Exeter Times, 1909-11-04, Page 1THIRTY-SEVENTH Ywt--NO 1882
Phone No. 32.
Dress Goods
Beautiful WeavesBeautiful
Sonething New added to our stock
every week. All the New Goods in the
Latest Shades always found on our count-
ers. Come along and see the New Goods
New Waistings
A beautiful range of Strip-
ed IJelatnes just to hand to all
the leading colors 40 and 50c.
per yd. Also a nice line of
Fancy Silks very suitable for
t Waists, They aro real new.
Colored Underskirts
In Silk, Regal Taffeta,
Heatherbloonr and Sateen.
We are offering some very
special values In skirts and
can give you a large selection
to choose from.
Another Shipment of :Ladies Jackets
To meet the large demand we are forced to buy another lot
of Ladies' Coats. Now is the time for you to get an exclusive
Coat. All the New Colors and Styles. They are right up to the
minute and are sure to please you.
Bed Comforters &
Bed Comforters and Blank-
ets. A large stock for the
cold weather wants. Now is
the time to buy your winter
supply while our stock is com-
For Men, Women and child-
ren. All nice wartn makes
are found here in fleeced
Lined Union and Natural
Wool. A good time to buy.
More New Furs
Had to buy again to keep up our stock. This is a great fur
season foryou
u s. If need anything in the Fur line come and
see them. Scarfs, Ruffs, Muffs Caps, and Fur Lined Coate, We
never had a better lot to show you at such reasonable prices.
(gent's Furnishings
\ e
�e are headquarters for
this tine. Our Stock is always
large and well assorted with
all the swell goods. See our
New Vests.
banner season
us. Be with the crowd and
have yottr hat front the busy
store. It costs less.
Prices low.
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford
Clothing ala.) high grade shoes and wall paper.
••••••••••ii•♦♦••♦• •••••••••••♦♦•••••••N♦••♦
`••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••144••444444
Our Overcoats are the swellest in town and every
man's overcoat is here.
Does he prefer a new style with the Prussian or
College Ulster Collar? 1Ve have them in every nc
model and fabric, y w
Docs he lean towards something quiet? We have all
styles in Blacks, Blues, long chats, medium and short.
The man that passes this store in Overcoats will
miss the hest Overcoats in town.
Many new kinks, curves, colorings and shapes
for the fall season.
Our special made -to -measure clothing is making a Big Hit
Realm •to wear Suits at all prices.
A New Stock of Childrens Clothes open now
ll, posits list tlflice Eseter, Ontario.
MO•••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••♦♦•••......•
18,000 bushels of
Paring Apples Wanted
At Exeter Evaporator before
December 1st, 1909
Cash paid for cavi', and satisfaction guaranteed.
Caledonia Evaporative Co.
0. W. GOODWiN, Manager.
Presbyterian Church School Reports
The :,nniversary_ and re-openintt
services of the Ca von Presbyteriall
church were held Sunday hist, when
the edifice after a tr nsformatiotf
at the hands of the painters and de-
corators was filled to the doors at
both services. The new:y inducted
pastor, Itev. S. F. Sbarpc, 13. D. occu-
pied the pulpit and gave two very in-
teresting discourses which Ave
heard with intense interest by the
large congregations. In the evening
the church was filled long before the
hour of service, and while chairs were
placed in the aisles, the choir loft and
around the alter, many .were unable
to get sats. For his evening .test
Iter, Sharpe took bis text from Micah
4 :d• "But in the last days it shall
come to pass that the mountain of the
house of the Lord shall be established
in the top of the Dfountains, and it
Chan be exalted above the .hills; end
the people shalt flow into it." This
passage of scripture the tltev. gentle-
men clotuently explained, one feature
being the unity of churches in their
work of evangelization. He referred
to the good work being done in fore
cign lands and specialized China as
a country where the people are more
in unity than any other country, stat-
ing that should the missionaries bo
withdrawn from that country, the
christians would unite under one
head, embodying the principlesof the
Presbyterian, Methodist and Angli-
can churches. Ile also referred to
the proposed local option campaign,
that the bars should be eliminated,
but the churches should un-
ite land make every effort to secure
premises so that travellers and others
get the same accotnmodation as bere-
tofore. The choir assisted very great-
ly in •making the anniversary n
success by providing special music for
the occasion. Miss Richardson, sop-
prano, assisted the choir. The board
of managment of the church aro to be
41.00 per yen.r in 7 ivancp
FORM 111
Honors. 4. 11:trchand 86.5 • L. Wat-
on 78.7; U. 'trestle 77.2. Pass, A.
