HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-11-18, Page 14
•41.o0 per year is advance
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Phone No. 32.
Good News for
This Week
Are You Ready for
the Cold Weather
No better place to go than right here for your Winter Wear-
ables. We are well prepared with all the nice warns goods to
keep you comfortable for the cold enap that is coming sure. Get
busy, drop in and see our tempting array.
A $12.50 Ladies Jacket for $10.00
This is a very "Special" Coat. Made of first class cloth in
the very latest styles. Several cuts to pick from and comes in
Black, Blue or Green. Other good Coats $14, $15, and CO. Our
Children and Misses Coate. are the best we have ever shown.
For the Cold Weather
Nice Real Down Comfort-
ers with plain and fancy sa-
teen coverings in beautiful
colors. The very hest goods
cotton and wool filled com-
forters all colors for $2 to $3.
Blankets Galore. You
should buy your supply now
and be all ready. First class
wool blankets, the beat Cana,
dian makes from $3 to $7.
Shaker blankets in grey or
white all sizes.
Desirable Dress Goods
47 j4c yard 50c yard
51 inch Panama Plain or striped
cloth. Good heavy Satin or Venetian
weight. Colors black cloth. This is one of
blue, brown or gray. our leaders and is
Something extra worth looking after.
75c yard
This buys some of
our best plain or
striped Suitings. All
the new goods and
shades at this price.
Yard Wide Silks
$1 buys our one yard
wide beautiful Taffeta Silk
Lovely silk for Waists,
Dresses or Coats. Good
Suitings in this silk. War-
ranted to wear.
50c Taffeta Silk
We have a full range of
colors in this priced silk.
which we warrant to wear
and give perfect satisfac-
tion. The best seller we
ever had.
Gents New Ties Scarfs, :Gloves, Suspenders
Shirts,Caps and Underwear. This is the spot
Jones & Clark
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford
Clothi:lg also high grade shoes and wall paper.
••••••••••••••••NN•••••• ••••••••••NN•••••
••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••N•••••••••••N•
Many People
have defective vision and do not realize it simply
because they do not know how well and clearly a
perfect eye can see. The majority of people with im-
perfect eyesight can with the suitable spectacle see
as well as the most perfect eye.
With my method of testing
"Looking Into The Eye"
it is not possible to make a mistake and we there-
fore guarantee the glasses we give you to suit you.
No charge for testing and satisfaction guaranteed.
1Vxii1)1Nct Rtxuet AND MAnx1AelK L1 'R:exe
() PTiOI AN.
-The Best Flour -
If it is the best 'lour yon want there is but one place
in town to get it -that is from us. The brands are:
Jewell Royal Household
,(Ontario Blended) (Ogilvie's)
(Western Canada Flour Mills)
(Lake of Woods)
Leave your ordris or call up Phone 2.
R. G. SELDON, Exeter.
Larry at a Sparrow
Whitt there's n sparrow: lwntin'
contest on, an' th' awurrnd ez sins to
me, begorry I'm there wid both fe: t
an' all th' fishing tackle I call bor-
row. Wan erenin' iv lash( wake;
Dan Dew, on he issint much bigger
nor a dew dhrop, called me up by
tellifone an' asked Me if I'd join th'
bunch in .Ilurondale thryin' to eget
rid iv thim pests what makes a habit
iv holdin' banquets on th' bar'rn
flures wid th' best lookin' grain they
can find. Not bein" bissy. ez Is usual-
ly my case. 1 accepted h' invitation
and wint out to join 'th' meetiu'
where soides wuz to be chosen.
There wuz some agrumint ez to with-
er th' tails or heads our: to he count-
ed. but the flip iv a twitity five dint
piece wid a hole in it, what Dan had
got to buy sugar wid. settled th'
dispute, th' ind wid th' eye brows
weir th' winner by two laps.
Ed. '1MIcl•ougall bein' wan iv thin')
prisint, argued that ez I wuz on th'
list, it should be heads annyway, ez
he thought I wuddent know th' dif-
ference atwizt a sparrows tail an' a
bob tailed yearlin' chicken, so heads
wint. It diddent matter to me which
soide I wuz on ez long es we won.
