HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-10-21, Page 7ABSOLUTE
Hints for Busy Housekeepers.
Recipes and Other Valuable Infurmatlen
of Particular Interest to e%'omers Folks.
TO Pl:'1' LAKE T)(JETHE11.
The » ing way of putting a
cake together never fails: Werk
butter and sugar to a cream,
1 ' . Irately, the white, to a shti
ie Liver fe t� ��i1�t the whites and yolks of eggs
feel', the yolks to a cream. thou
aM:ast Dear ei ,naturo of add the yolks to the creamed but-
ter and sugar, beat hard for five
See F.,c-Sic,tto t'.:urrer V-I-Av,
Vary .a,ai] sad as .,+.y
to take u►r:,:u:.
ourse serve an egg salad spiinkltdTHE S S LESSON 21 Much learning --The many
with minced suint leaves. a • writings, literally. Referring t„
i For covering jam lets have Paul's conversance with the legal
freshly -made deur and water paste. - and prophetic literature of his na-
('se it hot. tion.
A )(nail}; rabbit can be easily- re- '25. Note the gaud -natured and
cognized by its sharp claws and courteous form of Paul's reply. In
brittle jute belie. the Greek, soberness is the exact
Strong drink !nay be overcome opposite of madness.
\tithent the aid of drugs, simply by 28. !Tithe but little persuasion
the use of buttermilk. thou wouldest fain slake nae a
salt, red pepper, and paprika (lean combs with a good stiff nail Christian -This is preferable to
mixer( together. Dry in the oven, brush, dry. They soon warp and the old translation. "Almost thou
taking care that they do nut be- I!'ak�i fuwa`hed with�watrer:;r hersuadcst me'' is hardly a possible
come patched. Chop finely and - - rendering. The idea is, that the
sprinkle on to buttered bread, and youwill base the iherewithif apostle is foolish to suppose he can
!for hafting !neat and frying cege- with so little trouble win the king
cover with another buttered %lice, , tables.
and cut in fancy shapesover to file side of the despised
29. l.umby'.. paraphrase: "I may
OFT. 21.
l.esson 11'. Paul a Prisoner. lets
2:). 6-12, (U0111491 feet,
'Thu. I. 12.
Time: Summer of A.D. 69. Place:
Caesar ea. Pei -so •a : Paul ; Festus,
will be found to both novel and ( 11' hen blaeking a kitchen range the new gover^or; Hcrud Agrippa
delicious. ,;nix the blacklead with v;negar, if 11., great-grandson of Herod the
minutes, then add the milk, then Simple •Recipe. -Two eggs beat u `cant it to have a really gosee Great; Bernice, his sister, a noturi- have seemed to use little persue-
( IIsi, cla' a •t J
the (levering, next the whites of en fight, one cupful of sugar. two ter ; Jews from Jr Ilea neon, and suddenly to have Jumped
the eggs, an(g1'lastl the flour,fold tablespoonfuls of sour cream; fill! •!Then uilc•loth is dull and shows tern, Links : Festus gave prompt at the conclusion that you accept
ing it in carefully. fold -
hist before Clip with buttermilk, one level lea-; `Iglu of +rear it will be greatly inn attention to the case c•f the Jews the teaching of the prophets asp1
ready to put in the oven add the spouti[ul of baking powder, n pinch I'i'o ed by a thio coat of varnish: versus Paul (Acts 25. 1, 0, 13,11-+e
) , myself receive it ; but whether it
baking powder and beat carefully of salt, flour t„ roll out. Fry and fur aoye vegetable salake a ad, mayonnaise t1'e 1 he base 1trJ �+!cattempted t'r sate to that need little ur much persuasion, or
fon two minutes. Avoid stirring roll in fine sugar before putting "i, g d, add scalded J nl, t little or much time, my prayer to
the cake after the sugar and butter the table., hopped parsley to ..tdin:uy salad they might carry out their plan to God is tar you and for all •who lis -
