HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-11-18, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES, NOV. 18th 1909 Purchased Blacksmith Business Having purchased the Blacksmith business from Mr. Alonzo Hodgins, I am prepared to do all kinds of Black- smith Work for the General Public and respectfully solicit the patronage of the Old Customers of the shop and many new ones. I am sure we can give you entire satisfaction. "Horse Shoeing a Specialty" Dan ElflacIsaace. CRED I TON, ONTARIO, Pir6hds6. RId6KsmIth oIll6Sb i\i,u,u,t Having purchased the blacksmith property and business of MR. A. E. PYM, near the Town hall, I am prepared to do all kinds of Blacksmith Work for the General Public, and respectfully solicit the patronage of all the Old Customers of the Shop and many New Ones. I believe we can give you entire satisfaction. Yours, David Russell. tsiNNIONONEWIarer 'TEE EEL-' 2:0.1} Largest glitter of pny aCer On Gr Circuit, 'OS Make Each Animal Worth 25'o Over Its Cost On v3 of a Cent a Day Nobody ever heard of "stock food" curing the hots or colic. making hens lay in winter, increasing the yield of milk five pounds per cowaday. or restoring run-down animals to plumpness and vigor. When you feed "stock food " to your cow. horse, swine or poultry. you are merely feeding them what you are growing on your own farm. Your animals do need not mare feed, but something to help their bodies get all the good out of the feed you give them so they can get fat and stay fat all year round; also to prevent disease, cure disease and keep �Ihem up to the best possible condition. No "shxk food" can do all these things. ROYAL PURPLB STOCK SPECIFIC ran and docs. It is Nota "Stock Food" But a "Conditioner" ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC contains no grain.norfarm products. It increases yield of milk from three to five pounds per cow per day before the Specific has been used two weeks. It makes the milk richer and adds flesh faster than any other preparation known. Young calves fed with ROYAL PURPLE are as large at six weeks old as they would be when fed with ordinary materials at ten tviceks. ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC builds up run-down animals and restores them fo plumpness almost magically. Cures tots. colic, worms. skin diseases and debilityrmanently, Dan McEiwan,the horseman. says: 1 have used ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC persistently in the feeling of "rhe Eel,' 2.11'21, largest winner of any pacer on Grand Circuit Its 19011. and 'Henry Winters,' 2.O91, brother of Allen %winters,' winner of 0000 in trotting stakes in 190x. These horses have never been off their feed since 1 commenced using Royal Purple Specific almost a year ago, and I will always have it in my stables." oyalULTRY STOCK One SOc. package of ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC will last one animal seventy days.tvhich is a little over two-thirds of a cent a day. Most sck foods i fift • cent ckagges last but fifty days and are given three times a day• RtuOYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC Is given but once a day, and casts half again as long A 51.50 pail containing four tures the amount of the fifty cent package will last 280days. ROYAL PURPLE will increase the value of your stock 2. It is an astonishingly quick fattener. stimulating the appetite and the reli5'. sh fur food, assisting nature to digest and turn feed into flesh. Asa hog fattener it is a leader. mit-A•i;ta.tve many times itscost in veterinary bills. ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY SPECI- FIC is our other Specific for poultry. not for stock. One 50cent package will last twentyfivc hens 70 days. or pail costing 51.50 will last twenty-five hens 330 days. which is four times more material for only three times the cost. It makes a "laying machine" out of your hens summer and winter. prevents fouls main • flesh_at moultingu:time. and cai poultry diseases. very package of ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECU IC or POULTRY SPECIFIC is ranteed. ust use ROYAL PURPLE on one of your animals and any other prc aratinn on another I in the sante condition: after comparing results you will sayROYAL PURPLE has all heat to death, or else backeomcsyour money. FREE -Ask merchant or write us for our valuable 3.2 -page booklet on cattle and poultry diseases, containing