Exeter Times, 1909-11-04, Page 7ABSOLU1
Little Liver Pills.
Must Boar Signature of
How You May Be Happy, Though Bur-
dened With Crosses.
willin it. 'Thus
e Father's
Oh, that 1 had wings like a dot late our Futh r
for then would I fly away and be at laboring, we will find joy and he au
rest --Ps. iv. 6. ty and poetry auul nut drudgery in
This is the impassioned cry of a our daily task. The humblest life
soul wearied with the turmoil and is glorified by the divine purpose•
struggle of life to the point of los- i \Ve should look on the bright side.
ing heart. 11'h'n igh our heartsrtrodblroesp it bis t brrausot
\\'hat is the cause of these fits of ! we weouu, udi no
depression? One is the fatigue of put our blessings into the balance.
work. Another cause of these de- We magnify crosses and overlook
c.c./ pressed states is the crosses, anxi- joys that are not to be numbered.
sties and cares of life. It, is not Horne is the renewer of the t•nre-
w•ork to much as worry that saps worn spirit. Every one should have
cur vigor. As the constant drop- oc make a home. The power of do bag. Hake the bottom circular,
wars small "a "'"''r ping wears away the granite block, mestie love and confidence to cheer two inches in diameter. Shirr on
t'�"ra uu.gar' so these little vexations try our the jaded spirit is one of the rarest to this strip of linen ten inches
reit YEADACL'Ea courage and patience. And another treasures of the hearthstone. But long, embroider every two inches
FOR DIIZINESS. cause is sin ; our own misdoings, above all, religion is with a tiny spray, scalloped at the
FOR BILIOUSNESS. We turn aside from the right to the top, and with eyelets to run ribbon
,lea•.ant path. We do wrongto our- THE S\Wi rr RESTORER. or curd for drawstring.
FOt. TORPID LIVER. 1 Kerchief Bag. --Take a good sized
FON CONSTIPATION. selves; we hurt oto• neighbors and „f Ihr soul \\'hen eon,:tge sinks fancy towel and fold in once in the
with -
then comes the inevitable penally, and spirits flag no power like faith
,..ren SALLTHE COMPLEXION We art smitten with remorse. 1\'e in Clod can banish our weakness. middle, then sew up the sides with-
oars`t:.w ,w.•,..5
are bowed in the dust with self re' To realize, then, the living purpose uta few inches of the top. Take a
s coach and uhamo, swan hoop and slip over the towel,
� �>.ar rrreerstaDte . b• 1 in our lives and His presence in
at hand for our help, is to turning setnds back over it. Sew end
meet sotto task with cheer and down close to hoop, which makes a
what is its curet First of all, we casing and gathers hag. 10 the (en -
must. recognize that these discour- every dilemma with a stout heart. ter of towel embroider an init'al
g Instead, then, of sighing for the with colored floss to match ribbon
agedand moods are morbid, unhealthy wings of a duvr to fly to some slel- used to tie bag on either side and
manlyrtfor tuslto give weaktottthem. ter of rest, let us face life's duties hang tel, by. When soiled rip up
send cares with manly spirit and and if tired of bag the towel can be
Life was meant to be pipeful, buoy eager ardor, and we shall find in it
int, joyful. Something is wrong 00r true callings our ,Ince of use- used in various ways,
with our life machinery and roust I Safety Pin Holder -Two and one
fulness. our school of growth, our
half yards of ribbon, one and one -
wardrobe. Another for- 1.e set straight. ,resentjoy and our future hope.
tnidable item in Itis baggage is his \%e must love ournwork, put our h half or two inches wide, and threw
motor ears. He never travels far hearts into it, feel that we are do - Rev, Junius B. Retnensnyder. rings the size of a 25 cent piece.