are creamed, but beat from the bot- g P (lressin kill Paul, but Festus insisted titan'
Prize Doughnuts. -One cupful of g'ten to ate that they may become
tom up and over. Never allow the `agar, one egg, one rupia) "f sour 1t'hen boiling rice, add lemon their eartying their charges to I sue, as 1 ami," etc
butter to get oily before creaming milk, one teaspoonful of soda, two J:'ice to the water to make the ('aesara, where Felix had left Paul 32 alight have been set at liberty
it. Fur small cakes the oven must tablespoonfuls of melted lard. five• grouts white, and prevent them bonds. Point of the Narrative:-:lgrippa accepts Paul's tees,_::, of
sticking together. Festus, in order to please the Jews,
he hot ; for largo ones only laces- ,entlfucts of flour. Flavor to tastt imitrs Paul to be judged :u Jere_ the Jewish Scriptures as true, and
FOR $ALLGk'! MIL crates so. When cook in deep lard. Prepare Fur disc".ured tins, zinc wart•, or ) g n= a .Jew
yvets take the 1saletu acquits him. This ma-
cake from the oven do not remove the dough at night, and cook de- sinks, powdered hearth stone moil- , but he appeals to Caesar, firmed the view of Festus (Acts 25.
FOR TBECOMPLEPOP!night, sired there is no Justice for him ,lt;)
ri,ere~ I'-" "` 'tz " % '.het remaining dough away, and `c'r•in Jerusalem. Before Agrippa. if he had not appealed - This
•aladlWhen you take it from 6he pa i slip 3 4Put lemont who appears in l' t t
In makine he icing a shallow, , ++1 .i your swee ea es or u
t all is used • is little work. last - de:nnfltiun or acquittal by a lower
It on a plate and put on the icer] , have fresh cooked doughnuts until a an orange or n into u Caesarea n pay his
CURE SICK F-t:-AflCttE, g the ptn tl L k Icspects to I ester• I toll c rnpletc
-- - - u r ke 1 11 find l will !l clears himself.
glazed earthen dish should be used. batch is good a, first end who . court.
„ S and
appeal made impossible either con -
you w1 In 1 wI 3111
Chapter rove the taste. hapter 25, Verse 6. When he had
1•111►T1 NE FOR PAIR SLIPPERS. Allow a quarter of a pound or more does not relish a waren fresh dough- P Select lamp weeks which are soft tarried among then]-Festus, the
!'air 11'ot•a by ('ountrsv Were white of each eg
of the finest gg.te sugar the nut with his coffee? and loosely weee,Seuk them in i successor of Felix, at- Jerusalem.
g. If you usea flus- 1,
Ablaze silk Diamonds. oring add it last. Put frostin vinegar, and dry in a cool oven hr.- Went down unto C'aesnrca--Ac-
fire using. companied probably by the Jewish
Over grandmothers would be iii large spat,uftsls. Begin with the l'
elders (verse 5).
l'au!iflower should be turned
shocked if they knew the high pric-
centre and spread with a thin blad_
Fresh home stewed pumpkin head (luwnward; in evoking, so 7. Bringing against him many
er paid by the modern maid for her ed knife' dipper! from time to time makes the best pie.. This cannot that no scum may by any chance and grievous charges -These they wear. In furnle. years a I1. ice water. Let the frosting dry he had the year round. hilt pump settle on the white portion. had doubtless accumulated from
bride's wedding outfit, including eels Ladypace.Baltimore - kill may be see treated as to defy 1Vhen peeling potatoes put them every source through the two years
boots, shoes,and slippers, would(sake One cup- an epicure to distinguish between 11. hot water before boiling and you of his imprisonment.
seldom exceed $125, but the weal- fol of butter, two cupfuls of sugar, the preserved an(1 the fresh pro- will be able to take the skin off S. Pawl said in his defense -'the
three and one-half cupfuls of flour, duct.
