Exeter Times, 1909-11-04, Page 2*1+11-11-1-14-+++41-11-1-11-41
JJ3+.. Fashion
i H }
? I 11li `•.7.
lii••1+4'.1i.,;-.1-.1-1..11-1 +4+ 1 414
leetg sashes are being worn with
teat sults.
I'aris is coffering all sorts of hats
except small ones.
W Lite cony mill be a leader in
fur coats for young girls.
1 told braid will figure prominent -
1) as coiffure ornament.
t .,rsets are longer over the hips
lee cut lower at the top.
N( -west belt buckles: - and pins
ceotbiue mother Of pearl and jet.
Puffs are still worn, but are shall
and soft and irregular in shape.
Tho scarab is a leader among de-
corations for pins and dainty
For fall wear many double veils
of contrasting coleus are being of-
Iced is a brilliant exception to the
tide that makes for dull hued col -
Sleeves in little girls' dresses are
fuller, long, and have often one
or two puffs.
The craze for shawls has brought
with it renewed and welcotne drap-
inKs on dresses.
The general tendency is away
from vivid colorings, and few lus-
trous surfaces are seen.
The Dutch and Eton collars are
promised a renewed popularity
through the winter season.
Amethyst and wisteria, in spite
ef their lung vogue, are still among
the fashionable colors.
Dark gray is promised a great po-
pularity, and a new shade dubbed
"coal dust" is among the leaders.
Mittens are large and decorative,
Int should be used only where they
leek as if they arc needed to fasten
Street gloves for auttunn are of
chamois, in whits and natural col-
or, pique sewn, and fastened with
vac or two pearl buttons.
1t seems as if the latest fad in
hairdressing, the use of filets and
jeweled hair bands. has come to
stay for a while at least.
The must satisfactory stocks just
now are made of embroidered lin-
en and the strong, beautiful Irish
lace which is so fashionable.
The low sash is a feature of frocks
for children, just as for grownups,
but is even more stylish on the
childish, unformed figure.
Pockets, big, ornamental flap af-
fairs, are sometimes set low on the
stiles of coats, breaking the
straight, loose line or finishing a
side panel.
Marabout flowers will take a con-
siderable place among hat trim-
mings this season, in spite of the
fact that they cost about twice as
much as last year.
Travel hats are already here and
are of the lightest possible make of
felt. Seine of them are turned up
sharply at one side ---the so-called
"left side tilt."
The most, noticeable thing about
new blouses is the tiny puff in sumo
of the sleeves. Sonne are fuller at
the top, too, and hardly any are
made lung or close fitting.
Late Paris fashions in wraps are
introducing same startling picture
effects, dcsi n rs drawing from all;
periods and all lapels in the shav-
ing of cloaks and mantles.
This year again there is n favi y
foi the fluffy neck bows or inmates
or Inaline, and these fluffy, airy
'maws r beneath . tucked k I bn oath the chin are
bewitchingly becoming.
The shawl -like drapery of lace er
shimmering fabri' which extends
item the shoulders far below the
waist line is a decidedly effective
finish to the smart evening gown.
Some of the new sweater cools
]sate large outside pockets placed,
town the hips. These pockets are,
provided with flaps which fasten'
fight with snap, hooks, or buttons
and buttonholes.
The skirt of the usual fall suits is
col walking length without much
fullness. and is trimmed with per-
;.endicular folds and jet buttons,
but the latter feature is solely with
the taste of the wearer.
—{a— —•
-x..1_1 -it I. 1..1-,
PAl 'T$ ! BO1'•I' THE I.11Ii.
A pretty girl yawning is a ter-
rible sight.
\C„nien of temperament are we -
wen ..f temper.
.111 simple things are best - - ex-
cept simple women. "After all," queried the maiden
*Ism h and a woman's age never fair, 'what is marriage
how to Inc another- even as they ''Marriage," replied the young
pass. matron. "is the process h} which a
Silence on the part of a woman woman deprives herself ..f an es
means suspicion on the part of her cert."
:1 eent111 only understands aho
ler ideal man is ellen rile has mar•
tied the other kind.
.'sfter a girl has really decided
to marry a man she is quite certain
ttr 10 SO. If she doesn't. she sass t
dr tided.
