Exeter Times, 1909-11-04, Page 3TIIE POST OFFIOE REPORT Enormous Increase in Canada's Business During Last Year. A ties arch from Ottawa says: it, letters for ideal delivery. The The a !'.report of the Postrnas- tete! number of one cent stamps is - ter -General covering the last fiscal sued Was 51,32(,000. pass - year shows that the number of let- The total number of letters ing through ('attadiau mails dur- ters and i,ostcard.s handled in the ing the last fires) year w•as •11 -1. - !CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS HAPPENINGS 'Tow ALL OVER THE GLOHit. IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND !TNE WORLD'S, • WHETS TS NEWS R1' MAIL .tllol•T JOHN 1111.L AND HIS PEOPLE. REPORTS F'Ito11 THE I.F:.IDIN(, TRADE ('F:MRCS. Prices of Cattle. Grain, Cheese and Occurrences la the I.and That Other Dairy Produce at Reigus Supreme la the Com- Houle aad Abroad. otercial World. I:RF:.1f)STCI'fS. A large dogfish was caught by Toronto, Nov. 2. --Flour On - Mr. E. Glover while angling off tario wheat 90 per cent. patents, Southend. $4.20 to $1.30 in buyers' sacks on The parish hall of St. Margaret's, track, Toronto, and t31.10 to $4.13 marls dunug the year increased by of Marine ,1111 F'isltrries. near Dover, was totatiy de.,•.roye 1 outside in buyer,' sacks. Manitoba eoleyee and er these no less than by fire recently• flour, first ► 18,905,00e, er over four per cent., e1,10�i were unsta►mlt l and were 'the industrial system of the Cen- patents, $.i.(') on track, a:, compared with the preceding sent to the dead 1,•tler office. t►al Prison has been Adopted (ot the Stung on the foot by a wasp, Toronto; sr0unet patent,, *5.10 to twelve menthe The number of 1 As usual, Termite heads the list prison in Pretoria, Transvaal, Mrs. Kerridge, of Great Chests •EIS.` -0, and strong bakers', $L00 to post.,ltice•c increased Clete and there of cities in volume of mail matter Mr. John '1'. Nielson give (310.040 ford, Essex, soon after collet"'i $, un (rack. Torol,lu. was an increase of 2,031 miles in' handled. The area postal revenue to wipe out the debt on fit. Thu- and died. Marrituba \Cheat ,\u. 1 \urthcrn the calcul of the system over which for the �it was *1,513.310. alas' .Anglican Church of Mont- 'I'Iht• Queen carried off all the b rt E;l•03, flay ports, and No. Kurth- the mails were carried. The rev- Montreal comes next. with re- real• eV; for basset hounds at the 'Aar ern, *1.01 , Bay ports, roue of the department for the year) ccipta of Ec903,729. and \Cinnipeg The body of an unknown Italian n :11th Dog Show, as wed as lira Ontario Wheat --No. 2 mixed $1. - was $809,237 in excess of the ex- third, with *580,3.s . The mail bnsi_ was found in the wends near ('old- prize in the borzoi class. 01 to *1.02 outside, :old No. while penditure. The stump issue luta!- ness of other cities it shown by the stream, 11. U., and k is supposed A ant) red Winter, $1.0e elltsicte. _ led $9,91+;,011. an increase of $530,- he may have been shot by limiters. collected 110,000 t postuglIc�tatnpss Barleys -No. 2, 57 to 58e outside, following figures of gross revenue and No. 3 extra, bOc outside. 