also ROYALrPURPLE full OCKIand particulars TRY SPECIFICS. If you cannot get Royal Purple Spccificsr from merchants or agents. we will supply you direct. express prepaid. on receipt of 51.50 a pail for either Poultry or Sto_k Specifics. Make money acting as our agent in your district. Write for terms. For sale by all up-to-date merchants. ®.1. Jenkins Mfg. Co., London, Can. Royal 7'urple Stock and Toullry Specifics and free booklets tre kept in !:tock by W. .1. IIEAMAN', Exeter. IIANLON & O'IBRiEN. Centralia. Have You Seen Them GRAND TRUNK SYSTEM CALIFORNIA MEXICO FLORIDA The land of Flowers, Fruit and Sunshine We have already turned out nanny Excellent service via Chicago smart Sinter Suits. HAVE von seen' then[? Have: con noticed the new 1 fabrics we are displaying? HAVE you noticed the ('heractet we are putting Kt our Winter Suits? Have: you noticed how well they fit? When *mete of yo:)r friends tell you their Butts were trade by Holtzman. ex- amine their clothes closely. Notice De,tit. Toronto,Ont. every detain about. then'. The style, 1 the fit. the linings. the finish is differ- .,tea enc Ow • c ist 'rd are pr 1 of the clot nes we turn out Or them, they , like to compare our clothes with ether makes. If )'on ate not already tic- Quite a tier:oils fire nccerred in lei- [ latea with Our Clothes ask some c in at nn early hoer Ft Pity morning p • friends atxwut them. thev will ashen the long storing eller! and '. ve>:t wise' diet we KNOW I stables in connection as it h the fl -x clothes at reasonable mill otsti d by W. Ward. were burn- ed to th•• ground. The fire we- not discover, d till about :I n.m., tit at Lich ' time it h Id obtained ouch headssay ! that no hang could b• done to stop it Iand 1h • villagers who had turned out J. H. Holtzmann, devoted their time to Peeing that the ('lel' j11 l•�)` I MILT buildings did not take fire from the sparks. The cause of the fire is a mystery 15 110 011e bail been re i' th • building for tome hours. in vie of this fact there is :t good deal of talk atnong the vilingers 'het the fire may have been of ineendinry ori- gin. The loss on the nuilding could Ile switch ho, rd at the local tele- not be learned, but it is thought that it will be considerable as tit .• Ftor •- nh:d was filled n s 11 h flax ready to be 1nrned into tow-. Th' fire blazed fiercely for nwhilc that it was feared the mill twonld suffer the same fah', hitt the mill and 4 h other batilding• nn' septrnled quite a tr=tarc• and .n the former cscnped. '1'h:• stab!. was also n total loss. het fortunately 9 day or so flea Mr. Wird. hevin,z no immediate use for bis horses, had turned them out to plstnre. and a! e Iresult they eeceped. "I.ow tourist rate," Full information from J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent, LUCAN Pr CN. Zurich one eseh:tngc has been installed Ind is proving very eati=factory and onvcnicnt- Miss Agnes ,Kaerrher is improving rom her recent operation. Mr. Steve 'Meiditiger, who eves in he hospital at London, suffering Irvin stoned' 11 gable has returned onle. Itev. John Miller prenrhed in the Evnng, 1 e iI Ohntch Snndny morning and in D. Baptist church in .the of 1 ernnon. Crediton Mr. and Mrs. W. 11, Wenzel spent Sunday and Mionday visiting bt'r brother C. Either. of Zurich. Mr. August Kuhn, of Stratford. spent Sundiy with his father. Mrs. Andrew 'I'reumuer. of Detroit, is visiting her mother Mrs. C. Stahl. Mr. J. Fiikbeiucr, of Exeter spent Monday in town visiting friends. 'Miss Susie Kuhn who was working in Toronto arrived honk Friday ,even- ing. Mr. E. Witter returned to Han- over un Tuesday after spending a few day . around here. Ed. certainly looks fine. Miss Love spent Saturday and Sun- day in Myth visiting her parents. Mr. E. Edighoffer and Miss Bender, of Zurich. ,were the guests of Mr. and firs. F ,lioswald on Sunday'. Mr. Charlie Either. of Zurich, spent 5uuday in town visiting friends. We are sorry to report that Mr. George Finkbeiner is quarantined for scarlet .fever. A number of young ladies of this town met together and organized sewing circle. wish young g ladies every success. Mr. and 'Mrs. 'Dennis O'Brien, of Centralia, spent Sunday in town vis- iting fricude. ::a•:.. 'McMurray and son Lavern. r .w tied Lorne after spending a few anon' he its the set -visiting friends. Mr. C. 'Dunsford and sir. IJriutnell, of Exeter, spent in town. Mr. 