery to concentrate my mind on the The skirt fell in straight lines from the painful, weakening effects to eonin hand withoutdfullyint the that swept the flour in a round" of indigestion rapid and thorough.subject up - train. A band of black moire cdg-1 Every sufferer from indigestion will tion. Give up an advantage like ed the hem, held in place at the find in 1)r. Williams' }'ink Pills just that 1 Not much!" front by a wide, flat bow. Tiny the tonic needed, as they enrich the Mr. Joseph H. Choate, the fain - re.' amethyst buttons which nestled in blood, tone the stomach and thus nus American lawyer, has he repu- chiffon quillings followed the back' enable it to do the work nature in- tation of being one of the wittiest line and ornamented the girdle and tended it should do. This has been omen in the States; though, on oc- sleeves. A beautiful gown made of proved in thousands of cases, and casion, his humor is spiced with sar- this lovely new materliTand worthy it is worth the while of every suf- caste. Some time ago he took great of your notice. 1 ferer from stomach trouble to give interest in a certain young man, the ney aches and ills. This has been Whether it be in the undersleeves, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial. son of a personal friend, and it was proved in thousands of cases in + - puffs or soft frills, lace has attach Mr. Edward Chatterton, Campbell- Mr. Choate's wish that this young Canada. If you haven't used thein act itself to the sleeves of our gowns, ton, N. B., says: -"I have been a fellow should go in fur the law. But yourself ask your neighbors. and seems to premise new beauty great sufferer from indigestion and the youngster had an idea that fate --,j, to our dresses of alllt$ It appears stomach trouble and although 1 had had intended hint to be a great art- • - Teacher was telling her class little wrists. I did not find a euro until I began Choate to look at some of his pre stories in natural history, and she Sometimes a cascade of narrowusing Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I tures. "I don't wish to go in for asked if any one could tell her what the law," he said; "for you see, I a ground ling was. Up went a lit- tle hand, waving frantically. "Well, Carl, you may tell us what a ground hog is." "!'lease, ma'am; it's a sausage." !RAISE CALVES WITHOUT MILK Letters or postals addressed to "The Steele, Briggs Seed Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont.," will procure a valuable pamphlet for the farmer, entitles} "How to Raise i'alves is a pause, during which the Czar partakes of a light lunch. then wt.rking on again till one, signing documents, studying Kills, and reading reports of Ministers and Governors. His Majesty drinks, meanwhile, one glass of tea after another, on rare occasions taking a glass of wipe and a caviare sand- uich. 1''roul one till four the Czar works again, and is devoted to his family, and then continues his la- bors till seven, the hour fir the principal Intal of the day. The rest of the evening till nine -thirty is again devoted to his family, after which he retires to his study, and punctually at midnight goes to bed. Mr. Thomas A. Edison, the great inventor, has for many years been afflicted with deafness, but, curi- ously enough, he regards this as a blessing. Some years ago he was told that an operation might cure him, and a friend of his expressed a hope that he would submit to hav- ing it done. "What!" exclaimed Edison, "and give up the great ad- vantage I have over the rest of you fellows. Why, I need my deafness his friends: - in my business, for, you see, my "I find I)odd's Kidney Pills the business is thinking, and no !natter best medicine for Backache I have ever used. I only used two boxes and they cured ole of Backache I had for five years. It started through a strain. My father's back also bothered him, and he got some relief from one pill I gave hien. They were