HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-10-21, Page 5THE EXE.CEE TIMES, OCT.21th 1909 Buyers of Seeds,Alsyke CREDITON Browns . Timothy- and Clover, etc. Dred Apples, Live CORNER I and dressed poultry, hides, beans, and all kinds of farmproduce. STORE Cr ed i to n . Price • pay highest market The New C. N.'& E2. Clothes for Men and Boys are Ready 74ncite your attention to the complete showing of C. N. & R. clothes for tand winter seasons. The character of this clothing is such that it appeals to people of refinement who will readily appreciate the range from which they can obtain individuality in dress. C. N. & R. Men's and Youths Sults In three and four button single breasted models of Worsteds, Serges and Tweeds in all the newest shades, $5.00 to $15.00 and high- er if ordered. TROUSERS -Just in and very nice, from $2.50 to $ti 0') and many cheaper. BOYS' SUITS -A full range at reasonable prices, A Word About C. N Sr R. Quality The fabrics are of the best procurable and ate chosen because of their servieeable qualities. The styles are new and it is owing to the 0. N. & R. designers standing at the head of their craft, They are then of broad ideas who ori- ginate instead of repro- duce. The workmanship is of the best. Careful at- tention is given to fin- ish. The workmanship combined with expert designing gives the per- fect fitting qualities for which C\,& R. clothes are noted. C. N. S R. overcoats Lightweight over- coats, silk faced and cloth faced in Black Vicunas and Grey Worsteds. Heavy Over- coats of Cheviot, Bea- ver, Worsteds and Tweeds in Black, Blue, color mixtures and stripes. Latter veru fashionable from $5.-;5 to $20.00. RAINCOATS- Dark Grey and Stripes,etrict- ly waterproof, Our Fur range is complete and prices are right Mantles Our range in Coats for Ladies, Girls and Children was never so large, In Dress Goods ne have all the new materials in the newest shades Ask to see our New Silks, Satins and Waistings S_ B R 0 W N �-� rur6iidseu BIaGKsmIth Bus1ll6S Having purohased the blacksmith property and business of 1VIR. A. E. Prat, near the Town Hall, I am prepared to do all kinds of Blacksmith Work for the General Public, and respectfully solicit the pttra'lige of all the Old Customers of the Shop and many New Ones. I believe we can give you entire' satisfaction. Yours, David Russell • eMIIMMMIMISMr Make Each Animal;!!!!!! 25% Over Its ost On 35 of a Cent a Clay 'TEE EEL" t 2:01} /.42:02} Winner of adj. "pacer on Grund Ci.cu7, 'ray Nobody ever heard of "stock food" curing the hots or colic, making hens lay in winter. increasing the yield of milk five pounds per cow a day, or restoring run-down animals to plumpness and vigor. When you feed "stock food " to your cow, horse. swine or poultry, you are merely feeding them what you are growing on your own farm. Your animals do need not more feed. but something to help their bodies get all the good out of the feed you give them so they can get fat and stay fat all year round: also to prevent disease, cure disease and keep them up to the best possible condition. No "stock Good" can do all these things. ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC can and dues. It is Nota "Stock Food" But a "Conditioner" ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC contains no grain. nor farm products. It increases yield of milk from three to five pounds per cow per day before the Specific has been used ftvo weeks. It makes the milk richer and adds flesh fatter than any other preparation known. Young calves fed with ROYAL PURPLE arc as large at six weeks old as they would be when • with ordinar n a e tats n weeks. feJ Yp t t r at tc ROYALPUIRPLE STA K SPECIF! C C builds tip nen-down animals and restores theme t, plumpness almost magically. Cures hots. colic, worms. skin diseases and debility permanently. Dan Mc:wan. the horseman. says: "1 have used ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECiFIC persistently in the feeJing of 'The Rel.' 2.01}. largest winner of any pacer on Grand Circuit in 1903. and 'Henry Winters.' 