girl of to -day thinks nothing one cupful of sweet milk, the Stew the pumpkin "dry,'' that is quite easily. three headings of his statement
ordippers alonespending $500 ur so for her house whites of six eggs, two level tea- reduce the pulp grea'ly. Sift. 'flsen
exceptional theca'seslninile o
cost of those e
thosspoonfuls of baking powder. one to eve.v three fourths . f a cupful of
necessary articles has even run in-
t,• four figures.
teaspoonful of rosewater. Cream pumpkin add three-fourths of a
the butter, adding the sugar gra- cupful of white granulated sugar,
one scant teaspoonful of ginger,
clic-eighth teaspoonful of dans-
;1 London (England) tradesman oasts, beating continually, then
told the writer that slippers are! the milk and flavoring. next the against them
becoming more and more costly. flODr into which the baking pow- mon, one-eighth teaspoonful of ret- Hew docs a horse gallop 1 Ow term of office.
A n cxtraordiunry order came: der has been sifted, and lastly, the meg, and a pinch of salt. Blen<i
from a wealthy South American etiffly beaten whites of the eggs, thoroughly. Heat to the boiling ing to the expedite of action it vansWilt thou go up to Jerusalem .. .
not be seen by the human eye before mel ---This is a violated Ro- over the f ll
gentleman not very long ago, who ++11'Cht should be folded lightly into point, being careful not to burn lloivecer, just as the individual man law. Festus therefore pro- it a little dere especiallye after a rain, when the
the dough. Bake in three layer the mixture. Seal in airtight ,int deeper, and wider, and merfarcan't work in his fields -
wislied to present a pair of slippers cake -pangs in a hot 1 spokes of a rapidly resolving sheet poses that the other offenses be longer The road 1 i • t} d
jars Thi • 'II k - d •f •t I•
This .trti0le '!'ells of a Simple and
('heap Method.
!!eater nmixet! with Foi1 produces
mud. The larger the quantity of
seater and the more thorough the
mixing the greater the depth of
the mud and the tougher and more
tenacious its quality. But to mix
cover the same ground as his de- water and soil the two must be
----'3• - -- tense before Felix (Acts 21. 11-21). held in close contact. Th rain -
11011 .1 HtIR`;I: G.11.1,01'.i 0 Desiring to gain favor Pro- drops hill and when they strike they
yincial governors were really an- keep on moving at a hurry -up -gait
Coavcnlional Mede of Represcatc,- swerable to their subjects, since until they run o:I the road bed in -
the latter might bring complaints to the side ditch, and they are like -
lion and its Origin.at the close of their
Was Taken Very 111 with
Mr. T. W. Robertson, rim Valley, Man.,
writes:-" 1 was taken very ill a ith diarr-
hoea, and tried everything 1 heti ever
heard of, as being good for it, Lot, with-
out Bocce:s until 1 was finall • advised to
try I)r. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw-
berry. 1 was so weak and discouraged
that I didn't expect to derive much bene-
fit front it. but 1 am happy to trey, that,
after I had taken two doses I was greatly
relieved, and a f, s• more entirely cured
ale. 1 shall always be pleased to recom-
mend your medicine to all sufferers and
1 consider myself fortunate to get such
a marvelous idF.ef after expecting to die."
We wish to warn the public against
being imposed oil by unscrupulous
dealers who substitute the so-called
"Strawberry Compuends" for Dr. Fow-
If you want to be on the safe side, ask
for 1)r. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw-
berry and insist on getting what you ask
The original is manufactured only by
The T. Milburn Co., Luuitcd, 'Toronto,
Ont. I'rice 35e.
not put a hard surface on its main
traveled highways is not living up
to its opportunities. And he be-
lieves that w here land is worth ono
hundred dollars the stone can be
shipped a hundred miles by rail.
The method used is very sitnple.