without them. Buttonhole stitch the rings. Make a
During his recent sojourn at Cor- " -__----_---_----- --- --.- -- ^ pretty bow of the ribbon, any pest•
fu he had no less than half a doz-
en sent to him; five were of Ger-
man manufacture, the sixth Itali-
an. Al} the imperial cars are pain-
ted ivory white, arid all carry horns
tf a different sound. While the
Kaiser's wardrobe occupies a dozen
domestic and about a score of other
ycople, the cooking arrangements,
which the Empress supervises, are
The Kaiser, en voyage, is gener-
ally cheerful. but he takes the
morning at all 'vents seriously. He
rises at six o'clock, and at seven Verse 27. The fourteenth night-- and the mainland (of Malta) is only i the skin ever devised. The bug,
o'clock begins work with the heads Reckoning from the titne of depar- seen on nearer approach. This are used as u wash cloth feet in a
of his civil, military and naval current has raised a nludbank basin of warm water. A most de -
and from Fair Havens. Since ttliere its force k broken by the op-; li htfu1 ,resent is a box of the
household. At nine u clock he does then they had been tossed on a will g 1
Lis letter writing. The royal epis- sea, • posing sea, and into this bank was above beatify hags. daintily over -
ties are written on specially mann- II"'.hap driven*" :cast or buttonholed with wash silk
The sea of Adria -An arm of the
scented note paper, thick and Mrditerranran, including tie en- -!`-'• Kill the prisoners-- See note in delicate colors. hung a tiny sachet, bag of the silko-
vy, ivory while with a light li- tiro stretch of waters bower-rl en -
in Word Studies of July 1l, on Acts! Dress Shield (',.vera -.1 gift for line. What more inexpensive or
lase edging, and measuring rather 1i'. r 1 dainty people is to cover dress more appreciated gift could you
Gists and Sicily.
less than 15 inches by a little more Surmised -From the t haltge in tit. Desiring to save Paul Paul's shields with Indian linen, Cut lin- give a busy housekeeper than a set
Ilan 11. Compared with the Kai -currents or from the different su►ul I
courage and resourcefulness. as ea the size of shields. work ti,no- of these hangers with the throws
's note paper his cards are sof the waves. '1 k
irn+ous. They bear the inscrip- p
: William, German Emperor,
g of Prussia.
--- 1' ----
tse Fac -Stalls t'.'rareer Itetow,
`tack nt top and bottom, and your
gift is ready.
Coat Cot•cr.--Take a wire hanger
and pail t1it11 cotton on both sides,
with a little favorite sachet sprink-
led on it. Then whip together two
pieces of white satin ribbon about
three inches wide and cover the
padded hanger, then wrap the han-
dle with ribbon and tie a large bow.
Also take two lengths of about one
and nuc half yards of white linen.
opening so itan be slipped
Shape 1 q c
over the hanger. prier stitch the
scams and in the left hand corner
embroider a ntenogranl. This is to
GIFTS F011 11(,\II:\. as corset caters, petticoats, chemi-
ses -or, he *lipped Deer the garment on the
Embroidered itelt. 1:mbroider a if she is a shut in, a simple slat banger to keel out dint and
sari , e eretcnne of Persian design band embroidered oiFht I;utcn ora atoid creasing. This makes a pret-
with mercerized cotton, to give an
I:retty dressing sacyue ur a tonus tyShirt Case. --Case made of brown
oriental effect. itig robe. Or, if she keeps Ituuse,
Smelling e and
Salts Bag. ---Smelling make cheerful, pretty things fur her linen to.
stitch to Toldt like initialrronlctho lap
salts may he Melds an attractive hoot itt the scone time bearing in
gift by inelusinq in a little linea mind that gifts Hurst be simple ars makes a pretty gift. It takes ono
t well as pretty so that their care yard of linen, a sponge case (or
pocket) of brown linen and lined
with rubber cloth and the initial
cross stitched on the lap. Lind it
with linen tape or wash ribbon.
Emergent.- 1:ag.-A practical in-
expensite easily made gift for a
man is an ''emergency bag," cuteh _
appreciated by a traveler or room-
er. Materials required : Piece of
leather any size you wish to make
bag. pins and needles, pair embroi-
dery scrissors, dozen collar but -
Buffet Set. ---I Faye just finished tons, dozen trouser buttons, dozen The courage of a soldier can be
a buffet set which has been greatly toe protectors, black, white and exhibited in other places than the
admired. They were oval in shape. brown thread. Any man is domes- battlefield, as all know, or ought
The larger piece was eighteen inches tic enough to use one. Easily car- to know. Few soldiers have stuck
and I used fine sheer white Swiss ried and can he made plain or or- to their post of duty in a better
and drew sprays of wild roses with nantental, as the maker desires. On seirit than the telegraph operator
leaves over them, worked them in each pocket could he picture of ar- in the following story :
shadow embroidery, in t.vo shades title it. contains done in burnt ;Ie died not long since, nt old
of pink for the roses and two shades 'tork. tnan, in ('nlcutta, with the grand
st green for the leaves (not dark). ' Shaving Bibs. -Towels are a bo- recollection that he had perrefa ted
The centers were worked on right Cher for protecting a man's shirt a deed which contributed greatly to
side in French knots with yellow while he shaves, so make him a save the Indian empire in the stress -
and light green. The edge was ('hristmas present of a couple of ful days of the Mutiny.