2.091, brother of Allen Winters,' winner of 535.000 in trotting stakes in 1908. These horses have never been off their feed since 1 commenced using Royal Purple Specific almost a year ago. and I will always have it in my stables•" STOCK AND POULTRY SPECIFICS One 50c. package of ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC will last nine animal seventy days. which is a little over two-thirds of is cent a dal Most stock fonds in fifty cent ppacka •cs last hut fifty days and are given three times a day. ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFICt is given but once a day, and lasts half again as long A 51.50 pail containing four titres the amount of the fifty cent package will last 2110days. ROYAL PURPLE will increase the value of your stock 254. It is an astonishingly quick fattener. stimulating the appetite and the relish for Gxxt. assisting nature to digest and turn feed Into flesh. As a hog fattener it is a leaner. It will save many times itsco-.t in veterinary Nils. KOVAL PURPLE POULTRY SPECI- FIC is our other Specific for poultry. not for stock. One .50cent package will last twenty-five hens 70 days, ora pail costing f 1.30 will last twenty-five hens 280 days. which is four times more material for only three times the cost. It mattes a "laying machine '•out of your hens summer and winter 'resents n vie losing_flesh at moultingtime. and curs p�,ultr • ds ieases. livery package of 'ROYAL PURPLETOCK SPECIFIC or POULTRY SPECIFIC i•: guaranteed. u Just use ROYAL PURPLE nn one avenue animals and any other pr ••paration on another animal in the same condition: after comparing results you will sayROYAL PURPLE has them all heat to death. orelse h.r:kcomcsyourmoney. PRIM -Ask your merchant or write us fur cur valuable 31 page booklet on cattle and pooqultry diseases. containing also ROYALrPURPLE1STOCK and POUL. TRY SPECIFICS. If you cannot get Royal Purple Specifics from merchants or agents. we will supply you dirc:t. express prepaid. on receipt of SI.SOa pail for either Poultry or Stork Specifics. Make money a •ting as our agent in your district. Write for terms. For sale by all tip -to -date r.'erchants. W. A. Jenkins mfg. Co., London, Can. W. .1. IIE. MAN, Exeter. II.'eN LON sF. O'IIItIEN, Centra SEALED 'Ei AR ''1: 'TENDER - addressed to the Poste; eater Genera,. will be received nt Ott:ttt 1 until noon. on Friday. the 19111 November. pine for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mai'q, on a proposed Contract for four years six and six tunes respect- ively per week each wiy, between Exeter rued Kirkton. Kirkton and St. Mary's. from the Postmaster (fen- eral'3 plctsnre. Printed notices containing further information ns to conditions ofpro- pos (1 Contract met.ho s.•en and blank forme of Tender tatty be obtained et lite Post Office of Excter. Kirktoe, St. Mary's and route offices and at the Office of th. I'ost Office !nepr_- tor at Lo^ion. G C. ANDERSON. Seperintenil nt. Post Office Department. Main Ser- vice Branch, Ottawa, 4th October. i000. NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY The Bell Telephone Company of Canada is about to issue a New Tele- phone Directory for the District of Western Ontario, including Exeter. (inlets for new connections, changes of flints names, changes of street ad- dresses. or for duplicate entries, should be handed in at once to A. MARCHAND I.ocal Manager. Crediton Winchelsea Miss Jessie Dow, of Ilibb.