too precious to give loin more. All persons suffering from Backache should use Dodd's Kidney Pills." Why do Dodd's Kidney Pills cure Backache 1 Simply because Back- ache is Kidney ache, and Dodd's Kidney !'ills positively cure all Kid - NEWFOUNDLAND PAYS TRIBUTE TO TIIF GRAND WORK DODDD'S KIDNEU' PI11.5 ARE DOING. Fishermen Regard Them as a Boon to Mankind - Mr. Frank Ilanleld '!'ells Ilett They lured Ili. Back- ache. Garnish, Fortune Bay, Nfld., Nov. S. (Special). -Among the fish- ermen here, who through exposure to wet and cold are subject to those pains and aches which come from diseased Kidneys, Dodd's Kidney Pills are looked upon as a positive boon to mankind. They are never tired of telling how their Backaches and their Rheumatism vanished bo fore the great Kidney remedy. Among many others Mr. Frank Banfield, after years of suffering, his found relief in Dodd's Kidney Pills, and here is what he is telling NATURAL HISTORY. on walking suits in frills at the treatment from several doctors, 1 ist, and one day he ' asked Mr. lace will fall along the outer seam can hardly describe how much 1 of a coat sleeve. Thenen the dress- suffered at titres. Every meal ler afternoon costumes lace plays brought with it more or less agony, an important. part. It is used as and I seemed to have a complete a soft undersleeve, and this fact distaste for food. I had almost be - should be hailed with joy by the wo-' gun to think my case incurable men who contemplate making over when I came across a pamphlet ad - last year's dresses. A patchwork vertising 1)r. Williams' Pink Pills, effect can be avoided if the color, and I decided to give them a trial. of the upper sleeve be matched.; I am very thankful that I did so, Dyed laces will solve this problems, I for I had not been taking the Pills On some radical styles there are long before I found then helping tiny puffs of lace which burst out me, and in six weeks every symptom at different plaices along the line of of the trouble had vanished. I can the sleeve. But there is excellent now eat heartily almost any kind of t 't t eat the lace on food and no longer experience pain airs wedded to my art." "H'm, replied Mr. Choate, glancing criti- cally at the paintings, "but, my dear young friend, you need not let that discourage you -you have am- ple grounds for a divorce!" DANGEROUS TO TAMPER WITH The habit of taking bicarbonate of soda for digestive troubles may give relief if carefully indulged in, Cheaply and Successfully Without hut. is dangerous to tamper with. Milk," and every farmer should A half teaspoonful of baking soda have one. It tells how to raise opporungy o repeat the guimpe and tit the sante time to and discomfort after eating." to a glass of water will often cure three calves at the cost of one, vary the regulation solid effect m It is because Dr. Williams Pink acute indigestion or settle a dis- avoid scours and keep calves heal- sleevesI Pills make new, rich blood that they ordered stomach, but one should thy and fat. '!'ells how to veal N''hita and black walking cos cure such troubles as indigestierl, net get into the habit of taking it calves at about half the usual cost, tans are wending their way along rheumatism, neuralgia, headache after each meal, as is often done. how to save the milk and, in fact, ashionable promenades. They are and backaches, St. Vitus dance, Even more injurious is the practice how to make more money out of ad on rather severe lines. and the and other forms of nerve troubles. ' of munching dry soda. This, if not calves than you ever thought pos- orite materials aro blanket. They cure the irregularities of girl-', checked, becomes as much of a Bible. )s, hood and womanhood, and bring; chain as opium or cocaine. Carried ranlel's hair and diagonal es. One extremely good -look- ease, comfort and health to suffer- ' to excess it eats out the lining )f ostiole of white cloth has a era. Sold by all medicine dealers the stomach and eventually makes or by mail at 50 cents a box or six' the bones brittle. coat, crossing to the right side boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil - fastened by two immense black I - nd white buttons. A black velvet hams' Medicine Co., Rrucktillr, A MOTHER'S CHIEF CARE each side, and between its lower) '.