003, or a little over six per cent. for the year :—Vancouver, $203,935; Isaac Garlough was acquitted by The hubby has occupied his spare Tho introduction of the one cent' Ottawa, $199,391: Hamilton. $184,- a jury at Cornwall of the murder -time for nine years. drop -letter rate in cities was re -17:11; London, $141.985; Halifax, of Ross ltrickstead. He fired out St. Bartholomew's Hospital has spuneibte for a very large increase' $113,555, and St. John, $109,820. of a window towards some men who received $12,500, being moiety of were annoying hint, and Briekstead the legacy left by Mrs. .t. J. Hot - was found dead near the place next morning. born for that purpose. (ILtEAT BRITAIN. Mr. J. M. Barrie. the author. is said to be begging his divorce -.I wife to wed hint again. The Unionist. candidate was re- turned in the Bermondtov bye -elec- tion )w a majority of 987. It is nntlerstnod that Mr. Her- l•ert Cladst•llte will be offeree! the Telegraphic Briefs from One Owe aid Other Countries of Retest Etests. CANADA. The new gates have been placed in the Sault Ste. Marie Canal. Mr. George J. 1)esbarats will he gazetted shortly as Deputy Minister MARTIANS ALL Di:S'TROYED. FORGER SWINDLES II.tN K. Gloom)* Yellow Veil 1inIhates (t. -tnierh•an Operates on imperial in gantic Catastrophe. Nelson. B. C. A despatch front London says : The Journal of the British Astrono- mical :lsnoeiatiun. referring to the changes observed in Mars in Sep- tember, says those phenomena are unparalleled in past records. The obliteration of the markings on the surface of the planet. by a gloomy yellow veil indicates some catas- trophe un a giascale, some cataclysm whit `lv the most violent Tellurian retake. May be the abnormal erica! condi- tions of the sun, whte'h, according to Sir Oliver Lodge, the noted sci- entist, .caused the recent magnetic storm on the earth, had a far more terrible influence on Jars. They may have unloosed forces, which, if Prof. Lowell's theory concerning life on Mars is correct, may hate ended fereve►• t!r•• Martians' strug- gle for life. A despatch from Nelson. B. C., says: The Imperial }lank here has been swindled out of $2,000 by a slick anleriean forger, who gave the name of John Woolton. The mat- ter has ben kept quiet for sonic time in the hope of catching the Hating ined work and (Lawn criminal, but the facts are now pub- host of Governor-General of UnitedUnitedhi. fast btai fur twenty weeks a obta lie. Wootton carne here from Se_ South .(fries. attle, was introduced by a local ' t17Bedforl., who confessed in London Ilolton collier is alleged to have got rancher named If. S. • )hnstono andt at b"had murdered Ethel Kin- dritak and attempted to hang 17iu1- deposited a certified cheek nn a Se- rade in Hamilton, has been re- atrle hank for $2,000. He drew 'mantled once -more. Sir Hobert feel has decided to $I00 at once and shortly afterwards! Premier Asquith announced his dispose of part of the Peel family 81,990, the latter fur paym•'rrt for a' toltention of moving for the rejce- estates in Warwickshire and Staf- fruit ranch he said he had purchas_ . tion of all amendments to the Ir- fordshire, which are about 1,000 ed. Then be went. to Rossland and rsh land hill'mnde by Clic House of was traeed to Revelstoke. from; Lords. which point he travelled east and -- --- disappeared. The bank was advised; UNITED STATES. from Seattle that the certifying! The lowa suffraeettes have decid- Tnentr-five members of Man- chester Council have been formed into a committee to enquire into the feasibility of a better method of city government. -Belle Yue, Manchester, has re- ceived an addition to its natural l istery collection in a gerfalcon, a bird which was once in high favor for falconry. acres in extent. Hives of bees by hundreds have been removed from the large towns and villages to the