HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-10-14, Page 4HE EXETER TIMES, OCT. 14th 1909.
ITS FRAGRANCE 000,000 packets
responsible for ITS j AN EASTERN MAGICIAN.
I The Fest • Ceylon Fakir Is Said is
SALE of i8,
Hass Performed.
Sealed lead packets only.
30c, 40c, 50v, and (0e. per pound.
At all grocers.
annually.) This curious picture of an eastern
magician Is from Curoline Corner's
----, "Ceylon, the Paradise of edam:' "The
fakir forthwith commenced to unpack
the burden on hie back, the principal
Item being .t bamboo framework or
scaffolding. This he held with his eight
hand, %virile be mounted step by step
of batubooe. At the summit, u height
perhaps of eleven feet, be paused, with
anus extended, to effect a balance.
For some reasou or other the fra ne-
Awork retrained perfectly steady and
perpendicular, while the fakir stretch-
ed himself out like a spider on its web.
At intervals on the bamboos were
heavy nails, rusty, but sharp at the
point. These nails distinctly penetrnt.
ed the man's mahogany colored flesh
when he stretched himself out on tate
Township of Usborne and Village of
(1) That choice 53 acres of land lying
west of the railroad and north of the
salt block in the village of Exeter tak-
ing in river on north, where there is
r deep bed of first class gravel, well
suited for cement work and no waste
land. On this property there is a
large bank bat n, 10 acres of fall wheat
and some s,nn11 fruits. This is a choice costume. here follows his sumwine
land and well suited for growing stuff up:,
for the Canning Factory. A. Q 110- "e niver heerd iv 'Salomy't' Well
BIER. Prop.
(2) That 45 acres of land, being nor-
therly part of Lot 10, Con. 1, Town-
ship of Osborne, in the Village of Exe
ter. On the property there is a stable
and never failing supply of water and
is well suited for grazing or growing
puoposes. C. E, HACKNEY, Prop.
(3):;All that property lying between
the Canning Factory and Evaporator
in Exeter.
(4) All that property lying east of
Station between Station and Carling
1 5) All that property lying between
Wellington and ictoria streets. In
parcels 3, 1 and 5 there aro some
choice building sites and will be sold
in lots to suit purchaser. This proper-
ty hclones to the Carling estate and
must be Bold to wind up the estate.
Intending purchasers may call at ai saw ani a lawn mower into an
Dickson & Carlinr's office for maps a sawtan
and descriptions of property. c 'It isn't th' kind iv music ye wud
it Lot iii, Con. N, .I'sborne, 100 Mika Te couldn't whistle annything
in i t.. Te ani;ht cough in it or ye
alight reprajooce it be shakin' th'
stove an' Rteppin' on th' do;'s tail at
th' same lime, but ye cudden't whistle
wire fences and never failing su ► 1 it.. It's what we might call n pier -
wire y relsome kind iv music, with nil th' •in -
of water; well situated, being one sthruments hnrlin' insults at each
mile from llertsrtll and four mile%$ other. But 'tis %well suited to tit'
from Exeter. This is choice farming
land and is mostly seeded to grass.
Easy terms of payment. W. E. COG-
GARTH, Ilcnsall.• Prop.
Any or all of these properties may
be purchased privately on or before.
the )lith day of October. If not sold
privately before that date, they will
be sold by public auction, without re-
serve lit the Metropolitan Ilotel, Exe-
ter, on Saturday, October 30th, nt one
o'clock sharp, all the above named
For terms and particulars, apply to
the proprietors, or Thos. Oameront
Auctioneer, Fariubar.
1 M Dooley on Salome
Set heading Mr. Dooley on Salome.
Whatever the irrepressible Mr.
Dooley has to say on any subject is al-
ways interesting as well as amusing.