— edges and the buttons there is a collar drops in a straight line on Ont. IS HER BABY'S WELFARE large scplare of black and white l PERSONAL PARAGRA1'115. — The great desire of every mother D)UI(Ir'_' which offers .. •�••••.-..•.•' Interesting Gossip :About Seine is that her little ones shall be decoration. Three-quarter sleeves bright, good-natured and healthy. have turned -back cuffs that . are Prominent People. edged with plaitings of white silk.)Every n keep her \Vora with this suit is a large hot Among the collecting fads of encs in thismother conditicaon if she willlittle gite monarchs the most curious are those them an occasional dose of Baby's i of white ottoman silk, lined with of the aged Emperor of Austria, Own Tablets. These Tablets cure Ida. k velvet, on which a black vel -i who has boxes of menus and bills colic. indigestion, constipation, vet bow appears. I of fare of the various banquets diarrhoea, worms, teething treu- 11u)c pillow muffs, a little larger: ; aitch he has nttended and given, ides. and other minor ailments. than any seen heretofore through ', and the King of Greece, ttho has a Guarantee(! to contain no opiate or ems ,(1eral seasons of largo ones,' C011eetlun of ralltt'nv tickets;while poisonous "soothing stuff." Mrs. are the order ..f the dry. These in in the museum of ivory article's H Irvine, North Portal, Sask., lynx, fox and 'possum are especi-, which forms the Queen of Norway's says :-- "I have used Baby's Own ally handsome :but an exclusive im- !lobby -show' aresome Pplendid Tablets when our Fahy was teeth- no has shown a most diminutive seals', alligators' and lions' teeth. ing, and for other little troubles, resed sealskin muff and queer lit - I Miss Eadith Campbell Walker, ' and have found thein all you claim t!r rollntette.who has just iven .;1,000 to the' fee them. I always keep then) in The marked departures in home j g Australian Dreadnought fund, is the house." Sold at 25 cents a box gowns are a !:hurt skirt and a col-' largess and half deruliete neck. The supposed to be the richest woman by all dealers, or by !nail from The reiui dsculletngns are not only al- int the Commonwealth. She is of Ii1. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock - lowed. but em,,,,,andcd by fashion.' Scottish parentage. Her father Lille, Ont. 11 the neck is covered at all by the emigrated iredtelxtcnsiyeis lative lands in•th,I Skinner -" Good site' noon dress, it is only by trans- and acquired I Skinner- Good morning ma'am! 1 rent fabrics that never rise above early yearsefAustralian colonize - ,i hid you ever see anything sat un - lion. Froin these lands, largey' settled as the weather has been t i\1'omen e collar who delight in dress front through the operation of unearned lately 1'' Mrs. Hnshley--"!Well, Walker derives a Miss 1 m nt- Iucrc c e'. 1 board bill Mr. Skin- , rthints fat of beauty are accept -I vast annual income. She has been � there 9 your , rI'i� hints front the hind of Egypt in.; nor. the time of the I'nronhs. The beau- I a munificent benefactor of the Syd- tiful colors of that land have been' nay hospitals and charitable insti- i One of the greatest blessings to brought to the West by twentieth tu1ion%, and she stress on the ('rte seems is Mother (.rates' 1Wa.rm century cleverness, and one may 1 minces (if some of them. She lives I:xlerminator. It effectually expels gaze upon the dull desert reds, Nile' in a splendid mansion at ('oneerll, tit and Bites health in a mart el - green shades, gold and Egyptiana suburb of Sydney. why she loos manner to the little one, purples ill evening dresses