Exeter Times, 1909-11-04, Page 54 �. - THE EXTAPER TIMMS, NOV. 4th 1914 Pur6haod RIa6kffl1th Bugions Having purchased the blacksmith property and .business of hilt. A. E. PvM, near the own hall I am prepared to do all kinds of Blacksmith Work for the General Public, and respectfully solicit the patronage of all the Old Customers of the Shop alany New Ones. I believe we can give you entire satis faction. Yours, David Russell. Make Each Animal Worth 25% Over Its Cost On 3; of a Cent a Day Nobody ever heard of "stock food" curing the hots or colic. making hens lay in winter. increasing the yield of milk five pounds per cow s day. or restoring run-down animals to plumpness and vigor. When you feed "stock food" to your cow. horse, swine or pouliry, you merely feeding them what you are growing on your own farm. . Your animals do need nut mere feed but something to het e g thew P bodies get all thegood out of the iced' i • you give them so they can get fat and stay fat all year round: also to prevent disease, cure disease and keep them up to the best,ssible condition. No "stock food" can do all these things, ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC can and does. It is "TEE EEL" 2:02i Largest Winner of any pacer on GpanctCi,u.t7, 'u4 Nota "Stock Food" But a "Conditioner" ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPBCIFIC contains no grain. nor farm products. It increases yield of milk from three to five pounds per cow per day before the Specific has bccn used two weeks. It makes the milk richer and adds flesh faster than any other preparation known. Young calves fed with ROYAL PURPLE are as large at six weeks old as they would be when fed with ordinary materials at ten weeks. ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC builds up run•down animals and restores them to plumpness almost magically. Cures bots. colic. worms. skin diseases and debility permanently. Dan Mcliwan,the horseman. says: •1 have used ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC Persistently in the feeding of "rhe Eel.' 2.02i, largest winner of any pacer on Grand Circuit in 19ds. and 'Henry Winters,' 2.09i, brother of Allen Winters; winner of $3ti.000 in trotting stakes in 1908. These horses have never been off their feel since 1 commenced using Royal Purple Specific almost a year ago. and 1 will always have it in my stables." oyal Pu STOCK AND POULTRY SPECIFICS One 50e. package of ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC will last one animal seventy days. which is a little over two•thirds of a cent a day. Most stock foods in fift • cent packages last but fifty days and are given three times a day. ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC is given but once a day, and lasts half again as long. A 51.50 -pail containing four times the amount of the fifty cent package will last 290days. ROYAL PURPLE will increase the value of your stock 254. It is an astonishingly quick fattener. stimulating the appetite and the relish for food, assisting nature to digest and turn feed into flesh. Asa hog fattener it is a leader. It will save many times its cost in veterinary bills. ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY SPECI- FIC is our other Specific for poultry, not for stock. One S0 cent package will last twentyfive hens 70 days, or a pail costing 51.50 will last twenty-five hens 2110 days. which is four times more material for only three times the cost. It makes a "laying machine 001 of your hens summer and winter,f,revents fowls losing_ flesh at moulting time. and cu:?s poultry diseases. Every package of ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC or POULTRY SPECIFIC is guaranteed. Just use ROYAL PURPLE nn one of your animals and any other preparation nn another animal in the same condition: after comparing results you will sayROYAL PURPLE has them all beat to death, or else hackcomesyour money. FREE -Ask your merchant or write us for our valuable 32 -page booklet on cattle and poultry diseases. containing also coking mt.