Exeter Times, 1909-11-18, Page 4SHE EXETER TIMES, NOV. 18th 1909.
is to be sure of highest quality and
value by insisting on getting
for it ensures complete satisfaction. Black
Mixed or Natural Green in sealed lead
packets only—never in bulk,
Note and Comment.
In the bye -election in North Essex
last 'Thursday ,to decide the suc-
cessor to It. E. Sutherland in the
house of commons, 'the Conservative
candidate, Oliver J.:Wilcox, !was de-
clared the winner over W. J. McKee
iby 7, msjority. 'Mr, Eutherland'e
majority nt the lust election was 1,51.
According to one of rho Western
members lb,: ncit C•luservativa pre -
Weir will come out ofthe west and
he believes that K. A, ?Magrath, of
tt 1edicit,e Het was the most striking
figure among the ,delegates from
• 3w:e5t of Lake Superior. Mr. rJragrath
is close 'to nix feet tour iuches in
height and .broad proportionately,
tut his admirers do trot rely mn
length and thickness to carry -him
to 'tbe 'top 2iotcb nmong conservatives
statesmen. He has ability, •a kindly
manner and musical voice, and what
is more, he is not forcing himself in-
to the forefront'•
Four by-elections for the Nova
Scotia Legislative Assembly wwil1 take
place ou the 14th inst. Death caused
a vacancy in Cumberland, lion .W.
Pipes, attorney -general, dying id Bose
ton suddenly. The Liberals have
nominated J. Ii. Livingston ns their
candidate, and the (Conservatives have
put forward Mr. Rogers, nn Amherst
barrister. In Lunenburg. lion. A. K.
McLean is runnin& to bold the of-
fice of attorney -general. Dr. March
resigning his seat to .make room for
him. There is a vacancy in Victoria
County 'through the death of John
Morrison, and A. A. Iluchanatt is in
the field as supporter of the govern-
ment. These seats have been held by
Liberals. In plants Courcy there is
to be a contest owing to the death
of C. W. 'Wilcox. Conservative, and
leader of the provincial opposition.
The Liberals now have W. M. Christie
In the field and (be 'Conservatives
have Albert Parsons.
Palpitation of the heart, ner-
vousness. tremblings, nervous head-
sche, cold hands and feel, pain in the
back and other forms of weakness
are relievers by Carter's Iron Pills
An interesting sparrow match for
an oyster ),upper was conducted four
nights last week end caused consid-
erable excitement. Bides were chosen
by Joe iioseman and harry Horton,
but one of 'the 'former's side failed
to get irnto title game. so the line up
was seven to six in favor of Horton,
and of touree bis Hide won by 260
birds, according to the count of Iteeve
John Moir and 'Phos. Prior, of Han-
nah. Dakota. Every barn within a
radius of r,c•veral mites was searched
with lanterns end fishing rods and
m of the little r pests were captur-
a ttfr -
ed and will no .longer bold banquets
In the grain bins. The supper was
beld Friday night nt Dews and it is
putting it mildly to Fay everyone
had :, good time. The oysters were
provided W. J. Statham, of Exeter
and he Nerved them in such a tempt-
ing style that many of the- bivalves
avert eaten. The balance of the even-
ing oast o-ptnt in all kinds of amuse-
ment. including music. boxing. etc.
Children Cry
'Mr. \1'iil 8hirray, who for •t num-
ber of years was n sncceesful brie+i-
nese than of Detroit, died in that city
on Friday, Nov. at In from tubercular
trouble. The deceased was n son of
Mrs. Shirt ay, and owns born in !lav
tom uship. n bore .he spent bis boy-
hood day... For at while be worked
of the go, elry business in Exeter,
oftt•rwwaid. going 'to Detroit, where
be look a position as accountant.
Later lie entered the manufacturing
busines, and had built up an excellent
trade in articles of brass which he
menufectur d• His re mains were in-
terred et ,Detoit oft fiundey. Nov.
( 7th.
'Soreral f1o111 here attended the tie -
senility giver' by 1be bachelors of
Exeter 1irid ty evening.
'Mie:. Ethel Walsh. who wee here
rtnt:+ing. returned to her duties al
1b' \t'ieeham horn ta) !net week.