Afhter considerable enthoosiastic
talk about th' 'way to go huntin'
sparrows th' chosin' iv sides start-
ed off wid Ilarr•y }Lorton an' Joe
Gossman bein' th' captains. 1 don't
remimber which side 'I wuz on, 'cept
that we won, but among those who
joined the night raiders, wus, Archie
Ilrintnell, Dan Dew, Ed. Oke, huff
Smith, Em. Cornish, Lute Oke, Bob
Moir. Charlie 'Dew. Ed. I,\fcDougall
an' Art Moryson and mesilf I wuz
on both soides accordin" to agree -
mint. cz most iv thim thought I wuz
botthcr at killin' toirne nor anny-
thing eise, but begorry that just
where I fooled 'em, I found out who
wuz tivinnin' and stuck to that soide.
Afhter 'th' choosin' ~wuz done Dan
scys to rue, Fez he. "Larry, begorry
1 know by 'Ib' Wink iv yer eye Ithat
ycz hez something up yer Fhleove;
an' I loike to have yez come wid me
if I here's annything doin .'
"Dan," 1 sex. sez I. "Come wid
me nn" i'll make yez wish ye wuz a
politician what h •r. 'had cigars an'
babies called nfhter him" nn' Dan
Now yez all know Bob s:lfery, what
lives forninst '(h' 'fifth coneission.
Me and him hez nttinded all the good wild duck. My prowess was that i
times en the program, 'cept seeing had lungs enough to scare the owls,
prize fight. an' iverybody's afeer ! while chief 'Spotted Tail' chased the
to fight whin we're nround or we'd t wily nuthider, or chipmunk, called
ittind wan iv' (him. Well Bob kapes Steam in Indian. Chief 'Strong Pipe
a Feepply iv (him 'birds on hand for was sent to find Baekareen, the wild
just such occasions, nn' 'Dan an' me duck. but found them so far out on
htt e
rt d down to take a look at lake Huron it would have taken many
(hire for th' purpose iv gettin' in on moons] to have chased there successful -
oyster deal widout half th' trubble ly, Then we once more assembled for call tor. At present the expression
an' danger iv fallin' from n hay mow food and water and in the evening the of public opinion In Query place is for
whore th' scalers make their head- tom -tome were beaten furiously and
quarters inshtead iv gettin' out an' great were the dances given by vat•- all-round, symmet Tical dcvclopme i
ea rein' their livin'. 'ioua chiefs. It was a'•big Injun me" IDIS development o[ the whole man, This
Afhter a consultation twid )rob time. After once tnore partaking of must needs take place int early man-
nhont the good fellowship, what pre- pemmican, limb of the burgher, and hood and it is at that stage when if
valla amongst th' sparrow hunters, some sagareen and lastly as a farewell most needs the supervision of chris-
1 picked up siveral hundred heart~ I ill H t 11 principles. an' stock thim in me pockets just to
show (h' soide I wuz on that there
wilssent nnnythin' shloit• about me.
11 teas ny'this toime gettin' dark nn'
me an' Dan honied a 'anthem and
shtarted fer Tom Fisher's, ,where
we undershtood .l here wuz dead
loads iv thim.
Whin we got to Tom's we found
,loo GosSniaii nn' Archie •Ttrintncll th'
leacher an' howler wuz 'there ahead
iv us, nn' thinkin' we wuz on their
snide •win1 upstairs uid thim. Ile -
japers 'Ware iv them hnylofts in .a
barn is darker nor th' soide shtre,la
in Exeter on a moonlight night an'
!.ez cndd-•nt see yer own far • if ye
held it in yer own hand in front iv
ye. Then eh' lanthern wilt lit an' I
wuz towld to eht:uid in wan corner
wid (11' Might in too hand, while th'
rist iv thim played n hockey rnatcb
wid th' sparrows on ih' cross b,'atns.