•rt, was A tenor of five Crediton bowlers the guest of Miss Lula Uodbolt ou are anxious for a game with five of Sunday. the Exeter prayers just to show the Mies Jessie A. Hamilton visited Devonshire people of that burg that her father in Cromarty ou Saturday bow:iter on the alleys. is a gam! and Sunday. that the Germans excel in. Mrs. Thos. Durdlc had a pleasant The Icyuteu's Missionary (tally of visit with two of her brother's -in - the Crediton District Evangelical law of near St. Thomas, from Suter - church. next 'Thursday Oot. 21st. The d -'y night till Monday morning. following; program will be rendered at Mr. Wes. lieywood's doi, went road 2 l,. m. "Die stelltin; der Laien zu and h.td to be shot. One d.ty Lest der Mission" by Mr. D. S. Faust : I%Vo week a mad do; went through the man's Missionary 'Movement of the village and bit Mr. 1leywood's do;;. 20th century, by ltev.A. D. Gischler. J Evening Session. Address, Mr. C. L. Go to the blood, if you are to drive 13rcithaupt, Berlin, Ont; "Tho call of out Rheumatism. A Wisconsin pby- opportuuity" ltev. E. 11. Means 1 &icier!. Dr. Shoop, does tbis with his Mr. G. Weirs returned home Fri- Rheumatic Remedy -and with seem - day evening after spending a few Ini success. ltub-ons, says the doctor, months in the west. never did cure Rheumatism. It is Mr. J. 11. Boltzmann spent Thurs- more than skin deep -it is constittu- day and Friday in Stratford. 1 tional, always. Because of this prin- Miss Carrie Wein left for London' ciple, Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy on Saturday where she will remain • is perhaps the most popular itt exist - for n while. i Ince. It goes by word of mouth from Mr. Harry .Eilber took a fellow to one to another, everychere. Grateful the house of Insane at London. We patients gladly spread results. It is understand that be escaped. ' an act of hurnanity, to tell the sick Mr. Wm. Geiser returned home of a way to health. Tell some nick from the west. Ile reports a good one. Sold by W. S. llowey. time. We understand that if he can ..'t lis :arm he will move up. EIImVllle A number front here attended the tvedd::)� at Shipka on Tuesday. I bliss Tillie 'Cornish is spending a r. U. Dunsford, of Exeter, spentI week at home in Crediton. Sunday in town. bliss Pearl Anderson, of Fullerton, This kind of weather makes the , was the guest of Mrs. D. hicks. ladies run for their hats. Mies Pearl • Anderson and bliss Miss A. Ratz, of Parkhill, spent , Annie Parkinson were the 'guest of Sunday is ith her sister Mrs. Charles Mrs. D. Edwards, of McGillivray, on Zwicker. ' Sunday. Mr. Samuel Braun spent a few days Farmers are complainin; of their in London and Woodstock. , potato crop beim; injured by being Miss Hilda Schenk, left for London • eaten with the grubs. where she will remain for a while.' Woodham intends holding their An - We understand that Mr. Viso.' niversary services next Sunday. Weiner and family are moving -to Miss Emma Peart spent Last week Marlette, iMich., next week. We are at Mr. T. liellands, of lilanshard. very gory to see them go. 0- ItUSSELDALl: Too late for last week. I Miss llella and George Brown spent Mr. Garnet Baker, of London. spent f Sunday afternoon with friends in .t few days in taws. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. August Bill were at-, The many friends o: Mr. and Mrs. tending the funeral of Mrs. hill's A. Morrison, of Stratford, extend sister in Dlilverton, their deepest sympathy of the loss of The plisses Ilaists elm were visiting, their little daughter. friends around here. returned to Miss Cora Venner, of Chiselburse, their (tomes in 'Kilns:unagh, Mich. is visiting her aunt Mrs. A. llodgert. Miss Clara Kienzie spent Sunday in bliss Beatrice Clark, of Avonton, is London. visiting friends in this vicinity. Mrs. Fred Eilber is on t he sick list Mrs. Jno. troy who has been visit - but we hope to see her around very ing friends in Mitchell. returned soon. house Saturday:. Mr. Bert Clarke is moving his shed Mrs. A. Ilodgert visited at the behind the barn. home of Mrs. Bray, of laareuhar, on Mr. George Bedford, of Sarnia, is Tuesday. spendin; a few days with bis broth- The Rev. Mr. Baker, of Fullerton, er John. preached an excellent sermon to a Miss Struthers and Miss Love, spent large audience in the O. O. C. F. a felt days i n London last week. hall on Sunday, and their choir ren - Mr. J. Rata:, of Parkhill, spent a dered excellent music for the ea - few days with his sister Mrs. L. 