'Geo. Sberrit of elle west end of the township occupied the pulpit in the Evangelical church while Rev. Bean occupied the pulpit in Dash. - wood owing to illness of 'Rev. Eidt. Miss Lillie Fahner spent Sunday In Exeter visiting friends. Mr. 'Henry (Either, M. Mr. George 'Either have shoot south of the Bend. The Ladies' Aid of the Meth. church will hold 'their annual bazaar on the evening of ,Dec. 2nd, whets• refresh- ments will ba served. The ladies are bound to snake this surpass all pre- vious occasions of this kind. 'Mrs. 'Christ trahuer spent a days in Dashwood visiting her cllt3. Miss Crlssic Brown left Wednesday for +Lesley. 'where she has secured :t position for the winter. Quarterly meeting services will be conducted Saturday .and Sunday next in the Evangelical church. Itev. A. Y. Heist. 1', 1':. will officiate. Mr. George Boltzmann has just completed the dwelling of Mr. West Jones and it is one of the !finest in this section of the country. 'Mr. Sam Brown was in London on Monday on ousinesa. 'Head Dan. Mcisaac"s ad on this page. Dan has been in the employ of Mr. Alonzo Ilodgins dor the past two years rind has proven himself a first class ,mechanic and quite cap- able of taking over such an extensive business as ;Mr. Hodgins had. A strong representation from all over the township met in the Meth- odist church 'Monday afternoon to complete arrangements for the hold- ing meetings throughout the town- ship in cunntction with 'the Local Option campaign. The young ladies adult bible case known as the Dorcas .Band of the Evangelical Sunday (School, will bold their annual election of officers at the parsonage 1'ridny evening. In ad- dition to which a program twill be given and refreshments served. The cl iss has an enrollment of ;l0 tnem- ners. A good time is expected. ing t.o town this week. and 'Blacksmith business 'I desire to 1 Mr. 'Richard Hunter is home again thank 'the public and surrounding from the west, where be has spent country 'for •the large patronage which the fall months. bas 'been given me kbose many years The bible class of the Elimvillc I have been doing business with you. Sunday School intend holding nn At Iltoland Sunday 1'. 1'. and gone for a few par- Kirkton Thar: will b_ a bio Cooking Demon- stration given by an expert at \\'m. Moors on and El inst. Everybody welcome. 'Mr. John O'Brien. is 'building an up-to-date hen souse. Everybody is waiting for the elec- tion on Friday. Vote for the by-law. An up-to-date concert will be given Aberdeen (tall on 2:rd, under the auspices of the Agricultural ttociety1 everybody come. popular prices. Miss Nellie Hazelwood is visiting her sister Vera and other friends in Stratford this ;week. Mr. Melville Robinson, of Illyth, spent Sunday with his parents here. Miss Fiore Drown and ..Ills Maud lila:chford visited 'their uncle. Mr. Geo. Brown, at Hensall, the latter part of last wet'k. As Mr. \Vnt. Yule's young people were coming to the village on Friday evening last. their Losse took fright and upset the buggy and ran away. No serious damage was done. Mr. Win. Moore and Frank Moore have returned from their shooting trip up alorth. They brought some fine samples of potatoes home with t hem. Mr. and Mrs. W. ;Jlrowwn. of Green- way, were visiting at Mrs, S. II. Tufts over Sunfday. A very successful ;Ball was held in Aberdeen Ball last Friday. promoted by Miss M. Leigh. Miss Irene Robin- son. bliss M. Gillfillan and /Miss S. Nairn. A large number were invited and the hall was well filled but the profits were snot extravagant but it was done 'for the love o' the thing. Mfrs. Jos. Kirk is home again and is improving rapidly. The voting on the railway by-law is to -morrow. Friday 19th. Let every one turn out and vote. It is needetj as much ns it was at the Oast polling, so vote for it again and have the satisfaction of getting something for your vote. We understand the sum of Sicahats been collected in this vicinity to help to defray the Dost of elections. etc. and the railway has promised to pay the cost of the last and this election, so Dome out and vote and you will feel thnt you have done one good deed before you re- tire from fictive service. Mr. and Mrs. John 'Thacker visited et Mr. J. Taylor's on Sunday. EIImvIlle Mr. Thomas J'cnnioe arrived home last week after spending the summer near I.uoan. Mr. and )Mrs. Osla►• Morley spent last week visiting friends around ICirkton. While .Wesley Jacques was