All Breadwinners Who Find Health
Declining Should Take Dr;
Williams' Pink Pi`ls-
'I'Leesand5 of men throughout
Canada are suffering to -day from a
deplorable failurert' , f strengthth
knowing that they are the vic-
tims of nervous exhaustion. The
sign% are plain. The sufferer can-
not keep his mind on work, passes
restless nights, turns against food
and cannot digest it, feels exhaust-
ed after exertion, while headaches
and fits of dizziness uftei► adds to
his misery. These symptoms denote
that the nervous system is weakened
and insufficiently nourished. ])r.
Williams' I'itlk Pills will promptly
cure because they enrich the impure
weak blood and thus give new
strength and tune to the exhaust-
ed nerves. No other medicine can
do this s() promptly and so surely.
Mr. W. H. Hipson, East 1'ubni-
co, N. 8., says :—"For a number of
years I was troubled with violent
headaches. When these spells carne
on the pain wus so severe that I
feared T would lose lay senses. At
the outset these headaches would
come on about ones a week. I doc-
tored for the trouble and did ev-
erything possible to get relief, but
without avail, and as time went on
the attacks grew both in frequency
and severity. The pain was terrible
and with each attack seemed to
grow worse. The only relief I could
get was from a hot mustard foot
hath, and the application of hot
water and ammonia to my head ; I
would then have to be led to bed
where I had to remain until the at-
tack passed away. At this time Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills were brought
to my notice, and while I scarcely
hoped they would cure me, I decid-
ed to tory them. After taking a few
boxes 1 found that the attacks were
not so severe, and I joyfully con-
tinued taking the Pills until I had ,
used ten boxes when every symp- YOUTH PLUS Ell ERI ENCE
tom of the trouble had passed away, The somewhat elderly but still
and I was in better health than I handsome and well-preserved
had ever enjoyed before. It is see- bachelor had long been an admirer
eral years since nay cure Wiis ef- , of the young lady, but never had
reeled, and as I have not had n dared to tell her so.
headache since I feel that the cure At last, however, he mustered
is permanent. This is a plain state- courage to say :
Inent of nay ease, but no words can "Miss Jessie, 1 wish I were twen-
tell what my sufferings really were to years younger."
GROG _TIME' ' IVJIA 1 NEGLECT I •i:1.1. ,1 ,1'I:ni.Utl Itl:l.lt',.
Function in the Daily Roullite all fl1h `-1)r, 1111 Lf Si e1C+u ea l;real Bat Ile Field
Brilialt lleu•uf-(sat'. U 1 1 ('bailees Hands.
The presence in these waters of l; -- - The \Yaterl4m, Museum ef Relies,
four British arntsored vessels calls J.1s. L. n111\1•�i 1.1"1:11 1:111 -vim. nitIs the Museum Howl, situaded
attention to one of the important Il 1: \Te F'1;U 11 h 111 \ F:1• :it the foot of the Lion ►uuuud on
functions in the daily life of the( I11Sl:1e1:e. the Lunette battlefield, was offered
British bluejacket, newels, gr. •g, fur salt by auction in Brussels ret
tine, says the Sisipi.iag Illu,tsat, d - - cull•.
of Nue Turk. (:rug is composed of 'lieu 11, 1-s••d 11ed,1'� ki%ino pill. The collection of battle relics
rum and water and is served daily , ansi Bet•. usr a 11 ell Ii:lu Hi. 1:,• e Lich formed the •nucleus .,f the
to the bluejuekets on all (iritis(( 111•t•ien(4 a 1.e -s1(:► for 1 e1(, present, exten•site museum was
warships. Dutchmen and Germans •.51:1(14• by Sergeant-Major Cotton,
have their beer, Frei:t h►nen and •
tepecisca L:endulg, Alta-
•) • %the, on the glorious Ihth of June.