-els and full particulars about ROYAL PURPLE STOCK and POUL- TRY SPECIFICS. if you cannot get Royal Purple Specifics from merchants or agents. we will supply you direct. express prepaid. on receipt of $t.50 a pail for either Poultry or Stock Specifics. Make money acting as our agent In yOurdistrict. Write for terms. 1 Por sale by all up-to.datte merchants. W.1. Jenkins Mfg. Co., London, Can. .1. I1EANIAN, Exeter. HANLON & O'BRIEN, Centralia. ve ou Seen Them We have already turned out many smart 1% inter Suits. 1f.tvt•: von seen them: II.wvE you noticed the new flabrics we are displaying? HAVE you noticed the Character we are putting Into our \Vinter Suits:: iIAVR you noticed how well they fit? When some of your friends tell you their Sults were made by Holtzman. ex- amine their clothes closely. Notice every detain about them. The style, the r the linings. the finish is differ- ent.fie. Our cuatotnera are proud of the clothes we turn out f'r them, they like to compare our clothes with other makes. if you are not already ac - (painted with Our Clothes ask some of your friends about them, they trill Bgadly "put you wise" Ch it we KNOW HOW to snake clothes at reasonable prices. CR AND TRUNK St's EM Single Fare for Hunters Good Going c'aily until November • 6th to Temagatni district, etc. October 21st to November lith to Muskoka Lakes, Lake of Baye, etc. I Return limit December lth or until .1 close of navigation, if earlier, to points 'reached by steamers. Secure tickets from Grand Trunk agents. jor I ' Unlimited Quantities fAn advanced price -cash 'will be paid for good !wel- ling apples at the Canning Full information from J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent. write J. D. MCDONALD, Union Depot. Toronto. Ont. flDDI6S Vldntcd Factory, Exeter. J. H. Holt znnann � Exeter Canning Co. C i? EI) ITO.. . M. M. Fi inners, - Manager. Crediton Dashwood Grand Bend I The Ewangelice1 rho:rel' was the A ver) successful Musical At llama Thee Clara Kienzl,• entertained a rar,'11 o[ n very pn try wedding on Mae. held in ass Methodist church here number of her f ri.•nds tort hallow,•'sn \�''dm stI t) • Ortob, r 271 h. at five 0._ ou 'Thursday night _Fth. A first-class party Alonday evening. They all en- cock when the marriags was so1- joyed thcrus.Aves. Mr. and Mrs. Itetcben and children. of Dashwood, were .the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Fahner, Mr. !harry Either our popular pump -tinker left (or Sarnia where he will remain during the winter. Ile has rccured a good job at plumbing. Mr. and Mrs. J. Preeter and children, of Zurich, were 'the gusts of 31r. and Mrs. Saul. Braun. Mr. Sam Braun was in London one day last week on business:. :Hiss Gladys Illuett entertained a number of her friends Saturday afternoon. They played many games and t•njoyed them se1v;s very much, Aliso Louise Fahner, of Exeter, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fahner. ilouse cleaning is the order of the day, Miss O'Hara, of Mount Carmel. is learning dress making with Miss C:art Fahner. Mr. Alvin McMurray is upending n few days in Granton visiting friends. Mr. `Alonzo Hodgins sold out his business Ito Mr. D. 'AIs saac. IIe has taken possession on the 1st, of No- ornber. We understand that Albert 'r n be an rmP 3 o c1n . 'ii' � beys played a few little tricks on diallowe'en but we do not object to them having some fun, but we do not .think it becomes pnarried men to run nround with little boys. Its n pity some person would not tend to such people. Mr. and Mrs. Shea, of London, spent Sunday the guests of their ton. Mr. end !Mrs. Matthew Finkbeiner and Air. and 'Mrs M. Wein left for Recd 'City and other places in :Michi- gan, where they will visit relatives for a few weeks.. Mrs. J. Humble, of Sarnia, Is vis- iting 'relatives around here. Mr_.. hicks and daughter returned ' home after spending a number of weeks in Seaforth visiting friends. The members of the 'Epworth Lea- gue met together on Tuesday night and spent a very sociable evening together. Refreshments were served. We nre &ad to bear that Mr. Levi Stahl's family is getting better, We understand that Mr. S. Braun has bought a gasoline engine from A. 