HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-10-14, Page 81 'tit•; kJ H'1Ek '1'1MiiS OCT. 14th11/ut, t++•t++++++++++++++++++++4t$+I+++� STEWART'S PHONE 16 Yes, Business is Good The Best Ever 'We aro good and ready for the best fall trade we have ever done. Our stock is all complete in every department. LdO1C Jd6k6ts Our showing of Tailor Made Jackets is immense. Corset fitting coats, semi -fitting coats and loose box coats in Black, 13rowns, Navys Grays and Greens. Yes Black and Grcen will be the best colors. Prices range from $6,50 to $20.00 Giris and Md1Os6odts We have a lovely range in fancy Tweeds and plain Shit•cott and Kersey cloths, beautifully trimmed with buttons and velvets. Loose, Semi -fitting and Military styles I.et the girls come in and see the new coat styles. They will like thein. Quality and prices are in your fav- or. Dress Coods All the new cloths and all the new shades are on our counters. The new shades are very pretty, \Ve show six distinct shades in the new Wistenia and all the new Edward Greens and smart Blues. Come and sec the best display of smart Dress Goods in town. Our New Dinner Sets are all in and it lovely let they are. 'they come to ns direct from the makers in the old land. We save you all the middle man's profits and that's quite an item too. The patterns we show are control- led by onrselyes for Exeter. Come and see them the pleas- ure w ill be mutual, welrke to show them. You'll like to see then Full dinner sets $8 $15 Ladies Fur Lined Coats Nearly 50 to choose 'from; lined with prime Canadian Rat and Collars and Reveres of mink and sable. These coats are all made to our own order. We are show:ng real genuine values such as can not be duplicated by the job- bing trade. Our styles are new and every garment we sell goes out under a double guarantee. Buy early and get first choice. J. A. STEWART ++++•1-++÷++++++++,-•++++++++•t•+++•t•+++++.:•+++•!••F•t•+ +++++++++++++++++++++++++4 • t ++++++•t•+++++++++ SPECIAL SALE OF Mens and Buys suits and overcoats. Ing prices; MEN'S SUITS $15.110 suits for .$12 00 12 00 10. W 10.00 ... 7.50 8.00 .6.50 Only a few suite left at the folkw. BOY'S SUITS $6 00 suits for 5 50 $4.75 4 00 3.50 3.25 q 00 2.25 2.00 4 75 4.50 3.75 :3.00 2.50 MENS and BOYS OVERCOATS $14.00 overcoats for $11.00 $12.00 overcoats for $9.50 $10.00 overcoats for' $7.50 $8.00 overcoats for $6.50 $7.50 overccats for $0.00 Ladies and girls coats. furs and rain coats all at reduced prices. Remember we sell the Kant Krack rubbers; the best made, R. N. ROWE Phone 22 One door north P. 0 -The Best Flour - If it is the Dost i11 t;)Wil to get Jewell (Ontario Blended) 5 ROSES (Lake of Woods) Hour you want there is but, one place it -that is from us. The brands are: Royal Household (Ogilvie's) PURITY (Western Canada Flour Mills) heave your orders or call up Phone 2. R. G. SELDON, Exeter. Here To Stay Bus and Dray calls promptly attended to. Horses kept in stock for sale. WM. ARNOLD DON'T MONKEYI Ne. 'NI that Cough use ,61 4,4 Il w oe. White ys Whl Pine & Tar l3ig liott:c for a Quarters Ellmvllle Mr. John Tucker intend{ moving to E;imville nt once, basin; disposed of his farm near Farluher and will live retired. • "Archie 'McGrezor" celebrated his birthday on the 6th of Oztober and celebrated the event by entertainin. several of his friends and relatives to a duck 'supper. • Farmers, arc you neinaintcd with The \Vicekly Sunt It claims to be an independent journal for fa101 and home. The claim is fair. it is a clean paper. therefore fit for the horne. It is particularly ndapted to the farm home because it is edited and published with a view to interest every person in the home -the old and roan;, male and female -all may rend it regularly with profit 'Its market page we consider a vial to the Ae.s t� ) in 1h, Dominion for farmers This is no laid notice or pelf ; it is our candid opinion. and n' unhcs:► atin;,•:y recommend The Sun to every farm house its Canid.t. It is one dol- lar a year, and good value for Ih. money. Market lteport.