HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-10-21, Page 4THE FINEST TEA THE WORLD PRODUCES "SALA Sealed lead packets only. 30c, 40c, 50e, and tiOe. per pound. At all grocers. ..HE EXETER TIMES, OCT. 21th 1909. MAMMOTH SALE OP FAltM AND(tthich sad event occurred Tuesday of VILLAGE PLOP EIRTY IN THE: last week after a severe Dimas. Towuship of L-sborne and Village of J. Linderfield, who bas been suf- fering with blood poisoning in the first finger of tbe left hand, was lad• vised to have the member amputated. Drs. Macdiarmid and Aikenbead per- formed the operation, To 'tuickly rbeck a cold, druggists are dispensing. everywhere, a clever Candy Cold Cure Tablet called Pre - suited for cement work and no waste, ventics. Preventirs are also fine for, land. On this property there is a large bank barn, 11) acres of fall wheat and some small fruits. This is a choice land and well suited for growing stuff for the Canning Factory. A. Q BO- BIEH. Prop. (2) That 15 acres of land, being nor- therly part of Lot 16, ('on. 1, Town- ship of Usborne, in the Village of Exe ter. On the propertf there is a stable in consotucncc the service at St. and never failing supply of water and T ,. is well suited for grazing or growing anya Church Mensal!. will be at .3 purposes. C. E, HACKNEY, Prop. I f• m• on the same Sunday. 3) All that property lying between the Canning Factory and Evaporator Zurich Ezeter. ro be held at the Metropolitan Hot- el, Exeter on Saturday, October 30th at one o'clock sharp. (1) That choice 53 acres of land lying west of the railroad and north of the salt block in the village of Exeter tak- ing in river on north, where there is r deep bed of first class gravel, well feverish children. Take I'reventics nt the sneeze stage, to head off all colds. Bos of 48-25o. Bold by W. S. Howey. STAFFA The annual harvest Thanksgiving services of Grace Church will be held next Sunday, Oct. 24th, when the Rev. D. W. 'Collins, Rector of Exeter will preach at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. and in Exeter. j Mr. David Schnell has ae. general 4) All that property lying east of purpose team that anyone might be Station between Station and Carling proud to own. Out of five exhibitions streets, ihe reot four first prizes and one second 15) All that property lying between; At Hayfield fair last weak he captor - Wellington and \ ictoria streets. In; ed a silver medal for the best team parcels 3, 4 and 5 there are somein harness. The team is a chestnut it choice building sate; aed will be sold! in color, 3 years old, wet( matched in lots to suit purchaser. This proper- i and weigh about 2600 pounds. ty belonxa to the Carling estate and! Mr. 3. G. Greybell, of Dasbwrooc , must be sold to wind up the estate.' has taken a position with J. Preetcr Intending purchasers may call at Mr. T. D. Wurm was at Detoit last Dickson & Carling's office for .maps) week attending the world's champion - ;end descriptions of property. , ship baseball games and incidentally (6) Lot 35, Con. b, .Usborne, 100, getting a fctypointers for Itssi.stIng ecres. On the property there are 5' the local team next season. acres of good hardwood bush;_ atone Large tuantitics of potatoes are be- dww•ellin e: large up to date poultry ing delivered into town. They come house, three barns and other build- mostly from 'the Sauble Line, tt•here inga. Land well underdrained ; new one party 'Mr. Peter Iiadour has rais- wire fences and never failing supply ed nearly a thousand bushels. of water; }cell situated. being one Mr. Chas. Fritz, who has conducted mile from Ilensall and four milds, a very sccessful 51100 business here from Exeter. This is choice farming for the upast tea years has sold his land and is mostly seeded to grass.: stock to 'Messrs. Appel & Gallman. Easy terms of payment. W. E. 4410G- The stock will be moved to the build- GARTII, Iiensall., Prop. tin. former;y occupied by Mr. Hart - Also one pair fillies agricultural ' lieb, ww•herc the new firm will shortly two years old; .four cows due to calve °Pe'n up for business. in Jen. and Feb.; 25 Atcers and hcif- In tee death of Mr. Samuel Rennie, era one and two years old: one open this community loses one of its best top buggy, new; one road wagons (known citizens. The demise occurred has been us d. 1 on ,Monday morning, October 11th af- Term.