moors in the Richmond and neighboring districts atAltll► w•as forget and the check eco to follow in the stens of their 1'erkshire. THF, DAIRY MARKETS. worthless. In Wooltot's grip, militant sisters in England. At Spalding the Holland (Lincoht- THIN1t:S I1 -\RS SAFE. found at Rossland by the police, tender forntyCouncil accepted a I�utt tubs andr -- i large pulls 22 to ('arriage builder8 in the 1'nited 21 c20 to A despatch from Washington were a number of slarul,s for se in Staten 8ny that the demand fur River a new bridge over theg J Prof.marking cheeks ter \\'elland at hosdyke, to cost Y1c; inferior, 17 to f9c; creamery, says: 1 ref. tery 1 Hall of the, and it is thought. horse-drawn vehicles is greater• nearly Weiland 2r; to `rtes and solids, 21 to 25e per Naval Obsertstory is of the opin- that Woolton was one of a gang; than it. ever was. lb ion that no great change has roc- who have done sours extensive • ,1 woman on her way to juin her 1 , the will has been 'raved of Jtrs. E s-- s curly occurred in the planet Mars. swindling in the west lately. husband, A coal miner, in :11hei•trt !! Sarah Elizabeth Maitland Tombs gq C t c lots, 27 to 28e per --- ----- • Hutchinson of ('heltenham, the cid_ dozen for fresh, and 25 to 26c fur The planet is no closer to the earth -- was ordered deported front New 1 forage. than it has been for fifteen years, THEFTS OF' F'RF:IG 111'. York to Germany with her two chit. l est surviving descendant of Robert g and Hall (las been making• -- BurnB. She left $3,2.90. ('Fees( --12 tr. 12%c per Ib. for In the C. P. R. Yards at Fort Wil. (leen. C'harlic Rowell, once the most larges and at 13% to 14�Yc for r Prof.l'rt observations liar of its np nes. Prof. Hall has noted liam. CENTRAL. fatuous runner in the world, whotwins. he unusual n113011 marked by melt -broke many long distance records in g snow, but he does not believe A despatch from . Fort William The .lustrian I►udaet shows a de- England and America, died almost t any disturbance of an extra- says: For several months past ear- • ftc;t of over ton million dollars. penniless at. Cambridge recently. tate' ..'rt has affected Mars or robbers have been systematically itt The death oC' f Prince Ito will not The Ilford Education ummittee sun spots hate registered llwork in the C. 1'. R. vards hero in a :; alter Japan'attitude towards has instructed its head teachers to u i1- shit(' of deteetiyes and police. T)ur ('urea. on the planet. discontinue the long-standing prat-. ,,1,__`_ ing three months about $1,000 worth' The German Government has es- tics of utilizing scholars for the pur- er paekage freight has been stot:•n trl►lished a high school at Tsingtatt, pose of making inquiries itt the cas- 'It Tilt»); W11'11 FRANCE. from ears and Rheas. and it was not China. es of ahsenteea. until Tuesday that eines were se. Australia approved the sehetre of "He has given me seven block Likely to lulproye When Trade cured tthich e•arranted arrests. On exchanging warships with the Brit- eyes Treaty Becomes Effective. + Wednesday four enhpleyee s of the isb nary. 1 in our st ac it yeards' marrtbin iedd ( company were placed under arrest, I Omit property damage and, it is shut downnd tttiteelidt, snidisl'ntierce Adespatch from Ottawa says: Thee Franco-('atadian steamship (barged with thefts. Their names feared. loss of life were caused by Newman when sent to prison nt r are James Miller. checker; Mike a tile(! wave in the Mexican Stat • Norwich for assaulting her