scalloped in ttltite silk, and around shaving bibs. To crake one, take At that time (1b57) he was a Mere
the scallops Valenciennes lace was any kind of washable material - lad, employed as an assistant in
gathered in an easy ruffle (not full). heavy white goods preferred -cut in , the telegraph service. His name
The lining was white china silk, I two pieces, the front piece long ' man W. l:rendish, and he sent, at
which brought out the colors, mak- enough so that if a man sits while the risk of his life, a dispatch from
ing it look like daint water colors. 'shaving it will cover his lap ; the Delhi to Umballa which born the
-3I. J. W. back piece can be shorter. Cut out first news of the outbreak. 'this
Clothes C'uverers.--Every gond a hole for the neck, large enough u,essage, forthwith repeated to
housekeeper has from one to a doz- for the head to slip through. Cut
every town which cooed be tea:Led
en calico bags for covering the • the shoulder seams curved to fit the Proved of priceless value. Cc!ouet
"best clothes" that hang in the do- shoulder and wide enough to amply l'.dwnrd Vibart, in his "Sepoy 3lu
set --or at least she ought to have. cover it. Sew together; hem all tiny,' tells the story of boy., :u
One of the most appreciated gifts •
around; face the neck, and through !quote the judicial commissioner of
received last year was a set of the facing drays narrow elastic. the Punjab, the electric telegraph
wooden hangers (bought at the o When slipped over the head this served India.''
and 10 cent store, probably), each will fit close to the neck and pre-: it was the custom to close the
Lunger Facing thrown over it a tent the lather from running down :telegraph offices on Sunday be -
large square of silkolino feather under the shirt. Tho bib can hs tweet' the hours of 9 and 4 o'clock.
stitched on the four sides. A large eyelet was worked in the middle Phrase,
further embellished by stitching the On May 10, 1857, as the operator at
'"fo shield your shirt while
Delhi was about to close his station
t., slip the square over the hanger, you shave," across the front. ho received a message from the
and on each corner of the square Sleeping Cap. -A sleeping cap or Meerut office announcing an upris-
hood is an acceptable gift for a man ' ►tag in that section. :1t. 4 o'clock,
who likes to sleep with open win -1 when the office was reopened, con-
dows in winter or in an "open air ' ncetions with Meerut were found to
bedroom. It is also useful in sleep- be interrupted.
ing car berths. Make the cap ref On discovering the break in elle
heavy black silk. which is soft and connections, the chief sent the two
waren. The cap should be cut and lads to test the cable across the
Big -
fitted like a let's hood and fasten- river. They found they could sig -
Christmas is Coming
Takes .tlong Six Motor ears --
Works in Early Morning.
'Ate Kaiser when he travels takes
with him an extensive and well -
NOV. 7.
Lesson 11. Paul a Prisoner -the
Shipwreck. sects 27. 27 to 2'1.
10. -:olden Text, Psa. 34. 22.
--Ancient ships had two rudders, Iv color, leaving three ends hang
one on each quarter. These had down to fasten the rings to. I'ut
been lifted out of the water when a chain of safety pins in each ring,
the anchors were east. they are of different sizes. This is a pretty
now unlaslle,l and let down into the gift for a young girl's bedroom, put
water again. in a pretty box.
41. Lunlby says (Cambridge, Beauty Bags -Beauty bags are
Bible): ''Tho little island of Sal -,made by cutting ordinary checse-
monetta forms with the Maltese cloth into strips, two and a half
coast near Saint Paul's Bay exact- inches wide by five inches long.
ly such a position as here desenib- Fold over and sew up the side. Fill
ed. Froin the sea it appears as these with oatmeal and sew up the
though the land were continuous, • 101 of the bag. and you have one
and the currant between the island of the most healthful cleansers for
will out necessitate a lot of ext ra
work. '}'hen, too, one could give
cantly and flowers cut of in pots,
in fact, there aro innumerable
things to give grandmother that
will make her feel happy and young
again. That's the true Christmas
spirit for the old --make them feel
happy and young again.
Had Weak Back.
Would Often Lie in Bed For
Days, Scarcely Able To
Turn Herself.
