HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-10-21, Page 8X ki lI l✓ ti, l 1.M S OCT. Nth 1llut, +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++•••444 4 ♦e+.,+++++++++++++++++++++++ STEWARPIPs PHONE 16 Are you preparing for fall? We were at it long ago and we are t.(.w ready with a iull and coruplete, line of all needed goods, Our stock is larger than ever. Just drop in and take a walk through the big store end study the new fall and early winter styles. You'll see Tots to interest you. Our Showing of Ladies Man Tailored Coats is the largest we have ever placed in our store. Styles are Inose Box Coats, Stuart Semi -fitting Coats, and tight or Corset -fitting Coats. Colors are Black. New Nevys, Browns, Greens and Grays. {'rices range from $5.01) to $16.00. Our all wool Kersey and Vicuna Coats at $10.00, $12 50 and $15 are real money savers. Girls and Maids Coats All Tailor-made and finished with the latest New York touches. Coats for the little girls in bright, plain cloths, and fancy tweed effects, trimmed with stitched stray in s and Iota of fancy buttons—they're `o, t h' swell. Coats for big girls and maids in plain, Kersey and Vicuna cloths and up-to-date Tweed effects. Man tailored styles right down to the minute. Prices:3 50 to $13. Ladies Black Ker- sey Cloth Coats eVith lovely American Sable fur collars; lined with plain or quilted farmers satin and strapped and stitched in the latest styles, very snappy. Ladies Fur Lined Coats A stock that we are proud of. Nearly fifty coats for you to select from. Lined with prime Canadian Rat. and Col- lars of choicest Sable and Mink. Shells finest Kersey cloth. See them, If you want a swell Cloth Coat with fur collar at little cost, buy one of our Tailor made Kersey Coats and separate Fur Col- lar and Reveres. Kersey Coat $10 to $15 and American Sable Fur Collar and Reveres for $7.50. All the style and comfort of a 850.00 fur lined Coat. Ladies soft fluffy ribbed Vests, shaped and well finish- ed 'L•ic Ladies Special ribbed Vests natural and white, full fash- ioned, tare values..35, 45. 50c Ladies natural wool Vests, plain flat tt e.i ve,unebrinkahle full fashioned.. .. ....$1.00 Childrens tihbed Vests, natural colors, soft and good, 18 to :ilk. Ladies ribbed Cashmere Hose, double knee, elastic top special........... ....35c Ladies, girls and big boys heavy ribbed. pure wool Hose 3 pair forl$L(A) Men's and Boys Ready -to -Wear Suits and Overcoats A stock to select from that will please the most exacting. The clothing we offer is not the ordinary ready-made lines. Our lines are all tailor- ed to our own order by the well known firms of Johnston and Kellett, we believe the best makers in Canada. Come in and see our new lines. They're great. We want live poultry, dressed poultry, putter, eggs, dried apples, Targe onions, white beans. Farts produce as good as cash S. A. STEW ART ++++++4•++++++++++•++++++++++++4+++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++•+++++++++++•,.+++++ 1 SPECIAL SALE OF Mens end Boys suits and overcoats. ingpr ices: MEN'S SUITS $15 00 suits for .- .$12.641 12 (>t) 10.00 10.141 ,.. 7.10 8.00 ..0.50 Only a few suite left at the follory- BOY'SSUITS $0.00 suite for $1.75 5.51) 400 4 75 :3 50 4.54) :3 25 3,75 3 00 3.00 2 25 2.50 2.u0 MENS and BOYS OVERCOATS $11.I0 owctconts for $11.141 $12.00 overcoats for $1).50 $10.