hits - service, which the Allan Line has i., let •k 1 TO. N. R. !SBBANCI{INGOUT Intends Establishing Fleets of Vessels on Both Oceans. -'1 despatch from Winnipeg says: surprise to hint, happening aftelt' Mr. D. 1). Mann, First Vice•Prtsi- he left. He had no comment to dent of the Canadian Northern make, but lie regarded the deal of Railway, arrived on Monday, and reasonable 111711 talc. Xegotiatiottltt made a statement that directly (t duets tt year ago and had been run - N R. steel reaches the Pacific ducted t►ith the Premier through coast, first-class liners, equal to any the Cab (;(neral been ser, in Mr, q the ('shiner had Leen seen. :1i r, afloat, would be launched on both Mann declared that, while (:nverit- oc•eans, this being one result of the Ment assistance was necessary for far-reaching arrangement between transcontinental lint's, private capi- ilr. Mann and the British Columbia (al could construct branch lines, F.xecutite' but vast tracts of unsettled uutrntry Mr. Mann prophesied that the ef- could not be spanned by cornpunies feet of Canadian Northern trans- unaided. Referring to the eoustruc- continental competition would be true on the prairies, he said that es great a stimulus as the original five hundred miles of C. N. R. 1r coating of the C. P. Be He ex- rack had been graded this summer, ,1111 plaited that the resignation of Non. two hundred and fifty miles of steel Oats _see 2 Ontario white, new, Messrs. Fulton and Tatlow, of the laid. Another hundred would be 37 to 37!_e outside. New Canada British Columbia Cabinet, was a completed this year. West oats, 38%e for No. 2, and 37,14 for No. 3, Bay ports. MAN BURNER '1'0 DEATH. Peas -8O to 87c outside. _ Ityo—No. 2, 71 to 72c outside. Supposed He Sel Eire to His Bed Enormous Volume Pouring ilottn Buckwheat -55 to 56e outside. Corn—No. 2 American yellow, 69 While Smoking. to hake Front. to 09i_c on track, Toronto. A despatch from Quebec says: A despatch from Winnipeg saver Bran—$.21.00 in bags, and shorts A railway laborer named Irvine, Inspector Gibbs of Fort 11'illiant $23.30 to $_,1 in bugs. said to be an Englishman, aged has compiled some interesting data about 45 years, who recently (•ante as to the receipts of cars at t):e COUNTRY 1'ROi)t"('t:. t0, this uountry, was burned to lake terminals this season, Celli- ► �_ death on Thursday evening in 1,i. pared with 1908. From September • pples—$1.23 to $3 per barrel, boarding house, kept by Mrs, 1 to Oct. 21, 21.771 ears of wheat, according to quality. O'Connor, St. James street, Lower 2 Beans--$l.c;o to (1.73 per bushel Town. The fire originated in the '030 ears of oats, 1,022 cars of kar- at outside po;ttts. attic room, which Irvine occupied,ley, and 101 cars of flax reached Hooey—Conchs, dozen, $2.25 to and it is presumed that, lying dowthe waterfront, t, making a gran to - *3; eye rated, lOt• per Ib. on his hod to smoke he fell asleepcal of _5,tte cars, against t ; est Hn,V—\o. I timothy, :';Ie to $10 and set fire to the bed, that soofor the same, period in 190•(. Of a ton on truck here, and No. 2, $14 enveloped the upper these cars, the C. P. R. carried tee fu 111-1.50. parts of the 70.1, an increase over last year of house in flames. The fire brigade, ee per cent., and the C. N. 1!. 