Exeter Times, 1909-11-04, Page 4HE EXETER TIMES, NOV. 4th 1909.
be was deprived three years ago. For
fitly ycnies a residuut who ever en- i
d.•avored to proinote the interests of 1
of all eLtsses of the community, and
though he sought neither position nor
publicity, yet be never spared him-
self where he felt his help was need-
ed. He has btu a valued member
o[ the Town Council, Library Board,
Board of Health, and Directorate of
the Horticultural Society. in politics
a Liberal; in religion :a Presbyter-
ian, of which church he was for 21
years a Trustee and for long a 6. S.
Tickling. tight Coughs c to be surely
and •luickly loosened with a prescrip-
tion Druggists are dispensing every-
where ns 1)r. Shoop's Cough Remedy.
And it is fro very, very different than
common cough remedies. No opium,
no chloroform, absolutely nothing,
harsh or unsafe. The tender leaves
of n harmless. lung healing mountain-
ous shrub, gives the curttive proper-
ties 'to 1)r. Shoop', Remedy. Those
leaves have the power to calm the
for the reline period of last year, an
most 'distressing Cough and to soothe
UNItEME1tVED AUCTION SALE, increase of twenty fee' cent. The im- and beat the most sAnsative bronchial
OF FARM, FARM STOCK & migration for the :ix months Isom membrane. Mothers should, for safe-
Impleumente. The undersigned auction- the the United States was 56,486, ns t '•s s. a It a!Oris w ith e�ear iitfreedom
eer has been instructed to tell by pub -
with 34,i,J for the same P'' perfect
lie auction at lett ", Con. 1, leap Twp., period o[ last year, an increase of 65 be •given to even the youngest babes
on Saturday, Nev. 0`h, 1000, at one per cent. the immigration via ocean Test it for yourself and qac 1 Sold by
o'clock sharp, the / •.IuwiLg valuable ports was 61,417, es compared with W. 5. dluwey;
66,218 for the Frame period last year,,
>propefty, 1.1z:- 1 decrease of three 1,;•r cent, Woodham
bore's-iic•:avy draught brood mare! • 1111•, turd Mrs.
S. Ford have returned
$ years old with foal u weeks by her W. J. afcliee, former M. P. 1 . hoine from a trig to British C is
Side:Heavy draught 1111y. rising two and ex -Liberal whip, was on batter- and California, The had a most de
years old. The above colts are sired day nominated by the Liberals of rightful trio and feel },eneStleci more
by King Thomas. Heavy draught North Essex to contest that riding in ways than one. At Vancouver they
gelding, rising three years old, the coming election made rase scary found their four sons all doing splen -
Cattle -2 cows due to calve in March; owing to lion. 1t. F. SutherIend being did.Richard is the publisher of the
2farrow cows, 2 heifers rising 3 years appointed to a judgeship. Vancouver Saturday Sunset, the Doc--
ooOld: 'S heifers and one steer rising two At the assizes at Sudbury James for is practicing there, Amos and Al -
years rid; i sprint; calves, calf 6 weeks Robinson pleaded guilty to a shock- fred are engaged in the real estate
old, ins crime against his own children business. Mr. Ford reports wonder-
Implements- \aider, bobsleighs,
and was sentenced to 28 years im- ful activity at Vancouver. The city
buggy, cutter, binder, mower, seed prieoumene. Robinson's wife is aloe having reached 100.000 mark according
drill, bulky rake, manure spreader, Ruder sentence of death for the mur- to the present claims is growing faster
Sulky plow new. walking Plot;, land der of the infant. than ever. They also visited Denver,
roller, cultivator, iron harrows, spade Salt Lake Cit San Francisco, Santa
barrows, seiner. wagon box, gravel Mr. Duncan C. Ross. ;.'1I, P. It for Rosa, and other places. Al the latter
box, hay rack, 16 feet long, new, fan- North Middlesex, was last Friday Voce theyvisiteMrs. Ford's neice,
ning mill, straw cutter, grind stone. nominated by the Liberals of west Nre. Mconald, a daughter of Carne!