of this' st'a'lls Eadith with an "a" is know n reason. Beads are used to bring ut a sand colored backgruun'l of ening scarf. and they appear pt oust Egyptian borders, decidedly oriental in coloring. This scarf should ac- company a got 11 which is Egypti- in, in its generril Iden. and looks e„'secially well when wrapped over White tipper arm ltpun which is clasped a snake bra valet. Egypt inn headdress is shining wit. from coils of hair in evenings: a wind jeweled ornament is placed [.ter each ear. and lines of glitter- ing: bends or jewels curve down in circles from the upper disks. Often it wing sleets, of a scarf - like length. of gold -incrusted gauze will be draped over one arm. while the ether will he left bare. Gold is atrneiled upon gauze to shine over a neutral fnt)ndati• n and to echo the glitter of jewelry. only to herself. The liar of Russia is a bard- Kindly mention the name of this working monarch. Ile rises at half- paper in ttriling to advertiser . past eight, and spends half an hour HE is CAUGHT ']:JI, on his toilet. after which he sits down at his writing table to charge important matters of State. From ten till eleven o'clock there r - Finn[ it [elute man'A buT4e9 18 Send for free sample to Dept. W. L., Na. .fade up of taxes and life instil- ce. Lienal Crus a Chemical Co., Toronto. Inquisitive Stranger (to con- stable)---"! understand that the measles broke out here recently. Constable (preielly) -"Yes ; Litt our head constable caught 'em." A I'I'RECI.\TiON. Little Willie --"Say, pa, what is conceit 1" Pa-"Conecit, my son, is what a man is Raid to have when he thinks as much of himself as you do .,f you rself." PROOF. "I'm glad T•'n I.kins has 51 reek a streak of luck at last.'' "1 don't know just what. T only know that he talked to me f• j twenty minutes without asking to borrow $5,t, Biliousness is certainly one of oke most dis- agreeable ailments whnh flesh is heir to. Coated tongue bitter taste iu the mnulh--oaueea- dizziness - these combine to make life a burd- en. The cause is a disord. red liver the cure Dr. Morse'.' Indian Root Pilis. They go straight to the root of the trouble. put the liver right, cleanse the st at h and how - els. ►•tear the tongue and take away the bitter taste from the mouth. At the first sign of bilious- ness take Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills Mrs. Gabbel---"What do you think, George? When the doctor called the other day he asked me t-) put nut my tongue, and when I did so he quite hurt me. He Mr. Gabbcl (interposing) -"Did he tread on it?" A cough is often the forerunner of serious pulmonary afflictions, yet there is a simple cure within the reach of all in Bickle's Anti -Con- sumptive Syrup, an old-time and widely recognized remedy, which, if resorted to at the inception of a ecld, will invariably give relief, and by overcooling the trouble, guard c u the system from any serious conse- quences. c quences. !'rice 25 cents, at all dealers. When two women begin to talk over the back fence his Satanir Ma- jesty hears a lot about their neigh- bors that he never even suspected. Little Willie --"Say, pit, what is a hypocrite 1'' Pa --"A hypocrite, n»y son, is n 1118n Who ptiblic•ly thanks Providence for his success, then gets mod every time anybody insinuates that he isn't plainly re- sponsible for it himself. "Your husband sats he works like a dug," said one woman. "Yes; it!'S very similar," answered the tither. "He conies in w ith muddy feet, makes himself comfortable by the fire, and whits to be fed." "It is really a pleasure, ma'am, L. observe how readily your little boy runs your errands:" "Oh, he's the boy that lives next door. I get Finn to do my errands because my own Foy Wun't.:" ".