-The following is the report of Exeter markets, cor- rected up to October 14th. Wheat 96c to $1.00 Oats, new, 34 to 35 cents Barley 48 to 60 cents Peas, 70 to .75 cents. lirau 22.00 Short.-, $23.00 Star flour $2.75. Feed flour $1.50 Butter '2U Eggs '13 Hay $9.00, : 10.00 llors, liteateiatit 87..10 Potatoes 75 to 90 cents Coal, $7.25 a ton. Duck:;, Kc Chicken 10c liens 7c. Dried Apples 5c. to 81.55. • e+lie+t•+ elH+++ler+r++++++. LOCALS 4 e A great offer to new subscribers '1'h.• Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star from now till Jan 1910 for TWEN'T'Y-FIVE CENTS. This of- fer is good to points in Canada ouly. Mr. Goo. J?almer visited at Alvin- ston last week. Harry 7luston. of Clinton, visited his parents on Sunday. Norman llodgert, of London, vis- ited bis parents here on Sunday. Bliss Lela Gould entertained a number of friends Monday evening. John McIntyre has accepted a posi- tion with Mr. Zuefle, a Hensel' oboe - maker. Work on the construction of the new dam was commenoA last week by contractor Jos. Lawson. The first signs of approaching win- ter appeared Tuesday, whzn there were several flurries of snow. Verne Davis. of London, visited his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Davis. Exeter North on Sunday. Workmen under the direction of the county council painted the bridge on Main Street during the past week. The discovery of the north pole seems to have been a simple matter compared with discovering who dis- covered it. Miss Edna Burrid;c, of London, re- turned home Tuesday morning after u pleasant visit with her aunt, 'Mrs. ' . Southcott. All auction sales should be adver- tised in full in the Tim•:is. Those who have sales and do not do so, lose more money than we do. Iter. Kennedy, of Ailsa iCrata, took the services irk Main Street Church last Sunday, Rev. Fear reached Sun- day school anniversary sermons at Crai ;. Mr. John Charlton returned last Thur day from a trip .through the west. Ile reports the fall crop in the western provinces as looking well. Th • Ilensall ladies' basketball team played a return match with the Exe- ter hi;h school team here Saturday afternoon and won out by the score o; 8 to 2. M::ch interest is being taken hzre as to the outcome of the baseball games between Pittsburg and Dz.- troll. Both teams have their ad- mires in Exeter. Mrs. Mary 'Culbert, aged 65 years, a life -ton; resuident of Liman, drop- ped dead while 1i;hting a fire in the range. She is survived by her second husband and two daughters. Mr. Paul 'Madge who was detained in Port Huron during the past month with a large 'shipment of sheep, on account of the United States •luaran- tine laws, was able to proceed this week to Reno, Nevada. Owing to a broken belt, the elec- tric light power was shut off for a couple of hours Monday night. On Saturday night the belt coming off the dynamo, necessitated the. lights bcine turned off for some time. The ecotcb doubles brine played by the members of the Exeter bowling club have ,reached the finals. the cornpetin; rinks to pray being t3 tido!' and Snell and \Veiderib.tmmer and Neaman. The meetings held by "Big" Mason, the Y. Al. C. A. even/dist last week were well attended, especially the meeting open to everybody in the N1 tin Street Methodist church. w•nen 1, save a very interesting task. It took just 90 days from the time the seed was sown in the West until thz grain was harvest,d and threshed. I. the aversee priuter could last it out just 9U years, he would reap about the seine! profit. Don't laugh; this isn't it joke. Mr. Clarence eL, Whitby, of the (lank of Commerce St. Catherines, has been appointed accountant of the local branch to fill the vacancy of Sir. Graham, who is actin; nianajer at the Crediton branch. Mr. Whitby arrived here :lust week. A number of the members of the Exeter Vamp .W. O. W. went to Clin- ton Sunday 4o i.ssist in the unveiling of a monument erected by the order in taetnory of the late henry It. :Kerr, wee died last July. Over one hund- rc_l members took part in the cere- Ul .ty. According to the Goderich Star, The 11,rry Lindley Comedy Company Which played here a couple of weeks ago, were a failure in Goderich. Ths Star was out its printing account in conselu(nee. We understand the Company still owes for peanuts pur- chased from a local tnerchant. The postoffiee department is ask• in.; for 'Separate tenders for the car- ryins of His Majesty's Mails between Exeter and Kirkton a:au b'tw•een Kirkton and St. Marys. The route between Exeter and St. Marys is too long for rural delivery, so that it 'is , proposed to divide Its rout,•. The', rural delivery between Hensall and leitn:cy commenced last work. Mr. .lames iitran. who some years I a a:to, was in chnrgc of the freight de- partment of the G. T. H. •her••. and ! a tear: removed to : t. M Irys, was r r cent :y appointed station master at St. Mr.rys in p:ace of \1r. Oakley 1 transferred to Craigva' •. When .rim i teas in Exeter h' made mane (risnds who will h:' pleas:d to learn of his a protnotioe• Mies Jennie 'McQueen spent Sun -1 • Ammon immomminall day at her home in Hensall. ' Times Want Column T j Mrs. (Rev.) W. 3l. Martin, of Lon- don, is visiting friends in town. Miss Linda llunter, of London. is FOR SALE OR titENT- Two storey visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. brick house, centrally located. Ap- ltich. Reuter. j ply at Times Office. Mrs. Will Ross and dati;bter Helen, of Clinton, v, ere guests of Mr. and IFR SALE. -At reasonable ericvs, 1 Mrs. D. A. Moss Sunday, I Durham Portland Cement. Apply to Wesley Shier, Woodham. Miss Margaret J.ifftey who his spent the past month with Mrs., D. , BOY TO LEARN PRINTING -One Jahns returned to her Fetus in f u- who has passed the entrance exams. ronlo on Tuesday. preferred. Apply at TIMES OFFICE. Mr. and 'Mrs John Pedlar and Mrs.+ Thos. Rowe retuned Tuesday even-' FOR 5.11.11 -So- ru�c 1-irst class fine in; from a three weeks' trip with Shelving either iu sections or sever- relatives in Brown City, Pigeon, Sebe-. ately; also a couple of ,good counters wain;, •Jlich., and Chicago. and four tap -to -date show cases. Ap- Owing to some of the work on the ply at Post -office, Ilensall. Church not being completed the an- --- -� niversary of Caven Presbyterian. DR. OVENS EYE AND BAR SUR - Church has been postponed from the geon, will be at the Commercial 17th to the 31st iust. The tea -meet. note:. Hours 9 a. w. to 1 p. in; will be held on the evening of m. Glasses properly fitted and dim - November lst. eases of eye ear and nose treated. Mr. R. Murphy had an upset Tues- Next visit Monday, Oct. 11th, fore - day evening while driving along Wit- noon. Hensall in afternoon. slam street. The night was dark and! he could not see a pile of gravel in IIOLSE FOR SALE -Brick resid- the roadway and ran into it. The once and lot on Main Street, third rig was upset and Mr. Murphy was house south of Presbyterian church. thrown heavily on his shoulder, sus- Six rooms. For terms and particn- tainin; a few injuries. One wheel of Lars apply to James Whyte or Dick - the buggy was broken and the horse son & Carling. thrown into the ditch.---�--- Mr. Ames. Wildfon3, of the Blind NOTICE Line, Ilay, met with an accident Tues. As I am now in the west on a day whereby he came near losing one trip for my health, my book accounts of his cars. Ile was standing in the will not be collected until I return two months hence. A. E. PYM. Exeter, Sept., 9th 1909. 9-16-5 doorway of the barn when a bust of wind blew the door shut, knocking hint against a wheel of a wagon. 1Iis head struck the sharp edge of the tire tearing his c'ar nearly off. Sev- eral stitches were rzjuired to join the wound. 