'Morlock for cleaning his clover. , Ile has rented the implement shop ' belonging to Mr. Walter Clark. Mr. John Smith wee fin London and bought a portable engines lie will now he running two engines. The farmers will not have to wait long after this. Miss Fleeda .Baker, of Centralia, was the guest of Mr. and Airs. F. C:ark, on Sunda);. Mr. 'Charlie Dunsford, of Exeter( Int Sunday intown. While driving home Monday even- ing 'Mr. and Mrs Geo. Clark mei with an accident. A waggon was on the road and the wheel of their bug- gy got caught in St tearing nut the spokes. They had some difficulty in getting the horse stopped as it wit trotting along 'nicely at the limes Luckily they escaped with nothing more ha ppenirea. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A Klrkton Mr. 11. Ilolliday has purchased Mr. John :Moore's house. Mr. Trank Brown has engaged with Wm. Moore. Mr. tEd. Kay visited friends in lien- 1 Nall Sunday. c Mr. Lies. Robinson, of Winchelsea,, t spent altanday with Watson Bros. The (Misses Gossmann, of Dashwood, spent n few days in town. hon• of of Am •li+ Ehlt• • toung- programme teas given by local taleut est daughter of Mr. John Fh'..irs to Mr. Thomas Kiunfpp. The church was beautifully decorated for the oc- (5sion and the marriage taking para just it twilight made the scene a very affective ono. (twilit; to the lit - nee'. of the pastor 11.•v. L. I'. Eidt, the service was conducted by Rev. A. Il. Gish:cr, of %oriel'. Mies !.aura l'reeter, cousin of the bride, presid- ed nt the organ. Th: bride wore • dress of white silk, tritnnud with lace insertion, her veil being arranged with ii wreath of orange blossoms and carried a cluster of whits roses. The bridesmaid, Aliso Vilera Fahn-:•r; of Crediton, wore n Nil: mull with Persian embroidery and *aided pink roses. Miss 'Idelia Bakst- and \Iia Alma Smith made pretty little flow- er girls, wwearint; blue silk I'riness-t dresses and carrying baskets of roses. Mr. ,Fred llarris was brat man. th,• ushers being Mr. 'Clarence Kellerman and 'Mr. Ernest Geddinger. It very large 'reception was held afterwards at the home of Mr. C`arcnce 1{cller- rnan, about two hundred guests b •- ing present.. The ,lifts were heautl- fu!.. A very pleasant evening was spent, music and entertainment m•nt be- ing furnished f) Messrs. Brown n and Vincent, of Exeter. a:so the bands of Dashwood and Crediton, of which Mr. K!umpp has been a it -temper. Air and Mrs. Ii' iiimpp will mak.. their loom; in .Dashwood and we all join in wish- ing'them 0 happy and prosperous lit,; Much sympathy is felt for Rev. and Mrs. Eidt, who are confined to th -ir rooms through illness. Mr'. Eidt, of Berlin rind Mrs. Velk.,r.. of Milv(•r. Ion. sister of Mrs. Eidt, arrived on Friday and are nursing them. Rev. A. D. Gishler will occupy She pulpit on Sunday morning,. Mrs. Gill, of Owosso. Mich., spent a few days with friends in town,. Mr. 3. K. Goetz spent Monday in London. Mrs. L. E:einstiver and Mrs. P. Alclsaac attended the funeral of Mrs. Noll nt Milverton last week. Mrs. G. Ocstrcich:•r and Mrs. Grill visited with their brother Mr. J. 1{ellermann at London Monday. Mrs. C. Fritz spent a few days with Mrs. J. 1{ellermann. Road the formula on •a box of Pink Pain Tablets. Then ask your Doctor if there is n better one. Pain means congestion -blood pressure Fomewhere Dr. 'Doctor Shoop's Pink fain 'Tablets check bead pains, womanly pains/ anywhere. Try one, and see! 20 for 25 c. Sold by W. 5. flow•ey. Zurich Mrs. C. Fritz visited friends 1n Listowel last week. Mr. Harvey Colosky has secured a position in L. 'Charlesworth'a hard- ware store at 131ytb and left last week no assume the position. Miss Agnes Kaercher was operated on last 'Thursday by .Dr. Gunn, of Clinton assisted by Dr. Campbell [or an internal trouble. The marriage of Miss Laura, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. 