The King drag which is used in all
!these road innpr',vements can be
made by any farmer with a couple
of planks or spliced logs, an auger,
ly to keep on running until they a few braces and a chain. A1) that
get out of the neighborhood. Inas to be done to have a hard. dur-
Ababy mudhole contains a pint able dirt. road is to draw the drag
of rain water and the wheels cut surface occasionally -
t(• a noted puma donna. They had oven To make
to be ornamented with two charm- the filling: Dissolve three cupfuls
ing butterflies crusted with preci• of bonen granulated sugar in one cupful
ons stones. The dainty slippers cost of bulling water, conk it until it.
him nearly $20,000. threads, then pour over it the stiff-
price, large as it seems, has ly- beaten whites of three eggs stir -
+ t rep rn c not a y, c l es, ie m« rounding the surface of the road
The preserving may he dour in can he made 1 isible by a Had: of heard before the Sanhedrin with puddle is only a depression in the
lightning, so the action of a it himself resent to insure fair la surface now but it is prepared to from the ditch so as to have the
the fall, when pumpkins are fresh, gal- P play. highest point in the centre. This
or a little at a time at each r loping horse can be and has •been 10. I am standing before Caesar's hold more water when it rains ; highestcreates
analyzed by instantaneous pit•'tu judgment seat- l'he verb means he again. Another rain and once
dragging a surface from
ing, or in the winter. when pump- graphy• it uu+c, and bas born, standing more the wheels cit d t which water readily runs off and
king will k I 11't ' ti
cep no easel. Which -
ring n an ream t on which it cannot remain to form
vin constantly.To this ficin add •ever tan is followed, the ,ro(luct The statuette of Sysonb3, the there. For two years 1►c has been out, and for longer hours, because
actually been exceeded. Only this gg P 1 1 thoroughbred. has beeu made fr ens in custody of the Romans, and he it contains more water and does mud -holes.
year a countess had made to order one cupful of chopped raisins, one is most convenient, histo ra hs1'he split log drag can be used
a pair of slippers which were de -cupful of chopped nutmeats -pc- For pie dissolve en?, cupful of pro- P ilea a!1 four taken
legs are off the from behehundeover to men not dry so quickly. The following tc great advantage
in cans referred -and five figs cut in- served g can expect, no jus- rains and numerous wheels develop hardening the ground so as tot shed
ated with a magnificent array of to thin strips. With thisgi-' both half cu t_ . -f hent scaldc<ll nilk , ground. The hack i, arched, the tice. the baby mud.hulc into •► gi ant
rubies, emeralds, and diamonds,p•
the top and the sides of the cake. add one-half cupful of creat,) and •t fila(! feet are directed furw:u'd, t. -,e 11. 1 appeal Unto Caesar- -To this quagnhire wits; strength to �.rl"/.e a easel water and to preserve the soil
fore feet backward. so that all are Paul was forced. because (1) he was loaded its firm, dry condition. Bad roads
Never Fail Cake. -:1 good plain two well beaten eggs; bake in a tucked under the animal's body. certain of been condemned by the wagon and powerful tertm in springare largely the result of
layer cake that can be depended rich crust one hour and yea have'ng and hold them helpless in the grasp g r
upon every time is made as follow fhe famous old New England pump. when the limbs again touch ',;:e Sanhedrin, and (•l). •since Festus of its miry fingers. putting mud and water into cold
flub one-half a cupful of butter and kin pie. e The solution of the problem of Btotage ui the fall. -D. Ward King,
hind Feet which I thrust the hard -earth road is in keeping in Technical Magazine.
and cost her $22.500.
But the most costly slippers in
the world were made for a well -
flown dowager countess, who ap-
eared in them as Cinderella at a
ground the first to do so is of : e was both just and timid,h could
two cupfuls of white sugar r c 1 is crust for- expect nothing from him.
agcy dress ball a year or two ago. ercane add the beaten fiolks� )f '--'-' ward so as to form an acute anoee 12. The council -The assessors,
he slippers were one Wass of three eggs, and one cu ,fol of sweet with the line of the body, and thus who acted as the governor's legal
parkling diamonds and they cost t ALI. AROUND THE HORSE. serve the purpose of a spring in advisers.