'Zwicker. Mr. C. Zwicker spent a week with his son Charlie. On Tuesday evening Miss M. JKlumpp entertained a number of her friends to a party. They all re- ported a good time. Threshing is the order of the day. Mr. R. Manson spent Sunday with his parents in winaham. Mrs. J. Eilber who spent a couple of months in Pigeon, Mich., return- ed home accompanied by her dtte ehter .Mrs. 1Vucrth. The wholesome, harmless green leaves and tender stems of a lung healing mountainous shrub, give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy its curative praperties. Tickling or dry bron- chial coughs quickly and safely yield to this highly effective Cough medi.: cine. Dr. Shoop assures mothers that they can with safety give it to even very young babies. No opium, no chloroform -absolutely nothing harsh h or harmful. It calms the dis- tressin; cough, and heals the sen- sitive membranes. Accept no other. Demand Dr. Shoop's. Sold by W. S. Howey. Before folios Magistrate Andrews Canton Thursday, Joseph Reinhardt. of \Vaweriy hotel. was fined $55.15 for selling ti poor on Sunday, the In- formation hcine laid by Inspector As- puith. Two other cases were laid by Inspector Torrance and fines imposed Ilenr: llayter, of Zurich being an In. dian lister, was fined $40 on two chtr;es, and Itobert Blair, of Bayfield $10 and costs for he vin; Heuer in bis posses.ion. he also being on the pro- hibited list. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. the Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the Signature of castor.. Mrs. Sandercock end Mrs. A. Hart, of Fullerton, spent Sunday at "Floral Bower." Stomach troubles would more quick- ly disappear if the idea of treating the cause, rather than the effect, would come into practice. A tiny, inside hidden nerve, says Dr. Shoop, governs and givesstrength to the stomach. A branch also goes to the Ilcart, and one to the Kidneys. When these "in- side nerves" fail, then the organs moat falter. Dr. Shoop's Restorative is directed specifically to these fail- ing nerves. Within 48 hours after starting the Restorative treatment patients say they realize a ;:tin. Sold by W. 8. llowey. DOCTORS SAID ONLY ZAJt-BUIK COULD CURE HER EOZLMAA In view of the nunieroas cures which %ale,-lluk has tsorked when all else has failed there is little wonder that in the end the doctor at':cnding Mrs. J. 1'. St. Denis of 305, Thomp- son Photo 1 1- son Street, Winnrpc;, should tell her there was nothing but Zam-Iluk could cure her. Th: result should the far- seeing wisdom of this pract:tionrfr, and having been completely cured by %•stn -holo, Mrs. St. Denis gives her ex- eriene, for the ben.fit of other sufferers, Site Rtys;"Eczenis started on one side of her fare and hose. At first goy nose felt sore, :dinilar to what one feels when basin; a bad cold. I paid no :attention to tide. Winking it would pass away in a day or so, but to my surprise it got worse. The nose there became hard and swollen, and turned a purplish ted, as well as part of the cheek on side of my facer. "As the. (liseas • developed pimples and ulcers broke out. then the skin cracked in places :and peeled off in flakes, lea wine my far .