stop- ping his gasoline engine a few days ago his clothes got naught in the gearing. Luckily the portion caught tore away or he might have been in- jured. On 'Monday last Mr. E. Hicks had it load of funiturre arrive from the south. it looks as 'though be intends to begin housekeeping shortly. Miss Annie Parkinson tspent last week a 1 Prospect 11111. Mr. and 'Mrs. Samuel Cornish call - 'ed on friends here before departing for New Ontario. Work has begun on the new tele- phone line to be run north of the village and Mr. Perry will soon have the line in operation. The Elimvillc boys have gotten up a sparrow match against \VinCbeIsea and the contest is Ito be run for two weeks before the count comes off. It is a 'thing that is badly needed as the sparrows are getting Ito be a great pest. Mr. John Johns sr., intends mov- 1 will !still be found with my old friend Thomas Trevethick handling our celebrated cutters and sleighs. Our stock will be complete to P few days. It will he st pleasure to us to have you call at lour stow rooms and inept et our stock. We have never shown n finer assortment, no trouble to show you 'them whether you buy or not. A call solicited. Yours Sincerely Alonzo Hodgins Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A Monte in the basement of the church OD Thursday evening. Mr. Joseph Crecry and family. of Sunshine, visited at Mr. Richard John's jr., on Sunday. Centralia Rey. W. 11. Vence, of Woodham. occupied the pulpit of the 'Methodist church. in place of rho pastor who conducted re -opening services at Coopers church, near Rt. 'Marys. Mrs. Spencer. of tit. Thomas. is visiting relatives\in the village. Miss Laura Butt assisted at an en- tertainment on 'the ,Dunganon circuit on Monday evening. HEAL that BSTWATEi ria. c y CUTSCUTSand b���,�, are ��r� very a� bruises are cflcn obstinate in refusing to heal. The edges of the wvoucd remain inflamed and sore, and there :3 a daily dar ssr cf dines:.:-igcrres settling on the raw flesh and giving rise to scrams complications. Thus, nefilect or iArzoper treatment of an injury, b: it a cut, burn, scald, or even illrmple serat. h, i3 .1 menace 10 life. In cam:s where wounds refccz to heal quickly, nothing but Zam-Buk v:ell cut?i^e. if the titin is to be made to (;row naturally and perfectly once again. Z.en-130:: rubbed gcn.tly ever a wound has the remarkable effect, not r nly cif rrnc:cring t':e wound proof against disease -germs, beat of grewine r.cwv skin-tiasucs. Thus Zam-Buk heal; wounds 11 a perfectly natural manner, and the possib•::tics of a -.encs and ether torturing skin -diseases are entirely e -everted. Foescsscng rare r aediciral properties, Zam-Buk accomplishes what ordinary ointments and salves never can do, and its ever -ready character, constant reliability, and absolute purr}'. render it distinct from all mese preparations. if you dress your cuts and sJrss with Zam-link you will never be troablcd with " the wound that not !teal." Of all 1)ru,g.ttr and .Marts til SU C. nG a hos. nr (herr, far FREE. wd th.s rearm (wit!, Ir. ,:...tip nn rnv'f t turn p»taX / to th• %wni li k ('ole me Stn, I. Taranto', andaf•e.• trial box o.11 e ton; led at once. dm yes ua•t Sap, ��- ..^••- - r0. GUTS cfUISis•� ..at3 CURNS •�Ilte' PinriES t'.I1Ml1' - -• e,ppsa.,cutW.* SAO ltGS'• t tel$!aeac5 Cat' IO MS t.usr111 rt0!• e yC: r 5 tS roorISLL Pt (JUS �' a nr.: ••t•CLM[gaw7� f'74ROCAt Dashwood We are U tld 10 know that ltev. L. K. Eidt and fancily have nearly re- covered from their recent illness. Mrs. \'elket, who 'petit Lha past few weeks with her sister. Mrs. L. !C. Eidt, returned to her home in Milverton on Thursday. Mr. Jacob tKellermanit event Sun- day at his home herr. Mr. and 'Mrs. Sieber: visited with Wends in %urich on 1 today. Mr. and tars. C. F1.tz called on friends here on S.ently. teacramewal eel vices ,will be ob- served on Sunday, Nov. 21st in the Evangelical Sunday School at 10 a. m. Services at 2.330 p. m. Bev. A. Y. Heist, Berlin, twill occupy the pulpie Mr. itichard tllaker is confined to his roam through illness. Mr. John Hoffman, who has been ill for the past ;few weeks, is able to be out nein. Mr. Sato, !ley left on Tuesday for Exeter. where he has secured a job hly. and Mrs. Will Oalfass. Zur- ich, spent Sunday in town. Mrs. 