'the lleseeill post office. much im-
proved by ntww luck boxier. was open-
ed to the public la=t week.
I'or any cane of nervousness, sleep•
lessness, 'teak etont:erh, indigeetion,
try tetrtc,'n Little Liver
erilk. Belief is i'ure, 't be only 110t VO
medicine in m•trket.
The Presbytery of Huron held their
annual meeting at Blyth on Tueday.
There were present, E. 11. Sewers,
moderator ; Dr. A, McLean, clerk .
'Messrs. Fletcher, Dr. A. Stewart.
McNeill, 'Davidson Sharp, Larkin,
Shaw, Anderson, iiamiltou, Small and
Mann, 'ministers, and 3Iessrs. Syming
ton. Elder. Sparks, Strang, Cowan.
ciders. Messrs. A. Thompson and
Dr. :Gray, agent of Knox College,
;were present and deliberated with the
Presbytery. After consideration of
his case by the committee on Superin-
tendence of Students, Mr. Walwslcy
was recommended to the dome 'Mis-
sion committee for employment as
Catechist. A rate of 18 cents per
family 'for Presbytery expenses was
agreed to, at •the request of the treas-
t►rcr. Strong resolutions in favor of
local option, 'and in support of the
Assembly's Moral +and Social Reform
committee. in 'their campaign against
gambling, and in favor of greater
restrictions on certain loose morals
of the presentday, were unanimously
passed. ,,'Resolutions complimentary
to 'Messrs. 'Leckie and Urquhart were
recorded, in connection with their re-
moval to 'their Presbyteries. The re-
port of the Presbyterial W. 1?; M. S.
was most favorably commented on,
and Mr. Sharpts'as instructed to con-
vey to tits !members in session 'the
best wishes of tbr. Presbytery. A
call from tlladdock Forks. Cape Bre-
ton. Ito Dlr. McNeill, of hayfield, was
laid on -the ;table. the congregations
of Bayfield and Bethany being cited
to appear for !their interests at a
meeting to be held at Ilruceficld on
Nov. 2 ;rd. at '.2.30 p. tu. The As-
sembly remits were committed to
committee, who were instructed to
report at next meeting of Presbytery.
The committee appointed in regard
to the roll of Presbytery from which
moderators were 'to be chosen, re-
ported a roll, and recommended the
printing of this roll along with 'the
March minutes. The new equipment
for Knox 'College, (Toronto, in answer
to an address by Dr. fray. was ap-
proved of by Presbytery and recom-
mended to the generosity of the
p,ople within its bounds, a committee
consisting of 'Messrs. 'Fletcher, Dr
Stewart, Davidson and Small, to co-
operate. The Presbytery holds its
next regular %meeting in Willis
church. Clinton, on Jan. 17th, 1910.
Any fatnily who hisses securing. a
copy of the beautiful picture. "Thi
Soul's Awakening," will surely be
sorry after rtbey etre all gone, and it
is seen in some friend's house. Tba
best people in the tDominion are pub-
licly recommending it .to every hone&
Every lover of that which is pure and
inspiring cannot fail to appreciate
such a beautiful .stork. The picture
is given absolutely free to all who
subscribe to that great .weekly paper,
"The Family Herald and Weekly
Star" r of Dlw,tr a 1 r' '
c 1, he price o[ ► vhtch
is only one dollar a year. It is not
the usual cheap chromo but is . in
..p.:,t tones ready for framing and
fit for a place in any borne in the
Dominion. 1t is 19 x 24 inches. Send
a dollar at once for a year's sub-
scription to that great paper and the
picture will be bent at once safely
packed in a strong cardboard tube.
1)o not wait until the crowd ahead
of you is too big.
At this time of Itht: year a great
twiny ny people go .West or South to en-
joy the milder etiolate of California)
Mexico or Florida. Are you going!
It so bear in mind that the Grand
Trunk and connecting lines offer ex-
cellent train service and equipawentl.
For tickets and further information
esti ou any (.rand Trunk Agent.
Stimulated by the success of a year
,tub t h • National Sanitarium A-eocia-
tion have tnade large prep 'rations for
th • elle of Christmas titatnp of 19U9.