Mrs. Arch. Schnare, }flack Point, \.B.,
writes..- For years 1 was troubled with
weak hack. Oftentimes 1 hays lain in
bed for days, being scarcely aide to turn
inysAf, and 1 hLce ako been a great
'utterer while trying to 1•errorm Iry
household duties. 1 had doctors attend
In me witho a avail and tried liniments
an 1 plasters. Lut ci,thing seemed to do
ata any goof. 1 was about to give up in
despair when iny husband induced me to
try Uvu,'s Kidney fills, and after using
two boxes 1 amu now welt and able to do
my work. I am positive Dawn's Kidney
Pills are all that you clam for them, and I
would advise all kidney sutTcrers to give
thea a fair trial."
I►.l.1N'e KIDNEY PILLS area purely
vegetable medicine, realisingquick. per-
manent relief, without anv atter ill effects.
A medicine that will absolutely cure Back-
ache and all forms of Kidney and Bladder
Price, rO cents per box. or 3 for $1.'25,
at all dealers or'Ehe T. Milburn 1'a., Lim-
ited. Toronto. Ont.
in ordering specify " I)oan's."
Telegraph Operator Who Bravely
Stuck to His key.
well as his piety, could not fail to grant on them, edge with late. 'They made of silkoline to match the col -
2!2. Sounded Doubtless the only, hate Impressed all on board the arc rase t to en off when soiled and or of her own room or her guest
method in ancient times of sailing slip. 'cover the plainness of the shield. room g
chapter 28, verse 1. Melita - Hand Embroidered Stockings. - , ed with a strap of the goods under nal to Delhi, but not to Meerut and
in the dark. The details here have Back Cat Calendar. --lake a reported the fact on their return.
Leen ptosed to be true to fact. Se''"o have tried to identify this :1n attructite gift that would be sheet of watercolor paper ten by the chin, using a button or patent • ltltras too late to do anythingthat
This point on the northeast coast; \driatiritSea.all iylB it this i�,aimnrc�b w�he �t► lrabc•(1 hand embroidered d by sister or friend
twelve inches and some .scraps of hood, but. cut off patternthpoint and in- tight, but the next morning. Mr.
01 .Yalta is known as Saint Paul's 1 black fur or velvet (fur is far more ! Todd, the chief, went out himself to
able. The present Adriatic (Gulf ing!. Buy either silk or silk lisle effective). A little to the left and seri a straight strip three or tour
inches wide between the side pieces 1 tnycsligute the line. Ile never "'-
above the center of the sheet of •
from forehead to nape of neck. ten_ turned, and, although his fate is
paper glue an oval piece of the fur• isle edges and seams with soft hind- unknown, there is little doubt that
al out three by two and one-half in rih}x,n. he was murdered.
inches. This is for the body of the 1, The office was thus left in charge
cat. Add a smaller piece at the top '1' of the two lads. Signs of trouble
foe the head. attaching two tiny l CURIOUS .I.tP.tNESI: n.ii. 1be•gan to be evident close at hand.
stocking, four in the center and triangtiutrct fur the cars. Then I Brendish, stepping from the door,
.et two'5'110(.11 k ,b f 1
29. Let go four anchors from the
stern -This would keep the vessel
pointed toward the shore, but, pre-
vent it from being dashed on the
Wished -May be rendered also,
30. Lay out anchors froiu the fere-
ship--This would secure the ship
-• fore as well as aft. In order to do
this they must lower from the deck
the rowboat which had been hoisted
in froln the storm (verse 16), and
by which they hoped to save them-
31. Said to the centurion - Who
seems to have had a great. deal to
d• with the management of the ship.
Ye cannot be saved --Paul had
assured them that God would h.•Ip
them to safety. But he will Ieaite
n., human resouree unused. With -
Movements of the solar system
showing tears' effect on t he sun.
Tightness across the Chest, Sharp
-Pain, and a Difficulty in Breathing, a
Setretioa of Thick Phlegm, at first white.
but later of a greenish or yellowish color
coming fram the hronehial tubs when
c f Venice) is much smaller than the slncknigs, whichever you can afford.
one so called in ancient times. The Rosebuds or forget -me tints are the
island of -Malta is .inq,testionably 1•►ct1iest and most simple to work.
the one. ;One skein of green silk for the
2. Barbarians- Not necessarily stents and leaves and two skeins of
uncle ilized, int, in the original Kink or bine for the flowers is suf-
sruse, it people neither (,reek nor fieienl \\'irk ten flowers on each
Roman. They probably spoke a
Phoenician dialect. am most of the
iul►abitante of Malta cavae from
Received us all-- Into their dwel-
lings. is of course, implied.