(4) overcoats for $7.541 $8.00 overcoats for $0.50 $7.50.overcoate for $6.00 Ladies and girls coats, furs and rain coats all at reduced prices. Remember we sell the Kant Krack rubbers; the hest made. 1'hcne 22 R. N. ROWE One door north P. 0 -The Best Flour— If it is the best flour you want there is but one place in town to get it—that is from us. The brands are: Jewell Royal Household (Ontario Blended) (Ogilvie's) 5 ROSES PURITY (Lake of Woods) (Western Canada FlouriMills) Leave your orders or call up Phone'`. R. G. SELDON, Exeter. Here To Stay 13us and Dray calls promptly attended to. horses keptin stock for sale M. RNOLD UJ1,N'T MONKEY Withlhat (bny,'h use How&'s White Pini Tar Big Be)ttic I\ a Quarter Apples Wanted —.1T— The Centralia Evaporator iIiglhest prices paid. Thos. Elston Proprietor. Market Report.—The following is '1111: 1:XE1'Ett "A"GAIN STO1tE'T• the report of Ex, ter markets, cor- I- r;T11.1, UN Tlll•: 'I BACK \\•ITII A; Imes Want Column. n etc(' up to October 21st. :sloe': OF DRY GOODS. ('racking ` 1 \\'slat Sec. to e1.uU Iii; Bargains hill be given in order FUR SALE Olt BENT— Two storey' Oats :i4 to 36c. to make :t clean se, el, of this Dry brick bolts... centrally located. Ap- l'eas 75 to 80c. Goods stock at once. \\'e urs• now Barley 48 to 60 cents. busy ilii eckine the ley at Times Office. 1 goals and this Bran ,`22.40 iltettliig liig Bargain e.tte t% ill be- (;Ilii. WANTED—Good cot )eteit Shorts e1a.uo `in on or about the 28th October 1909. �ir1 for IApply In Knit, Plain and Fleece Lined. Extra quality Star flour t,2.75. J. W. 111tOt)EI4IOK.I l cue. i hour; Exeter. Rib, I y to Mrs. W. J. lleaman, Exeter. Feed flour $1.50 to 81,55. i The ,*fasts: repast of the Inspector - .._. at 25, 5o and 75 Ladies Pure Wool Stanfields knit In full Butter 20 of Ineurunse and Reetetrar of (needle BOYh p LEARN PRINTING—One: suits at $t.00 and $1,25. Ladies Natural Wool at $1,25 i-: 'plc. Societies fort h. Province of Outarto, l who has passed the entrance exams. lt:1y $9.00, $10.00 Mr. .1. L.ward hunter, containseach. Ladies high-class Underwear, pure South African preferred. Apply at TIMES OFFiCI>;.; holes, :Iyeweighr $7.40 nearly Mu pa;1s, with a mass ofsea wool, woven out with silk warp, extra quality tit 75 Potatoes 75 to 90 cents figures bearing on the busines4 dons FOR SALE—Some first class fine each. Ladies Black Underwear in full Suits af7 1. o. Coal, $7.25 a ton. by several leindred companies. The Shclvine either in sections or separ-r Full line in Childs and Misses at reasonable prices. Ducks, Re eiatistiss for friendly socicti,•s sbuw' ately also a couple u[ good counters Chicken lOc a tome. IPtn,b,rship im Ontario up to and tour up -to -dace show cases. Ap-� Stanfields Underwear for men as high as $i.so per Mons 7c. Deciwb • al, d9U8, of 278,055. Of ply at Yost -office, Hensel!. Dried Apples 5c. these the Orange Grand Lodge of British America holds first place with 00,000, :the Canadian Order of •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Foresters bas 39,665, and the Ancient •• •Order of United Workmen is third LOCALS •• ittth 36,677. Next in order are the • • • Climes!) Friends, at 29,732, and the •••••••• N•••••• Home Circle follows with 17,391. The. Oddfeilows Relief Association has 15,811, and ;there are 15,566 Sons of Eng:and in the Province. Anton; others aro •Knights of th.• M:wee bees, 11.1'_96, Catholic Order of Foresters[ fer is good to points in Canada only. 1 8.840, and Commercial Travelers As- -�_.— . sociation of Canada. E,G10. A very pretty wetiiiing took place Monday will be Thanksgiving,. Wednesday, Oct. 20th, at high noon •NOTICE • at tb_• reaidt•nce of the bride's parents, As I am now in the west on a 111,•. 1 1 Niles tri i f s Louise, or m• o is. on: • dao health m h stet o[ b ok n ,c a [ } o c o to W } 3 3 Mr. and Mrs, \\'m. Armstrong, of near will nut be eollecCcd until l return Itenstll, was married to Mr. John two tnonths hence. A. E. PY S{. Ct'r(orut. Rev. Doherty, of I{cnsall Exeter, SILO 9th 1909. 