Dow 74.5: 1V, 'Monteith 73.7; C.
Pickard 7:1.?; ,W. Burney 13.5 11,
Treibner 72.5; J, Gtassick 72.2; A.
I'iekard 71.7; L. !fern 69.5 ; 'L. San-
ders 69.: R. Hooper 66.7: 11. 'Car-
ling 66.7. No. on roll 30, average
attendance 129.
\Vol. 11. \Wt•idcnhammer B. A.
Ifonors, 13. lioggarth 80; 11. Swoet
78. Pass, It. Dearing 71; E. Vase
73; C. Wood 73 ; 0. Passmore 69 ;
W„-Weis:teller 69; W. Stewart 07;
A. 'Coleman 60; E. Southcott 60. No.
on troll 30, average 28.
E. M. Robn, teacher.
Honore, 'C. Pickard 93; R. Wood
90; M. llobkirk 84 ; el. McQueen 84;
M. 'Carling 83 ; P. Brown 82 ; A.
Willis 80; M. Acheson 79 ; T, 'tannic
79; le. Treibncr 7. ; V. Geiger 75:
Pass. A. Ilrokenshirc 72; M. Hanlon
72; R,. I3iscctt 72; )r. Welsh 71; S.
Geiger 69; II. May 66; 1. Imery►
65; IL Muleay 65; ,A. Morgan 61;
11. Glenn 64; S. Southcott 63; V,
llodgson 62; .0. Heywood 01. No. on
roll 44, average 42.8.
'Commercial Sr. Pass, S. Gillies 71;
G. llooper 67: C. Harvey 67. Com-
mercial Jr. honors, 11. Atkinson '78;
L. Rowe 77. 'Pass. M. Jewell 05.
A. M. Johnston, tcache;
Sr. IV. honors; Jean 'Seidel' 91;
Irene Rivers 89: Joe Davis 87 ; David
hall 83; Ariel Beverley 81: Florence
:\mold 79 Bert Gillies 79; Viola Howe
76; Nellie Jones 75. Pass, Russell
13alkwill 74; Millie Snell 73; Fred
Mcl'hjerson 73; Flory Dinney 72;
Gordon Penhale 67:'Greta 13i:esett 05:
Chester Coultis 00. Jr. IV. Honors,
Linden Jlarvey 88; Irno Sweet 82;
Muriel Jones 81; ,Ethel Balkwill 78:
Blanche Quance 75. Pass, Olive
A number of Exeter young people
were entertained at the benne of
Miss A11dy hick:, Centralia Friday
The Rev. Thos Dodds land wife, of
Iturns Church, Sarnia, were wi.eiting
their cou.an, .Miss i3. Dodd:, the
first of the week.
The C:inton bowline team will be
here Friday eveni,:- to play
thebowlers. return match with the 'Exeter
Dr. L. 'L. rollick, Mieas -Mabel vol.. and ,the Misses Wray, of St.
Marys, visited the former's parent's
in flown ort Sunday. ,
Dr. E. R. and 11frs. Pollack and
young eon, of Grand Forks, I}. C.,
are visiting Mr. Follick's parents
Mr. and Mrs. E. Fotlick.
Mr, Ed. Fow•ell, {who ►spent the past
few tnonths here and at the Bend,
left yesterday for Chicago. Mr.
!Powell exp. eta to :pent! the winter in
the 'Bermudas.
Miss M. Brown, who etas visited at
her home here for She past month.
returned to 'Detroit, on Saturday last
to enter on her mets duties as super-
visor in the operating room at Har-
per llospita9.