\h ' What is your boy tieing now !" "'!'here he is, rushing on an errand for lady next deer!" the CONVINCING EVIDENCE. First Thug --''The jury acquitted Kill of that murder charge without leaving their seats." Second '!'hug -"Did Bill prove his innocence ;' First Thug -"He proved that no woman had fallen in love with hila since he'd been in jail, nor senthim any bouquets or photygrafts !" Of the culprits haled before a po- lice magistrate there was ono - an Irishman -who had caused no end of trouble to the police. The mag- istrate regarded the prisoner with mingled curiosity and indignation. 'So you're the than that gave the ,,fficers so much trouble?" his honor asked. "I understand that it took seven policemen to lock you up." "Yes, yer honor," responded the Celt, with a broad grin ; "but it would take only one to let me out." i'SI I: NO. 46 09. BABY FOOD. Make a thin paste with two table- spoonfuls of flour and boil it in a quart of water for fifteen minutes (poor paste in water while it is boil- ing). Then skim half pint of cream tiff of a quart of milk. To this cream add one and one-half pints of the above gruel and two table- spoonfuls of granulated sugar. If milk sugar can be obtained substi- tute four tablespoonfuls of it in the place of the granulated. This amount is for twenty-four hours, one-quarter of a pint to be give» every tt.o and one-half hours as a feeding. If the baby won't retain the milk, feed it the plain gruel mixed with the sugar. This is an old nurse's recipe and has stood the test of time, bring- ing little ones back to strength and health when all other foods have failed. THE SAME THING. "So he praised my singing?" "Yes; he said it was heavenly." "Really 1" "Well, something like that.. He said it was unearthly.' It Retains Old and Makes New Friends. --Time was when Dr. Tho- rnes' J?electric Oil 1 ad but It small field of distribution, but now its territory is widespread. Those who first recognized its curative quali- ties still value it is a specific, and while it retains its old friends it is ever making new. It is certain that whoever (ince uses it will not be without it. THT DEAREST NAME. When he was one -anti -twenty, He saw a maiden's face, And when he learnt she toted him. Oh. life was filled with grace. He watched her tender blushes, He haft' her sweet eyes fall; "Oh lose.— he Inuru,ured, "sweet- heart Is the dearest name of all:" \Whene later on, she murmured In church, the old. old vow, Ilis ring upon her finger, The wreath upon her brow ; In all the glow of manhood, And love's new perfect thrall, "I think that wife!" he whispers, "Is the dearest name of all!" THE PROPER KIND. "Say," queried the young Ivan with the conundrum habit, "what kind of notes does a shoe -horn play- er use?" "Foot notes, 1 suppose," answer- ed the girl who was wise to his fool- ishness. But now. in Life's sweet evening, He sees a picture fair, That brings him back his childhood, And all the days that were. He sees their children's faces, He hears their voices call; And oh, he knouts that "Mother" Is the dearest name of all! Mrs. Robert E. Peary, more than nine years aim. fa•or hlY commented nn Marine Eye Remedy otter its application in her Family for F.ce Troubles resulting from Measle, and Scarlet Fever. and later re- commended to the famous I xolorer. the Man who now returns home as the Disco?. erer of the North Pole. ('old. Cutting Winds and Duet cause Red. weak. Watery Eyes. Murine Eye Remedy affords Re• liable Relief. Write )latrine ;:ye Remedy Co.. Chicago. for Illustrated Eye Books. Murine. 50c.. by Mail trout All Druggists. Ma --"Veil, Anaron, it is little Aby's birthday to -morrow. Vat are you going to give hint for a pre- sent 1" I'a-"If he's a very good poy I'll have the front cinders cleaned and let hitn look at the horses going by." -- It is a Liver Pill. --Many of the ailments that man has to contend with have their ori in in a disorder- ed liver. which is a delicate organ, peculiarly susceptible to the dis- turbances that come from irregular habits or lack of care in eating and drinking. This ace,iunts for the great manly liver regulators • pressed on the attention of suffer• era. Of these there is none superior to Parmelee's Vegetable fills. Their operation (hen►(h gentle is effective, and the most delicate can use them. 4 ECZEM.