3. Pail hail gathered a bundle of
sticks --Notice all tlirinkh this story
the apostles act've participation in
all that concerned him isenl'atles.
.1 viper it is said t ipers have
disappeared frau, the island of Hal-
ts, but the density of the popula-
tion and the clearing away if for-
ests ar" sitflicient to account fir
out the practical experience of these tit fact. 'fhe creature had been
sailors, the manoeuvring. d,'vcrib• numbed by the veld, and now, Peel-
ed Inter, would have been inlpos- ing the brat, glided forth from the
Bible. fagots.
31. This is for your safety- -They. ti. Swollen, or fallen ditto dead
wield stand to chance struggling suddenly This would herr been
in the deep water unless their boil- the effect. apparently itt a brief
its m ere st rengthened with find. time, if the serpei t nus, as has
The preceding verse probably dee. s been Conjectured, the same as the
not mean that they literal) fat. ti English asp.
for an entire fortnight., but that Said that lie *as a god - Ct.11.atr
they had taken only snateht' of the et at Lysira (.\cis 11. 11),
f toughing, especially the first thing in the food and were in an exhausted con- like this. illustrating the popular
morning. dilion. fickleness of judgment.
Bronchitis is generally the result of a :14' ::(1. 1:ayc thanks , . . in the 7. '}'hr chief titan . . . Publics -
eold caused by exposure to v.et and presence of all--'fltis wits an Met of inscriptions .how that "Pinot t.
inclement weather and when milt -tied Jeoi;l►, as well as l'hristian, piety• (the first ohne is the correct trch,i
will become chronic. it mast hat., deeply impressed the (.a,: title, Malta ens part of the
Cbro ' Bronchitis is one of the roost heathen sailors and soldiers. and (,lotine' of Si•rl, i1 whose pl•aetnr
I ,"' of ('on•'Irnpticn. ('ore 1Ir (Iii n great (1(111 to inspire them 1'ubtiu' w•a•i Iegat. l'rnditiun r,:ti+
ns of Nrvnekilis by the use with Irou(1 cheer.
off Dr: oed's Norway fine N) top i r was Ila• first bishop of 11AIta, and
37. Two hi,ttd .1 1hlcrsc.'r,' null afterward became bishop of Ath-
♦7-T♦4+444 Mks Martha hunt. sistrrn The tisisio'ring at this 'n,+,
Yl. Little Palos point in the 11.tt10111' 1!t most 11:1•: V 1
1 � 1 f . Sicl of fever and d� seutrry
Bronchitis Woes, writes: •' I.a,.t tur:al. it would be inIpi11,1•,1 to •1'erhnira) ,ir.srription such ars
Cured. spion; 1 waa yen both the raptnin and the centurion 1.1)1e, a physician. would be likely
♦ poorly. had a iso I . know precisely how tunny lit es to tis.. This, and the statenient
♦♦ ♦♦ 4+4+ couggh, sick Lead
Acbe. could not they *el i• accountable for. 'rile. 11151 the rest also that bail disenseS
sleep. and was tired all the time. 1 eta. ntllnher is not rxe('ssiye, 1.h'iigh (allele and nett c111ed. 1s In he re-
mitted two doctor.. and both told i, c I large. There were about six 77hltn-!,.,sited as the testimony of An ex -
bad bronchitis, and adyii,e.l n,e to sit.• r11� tired it the vessel oil winch J•• -e- . I,,., 1 n,rtln•AI eyewitness. Paul re-
teaehing. I tried almost everything Irk t phos sacs he was �'ekcd. i ►mined here three months.
none of the medisines gays me anv relief. 3'1 Knew not the land Cein
Use of my friends ad vac(' use to try fir. $ lU. Honors Tlunlrtless in the
1 Wood's l orw'er fine Syrup. 1' had eh,sr to the shore, and the weather, form of money and such things as
1 'carrels. taken the llrst bottle alien 1 being stormy. 'ten the 'xperieno-ilratelere would need, after losing
began io get better sad when I had taken mi sailors might be deceit ed ahout. n11 they had by shipwreck.