• of real (state made known I ter a•n illness <of sorra: months. Ile on day of sale; Stock, 8 months credit was In 71st year of his nye, and twa, o, :tug bust constitution and very will be given on furnishing npprov- active man. The diseased was reeve ed joint notes. THOS. CAMERON. ; of llay Township Auotion. et. i , in earlier years, and as he had a keen business insight, his servicraa at ere appreciated. He leaves AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK; to mourn his Loss. his widow and a ANDed Auctioneer hasS. been be instrct undersign- to rs, and manyilwarm personal fries and nds of ell1, 1»rl1 Public Thursday, at Lot 'J, 28th. on We ! atiernoonr n. andaw was:18 very largelydnent [ ytended. The services were held in 1909 at 1 o'clock sharp, the follow- fl, is w►n;ehlical church, of which ing properly. viz : congregation the deceased was a culturHore!: ,Ilriwding, Blood sAold, A ri- very valuable member, tbe interment total by ride; Driving Marc, 4 years &'king place at the Babylon Line old wand and reliable ;driving marc • h uretIry The grief-stricken family 2 years old, broken to harness. ; have the riincerest eceasthy in their Cattle -Cow due in November. 0 bcreawemord. Tho deceased wwas born Cows due in March and April, 4 licit- Cat cif- :'et Stratford. ;Ont., April 13th, 1839, ors lino years old, •1 $Leers two'and Stas married to Leab ilechtee cars old, 4 Stc,rs 0110 year old, 2 1''•11. 17th, 1863. They lived for some �ieifc•r:, 011, )car o;d. 4 Calves. years nt ICrossbill, anti moved to this r Toww nsl►ip in 1869. '!'heir family con- io11ilry-A number of ]lens and 81st of fourteen chi:dren. three of Tnllele, ronie Geese and Duck. i whom are dead. Th, cons are Eras- Implcmcnts-Lumber \Vaaon, Truck t,is, at llcnsall; ,Eldon, of Indiana. �V:ei;on, Top liu(;gy, new ; Open ,Ind •biline at ionic, (11 : daughters be- Duegy,:'air Bobsleighs. Cutter, K.0 (I- ire; files. Paulin, Mrs. Stgcick and ratolr,r�n(� y Ile%u(w pf 1OAI;a tooth ,anis be- im) Culti- all living in the ]]fader and Mower, !lora Itakc, Fan Mrs.It t:.Airs. 11. fluent a D,shwvood; nine MiltWalking ]laws, Large' fifes. (Rev.) Alf. Geiger, of Pembroke: 2 � 3 Airs. Ileyrock, 'Misses Ella and 24 rote 1':oww. Set ll:arrowwc, Land beth at home. There are 21 itollc is Ii 1) lack, 5cuffler. Root children and one need brother. grand rt. ;p•r. Gra v4.1 :lox, Set Double Work Ilarnes:s, Set Single. Harness,'_ Fork,, Shovel,, Hove :end other 1 OOniii;nday _ aftcr,00tl, Oct. 10th. article, loo numerous to mention. No. In'wud Stodd:art• jr.. of Goderich pea._ icscrw, n., the proprietors are going • t.d a„.„ -.after an illn sg of six day ' west.. ' duration. On Mond.a he was taken fEIt.lty-All sum. of $5.00 and un- ill .w•t } m n. ory a tae , Svhich c i h nn infl•u r aL t k der, ,rash; over that amount 13 ontlnuid 1g' ret wwors• and on tnomthi credit wwill be _;iwcn on fur- 83tnrd:ay his case was ro serious that n`i'bin,. approved joint Motes. 5 p:r hopes of his recov:ry were given up p. r nnn,nu ulf for cash on Itis death was a surprise, for on Mon- crtdil amounts. T. Cameron. Auc- dryrnornin,t Le w:15 conducting his teeters . .'. xauder liege., 1 ropric- r,.,tei;:er business and few could corn- tO1ty pr, head that it was David tb• younr- -,er stho had joined tin.' feat majority. Nensall II hosts of friends. and it as n g Tie (lee .aetel was a model citizen, hard lovin husk'nd and father. and his dealti. Set•er.i: flew h e :rtten(1.•d the sag unexpected will b,• mourned, nor loiter risen I Ili.• Exeter baseball 1101 on:)• by his wife, children and Cub dub . w. fling. re' atI%'8, but by a!1 wwhr new him. Chi r:(. Ili 1] in 111. of SI. 'l'hotnas,111,• 4er,•ased wras a meub.`r of the D. spent a f. a (1,. ; last week with ('• 1'• and the hon,' circ:.