'Conrad Fuss to Wm. Itcichert took place on Wed- nesday, October 27th at the home of the bride's parents. Rev. R. Hobbs, of Hxetar and Rev, W. 11. Graham. of Chatham delivered temperance nddresscs in the town hall Tuesday evening in the inter- ests of local option. Rheumatism !promptly driven from the blood with .Dr. Shoop's-Rheumatic temtdy. Don't waste time with ommon remedies. A test will surely ell. In tablet or diluid form Sold by W. S. lfowey • S. B. NO. 3. STEPHEN The following ix the correct re- port of the pupils of S. 8. No. 3 Stephen for the month of October. IV. A. \Villis, C. Parsons, J..\Villis` Sr. ii1. 11, Parsons, AL nl top.J r. III. C. Trcibner, G; Stanlake, L. Sanders. Sr. 1i. L. Sanders, C. i'ar- sons, T. Willis. Jr. 11. P, Sanders` M'. 'Trcibner, L. Hill, V. Box, V. I'reszcator. Sr. l't. B. C. Hamilton. C. Sanders. O. Ilanti:ton, Jr. Pt. ill. A. Shapton. E. 1lognrth. It. I'ar- , a r Y. I E..1 rc,a zc to Sr. t. 1. sons Stanlake. Jr. T't, 'I. V. Ilogarlh, 1. llami:ton. C. Willis, E. Preszc•itor, is Sanders. \Vin. L. Trcibner, leacher. It is so difficult to strengthen a weak n:tomach if one goes nt it cor- rect:31. And this is true of !the heart and kidneys. The old fashioned way of doseing the stomach or stimulating the Iienrt or kidneys is surely wrong. Dr. Shoop first pointed out this error. "Go to the weak or piling nerves of organs has its controlling or "inside nerve" When '1 here nerves fail then rho{.• organs must surely falter. This vital truttsleading druggists' stacv:r3 every- when to dispense and recommend Dr. Shoop's Restorative. A few days test will surely tell 1 Sold by W. S. pewee);. Hensall James ,alcArlhur fell from a tree Wednesday of last week while picking apples and was rendered unconscious. aledical aid was .uintnoned and it `was found that outside of a shaking up ile was uninjured. Mr. A. Kaiser. of Sarnia, visited friends here :a st week. i✓ a, 4g t ' -1 �/ i poet Sox Q'1ro� 1ins rntlllnn u,t lo stamp to Z,m-lurk Co.. Tor - nate. v ith name of this pa;x• rand free trial ios w1:1 he matted )00. t _. 1�. • 1 A c ienzyme writes:"Prcventics, those 'little 'Candy ('old Cure Tablets are working wonders in my parish". Prcventics surely will check a cold or the Grippe, in a v.•ry few hours. And 1'reventie.s ar• FO safe and h:lrrn4 less. No Quinine. nothing harsh nor sirkcnin,r. Fisc for f,•veri'h restless children.. Box of 18 at 25e. Sold by W. R. llowey. that being one thing in wtloch Grand !tend exc_lls, not heaving, like most other neigh botilig towns. to send away for outsiders to help them out., Everything proved v.'ry r:,tisfac.ory financially and other wise. Mrs. Fritz held a very sucessfu1 sale of household effects on Thursday 28th, previous to her Giving up tb. Brenner house here. She moved to Zurich on Monday where she in- tends making ber home for the fu - tura. Ezra Brenner moved into ithe hotel here on Monday, and will 110 doubt make a good landlord. Quite a number from Ai:sx 'Craig are camping down the old river bed for a soups of weeks' r:honting. Mrs. Jas. Clark, who has been tick for some time, is progressing favor- ably under the cars of Dr. ltacey, of i'arkhilh W. B. Oliver i. busy putting n wt•all under J. It. loung's a'eside ace. Mrs. Trod Use held u very succes- ful luiIting on 'Tuesday afternoon. G. 11. Smith ons n 'I'hcdford visitor on Saturday night.. The day school will open next Mon- day on the Scotland !side of the invited river - 1 Every-one'uvtd o attend. 'Cold weather is expected soon us o I l the toads are beginning to morrow in the sand. Mr. and Mrs. Amos, of Brins:cyl visited their son here ifor n few days last week. Mr, and Airs. J. W. 'Holt, visited at Farluhar over Sunday. We understand our school 'teacher Mr. Raymond, is leaving us at new years, Our loss will be some other sections gain, however,. Robert Hamilton was laid up a few days last week, but is out again. Mr. Brenner's new barn is nearing completion, and when finished will be the best hotel barn in south 1L1rott. The Maccabees held their monthly meeting in their ball here, on AL...1- day night!. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A Winchelsea Mr. and Mrs. Chas. !leer, of Credi- ton, visited Mr. and Mrs. \V, W. herr Sunday. A number from here attended the fowl supper at Whalen Monday even- ing. The boys did some tricks here hal- low•c'cn night, but nothu,p, serious is reported. Mr. Paul Doig who has (been work- ing at the creamery left Tuesday for London to work. '1'he following is the report of the examination held id a H... No. 6 Us - borne in the month of October ,-r IV. total 485. Emma Heywood 418. Jr. IV, absent. Sr. III. total 1140, Ed- ward Kellett 441 ; 11r.,•z Creery 1182 : Eric Coward 355: !toy Goulding 297. Jr. III. total 325, Dia Cornish 272 Ilardwich Cornish 258; Chia Heywood Heywood 205; 11L'ty Clarke 189. Sr. Ii. total 340, Gordon Duncan 315: Lloyd Johns 276; David Creery 176. Jr. 11. total 250, 'Aryrtle Washburn 220 ; Lewis Cornish 201 ; Vera Hey- wood 150. Pt. 11. (total 240, Willie Rontly 219; Viola Bell 213; iGordon De:bridge 143; Frances IIeywood I2r. J. A. ilamilton. teacher. Apples Wanted -AT- The Centralia Evaporator Highest prices paid. Thos. Elston Proprietor. Have you on some part of your body a sore, or eruption, - or ulcer, or eczemou3 patch which, hidden from i the g- 30 of others, yet cause3 you hours a::d hours of pain and in:on- veni3cce? Y,ave you tried thio, nn -1 that, a:ld tho oth)r re:'n dy in vain, and aro you foo'in; disha)rtened and dis- couraged ? I; a) r. ad til) fo'.:owing ins`rnce3 cf Zaln- B:1'.:'s ho\l:n ' pewee, a :d apply it to your caii : " i land an u'erratcd 1c4 for several 3e rs. The ulcer, erre el „Il round the hails whir', was ewel ea to nearly twist its 1141111141 .70. $ave:.J d.'^tort 1rette,l ni 0:9' •, ;_• •;teed artputati .:1. N ns diel me any good. '/..em -13::k he.►!aI the sorer : " Su taes. G lemur, of Privet -s St., Kiutston. Or, re'.r tars:- " \I r rto:h'tr tried msny thine; for abscoas^a ami er,i,t nna, bet in vain. In Zs'trlki c she Krona a c,mpletu carr." `o rays alias A. Coagill, of \V.,pelis (.4.'..k ). irIT•rcrs from th'se " 11'vld n Shift Troubles" of any raoiro sl' •u'.d profit by s:acb exp,:: icncuS A. this. Zen Bak is seen at its hest whun applied to cases a hick h v.. deCe l or Binary Ireatment. Mit! for trial l'ov, and telt it •:1• 5.1 Y ' TME'. r;REAT SKIN -CURE, esatt{a; ZAM-IIU1K ANiD A MIRACLE FAILING Over ant) over r.ga'n Taeellnk has iper- formed a miracle of healing when applio Ito" s aro and akin injuries which have refused to heal under 1.iv other fo m of ticatmeat. \1'l'v rot let it heal your ttoablot Irumali• atoly Z,nt-ierk is s;m:i d to a self. or wound or.lisease l portion of 11: !i it ere int r: s its work 1, two d r ,:tions. It rn..in:3 tilt of 1»iior, af1,1 i:s antiseptic preperti s preteen', any gerine and biciili from 1r.•at,n•; trtnal.Ir. 'fuer Lilo h.er biles orct.e atiJ Ju ice. so rise's. l ,idol and co:tee:.trn1' 1, penetrate tho .''j vent lap e5.1ao l stin,ulaao the weakened 1•r,Iie ,•t,leclls to r etive, herd. hvoi,rrntion. 1 ,t o r ells then pit forth the ir " Building" pprelate is and re:p1 c'r fl' ! di ;::so,1 on er In. et with fres', and healthy t s ews. 1:y dctt<ta the whole elisen+rd surface is (bus rel la, ed l.y neer healthy skin. In this way Zan,: !;oil curt s ut s, burns, brut •( a, ttleer1, at.•ccarca, itch, erlema, eruptions, pastilles, a.•urvy, .telt theam, b:o 41 poison, and other forms of skin trouble. 7.am•lick also Cotes piles, ♦a•icose ulcers, oto. All druggists and stores sell at 500 per hos, or from Zim Bak Co., Toronto, for price. 