% .AND PiI.ES CURED. Magistrate and School Commission- er healed by lam -Bilk. Zam-Buk by its healing power has earned the praise of men and wo- men in the highest stations of life. One of the lastest prominent gen- tlemen to speak highly in Zarn- Buk's favor is Mr. C. E. Sanford, of Weston, King's Co., N. S. Mr. Sanford is a Justice of the Peace: for the county. and a member of the Board of School Commission- ers. He is also deacon of the Bap- tist C'hurc'h in Berwick. He says: "I had a patch of - eczema on • my ankle, which had been there for over twenty years. Sometimes al- so the disease would break out on' my shoulders. I had taken solution, of arsenic, hall applied various oint- ments, and tried all sorts of things tc obtain a core, but in vain. /am - Bilk. unlike all else I tried, proved highly satisfactory, and cured the ailment. "I have also used Zam-Buk for itching piles, and it has cured them completely also. 1 take comfort in helping my brother men, and if the publication of my experience of Zani-Buk will lead other sufferers t.• try it, I should he glad." tum-Rtlk also cures burns, cuts, ulcers. blood poisoning, ringworm, scalp sores, chapped hands, cold sores, and all skin injuries and dis- eases. Rubbed well on to the chest in cases of cold it relieves the tight - COUGHS & COLDS LEAD TO CONSUMPTION Colds are the most dangeii,us of all forms of discus. A oegle.ted cold leads to Broachit s. Coesump,wn, Pneumonia. "Coughs" are the result of irritated Iron. (WI tubes. "PSYCl4INE"cut.senughe by semovia$ the ire tai.ng particles sad healing te iaea•aed mattans. It is a gcrmiude asd destroys the tubercle germ. It is a tonic that strengthens the hags. the lives, and tones up le system. It make. forhenerhealth in el tond,tioasef human- ity.Getsaron andthecough will dwppear, "PSYCHING" [takes weak poops. strong. it cones coughs of the most obdu- rate kind and breaks up a cud is a tate hours. •' Write ler yFSres Sselple. En Stale b J Drse sealew �� SSc. & f1 Dr. T. A. SLOCU'• M, LIMITED. TORONTO PRONOUNCED SI-VEEN AGENTS WANTED JERMANKN'1 ItI.rRF.SKN IA1lt a!: V. CV 1'• j ed erer]woere. AM.((r\O '.• •. A .• ',o to tatering !streets save consumers . t .1„d profit to yenta. Only these mewl .. h , Sinop appy. !'ark sales co., London, Ont AGENTS WANTED --FOR PREPAR.\ i•lct\ used in every household. tlft•v per rent. profit. For free ',ample. and oats. Josue. address Cockburn Manufacturing Co., Brantford. ■) ELIABLE DIFTRI(,T AND LOCAL AO - Ileums. for "Star" Incandescent ]cantle Letupps. Manufactured in Canada. 100 Candle power. Oeneratus Gat from ordin- ary Coal Oil. Odorless. smokeless, abso- Iutely safe. w rot. Quick ter partleulars and open territory. Star M'Cg. Co.. Mea• ning Arcade, Toronto. EDUCATIONAL 1' 'WENTY-FOI'R ilOVRS IN EVERY DAY. What do you do with them P whir not use some of the time in Ito 7 P Yf• teach you at home -Bookkeeping. She t - hand. Penmanship. Arithmetic Letter. writing. ('omtnercinl Law. Public School Courses. High School Subjects, Matricula- tion. 'teachers' Certificates. Civil 5c•rtice. Agriculture, Stock -raining, Special Eng- lish, Steam Engineering. Journalism, 81e- chanical Drawing. household Sc icnce. Ark about what intereste you. Oe uadinn ('or- respondetrre College, Limited. Dept. K. 'Toronto. Canada. neon red 1lIS ; - >)rt�E 0 _ c - f 4 _'�' O' .I( �t Arra u1 • IT! r was . r•oi?t Hess and aching. Alt druggists and 12 and 14 PEMBROKE STREET. stores sell at 50c. box, or post free Examinations in February from 7.At1n Bulk Co., Toronto, for SEND FOR CATALOGUE and SYLLABUS. pike, 3 boxes for $1.25. F. H. TORRINGTON, Mus. Dlr. 'l'--- COURAGE. A gond many people who think they have the courage of their con- victions reverse the decision when they discover that their opinions may cost money. - British -American Business College ESTABLISHED 1860. Y.M.C.A. Bldg., TORONTO. Doe P♦ the ,o.',t up to-d.te Aad Leo . 