Mrs. L. L. Walper, of London, was
called hers Monday owing to the i1l-
nessof her father, Mr, Stephen Ether-
ington, of Usbornc, We are pleased
to state that Mr. Ethering{on has
much improved Mince Monday,
'Continuation services of the re-
opening will be hold next Sabbath in
Caven church, when Rev. Richard
Robbs will be the preacher in the
morning and Rev. E. F. Smith, 13.
A., of Mensal', in the evening.
The Rev. W. II. Butt, of Centralia,
read a paper on the subject of local
option at the South Huron afinisterial
Association here on Monday. Tho
paper was presented from a purely
academic point of view. It was a
sane and impartial presentation, ring-
Iiod crt 74; 1, ing with n manly tone and withal
gratulatcd on the many jmprove- Rowe 73; MaiIonrnlatehford 60; Ethel ea d discussion by all the memberse to the marls. A ltpre-
ments they have made to the churchDay 69; Maggie Case 65 ; LaBelle, ed discussion followed by all the
The walls and ceiling have been testi- Handford 63: liarper Rivers 62 ; members present/.
ly decorated, the scats a'epatnted, and Ernest Ilarvey G0. No. on roll 39,�
the windows repaired, while come of average attendance 34. l?SROItNE
•men res o• L, C•usper, teacher, O
In the death of the late Thoe. Hero
donated hbcral;y by giving a com-
plete lighting asst. r,. pulpit Bibles IIOOM V. which ead event took place Thanks•a Sr.o k 111c 11om ova 11' tr 'mun' rs uton de •\ ; v n c ,t•tb:c :: + 1 fns ii blad slew seats ou 8: t. s y, fondayOctober est the
for the choir. Lu.0 llcdden 82:.1[itdredIlcy{yod township loses one of its oldest and
The tea -meeting Monday evening 89; Etta Ilowcy 80; Beatrice llodgert most esteemed residents. His death
was welt attended and the enter/:e•t- 75; Joe rollick 73: Anna Bell i3; ,Al- was due to infermatics of old age, he
went which followed was of ane : p- Berta Knight 72; Hector Rowcliffo 71 ; being 81 years, 8 months and 19
tionally high order. Miss 1)...�ht I'ulct Hestia 71. Pass, Annie Day 67; days old. The late .Mr. Bern {was
Dobbs, violinist, made her first a >- °liver Davis G2; Olive 'Macdonald 62; born in Aytown, Devonshire, Eng.,
pea ranee before an Exeter audience Wilfred Mack 62. Jr. 111.. Honors, where he lived until married to
and proved herself a polished plyaer Pearl Jackson 81; Alma Mack 77; Elizabeth Manning. The couple carne
on 11
(hat we
fns y o 7
tet 3
instrument. '� his t '
e Ili y r ori u Ca
Miss c I3 'Canada H' cad d 59 •
Richard -
J on years rs ago, and coming as
r 72; i,Iarjorie Ruston 72. Pass, Parry far as London, Mr. Bern secured em -
son, of Varna, who assisted the choir Parsons 68; ,Florence Wood 61; Edith ployment with the railroad company.
Sunday wereeo took part. Short lad- Davis 60. No. on roll 32, average at- continuing in that capacity for three
dresses delivered by resident
and outside ministers. The collet- tendancc L'9. years. Relieving there %%ere bettor
tions taken Sunday amounted to J. Murray, teacher. opporlunitics for a young .man far -
over $400, it hale the receipts of ROOM VI, thcr north, he decided to come to
Monday evening swelled the total to onors, hits Zue[Ic 100; this district and took up farming on
over the amount 11 J I the eighth concession on which road
he resided up: to the time of his death.
Although not. aspirin; from political
honors he took nn active interest In
everything pertaining to the wcifsre
Amy 6•! ; 0ordou \Wells 63. jot the township. In religion he watt
Sr. iI.J011110170 rs, .\1:+rgucri1e Pickard la Methodist and a regular attend -
92; Mildred 'lardy 83: ;Billie Walker lnlit at. church when his health would
thebthe congregation have
Jr. 111. lI
noun asked 5. the board y7'; Karl`1Vcidenhaan mm rr85; ,Bertha
of managers that of �S.'fi. {
Rev. Sharpe in his address paid n t Homey 79; Gerald Tritton 76; .Dora
special tribute to the former pastor' ((c)'1•'den 75. Pats, Gordon Ford 74;
Rev. W. M. 'Martin, stating that the Dorothy Kunz 68: Dorothy White 64 •
prosperous condition of the church
was due to hits, who had for twenty
five years kept unity in the church
and since his coming here had mot
heard one work derogatory to .Mr.