'R..1. Dog 'Jtey left on Satur- day morning tot .hicago. A. Zimmer has returned from the west. M. llrokenshire has a large gang of men at work on his house and the work is beings pushed rapidly. On Sunday morning last Rev. A. 1) Gishler, of Zurich, preached in the Evangelical church and Rev. E. !1. )lean i.ii the evening. Roth ser- ntans were 'instructiv.f On Friday evening Nov. 19th, Rev. A.. Y. Ilaist will preach in the Evan- gelical church. otter *which the quar- terly conference will meet and on t4uiul'iay the :List(. Ah 2.:0 o'clock he will again preach in (Gertu t0 and con- duct communion service, and the same evening tit 7 he will .again preach in the English language. It was decided to hold an Xmas entertainment in the Evangelical church and the following program committee was appointed : S. Oes- treicher, 'Miss Ida Goetz. 'Miss Trasa Miller, Miss Ethel Kellerman, Rev. 1..K, Eidt, 'Mrs, 'Itevi L. K. Eidt. Misses Lizzie Fiukoeiner and Martha :)estreicher. \Vc feel safe in saying the program committee is n good one and no doubt the entertainment will by far :surpass anything of the kind ever before held in this place. Grand Bend Mr. Chester of the Customs Dept. Sarnia, is holidaying for a few days at the Brenner house. Sidney Ilossenberry of the hotel Chafor P. 11. was in the city "Grand fiend I mean" Monday on business. The party of Hunters from Ailsa Craig. who have been camping down the old river, for a couple of weeks, returned home a few days ago. They did not have as good luck as usual, "owing as they say" .to the Parkhill bunch which was down for a few days having scared them away by making so much noise. They say they will not come again unless they stay home. W. 11, Oliver rued Sons, have the contract of J. 'It, Young's wall com- pleted wwhieh will make et great im- provement to his house. J. W. holt had a bee on Saturday afternoon plowing his garden. An exceptional thing for this time of the year is n large amount of spiders and also Toads. that can be seen almost any day down towards the lake, the sand hills must have an ;tttr:tctlion. -lar. 'Pope of the 'l'oww•nline, near Dashwood. died very suddenly Sun- day morning last. about 2 o'clock. Mr. I'ope had worked all dny Satur- day in the field and took sick Its the evening and was dead at 2 o'clock. The family have the empathy of all in their sudden bereaverno tit. Mr. and Mrs, Dave Wilson, of Ar- kone. are visiting at :Mrs. Wilson's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Gill for a few days. Our Ex -Blacksmith is busy these days cutting wood in the pinery. he generally takes his gun and hound and of course when that happens shot either. Iltcrc is not much wood out or rabbits Any person having fowl to sell would do 'well 10 cats on W. 1. Auto,. as he is prepared to pay the highest prices, cash or :trade. The telephone men are .here this week looking after the lines in this ,i: hborhoud. Whalen Mr. and MLTs, J, V. Hinson were visitors at I'. 1 leasant S. S. Sunday in behalf u . ii S. S. association Next Sunday iwlessrs. Urquhart and Stinson, of ICirkton, will visit this sebool- 'l'he convention In connection with the Iflanshard and Iliddulph Sunday School association 'will be •held in this church next Thursday. .Nov. 2e, f1 e•rn000 attd everting Se'sioitt. Our W. M. society visited with the ':1auxilliary on Thursday last ud al o look charge of 1tle meeting. Liege quantities of nlrplc.w have been parked in this vicinity by St. ,Marys and i,uctin buyers. Mr. John fenny, who 'worked last sutnrner for Mr. Win. Brook on 1 uU h of 111 ui-hard, left last week for I:ngllud to spend the .winter. Farquhar our new merchant, Mr. John Camps 11, is doing a good business. Ile is giving the public good satisfaction. lir. Wm. Ward's new brick house is •Ilmost completed and when finished he 'will hive nn up-to-date residence. dlessrt. blcColey & Noicc, of St. Marys, are in this section drillini wc111. Mr Ft cd Stevan- had one dr:lled 1 U feet where 'bey got an abundance of venter. The same firm have start, cl at ll r. Thos. ltnndlc-'a for the same purpose. There is talk ul others engaging then'. Hallowe'en pissed off fairly quiet in our little burgh. One of our vil- l.ige Indies, loosing her gate, after raking vengeance on Foote of the boys, bad her gate returw'd. Mr. Wan, Stewart still) his apple gang. bas completed packing in and around here. No tto,able for hilly to get h creek. Mr. Fred i:undle shipped nn exlr'w fine loud of butcher's cattle to for Toronto market this week. 111EHESi)A lir. 