•. and the friends in don n, arm named society :,tended as a lod- R. W,rrim 1 tut, disposed of hit e .�lstnt his l ifuneral. a rdtnainors inet r livuty iratinexm to his broth.]. \;etc. Malt- Ftenk :.awed. who held Di • posi• land, tion os junior clerk in Ih; Mtolsons' bent:, left 1:44 44 eek for his hotne in Alvineton. Mr. find Alr<. 'rhos. I'.Ittncr, Jr., have notch t) 111 p1 Hay extended them In it's death of tb.it infant chid, Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R IA i'afiltig flair Dandruff' Ayer's iiah \lgr.► lv:t as t•romo?) destroys the germs that cause dandruff. 11 nlaoves every trace of dllndr,15 kite, and &cies the scaly clean and In a healthy co -guise. 1ver's Iter Vigor 'ln'O, desfross the !terms that cause /silktg hair. It nnarishes the hair. NON. reserves ]boat to health. The hair stor reesei out. gross is re ta.....ly• oes not Coior the I laer We wish you to t>ec i sly and Distinctly nnderstarj that Ayer's Hair biger &.roe: not Lk:t the color of the hair, even to the slightest degree. i'ersons e ith the whitert or the Itghttet and meet delicate Motel hair clay usc it freely without hawire; the hair made a eliails darker. Ingredients ; Quinin. Sodium Chierid. ( aeswcilrn. Sage. Akelsol. Wetter. f rrfunee, Showy this formals t , y.•:ir doctor. Ask him what he thinks of ft. .. ^ .r./ a (Ten Cnueoly. t•.uedt. Ras 'Huron Co. W. C. T. U. The ttc•Iftlt Annual convention of Huron County .Woman's Christian Temperance Union was held in Slain St. Methodist Church, Exeter, on Oct. 7th and 8th. These were ideal au- tumn days, making the bright tints of the foliage glow in the warm sun shine. This. with the comfortabl greeting of hot coffee and light re- freshments in tho church school room, for the delegates who ar- rived from different parts of the county on rho early morning train& strengthened And cheered them for the work of the day. Tha president, 31iss Murray, of Exeter, opened con- vention tit J.30 a. m., the subject of her Bible ,reading going "Christ the source of power." The county work includes 13 differ- ent departments, viz: evanretistic, franchise, anti ,narcotics, law en- forteruent, prisons, work anion sailors, oris ions to Lumbermen, flow er mission, systematic giving, tem- perance in Sunday Schools, purity and mother's meetings• parlor meetings and press work. '1'h_ Supt. of each of these departments gave an interest- ing account of the year's work.. Not all that was planned and hoped for was accomplished, but the women have ion; ago learned lessons of per- severance. and desire to press on,. believing in the justice of their cause and in the Divine rower behind them. Just how far reaching may ,be the work of these departments for young and o:d. %only God can tell,• but if faithfully worked, must assist very tnat(•riaily in the re -construction of i society and for the betterment of all who come under the influence. A talk on local option work in God- ericb was given by Mr. drown, fol - .owed by a discussion, bringing out helps and hints for those about to enter the contest in other towns. Miss 'DlcFaul, of Exeter, then kind- ly rendered a beautiful solo. On Thursday evening Rev. Mr. Jones, of Godcricb, was the speaker of the evening', introduced by the presi- dent Miss 'Murray, as fresh from local campaign work, and he proceeded to give, as relucsted, some campaign experiences; ,however, his main thought was "a plea for Prohibition," and or a probibdwsstriving la� we houldholon to what we have until we get it. Rev. Mr. Sharpe, of the Presbyter- ian Church, also Itevs. Messrs. ]lobby and Fear, were present and tendered greetings from the church they re- presenteld. Mr. Hobbs delighted the audience with n temperance solo, rendered in his well known original style. Mr. McCallum. reeve of Exeter, felt it a privilage ,to be associated &with such a gathering, be said many kind encouraging words to the ladies, and bade them God speed in their labors. Friday morning was entirely de- voted to reports, discussions and plans for the new year. The question drawer also proved a helpful factor of information. The last