Martin. This • statetnent was 7e-
eeived 'by the ;tudience with well
merited npplaua:.
You have heard of the case where a
woman ran a needle into her thumb,
and after twenty years it worked it-
self out her hilt' toe. \Veli Walkerton
has this one beat n mile, Rays the Bruce
Times. Last year one one of our
young Wien made the mistake of pin-
ning her belt with a needle and the
needle ran into her and could not be
found. Just, the other day it is said to
have been found condor/. nut the arm
of one of our young. We don't know
how the needle was recognized ne the
settle tiiilees by the expressive, of Ifs
eye. How it got from the young
Entry's waist to this young rnnn,s arta
is a mystery that bellies science,
AT EXE'i'I':It
We teach everything from plain-
est shirt waists a
tats to the most elaborate
toilette including coats. skirts. {vaists,
wrappers. s:ceves, children's dres-
ses, &c. Whether you be the wife or
daughter of a farmer. laborer, me-
chanic. merchant or millionaire you
shou:d learn dressmaking. No ac-
contptishtnent you can ac mire will
prove to you of such every day life
long v:atnc as a knots ledge of dress-
Consider what you a i:l be able to
save by being lab:c (o mak,• your own
garments, better and cheaper, so
why spend your time in n shop sew --
in,, on hooks and eyes which you
know all :t bout layette. ,nil ewen
after do not learn how to cut out n
You eau come :sed try for n few
days and Fee for yours:•lf, {t hitt it's
eke. As there is nothing to he paid
in advance, you rertain:y would not
:OR,' anything by trying.
Th uis:e11 1, n! , ira h •v he n taught
in (his way within 1br
past eight
years, anI all rrrom,ti ,tded it vett'
high:y. Charge of is!' co+;ree is
. ' ' f• . t; h - ! lid wh r, thro:igh
if satisfied, ine:ud;n,� one of th
most pt rfect fitting systema, which. S.i:L1.-!n I:xct •r Ter 4'3 'Y. N v.
we teach how to l ae free. An ,•vela- 7Imenae Sti:l. aged fel y ars.
inn class will alma be tanglrt. In this ---�-
Coss we will I,arh shirt waist t Fifty Years' Bx erience of an
s.cevts, dressing sacks and chiidretes, Nurse
dresses. 'Charge for this course 15.00 Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup is
incl:dine the "ideal '1'ifor System" the prescription of one of the best
Hours 7 to 11. 11'1. will teaeh at E. ferns:e phesiei:•ns :end nets ♦ in 11.
t r from Noe. 11th to 19th. Ifours'
t t
n to
m..A:i { '
(siting un to
tr orfor ,
further r
h r � r "
tact :�
► r.
S se• should
rill t I at lb,. Centel! Ilona. nn Nov.101h
ltboda Cornish 75 ; .Grace Carling
73; Mary Day 73; ,L. Walker 6,
Edna ,Johns 64 ; J1i:ton F ydd 61: 1W111,
Jacobi 61. No. on roll 32, average at-
tendance 29.
11. M. Kinsman, teacher
Jr. IL Ifonors, %Ville. Da{•is 8-1;
Harold Boyle 82; Mary 'Morlock 75.
Pass, Vera .Sweet 71; Priscilla Col-
lingwood 69: Alvin Cornish 08;,llrure
Rivers 67; Margaret Sharp 67; .Irene
I':asterbrooke• 60; \\'ray 1leddon 65;
D,•:em 'Charlton 60. Sr. Pt. 'Ii. lion -
ors, alertly' Jackson 98; Gladys liar-
ve•y 96; M:;bel Hackney 90: V. Jones
89; {Fred )lrimacornbe 84, Pass, Mild-
red 11artleib 72; .Mildred Marchand
A. Sleet le teacher.
1300M VIII.