19, ie'tied on behalf of he Muskoka
Free 1locpita1 for Consumptives.
Nearly $6.000.00 .vas net led frnin last
Vet e3 sale, making it possible for the
trusters to increase the available beds
for needy patients front an average
of fifty -fie,' a year neo to one
hundred :end forty. th • :Ireton moda-'
Cort to -day. The trustees arc hope-.
fat tlnel (icy ilia) bring Ihe itecon-
modation up to ;IIA bcd•s as the out-
come of this year's rale of this little
one cent messenger of hops and
heting. The Christmas Stamp, as a
meant of fighting she dead .white
pl ►811 had ire origin in Denmark,
in 1901. the eels from ,shrh hell
finttto d :t ho pitel for cone tiptIves
iu 1h•tt country. 'l'tt.. idea tett+ taken
tri by tlr• 'lied Crie-s Society of the
l n:I. d Viet,. in 1907, and interest
he. eroswn each year. A yen r ago a
Chi int; sIatnp of i -p, dal design
- I ;r in circulation by Ihe Mus.
Does Not Stimulate
Ayer's Sarsaparilla does not stimulate. It docs; not make
you feel better one day, then as had as ever the next. It
is not a strong think. No reaction after you stop using it.
There is not a drop of alcohol in it. You have the steady.
even gain thilt comes from a strong tonic an alterative.
We wish you would ask your doctor about this. lie
knows. Trutt hire. 1)o as he says. e:-/Tu;r(.n.,E;rrilill�
r:• t.
What arc Ayer's fills? I Iver Pills. How long :.aec they been sell? Nearly sixty
years. Do doctors recomrttend them? Ask your own doctor and and out.
kokt Free hospital for Consumptive
with the sucerss already indicated i
this article. The price of tbo , 1u.
dividual stamp is only one cent, but
'that ttundt'rtul things can be accom-
plished by so tiny .au iustrumeitt.
There is no reason why .everyone who
writes a letter, address(•, a post-
card, mail+ a newspaper or parcel
from this day out should not use one
of these ,stamps. The educational
value of the stamp appearing en
every piece of email 'natter would ba
enormous. One can hardly figure up
the material results. It would mean
a routing of the enemy Tuberculosis
that would bring hope and joy "and
gladness to thousands of homes and
communities in all parts of Canada.
The stamp of 1909 is more beautiful
than that of a year ago. The design
is printed red and green and of carne
sise as the regular government post-
age stamp. This ,Christmas stamp
will not carry any kind of mail, but
any kind of mail will carry it—and
carry too the happy 'Season"s Greet-
ings from tender ,to dreoeiver. The
stamps will be done up in envelopes
of ten, !twenty-five, fifty and , one
hundred for ordinary selling, and
large users will be uuppliecl in quan-
tities. The price for :ten or for one
thousand is n cent each. The banks,
departmental stores, drug ptore:,
book and stationery 'stores and many
other stores will sell them. \Vomen's
clues, ,church organizations, bible
classes and Sunday schools, public
schools, and many other organizations
and individuals evil! help this year
as last year. "There would seem to
be no reason why everybody every-
where may .not help in forming an
army of willing evorkers to sell these
stamps :nll over the Dominion. The
Muskoka Free Hospital for Consuntp-
tivee is in 'the fullest sense a atation-
nl institution caring for patients
from every province in Canada. The
first issue of the stamp for this year
is one +million, and these will be put
into circulation immediately, but
there can hardly ;be any ,reason why
the issue 'should trot he .increased
many times over before 'Christmas
The direction of he ante of Christ.
mas Stamps is in the hands of ;Mr. J.
S. ( Robertson, Sec, -Treasurer, Na.
tional Sanitarium •Association, 347
(ling Street, West, Toronto, who will
give prompt reply to any enquiries
regarding the stamp.
3 year was read and coutirmed, and on!
al motion of Neaman—Carling. They
name was read the second and thirds
time and finally passed, the reeve
and clerk signing the same and the
heal attached thereto. Carried.
A council meeting was held in the
office of the clerk Monday evening,
Nov. 15th as called by the peeve, Ab-
sent 'Councillor Johns.