Th' minnit him .'parrou•s awoke op.
begorry they thought 1 was. th"
mornin' nn' made n dive for me, bill
yes: couldn't tell it by th' way I
diddent say anitythin'. 1 rtiddent
louell Iran iv flint, avert if I never
looked :neither oyster in th' face, but
17071' iv Ihim, 'e pt 'l).ut knew it that
uu pockets was full iv Ihim. Afhter
Tont, ivho had hcerd Ili' noise, had
come out an' FaW We had done n gond
job, h• inwoited us in fora lunch iv
the shtnff they make apple hotter
out iv, niscnet an' dhorso. an' then
us] delivered Ih' bird Beads to .t 11'
judges. Th' oyster slipper w•112 th
noight an' 1 duddent ('o, .hat
idcordin' to th' decision ilv th
judge., 1 undershIand th' snide
wars Ns (Arkin' for won by th' „w
vot,•s ithit 1 got from Bob.
Within the memory of several old Mrs. Gco, Brooks is visiting
Inhabitants of Exeter, The Huron In- relatives in London.
diens with other tribes assembled on Miss Venrlte I'rayne is visiting
the banks of the mighty Bauble River Mrs. 'McTavish. of Shakespeare. for
and traded with the white man just a a few weeks.
few miles below Grand Bend, and oc-
casionally now a few of the old chiefs
delight to gather there and hold a
pow -wow, smoke the pipe of peace,
hunt and shoot over the grounds
where once the wild deer were in a-
bundance and fishing was galore. So
the writer received a communication
asking him to come down and bring
two chiefs, '•Spotted Tail" and
"Strong Pipe". who reside in this
neighborhood. Summoning the above Mr. Samuel Cobbiedick, for over
named chiefs we started our journey. •�1 years a resident of Exeter died let rt On reaching the wig-wam we were re• his home last Thursday morning at
ceived with grand honors. We were
the advanced age of 87 years, 11
o�fered penuuican, salt fish, dried months. The cause of Lis death was
muskrat, stewed raccoon and baked senile decay, the owennasteri)it; iu
woodchuck or groundhog, with plenty fluence of old age. An account of
of other woodland delicacies. After 1 his life will appear text week•
havink smoked the pipe of peace, we he ladies were bidden by that mighty hunter
andhead chief "Wait for Snow",
whose wigwam it was, (several other
chiefs from long distances having
helped to Brake it or send skins) to en- ing to assist are requested to m',a
ter and we found it a most comfort -
beautiful blankets and skine were Aable abode. Couches covered with i lfred
7. i0 Friday evening in the town
Alfred Wilcox, of Exeter, won the
five mile relay race at Windsor the
other day. his partner being "Hobe"
Stcord, a runner of Detroit. Their
opponents w, re A. E. Gaon, of Wood-
man, have dared to enter your sane- stock and W. lA. E. 1, of Detroit-
tuni sanctorum and trust the Great They wren by 3 1-2lap on a fifteen
Spirit has expedition,
you luck in your lap track. Wilcox has entered for a
hunting expedition. etc." Long was fifteen utile race for the champion -
the pow -wow until the moon was high sh'p of Michigan to b run at 'Detroit
in its glory and then was to have tak- on November Z
en place the great feast of the roast- At a meeting of the local clergy
ing of the white dog, but it had die and some of the laymen of Exeter
appeared and one of the chiefs, "Spot- Nov.ed Tail" found a peculiar food called
'Limb of the Burgher'. This mixed
with dry corn and washed -down with
sagareen, a drink wade from wild rice
proved very nice, Then after words
of wisdom frotn chiefs 'Rain in the
Face', 'Hunt the Moose', 'Strong Pipe'
and sorne other noted chiefs, I was in-
vited by head chief 'Wait for Snow'
to become a chief. It was a great , Shore, Asst. Secy• Foreign Mission,
Methodist 'Church Toronto ; Mr.
Steele, of Guelph : Mr. N. Il. Gordon,
Toronto : Canon Tucker, of Toronto.
Afternoon and evening cessions will
'Mr. Will Jlobbs is visiting his par-
ents at the James street M thodist
The Exeter Evaporator has all the
apples they wish and cannot take
any more.