'County newsaper officers are near- ly bur;ular roof for the reason that they are noit worth burglarizing, the Saturday ghost taking alt the odd dollars that come the editor's way. A burglar in Tara, however, recent- ly broke into a general store and a newsaper offioa but it is almost a forgone conclusion that he was a green hand. The only .coin left around a printing office over night is spelled ";coin" and is not negotiable at the bank. The officials of the National Trust Company, who ,have been working hard to (ret out the first dividend to the 114,000 pbareholders of the de- funct York Loan tCo. this fall, have a better idea of where they stand now, and it was stated officially that the first payment will be made between the 1st and 15th of Novem- ber. The total amount of the first dividend will • be nearly $625,000. TAILOR MADE SUITS. Ladies wishing roan -tailored suits call and leave your order and measure with Mise Toni, as she represents a leading city tailor. LADIES MAKE YOUR OWN DRESSES. Miss Tom Is prepared to teach Ladies Dressmaking while they are making their own dresses. Terms and full particulars may be learned by .Galling at her dressmaking rooms over Wilson Bros. store. Also an ap- prentice wanted. 9-16-4 WANTED -A man with horse and rig or capable of handling horses. To introduce and advertise The Gold- en Seal Stock and Poultry }Remedy'. Salary $25.00 per week and expenses apply at once. -McDonald Mf;. Co., London, Ont. FOR SALE Cottage and three lots in Exeter, being lots Nos. 55, 56 and 57 south of which is pliebtly more than was at Simcoe Street. On this property is a first expected. The dividend, which frame cottage (brick foundation) con- will be 25 per cent., will be paid to tainina five rooms and a good cel - people all over the world, even as far gar alto a ,good well and a large as Norway and Japan. stable. Good garden and fruit trees. A Reactionary Storm Period is oen- The property has to be gold to wind tral on the 19th, 20th and 21st. This period finds the Moon at greatest de- clination south on the 19th, which fact wilt help to incite disturbances of a boreal nature, that is, a tendency to cold rains, with atmospheric cur- rents flowing from northerly direc- t t'ons On the west and northwest tangent of rain areas at this time, it 'will not be surprising if spurts of early snow and sleet appear, and as precipitation and cloudiness move out of the way to the westward, fair weather, frosty 'nights and low tem- perature generally will spread over the country for several days. We re- peat our caution of possible gales over the great lakes at all -these October periods, attended by very chilly, dis- agreeable weather. The Moon's first leaner on the 22nd will tend to pro- long and aggravate storm and weath- er inclemencics of this period. The commanding position of the Grand Trunk Railway System in con- nection with the transportation ser- vice of the province of Ontario is tl•ell illustrated by the fact that in this premier province of Canada there are 14 incorporated citiss, every one of which is located on the tracks of the Grand Trunk Railway. There are 100 incorporated amen, 25 of which are exclusively on the Grand Trunk Railway, and 43 others are reached by the tracks of the Grand Trunk. The incorporated villa;es number 50. of which 115 are exclusively on the Grand 'Trunk, and 13 redditianat reached by she tracks of the Grand Trunk. It le easy to sec how Can- ada's pioneer, double track railway, with its unsurpassed roadbed. high ;rade passenger coaches. etc., is the populnr Ontario line. Serviee wins, and the Grand Trunk serves On- tario well. Hearing a man raving ntout the taxes and the money uselessly Flynt in town improvements and condemn ing the fiction of the council for, their know-nothinxn(ss and extravagance. we began reflecting on the value of that man to the community. In our opinion he is a drag on the wheels of tiro/roes. The man tchu becomes a citizen to set the educntional, relig- ious