HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-10-21, Page 1THIRTY-SEVENTS YILAB-No 1880 vier HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZET 1 tJ EXETER, ONT., CANADA. THURSDAY MORNING. OCT. 21 th 1909, t jr5. $ I.0o per year In advance -OM! BOWLING Wilson Cook, for many years a well known resident o[ Varna, died at the bonne of bis son. in Drunlbo, on Sat• •irday• Oct. Otb. Although Mr. Cook had been poorly for the past threw or four months, his death was hardly looked for and the sad news will be received with regret by many. Mr. Cook was geed 58 years and five months. The se death an affliction of Ihe lc' kidney9fs, 1'orwas inatly years Mr. Cook conducted the hotel at Varna and was well and favor- ably known by •the travelling public. IIe was a genial and obliging mau, and had a wide circle of friends who will regret to learn of his death. The remains were taken to Seaforth and the funeral took place from there to Ilaird's cemetery. A pain prescription is printed upon each 25c. box of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. Ask your Doctor or Druggist if this formula is not com- plete. Head pains, womanly pains. pains anywhere get instant relief from a Pink l'ain Tablet. Sold by W. S. IRowey. ................•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••N••••••••.••••••••••••••••••• JONES •• ••- JONES & CLARK'S Phone No. 32. We Make Your Money Go Far By Buying at this Store Our Large Stock of Winter Wearablee is the best that money can buy and our Prices are as Cheap as you can buy a good ar- ticle for. Our main object Is to give you the best quality at the Lowest price. NEW DRESS GOODS In E xclusive Patterns Another lot of our popular Dress or Suit lengths in the new est shades, striped or plain. No two alike. A dress all for your self, 75c, $1.00, $1.25 per yard. Ladies Furs Ladies Coats, Ruffs, Scarfs and Muffs. The best selec- tion we have ever shown at prices from $5.00 to $100,00. Children's White Lamb sets (collar and muff) from $3.50 to $3.00 Ladies Dress Skirts With the new braided ef- fect. The styles are real new and will appeal to you at once. Do not fail to see thein as they are very smart and good sellers. Ladies Underwear We sell the well known brands, Penmans, Turnbulls & Watsons. Ladies Vests and Drawers 25c and 35c 50c and Tse $1.00 and $L25 Children's Vests and Drawers 15e to 50c Ladies Mantles Our Ladies Mantles this season are perfection. Every garment has that smart ap- pearance which makes them quick sellers. !Semi -fitting in Black, Blue, Brown. Green and Gray. Ladies Net Waists Of Cream, Ecru or Black Net over silk. Beautifully trimmed with braidings, but- tons and insertions. Net waists are very popular this season. Have one. Millinery 1 ;This is the busiest season we have ever had. Our hats are the very latest and our trimmers know how to fix them, Come along early so you wont have long to wait. Gents Furnishings Boys! have:you seen our New Fancy Winter Vests. They are real swell in all the new Fancy stripes and colors. New Neck Ties just arrived, New Neck Scarfs, Gloves, Un- derwear, Fancy Sox, Shirts and Caps. Everything up-to-date • for men. •• Jones Sc. Clark 11 Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing also high grade shoes and wall paper. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••N•••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ill•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••N•••••••• WE BELIEVE THAT MOST PEOPLE MUST BE SHOWN CLOTHES Moreover, we believe in having the clothes to show, so that when we tell you we have Overcoats from $3,111) up to $20.110 and Suits from $7,50 to $19.50, we have then, here to show you! we are starting in to cater to the getter trade and intend tarrying the hest line shown in Exeter. Overcoats We have this treason's showing of Overcoats fer all occasions in the finest collection of beautifully tailored garments that have ever been shown. Among the styles are the Motor ('oat, the College Ulster, the Prussian Collar and others -in all the lead - ng shades and fabrics. Prices from ffS to Co. Greene Swift & Co.'s Suits Are in the front rank of the tailoring trade'to•day, Thei Special Made to -Measure Department is the most tip -to -date in Canada. \Ve can give you a Steell, Band -Tailored Suit, made to your measure, ftton $12 to $19.511. Ready-to-wear from $7.50 to $17.00. 