Sr. I'i. 1. Donors, \'rrda hill 85;
el./et-ice Harvey 8:1; !della Davis 80;
Wilier, Gillespie 80; Karl 5l:.gee 79;
'1'h en, 'Connor 78; ilneie We!Is 75.
Pee . ,el cry Traylor 73; \label hoiden
70; .t, <., Ilowcy 70; Kelvin Redden
08; C'htr'es Salter 67. .11'. Pt. 1.
honors, t':yde Beaman 83; Mildred
Ilarwry 42: it'tench,• Wader 80; Mary
Vincent 76; Sic:13 Sanders 75. Pass,'
Vere t Roes rte. 70; Edward Fellow
69; Phials , thence, 67; Mae Wee.
sier 61; leonine.n Vincent G0.
11.. I'.•nnnek.
\t the Hitt Con• i1 ay
on the 2:ird, Oct. to Mr. and M rs.
Stephen 'M, itlinger. a daug!,ter.
11cISItIDE-At fit.• Gnsh^n Line Sten-
:ey. on th • :nth. Oct. to Mr. and
Mae. It. eleltrile. a son.
i1ARiBISON-10 i.'lndnn. Satnrdrtr,
Oct 30th, to Mr. noel Mrs. 0. W.
Harrison, of Exeter, n son,
l;i:ll.\ItD--.\t rho 81 .h'.' 1.!n • Illy•
on tb • .lrh. Oct. ro Mr. end Mrs.
.freteph 1;, d e rd. a ttnn.
MARTEN 1 --In f'tephen, Oct. 24th. to
Mr. nod Mr,. Ilenry Alerteni, a
t3f.00,IFiELD-In Exeter, Nov. let.
to 51r. and Mrs. Fred Bloomfield. n
permit„ In poet les he took sides
with the Conservative party. iris
first wife died about 48 years ago and
:+ year later be married Mrs.. .fain,'
Stephens, who peedcccesed hint Iwo
years ago. By his first wife Jt' had
seven children a- ‘Villi' n+. of Ira mi-
otn ; James. Exeter ; 11 •nry, Philip.
Thomas, John and ,lit a .. 0orvel 1, o!
lesborn,t. Ity the second wife Ther,
are Lizzie and Mary on Ih • home,
stead ; George, Ite,n'h:erd: Free{
Weyburn. bask.: ell•. Chits. Johns.
('sbot•ne. and Water, God rich. 8'he
flan, ral held on 11e,:rsda) was at-
tended by a large conronrs,• of sor-
rowing relatives and fti;•n,is. In-
terment was in to • Zion cemetery.
Children Cry
Far any case of nervousness, sl ep-
Icssness, weak stomach, indigestion,
dyspepsia, try Carter's Little Liver
Pills. Relief try sure. The only nerve
medicine in market.
Women with pale en lorless faces
tt ho feel weak end discourage,', will
receive both mens el and bodily vitro,
by using Carter's Iron fills, which
are made for the blood. nerves and
Mr. A. k :11radwin, formerly pro-
prietor of the Blyth Standard, has par -
chased the North Stet'. Parry yttt+n(1
and is now in possession.
For Infants and Children,
the Kind You Have Always Bought
Dears the tt
Signature of t%fi�G;>�
Wanted ---50 Second=hand Wood Cook Stoves.
Good prices paid as we have orders for then/.
Stoves and Ranges
The Biggest Display in Exeter
Imperial Oxford Ranges with Reservoir from $25.00 to $44.00
Souvenir ,t
Garland tt If
National 14 It
32 Don't fail to sec our $25.00 Imperial Oxford ltd 50.00
Stoves sold on 30 days' trial
to ,;
38.00 to 49.00
37.00 to 44.00
Just Think a Coal or Wood Cook for $i8.00
-I -
Wood Ifeaters 2.30 up
Coal Heaters is, IS, 32.50, J:1 and $46
Coal Oil Heaters 4 75 ftp
We are saving our customers money in Stoves and Ranges.
Stoves and Ranges
We have just concluded a successful demonstra-
tion on the Pandora Range which was so highly
satisfactory as was testified by the number of
Ranges sold. Anvono needing a stove or range
will do well to consult us. Our prices are right.