8. - Potatoes -50 to $9.55. however, soon subdued the fire, Potatoes -50 to 55c per bag on which gutted the upper portion (,f' 491 cars, an increase of it per cent, track for Ontarios• the building, and the charred re- over last year. Of this enormous Poultry—Chickens, dressed, 12 to mains of Irvine were found later. total of ears, only 614 were con - 13e per Ib. ; fowl, 9 to 10e; turkeyssigned to Kings elevator, which is 17 to I8e per Ib. ; ducks, lb., l 1 to ► — kreiwn as the Fossas( elevator. 17 t se•0 ' 12c per lb. 1 OISO\F'D 11!'11-Ill'1t R1.1.1.:TS This speaks volumes for the condi- - tion of the crop. 'I'IIF: STREAM OF U'11E.\T.1 l:0en perforuu+lg, is likely to b„ ' rat • ndy Gay(.. and like of '[stbaseo. f)urie3i, Hungarian freight -band- The German Imperial Govern - greatly unproved in coneequcnee of lers, the improten<' ,nt in trade which is moat requested 11.1e Federal Gov _`{ --__ ernrnenfs to has1eti their report on eepeeled t follow' the French - Treaty becoming effective. At pre- f1•;TI•fIONS F'011 (1.1:11E\('1', the int:ednclion of an unearned in. sent,the contract rayls for fifteensee - crenlent land tax. round trips a year for a subsidy of 11n111irer1 '1Ito7rsand 1'et•son3 Want in --~--•'H two hundred th.,nsand dollars. TheSave Mrs. Robinson. MONEY 1N POT.ITOI•:S. contract is expiring, but will likely be renewed with the sante compaity at, the basis of a fortnightly service. -- --.;, TO NERVE, F;.1 III, GItE:Y. lip_____ Earl of Lane+boraitgli .tppoiuhot Military Seereltiry. A despatch from London. Eng- land, says: The Earl of Lariesbor- otlgh has (won appointed military secretary t„ 11 Oevernnr General of Canada, ts .• sir .fohn Ifnnhury- 11"illi:uns. r,•,ien•',1 to assume the Northern ntilit ti, command. band. Of a weight and size adapted to the chase, a stone axe -hammer belonging to the later ,Stone Age, probahty some thousands of years ago, has been found by a workman near Rere Alston, Devon. The King was awarded the silver Nogg medal for a remarkably tine -1 despatch from Ottawa says:butte,' of grapes from the world - The clerks of the Department of 'fhey PIIS Heller Tilau Wheat (Flt 13/1144113 Vine at Hampton ('hurt, at Justice who Have been struggling West. the fortnightly shote of the Royal with the fhud of letters and post .1 despatch front Winnipeg saes: Horticultural Society at \Cestinin- cards pouring in during the pasta Fanners with large 11 ream under ster. fortnight praying for clemency for HOG PRODUCTS. Haeon--Long clear, 11'.. to 14Nc ',et' Ib. in case lets; mess pork, $26 to $.26,.50; short cut, $27.90. Hants—Light to medium, 15 to 11;e: de., heavy. 1-1 to 11' .c; rolls, 11'., to Ise; shoulders, 12', to 13c; hacks, 19 to 20e; breakfast bacon, 17!j to 18c. Lard --Tierces, 15%e; tubs, 15!...;e; tails, l5'',e. JI ON'I' 111•:.1 L M:% IIK I•:T. Montreal, Nov. 2. Mianitoba spring wheat patents, first., $3.74); tin, secomis. `15.20; winter wheat patents, $.'.31); th,., strong bakers', $5; straight rouses,' $5 to 85.25; do., in bags. 82.8x,Jlill- feed -- Onoirio bran, $21 to S22; do., Middlings, $23.50 to 824; llanitt.- ba bran, $21; do., shorts, 823 to $21; pure grain mnnill', $32 to $:3:3; mixed leonine, ;123 to 427. Rolled ()els Per itarrel, $1.70; do.. per bag. 52.2e: cornmeal. per barrel, f(:'.70 to ee.90. Eggs- Seleetct, stock art!, 71 years old, wleen she charas- (.r struetnre on the plans of whit l-otatoes this vette are malting more Mr. \Citli.t a Tait, who for teen- Mrs. llnittrliotl, 11 1 1 i4 under sen- � money. reit of tuber, than out. of tt six ye ars was steward of the -' to 24t , and Ne. 1 candled at `(tie terizes a. "My halls','' passed a /Hoard Of engineers is new work• (('(lee to be ialtgrel at Sudbury