1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 • • • Y • • 1 i A Full Line of Men's Furnishings to Open This Week k SANDY BAWDEN 011po-ite fest Office. Exeter, Ontar'o. C$,000 bushels of Paring Apples Wanted \At Exeter Evaporator before December 1st, 1909 (',(set paid for same, anis t•atistit(tion guaranteed. (NI CaletloniaEvaporatini Co. W. r OODWIN, Manager. ESETEIt COUNCIL The council met in the reading room of the Town Hall on Friday, Oct. 15th at 7.30 p. m. Ail the members pre- sent. Minutes of the meeting held Oct. 1st were /sad and approved. Petitions were read as follows from the rate payers on the west side of Carling street between Sanders and Victoria praying for a 4 foot cem- cnt walk also from the rate payers on the north side of North street be- tween Main and Senior asking for a 4 foot walk. Motion per Beaman -Johns That the petitions be received and if weath- er remains favorable That the walks he built taking them in rotation as receivcld.-Carried. Per Iieaman-Johns That the Reeve and Treasurer borrow two thousand dollars to be applied for a payment on .the new cement walks. Carried.. Per (Carling -Luker That the Reeve anti Treasurer borrow one thousand dollars for current expendi- ture of the municipality. -Carried. The following accounts were read and ordered paid: Wm. Gillespie. per freight and cartage Gasoline, $9.37; Sydney \Vest, labor 1.50; Gro. Atkin- son. do 75 cents; Ed. Heideman, do 1.25; ,Mrs. E. Heideman, scrubbing Town Dalt, 1.50; (!'hos. Snell, 1.88; Wm. Arnold, do 50 cents; Alt. Taylor, do 1.75 ; Thos. Sanders, do 2.05: IJ. 'Knott, do 8.25; ltd. Davis, sand, 2.00; Thos. llartnoll, wood, 14.34; Thos. l!oulden, bal. street watering ac•, 67.50; amounting in all to 4112.64 passed on motion of Carlin-. -Luker. Carried. Per Carlin; -Johns That R. G. Scldon be paid two thousand dollars being a 4th instalment on the new walks. -Carried. Several tenders re -water works %sere opened and read, and a long dis- cussion followed. Representations from some of the different firms contracting being pre- sent were heard. But no action taken. Adj. et 10.30 by Johns. Monday, Oct. 18th, 1909. A meet- ing of the council was called by the Reeve and held in the office of the clerk, to consider the tenders Re - water works. I'cr motion of Carling-llcaman That the tenders for pumps as sub- mitted by .the Smart Turner Com- pany Ltd., of il•,rnilton, be accepted. And that the c,:her tenders for en- gines be laid over for further con- sideration. -Carried. JOS. SENiORt, Clerk. 13LANCHARD TOWNSHIP LO':I:3 ITS CASE Decision in the case of Dale vs. the Township of Illanshard was handed down by Justice Teetzel at Toronto on Saturday decidin= In favor of Dale. The case was the outcome of the by-law (recently passed by the township of Blanshard, ;ranting $20,000 to the St. Marys and Western Ontario Railway Company. Dale claimed several irregularities in the voting. The first time the by-law was submitted it was defeated, but the second time it carried. It is un- derstood It will be again submitted to the ratepayers nr.d is expected to carry by a substantial majority. Following is judge's decision. Mo- tion to -mash bylaw of the township authorizing the issue of debentures to amount of twenty thousand do'. lars, for purpose of granting aid to St. Mary's and \Vestern Railway Co. The bylaw was toted upon on May 21. 1909, and was carried by n sub. stanti:II majority of the rate payers to whom it was aubtnitted. 