her husband the astounding sum of milk. Next stir in three cupfuls of
Filled flour, and when well mixes.' Mousepruof pantry- -In building breaking the force of the imp?. 1 Chapter 26, terse 1. Agrippa -
$50(1 i,. Of course, they were only heat with n cake mixer or wooden o11 (king over a house, before the ingf the hoof when the horse is go He was the son of that Herod
used save, and when the ball was addle for several minutes. The fin a dards are ut on the antry, t to seed. Agrippa , a whose tragic (lent, is de-
over the jewels were carefully re- p! P P'P P g l P' g
more the cake is beaten the finer base it lined throughout with tilos- In the conventional mode of ~c- scribed in Acts 12. and became ru-
moced from the slippers and placed it will he. But the beating, processquite sire. It is not expensive to
for safety in the countess' jewel g put el) this mouseproof inner lining
box. should in most ea -es cease before
the baking powder is added. Use
two rounding teaspoonfuls of bak-
ing powder. Fold the powder in
with an upward and downward
movement, and when thoroughly
blended add the well beaten whites
of the eggs in Elie salve manner.
Bake in a moderate oven for half
an hour. The cake should he a rich
brown on lop when done. Either
granulated or white coffee sugar
may he used. if a soft cake is
wanted use the latter. When a
fruit cake is wanted use three cup-
fuls of light brown sugar, four cup-
fuls of flour. tea and one-half tea-
spnonftrls of baking powder, one-
half a capful of strung coffee. one
level tablespoonful of ground cit-
A rather unusual suicide was
that of John Ilowason at Bristol.
England. recently. The man was
in the hospital suffering from pneu-
monia, and was at time delirious.
Ar the nurse was leaning over his
bed, he suddenly sprang up. and
seizing a hatpin from her cap. stab-
bed himself to the heart. The
nurse extra( -led the pin. but the
Joan died shortls after. The doc-
tors who perfumed the autopsy
found a tiny puncture in the heart.
1.1•('g1' TO THE LAST.
('ons:- "Taylor was always n for -
lunate man, but doesn't it seem
sonderful that his Tuck should stay
with Ilial to the very last 1"
"Hee was that 1"
Cook --''He was operated on for
the removal of a pearl which ho
bad accidentally swallowed while
eating oysters, and when the pearl
was examined it was found to be
valuable enough to pay for bothe
the operation and the funeral !"
Consti stiun is caused by the eating
tel in eseele foal• irregeltr hsh:ls,
the use - .Unrilat►ts. spleen and as-
tringent fon 1. and strong drastic pur-
whieh destroy the tone of the
stomach and the eon, rsetile of the lower
iowel; therefore, where the liver is in-
active. and isil:nd to secrete bile in
euflieieur quantity. Constipation is sure
to follow. and a1Cr ton•tipation conte
one of the moat ,,nnn..ind troubles
ear can have
i tire
d the liver
Mi.•. Mary Ru-govne, K 'rgaclear, N.11
writes: --I have used flslh':rn's !Asa -
ver l'slls for eenstipation and have
found thein to he an excellent remedy for
the ennoplaint."
Mise annie Mingo, tlustow N.Tt ,
writes:- •'.1 friend advise,) rive to use
Milburn's Lava -Liver f`dia for erxrstipa-
ttion. 1 u•ed three and a h tlf vials anti
t/n rnnu,letely
Priee rents per vial, or ., for 111.0(1,
st all dealers or ilia lel direct on receipt
of price by The Milburn Co , Limited,
l'orentr, Ont.
firs surface always so that the next,
rain will fend no lodgment, and
hence in obviating the bad effects
of "'nixing."
The King drag movement has
come with a rush. Ten years ago
the first speech advocating the King
presenting a galloping hoists al! ier over several .Jewish cities. He system was yet to he uttered. To -
heir legs are off the ground at once. was instrumental in completing the day the use of the King method is
,and the relief from the pests would but the front pair are extended temple. and was deeply- interested spreading over Maine and Cali -
compensate for the expenditure, backward in such a way that the in all Jewish questions. Ile eat fornia and between ; it is epidemic
even though it were deuhle.