,the fourth bottle i felt as well ea ever nt the island of Ma1tu, whiCb, to aunty
rough hast lett me an 1 1 could sleep well. „f thin, was. undoubtedly, fatnil-I
Ur. \\ cud's is the original Pine Rs.nlp. in r
it 1' rut upin a )eltow wrapper. three 10. •(astins; iff the :tnebi
rine trees Inc tract' mark. and the pore Al t►1''I'I\IIS'f'S 1)Fitil:1{V.\'I'iO\
JJs cents. There stye neauv imitation, of beaching A vessel, lightn'ss it ',lease grarAinotlter more than by
"Pr. woo,u,- so he sure t00 recent ,he weight would count for a great There's some ji•t horn l- worry pi (quitting her with things'sigges-
geouine when you oak for it. deal. This account- for the throw- An' stew around an' fret, five of pooh. yet practical enough
Man'ifaetnrctl only I The T. Milburn Ing over of arti11 it nib altehnl•s. A11' most,: 'both the treubl' to le of use to her r instance.
Gv., Limited, Toronto. tint, l.ut•sing the hnnels .a the rudders That hasn't happened yet. �n1Ake ulainl� while ar, such
three on either side. The cntbroi- I m s of the feet One That l se. Ito as S:►il }fon• met a wounded officer, who cried
Bering can easily be done without
being stamped. but fir those not,
PO skillful transfer patterns can he
purchased for 10 cents.
GIFTS FOR Gl,\\1)\MO't'HEIt.
and a narrow curving strip for the .
tail. (aur it lwu green beads for out to him,, "Por God's sake get in
the Doradois l'mtght.
! side and close your doors:"
the eyes and a scrap of red cloth One of the 'mist interesting of The revolt crept closer and clos-
or paper for the tongue. Paste your fish of Japanese waters is the Ori- ' er The boys felt that their lives
calendar in the leiter right hand ental sail fish (Histiophorous Orion- ; were in clanger; soon they became
corner. and in a scroll issuing from talis). The generic name. given Icy - sure of it. Rut before they Heti to
the cat's mouth letter these words: I Dr. (anther, paeans the sail hear- n place of comparative safety they
Dainty Collar. 1 dainty collar ''SoIIIC eats there are who sit and et and refers to the huge dorsal fin waited to send nut to the Indian
• t insertion, edged lop and bittorrl squall 1 possessed by the species. world the news of the revolt. firers•
with narrow• lace and circled by a And utak' the long night hideous, The fin stands higher than the dish ticked nut the message which
narrow velvet lavender ribbon, Ilnt if you'll hang Inc on your wall 1 body above it, and is used as a sail 1'11(15 Sir 1•:dwardt to srt• :
I'll not be set perfidious." before the wind. It is a large fish' ••Look at the courage ,encu
looped iota a rosette at the buck.
Apron. :1 black silk apron eith i The same idea can be carried out : ten feet in length and weighing 104 of that little boy' With shot ttllil g
(Iona or Hies;altr e, rounded off at in al match scratcher. 1 pounds. They swim about usually all around hien. he sts' i' 1 t.. Innen
the bottom, and edged with black ! in luti►s iu riugh and itindy wca- pulate t he message that was rile
Inc', or left square and hemmed
GI FOR dflsN. then with the huge fins above the means of sating Punjab.'
and brier stitched. and the pocket water. it is satisfactory to know that Ilse
the sanies ; or a lace inserted apron, Book Covers. --A pretty and dor• It is a favorite food fish, and the g,rtelnrnent rewarded Rrrndisl for
is pretty ; the shote tt,ruld (e1tain- able one may be made of i'russian annual catch is marl •..000.000. }lis serciees by giving him a lid' Issas
l ninke any g1a telma .,pen he; crash in the natural color ; cut to pounds. Thr sail fish is caught hy' Rion.
ryes on Christmas d..y. hold the average book, allowing means of a harp'"".
('netts for Dainty11',-_-►isls. - (let three inches at each end to fold Another food fish known as a dol-' --d,
a icmuate. of figured silk, make a baek. lluttonholc edge in long and I;hin to. d^rndo is aitlletllit'S caught 1'N('1.I ) /.1{.1 SAYS:
square (the length you will have shute stitch with blown mercerizedin a tort us way. The fishes con-
to decide for yourself), cut a circle cotton it heavy silk: outline any et'gate under a decoy bush and raft ! "Teirdin' to your own htiznis
in the renter large enough to lit sitnpl' concentiirtal drsl¢nrllur worr•l;k 'nade of bamboos, and are then • gites the other fellers a '}lance to
(110 collar of Ilii• waist, wit. a tell- III•tlI .g res lel ell rey'1-; fold tdi bal, 'alight by hooks baited with squids do better.