root pulper, wheelbarrow, set double Middlesex to contest that riding ati
harness; set single harness. whiffle- the cdming election to fill the ea- ius Sweitzer, Blanshaid, Mr, Ford
trees, pack yokes, 100 sap pails, 2 saw- cancy paused by Mr. W. S. (Calvert found the climate fairly agreeable
ar kettles and a number of articles too being appointed to the National Rail- the auch ut t the
old Ip but. at be !s still well
numerous to mention. way Cammissior.. Mr. Robert e t+ -
rhe above stock will positively be Iaughlin was nominated as the !Con-
Sold as the proprietor is giving up servative candidate. The election 1
wall 'take place on the 10th of Nov. J May be largely increased by knowing the
exact condition of the farmer's market,
and by learning of the best method in
farm practice. This is precisely the
ou want a grass farm enquire about . James Harmer, of Fullerton died sort of information the Farmers' Weekly
this one, on Tuesday of last weak from injuries Sun gives in every issue. It has no equal
Tetras of Sale -On stock and bottle- received in a runaway :accident at as a Farmer's Business Paper. Good
ments, all sours of $5.011 end under Dlitcheil a few days previous. farmers rely on it. For price see our
cash; over that amount 10 mouths clubbing offer.
credit %vill be given on furnishing ep- A man named Robinson, of Ashfield
'prose ti joint notes or a discount of! vas before Judge Ilolt al Goderich
5 per cent. (ler annum off for cash on I recently, on a charge indecent assault
Credit amounts. Kind was sentenced two months in ibe
Tet nes of Farm --Five per cent. of county jail.
purchase price to be paid the day of ( The 'three Italians who got into
sale. ('r security for the same, and 10 trouble f loafing d St 1! ys
ieI tam to be sold is a grass farm,
being lot .l on the 4th ('on. of Hay,
containing 1111 acres. The Sauble )tie-
er runs through the above farm. If
Our Indian summer took a very
severe cold on (Tuesday.
Mr. \William Sbinner .is having 'his
or oa tog aroun arhouse reshingled•
per cent of the purchase price to be a fee weeks ago and were run in Mr. Frank Ballantyne the unset
paid :i months front the date of sale, and afterwards fined by P. M. Stan- driver between Exeter and St.'Marys
the balance may be left on the farm, ley, are not likely to visit the Stena has moved to Winchelsea and 'takes
of which ter:us will be made known Town again for some time. They the mail out to that place now. The
the (bier of sale. The purchaser will have just been aentenced to ten years mare has been staying in tlaimvilk
be allowed one month to search the each 1t Hamilton for attempting now for n good many years
title :at his own ,•xpense, nd if within 'black hand" work. Mr. John Tucker and Mr. George
that time, he furnishes the proprietor
After a severe and painful illness l:crs:akc err Laving their bons: s
in writing with any valid objection of several months, Mr. James A. An- thoroughly overhauled before moving
which he is unable or unwilling to re• hereon, a well known resident o[ Sea- into •them. They are making Alen:
amore, the deposit money shall he teforth, departed this life on Tuesday an addition to our town•
turned to the purchaser. Thos. Cam'
of lust aleck. Mr. Anderson was 65 Mr. James Earl is having his house
eron, Auctioneer; John ('ase, Prop. years of age. Ile had been a resid- Printed by Wm. Mack, of diitkton.
ent of Scafortb for upwards of thirty llallowe'en passed of very .quiet
years had been in the employ of the around here. The boys did plot take
town as street and drain foreman, the trros ubl gates ble f moving
ovi ngf their places.
having charge o[ the leen works un- White going to Whalen tea oil tMou-
Souae doctors get few compliments der ce. Ileewas o[ the :street eneL
tn(ticc. Sas a genial kind heart- day night Mr. Albert Andrews ;dry
'front their patients -it's those they ('d man and was well liked by all who collided with another rig and crowd -
leave behind that make the fuss. knew hint. Ile leaves n widow, but ed him out over tint end of a culvert
Sonne people would given good deal no [amity. The remains were inter- upsetting the rig and 'throwing Mr.