• and nose raw and sore. Thisconditionreacted on my sensed heellh. land 1 became very i:I. I could set no sleep at nirht because of 1h• Irritation and pain, and my fac.' was in such a shock - in,•, condition that for Iwo months i did trot go nut of the house. i itpplhld ,4:-46( remidiee a high were supposed to be Good for skin disease's, bait in vain. "My doctor a'so treated ate, but without effe•t, unti11 one day he said shat the only thing which now likely to cure ens Zam-Iluk. "Acting on his adwiee, i procured n supp:y and found that evon the So shall you Reaptf first few app:ica'ions had a soothing effect on the sores, 1 left off every - thin; erre in laver of thisbeim. and We are constantly sewing On appacd it liberty to the effected. In the best cloths money can buy t reniarkeb:y short time, eonsid.•rinr "As ye Sew We are reaping satisfied ens- toniers. Natural, isn't it. When we sow our ndvertiahment in the newspapers. stating the price fur a Stitt, Cott, Trousers, or whatever the nd. might suggest. we include the best of everything in that suit. The lest (!loth, rage beat Lining.", the best Padding'e, the twat 'Thread etc., as well es the best of our nhility in Cut. ting, Fitting and Making, shouldn't we reap our reward? This ad. is sowed to reap you as one of our customers. When you need a Suit. ('oat, Trousers or Fancy Vest e' 1 his ad. lead you to our shop where we cin prove to you that we live tip to neo word. J. H. Holtzmann CttEDITON. the obstinate tinter,. of my diseas', w•e 9.1 w' trnoes of improvement, which enrolls fed us to persevere with the Yearn -1111k treatment. Mtn -1111k redu- ced the disco:oralien th n the hard swelling begin lo shosv Ir u- 8oflety- in,f, the toren A. erne(' :••8A anger)' and in about tl ree weeks' time most of Ihesores were hesline nicely. 'To cut •t :one; story short. 1 continued with the %sem-lark ireetni •nt until my face was cleared completely of all the tron- b enfant.• and p,in(ul eczetet." Such was the expctience of Mrs. 9t. Denis, and scares of other sufferers rou.d tell of 'miler exp'ri'ties. Z,tm ilek is Nature's own healer, being (outlawed of sure h••rbel healing es- sences and fr a front all trate of harmful nnim a! fat or minora) poison It `.s a safe curt• for cuts, laceration. bereft. eczema, ring -norm. poisoned eremite. festering sore!, bad kg and ' •1:i•, injnri s ind dist •s. Zim- Ruk it a cure for piles. uruzeiste end storeA everywhere t•••Il it at 50c. a lox or post free f tons the Z.tm Bok Co.. Toronto on reos•ipt of prie •. You ere w armed artiest eh al) and harm• fail imitations rometimea represented aS "just :a 40041" Dashwood Miss Susie NVainbold who bas spent the past three tt,'cks visiting friends in Stratford and Berlin returned to her home ou Monday Inst. Mrs. J. Kellermann and bliss Ethel visited friends in Zurich on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan titweitscr, of Crediton, visited at the home of the :Misses Tiernan. alts. Ilcrrgott and fatally wbo has been visiting Mrs. N. %. oltin have returned to their borne at Mildmay. Miss Lydia Brown, of London. is visiting her parents. ltc•v. 1.. K. Eidt and Mrs. Eidt via- i(ed Dlr. Kellerman at London on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Witmer and fam- ily, of Zurich, spent Sunday with Mrs. C. Miller. There will be uo services in the Evange'ical Church on Sunday. Prayer service at 10 a. tn. and the Y. 1'. A. will take charge of the evening meeting. The youets people of our town gave Miss Marjory Broderick a very pleas- ant surprise on 'Thursday evening of last week. Mr. Hyde, engineer for the C. P. IL spent Monday ni;ht in town. Farquhar Mr. and Mrs. 1). Brown were in London last week attending the fun- eral of Mr. Brown's brother, wbo died of fever, in Victoria hospital. Farmers are busy threshing and taking up their roots. Mr. Joshua Johns is busy moving to Elitnville. We are sory to lose such a good citizen. Grand Bend Rev. Fortner, of Bayfield, will occupy the pulpit of the Methodist Church on Sunday event's; next in the absence of the pastor, who is taking the Anniversary Services