Or the deem- hitch is snrroonelcd by
fishing toucthe"n�,�- �.�.�..y,�,,..., all edges. of Har- rear
row later. IliaeUes of baby ribbon at seine net and the dolphins are
t, centers will add r.. this I rthis Could Net Steen Idliven by heating the surface of the
dainty little gift. which will sat' r water with stick.. This fish is eat -
many a delicate waist
n The Dark.
en both fresh and salt and is as
Lace Headdress. --.1 dainty little great a fa vnritt• in western Japan
Iare head dress, white. with !even- Doctor Skid Heart and as the salmon is in the north-east
flet ribbon trimming. n tion} box Nerves Were Responsible. --The %oilegist.
for her dresser. a Christina% letter
lied milli Lolly ribbon. will bright -
ell 'n Iter lonely 'day i f memories.
\ framed picloie of children play-
ing or some beloved aminal pet will
delight the little sick child ; a live
kitten or puppy always proves a
pleaflure : a blooming plant, for the
Select Presents with ('are. -
"Don't give old people presents
that savor too much of old age.''
This is a warning that has to he
sounded eters. l-'hristntas to those
who Are under the impre••i.•n that
because grandmother is old she ha•
no sense of the bcautifnt. but de
lights in black sateen aprons, felt
slipper., Antl the like. You can't
'hi,"•e is •nany a man and woman toss-
ing night aac•r n rhe upon a le •r less Lr.l.
Their eves do not close in the sweet and
retresh,n'l repose that comes to those
whose heart and neats are right. Some
HiS WISEST 1'01.1( \'
Both boys had been rude to their
constitutional di-Inrbant•e. nom or motht'1'. She put thein to bed ear-
di.etse has su dct,ititated anti irti'ntrrl lit•r that: usual. and then eomplain-
cti to their father about them. Fo
he started up the stairway, and
the% heart' him coating.
"Herr comes papa," 'hitt Man
rice: 'Tut going to make bt•litc.
I am asleep."
not." said harry '•1•rtt
get op and put something
the nervous syste.u. that it cannot 1
Mrs. Palfin Stark. flossrnore. 11nt.,
writes. -••.lbovt two vests ago 1 1 , ,tan
to he 1rmible(' with • .smothering •vn.•7-
tion at night. when I would lie down.
got sn bad 1 could no' sleep in the d:,,
and 'squid have to -it up and rub ,;ly
limbs. they Wold I become so numb.
My doctor said my heart and nerves were
responsible. 1 saw Milburn's Heart ar.d
Nrrte Pills adtertis'd and got a hos to
try them. 1 toe.; there hosts and ran
now lie down and sleep without the light
burning and can rest welt. 1 can rerom-
tnenJ them 6;l:fly to all nervous and Han
down women."
Price .4) reate per box or :t for $1.2•i
at all dealers. or fuelled dirt; t on receipt
of price. by the' 1'. Milburn Co., Limited,
Toronto, Oat.
g( ing to
"Had yon no higher ambition in
life than picking pockets?" a-korl
the visitor at the prison.
'•\o, ma'a►n,'. answered convict
11111. "I never had no hankerin' t'
be a porc•leelirnber."
Troubled With
For Years.
Any irregularity of tLe bowels Is al.
ays dao. -crows to vo :r health and
shoald be corrected at once far if this is
not done con'o.pation and ail sorts of
diseases am liable to attack von.
\li!hura's Lava -Liver Pills cure Con-
atipo,ion and all Stomach, Liver and
linv:d c•repla,:tt..
I. 11,•.):, Peirce, 49 :itsndis:u .Ave.,
Owen . std. (Int., writes:- • " Having
been tro,►bled t:•r years with coastipstion,
and trying Carious socatlecf remedies
which did me no good whatever, I waa
persuaded to try Milburn's Lava-1.i�•er
Pills. I leave found thein mo=t bene-
ficial; thi+y are, indeed, a splend d 01,
and 1 can'iheartity recommend them 1.. all
those she suffer from constipation."
Price 21 cents a sial or .5 for (LOU
at all dealers. or sent direct on re,r:pt
nt Leics by 11-e 1'. %ilium Cu., I.:n. te.