to know who their ancestors were! red in the Maitlandbank cemetery on and Mrs. Andrew and the boy out,
more would give more ,to know who Thursday. The deceased was a mem- and the horse ,ran away with the rig
they were not. i bar of the Ancient Order of Foresters upside down. Mr. Clarence Levy
Witter J. \\'ilrox, a wealthy Nems- and as a tribute of respect to the captured the horse but the buggy
('t h' a b;, n nominated by the Conser- memory of a deceased brother the was ctosiderab:y smashed up, and
vett,• - for North Essex to contest!odge nttcnded the funeral in a body. Mr. Andrew received n cut on th •
the' aiding in the cocaina bye -'fecal Mr. Wtn.'Cooper• of the Intron road,' bettuarter.y meeting was held iia
'lion. 11'tllelt, three miles west of Seaforlh• E:imtiUe Church on rrucsday a[ter-
Sinr, the po::tr cutitroversy ,corn- is not one of those farmers who think
melee d there is some alit•..lion its tot the orchard does not pay in fact he
whether Christopher Columbus ever, says it is one of the hist paying de -
reit( he el .America, and a committee; partments on (he farm. This year
mi 1.e appointed to pee if he lett a he had 125 barrels of apples for which
seet,en of gas pipe and a visitia4 he received $1.25 .a barrel, Eh: buyer
card where b.• landed. doing 'the peeking and provided the.
fli• Conservatives of North Middle- barrels, and all Mr. Cooper had to do
sex ni:1 sleet rat Ailsa Crsig on Mon.' was 10 pull the •frail. Last spring
day to nominate 11 candidate to con- Mr. Cooper bad the ground surnmcg •rains
test that riding at the comin,t bye- 1.ilowed, 'rhes not only nourished
election mad necessary owing to the the trees but had the effect of killing t'sy Enouch.
Saelnry created by Duncan C. Koss :1 lot of the worms and he Cays that • refir••1 1.ce bus a w,s'lc long.•r
resigning to contest West Middlesex as a result he had slot nearly as ,..t t', 1"'
for the Dorninion house. much wormy frail as in former years. dnl:r `••t•,-. how elm you
Ile 58354 it certainly pays to keep the lilt, . •, .,r time?"
C•n 1(1X11 Churchman : flow 1n1a1y trees prop •r.y pruned and the ground a r "'
o1 (1.r readers are aware that ,King tvel! cultivated. the result being a 1 t Ii rash not I."
l dtt.eid is a clergyman of the church bigger rciurn in money for the Is. I •• ' •'..'I. 1..'ir,r1.
of England in good standing, being ground occu('ii d rand the work re-1
prebendary of St. Uavid's in 1\'ai:s, iuired than for :any other farm crop.
Note and Comment.
U:ar, Innccenr 'Mined
Nubby while dressingt-That eon -
whet triol balani'' wns running In
head all night. \\•(fey -John, you
,tt tell the 111/1 11:1 and tun, be he
' e►we pro extra pay for working
midi r it ss11ary of $5 a year. and On d relay. Pei. 22nd, nt noon. In
entitled to preach one sermon a year his 75tb year, there passed pcace[aay
in the c:;1Indr.'1' away. at lilt late residence on M-
A rnon'.I, r petition. sign:d by t:►rio St.. en:• of C:inton's oldest and
nev, rel thous and persons. praying 1110.4 r, 1,, et (1 edtizc•ns. Alex. Me -
for . .. cmlive ea mcncy in 1h:' c i"• t:enzie. It.r11 on I • London !toad
of 'Ir -. Robinson. the lenfortun ti,, ,tear itr:;crfi.•:d. where he passed his
w011,.411 under eent:ttce of dt'a1h :at : 1►ayhou'l. Le received little aid from
Sudbury. etas pr('eented to the Klin -1 the 1sten : of 1b1t time, yet t.tlffi-
tee r of J etiee on Saturday by t\tree ei.vtt in i book -'owing home to awak-
Ad'le rt..,,rr ',lid ,Mr''. I'''1 . 1 'en a :o:.• of pa try and learning
meet's. ,.t r' "1". 1111 1. i.' f (1' h which never het him. At 19 he went
v.1tiu is 1 a r�. hes of Itt' N'1'o ' . , to London. Out., and v•rved Ih, long
Do'nat'e' ' (inlet'. wlto h.,,.• 1:;. 1''apprenticeship exacted, then gathered
the emit 1 els lion. Mr. .\)experience nt Scranton, Cetioi1 and