9-16-5 CARL BRAS■ performed the ceremony in th,; pres- encs of t lumbar of invited .guests, TAILOR MADE SUITS. The bride was daintily ;owned in Ladies wishing man•tailored suits white mull trimmed [with valencion- call and leave your older and measure Iles [tits directoire sash and tvearin; with Mise Tont, as she represents a the customary veil and ()ranee blos- leading city tailor. soots. She teas attended by the ,groom's sister, A1 idly M r. Geo. Arm- strong, brother of the bride assisted Mrs... 11. Cotter has returned to the . room. After congratulations '1'oeelo, Ohio., after visiting her I, ttl been extended and art excellent mother Mrs. Gregory. repast had been partaken of, the new - Pi inter tiro:.. of the Commercial ly nt:trricd couple left on the evenlne hotel ti11 hold a shooting tourna- train for St. Thomas end other points torn[ Tb nks,zilin;; D:y, to spend their honeymoon. The Mr. Jetties W. Whyte left Tuesday bride's Ir:,cc:lin; gown ,w.as of mirror chiffon. bur randy color. with a foe 'Zurich to commence his duties as l:uz,. draped crown tritnnied with a.e.nt for the Massey -Barris Co. ostrich phones. OLD RELIABLE TkIs Week We are Showing a Large Stec Underwes A great offer to new subscribers The 'Times am] Family herald and \Vtek:y titer from now till Jan 1910 for TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. This of- _ Suit and as cheap as you want. The name of "Stan - DR. OVENS EYE AND EAI[ BUIL-t fields" is a household word. goon. wilt be at the Commercial S P E C I A L hotel. flours 9 a. tn. to 1 ne. Glasses properly fitted and die -(A few pieces of Flannelette, full yard wide, heavy eases of eye ear and hose treated.weight, fancy stripe and good colors, regular 12r3 to Next visit Monday, Oct. 11th, fore- I noon. licnsall in afternoon. clear 9 yards for $1.00 HOUSE FOR SALE—Brick resid- Also a good weight at IOC at .. tt yards for 1.00 once and lot on Main Street, third All ool and union Sheeting, full 2 yds wide, to Six rooms For terms and particu- clear at .w 75 and 65c per yard lars apply to James Whyte or Dick- son & Cirlin3. �, Don't forget that we still have a first-class Milliner in - the person of Miss Morlock who does our Millinery and will accept trade for saltie. Hi he g st price paid for poultry, dead or alive, Butter 20c; Eggs 21, Dried apples 5c, potatoes 50c per bag. Trade or cash. house south of Presbyterian church. The mill race at the river is el - most completed. Owen Atkinson is learning the .bar- ber er.tde with 1'enprase & Bourke. Mr. Geo. Kerslake has purchased the :ate Israel Harris property near Mr. Herbert Gregory, of Strat- ford, visited at his home for a few days last [week. The Trite t Memorial church will adopt the new 113 mit book the first week itt Novemb,r. J1r. 'rhos. E. Ilendford shipped n car-'omd of homes In Winnipeg last A Regular Storm Peeled is central Thursday, Mr. I'. Coleman accom- 011 the 26th, extending from the 24th palled Thom. to the .9th. This period is embraced lirt,rin ger Hyde. of St. !Marys teas in the on -corrin; Venus period. and let tett n Jlonday ort business connect- (feeble:se show e•ome of the Venue ed1 [Ills the St. ,Marys and \\',stern characteristics. Look for falling lar Omer:o It 1i:w•ay. omete'r, hi eh temperature and electrical storms on and next to the ilia elerri:l. of Pictou, visited 26th and 27th. These conditions %will the 7lisses Merrill of this place last begin to thou in western pirts as week. Sha was a:so the guest of Sir. (trey as the 24th and 25tH, but as and Mrs. It. Downie. they advance eastward. very general 7e1r. John Soulhcott, of Grand Bend, and positive storms %till touch many spent Tuesday In town, after re- :orelities from Tuesday t he 26th, to tt:rnir:,; from a two week's visit Friday the 29th. Careful students of with Iriends in London. these forecasts will not fail to note Mr. Andrew Campbell. who recent- that tits :NMoot, is on the