next. wheat, altli iugll the latter in Welt king's show and Flemish farms At. (u 21;e• pier dozen; ('IH'e8s 1\'(`8t- tl.tu11K11 111►e ell\ ell 1(lIttl` 11011) ;11x- nu,nth. estimate that etre 100.000' el•ns, f1:::(, to II';c• ami eastel•ns, noel, Mo., to the Ozark regions, persons have now been heard front. I in prier And potator8 nhnorn►a))y Windsor, died in Scotland recent-' low. Ons f;trruer at Bnln(,rnl sr. k. His (other was steward of the 111 tie 111,c. hotter -Finest t•i.:ort• where they are going fur the sen'', Thr case will corns before the Cale I cured A yield of 1't0 ;umbels ter acre royal farms before him for twenty - inct Council I{'as Used by the Man Who .Assas- sinated Prince Ito. A despatch from Harbin, Man- churia, says: The assassin of Prince 1t(4 1%as identified on Thursday as Inchan .lntean. n former editor of it newspaper at Seoul. He said Viet he was one of an organization of twenty Koreans who had taken an oath that they would kill the Japanese statesman, The assassin used diun-dam ballets, which had been poisoned with cyanide. $10,0(11.000 COMPANY. (;igaofie Ship -building Concern foe Halifax. :1 despatch from Montreal sayst Clarence I. 1>e Sola, wile i; the (':t. ratchet' representative of Swan Hun- ter and \\'ighant Richardson, the big Newcastle shipbuilding concern, stated on Wednesday that the re- port WAS quite correct that the eutlipany had purchased land in Lite vicinity of Halifax. }Beyond that, he could nut go. It teas learned, INDEFATIGABLE 1.1t•xC'IIED. however, f•o,n another source that Britain's Largest .(emote(! Cruiser preparations were being made at Halifax for application to Ottawa Ilas '_7 -knot Speed. for it charter fur a contemn. capi- talized at *10,000,000 and that tho scheme of this company was most IaTgest armored cruiser, was comprehensive. A gentleman in launched at the Devonport yards (•lose touch with the situation stated on Thursday. Slot is an improved that the (iol'er'lnlletil'm intentions in te-,el of the Inflexible type. Site the (natter would not he Announced i of 19,000 tons burden, with 45,- until the opening of Parliament. 0t0 horse -power, and Int estimated fhe proposal in question was not speed of 27 knots an hour. The new• the only one with which the (;uv. fighter is 570 felt lung and has a ernntent would hate to deal. beam of 80 feet. Site will curry + eight 12 -inch and twenty 4 -incl► N1:11' Ql'E111;(' BRIDGE. guns. -- Government Calling for Tendert( A despatch from London says: The indefatigable, Great Britain's SOR1ty SHE SMOKED. Mrs. 11uga11 1'e:tis 11 Will Shorten Her Life. .1 despatch from Kansas ('ity says: Mrs. Indiana Hogtill, lel years old. and her sof,, Leri Hew - for Removal of ((sheat. .1 despatch front Ottani sayer The lee eminent is calling for ten- drs fur the removal of the debris 11 the hid Quebec Bridge front tit* south shore where the collapse oc- curred. This is the first step toward replacing it with the new and far . to the regular way asl on him patch, whish, at. 27 cent 8, four years. Roue ns the Minister of Justice hats ; ,;ave hint $129 per acre return. Ws Haying had •.ne of its lest brok• ('onsi(I(•red tit(' report of the trial hest wheat was senrccly "7,ee.„,,e0h en by being rim cater. a gander be .fudge and the full report of the re that.. Potatoes t114. rit remarkably heavy crop this year. prIT FIGHT THE IIOOK%YORM John D. Rockefeller Has Giv,;u One Million Dollars, A deapar'r ..n New- York says: parasite often lowers the vita)- A gift of 41.