1101.1 1I..i., "d that .1.1 the• t pr• -(other American cilias. in 1860 he
sera' t .a:• n.: 0.• Vona b • Pn'Y''nl •d entered Ib,' enrp'oy of McTng tart &
i 'a a• . i •':i
h l i ail for 1 rr a ul •r t o f
to o n d
(vele. rcni•iininlr with them until the
r t a 1 'nada
h, imuti tr tun too Cfor 'a•'
tdi � ution of the firm. when h:• be -
Sept, mbar w a 1 15.313, ala increase of cause :1 menlb r or the succeeding
5_ 1.1'r cant. or- r S. ptcmb.•r. 1508. Lorin, rship and so Conlin ,ed until the
Th 'otel irnmi:ration Inc first s s tire) retired fieeit h 1-dn. 55 5010" 15
mote I'. of ' 1, present 1 .4:. it ye • r , • r + ago. In 11466 he married I.::is.t-
a, t. 1.,11)11• .: romp:,r,el u. tilt 101)'.7; 1' !h )'o'Iock. of whose companionship
F's. -e'- ; lin :-•c_3�.-073:31ndlts:s2101111:alt.o,.tll:w7wv
/ t1 c� U
_.'1:S rill 1a J V�17 'YI
Ir_redi„ Nits: .5:'lrhur. G4rerin. Q.'nin. Sodic :•n Chlorid.
cipsirum. :•ace. if (.:•oI. water. Perfume.
Ask )'our doctor if there is !'.v;11'itg ii:)tiriauf h:rt4.
Ask hila also it there is not i_hiluitl2 111trit h:rc.
I �. •
[)'P3 r t'' t r Fo.
'rams stica_aeeseay <u:rrraa.asrxa ala
Greedy Little. Sa:mon.
. alth• cie•.alnr.+ 11111) br very greedy
t yet 11., 1.e tilde to eat nitwit i,.r•
se u( .bear size, us ens Illustrate.!,
a inmate e, Ill 1!,e .":1s.• of a bat(•h 1)1
•'11 _III 1)) 111114' 1'1.1i:.K11: a:IIMoll that
•re Kit. heti out .11 the aqu:lritnu.
• a4' ming fishes ,melt Merin two
'we lung. would rat so much that
tr little stand' ht fairly stuck out.
1 tel 1.1 (veil the avhele 20.000 took
Iv unit ' petite' of Liver and n
in of beret s•.; r,se botb chopped
An reception.
1 r
n4'rchan sold h t. "i 11
1 1lrink.' e•
.5 to lire your t'r'end folk. 1 never
v ant .5111' Witt. !.0 lazy."
�lu,v lu ewerythIn.. Is het"
Nu n •t everything fie gets tired
• k enough "- F.xehange.
When shown positive and reliable proof that a certain 1
remedy had cured numerous cases of female ills, wouldn'ti
any sensible woman conclude that the same remedy would
also benefit her if suffering with the same trouble?
Here are two letters which prove the efficiency of Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Glanford Station, Ont.- "I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound for years and never found any medicine to
compare with it. I had ulcers and falling of the uterus, and doc-
tors did me no good. i suffered dreadfully until I began taking
your medicine. It has also helped other women to whom I have
recommended it." -Mrs. Henry Clark, Glanford Station,Ontarlo.
Another woman says Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound is the best remedy in the world for women.
Fox Creek, N. I3. -"I have always had pains in the loins and
a weakness there, and often after my meals my food would dis-
tress oto and cause soreness. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound has done 1110 Much good. 1 am stronger, digestion
is better, and 1 ctrl walk with ambition. I have encouraged
many mothers of families to take it, as it is the best remedy in
the world for women. You can publish this in the papers."
-Mrs. William Bourque, Fox Creek, N. I1., Canada. .
• We will pay a handsome reward to any person who will
prove to us that these letters arc not genuine and truthful
-or that either of these women were paid in any way for
their testimonials, or that the letters are published without
their permission, or that the original letter from each did
not come to us entirely unsolicited.
What more proof can any one ask ?
For 30 years Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable
Compound has been the standard remedy for
female ills. No sick woman does justice to
herself who will not try this famous medicine.
Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and
has thousands of cures to its credit.