celes11:,, pureleis<•d \V. elonteitit's farm on eluttor 0n the 26111. in perigee on the 'Thames Itoid. moved to his newly aeluir •d premises Saturday. The members of the Young Ladies Sew ii Cirw:c itr., re vested to [Heel. metric pressure iu::ut. will induce ou \\ ee?nesday cwenii1 Oet. 27th, at i thigh northeasterly ;:ales alone the the holes of Miss Louisa Carling. j Atlantic roams. This le it period in It 1, , been suggested that thresh-; which shippers and navigators on the 27th, and full on the 28t h. This combine tion ti iil insure very high to d711,!el'Ous tides on seas artd coasts to the eouthe10114ard. Very low be r13 - FOR SALE Cottage and three lots in Exeter, being lots Nos. 55, 56 and 57 south of Simcoe Street. On this property is a frame cottage (brick foundation) con- taining five rooms and a good cel- lar also a „ood well and a large stable. Good ,garden and fruit trees. The property has to be eo'.d to wind rte tin estate. Apply to GLADMAN & STANI3URY, Barristers, Exeter, Ontario. Do Not Buy It Until You Try It The Carbo•ltfagnetic Razor 1s not word for this—yon can try the Carbo - tempered in uneven tire heat. but 1.y Dlagnetie without tasting a penny of Meana of a secret electric proves: at your own Innnt'}'--yen can enjoy 30 an even temperature of 2.500 degrees cool, comfortable shat.'s tt•it11 it at our At the sante Instant the steel is expense—you can con:`•are It with the carbonized in a proeess similar to that razor that you aro now using goad by wititit diamonds have been pr.,- judge for yourself which is hest—then dueed. if yeti leant. you eat] return tie. Carbo - The result Is the hardest euttine;- .._:.guetie ;Ind not be out a eeitt. edge knc,t•n to se:nnee--a blade Viet FARM FOIL SALE we gu::ratit el, fuer :'f• tire•• of pone, t wear—no honinfl no erird:ng. Tv o hundred acres lots 20 and 20 —rhe blade with 0l r :tit:, edg••" 11 superior to any 1,7 it ever made, 10th and 11th concession, of Step -1 whether the ctan, t•: hollow• -groan.! hen. Thehe -wafer" blade of h • "s farm has1 ort a d the <f m U aeft'.'• r• eros good �IPm8lle LBP But youdo U reed "tk' r �Iffl� 60 hardwood bush. bank L tit d to 4 (, uu t barn 72 x 361 good frame house, never failing well, 4t &stern at the barn: good orchard. W, J. HEAMAN, EXETER,• ONT. The other has frame barn, good wells, orchard. Both are in good` state of cultivation. These farms will be sold together14mmmmmmmmmmlmmmrnmmmmm� orseparate or will sell 150 acres. Possession can be had on March 1st, u. 1 f pasties wish to purchase they can do their plowing now. For further particulars, apply to Thos. When You Get Your It. Martyn, Exeter, Ont. IOOK FOR THIS TRADE NARK You T kc No Ghana FARM FOR SALE—Rein; 'Lot 13., Concession 10, Usborne, containing. 100 acres more or less. On the pre- mises are a zood frame house and b ern, a zood steel of water, swell ins a .,tits %1 heti going through town our creat 1aki•s should watch far drained and in good state of culti- be [..1.111 op the back streets instead 1 and scrupulously heed all storms in- Ovation, about 90 acres cleared and o[ :.l.,ui rtrcct. A ,;ood suggestion- i decationc. See if danz:'r and disaster The baseball bays „ave; a smoker. aro not reported from the lakes be - in tl: • °petit boils.: Monday evening. I,weeri 1110 :Nth and 29th of October. which was well attended. The pro -1.\s staled shove, the first s1a;es of ,;ram It ::s fureished be. Iacal talent. `the ae storms trill b.' tropical in Sirs. John .elcM:thou and two child- I character. alte:el: d by Lith Temp. r - ren rind Slimes Stell& 1'enb:tle, of::iter'. and thunder storms: but as the \\ innipeg, tt lin lily,. Lain wishing !centers of b'trom••tcr. fierce ;ales their p:u'ents. Slr. and Mrs. Nem. Lem. raid snow 53ut rile 1till follow from the h:1:,•. returned to thee. bonze last west and mirth. Within sixty hours Thursday, of none on Ih • e8: ti, prof •rebly before, A u•ctine of th.