at Bay- field. Mr. Geo. Beaman. of London, is here looking after his park. Mrs. W. 13, Oliver attended the Epworth League Convention in St. Marys the fore part of this week. Mr, Wm. Patterson has erected a new verandah to Or,: east nide of his house,. Mr• James Mollard who has been visiting his sons in Saskatchewan for the past two months, returned home on friday looking none the worse for his trip. Miss 'Mary Amos is visiting at her grandparents in McGillivray at pre- sent. Don't forget to attend the Musi- cal At ilome in the Methodist Church on 'Thursday 28th, inst.. See •the nobby ready-made suits at NV. T. Amos'. Duck shooting is all the rage these last two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Pollock called on Mr. Jas. Mollard on Sunday last. Mr. J. E. Amos, of Brinsley, spent Sunday with bis brother Serer. Jno. Young is arranging to put a foundation under his arouse. Quite n number from here, at- tended the Anniversary services at Boston Methodist Church on Sunday. A very :successful shooting match was held in connection with the Hotel Imperial on the 13th, inst. The following is the score : 1st event 10 live birds X. Dodds F. Kerr 1•a. Brenner Fa Sheardown J. 1'. Rau Jos. Brenner M. Brenner 11. llossenberry 2nd event 10 live birds E. Kerr E, 'ihcardowu J. Dodds E. Brenner .1. I'. ltsu IL ltossenberry :lrtl event 10 hilt,. rocks .1. Dodd.; E. Kerr .1. 1'. It:ut E. Brenner Jos. Bremner P. Sipple M. Itrenuer IL liossenbcrry 10 10 9 r 7 4 7 8 9 10 9 7 7 8 9 8 7 8'� 7 5 The fo:lowing is copied from the London Advertiser of Saturday even- ing. David Brown. of Fareatber. Ont., ap- peared in the police court this morn - In;, and it was the general opinion that he is one of the meanest individ- uals who ever came into London. Brown was charged with being drunk A few days ago. his brother, Wil- liam (crown, a miner, formerly of Farpnhir, died in Victoria hospital from typhoid fever contrasted during the epidemic at Coba:t. The evidence was to the effect that Brown bad left $125, which he inten- ded to cover his fuucr:tl and hospital expiate( ft. The money ens left nt the Ilarrison Nouse. where he was stopping, and it is stated that David Ilrown went there and obtained it. and proceeded 10 go on a big drunk. The p iestion of who was 10 look ni- ter his brother's funeral srcmi never to have bothered him, and it is Feld that he even offered to sell his bro- ther's body to the Medical School. "The city can look after the funeral and pay the expenses if they like," he is reported to have said. A sister. however, ;et %tinct of w het 55118 doin 0, and employed a toed so'icitor to look after the ntter. llrow•n gas arrested iest ui;ht for being; drunk, land it eats decided to ,tivc hits n chance 10 do the tight thin,; and turn the stoney over before taking :any proceedings tagainst him. "You know you had absolutely no rixht to go and get That moncyf' Ale ;1st rate Love Said 10 Ilr•owrt. "There are certain liei,i''t 11 son- ne•ttien wish your 14011tet's d atlu and they have got to he Fettled. Vo: r sister hid a prior a:,lite on tiny looney Grit remained. end 1 it ant yell to At tri this decrement restoring the money." Brown ngreed to sign th • document and restored the money. which will he used to hairy his In olive d •gently. Otherwise 1h • ,remains tao:tid tette. bait to ►zo 10 the medical school. "1 ate, ,fled you have rnadc this matter ri,tht.'t the court told Brown. "Now yeti can go." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S . CASTO R I A Siebert Co. To the Ladies of Dashwood and Vicinity (:wing to the continuous fain of both days of our Millinery Opening, not all bad the privilege to see our tine display of Mats. 