OrrMrs. l'inkhai n invites all sick women
to write her for advice. She has
guided thousands to stealth free of charge.
Address Mrs. Plnkbaln, Lynn, Mass.
He Worked on Floor.
Keir Hardie, labor member of the
'tr't,sh Parliament, is noted for the
enrelossnesa of his attire. Not long
. at hen same repairs were being
e to the House of ('ommons. Mr.
iier'Iie was lounging in the library.
when he was accosted by a friendly
policeman, who failed to recognize
tem in his Somewhat shabby clothes.
"Clio. matey," exclaimed the mann in
b!ce. "are you working 'eref" "Yee,"
replied Mr. 'birdie. laconically. "On
the roof?" "No," s'tid the labor lead-
er. with a quiet smile, "not on the
roof. I work en the floor of this
From now till January
1st, 1911, tor
$1 .60
IHEN you order Syrup
emphasize the name
this name means that
you want the best --the purest -
the most wholesome and reliable
table syrup it is possible to
So perfect anti genuinely deli.
cions is "Crown Brand Syrup"
that you'll enjoy its flavor abdut
ten times more than that of Any
other make.
It costs you no more than ordi-
nary syrup and yet it is purer,
better, and more wholesome in
every way. It is tine greatest
food for growing children, and
can be given in any quantity
"Crown Brant) Syrup" is put
tip in 2. e. to and 20 Ib. airtight
tins, with lift-off lids.
When you buy "Crown Brand"
you obtain a Syrup nl clear 89
crystal and of guaranteed purity
and wholesomeness.
The Edwardsburg Starch Co.
offices. 4'0
The lVlolsons Bank
Incorporated 1855
CAP TAL (paid up) $3 500.000 00
.... S3.500.000.0O
(:has ;65 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents iu all the
Principal Cities in the World.
General Banking Business Transacted.
Savings Bank Department
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate,
IIDickson dt Carling, Solicitors. N. D. H U R DON, Manager
NHNNNNN•tiiNN ot1e•NdNeNN•••••••NVil
B. E. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000,0Q9
ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Ilasieger Reserve Fund, - 6,000,00000
DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS sold, and money transferred by
telegraph or letter.
COLLECTIONS made in all parts of Canada and in foreign countrielii,
FOREIGN BUSINESS. Cheques and drafts on the United Stat411,
Great Britain and other foreign countries bought and sold. 123
Exeter Branch-G.W Harrison, Manager
Ilranab also at Creditor.
D. D. S., Dentist, Member o f
flIghOrdUc lidilOs R. C• . ., of Ontario and Honor
Graduate of Toronto University.
OFFICE: -Over Dickson & Carling's
Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former
dental parlors
Are a Pleasure to their
We have sold and are selling a great
many high class pianos and our num
erous satisfied customers is the strong
est guarantee of this assertion.
DR. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D
D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto
Dental Surgeon
Our pianos to -day are the best that Office over Gladman & Stanbury
_he best Piano makers produce and Main street -EXETER.
our prices are right.
Do not be too quick to believe per- J• W W. BROWNING, M. D., M. 0
eons who tell you different from the ' S„ Graduate Victoria UR
I varsity. office and realdenence. Dominica
above for the purpose of selling you Laboratory. Exeter.
cheap and in some cases trashy goods 1 Associate Coroner of Huron.
at big prices.
Call and see Us
and pe convinced that what we say
we live up to.
S. Martin & son
Here's Good News 1
The market prices for old junk
are alive and so is
The Old Reliable Firm
M. Jackson & Son
one door south of the Metropoli-
tan. Just look at the following
prices (no trade, and no truck)
all cash.
Rags 75 c. per hundred
Iron from Mc. to 75c. per hum.
Old rubber boots & shoes 7c. Ib.
Copper and brass 9c. per lb.
Harse hair :10c. per lb.
Lead and zinc 2 1/2c. per lb.
Bring your goods here and get
the worth of your money.
A great variety of .IRON
Pi PEalways on hand at a rea-
sonable price, suitable for fence
posts, bracing bonlevarding.