• directors of the is :u,01her very d�'-cid0,1 seismic per - !,clot Agticultutal Society was held iod. Seturd:<y ellen the expenses and I ,. ST \ prize monies in come coon with the itit1\' I:O recent Lair 11,•11 ;ono over and or- A :arse shipment of Manitoba tiered p•tid. wheat to help make tier STAIt 1' LOUR Mr. John Ileneees 1eturncd Friday so touch in detn'tnd. We hive just from the London hospital, where he, received another order front on:• of '1tdereamt an op.:raLion. lie 'cels' our town-nt. n. W. 11. Trott, of coneidcrab:y improved and says be expects the operation will give him perm:li nt relief. 1)r. Prescott 13(es end funily, who were visit 11, 51r. and :•1: -. l). A. Roes, for .t couple of we •ks, left 1hursday for New Yoi to (spend :e few deys before retiirietie to their /mine a1 Natup.t, Idaho. Jack Johnson reedited the heavy weight rh:unpionship by knocking out Stanley Botch. ll in the 12th round of their 1,1111. :et Colru,, Califs, Setur dt) liter, con. it is now up to Jeffries to wits back the title. Sportsmen' rent:mber That it is en - la well to take. kill or have in your tossesaiun It::ick , puirrels except+ during the month of Nuwemb. r. '1his make the usual Thanksgiving day sttirrel hunt impoeeible this year. :•tr..,uha Gri.g has ,Wade extensive i 211:'roweruents lu his ata tion: ry et ore .`•L•tin Street. 'elle interior hast h : ❑ tbora•izh:y rt modelled. while, the old vcrand:,tt has been torn down( lad pate ,;:ass window's p'tt in the front. .hisses Jenne: `lardy and Venetta Frayne, rept e sc•ntitg the J:acnes Street E:pau,ti, Lea plc and Mattie and E:dn:t 1'o.. ick repres:n1in; the 5rtie Street League, have 11 :en in St. 5farys attending the Epworth 1.. ague roe, Anion. t e 1. Pitt _ 1 b ir; baseball `ram 11011 Ili championship of the world alur- I: alinev :le. 11 • rays 1 cannot bey any flour t tt:e to it. have tried severe:. 1\'I,y not have the beit it's no dearer than othe'ta and is super- ior in fealty: IIAIRVEY 111108. ETHREE YEN represented in the p!cltite are dis- reseine, the lnestion of WHO IS THE BEST TAILOR? AO OHIO is once more li •r'. anti 1be coming. et isp rnorninga wi:1 ,neke u day .by dr felting D, trait ti to U in 1 ., 11 Suit and Overcoat n�•e •ss: ry. th • seventh rind decisive game 1,3 otic, If Sou want theta cut prnprrly and of the /laid(.[ world's set ies ever :1' Wade nice:a, 1011)• In n.. and we e:ce payed. This en.s the Ibir'd atec„- ,see ranloe it p thee[ fit in acctitdance sive 11111' I) fruit h isbeen defeated eel) the latest d, yign�. in th.• or A'S championship series. A interesting baskclo01 twitch w•:aa ycd :•tntl,rd.y afternoon at lh:• nchool ;rounds, bctwe n the Exeter and Lilesn lilts echool teams, result- ins in favor of the visitors 12 to G. I h • I•:\et r 1t, to was short four re - elder players, Jett heti/1g injured limbs and too, who live out of town. but atle•nd the (school b in; absent. Mr. John Eidt. a lin for et -vet al menthe cetulnrt<rl n f:o.r and read more in .I. W. )[rodeo ink's h tildin; Stet week. .li'pos. d of his lease to el r. Broderick and !•old his stock to \\'m. Rivers, the latter bevel; op re d t:p in I)i%i,' butcb'•r chop 1'r - mieee. Mr. :end 51rs, F: ill :.• ft Sen- d ly :n-d,y for Ai'a.t Craig w here N1rs. tart •,%ill r'em:li,1 for :, few w keel %chile !dr. 1':idt take: it trip thin:tqh the 115:ern stele. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor. EXETER — ONTARIO. The a:d trey to ('ore to ('old The New Way take Noweys Cure a -Cold Capstees Solei Only AL lfotwey''s Drugstore the rest good bush. Apply to James L. Itouticy or Ito 'Wm. Avery, Mit- chell, P. 0. 