Italians their wine, but the Brit- 1 ) 1 'Kidney 1 t 1555, fuu);at bravely in the r:►nks of
ish '•I,aLOyrnan" gets grog, she • neglected in its earlier stages, lea•lal the 7th Hussars. Since glen many
same as his forefather in the clays to the most terrible suffering, if n, ►. f,1esemtxtious of curios have been
of Nelson. The grog barrel is gen- dca11, itself, and that the uuc sur' made to the museum, welch now
('rally a eery elaborate affair. c•:11_ewe fur it in all stages is 1>edd'+ l•untalins more than 3,004) objects.
bellished with mottoes. '•(: ill Save' Kidney Pills, is the experience „f The Hotel du Muses, able( ad
the King'' being most in feast. '1'.• JI r. ,(notes E. Brant, a farmer 1.; ; joins the museum :1(,c) is made the
be deprived of grog is silt' of the
siding near here. headquarters of pilgrims ,bud of all
punishments meted out for serious 11 r. Brant contracted Kidney 1);s nationalities 4o t he battlefield. is
'treadles of discipline and one that 'case, when a young man, trona al well equipped, at.td has stabling for ,LCH�� f• i home treatm•nl Write us before t I
it keenly felt by the culprit.
strain, and, like busts ..f others, `forty horses. :111 the furniture and i and Putting Together
i '"(
Bluejackets who d•, not indulge reelected it, expecting it to go army fittings and 10,000 bottles of me I_ a `•ILYEIICLOTN wilt rl•au l.•ur�ilrerw%re and
151 :;lilI'll 11(►ll•S' beverages are allow- Itself.
wines will be included in the sale. { h} ►nail in your spar(' time at home. '� other 15r.e meta s like mask. Nr ender or
on ('ash 1(r Instalment I'lun. A 11 "then aid required the prepared cloth doe, all in
eel a small anemia of money in lieu : But it kept gradually' growing The ktiott'111g were „belong the re- agn;ck, clean. lustily *ar I neer Ti emits. Sand
of grog, but abstaining from t;reg ' rSe, 1111 after thirty scars of n' hes - thinking of taking a course this addre•afor1iialaampl•. Canadartilrercl•'lhco.,
for several days in older to draw creasin suffering the climax came, s' `winter write for free particulars at/ 'luronta
g K Cannon balls of various size an early slate. Address
a large quantity with intemperate and he (mind1(himself so crippled licked mp oIl the :.attlefield.
motives is made impossible by the that at times he could not taro i1( I'ieees of wood, pierced I►y bul-
regulation that grog must he bed. and for two weeks at al time lots, frons the faint of Hougomont.
Swords, Pikes, (51eh e:", muskets,
11-e own ani cola iniietlly Aar, t0 0fer
as aterurtire lir( ql(•A 5 .4 1)I4 N'
1l1'N I('11'A 1. l►E1(k.V 1 ( "ill:N. in.
etuiiay those of (•uunti. r• Cities. Yearns
(.nd \thiol l,iefriete q/ the A4ykest
Man•linp. n11 of ,chi, A hare beta pur-
chased oulr.ght by us only tkfter careful
1e4 (11 in re el i;�uIion .
These bonds yield 1(,e :..triter at pets
tat prism frons
4 to 5 Per C4n;,./r♦
Dominion SEcumnfs
CORPOI�RTI'J11 LI1'1ITED To [D psi o
Press and Mantle! (CANCRR, Tumor+, Lumpa. eco.. Inter„a1
amt exten,al, cured w,. •.1(i pal by our
.e ,•rr vu ate. Ar.
Cutting, 111 n$, Brllrn ret Medical Co,. Eta , .•onlu won.( 4
drawn daily and that no more than it was inspossible for him to rise
a daily ration may be served at any front a chair without putting 1i:e axes, lances, pistols, and buttons.
time. hands on his knees. One of Napoleon's eaanP kettles,
Grog was served in the American He could not button Isis clothes. staunped with the •imperial "N"
navy in the clays preceding the en-- Ile t%'nsi troubled with Lumbago, stamped
the wird ''Voyage "
Gravel and Backache, and tried Prussian pistols, one hiking roy-
nledicines for each and all of thea: ;lI initials on the handle, aid with
without getting relief, till good Potsdam" stnnlpe,l 0u lie plat('.
luck tuned hint to Dodd's Kidney (•sins, spurs, skulls, and medals.