` M. Jackson & Sons
synopsis of llie Condign No[ld wos1
Any person who is the so:e head
of a family, or any male over 11
years old may homestead a quarter
sectoni of available Dominion !and le
el:utitob.a. Saskatchewan. or Alberta
The applicant roust appear in person
31 the Dominion Lamle Agouey or
Sub -agency for the distiict. Entry by
proxy may be had at the agenoy, on
tee lain conditions, by father, tuothet
•u11, daughter, brother, or sister of
attending homesteader.
Duti.'s:-Six months reeidencc upon
sod cultivation of the land in enol,
of thee. years. A boniest elder may
r w" milesofhis oro. -
la a (thin nine h
stead on a 'farts of at least FO acre.
coaly owned and occupied by him or
tie, father, mother, son, daughter
Mother or 'dater. Tochock nstircolds r,r(cript.e. ' "i'reventtes,
tarn,'4 %UN •tef.•nt for i'1'eal'le ilia. 1 .'top a ruled
in certain districts a hotncstealer with i'tever'ticslssaf••rthan tolrtltnal and he
n good standing uuty pre-empt . 0444.0 to cure 1t afterwenls. To bo sure. ire.
• ratter sratiotr alongside his beans- y-nties will cure even a drrpty cental eo1.1. but
1' g• taken catty -at th" s,'•*ze sat" -they bunk, or
itea.t. Pt :co $:1. per acre. Duties- '•e"Iel thee, early told+ that's sorely better.
M est reside Six month. incaoh of ai a ilia s why th"y rare e•a11 d 1'recentles.
r.rvratlesam' little ca,', ('.ld a'ura's N. y'tn-
ye•ara frotn date of homestead entry nMhlnp d.ickening. Nlee f'Q.r`the
(including 1 he time required to care ch11'lren-and thnmtlg y .ata too. U you f.el
homestead patent) and eu:tivtas cheely.ifyou sneeze. if -nu ache elloveR think of
fifty acres extra. I'r••centice. emmetness trot • 5110 save half sour
1i+•u.) mettles". And d' . t tprg, t your chidIt
A homestead- r t\ ho has. exhausted 1 lh.•r.• I, Mvetistin.- i. 7.101111 dst. Herein pro.
humps/end r a 1 t rand cannot ob. ),lYT. ties l'revrntiem ;tritest emrlency. sold In
Iw,ses sot eh•, pnr•k' ;tritest
in •LM 1s,rrs 0f 40
teen a preemption may take a 1'ror• 'res,.ntir. lneatuayn1:r dn:gittit!. Rinne yo0
r.l'ca�td hotnestead in errtii11 'tistrrt.
Price $3. per acre. Ihtties.-tits,.'
reside six mon 31•4 in each of thr•'.
rears, eultiv•tte f.fty acres and tree'' Preven*ics
a house „nr'h �30o.nJ.
W. w, CARP,
tepee or the Minister '•1 the InYrt.0
N. 11. -Unauthorised piLlkrrinn of this ►d.ertA,, f
went will wet be paid for
HR. Bright, M. D., M.C. P. and
Honor Graduate Toronto Uri.
iversity. Two years resident physician
Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. Office
and residence, Dr. Antos' old stand
Andrew Street, Exeter.
We have unlimited private funds for iamb
-sof upon farm or village croperfy at lowest
r Nee Of interest.
Benlatsve Solicitors, Notaries. Uoaveyamelee
Oommtsttonere, Solicitors toe 'be Mo 1s0.1
Bank. Ttifo.
flossy to Loan at lowest rates of taterest
i OARLING 0.A. In H. x (Galt■
Ws have a large amount of private toads
s eoafm and villageproperuee at lowraf0
Barristers Solid tong. Main t. nein
Conveyancer Accounts Collected
MONEY to loan at lowest wee,
North Nest Lands for Sale.
Office. Main Street. Exeter
Tne Usborne and Hibbert
Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur-
ance Gompanu
Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.
Prceident-J. L. RUSSELL.
Vioe_President-W. 11, PAS/MORS
JOHN EMERY. Exeter. agent tt{H
Ueborno and It[rldulph.
OLIVER IIARRIS, Munro, assn$
for Hibbert, Fullerton and Logan -
becy.Treas. Fa i c a t e r
(MADMAN & STANBI HY. 8r,lltItore
Stop That Cold