and other advantages the town affords paying only what the law de- mands from bier towards the main- tenance of its public institutions and utilities /should not become n '.grouch' and every opportunity de- nounce all the sundry who seek to aid in the upbui:ding. up -keep and progress of the town. They know its rood points and should exploit them a nd lc ave th • cornplaint3 unexpr ss - ed. The grumbler who knows all the bad features of a town and mentions thein nt every opportunity, is not only a poor citizen, but he Is one who does nothing to improve the town in which he lives. It et good enough to provide n hems for hire and p.'rhaps a place for business or .n occupation. but that is 'orzotten in the general f:ow of complaint. POST CARD PETITION. Thr Toronto ieetriet \Vomen's Christian Temperance Union has in- stituted n post card petition in b• - ttalf o; Mr.a. Ann•, Itobinaon. now tin- der pent( nee of death at Sudbury. Actin; under legal ndvic•, they. with rood reason, believe if thin camp: piece aucecede, her life will be spared net le r friend• will have time in ' thick to take furlh•'r mensures.� Their re pas( ia, write n postal card s f 'o, we1 ' •-^ o i respect[u ly beg oIt ou to recommend that Ghat death •ntene • (son's on Anna Retenson he commuted." Sign your name and place of residency. nddrees it to the ion. A. I1. Ayleaworth. Ottawa. Can- do. up en estate. Apply to GLADMAN & STANBURY, Barristers, Exeter, Ontario. FARM FOR SALE Tv a hundred acres lots 20 and 20 10th and 11th concession, of Step- hen. The farm has 10 acres good 1 hardwood bush. bank barn 72 x 36 good frame house, never failing well, cistern at the barn ; good orchard. The other has frame barn, good wells, orchard. sloth are in good stab: of cultivation. These farms will be sold together or separate or will sell 150 acres. Possession can be had on March 1st. 1910. l f patties wish to purchase they can do their plowing now. For further particulars, apply to Thos. It. Mnrtyn, Exeter, Ont. FARM 'FOlt SALE-Ilein; 'Lot 11., Concession 10, Usbornc, containing 100 acres more or less. On the pre- mises are a good frame house and barn. a good well of water, well drained and in good state of culti- vation, about 90 acres cleared and the rest good bush. Apply to James L. Routley or Ito 'Wm. Avery. Mit- chell, P. U. 10-14-3 APi'i.ES WANTED- - !Behest price will be paid for [rood peeling apples, winter stock, at the Canning Factory, Exeter. -Exeter Canning Co. C ). FOR SALE --, Minorca Cocke•;e choice prize winners. Have ten for tit:e -price on application W m. Brown, Kirkton. 10-11-4 "HIGH SALARIES" Orwin; to thorough 'wept ration students receive at the Linton Busi- ness Colle;e, graduates of this school receive the best positions in leading Canadian and American cities. The new ndvertisement will be found on pa /e 8 and will change free tently. PATRONIZE iIO'ME JNDUSTI1Y It looks like folly to buy bread that is shipped in if we can buy just as rood an article from our home bakers. The exam,. with flour. You cannot buy .better flour than what is made by our home mill, this been; the care ehoted w.• not stay with it. 'rhe Last bee of flour i got (last we. •k) was the best 1 Fav: ever bad from the mill. It is our local bakers and millers that help .to pity our taxes. think it over. A Ratepayer. To •luickly check a roles. druggists are dispensing everywhere, a clever Cindy ('old Cure Tablet called I're- ventiea, l'reventics are naso fine for feverish children. Take l'reventics at the emcee, stage, to head off all colds. Box of 48-25e. 8,11 by W. B. Howey. 