Per Luker—Carling that the titate-
u..itt of Mr. Farncombe re. engineer
costs of sidewalks be laid over..
The certified certificates from the
engineer, as follows ; No. 41, due Jos,.
Lawson for $400 and No. 1, due J. Il,
Culiin, waterworks account were or-
dered paid on motion of Luker Car.
Per Luker—Catling that the ac•
count of '11. G. !Selden for extra work
in connection with the new sidewalk
amounting to $14.45 he .paid, less 'lit
for extra on liuron (Street, which a-
mount the Commissioner will collect
from 11. N. Itowe and 1. Armstrong.
1'er Homan—Luker, that the de-
bentirta for the new m•alks be issu M
for a term of 20 years and interest
at .''i per Cent.
Per Ileautan—Luker, that the ag-
reement as entered Into by Mr. Faro -
combs, Engineer, with the Barber Co,
for n water wheel at a cost 01 $400
t. o. b. cars Menfurd and also the
Canadian Fairbanks Company for
gearing, .,hafting. etc.. he confirmed
by this council, Carried.
That the otter of Mr. Collin for
the erection of hydi ants as submitted
to his tender for the excavating and
laying of water mains tee accepted,
namely $ 00 each. 'Motion by llca-
tu :n—C.,rling Carried.
The assessment of street watering
for I90) was 'fixed nt 12 cents per
foot and the frontage measurements
as seed approved of. On motion of
Carling—Beaman Carried.
fly -lefts• No. 7 1909 a b}dnwv to
raise, , 1cY•
� and collect I0,890.47 for
municipal and other purposes for the 1
Cured by Lydia E. Pinks
ham's VegetableCompound
('anifton, Ont.—"I had been a great
sufferer for live years. One doctor
told me it was ulcers of the uterus,
and another told me it was a fibroid
tttinor. No elle
knolls what I suf-
fered. I would
always be wnrsc
at certain preemie,
and never was
regular, and i he
pains were terrible
1 was very ill in
bed, and the doctor
told me 1 would
have to have an
alteration, anti
- that I might die
during the operation. I wrote to tnv
sister about it and she advised lite to
take Lydia E I'inkhant's Vegetable
Compound. 'Throw h personal exile.
Hence i have found it the best medi-
cine in the world for female troubles,
for it has cured me. and 1 did not have
to have the operation after all. The
Compound also helped pie while pass-
ing lhrongh Change of life."'- Mrs.
LP:TITtA Metiti, l'aniftnn, Ontario.
Lydia E. 1'inkbant'a \'etyetabh' Com-
pound, made from routs and herbs.
Iles preyed to bre the most successful
remedy for caring the worst forms of I
female ills, including disidaeentents,
inflammation. sibr.icl tnmors, imam- I
larit ies, periodic tains, backache, bear-
ing -down fet'linu. Ifatitleney, twiner's-
Hon, and nervous pprestration. It costs
hut a trifle to try it, and the result has
been worth millionstoauffering w omen.
Per Ileaman— carting that the
Reeve and Treasurer be empowered
Lori ow what money is necessary to
tweet bills payable for 'eater works
until debentures aro sold, Carried.
Adj. by Luker,
The nnnivcreary r-ervioes of the I)e-
tbcsd:t 'Methodist church 'will be held
on Sunday, Nov. 28th. when Rev. 1i.
!ticks, of 'Crediton, mill preach in the
afternoon at 2 o'clock and in the
evening at 7, when free will offer-
ings will be taken. Special music at
both services. 'Rev. E. A. Fear, Pas-
Women with pale co lorless faces
'oho feel weak and discouraged. will
receive bath mental and bodily vigor
by luting Carter's Iron fills, which
are made for the blood. nerves and
The casket for the late Jonothan
"Miller, of Carlow, was the largest
•ver made by the London Casket Co.
It was six feet, six inches long, in-
side measurement 45 inches wide and
29 inches deep. There were twelve
handles, all of which were reinforc-
ed with iron strips inside. It re-
ctuired twelve men to carry and was
too large 'to permit being slid into
a hearse, a special wagon having
been secured for the removal to the
grave. The funeral was held Wed-
nesday of last week, Interment be-
ing to the Goderich cemetery.