PIIIl=. Sergeant-Mnjer Cotton. besides
Dodd's Kidney Pills started at the founding the nwsc•um and the }m-
otherof his troubles and cured his�tcl, wrote an account of the battle
Kidneys. 11'ith cured Kidneys his .and a• guide to the ground. He also
other troubles speedily disappear- conducted many royal and other
ed, and to -clay he is a well man. (!lstlrlgu►shed visitors over the bat-
it war, and while its re-establish-
ment has -seldom been urged, prom-
inent Admirals have of late recom-
mended that the canteen be al-
lowed to sell non•spirituous liqu-
ors in moderate quantities. This
would tend to promote temperance
rather than otherwise, as sailors
who use stimulants and are con-
strained to total abstinence for a
long time are more than likely to If you cure your Kidneys with
indulge immoderately as soon as Dodd's Kidney Pills you will never
they set foot on shore. \1'hatecer have Lumbago, Rheumatism, Heart
arguments may be advanced pro Disease, Dropsy or Bright's 1)is-
ancf con, however, grog time is (`er- case,
tainly the most picturesque fnnc-
tion in the daily routine of a Brit-
ish warship and one that u stran-
ger w i!1 keenly enjoy upon first
and I believe that but for Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills I would have been
in my grave. fur I could not have
stood i 1 longerld
"Why so?" she asked.
"Because then I should be bold
enough perhaps to ask you to nrar-
10( the pain match and oe- ry !nee.'
rS did net du me any
gaud." 1Yith a charming smile she shook
I)1'. 11'lllsuus' Pink Pills are sold her head.
by all medicine dealers or may be "1 should have to tell you no,
%• '1•e box • 1(r sixshesaid. you
had b mal at cents a ) �Baxter," 1 1. 'lf � 1
1 !t• xt
r. I
for tR3.50 from the Dr. Wil- were twenty years younger yon
Medicine Co., Brockville, would be a great deal too young
foi rue."
He took the hint -and a little
while later the toting lady. too.
-- •— d
Little Fred --"Are you a lawyer
like papa 1"
I)r. Smith- -''Oh, no ; I'm a phy-
Little bred --"Then you are the
Mall who goes to see sick people
before they clic."
0 is an Officer of the 1.aw of
Health.-- When called in to attend
a disturbance it searches out the
• f pain, and likeat
hiding -place Ilate u l n n(
gaardian of the peace, lays hands
Irl it and says, "I arrest you."
Resistance is useless, as the law of
health imposes a sentence of per-
petual banishment on pain, and 1)1..
Thomas' Eelectric Oil wui origin-
ated to enforce that sentence.
A middle-aged woman once told
ns that her husband had never
spoken a cross word to her. Later
VIP discovered that she'd never had
a husband.
11 ilsmN'� 1'1) l'ad the best of
all fly killers. kill hot!► the flies
and the disease gesture.
"I1►uulle s1( 1 am," said a loud -
voiced orator at a meeting. "I still
remember that I all( a fraction of
this magnificent empire." "Pott
are. indeed," said a bystander,
"and a vulgar one at that."
Hard and soft corns rennet with-
stand Holloway's torn ('urea it is
effectual every time. (let a bottle
et once and he happy.
THIS BE 'I'ltl•i:.
Tis better to fellow elle good PC-
almple than it is to set a dr.Len had
Mt••. Sharpe (sr5erslt) "Xoral•
1 can find only ween (of these
plates. Where are the tiller five 1"
Took (in allrfti4e) l51'e. mule.