'We herewith extend t'>' you a hearty wel- come to see the latest in Ladies, Misses and Child - rens headwear. It will pay you to do so, as our showing is second to none and our prices are cer- tainly very reasonable. Dress Goods a Spezialty. Bring along your Produce Siebert & Co. Hartleib Block. DASHWOOD s Grand Bend Departmental Store Special Fall Announcement With the approach of cold weather you will he lookirg for seasonable goods. Now is the time to buy, We aro gond and ready for the best fall and winter trade we have ever done. Our store was never so full as at present and we feel satisfied that we can supply your requirements and a$i the lowest possible prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. Do you know that we carry the following lines -Dry Goode. consisting of Dress Goods, Ladies Jackets, Girls Coats, Children's Toques, Caps, Mufflers, Mitts, "Wear - well" brand of Hosiery, etc. etc. READY MADE SUITS We have some of the Nobhiest Suits on the market. Styles the latest and prices that cannot be beaten; Hardware consisting of all kinds of shelf goods as well as stove pipes, elbows, coW chains, rope, halters, tie straps,hame straps, breast straps, whips, harness oil, Separator oil, Fleury Plows, plow points, landsides, soleplates, coulters, wheelbarrows, etc. We solicit your patronage. Highest prices for produce of all kinds W. T. AMOS, - GRAND BEND. ANNOUNCEMENT Having purchased the Stoic Business of Joshua Johns, of Farquhar, I am able to give the general nubile snaps in Staple Goods, Boots & Shoes, Groceries, Oils, Etc., Etc. and respectfully solicit the patronage of the old customers and many NEW ONES. I believe i can satisfy you. Come and see. JOHN CAMPBELL, Farquhar Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs. YOU PAY WHEN CURED Drs. K. & K. TAKE ALL RISKS VP' NO NAMES OR PHOTOS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT .*1 NERVOUS DEBILITY Thousands of young and middle -ages) men are nnnunlly swept to a prsntatum grave through Early Indiscretions, Excesses and Blood Diseases. if you hare any of the fol- lowing symptoms consult us before it is toa late. Are you nervous and weak, despon• dent mud gloomy, sp.•ek, before the eyes, wrti, dark circles under them. wank Wick, e r L e palpitation n kidneys 1 alta 1 ul .lmtl n f the, heart,bashful, dreams out o�ru.•s yy1 1 sediment In urine. pimples on the fn�e.leyes sunken, hollocheeks careworn expression, poor tnemoryy, u dist rstNI, lack energy ani strength, tired mornings. restlers nights, changeable moods, weak manhood, premature decay, bone pains, balr loose, sore throat, etc. YOU WILL BE A WRECK Our New Method Treatment can cure you rind make a man of you). Under its influ- ence the bruin becomes active. the blood purified. e, that all pimple., blotches and ulcers di t.ippear, the nervea become strong as steel, so that nerwousne m, bashfulness and des- pondency vanish, the eye beeomen bright. the face full and clear. energy returns to tho )rely nn l the moral, physical and Sexual systems are Invigorated: all drains cease -no more %Intl waste from the system. Iten t let quacks and fakirs rob you of your hard earned dollars. W. will Cure you or no par. EVr".YTHI:IG PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL READER: No matter who has treated yet. writ•• for an hnn,:r opinion Free of Charm, Books Free "The Golden Monitor" i Illmt r.tt..1 r on Secret Diseases of Men. QUESTION UST FOR HOME TREATMENT SENT ON REQUEST DRs.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. r • Flatulence When every bite you eat seems to turn to gas and your stomach and intestines cause you end- less discomfort, it is an unfailing sign that your en- tire system needs a thorough housecleaning. 9 1 G (/. S PAT. pc�,ct TA13LETS- rsiq curcs flatulence by eliminating the cause of the disturb ance-inactive liver. Take an NR tablet to-ni¢I.' and you'll feel better in the morning. Better than Pills for Liver Ills so Get a 25Box. For Sale by W. S. Cole, Exeter. )