Thursday evening, shortly 'after 7
o'clock. the schooner `Kolf:we, light,
while trying to utnke the barbor nt
Goderich, in the 'teeth of a heavy
southeast gale, hit !the end of ,the
north pier. and 'being short handed,
drifted off to the northward. but one
of the crew who had jumped on ko
the pier gave 'the alarm, and the tug
Horton and the life boat crew, under
Capt. 'Donald 'Mackay, went tto the
rescue, and the schooner was brought
in safely without damage. But if
she had continued 'to drift, with the
heavy sea raging, a more serious
ending might have happened.
At a meeting held at the Town
ball, Goderich, the Godbricb Rural
Telephone Company was 'provisionally
organised. It was deoided to make
nppticatiant to the 'township Councils
of Colborne, Ashfield, 'West Wawa -
nosh, East \'asvnnosb, Mullet and
Goderich townships for permission to
construct and operate 'telephone lines
within their limits, and when this is
secetrcd application 'will be made to
the Government for a charter. It
is proposed that tbe capital stock be
$10,000, divided into 800 aharos of
Mrs. Winslow•'s Soothing Syrup is
the prescription of one of the beat
female physicians and nuraea in the
United States, and bas been used for
fit a
fifty years with never -failing suttees
by millions of mothers for their
children. It relieves the child from
pain, eures diarrhoea, griping in
the bowels and wind colic. Ity giving
health to the child, it rests the
mother. Twenty-five cents p bottle.
May be largely increased by knowing the
exact condition of the farmer's market,
and by learning of the best method in
farm practice. This is precisely the
sort of information the Farmers' Weekly
Sun gives in every issue. It has no equal
VI a Farmer's Business Paper. Good
timers rely on it. For price see our
tinning offer.
In th+
,a estate of
Themes Bern, sr., lata of the Tp,
of t)sbbrne. in the County of Huron.
femme, deceased.
Notice its iia, cby it! Ye(. (tursulut to
It. R. O., 1(397, chap. 129, 11131 all
eteditore and others having claims
against the estate of the late Thos.
horn, sr., who diad on or about
the 27th thy of Oct., 190a, are re-
quired on or before the 0th day of
Dec. 1"aJ to send by post. prepaid
•r deliver to Messrs. l:ladnlatt &
Stanbury, aolicitora for fila execu.
tor of the estate of the
said deceased their ebristian
and surnames, addresses and des-
criptions. the full particulars of their
claims, the ntaternent of their ao-
counts and the nature of tbo se.
entities, if any. held by them. And
further fake notice that atter such
last ptentioaed date the said Execu-
tor will proceed to distribute
the assets of the deceased among the
parties entitled thereto, having re.
Card only to the claims of which
they shall then have notice and that
tie said executor will not be liable
for the said emote or any nart there.
of to any person or persona of whose
claims uaticc «hull trot have been
received by thee; at the time of suet
distrihW inn.
Solicitors for said executor.
Dated at Exetfer. thio lith day of
October 1909.
Tenders Wanted
Tenders will be received ftp to Fri-
day, Nov. 10, at 6 p. m. for the con-
struction of about 35 cubic yards of
concrete foundation for the water
tank to be erected at the Town Hall.
Plans and specifications at office of
undersigned. The lowest or any ten-
der not necessarily accepted.
J. SENIOR, Village Clerk.
Court of Revision
a Court will be held pursuant to The
Ontario Voters' Lists Act, by ,His
Ifonour hhe Judge of 'the County
Court of the County of Huron nt the
Town 'Hall on Wednesday, khe 24th
day of November, 1909 at .10 o'clock
in the forenoon to hear and deter-
mine complaints of errors and omia-
sious In 'the Voters' List of .the.
Municipality of the Village of Exe-
xtter for 1909.
Dated the 8th day pf November.
JOS. BENllplit.
Clerk of ithe 'Municipality of the Vil-
lage of Exeter.
GtODIJOLT—Int living remember -
atter of Abbigial Steacey, wife of
Charlie Godbolt. Winchelsea, who
died Nov. 14th, 1908. One year has
gone and ';till we miss her ; never
will our memory Lade; loving
thoughts will always linger around
the grave ''here she is laid.
Brother George.