don't %e stake no sllesAfire fer el•t
bitter,' Pcar and te_ar:"
Send fer tree sample 1
Ilam( Ores a Chemlca
Now -:s 41e) s 55 is" Mirth(' Ts (10 nut
d05(t their children with nauseous,
griping castor -vii or pngatites, nor in calculating the sire of al un-
do they give them poisonous opiates lima( army, it is hardly possible to
is, the fern) of soothing medicines. get beyond approximate figures:
Baby's Own 'Tablets take the Place hence a calculation of the strong
f these harsh and dangerous drugs, . r the Japanese army just produce
and the mother has the guarantee et'ms•
t he rece%cd .n that boils
01 a government analyst that the hat without any suspicion that it
Tablets are absolute!) safe, and wanders far from the truth. In -
will cure all stomach and bowel •decd, the authority responsible fur
troubles. destroy worms. break Ilp, the statistics touches that the ne-
col s and make teething easy. \1 al numbers 1(r in excess (of those
Thos. ('raft. BinseartIs. Man.. 54.: given. Taking the figures as they
"1 have 1150(1 Itaby's ()%1 ft Tablets are presented. it would appear the
for constipation and teething trim- a.vmher of men actually under arms
hies. and do not know of any other or. in other words, serving with
medicine that can equal tl►etn. the elders, in Japan. is:
They are always satisfactory in Intoner I :1,91t0
their res•ults." Sold ht medicine ('asalry 4 4 4 4 .. , . .. .. • • • • 1 t.:,•d►
dealers .or by mail at _e cents a box .11 tillers '•
from The 1)r. 1\'illialns' Medicine •11,..-0
Engineers ...... 111, 1110
Co., Brockville, Ont. ('onnniasariat 9.240
{feisty Artillery- .... .. ... 5.00((
a1 rs. (:ahbshy- -"My! I was at the, \1ountniu .lrtillcry ,.,, „ 1,(120
dentist s this aftcinoote and he ('onunnnicatiens 'Troops ,.. 2.000
made I550 keep my mouth open a -
whole leer. It nearly killed inc." Total , , , , „ ........ 1K4.590
Mrs. Siilleater-"Yrs, but it might'
have been worse. if he had made I This is the military strength en a
yon keep your mouth shut for half ! peace footing. being more than
11.;'! time it would hate killed yeti doable what it was when the Ilnssn-
without a doubt." Japanese War broke int. On a war
feuding the army is put at 1.111.000.
One trial i.f Mother (:rates' rxelsise of 10.000 troops ser5ing in
Worm Exterminator st ill rens Mee i ortllnsa : i5,000 officers and non -
you that it has no equal an :t worm commissiuued talkers seas iug w it 11
medicine. Buy a teethe and se.• if the colors, and a %cry large mets
it (lees mot please 5011. lt'r of .,fllt•ers n1'41 tit n-celllllllss1e11-
-- ' ((i 'officers w"hese naules are borne
Kindly menlinn the name of thlset, the reser) I`s
paper in writing 10 allsertisers.
--./.- -
Mamma—"Oh John! John! What
shall we do? Baby has swallowed
it: rattle!" •
I'apa—"1/o? Nothing; now he'll
have it with hint all the time, and
w•c won't have to be forever hunt-
ing it up when he cries."
1;1)01) NEWS FOR '1'111: i)i:.11'.
4 celebrated New Y.,rk .\wrist.
has been selected to demonstrate to
deaf people that deafness is a dis-
ease and can be rapidly and easily
cured in your own home.
He proposes to prove this fact ,
by sending to any person having
trouble with their ears as trial
treatment of this new method ab-
solutely free. We advise all peo-
ple who have trouble with their
ears to innnediatelt address 11r.
Edward gardener, Suite 91.4, No.
10 West Thirty-third street, New
York City, and we wish to assure
them that they will receive by re-
turn retail, absolutely flee, a "Trial
Treat nlete.
— —u— -
.1 tI'.t\'S (ilt}:.1T 1if111'.
Doubled in Strength since
break of Itussi:1(1 11 aro
H•• ' • 11'ill yen"marry Incme !
She • Yes •1'11 marry you to-
He •Tliis is- -er- rather snd-
den. •'
She -Oh not necessarily. 1'e-
nsorr.•w never cemcs, you knew."
• 111 staking campaign speeches, '
said the ordinary citizen. "i stip-
p se yon peter• promise Isere than
yen ran (10 !"
"011. 1 dent carry it quite that
fn r." replied the politician. "but
t 1 1 , ter Promise more than 1 can
'rent*. Na o...., the pr' of In Ir-1'ete 1 can do.
I'%51 1' \41. 41 ir'1,
_--_---�1'---- - -
Nature's Remedy is Zam•Buk,
Impressive Cures of Women Sufferers.
Wherever there is suffering from piles,
Zsm-Fluk should be applied ! 'fleece are lots
of reasons for this, but one of the test is Chit
set practically all cases of piles where the use
01 Z,m-lluk is persevered with, cornplete cure
not merely relief -is the resu't.