Wall !'aper Help. --it is some
times necessary to patch the wall
paper where it has become defac-
ed or torn, and the new paper of
the same pattern is too bright to
use. Try hanging the new paper
in bright sunshine until the colors
are faded or dulled and it can be
applied to the damaged paper on
the walls and n ill match it per-
'1'o Change. Feathers ---When you
tlsa:lge the feathers from one pillow
case to another. have pillow ticks,
needle. thread, and scissors all in
the kitchen, with doors clued to
minion, ono cupful of seedless rai- avoid drafts, and have a good fire
under surfaces of their hoofs are last of the Herods. 1Vitli his sis-
directed skyward, the body being ter Ilernic•e, who bore a most un -
at the sante time brought near the ensiuble reputation in the Roman
ground. This conventional pose world, he had conte to pay his re-
appears to have been derived from !Teets to Festus, the new governor.
a dog running, when the front and Fetus regards it as a most oppor-
hind pairs of leg: are respectively lune time to bring forward his dig -
extended forward and backward. tinguished prisoner. The hearing
with the soles of the hind feet was held in the presence of Agrip-
turned upward. - pa. Bernice. Festus. and the chief
This pose. it is thought. ►►as men of the cit.
adopted to represent the gallop of :f. Expert in all customs
the horse by the goldsmiths of My- among the Jests- No idle (0111pli-
cenae between 800 and 1001) 11. C., anent. Jess fish customs were hi
in Texas and Canada and between;
the writer's printed story has been
1; anslated into Spanish and for
several years the South American
nations have benefited by it. The
Philippines aro inoculated ; and for
two years or more the newspapers
of Australia have pushed the pro-
paganda of “Good roads without
money." This year. in Missouri,
the birthplace of the movement,
two thousand dollars is being spent
in one county to drag its main
s roads. 11 hole townships have or -
whence it was transmitted by way specialty. ganized to drag every mile of road
of Persia and Siberia to ('hina and 4-27. Paul's defense. The main after every rain. One township
Japan. to return in the eighteenth points are: (1) that all Jews know in Iowa has dragged its entire mile -
century, as the result of comnter- of his strict training in the belief in age for threw sears past and the
sins, and one and a half cupfuls of going lith a Targe open kettle of caul relations, to western Europe.
chopped dates. Flour the fruit and boiling water on the stove to ere- ,p`
add last. Bake in two loaves for ate steam. This prevents the lea-
nt least an hour. thet s from blowing and if the seams SOUVE.NiRS.
Angel's Food Cake-. Sift a tea- in the ticks are opened and sewed ••1►1(1 your life bring many 3011
spoonful of creams of tarta► six together before attempting to shake yeuirs Lack from Europe t"
times with half a cupful of flour. tom one to another. and then at- I
11 hip the whites of six eggs until
they stand alone. then gradually
stir into them a half cupful of
are instated sugar and the sifted
flour. Beat hard fur eight minutes,
turn into a clean itugrras('t) pan
with a funnel in the middle. Rake
in a steady osen until a straw
conte• out clean from the thicked. and rubbers by writing name on
pail. 'I'nrn the+ pan upside down lining, and handkerchiefs by writ -
H���t Would $top.
on a clean towel and a, the cake ing nauue "'Fe" the centre with --
cools it will slip nut of the tin. ink. Furnish '•l,ildrea with a black i(oo-Irrda of t'e-npte R•, shout their•
e c woe. on the ,ergs of ,pest, and vet 9 Contrary to the name of Jes15. pass ••Icr either of these !'tyles of
pinned, basted, and shipped, you 1 should say she (lel. Sixteee
can do the entire operation without spoons, a silver sugar and crea.n•
et, a desert fork. and eielit wine
losing more than ten or tsclvc tea- glasses. all 11,m, Cliffee, nt uo(s' 3
there. tee „
School flay Helps.- -Mark um-
brellas by writing name on muslin
►► ith ink and seeing to inside of
top sith black thread; overshoes
II ruining Messiah and the resurree- oiganization is so perfect that its
Don (2) that he had had his difli- roads, every foot of them, are cent -
citifies in accepting Jesus as the pletely dragged in three hears
fulfillment of premise, Until his from the umment the order is givea.