He recently expressed himself on the
much discussed Salome, and so char-
acteristically that one cannot afford
to miss it, especially his extraordin-
arily brief description of Salome':e
'tis it quaint little thine—hardly up
to lir' robust intelligence iv a grown
man—more suited to childher aft'
medical experts. Hogan wint to see
it th' other nicht. 'What was it like.'
says I. 'It was a ver artistic per-
formance,' says she. 'Yo don't sayf'
says I. 'Was it raaly that bad:
Wait a minyit till 1 look th' dure
an' pull down ib' shades. Now tell
me all about it.'
• Vell,' says Ilogan, 'th' play was
wrote be a man that 1 won't min -
den th' name iv or ye'd throw me out.
'Twee .vet to music by it German(
musician be th' name iv Sthrauss. I
niver heerd more thrillin' music. All
th' time I felt as thou eh I was in
a dentist's chair basin' me tooth fill-
ed be n plumber's helper. This •zrand
composer is th' first man to inthrae
jooce a scissors 1-;rinder, n man Pilin'
acres. On the property there are 6
acres of good hardwood bush; :stone
dwelling ; !large up to date poultry
house, three barns and other build-
ings. Land well underdrained ; new
Mr. Joseph White has received
Instructions to sell by public auction
on Lot 10, Con. 10, Usborne, on Thurs-
day, October 11. commencing at one
o'clock sharp, the following:—
Horser—General purpose horse five
years old. heavy draught mare, 5 yrs.
old; nue. urate 0 years old in foal; one
mare rising four yrs. cld; ono filly ris-
ing t wo year's. one sucking colt.
('at t le —Two cows supposed to be in
calf; farrow cows; one pair steers 2
years old; three yearling heifers; four
yearling steels; fuer calves.
(logs --One sow; 7 pigs. A number
of hens.
AW sums of $5.00 and under, cash;
over that amount 12 months' credit
will be given on furnishing approved
joint, note, er a discount of 4 per cent.
for cash on credit. amounts.
Etude of late (lea Oodholt, Hire.
Eliza Caldwell. Administratrix; Jos.
White, Auctioneer.
Mr. Ie. Rubinson and sister Ella,
were %ratio; friends in 1Iruceticld
Mi;- .fee -ie Jlamilton visited her
home in Motherwell un Sunday.
et r. and •"lr4. \N,,•.:. 111 yrs ood and
Mrs. Eli Heywood attended the funer-
al of their cousin. the late Thomas
Francis et Fullerton on Satruday.
Mr. Matt. Itoutly is all smiler. The
stork :e.1 n deu,;hter at his home
Mr. W. G. Medd is drawing the
Material for a new kitchen and weed -
lir. \Vi,1. 1)e bridzc. license corn-
tnis.ioncr tact with nn accid.•n1 Fri-
day evening whereby lie lot the
tope of Inc of hie fingers of his lett
band. Ile wan hat;uz his silo filled
and about dark some .•t 1 11 of corn.
Lot clogged in the cog wheels of the
ratting box. in trying to pull them
nosy. hie (inners- got caught in th••
co>+. rnttinz the fine two off
below the thump nails. Mr. 11,1-
brid,re thought the tops only were cut
end bound sip the finers. but Satur-
day %hen ht• tent to Exeter to (get
'bent drev,d ascertained that t1,
nal:M were tivo .Tone. The injury will
Inconvcnte ec • hint for n few %e(k_s.
pray. -
Th' pay was taken fr'm t.h'
Bible. but 7 doubt if it wud fit into
th' p:ace if they tbried to put it back.
Th' author done it over n way that
zives ye a delightful sinsation iv
woudhrin' what name ye will invint
at lir' station whin th' p:ace is pulled
by th' ito'.is.
'"I never was so horrified an'
shocked in the life.. It was worth
twinty times ill' price iv ndmission.
An' thin th' dancing I My, but It was
fine. Ye see th' lady in this biblical
dhrama has a saint's head cut off
because shs is in love with him an'
thin docs a dance in front . iv th'
head. It is it pretty conoeit an'
charmingly depicted. 1 will say
nawthin' about what she wore, an' 1
have now described her costum •.