Mis. Win. Hughes, (l 25j, Ifochelaga
Street, 1lochelaga, Montreal, aa1 s : --" I
surf .red from blina, itching, and protruding
piles In yenta. Sometimes they were so bad
thou 1 could hardly bear to move about. 'the
inflammation, the burning smarting pain, the
throbbing, the aching, the overpowering fed-
ings of duh,es, and dark despair which this
ailment brings, the shooting apas•us of agony
--all were so terrible that billy sufferers Giro
this awful ailment can understand ! "
Rad as this case was, Zau,-ltuk triumphed,
an•1 Mrs. Ilughes sutlers no longer. It only
needed a little perseverance with Zam-Ihsk,
and in the end complete cure resulted.
Jlrs. E Itozall, of Scott Street, St. Thomas,
says a - • Fur months without ce.sation 1 en-
dured great pain from blevdinr piles. For as
many months 1 tried ever •tt:ing which 1
thought %roil i give Inc rax, but in the end,
di,pi ited and still suffering, 1 rave in. '
Then it was site heard of Zam-Ruk, and
she adds: --"Although I feared Zaus•Ruk
would be like the ordinary remedies --useless
-- f ani glad it was not. 11 soon prover) Itself
to be vet y (tiff -rent. It rapidly gave me relit(,
and after a time cured ase completely. I
would like to let all suff•rers trous piles know
what a grand Shing 24114 Iluk is."
Mr, F. Astsidle, 3, it. fail Street, 5t.
Ca1►rcrinc's, a.t s : - • l'ur five rears i sutf:re l
untold agony Irian piles. At times the pain
was so bads 1 c• old have s4•reamri aloud.
On a friend's advice I micdaboo nf Zun•Ruk.
it gave me consilerahle ease, and 1 persevered
with the treatment mita 1 was cured. i wish
1 could convince eve!), 5110((e1 from piles oI
the value of thi: great herbal balm."
So CMG could go On quoting case eller case,
and it is 1.v we" king ,5 sh cures that Zam•Buk
has earned for itself its gre.tt reputation.
Now if sun sift• r fnan this terribly painful
ailment just be guided i,v the (mei, C cases!
For internal Ivies lush a lane /•atn•Iluk
and tttotoughly soak a wad, nude et clean
. the
art If
• 'he apply to
, o inset ThenP
but Id l
k lam•Ru
the pike are external, al,.•Lcation el
is 111:i m •re ahuple. 1)o it upon rea,in�.
Nest morning you will he well satisfied !
Zaps -auk is a (ore aLo for cobbsores,
and chapped csatke,t hinds, ulcers. festeru,g
ser 4. blo•nl-poisoning, eczema. bad leg o ng•
'5(,nn, S. scp sores. burns, teal is, and all skin
d,.eas• s and iujuriea.
Ail druggists and stores sell /aril-Ruk et
So: a boa, "r set. s e "btaine,l p oat free Irma
Zsm-Ruls Co , 1 mown, for price; 3 boats
for $t •a5. 1'on are *-a: ned, however, against
Cheam and dsngerouunitat;ens smnet,suea
O1crt41 11 1,5154 •' inu as Pard."
J l' ST SO.
"If pesses'iIrl he tulle points of
tier late," queried the prefess,.r.
••nlat is tale tenth '
•'Fisingine set t.. the nine with tin
tenacity of a hnlld,g," answered
the bright Ian student.
Iloft 'I (•eIle rinl('Ifl
1`F;1.'till 'y 'u 1ps5 it 11 ts".
flies than
with unsal-
N•ilsun's l l
kill many 11111•' house
any ulhrr know a 1111 irk'.
Ton, "1 wish that 1 hail Joe's
geed Irick." Mirk "Se he's genet
ally lucky ''' Tons -Leek) ! If he
walked e115 of the e•it,dr.w in his
sleep at dead of night there would
be timelier man geine loeloty cur-
rying a feather bed."
'file Beauty of a Clear Skin.- The
condition of the liter legsuIstes the
eenditien of the blood. .1 disorder
cd liter causes impurities in the
blood and these show themseltc. in
blemishes on the skin. Parmelee's
Vegetable Pills in acting upon the
liter net n1Ynn the bleed and :t
clear. healthy skin gill fellow in•
telligent use of this standard nledi-
eine. Ladies, silo w ill fully appre-
'late this prime quality of there 'abet i•, 1 can't see alt he (aint.
pills, can use them with the ser- ..
(Hints that the effect be most gra. kindly mention she name of till.
tif) ing. 1 paper in nriting to adierlisrra.