•)t11),,lt)0 by Jelin11. { ity of thea• elm are affected as In Rockefeller t., fight the hook -worst � retard their physical and mento( disease was ntinotul(ed at th,• ef- deyell,pnlrnt, render them more sus- fi,e, of the Stand:trd (1j! t empt ny eeptiblc to other diseases, make here late eel Iltursduy. :1 (Ie,., it labor Iris eflicient. and in the see - well -knots it (,locators an 1 s,•:, n- ti,•ns where the nollnely 1, most pre. 3lsts. "t'lbe•t.'.l in btrge part from 11t- valent greatly 111.•Ieases the death stitetions of learning itt the south, t tate from censutul.tie,n pnenrnenin ery, 2:11, to 21c per 11). Turk -- Heavy Canada short cut mess pork, barrels. sell : Canada slier( cut hack pork. pork allfat. licaNy lirewlnilhrand. ehone. longing to Mr. S. Harlon, of Brampton, Cumberland, has been I less pork, all fat. $:31 : henry clear supplied with a wooden leg, and 1 hacks. 1ery all fit1, fs3' follows the rest of the geese about' t late beef, tierce,, *21.30. NINE HI'it'l' iN F;XPLOSION. the farm with (vise. I - -- Mor*' than 5.2.50,000 herrings were 1,11 I•. S1O('K MAiIKETS. Portion of Parker & ('o.'s Dye, landed by fishing boats at Grimsby Meat -eat. Nov. •2. - ' 11'nrke. Toronto. %reeked, it one day reeentb.. Fishermen of Prime beet's Moray Eirtil'trite had 81101 n :,1111 nt 5 l0 ..-11,0, per Ib,; prct1 .1 cletpnt0h (nen 'forfeit(' s.tys : )tool( geed minuets front :11, to •ll,e ; colll- 1:iti{ht men and n hov weer injure,( 'season that one sailing boat has nom stock at 2 to 3';e per lb., with two of 'hem 'eriou.4l%, in an 1",141"-i corned tRnttt in G :, nawee, and Iran canners at about 1'.e per ill. mien of ass/dine t,n Thursday in n mlenmheat look Reno a tv<•ek for' !ieyelltCrn weeks. There was a large proportion of the clenlliit, neon. known 88 the benzine roue». o1 it. Parker A- ('ern- j party's dye works at 791 Yonne street. The striotere was pnrtin!- TIiI; 11'110N4; 1i t\, it wrecked. and Hobert Harris, lite - i acre Grass-fed, 111111 some of them foreman. was horlily Flown thronitb' F'lencb 1lotnanThrew Vitriol in Tenn: the) sold at from 3 to is per' :t window and buried ender debris 11.- • C,•�•d telly. 5 to 5' e ler lb. - Ills Fare.1 O nn adjacent Line. The damage sh.•,•o, : , to : per lb, ; (,nibs 1 done to the building and centeres' A %semen was tried in Paris last ,,t to .i',e iter 11.. (;cosi lots of 1 uas about k17)..h.e. uhieli is fully work for throe ieg %etre! in the face fat hogs. ?I' , 10 Y',•• per 111. 1 A despatch fret) Tero'tosays: 0,.4.•10,1 le. Ile testi e. of n man whom she did net knew-. ' Tru•ont,,. N,,. 2. The demand for ()Wade is leaking rapid progress where the i,:trasite is prevalent. , typhoid fever tied malaria. it hum' but had mistaken for her recreant choice butcher,' was strong. with („„ase, terse tern((-(, accordi1,to lover, The victim 1.,8t the sight of • the result that prime picked steers; I g re called in conference with JIT.. I been shown that the leesied vi -;the ofli(10 figures' ocliefeller's representatives last Inlity 01 ntuitittt,' . long ;it trih(te,i Fel 1 1\ 111 I'll( "1'11\, one eye, but a Paris jary acquit-, sold up to iz5.2e: other select lots of the Prot tiestla'.'. and as it rts,lit of the di;- Ito (malaria and r1 1., Itr '11 1 •.•1'7..11._ fed the woman. .1fterward site and • %tete sold at $5 to s-,.10; ordinary, l.lc•••Ilv' lt('1„(1'tttlrllt. unsiott ,4t the situation tic (to:•ke- lt• affecting e., 1, I.. t nettle%e Al. et Mooned in Patine iter iot•rr wrrr rero►,filed. :After good leads at $1.:701 1 - '1 'u, Stock- This Fear there are to :711 •• ::•'• feller Ceni lissien f,;1• the 1•:radira- i., in fact. 