'l'hc ob- jection chiefly relied on by the ap- plicant was that the voting was not upon the list of voters based upon 'the last revised assessment roll. as reluir- ed by section 318 of the Consolidated Municipal Act, 1903; and In support of the objection relied upon these un- disputed facts, viz., was duly return- ed to the township clerk on April 30„ that the court of revision sat on May 18, and the voting took place on May 21. The IA5.4eSsmellt Act pro- vides (sec. 6) that first silting of eaurt of revision shall not be held un- til after expiration of at heist ten days from expiration of time within which notices of appeals may be given to the clerk (here May 14). The court could not. therefore. have le;ally held its first sitting b:•fore May 24, tt hich was three days after the torin;. 1 think the objection must be Fnslained that it is funda- mental and is not within the curative section 204. IR-'aw hashed with costs. Whalon '1'1te Misses 1.. -t i•• and 1.1nd:t Gun- ning visited at th-ir uncle's here list week. Mr. Frank f. -in Ifoi.1 and sister Tessa accompanied by their cousin from Muskoka visited friends here on `iiirola y. Miss Edna Gunning spent the fore part of this week nith friznds in Met ropo:ill n. A few from her., attended the sale of 'ars. John 14'a1laco near Grantor The sa:e went ,rood. while the farm consisting of 160 acres brought. 7.650 go: la rs. 'fh.' con,:rf nation iiut here at 111' ch.,i'eh on Monday evenins and mad 111 arrangements for 1li • Anniversary to b.• held oil Sunday. Orf. alss Rev. Mr. 'loorehous.•, of ftirts wilt preach at 10.30 a. tn. and 7 p. tn. Special singing is bring prepared for the occasion. On Monday. Nov. Ist• a hot fowl supper. still be ferry - ed in the basement of the church. fol.. :owed by a choice ro, rarnni, by tal- ent from r 1f . r y=. Speeches by Revs. Itr:: •. Viii: • ,and Sn-•i!. i'or any case of nervou.n• es. steep- lessnres, ttralc MOM ,ch, infligeetinn. ,ly.pepsi1, try Cartel's Little i.iver fill•. Relief is sore, 'file only nerve tr:edl; in^_ in ma' Ir,•t • The match Thursday night b •tw,' -n sides captained by Jautrs and Alf. Walter was an exci,in; affair, al- though Jimmie'+ tilde had a hollow victory by 178 pins to the good. The first game went to Jim by 29 of a majority, the second by 170, whi'.4 Alf. took the third by 27 pins. Fol- lowing were the scores made:- '. \Valtcr 122-141-111-371 A. McDonnell 96- 91-100-287 I. It. Carling 102-126-132-360 T. 11. Carling J. A. Stewart 128-119-101-378 535-644-518-1727 A! \Valtcr 127-111-152-390 W. J. Carlin; 70- 97-109-2;6 L. It. Dickson 96- 87-134-317 T. Acheson 96- 97- 79-292 W. May 117- 70-101-291 506-468-575-1569 On -Friday evening the wtst side made an attempt to tet even with the east side for the defeat of last week, but they got trimmed worse than ever, the latter team winning all three ;games and nt the end were 237 in up. George Anderson and W. Murray played a good game for the east side, while Jack Norry for the west side put up a good game. Norry reached the 200 mwrk in the second game, the best yet made in a match game. Following were the scores :'- East Side S. Bowden G. E. Anderson W. Murray Ed. Westcott J. J. White West Side \V. J. Mallett J. Norry T. Carling L, Palmer A.. Ilrintnell 136-145-152-433 151-162-159-175 163-165-154-482 132-139-113-381 131-152-115-128 -- 716-763-;23-2202 131-141-112-384 123-200-127-450 123-135-132-390 103-140-131-374 124-130-113-367 604-716-G15-1965 It is expected a team will go to Clinton this evening to play a game with the trundlers of that town, TILE TONGUE TWISTERS. When you are sitting by the fire indulging in dile evening's games, you may find if of interest, and it may add to the fun of the ,evening to have the assembled ,;nests try -their bands, or rather their months, nt the rapid fire volleying or such sen- tences as the following :- The -The bleak breeze burgled the bright broom blossoms. Two toads totally tied tried to trot to Tedbury. Strict, strop; Stephen Stringer snared slickly six sickly silky snakes. Susan ehineth shoes and socks; socks and shoes shines Susan. She ceaseth shining shoes and socks, for shoes and socks shock Susan. A haddock, a haddock, a black spotted haddock; a black spot on the black back of a black spotted had- dock. Oliver Oglethorp ogled an owl