11111 re
Sanders' Dress Cutting School fiO)tlr' SOOK nest col•
lrctinn nuhlishr.!Po s1( hnglish lan.tungea
Si I:d• 5t , 5tratf,,,d. Un(s7io, Canada 1co cents. Arthur Mice. Granby, 4.2150.
AoidAll IMAM --
MO ware
t S—
Radware Ready Rs
lief ones the worst
pains In from oils to
t sen:y min.a•.s
For Ifeart ael.e
(wheelie'. filet or
nervous,. Tooth-
ache, Nenralg:a,
Lumbago. pains and w.aknema
in the Tack,sp!ae or kidneys,
around the liver, plenrisy, Dwelling
of the Mint., aril pains of all kinds, Rag.
war's iteadv Relief xi !n a kw 4.7. el.
feet • p.: manent cure.
"I say, waiter," said a1 guest in
a Boston restaurant, "have you
any fried oysters?"
"Ne, sial," replied the home-
grown hash slinger, "but we hate
some oysters that are susceptible of
being fried.,,
A Pill for }train Workers. ---The
maul who works with his brains is
mere liable to derangement. of the
digestive system than the main who
works with his hands, because the
r,ne calls upon Isis nervous energy
while the other applies only his
musouler strength. Brain fag be-
gets irregularities of the stomach
and liver, and the best remedy that
can be used is I'armelee's Vegetable
Pills. They are • specially cone
rounded for such cases and all those
who use them can certify to, their
superior power.
Ott F
"Every wife ought to know how
to make good bread."
•' Flow can she unless the bus -
Feed furnishes the dough."
The mi.rnseope in the ilnmis of
experts employed by the United
r'10 INV1:sToR5 Yr•ur ordrrs to bur or
,.51 Cobalt or can meets *111 re•
. c.1c n,Y personal attention, Cobalt and
(44,1% Cauda SiImin: (Tains for sale or ea•
change. S. If Muth(Ws. Broker, 43 Scott
St.. Toronto
a Show samples of our reliable meds•
cines, superb toilet preparations. pure
baking powder. and Savoring extracts to
your neighbors and forward their orders
to us. You can easily make form ten to
twenty -lice dollars a week and have
permanent position. Goode sell on sight
and repeat ordera come fast. Book "Now
to Succeed- and particulars tent free.
The )lame Ruonly Co.. Dept 10, Merrill
Building, Toronto.
PRESENTED district a reliable
agent to sell Pelham s Peru •, fruit and
ornamental trees. Consider this. Good
PRY weeklp, Exclusive territory. Stork
guaranteed up to grade and delivered in
gond condition and all the advantages of
setting well-known stock. write now for
agency for Fall and winter months. Pal'
ham Nursery Co., Toronto, Ont
wanted to introduce high (trade
household •peeialttes into every home
quiet( sales: big profits; send for free
samples and catalogue. Co, kburn Menu -
fa, tiring 4 n. Brantford
I to get an education. We le tell ).•n i„ y r,1
15)410 time honk%eepi:rg. 6h,11t1% I, 1) pe•
writing, Arithmetic, (.'ommercial Law. (merest•
('orrerpondence. hlatr(cula1i ,0 '1'sarl.ers' Corti..
Heater, ReItinner'. Unitise. Stecun I.ngir,e+ring,
Niechsnicat lira * Ing Stork Raising. Agriculture.
,urnalisin �Ieelal
Rag bid' ant Boothe, ru.-eel.
Ask for *hat rou need. Canadian ('one,p..ndaae•
5.„1110r. Limited, Dept. K, 'formai,. Can.
) incorporaeet 1)9Qa (”
OvLEGE 9/...,,::Ai' '
1 0 c _s,
2 ` • ,.
.: ismiL
01 {>i ;
• H
�`,;�1)� ;lam j )t1 _t
AmuA1aoN 10,1TN I'n!vERS.TY or Tons
Examinations in February,
.rd a:'. 11.41 o4 1,. , L,r ;'ra,, 5'•r
L;)ICE CGRT>i1�IH.5�DYE Omeg
w:.t► set 4;, a -.:r ,4444:.