(tut 1 didn't think iv that—it was
all so graceful, so artistic. th' poethry
of motion. I'm sorry I f'reot me
opry .;'eases.' "
For Infants and Children.
the Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
13ignature of
\\with a terrific no:se, which could
he heard for miles. the bi; boiler of
the Ayltncr c lectric light and water-
works p:ant exploded five minutes
after seven Tuesday night. One. man.
Henry Fisher, the night engineer,
dead. the electric light plant is in
ruins, together with the binge Bran-
don Shoe Company adjoining. The
:atter teas destroy d by fire which
started ehort:s r :.or. One half 111,
p:are ,;lase windows on the Main St..
some as far as three blocks aw ,y.
were ltbett:•retl by the concusaio.t
'The waterworks p:ant is situated in
a deep va:lcy immediately b bind
'fa:bot street. th.• Mair) street he,
.1 stone's. throw lrotn the main coi-
ner. %herr the (!ravel road crosses
Ta:bot etrcet. In the same valley or
ho::ow is the Brandon shoe factory.
:armee:)' occupied by Laidlaw & \V et-
a,,:. 'Tire f ietory %vas owned by t It
otvn and vies of brick. i110 st'In l
ai;h. and substantially constrnct.•d.
Thr Chock occurred at justfire min -
Meg past "Wren. lied it occurred an
hour later or an boor sooner the !oils
of afe won1d have b:en touch ,greater.
A. second later bystanders on John
street saw the end of a boiler (all
throe,:h 11r.• hiid;t'•. and in alt incrtd.
ib:y ehort time it aectned that the
C (etre of t h.• toe 11 Itis on fire. l',o-
e e reeked to th • scene of the rx•
p:osion and before bricks had stop -
pat f:}ir- the : n.n were hard at
work fighting 111.• fire. whleh hid
n.rcady ,rained r ; :1 h .Indy in the
shoe factory.
Tickling in the Throat
"Just a little tickling in the throat!" Is that what troubles
you? But it hangs on! Can't get lid of it! Nome rem -
dies don't take hold. You need something stronger --a
gular edicine, a doctor's medicine. Ayer's Cherry
-.nr ' waling, quieting, and soothing proper,
order. Ask your doctor about this.
11 mefiicine. 1. (`.: l currt'c!/, � .
t� Ta-ss►aWS
.i health. Thi.n why alias it to continue? An alive
'er's ('ills arc livcr pills. What docs your doctor say?
"Thus he remained, a hideous wound
made by each nail, from which the
purple blood Sowed, lying there for the
space of ten minutes or so, except for
the blood a lifeless figure of clay.
Then. mattering some strange gibber-
ish, animation returned, and, making
moTemente so that the nails were ex-
ltdcated from the woundfi, the fakir
:Nith his toes kicked away the scaffold-
ing inti remained himself alone unsup-
ported in midair.
%"Yee, there this weird creature re.
maiued. his Iean, chocolate adored
limbs apparently stiff and cataleptic,
his eyes fixed upward and glazed. 'It
• fact,' said Cynthia in low tones bf
wonder. 'At home they would say ws
wene hypnotized.' "
Kaffir Greeting.
"Sake bona" are the first words a
stranger learns of the Kaffir vocabula-
ry. Tho expression Is the common
form of salutation used by the natives,
and its literal translation is, "I see
you." It is considered a mark of re-
spect not to give the greeting immedi-
ately, the delay showing the reverence
In which the native holds his visitor.
Experience Contribution.
Poetic Friend—Somo one says a baby
in tiro house is a wellspring of joy.
Exasperated Young Parent—Well,doret
You believe it. As an element of
joyment a baby, in the hoose 1a g
ttlttttteatnlpg farce.
A0E OT B:G 7Qtt 7L+t3.