miraculous conversion and commis- in 1906 the state of lova anu•nd-
siun to the Gentiles; (3) that the eci her statues to provide for the
hostility of the Jews grew nut of ese of the King system on the
Knicker---'•!When do you expect
confirmation of the diseovery of the
Rocker -"!Then Mr. S. Claus
comes to town."
his zeal for w' at Moses and the country roads. In Itu►A the lane ens (le" � s�.rz
prophet` had distinctly taught' made mantle,ury and has been Fly -Just to think that i shnnld
(23). broadened to include the unpaved 1'e the third one to disco•.er the
6. The hope of the promise -- In- streets of the cities and towns. in North Pule 1- Life
eluding the resurrection of all Jews! that r,tate,
t. share in the Messianic kingdom,' Lel all concerned talc(' notice that --
Could Not Lie On His loft Side n. `cell as the coming of the Mess the foregoing, its nit' phrase. or pare-
s atte opts to substitute the Troubled
n The question is eg15►81001 to, t peeitiee of the King system --- the
"Why not believe that •Ices was hard earth roa,l ---for gravel or With Backache
raised from the dead n:a,ad:I m. I:rlough travel must
When cold ice the bottom and strip. +•loth en w •' 1 I t I d '
i k I I h h I d Il f'
Ii 1 .1'1, ,1 r Pan cin 1 nee it t ,. ten y when t e - n order to stifle can u-tnr of it. road its order to keep it at its
Kith a boiled icing. tc use when painting
Line the •,• , tomer that rhe ,;na u. MI weak- 10. rder my tat(' n
Slce►e of girl~ dresses underneath ,l 1 t'w`" gails.t them - hest. If there is not ssuflieicnl 1ra►•-
n les (, .r ,rant 14appsrrnt 1 here is iatablishing 1 he fact that Paul was' e1 eitht•r will go to pieces. On the
Iv 1 Plle I.
as they s on wear the ulg. only one a arc .n l chat a ;, ]],ember of the Sanhedrin. jr'ther hand t.." much testes wit! Backache is the first sign of kidne
en the desks :Ind 1/I 11., ran be mete!-' MILBURN'S MEANT and NERVE PILLS1 11. Puni•hinn 11,e.. . in all the t I min any env of the three. Or, a , trouble and 'thenad never fee eregleer e'e
1'.1 Rit)l:S 1tE•:('ll'I•:`l. ed easily. Put luingrra on winter 1 t � boner or I:,u•r ;i,e kidntq•e wdl la+:ou,e
Ice ('ream 'fak(' one half pound
coats. Mark mittens 113 sexing' TryTilefga111/�CMltrlttloed. �synagugues In carious place, in proaebinst the problem from nn-, afTe(•tedan'i ears ofnilferingfollun.
1.f shear, .lx yolks of P name written with ink un unlslin the (ia.p019 we find ►eferrnrrs to t•'hr r ansr'r. 1IsP tnoe irate! An 11r+. W. C. Doerr. I I;righton St.,
eggs. one 1fr. fans 10'111. ('a.+cape(iia. Qii►., (114' ss uageque• as places its which er 1th road ha•,, up lu a certain •London. Qat., writM --"tt is with 1Jc+aa-
pint 1.f milk. Mix well. lint on lire,
to 111.1(10 w 1 i.e. livens children' wr'ea-"Ahem fisc yean ago
Sep ' Igen
were accused and mnislsrd 1,,•101. the het ter it i.. .1 rd the are that 1 thank tot] for the good verse
keep stirring until it comes (, a 008113. \syr► 'sliest them to go all hope of `euinghetterof heart trotuble.