Seaforth's centenarian. in '(he per-
son of Mr. Thomas Darwin, died at
the residence of his son, Mr. J. J;
Darwin, on Monday of last week,
having reached the great age of 100
years, 2 montbs and 2 days. He
had been confined to his bed for the
past eleven months. He did not suf-
fer from any 'particular clisease, have
simply hank nway under the great
weight of years. Ilis latter years
were peaceful, as his life had been,
and be passed stray as if falling into
sleep. His rnentel fatuities remained
clear until the end. Mr. Darwin WAS
born in the parish of Lancashire.
England, on September 6, 180!1 He
arrived in Canada on May •1, 1869 ; be
went to Seaforth in October of the
same year, and bas resided there ever
since. firs. Darwin ,died 21 years
ago last August.
Children Ory
O F2 N
For Every Meal
At breakfast with porridge "Crown
Brand Syrup" is delicious.
Used with plain puddings or made
ttp with pastry, odd scraps of cake,
etc., it makes a delightful after dinner
At supper it is just the thing to eat
with bread and butter, toast or biscuits.
is syrup at its best and in its most
delicious and wholesome
It is prepared in a perfect
manner front absolutely
pure ingredients. It is far
ahead of all other kinds in
deliciousness of flavor and
perfect wholesomeness—
don't you think it's wortlt
while insisting on "Crown
Brand Syrup? "
\our dealer has it for von in
2, 5, to and 20 Ib. airtight tins
with lift-off lids. Order some
The Edwardsburg Starch Co.
Worts: CARPINAL,Ont. offices: MONTRVAL. TORON7' 0andRRANTFOnr,
The Molsons B
Incorporated 1865
CAP TAL (paid up) • • • $3 500.000 00
RESERVE FUND •••• •••• $3,aoo,000.00
tram ;65 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the
Principal Cities in the World.
General Banking Business Tranescted,
Savings Bank Department
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager
X. Z. WALICZR, Pr aldentPaid-up Capital, $10,000,
aphISIIDER LAIRD, General Manager I Reserve Fund, - 6,000,
The new Travellers' Cheques recently issued by this Bank arli a most coot
way in which to carry money when travelllo;. They are issued In denominate
$10, $20, $50, $100 and $200
and the exact amount payable in Allatrla, Belgium, Denmark, Fr
Geripany, Great Britain, Holland, Ittllly, Norway, Russia, 8w
and Switzerland is stated on the face of earls cheque, while in other
they are payable at current rates.
The chooses and all information regarding tbem may be obtained at emit?*
of the Bank.
Exeter Branch—G.W Harrison, Manager
Ilranoh also at Crediton. i
fire a Pleasure to their
We have sold and are selling a great
many high class pianos and our num
erous satisfied customers is the strong
est guarantee of this assertion.
Our pianos to -day are the best that
_he best Piano makers produce and
our prices are right.
Do not be too quick to believe per-
sons who tell you different from the
above for the purpose of selling you
cheap and in some cases trashy goods
at big prices.
Call and see Us
and pe convinced that what we say
we live up to.
8. Mdr1Io & son
.bill mei•
Here's Good Nova
The market prices for old junk
are alive and so is
The Old Reliable Firm
M. Jackson & Son
one door south of the Metropoli-
tan. Just look a
t e toll
prices (no trade, and no truck)
all cash.
Rags 75 c, per hundred
Iron from 60c to 75c. per hun.
Old rubber boots & shoes 7c. ib.
Copper and brass llc, per lb.
Horse hair :)oe. per Ib.
Lead and zinc 2 1/2c. per lb,
Bring your goods here and get
the worth of your money.
A great variety of IRON
PIPitalways on hand at a rea-
sonable price, suitable for fence
posts, bracing bonleyarding.
M. Jackson & sons
Sloops's 01 the G01Qdlol 110Eifl VAI
Any person Nebo is the sole head
of a tamiU, or any male over 11
years okl may homestead a quartet'
eeetoni of available Dominion land io
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Alberta
The applicnnt must appear in persoo
at the Dominion Lands Agenoy or
Sub -agency for the district. Entry bJ
prosy may be had at the agency, 00
certain conditions. by father. mother
son, daughter, brother, or sister of
intending homesteader,
Dulite :—Six months residence upot
and cultivation of the land in eaot
of three yearn. A homesteader me)
live within Witte miles of his home-
stead on a ;farm of at least tO acres
olely owned and occupied by him or
tele father, mother, eon, daughter
mother or sister.