half hour was given to mention of those who have been "called home" during. the year, four in number, to whom these who knew them best paid an affectionate tri- bute. Also sorrows was expressed that ten active members had re- moved into other counttics. The election of officers took place during closing afternoon session and resulted as follows: President, Miss Murray, Exeter ; vice-president, Mrs. lirowwn, Goderich; (;or-secy., Mrs. Hooper. Exeter; recording-secy., Mrs. G. Acheson, Goderich ; treasurer. ,Airs. Stoneman, llcnsall. Resolution re 'Total Prohibition, Loaf) Option. Anti -Narcotics, Century of Peace, Franchise for Women, White Slave 'Trade, White Ribbon Tidings and Exeters hospitality to convention were adopted, and thus c:osed a particularly helpful Counts. Convention. -CO. REC.-SEC. c Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R IA T1113 BEST REMEDY ForWomen—Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound ilelleville, Ont,-" I was so weak and worn out from a female weakness that i conclu(Ie(1 to try Lydia E. )'ink h:un's Vegetable Compound. 1 took several bottles of it. and I gained strength so rapidly that it se(med to make anew ]woman of ills. i can (lo as good a day's work as I ever did. I sincerely bless the day that i made tip my mind to take your medicine for female weakness. incl I atm cxeeedingly grateful to you fol your kind letters, as 1 certainly profited by them. I give you permission to ''publish this any time you wish." - Mrs. A!.nF:►rr Wie t•:Tl, Belleville, 1 tntarto, Canada. %'o men everywhereshould reinernl1 r that there is no other remedy known to medicine that will care female weak- ness and so successfully carry wvoul( n through the Change of Life as Lydia E. 1'inkham'sN'egetable Compound, male i from native roots and herbs. For 34) years it has been curing women from the worst forms of female ills-- inflammation, ulceration, dis- placements, fibroid tumors, irregiilari- 'ties, periodic pains, backache, and nervous prostration. If you want special advice write furlttoMr>r.I'inkhal11 i.ynn,Matta. it is tree onto always helpfull. 1 N.11111:.1.11„:a1lluIll011IL•11L1111.1r11ll.1an Inas 4 A7egetabiePreparationforAs - s tirtgtlT'oodandReQula- u tg 1tleStomfichs andBowds of 1 \ 1 %\ IS ( HILDKt:N • $omotes'Digestion,Cheerfu1- nessaLidRest.Contains neither m,MMorphine nor Niinerat NOT NARCOTIC. AKw✓Gvdrrse aZZMILAR lbw*. Srl- ,i:.1.r4 sJti eriia Jilt{ • Nese - }.Ji • Jams: AperfectRemedy forConslipa- tion. Sour Stomach,Diarrlhnea, Worms,Convulsions,fcverish- OeSS and LOSS OF SLEEP. TacSimile Signature of v NEW YORK. .t16 months old • J j Doses-.35CFNrs EXACT COPY OT WRAPPER. CASTORIA For Infante and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years wises CA;TORIA TT. i BUTTERCUP OXALIS -FREE. BULBS OF THIS PRETTY PLANT FREE Send us your namo and address, and name of publication In which this advertisement appears, and we wilt mail you absolutely free, a bulb of the beautiful BUTTERCUP OXALIS. Tho bulb Is small, but lt•s a wonder- Plants will flower In six weeks if properly treated. It's grand for winter blooming, producing upwards of one thousand pretty flowers In a season. You'll be de- lighted and astonished with this plant. With the bulb• we will also send you a copy of our HANDSOME BULB CATALOGUE free, which tells you all about hundreds of other varieties some of which you may want. DARCH d' HUNTER SEED CO., Limited, London, - Ontario. 1 EATON'S THE GREAT MAIL ORDER HOUSE IF YOU CONSIDER STYLE -remember-that there is nn immense amount of satisfaction gained by wearing a correctly chapel], stylishly n:nilo garment. EATON clothing can be worn by the most fastidious with the utmost feeling of aeuranee. It is properly ninde in overy detail nod ire atlractivene:a increased by the price raving afforded. IF YOU CONSIDER PRIOR -remember - that we aro price makers. .Lany of the ling, et' sell are of our own manufacture, which assures superior maer t nal style i t uan 1 work& nanship and the elimination of all middle- men's pronto. (far Fiore is known as the