Plumbing and Furnace Work a Specialty.
Let us quote you Prices on your Furnace wcrk, Plumb-
ing, Roofiing, Eavetrougning and General Tinsmith work.
ilii rf ro ai.C:ik:: num
1111,113111110111111. II 11 11 11 11 II'II II II II 11 11 11 11 11 11.11 11'11 lI
arlor Suit Parlor Tables
Easy Chair Odd Chairs
111 usic Cabinet Couches
Sideboards flail hacks
Buffets Kitchen Cabinets
Dining -room Tables Dieting ('hairs
Dainty, well.made and at reasonable prices,
Bed Room Suits Bed Couches Mattresses
Springs, Brass and Iron Beds
Newest styles an 1 all ;;t popular prices
The Leading flume Furnishers esti I:finer:1 Dile( tots.
►_:, t. r.f� '� t,"=-e=;=,:t;t,
ilii.tlliiiii..i:lili�iliit:ill ui
ii :: ,•` iiii�:
«: 3
A Great Nunmb?r of Peop
Suffer with Eye Defects
And still can see as well as persons who have per-
fect sight. Defective sight produces il('aclac'he,
Eye Ilene, Double Vision, }Eyes running water,
Itching of the eye and eytelids Re, t.1ic. Any of
these symptoms indicate eye strain and should
have immediate attention. With my method of
No charge for
A a•eetionary Storms period is in pro..
grew ns we ,later this month. On
the tat anti 2nd felling barometer u•iil
p' -c eeshwerdly over the country. at-
e, ed l by r'oudin .s land resetting in
t , •2 in many localities. Stiff. north-
tt, ',r winds fond (harp chenge to J1'.►VE.l.EH,
to der will come In promptly on the
h..e's of finite dist art, tnee'.
.\ 'ear ear Storni 1', :al cn•, rs the
4th to the 9; h. Leiter renita: on the
o his 1. nitcd Buttes. land his h', r, used for o(Ji.11,•1 Venusri . I' o i ied and prom patre h
rift • { a
c r {t'
rv• -
ni success Ce
a bro1
tm •
very active
storm n
ndlti i
children. '1 re: wrs the child from frbynt.r na of for their 1f h • haromyl. r fails to low real r•
thOuf th 6th to .h•• 0th.
Al, dneaday, h .10 , ,•n 10 o'c'ork a. nl. plan. aures di Ir !lava. g rip:n in for energetic storms of rain and �PH,1
1 K'
to 8 p. m.�.l� STEWART the' bowels and wind nolle. Hy ,Rivin;r with dangerous gales ov, r the .::A
El 14,
Instructor in Dressmaking. mother.a RhtoT w'r • `rin. vet cents. itrn /bottle, as the�tt.-n 1cd ley c•:cione Thee, etieel stormsRatio hence,:{t to the
"Looking Into The Lye"
ltrulJer1y ft1, the nio,t tliilicnIt case
Testing anti (ilu,s•.•s ltccommen't"d
when ncccft•ary•
Sr1.7"011 .
southward. white in the norl;+w wt.; iantie ran hard:{ i, elven forr th thG1
r.!c•ct nod snow will b? lithe probably. and nth r No{•,•nrh r periods. Thyrr
All outdoor work lint rut reasonably ( are ;hose who fake ehawes as is al-
t in
P order. c
,a la '.
n 11 perishable hablc
soda • : .
P 1 { .+
3 {;n
. Home
of whom surd
n be securely r„y hos•1 and rhyl-e
to pay the loss of cargo and life. TM•
lore Ihrs• Venus dorms in Venue influents., wilt cane. a pro -
r. wd:1 h grta3 f: i:,. .2 ' :t;'.1 di.?'trbt. oe of weather condi-
of the ront•et E „• • • , 1 r, ,n. ; Allis time. SO that the storm
fort to the• poop. V. bee •••• t„e r:,.;= e• r" liable to overrun their
too merle a mphesis of uneatable :I,n t. r normal limits and blend Into cnch
on Ib• ;tikes, a!so on lb• north .Pct- other.
i .' F'Itl