buil, and then 41(1(1 one pint cream
with lenses in their stockings 'feat►, 1 would nearly choke, and then 11,v : ("'i"!11'1•'' •Matt. 10. 1;). ;fine statement is 11150 of grave! r.r- Ikan'a Kidney )'iis have done me,
and tl8yot tt the taste. Strain And them to brash their teeth end hair,
heart would atop beating 1 ax,ld not 1'o make them blaspheme I'• 11,8-54.1 1 - t (' may, therrfnre, res, Have been ter r' I -.I wish hark►'he for
l�e ms my left side. and becaroe NO nervous den} the name of Jesus. elude that vyh�n the travel a soli.,+sear. MP) 10 1. t g helloed use elates e
freest,. Before serving cover the keep their hands and faces clean. ,,'friend bete trl.t n 0 a roc af 1)oao e
cream with a m('ling�� and hake gP and weak I cold not work. A Iruend sold la 19. Paid here snintIi4t i, s >, , eient to lueak down an earth rnS I Isidney !'ale. t re(an to take them a
Isis them a bottle of shoe polish to me to try Nilaunt 's heart and \t,rte teras teselatinns. 'the command to the surface should he entered with took four beau.. I sin lad to say
its Ir ver} hat oven anP minute.
use when shoe, grow shabby'. '!'hey !'ills, and before the Prat twos wo►,s taken (p,•earh to the Gentiles was tti+en gravel or macadam: and wht,ri !ht, 1 am entirely r'rrrsl, (•tido all n at
Meringue- Four whites of eggs, AeelrOcand
iatiuolk'fhtltterta hcrinthe conas le�P',to't w enreand
l base d+istrl dates (eotnpare Apt, ',. I:, and 21). gravel or macadam fails to with work and feel as good as IA own
well beat en. 1(td one-half pound PP •- ta!:eneiek. 1a1n ,t,ye +,1'etOre
or puvydcrcd auy8t And flavor. Or they look well. n'an� others io In ahem. and they have -''' T" small And !treat Thr Lord stand the tlAflic the hour has come ppoose
Pills are all vol etsitn tl ltan s 1"dnry
In 6
one half "f Ihr recipe can be used alt been curet of the +ante trouble p shad said that he should bear his when we 'noel plan for brick or h, ro±*, and i
Salted Almond `8nd+cichea---IlOat have offered 10 pay forst,o for anybody. name before kings (Acte n. 13). cuhhlestane.. advsse all ki�ney.uRena to ,v• the
fa.r u.,i. 1'ua mar 14 my 6an,c if u
one fourth •,f a cupful of best olive U`;1:F1.'I. Hl:\Tti. thPydonntenlP.' t. 23. The teaching of the pro- rt is the nriter's (Tee, & that pi wise•.,
ViILurn's Heart sad 'erre pills ire /diets and !lases w•as: (Il that 11x.-
localities where farmi8rj lAr:d is
oil inn frying pan, add tone nage-
your starch will not stick of you :'0e. per 1)05. or :t bnyt,s for $l.2''. at ell p),�'t', Ki,tne�y' us Are It rents
s s of blanched almond'• and fry a Ptir it with a wax candle directly 1t of siah should come (2) that hr should worth thirty rinilars an acre. Hutt' I,r., ;; l :vexeaT"fJ.?5,arall, pe►
1 dPalPn, Or mailed direst on evert , safer : (3) that
he shet'i(1 else A4Ai1n s1enC and •fa+ei en 1 be ,Jae tr• r) T 1 alPls. Or
pall` brown color. Drain an paper, it is made, vire by The T. M,Ibu.n Co., L,mited, b 1 twilled ,b,est ren crei,t of ►ice Lv the
from the dross (1) th.nt he shoals' within three miles of the II'.' ►, <e,,, T. MiNun ''o „Red. i'
then toss them in a seasoning of
For the roam of cold lam Toronto, Ont.p 1 ited, "I'ornnt,, (►,t,
P br preached to the (:eotlles• road, the cemnitlnile w'hic'h . , s t'. hen 4 re• a rye. fe e'aerate"
For Years.