10-14-3 APPLES WANTEi)— — llizhcst price will be paid for good peeling apples. [winter stock, at the Canning Factory, Exeter.—Exeter Canning Co. Co. FOR SALE — Minorca Cockrell, choice prize winners Have ten for sale —price on application Wm. Brown, h:irkton. 10-1.1_4 CENTRAL Da ONT.-.../ • - •• p • 1 1 K : • B• t h g3 1 • n 1 t I • Y ► • • • • O Commercial, Shot them!, and • • Telegraphy. - r ZO Enter at once. \'rite for our has the reputation of being • the best practable training school in Canada. Thorough courses have )rodced results. uslness Hien say our Iadit- A esaret ebestendthe•ap- ply )• p y n us for office help. Our graldtiates etieceed ae none other. Three Departments— • • .. free catalogue. • C. 6 ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN, - e Principals. • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • NEW FLOUR and NO TORE !laving purchaccd the bus- iness of Mr Eidt, i have the stock at Davis' Butcher shot) where I have a fall line (,f all good kinds of flour including Five Roscs, and the 1), st (tf all kinds of flours and feeds. Delivering made to any' Fart of the town. W• Rivers EXETER. ON rAl(1(► Fall and Winter Suits from an old established and reliable house like ours. Time-tried1(.°1)utation is what ensures you satisfaction. W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor —,1, Exetterr,, Ontario. i� � � N�NNMIN•MiN•MNN��•N��NtN1 MtMI•N��N� :1 POiNTEit ie what we 1riye you on t ' f:our lues-, tion. If acted on. you'll hive fr,sh, sweet flour and bread that will build you up and preserve yo'ir health. FLOUR • at this place is newly trounl. from hest Al wheat, and is sold at :t pries (hat commends itself. For emu] euarantecd flour, buy it here. Net n-ifeet tired by HARVEY BROS. Wheat and Oats wanted. +• , .. , , ++,1 }.;..r•,•..... . . •r SATURDAY! Every Saturday from now till Xmas will be a special day at Tuts I'rIttT1'. \\ a slave se- cured a Trave'ller's rnniplete setitple outfit of fancy goods at. a considerably low figure, which we bitted selling at a tart !wig pt ices. 'flit *1. 10008 are ell gift gonedu and will come in well ft 1• Xu,ae. As our store space is steal! we will sell cel t tin lines only by disptar in our wuulutw. hoop your eye on the w'in,lnw. Many of the geode n,e only one or two of a kled sti if you want any et these don't delay We never tarry old rt<eek. so he quirk. Every pill chase will Pave 'Li to ere per cent. See the gnn.le•. Watch the Purity from now till Xmas Welty ae ay any nit, el you want till Xmas if p:e:d for. No trouble to show goods at THE PURITY .1 \Vill in 1',)<c•Il, Sfannger. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ es 4- X962 { One year ago, Mr. George { Waketnnn was earning about •`tee' $100 per year as farm laborer. Xt=I Now he is earning at the rate •• D''i of $062 per year. •sI ;` z: Six months' training at our c; Business College made thedtf- ferenc•e. Was it a good :t: •..' investment? He thinks so. • His address is New Orgoode, - Sask. • 0 Enter any time. individual t• instruction. 'Write for par- ticulars. Four courses: PI(lil'.VtAT(rltY, 11.031JIEnc1At. STENOlilt,t•l'AY, Ttil.K(ittAl'l1Y t Clinton Business College Geo. Spotton, Principal. e+++++++++++++++++++++++++ ®� Manure Litters i Beatty Bros.' Fled and Litter (',[triers Overhead Conveyote, ( Bros.' Steel Beatty '� U Stalls. & : tan('hions ran be installed es cheap as lunil,?t• acid least forever. Beatty Bros.' 1.oad Birder These three things are great labor -savers feu farmers And necessities cn a int tit For sale l,y W. T. Gillespie Phone 51. Exeter..�fi iso lliP!lellE11111111 ••••� I'alp; ition of the heart, ner- %anent• trembling/. nervous head- ache, reel hands and fe.ii, p.in in the back r tel other forms of weakness aro re(.eved by Carter's iron Pills