horn° of Canadian economy, and every money -saving opportunity we afford Is placed within your reach through our Great Mail Order Service. THE EATON COAT SWEATER Handsome Knitted Worsted PRICE 97! TIO3A. An unusual pony coat valve of iltoe knitted worst(,1 ; nee It. wsith a double edge around the neck fuel down the front, kw a pocket either side. The style is Pinalo brew -ted, clorcel with live largo pearl buttons. It has turn Lack cuffs knitted [lain. This in a very handsome coat in honey comb stitch. Rizca aro 31, 30 and 3S bust. Colors -Grey with cardinal, nleo plain grey, navy or cardinal. EATON Price If by mail, portage extra SPC WE GUARANTEE to refund] your money in fell, together with all travii'portnti•111 ( h:Irgrs-if pun aro not perfectly satisfied wvitil your purchase -you yourself to be the judge. WE WILL SEND FREE and postpai,I to nnv address 'stir Fall nrnl Winter 1 ataleene 111,.,11 receipt of v oir request. • It lists i'nris 111.1 lI\V -lrrpii York (x(Iu.-isestple..4:itlar EATON ),rias. In fact our al ties ww ea ill not only surprise but delight )•o11. WRITE FOR THI8 BOOK TO -DAY. DO IT NOW ?T. EATONO MITE° TORONTO DEPT. 18 CANADA j The lVlolsons Bank Incorporated 1855 CAP TAL (Paid up) • • • • RESERVE FUND •••• $3 600,000.00 53,600.000.00 Has:Cls Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all Lhe Principal Cities 113 the ‘Voi•ld. General Banking Business Transscted. ?'' 1 Savings Bank Department at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. ZDickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager N•4sNNNNNN•N•N4s•4s••••H••N•NNNNN•N1 THE CANADIAN BANI( OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1867 B. E. WALKILE, PresidentI Paid-up Capital, $10,000, ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager Reserve Fund, 6,000,0I Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and Engian BANK MONEY ORDERS MUM AT THE FOLLOWING RATES: $5 and under 3 cents Over $5 and not exceeding $10 6 cents ” $10" 6444130 44 $30 10 cents $50 15 cents These Qrders are payable at par at every office of a Chartered Bank is Ca (except in the Yukon) and at the principal banking points in the United State9. '1' ey are negotiable at $4.90 to the £ sterling in Great Britain and Ireland. '=bey form an excellent method of remitting small sums of money with safety and at small cost, and may be obtained without delay. 1141 e terBranch—G. W Harris on, Manager Branch also at Crediton, flIUhGrdlic Planos are a Pleasure to their Owners, 1Ve have sold and are selling a great • many high class pianos and our num erous satisfied customers is the strong est guarantee of this assertion. Our pianos to -day are the best that I -he best Piano makers produce and our prices are right. DR. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. 8, D. D. S., Dentist, Member Of R. C. D. S., of Ontario and Home Graduate of Toronto University. OHFICE:-Over Dickson & Carling' Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former dental parlors DR. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto University. Dental Surgeon Office over Gladman & Stanbury, Main street -Ex .- p., Do not he too quick to believe per-' J W • BROWNING, M. D., lit, 0 sons who tell you different from the • P. S., Graduate Victoria The above for the purpose of selling you Laborat office and resideaoaoe. Dominion cheap and in some cases trashy goods I Associate Coroner of Huron. at big prices. HRBrigh, M, ., M.. . and •S.,. honortGraduDate ToCrontoPU. 'sterility. Two years resident physicito Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. Ot ce and residence, Dr. Amos' old stand Andrew Street, Exeter. Gall and see Us and pe convinced that what we say we Iiye up to. 8. Marto & f1ere's Good News The market prices for old junk are alive and so is The Old Reliable Firm M. Jackson & Son one door south of the Metropoli- tan. Just look at the following prices Ino trade, and no truck) all cash. Rags 75 c, per hundred iron from 60c to 75c. per hun. Old rubber boots & shoes 7c. lb. Copper and brass 9c. per its Norse hair 30c. per lb. Leal( and zinc 2 1/2c. per ib, Bring your goods here and get. the worth of your money. A great variety of .IRON Pil'1always on hand ata res. sonable price, suitable for fence posts, bracing houlevarding, M. Jackson &sons 1 synopsis of ids 00111211 MOf (il Weal HOMESTEAD RRUULATIO:(8. ,' Any person who is the sole herd of a leant', or any tuale over it ).