1 -, ped arS,n,,:' in Canwda. Write fw,-.,t...,g .1 T. M. WA'I'501, Prins .t . I. - A ('ure for Fever and Agnc. - FOR SALE. Disturbance of the stomach and liver alwaysprecede attacks of fav- w0MIC RECITATION BOOK- col. lection published in English Inuguaget er and ague. showing derangement len cent,. Arthur Rice. Orauay, l'.:•� of the digestive organs and deterior- ation in the quality of the blood. Ir, these ailments Parnelee's Vege- Tbuy or sell Stocks will ,.•.. no, !sive.�T(ilt$ YOUR 1 I:reses To table !'ills have been found most ef- personal attention. H. M. Mats -,.-. I -r. 1.- fective. abating the fever and cub- er, 43 Scott St.. 'Toron.o. --_ cluing the ague in a few days. 'i here FARM WANTED. I are many who are subject to tiese-e • 1 T�ARM N'T WAen- IN EXCHANGGE rnItog distressing disturbances and to 640 acres unimproved these there is no better preparation hcrta Fall Wheat land. Pcwtress, 64 Don procurable as a means of relief. Mill. B' d.. Toronto. _� _ FARM WANTED "Your daughter's music is ini- 640 a.•res of land with hnuso and stable. proving," said the professor, ''but V cry prem1 i plan, otcr a anile of "A'"1:4: !',-rote t„0 dollar- an acre. Apply when she gets to the scales I have I win, eo hnun•, Alln•n t 1. to 111(1(•11 her pretty closely." "Just like her father," said Mrs. Nuriteh. ' "He made his money in the groc- - a r'rrt,•tFni-;. MAONITTSM AND C1,: h11s111C9s• „ 4471 51'1 c'FSS. Secure valuable ad,i.e at .urn i, -i d I'c'. to e.1 .1 Kavanagh, 1'harl- i c•.t.ni. int sit -wily r,•l,ahle. Only those who have 111(1 experi- (/ANGER, Tum n. Lumps. et tnrernsl et1Ce call tell the torture corns (, an•1 sternal. roreA wlth•rnt pain by our home treatn,sut. tyroured wIthq tun i,' by ur sous. Pain with your hoots on, home is Ste•urni Co.. ltd . s pain with diem off-- -pain night and dao : hot relief is stir,' to those who u.•S1ee Moe PHRENOLOGY. ABOUT To BE TRIMMED. "What sort of trintr-ling would you advise ole to put urs my hat?" "I can't tell. It's the trimming that I 8111 to get that worries me more," replied her husband. i).\NGEROUS CONDITION. i'atient "I wish to consult you1 in regard to my utter loss of mem- ory." Doctor -- "Aw-yes-why--er-in this class of eases I always require' my fee in advance." "Your husband says that when he is angry he always counts ten be- fore be speaks," Said one woman. ti`'Wv.es'"," answered the other; "I wish he'd stop it. Home seems to be nothing hut a class in arithme- CAL V Es aslso Them Without Milk URC s Corn Cure. hleee, prirR. Seed (',,,, t.id., Tvroui,•,;une. Holloway' T COi.I.1\T EVEN YAWN. A young girl of 14 was taking a trip en Lake Michigan in a small steamer. The lake was somewhat rough and many were seasick. The girl sat in the how and was unusu- ally quiet for her. "Are you feeling sick, daughter?"' ineiiiied her father. "No. f don't think I nin s=ick : but I should hate to yawn." • M 1.11110 TT3,T S(LiTTC4.La,7A 'kV .1rt P(n•Sening/1 labsmma'ion of • {as Kidneys. of the Bladder. of the B.wels, of the Longs, Sore TI rn.it. byrur,. hits, l fRlrult Breatdd . [)roue,. C [Serb, influents. ;feed ��g1a� Tftheerti!1 m�n(-C14 Veto, Arte (bt1Is.int C1p 114ttas, / nblt+, Quiets Wats RIady Ma 4 e„a CLEANING ""OR"' ADZES' .. e • SUITS Oas M Nae Mrrse(y by e■r Nessa Preemie . Tve • MurtSa AMMAN 111111110 00. SIROIR T91o00O, OTTAWA a potato Cosh log TurKey FeaIliers We hay \Cine and Tail •1.likey for pal. Feather. Wisp N. W. Nelson St Co., Toronto, Ont. `Val Lf�' J 4 J a l.( 442- Tw ria-Ctarel Cores( sad rowels, garotte hart io. doer.0 cot R.5, wirkfief OMI 5211 Ries • Set 1.41 S Rehire 1541 Re..ck•Ser.sa. w.d fi.isded wild starting Deis.[ Aber. .n rwd r..t.tasty 1.W-(I.d e..d. dear wr .Mrd rem** el prier. :1.r .r4srtss Rise were., racer wilt s tktt rwu.4 a•p.r. PARK SALES COMPANY Us SIT LONDON, ONTAIHO 1