1 (Id aayto Cure a Cold MF The New Way take i I IO\\'C$ Cure -a -Cold Capsules Sold (oily at lfo vcy's Drugstore IIE OLD RELIABLE We are still at the old stand and here to do usiness. This week we aro offering a fine line of Drss Goods A very tine line in stripe \Voreteds in suit lengths, only ,1.00 per yard. Extra value at 75c., in all the leading cloths and in the newest-hadee. Thi/ price goods ate good weight, suitable for ladies or ebildrens suits. Svv sal We are showing a good reliable cloth at at)c. per yd. This is a regular 00 centcloth, but owing to ue having a very large supply of this line, we arta going to clear it at 50c, per yd. Furs! Furs! The best we have veer shown, ranging in prices from $1.25 to $35.00; al fur lined coats. This is the first year we have handled these, so are otierio extra value in order to get your trade. e Sargain Table A few of those cheap Dress Goods left. A special line of Clockery for this week only when we will give you a special price on all lines of Dinner and Chamber Sets and odd pieces. All kinds of Pcultty taken. Butter 20c; Eggs, trade 23c cash 2''c; Dried Apples 5c. CARLINC BROS. Compare Your Razor With the New4Carbo pge, Don't be satisfied with the razor you are using _because you merely think It is the best. Get the Carbo -Magnetic. It will last longer -ft witi give you a quicker, srnuother shave. Try it for 30 days at our expense -- then you will know which is tlic hest -for the surd test of value is com- parison. "Right tempering" is the secret of ('trbo-Magnetic Superiority. Tho Carlo edge" Is secured by an even electric heat of 2.500 degrees Fahren- heit -a process of carbonization simi- lar to that by which diamonds have W. J. HEAMAN, been produced. The result Is the hardest cutting edge known to science --a blade that you never have to hone or grind. Don't take our word for it -the razor proves itself -come in today and got one on 30 days' trial -free. LOOK FOR THIS TRADE MARK or+' iaeii • .thehladerrithte Carlo ¢er EXETER, ONT. A SMALL BAG is better than no bag at All. That's why tt'e suggest thatfor a trial, you bl.y "a small bag," of flour we sell. We know what the result will be -it twill be your return to buy A IIIG 'BAG of the seine kind of flour. It's no use experimenting on flour after you've tried ours. It beats any we know of and is freshly milled and properly priced. L -ave your order nt the mill. HARVEY BROS. Don't Go By without slopping in for a look at the new Fall fabrics we are tailoring in- to suits and top -coats. You won't sec them anywhere else for we have them exclusively. ORDER A SUIT MADE for yourself while yon are here. We'll make you n Rive11 one for as little as possible and guarantee more cloths satisfaction for the money Omit you ever had before. W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor. EXETER, - ONTARIO Apples Wanted -AT- The Centralia Evaporator 11ighest prices paid. Thos. Elston Proprietor. ac oc 19G2 One year ago, Mr. George \Vilkeruan w':te earning bout 5114) per year as fare la. r. Now he is earning at the rate of 5062 per year. Six months' training at 0 Business College made the Terence. wee it a g investment? He thinks 1119 address is New Oegoo :cask. 1-i Four courses: PREPARATORY, CO3iMEHI'IAL STENOOR.APAY, TELEOIIAPHY Enter any time. Individual instruction. Write for par- ticulars. Clinton Business College (;eo. Spntton, Principal. NEW Iroyision SIoEe Having leased the store pro- perty of Mr. J. W. I3roderick, Main Street, I tug to announce to the public that 1 have opened out business in the line of Gen- eral Provisions. FLOUR, FEED. STOCK FOOD ALL KiNDS OF SEEDS, GRA IN, ETO, ETC. The very beet grades of flour always on hand. floods delivered to any part of the town • \\-e invite your patrr.nsge and stake it a call ireent you Brody! 's Old Stand ',HONE a') EIDT nth On l4attirday afternoon the do took p:ere at St. Michaels' Hospital, Toronto. of Mary Evelyn Doyle, theon:)' de • -hter of Mr. and Mrs, James .1. soy ••. of Goderich. The youn 'ady h d been attcndin.; school in 'format, andwas taken with an nt- tack (, typhoid 'ever. Th feneraI was h••..) Timed ,y mor.ein4. from the resider... of ilia Honor Judge, Hoyle to St. Pet is 'Church and thence to th• Roman Catholic cemetery in Col- borno.