Iieferrinlir to the age ct the big tree)
of Cafifur-nle, Prof. C.E;.liessey re' )dt
In Balance that he once oaun,ted with
Much e..re the ring's of grc,iw'•t:h of the
tree of whr, it %tire &tuna . constituted
the floor of the s.,-teal:el (lancing pe-
Vit4un. The count was made from cir•
aurtfereatce to sender, and every rig
to all that distance was counted, nc
estimates or guer;sers being made. Tih
result wee Vint 1,147 rings were avant,
ed, and ac.•oiding:.y 13 is stile to sal
thst this tree, wh.oh was fully 24 or 21
feet In dlarneter, and coac►idetvbt]
More ttnn 3C0 feet itt tie:girt. mou're4
these ditnensiona In eleven hundred
and forty-seven years. Prof. 13ese.y
doubts whether any of 1h" extztait
treats approach the ago at two 01:
and yeauw
'A French wo enlist has dete:-tr.lnel
that the military and nttr:•ai profece-.,nl
mos* qulakty 'tvwr trot %fie brain. ()u1
of 100.000 naval and teLltary men, 191
aro confirmed tunas.$. Next mina th,
ilbertll snores:goon, amilsts :sending th4
list. fo.•;uwcal clusety try :lawyers. and
mere distantly by docta-s, derjy, 1.t.
erary men and otvll i:ervan"s. '11t4
number of thotae %to go mad In 177 It
etch 100,000. Dementia servants and
day laborers run the profession rtes
t e:y (lone•, rending 166 out of each 100,.
J00 to the asylum. These are fo:1•y.ved
et a gang distance by ire• %antes, onit
CS of WSiom go mild in ea ii 100,000
,tri the group •%!slog la meet favorabt/
to sanity Is, contrary to general ]Valet
tt•iit cf (.)mitten•:ai wren, wild, (i sends
a:Jy d1 a.ut of 109,6110 to the a 'luta
During Change of Life,
says Mrs. Chas. Barclay
Granitevllle, Vt. — " I was passing
through the ('Imante of I.ifeand suffered
(rein nervousness
symptoms, and I
can truly say that
Lydia E. l'i n!: ham's
Vegetable Com-
pound has pro►••_d
worth mountains
)f gold to ole, r s it
restored my health
and r:tren th. 1
never forget to tell
my Mends what
Lydia E.Mukha m's
egetable Compound has done for me
during this trying period. Complete
restoration to health means so much
to me that for the sake of other suffer-
ing women I am willing to make my
(rouble public so you may pnhlisli
this letter." —Mats. ('(IAS. DAM LAT.
lt.F.h.,(ir:uniteville, Vt.
No other medicine for woman's ills
has received such $lido-sptread and un-
qualified endorsement. No other med-
icine we know of hes such a record
of cares of female ills as has Lydia 1:.
I'inkhant's Vegetable Compound.
For more than 30 years it las been
curing female complaints such as
inflammation, uleeration. heal weak-
nestes, fibroitntnors, lrrcnr•' ►rtties,
periodic pains. backache, indl ration
and nervors prostration, and it Is
unequalle)1 for carrying women safely
through the period of change of life.
it costs hat little to try f.vrli.t E.
1'inkh 'egetable Compound, and,
as M t Is "worth mow-
Tho Bind Ycu Have Always Bought, and vrhich has been
. in use for over 30 years, has borne tato signature of
and has been made under his per-
sonal supervision aineo its infancy.