In certain districts a h0rnestea.let
n good standing may pre -erupt s
'get - n'ef on alongside his horne-
rtcart. Price] $a. per acre. Ihuties-
5!u+t reside six months ineeolt of roe
years from date of httmest'•ed entry •
(tohidirta the ti:na regt,ired 10 es
homestead patent) and cuitivta.
fifty acres extra.
A homesteader wile) has exhausted
his homestead right and cannot 0t. ,
rein s pre-emption may take a par
classed homestead in eertai1) 'listriotr
Price $3. per more. Unties.—Mut''
reside six n+oaths in etch of three
veers, oultivete fifty acres end erre,
1 house wort h $300.011
w, w, Conv,
Deputy of the !Sinister of the Interior
R.—Unauthorhe4 pnblieatlen M thI adesrtl,,
trent *Want 1* paid foe
R. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. 13,
D. D. S., Dentist. Member Of
R. C. D. S.. of Ontario and Honor
Graduate of Toronto University'.
Ovvica:—Over Dickson & CarIIng'tt
Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former
dental parlors
DIt. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. 13., D
D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto
Dental Surgeon
Office over (Badman & Stanbury
Main street—Emmett.
W. BROWNING, M. D., M. 0
• P. t3., Graduate Victoria VD
varsity. odice and reetdenence. Domini,*
IAborabory, Exeter,
Associate Coroner of Huron.
tr R. Bright, M. D., M.C. P. and
ai.L•9„ Honor Graduate Toronto Un.
ivereity, Two years resident physician
Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. OM
and residence, Dr. Amos' old etatldt
Andrew Street, Exeter.
'We have unlimited pet rate toads for tense
-etre noon farm or village s roperty al lowest
rams as Iatereek
Hamsters, Solicitors NOtarlea, Conygaea ro
Oomtaonere Itplloiters for the RiSM Rs
Bank, Ebe.
aaoaey *oboe& ab lowest rater 01 lelereoll.
0r7los1—t13IN STREET, RZ>irz..
a. CARLING n. a. i E tams=
We have a large amount of release tondo
� �
m and reboreproperuJer etalewttale
B+zrt,ters solicitorw, k Gln at. Balder
Conveyancer Accounts Collette/:
MONEY to loan at lowest rater.
North west lands for Bale.
Office. Main Street, Exeter
The Usborne and tilbbart
Farmer's Mutual Fire Inbor-
ance Gompanu
Head Office, Farquhar, Ont
President—J, L. RUSSELL.
F l oe-Pres ids n t — W . 11. l'A g8MOR,
Wm. BRock WIN( HELBEA P. 0.
T. RYAN, I)URLIte P. a
JOHN E886RY, Exeter, agent f
Usborrne sod iliddulph.
OLIVER BARIUM. Monro, adreag
far Hibbert, Fullerton and Logan.
tSecy.Treas. Fa rct tat
f1LADMAN & BTANiiURY. Solicitor,
Y. M. O. A.
The l'hysie•,1 Traiining Institdtq
held in `Stratford Y. M. G. A. !alit
Friday. twee attended by a good re.
presentation of the comities of Huron
and Dreier, and a most interesting
and profitable day'- discussion fa
reported. The main theme of the
dty's program wens the various formai
of physic:11 exercises and garnet t hat
can b'• r•trried ort in n large roone
without the use of nymnestic armors*
tits. Eaeh one who attended. took
away with him n good stock of ideal
and suggestion• and n good list of
physical activities. ,: hich they will
try to aofk out in Ih• physical de.
part merits of the local n•sociations
during the coming"%%inter. it is ex.
peeled tint timiL,r inslit,les will be
h,•Id Mer on for the Religions Edu-
setional and Social deperlmente of
the work.
Mr. Cht Coates, of Pontiac, seas
called herr Ibis week owing to the
death of his moth'r, Mrs. Fhna,
Cotte.. 1 • , 'I