'at . •1. ,, . ,. ,, !elicit,. :et 1lnntreal. recounting lbws meet`. a sarcastic ere told fecdere me!, t,, our” Heller licenses throughout the 1're% ! emir dis. IoA(1 Lf lisu►it,4ba Fccdcr selling at ince, ..f which 2,010 are tavern, _':,, lion el the Hook It 1.11.1 Disease term trlel9 1,. (ill- 1•:1• r 1•t„ writer demands; 1rganiir'l. ! 1 dr(;n,tcli froth \lontt(il ave: "t*ltiit of it 1 fhe casp has teen $I.i3O, the highest price of the nen are shop. 23 the wh,4lemill(`. and ;' ntilli„rt • ,.t t!:. ,.• ..•,'... 1 ,•1. i 1n linknmt n man aas I. unci ,tdged. live•;• body, of course, . con Milkers rind springers were club licenses. In fhe hook serer, vrei01(, it i•: L�• ~titre are i'.; •• 1 •, j Il.e pa' I drew•rie,1 in the basin el the Vic -'ell ht to he satisfied.' He sn t )', t thirh ti',• tiered, ens Ilrli,•.t'1••,I f'e1,1 Arr., ;t sit-. ar..! 11; • t t. , ':'ll'P felltllltln ell 11P1i11r g ggeats, , 1•tr,•nst. Sheep, wrrr steady and 'Carr: age - there 1'e,•e ii.lss 1'... ': with the ncgree . lis 8 111 C1,' h ' e rtti••r•1 t .t,,, ,;.4 . Til ; 1:•.tyetcr. thlt the streets hr pia•,' lambs firmer, a fess extra choice 8c' in the 1're%in . en:1 1i:,' man intestine/ t.'a,'t all ( fr••.1 :.u• ! tt••. ,_ ;1 •i ,!r ,t 11 1- ,`, fr• t:, III is .-' 11,1 1+ +I It ':, ••ed that t,:,' 1 trued Ihll+• "(lessee 11 de.el'f-' iatlih•; selling 11x, to $;i t►0. Np f crease has been r,tC'.1t t I.• R, J. 1 ,, , n nn•l fell into rd w,•n•••n. and algin "ilry.are G. was raid in elle oryear. until the n scut ft r on blood alt 11 it drew s from t •e is t, e.! to a,. ; . ;..111 as ',r 0 1 bee •. win rc Il;s {tutu w:ea twee, j f Iwo in• 1 g '. t itI('G115 litotes of t-•te tr.t. t. Ti'1 I t. r .: , i' ant's. 1 Petera's �irs :afterwards. 1 f3 :.,it tit,[ t tt f,.i, 1e m it's the stances, told 317 '.,, fed and water- lien( reaehe(l. 11 n::t,t, Il .i: 1 tele man.' fed for selects. has been specie s ntarkr.d dttring springers among the cows, and some of then( acre lean. and sold d,4011 to $20: milch cows from $30 to 8111 each. Meat of the valves health. She has smoked mince she was young, but regrets it nue, be- cause site fears it will shorten her life. A 111:411'5 failure IS always duo to the fart that lie didn't succeed. Lot e -making may not be as fool- ish as it appears to disinterested persons. 41111. GOING WEST. Hundred ('ars a Ilay Shipped ('rent Lake Ports. A despatch front Winnipeg says At the present time 100 ears of coal are being shipped daily from the Inky ports to Winnipeg wholemmler,, to be disiributed throughout Mani- telia 811(1 Saskatchewan. It is ee• o'etctl that this number will he in- r•rensed to 1:,o during the days id X111 ember and December. OE STRIKING FIGURES Decrease of Nearly 4,000 Hotel Licenses in Ontario in Thirty Years. !the past fire years. There are now 3.95 mnlli(•ipalittes i in the Provin(e tinder local option, rind 119 in t iti(h licen,.et are not L spelt Nrr Government poli e. Tim cul option ntttnicipalitir. tie Ietl,t el. in whit•!► the by-law way c•1r. r,.••1 ender the three-fifths clause. 1,, :::31 of the total $06 menicil,.11i- I..•-. in f)n:Ario pr•hhihitiert co:“•• n• •••:r!t ehtnins. the rerel-ril;tl:. hr 11•tusua!'y large, law. 1f rr-r scr►timent ce(,tiut,es tei E I rol>ort:,the past free ', -8 .1v 11.^. 1 trgely 1 tiviti ,••l • "1, 31 (011e to 6ocurc `, -, mule. ac`,