Mr. and Mrs. Il. 11. Stimmel spent
a few days visiting in ;London and
T adi s of the churches of tnc
(own have decided to tender the ban-
quet to the Layman's .Missionary
movement convention to be held in
Exeter, Nov. 110th. ALL Ladies will -
ranged around it and I was assigned
one. I was asked to address the as-
sembly and did so and will cut it short
"Most mightychief of the Huron In-
dians Wait for Snow ': -I, a white
Tuesday evening, it w as decided to
hold a two days convention on -
30 and Dec. lst, 190tt) in the Snteres4
of the Laymen's ,Missionary Move-
ment. The convention will he ad-
dressed by the following gentlemen&
e leaders in
who are amongst th lead+
movement. 'Mr. NV, C. Senior. of
'Toronto ; Mr. T. 111. Preston, F.x. M.
1'. 1'., of Brantford : Rev. 1'. E.
ceremony and I was named 'Skin the
Mink.' Then the chiefs retired to
couches and rested around a grand
camp fire until the good old sun began be held at which the purposes and
to stir animal life into existence. Then
tt great hunt was held for 'wahesha', objects of the movement will be fully
the small rabbit, and 'seintinka' the discussed and set forth. Fuller par -
black squirrel, also for'baskareen' the ticulars next week.
On Monday evening the Y. M. C. A.
re -opened their rooms after being
closed down for the ]summer. The
ministers of the 'toren delivered
spiring addresses to the young men
and others present. It was predicted
that the time would soon come when
t• villages o d
t sand vt
I towns au
the smaller b
enjoy the privileges of such a build -
as the demands of the Y. M. C. A.
GAIN RTO1tE,-'this stet • will be
clo, d on Friday next the Phil da,
of November iti order In arrange the
stock for a Cleaeinc Out Ila gain
Sat,, :is we intend to sell out he
Dry Goods. Iteiily �1ad' Clo'hin an.!,
Gluts' Furnishing Stock and "p•tl
uul. a Itis t and ~hoe t lore exclo.iv;
ly'. The slot' twill be open again at
nine o'clerk Saturday tnririring "'11•o•
the t.r,:,t Il.it(raiu 5:11•• will corer
Mille'. and Ibis St fling Out Sale wit.
continue •11 nest %viak (1 m nin•r
the store will be closed Ft May pi
piring int the big event. \Vatek
it, wait for it. for at this part:cular'.
Gm, of the year everybody requir..
(heir winter clothing. All this stock
nitee b.' cleared net by the end of
next week to nrrke room for :1 •114;
Stock of none, Arid Shrn•s, \V,. :,l -o
It %••• adopted 1h.' (Inc pride. system so
that a chuld can buy as cheap as any
customer th.tt conics in the store.
Attend this Bargain Salt and get to
up -lo -dal• overcoat or a cracking
shit of clothes.
Exeter. November 1Atti, 190'.
a little firewater, we a sankon furry flan rinci ies. People are en -
couches to woo the Goddess sleep and int, to this fact. Traces of its need
dream of the stinging time our hosts are seen on every baud. It was stat -
would have when they commenced to ed that the people of Exeter are n
beaverize the bee tree we had located rich people, immensely rich. and It
the day of our arrival. in the morn- , would not be a difficult task for
ing, accompanied by chiefs "Spotted than to raise the amount of ten or
Tail" and "Strom; Pin.'" :is guides fifteen thousand dollars neces,arw
for the construction and equipment of
clad in my blanket now a big "I n- a building adapted for this use. in
gun" chief, I bid farewell to all. connection wiib a library for the
town. During the past year the Exc.
ter association hit, stood among the
first in th • work :tccompli-h••d by the
county organizations but the rooms
COIIIILRDICK- In Exeter on Thur- noir nedup'ed are ignited for physical
day, November 111 Ii. Samuel Cob- and oilier departments of the work.
bl,dick, aged 87 year,. 10 months The local branch cxp,et to Burke the
:Bed 11 flay., coming season on even greater ane-
1VES'1'COTT-At Douglas, Man., Werl- e'e:,v than the )last has been.. We
ncsday, Nov. 10117, Jame \Vest cot t, hop• ill• youn1 men will r,:tliz,•!it 11-
rformerly of Exeter. aged 0,i years opportunities and pat n shoulder to
and 2 .months. i the work and stake the coining sea..
(.►,\TES -In 1'sborne, on Tuesday.' fon :e benefit and profit to all. We
Nov. 10th. Delay Fisher. relict of ' bespeak for the young teen the sy m-
1 he late 'Thomas Coates, aged 68 palhies and hearty co-operation of
years :end 11 months. the business Teen and older citizens.