•a'. o' 1 Way homestead a qusrt's eectoui of available Dominion land tr. )11ri1roba, Saskatchewan, or Albert• 1116 app::cant nt'int appear in person at the D(Irititliell Irlu.ly Ago/1°y or pub -agency for the district. Pantry b► 11(1 xw may be had at the sgenoy, oe e'er tales conditions, by father. riot son. daughter, brother, or siat••i u' .1/tending homesteader. Duties:—Six months resideure ue.,, Ana cultivation of the land iia east of three years. A homesteader rus, live within nine miles of his hones item! on a ]farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by bum or t,.r. father, mother, son, daugbi,,r brother or sister. In certain districts a homesteaa..r 11 good standing may erre-empt s quarter section alongside his henre- stea•L Pt .co 83. per acre. Duties - Most 1erdo six months ineaoh of s:x years from date of homestead ent r T tate:uiiing the lima required to ea•r homestead patent) and cultivtat fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted h:s homestead right and eennot ob- tain a pre-enipt;on may take a pit. - ..Sneed homestead in eer1lin district, ['rice $3. per sore. Hittites -Must •.•safe six 11 oath. in ...tel. of the• rear., clltiv•.te 1 rtt aer.`4 .rid erre t house w or ih :r'il: W. W. CnR00.OtY, Deputy of the alint.tet of the Interior lt, 8.-tieseth. Aired pnbikstlos of too adrerly. Meal wINaN he paid for MONEY TO LOAN We have nalimined private fnnda ter unreal 'no npoa farm or binge, p,opeeby at lowed r Utes or interest. DICKSON & CARLINO Exeter DICKSON & CARLING, li srrteters, Sono! tore, Notarise. Conveyancers, Commis -loners, Solicitors toe the ilolloas Bank, Eto. Money bo Loan at lowest rates of tabereeb OFFICE) -LAIN STR15gT, TINTER. L CARLf (G 8.A, L.H. tICIONit&• ('1ONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private roads Gan on farm and Tillage properties at Iowa* Interest. OLADMAN & STANSCRT Barristers Solicitor., Male St. sxetq ERNEST ELLIUT Conveyancer Accounts Collect*. mosEy to loan at lowest rates, North Weal $ands for Sale. Office. Alain Street, Exeter Tn e Osborne and tllbbert Farmer's Mutual Fire Incur. anG6 GOmpanu Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.. President -.1. L. RUSSELL. Via• -President -W, 11. i'ASSMORa DIRECTORS, WM. Hoy, BORNH(rLN P. 0 11.31. Boor Ie WINc•IIErJIRA P. 0. T. RYAN, (>URLiN P. of ROiIERT NORRIB, Salta. A G ENTH, JOHN ESSERS, Exeter, agent tear (shorne and ltid•lulpt'. OLIVER BARifiw, Munro, for Hibbert, Fullerton and :ninth• JOSi(('A JOIiNS Sony.Troas. Farquhar GLADMAN & STASH(' WY. q.,lfeitore Cough Caution /fever.positirely never poison your lungs. ifyOOqq sough -even from a slrnpie cold only --you sho'. always heal, soothe, and esse the irritated bran. chill tubes. Don't blindly suppress it with • stupefying poison. it's strange how some things anally come about. rot twenty wean Ttr. Shoo* has constantly blamed people not to take rough mixtures or prescriptions containing ()phial. Chloroform, or similar poisons. And now --a Milo late though --Congress rays "Put It on the !abet. It poisons are fn your cough Mixture." (food very g.xy!!!lIerra t-rforthisveryrcasonmotherk and others, should Insist on having Irr. Phone's Cough Cure. No peieon mark, on Ur. Hboo 'S )•bels—and none In the medicine. else it must b7 law be on the label. And It's not only safe, tut 1t f. ssM to to by those that knowlt host• a tad re. elareetes cougleeway. mwly. Tato no eller:, a thee. Ertfrularly With your children. Insist on having . Shoup./ Cough Cure Cotnpare carefully tui Shoop package with others and nuke this difference. No poison marks there! You au$ always he on the snfn side by demanding Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure W. S. HOWEY