6 boxes t2 :,o, As the cold weather has arrived you will be looking for season- able goods to keep you comfortable Every department is loaded with these very goods. Overcoats for men, youths, boys and children Suits for men, ) ouths, boys and children Underwear for ir.Ln, youths, boys and children hats and Caps for men, youths, boys and children Mitts and Gloves for men, youths, boys and children Jackets for ladies, misses arid children Underwear for ladies, misses and children Hosiery and Gloves for ladies, misses and childre n Dress Goods for ladies, misses arid children Millinery for ladies, misses and children Fur Coats for ladies and gents Furs for ladies and misses A good line of Carpets at a reduced price Bring along your Produce. Siebert IcCo. I-iartlelb Block. 1)ASHWOOD Grand BCIIU DcDdrtlncotdI store Millinery Millinery Don't forget that we are still in the lead in this Department, Miss Cook who is a first-class Milliner, will he pleased to show you her stock. and Will accept trade for same. GENTS' FURNISHING In this lino we have a large stock to choose from. Never so large as we have at present. See those Nobby Ties, They are just what you should have. New stock and up-to-date. Have you seen our new Caps for winter: ('(erect styles; good wearers; right prices. Our Men's department is full to the trim with the beat goods and greatest values we ever offered, BRANTFORD ROOFING This roofing is recognized to be the BI4ST roofing on the market to -day for this season. The foundation of Brantford Roofing is a heavy, evenly con- densed sheet of long -fibred pure wool, saturated with Asphalt w hick is forced into every fibre -nal merely dipped. It is heavily coated with time -defying, fire -resisting Rock Crystals which require no painting. Brantford Roofing is indestauctable, pliable, water, weather, spark, acid, smoke and fire proof. Will not rot or freeze and crack in cold weather. Call and get prices. Poultry taken every Wednesday and Thursday at highest prices. Your Trade Solicited. W. T. AMOS, - GRAND BEND. ANNOUNCEMENT Having purchased the Stole Business of Joshua Johns, of Farquhar, I am able to give the general _public snaps in Staple Goods, Boots & Shoes, Groceries, Oils, Etc., Etc. and respectfully solicit the patronage of the old customers and many NEW ONES. believe I can satisfy you. Colne and see. JOHN CAMPBELL Farquhar highest Prices for Butter and Eggs. YOUR BLOOD 18 TAINTED ULCERS, BOILS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, BLOTCHES, PIMPLES, AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY THE NEW METHOD TREATMENT we desire to call the attention of all those ntllicttul with tenv Blood or Skin Disease to our New Method Treatment as a guarantcevt cure for !hese cuntl,luiul c. '1 here Is no ex- cuse for any person hating n etistlgured fate from eruptions and blotehrs. No matter whether hcralitary or acquired, our sI.ecifie rome'liea anal treatment neutralize all poi- sons In the blood and expel them from tho system. our vast experreneo In the treat- ment of thousands of the most serious and complieat.d castes enal,les us to perfect a cure 0lthout experimenting. WI. 110lee neA4 "n the plan -Pay Only for the Benefit You Derive. If you have any 1 1,4 ,1 disease• con- sult us Fre. of Cherue it:al let us prove to you how q uicl.ly our remedies will remote nil tutee.',, •.f .Il ease. Under the Influence of the New Method Treatment the akin be- comes clear, tileers, pimp!cs and blotches heal up. enlarged glands nrre weed, fallen oat hair grows in again. the eyes become bright. naal'itt,n rind energy tehlrn, and the v:etlm'valises n new life las olpened up to ltlm. YOU CAN ARRANCF: TO rAY AFTER YOU ARE CURED CONSULTATION FREE Send for Booklet on Disers^, of Men "THE GOLDEN MONITOR" FREE If unable to call, write for a Question 1dst for Home Treatment DRs.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. When Your Head Aches don't take chances with your heart by dosinz with headache cures. It's caused by upset stomach or inactive liver, 4 igiii,g4( FIR - TABLETS- AAT will settle the stomach and make your liver act with- out violence but effectively. It will remove the cause and cure the headache. o „ Get a 25c. Box ((1 1. //IQ Pills for l.�v For Sale by W.{.g. Cole, Exeter.