!WISH AMERICAN DYEING CO , los toy, Men:real
Stales I;oternnlent flus revealed I SEND FOR CATALOGUE and SYLLABUS.
fact that a house fly snrtic F. N. TORRINGTON(, Mus. Dlr.
lines carries thousands of disease
l;eruns allached to its hairy body,
the continuous use of 11'ilson's
Els fads %till prevent all danger
of infection from that source by
kiIIill 110111 the ,er'ms and IIIc
[I8 et l
OC 11111(0
l.atty,•r You say yon were sit -
lin}; in a room. could not See the Wt. Loy Wing and 'fail '1'•.I..ey
road. heard nothing. and yet swear, leather,. Write f.,r }ori, es.
ill that x meter passed at seven
o'clock. Witness"Certainly ; 1 1•
smelt it.•'
Mrs. Robert E. Peary. more than seine
ycat.ago. favorably . ouIup, l don Monne
Eye R••n.,•dv after its spplicntion in her
Family for F.ye 'Troubles resulting from
Neasl' and N.-nrl.t Fever. 31151 laser rc-
imintnended to the Len 1:splorrr. the
Man who now returns home as lite nacos•
erer of the North ('ole. ('aid. ( utting
Winds and Dust ea u -e Iced. 11 ca 5, Waters'
}AMA. Murine Eye Reined!' affords Re-
liable Relief. write Ilnriue Eye Remedy
('n.. ('hicag" , fur ll!,rstratcd Eve snots.
Wattle.:•dr. by Nail from .111 Drigg st•.
"Darling." said Elwin. "),.,;i
eves are like diamonds, tour le. I1
like pea rls. our lit,: resemble the
swat gl.1ien+ 1shies. and your
Lair - '' Ede in," said :Angelina
sternly, "remember that }5111 work
its a jewellery warehouse. and that
it's disgusting to talk shop."
1)e not let a col,( settle on your
lungs. Resort to Riekle's .Ant1-
('ssumptite Sytnp at the first in-
timalien of irritation in the throats
:,nd present disease from lodging of
tie pulmonary organs. Neglected
1l.ls are the cans• of untold Sst...
feting throughout the reentry, all
of t% i,ich could have been prevent -
c. 1,' the appliention of this simple
Lett powerful medicine. The price, i
_e cents, brings it within the reach (
11 itk 'Twain sat%• the enit tiers.
duction to a literary audience thet
seemed 1.. hint t. he right word in .
elle right place, a real inspiratio,
%cans as follnsys : - "I.ndies told got;n•
5I,nien. 1 shall not waste any on-
n.ces'ary time in 411„ intr011110ion.
1 don't knew am -thing about this
man. .1t least, i ,only know two
thing` about hint. One is that 1•e
has never Leen in prison. and the
. W. Nelson fi Co., Toronto, Ont.
Bargain price•. *I,5 to $63, tall m.4l4es)
taken in ex, hang,- ler Meth I to and 11
12ensingtons. Mous% el Gres.• ma, h:cen
shot I,ttic
R.mingt•n Typewriter C•mpany, LI,*It•I.
,44 Iitl 555(555 Tel:u`Iu
'.ARTS PAPFR 01' A1.1. 0RADEs
Also Ilim•, 11(1 Metals. Rnhhcre. 5tr.
E, PULLAN Ad•IeId.Ter•ne iud
M ala.,
Phone for part i. Oitti Main ((93.
Ravages of Consumption
in the )ear 18)0. 18 yerr.nolo. Mn. C.
S. Cerner, of Belle Isle, IlN.S.,Ar in a ssd
Bond don, All h -r ((115,•(5 4 cLed of
connlmpdion. and*) •le was every indication
that the was going the same way.
Altha point her h cibar.d suggested to try
Ps)shiee. The doctor who •herded said
Ps; chine was worthless; but it err. ted a
wonder!ul care. Eighteen )ears after ;n a
letter bearing date August 14, 190P. ,".1rs,
G•seertat 5, "I amhe0erthan l hatebeen
hr year,. My tunas have nu troubled me
(Ice! took y.,ur treat et.rt. My pkysitiaa
loll we I cask; set rale stetter limit slam
f SYCHINE, .r-1 1 recommend it to all who
are suffering from Lung 'i.rouble mad Gen-
eral Debit t%•."
l'1 sale bs .4 Drasri•M Sek. & 41 per ►setts.
Dr. T. A. SI.000M