'Thomas llatris .rill mice his Ilege barn next rtutntoer and mike it ten feet wider, 'tutting brick and cement ander it. SIEBERT & CO. We are aiming at giving you the very best goods -the very best quality at the very lowest price Special Prices on Millinery to reduce our large stock of Millinery we will give a special discount on millinery for the remainder of this month. CARPETS This is a line we want to clear out and will sell all our carpets at coat. NVe also carry a full line of Dress Goods, Ladies' Coats, Men's /it Roy's overcoat/ a full line of Underwear, caps and such other goods as are found in an up -toe date store at reaonable prices. We want your business! Butter, Eggs. Foul Dried apples and Dutch sets taken in Exchange. Siebert & Co. Hartleab Block. DASHWOOD Grand BCIIU DCodrtmdlltdI shore Bargains in Millinery We have decided to give the ladies some good values in Millinery. We are going to clear out our stock of Hats and in order to do so quickly we will alloy yon 3 OFF REGULAR SELLING PRICE. Now is your chance. Come quick. flen's Ready -Made Suits These Suite are the very latest styles. All shades and prices. Prices are tock -bottom. Just as low and lower than elsewhere because our expenses are lighter. Call and have a look at them. Also we carry a full line of Tweed Pants, Overalls, Odd Vests, Boys Knickers and Ready-made Suits, Reefer* and Overcoats. Winter Underwear For Men, Women and Children We carry the famous PRN -Axons Brand which is recognized to be the best make on the market. We have them in fleeced lined, union and natural wool. Now ie the time to buy. Crockery and Glassware We carry a full line in this department. It comprises Dinner Sete, Toilet Sete, Table Sets, Water Sete, Vases,, Cups and Saucers, Lampe, Odd Plates, Odd Cups and Saucers and all kinds of Fancy China. Poultry and all kinds of trade taken at highest prices. Your trade solicited* W. T. AMOS, - GRAND BEND ANNOUNCEMENT Having purchased the Store Business of Joshua Johns, of Farquhar, I am able to give the general public snaps in Staple Goods, Boots & Shoes, Groceries, Oils, Etc., Etc. and respectfully solicit the patronage of the old customers and many NEW ONES. believe I can satisfy you. Come and see. JOHN CAMPBELL, Farquhar e MEN -WE CAN CURE YOU FINEST MEDICAL INSTITUTE IN AMERICA OWNED AND OCCUPIED BY DRS. K. & K. - -. ,- - YOUNG OR MIDDLE-AGED MEN mho need the services r•f expert speetaliats why waste your money In treating with dr,.torsyou know nothing of, why waste your money with worthless electric belts or drag store nostru,i s, when you can get guaranteed reliable, Iiieeessful treatment from these guaranteed, Specialists. Dn. K.& K. have treated patients throughout l'anitea for orer w years. and ar,• responsible finan- cially. They accept only curable cases and should your caro prove incurable it nerd not coat you 0 cent. 1f you are unable to call at our "Kien for a personal examination we will send aQuest ion 1.Ist for you to fill tip fri whieli we can diagnose >sewcase awl WI you whether you aro curable or not. 'then we %%i'1 prescribe epecilie remedies for your individual case which you can take at home. We hate no cure-all remedy that we send to everybody alike as most sla%aaltstsclo, but wo prescribe the rern- e.des required Ger each Individual case to complete a cure. That's one of ten lu'erets of our wonderful sieaa ss when other,. fall. Send for ow Free Booklet on Diseases of Men Illustrated., CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY We Guarani•": to Cur, Nervous Debility. Blood Diseases. Varier*. Veins, Kidn.•y. Bladder and Urinary Diseases CONSULTATION TREE II unable to call, write for a Question Blank for Home Treatment DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Old Folks' Livers need an occasional stirring up to keep them from being constipated, bilious and generally run d.twn. At the same time, the -laxative must not be so violent as to shock the system and cause sinking and sickness. /71 G .5 vete e7/3e7CE PR -.TABLETS - R' is the ideal treatment for old folks' livers -never fails to act, e • never shocks. A tonic as well as a laxative. (lest for co:• atilatiele nceurnatistn, bilinusness-any and all troubles o' lis er, st*nnarlt and bowels. Take an N R tablet to- night -you'll feel tetter in the morning. Pf '5 Geta 25c Box fir 1. t hat) Pills for For Sale by W. S. Cole, Exeter. r