•Allow no ono to deceive you in this
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger tiro health or
Infanta and Children—Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Pare-
goric, Drops and Soothing; Syrups. It is 1'leastlnt. It
Contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
*ubstauce. Its ago is its guarantee. 1t destroys W'orme
and allays Feverishness. It cures Dirrrhtea nnet Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, sues Constipation.
and Flatulency. It assintilatee tiro Food, regulates tiro
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea—Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Hate Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
A pain prescription Is printed upon
each 25e. box of tDr. Shooks fink
Pain ?Tablets. Ask your Doctor or
f)ruegist if this formula is not com-
plete. Head pains, womanly pants,
pains anywhere get instant relief
from a Pink fain Tablet. Sold by
W. 8. Howey.
Women with pale co lorless faces
el ho feel weak and discouraged, will
receive both mental and bodily vigor
by using Carter's Iron fills, which
I are made for the blood. nerves and
1110•••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••41
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager
• tl►..NONNeoNN4NeoeNNoeooa'N•oo•NN000000Hol
The Molsons Bank
Incorporated 1855
CAP TAL (staid up)
$3 500.000 00
Has ,66 Branches in Canada, and Agents and C orreepondents in all the,
Principal Cities in the World.
General Banking Business Transacted. 1
Savings Bank Department
Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Reserve, $6,000,000
Arrangements have recently been completed under which the branche$
of this Bank are able to issue Drafts on the principal points
in the following countries :
Faroe Islands
Exeter Brand)—G. W Harrison, Ma nager
Fr ch Cochin -China
Great Britain
Phillipine (stands
South Africa
Straits Settlements
West Indies rn
and elsewhere
Branch also at Crediton.
Send us your name and address, and nam
of publication In which this advertisemen
appears, and we wilt matt you absolute)
free, a bulk of the beautiful BUTTERCU
OXALIS. The bulb Is small, but it's al
wonder. Plants will (lower in six weeks If
properly treated. It's grand for wlntetl
blooming, producing upwards of ono thousan
pretty flowers In a season. You'll be de.
lighted and astonished with this plant. Wlt?
tho bulb, we will also send you a copy o
which tells you all about hundreds of other
varieties some of which you may want.
London, - Ontario.
1lni$ 71 �; �1�iI FII�#1111!II�I�ill�11��irl!' It, 71!!!!'71111111-
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lk s ■
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1' SII II' Si l 1)!
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-OC "oaq.ovotypVoaonohl
V ^TT[TTnNii vw4 .11
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lie_r lQ"t�.
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.rt;rr) t gr�lt •It h; 1`'"• jl' 1ST111i� .,I,�;f•�1 �1 i` 1' i1� II1�114 ��1�1
ill I. l rl nil{_'l16 AIII :LASImi4�u! i. . • i_ l : 11 11 {til r•
Increase your
capital by
saving your
Our Catalogue
the opportunity.
of it.
Lt �slo� V ��'lsOtEi� AND
OUR Fall Fall atld Winter Cata'oguo is packed fall e f ' - h.!! c;ortomy from cover to cover, and we trust that it will be tho
mcnns of ma':ir'g you n:lo of oar regular ewt.l'tti . '11'.:' %;sands of people send th.•:r Orden hundreds of utiles to us,
because, for every dnI ar eeended%It ' ,T. EATON ,tiroy got ono full dollar's worth of value. There are many
good, common-sense reasons f 11. our ennrnlnui 'Med Order 1,:ttinose and our Catalogue tolls the story.
Even rt ;nr•rried alar.ret 4hroL'rh Its pages will cornice° you that we aro offering values never placed within your
reach before. 'Co s.t•i•'v' fur -elf on this point, send for our Catalogue to -day. When it arrives, study it page by page, value by
value, and prico by prim --it is worthy of it—it will I,a tin►n well spent. Tho result is cor6nin to bo greater savinet fear you.
¶'t. to f9 no'. all, hOWcve". When the goods arrive examine there most carefully, and use both eyes, keeping one on
(peed,v a.t•I Chi o:he•r i n }•rice. If they aro not exactly es wo have represented them, or if you aro dissatisfied in the least, Rend
th. m L .:'k at (elm w:fl refund yqur money in full and pay transportation charges both ways Do your purchasing with
ecoe my of time, tro:.hIo and money—our Catalogue can help you—wrlto for it—buy from it.