and an oyster. Did Oliver Oalethorp ogle an owl and an oyster: If Oliver Oglc- Ihrop ogled nn owl and an oyster, where are She owl and the oyster Oliver Oglethorp ogled, Mr. and .Mrs. Chas. Cann are visit- This is splendid practice, and the ing their daughter. Mrs. John Pass- ;sicker it goes the funnier it gets. more nt Stratford. ---+-- Exeter -St. Marys Mail Route. -The post office department have had a great deal of difficulty in procuring tenders for the Exeter-Kirkton-St. Marys mail ,route. The mails have been carried on this route for • a great many years by Mr. Ballantyne, of Elimvillc. but his contract expired some months ago and since then he has been doing the work at so much per week. New tenders were received some tirne ago, but they were all so high the department did not feel justified in accepting any of them. They have now decided to divide the route and make one division from Exeter to Kirkton and the other from St. Marys to Kirkton, and are adver- tising for tenders accordingly. For this end of the route they are asking for double tenders, viz : One con- tract being to leave Exeter after the arrival of tho forenoon train going north and to be back morn Kirkton Centralia Mr. and Mrs. S. Davis and daughter neva, returned Tuesday last week from n two months' visit in the North West. The 'Centralia baseball team goes to Crediton on Monday to play their returngame. Rev. W. 1i, Butt preached in Sea - forth on Sunday last. Itev. David Rodgers. of Seaforth, preacher} the Anniversary services in the Methodist Church on Sunday when n free will offering of $143.00 was subscriocd. Shipka A very pretty wedding was solem- nized at Sltipka. Ont., on Tuesday, Oct. 1Otb, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gaiser, at high noon, in time for the evening; train going when their only daughter, Miss Mar. north. The other contract is to leave the M. was wailed in ttedoek to -Kirkton at 5 a. m. and reach Exeter ,Tacob A. Rutz- al prosperous.Young in time for the (horning tiain going -:amber merchant of hliiv:i, Ont. south and then leave Exeter for While the Mendelssohn wedding Kirkton niter the arrival of the 10.30 march was being played by Clara Ratz, sister of the ;room, the nup- tial party look their places in the drawing room, tinder a beautiful arch of evergreens in the presence of sixty guests. The bride was dress- ed in white Duchess satin trimmed with erubroided chiffon and npplilue and wore the bridal veil and wreath Of orange blossoms and d catrd a Iron met of bridal roses. She was riven away by her ber father and at- tended by 'Miss Ida Raiz as brid:e;- inaid. dressed in white lustre and trimmed with satin ribbon. and car- rying n bonsuet of pini: carnations. Mr. Albert Geiser acted a9 grooms- man. The ceremony was performed by itev. Itean, of Cr.,diton, Itev, Mr. Steadman, of Corbett being also pre- sent. After congratulations all sat down to a sumptuous dinner. The presents of Ih•' groom lo the bride it German Otter fur coat : to the bridesmaid a brooch set with bril- :ants; 10 1tie groomsman a pair of gold Cuff Links. The presents werel numerous and costly. :anon„ which was the gum of 8100.00 from the ;room's parents and a handsom' dinner net from the brides parents.' Her travelling suit was of navy 1 blue satin cloth with hat to match.' They left for Stratford. Dunnvilt.\.' Niagara Falls Buffalo and others n. ru. train going north. \Ve pre- sume the object in taking the double tenders is that the most favorable may be ncoepted. Either plan will af- ford the public a Much improved that which is now rendered and there should be increased com- petition for the work, as the route will be shorter and more easily man- aged. Farmers, are you ncluainted with The Weekly Sint: It claims to be an Independent journal for farm and borne. The claim is fair. it is a clean paper, therefore fitfor the borne. It is particularly adapted to the farts home because it is edited :ind published with a view to interest every person in the honte-the old and young, male and female -all may read it regularly trilti profit Its market page we consider erual to the best in the Dominion for fanners This is no paid notice or puff ; it is our candid opinion. and we 11111 •s:► (:cling:y recommend 'rite Sun 10 every farm house in Canada. It is one do: - lar a year, and good value for 1h (honey. GRAND TRUNtt SY'SW M points. After their return they WiiliTHANKSGIViNG DAY reside at Khiva, Ont. Miss 'Murray visited rc:ativ, s in Ilensxa:l over Sunday. Miss E. Doug:nss is visiting Mrs. (leo. Willis. of London. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McLeod are vis - Return Tickets at Single Fare tuner relatives in Seaforth. On Sale Oct 22, 2:3, 24, 1:1111 Mr. Alex. Murdock and daughter. of _. flcnsnll. stere guests of Mr. and Mrs• 13etwet'n all stations in Canada; alto Campbell on Sunday. to Detroit. and fort Hurtle. Mich. lii.f- - - - falo, Nialtar•n hullo, Suspension Bridge Expr(ss companies hive again and Black Rork. N. Y. `,ken np the tlu'.tion of rates to b.! charged on miilincry► Headgear t nr,-er this ye•,r than last, and nn effort is being made to have charges regulated on a basis of Pits. A re- cent ramp:e bet shipp 1 to the west occupied more spice ill a express car than a pile of gen:•ral merchan- dise (good Going ialy until November uith a total weight of 500 lbs. 1'h • rise in which ths hat was shipped 1hh to Tetnnganli district. ttc, was considerably larder than an' October 21.1. to November 110 to ordinary wash -tub. ! Muskoka likes, Lake of Bays, etc. - -�-• 1 Return unlit December 4th or until A /scientist says that if the .arch close of navigation, if earlier, to points W.1 54 f :at tened out the sea %%mil(1 be ;reached br steamers. two miles deep all over the world., Secure tickets from Grand Trunk Ai(er du^ meditation a Rinses ed itor gives out till following.:• -It ag•'nts. alp than is ea:zght flattening pa I Full information from the earth, shoot him on the spot.'J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent, and don't be too blamed particular' (chit cwt. There's a whole lot of or write J. D. MCDONALD, Union in 1 -:au.:: -.a that can't swim." i Depot. Toronto. Ont. R..r of n limit October 27th. Single Fare for Hunters You are Invited to Inspect and Examine Our Stock of Stoves and Ranges All Ranges are Guaranteed Garland Ranges .... $33.00 to $4o.o0 Souvenir.... 32.00 to 44.00 National .... 27.90 to 50.00 Imperial Oxford 22.00 to 44.00 Heaters from $4.75 to $46 3o Stove Pipes, Elbows and Dampers, Stove Boards and Oilcloth Mats. All sizes in stock. A Full Line of Washing Machines From $7.50 to $1o.00 HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE Cooking Demonstration Remember Hawkins & Son's two days' demonstration USI Pandora Ranges Which will be given by an Expert NOVEMBER 1st and 2nd EVERY PERSON WELCOME T. KAWKINS & SON Cloudy Autumn Days make Vision more difficult for persons with defective sight. With my Method of Testing "Looking Into The Eye" I can give you the very best Vision it is possible for you to obtain. Satisfaction guaranteed and no charge for testing. We can test at any time, night or day. Daylight or darkness snakes no (liffel'enc6 with my method. S. FITTON. r , JEWELER, OPTICIAN. Wedding' icings and Mai Haw. Licences. -111111111E121: w: HflI 11 ri Z FURNITURE and UNDERTAKING 141 11 I1 II II 11 11 11 II 11 11 11 'II II II II II 11 II II II II II 11 11 11. Parlor Suit. Parlor Fables Easy Chair Odd Cliaiis .N1 usic Cabinet (-'ouch( s Sideboards 111111 Racks Buffets Kitchen Cabinets Dining -room fables Dining ('hairs Dainty, well male and at rewol;able prices. Pred Boom Suits Bed Couches Mattresses Springs, Brass and Iron Beds Newest styli s and all ;1t popilLir prices RO W E & ATKITTS The ',tontine 11. ti... hnrn'•lfetepid Film" al D:r '.TAI1111ED I \\ ulnen v. i r h pa i., b„ feel t(t•,k r � t't►1.1'.11:\\'t .\lt.l5 III(). - Near receive I.oeh rnr 11. tis''11 on Weds, sd iy-, Oct. 20tti. 1 by using (' it 11. Doh.•rty, Louise. 01,a4I Ire made for ler of Mr. and Mrs. \V01,a4at.. completion. oil.; to Mr. John Ca:cmun•