Chief "Skin the Klink"
Christmas Portals 2'
DON' l' let this Christmas come and go without sending
all your friends dainty and appropriate Postal C+trds.
They will in all probability send rec& to yell •1"o't let,
them outdo you in kindness and thoughtfulness. .Ind don't
forget the friendless, poor and shat -ins. Seed then, refits
We have Xmas Yost Cards in endless vnriel y. They
range in Anality from Ilitnikomely Lithographed sled Ent
ixls'ed ('srda at 2 for 5o. to Fxrlmkitt ly (`./lured Cattle Ii1h-
ographed on itKA7. Stt.K at loc. ('cele in ntel lock Ihrni
Riney Ilexes of ('hristnutq Stationery on luu.d,
earl y!
tatZeNNteetZteeZa ZZ.Zaleite4
Try a Carbo Magnetic Rator
for a nice easy shave everyone guarantees $2.00
other Razors from 75c. to $1 50 '
Stock and Poultry Foods ♦4
International Dr. Scott's and Royal Purple
25C., 5oc•
and $1,00 pkgs. Salts, Sulphur and Sal• Petre.
Axes from 65c. to $1.25
X cut Saws $2.75 to $4.50
A few Wood Heaters from .. $2.0o to $.}.00
See our Cast Range with Reservoir ........ $25.00
Coal Ileaters from ........ $15 to $46.00
Ranges $25, to $53.00
Stove Pipes, Elbows, Coal Bods and Sifters.
toves and Ranges
We have jest concluded a successful demonstra-
tion on the Pandora Range which was so highly
satisfactory as was testified by the number of
Ranges sold. Anyone needing a stove or range
will do well to consult us. Our prices are right.
Plumbing and Furnace Work a Specialty.
Let us quote you Prices on your Furnace work, Plumb-
ing, Roofiing, Eaveirougning and General Tinsmith work.
,IIflmulffl iiliiiiIEf!GGi ETI I 3 iilIHITA
MUaIGlI H ISili;11 1( 11 11 11.It'11 11 11 11 11 11 11.11 11 11.11
Parlor Suit Pallor Tables
Easy Chair Odd Chairs
N usic Cabinet Couches
Sideboards Hall Racks
Buffets Kitchen Cabinets
Dining -room fables Dining Chairs
Dainty, well - made and at reasonable prices.
Bed Room Suits Bed Couches Mattresses
Springs, Brass and Iron Beds
Newest styles anti all at popular prices
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors.
its M fi.ifs►TZEI ' its -=Bili
!!?!!!!tN '-IfP!�t/./,[I�.
iiiiiM 11iii
Ho, Who Hesltatims Is Lostil
Don't, fail to hear the November records, which ate now on
Mr. EDISON says: s
"I want to see a Phonogl'ap i in every home" ••
WE are hers to see that every home has one. it dosen't nett• 2
ter what your tastes in uinsic are, 'whether you prefer • 2
grand opera or rag. You can enjoy just your particular kind of •
music. just when you want it, right in your ow'n home, With :+u •
Edson Phonograph. •
It isn't just an evening's enjoyment or a week's novelty. hilt •
a lifetime's c ompanion- a Tort of musical member of the fancily •
that "dosen't have to be coaxed" to play. •
• • See the bargains in the fancy goods we Tire offering. "Keep • 2
your eye on our window" 1Ve have ten views of Exeter on post
cards. Try NAMgt.r ss for coil in the head. it can't be heat 2.uc.
J. Willie Ponel0, Manager,
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••t•••••
i are,5 1 interested
As a discerning man t► or hoetld t e int re t
in Our (lot hes. Clothes prefers eel i.y a cit it al dres-
sers because of their excellence in Anality. and New
American styles.
1f yon were 10 step intc the most exclusive COS.
torn tailoring establishment in any large city you
could not obtain more correct style or more ti',•to•
date garments than those we can show you.
An inspection of our stock is all we ask of you.
1'ou a iii he convinced.
Semi -Ready Ready -to -Wear Made to-Measnrt+
Boots and Shoes. (;f.ilrlt