HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-10-07, Page 811. 6 r: X .l` 6 '1' 1 Ni r. S OUT. 7th lUDi'
Yes, Business is Good
The Best Ever
We are good and ready for the best $
fall trade we have ever done. Our stock
is all complete in every department.
LiO1c J6k6ts
Our showing of Tailor Made Jackets is immense.
Corset fitting coats, semi fitting coats and loose box
coats in I3lack, Browns, Navys Grays and Greens. Yes
Mack and Green will be the best colors. Prices range
from $6.5o to $20.00
Girls and MdIOs Goats
We have a lovely range in fancy Tweeds and plain
Shivcott and Kersey cloths, beautifully trimmed with
buttons and velvets. Loose, Semi -fitting and Military
styles. Let the girls come in and see the new coat styles.
They will like them. Quality and prices are in your fav-
173 Dress Goods
All the new cloths lot and ail the new shades are on
our counters. The new shades are very pretty, kVe
show six distinct shades in the new Wistenia and all the
new Edward Greens and smart Blues. Come and see
the best display of smart Dress Goods in town.
Our New Dinner
aro all in and a lovely lct
they are, they come to ns
direct from the makers in the
old land. We save you all
the middle man's profits and
that's quite an item too. The
patterns we show are control-
led by onrselyes for Exeter.
Colne and see them the pleas-
ure w ill be mutual, welike to
show them. You'll like to see
them Full dinner sets $3 $15
Ladies Fur Lined
Nearly 50 to choose ;from;
lined with prime Canadian
Rat and Collate and Reveres
of mink and sable. These
coats are all made to our own
order. We are showing real
genuine values such as can
not he duplicated by the job-
bing trade. Our styles are
new and every garment we
sell goes out under a double
guarantee. Buy early and
get first choice. ;,.
All Our Furs at
25 per cent. discount,
Phone '2'2 " to door not th 1'. 0,
The Evaporator is now open to re=
ceive apples, for which the highest
price will be paid. The company
has always given satisfaction and
will continue to do so
Caledonia Evaporating Co.
O. W. GOODDWIN, Manager.
To Stay
Bus and llray calls
pronlptly attended to.
Ilorses kept in stock
for S:11('.
With t hat Cough use
Howey's White
Pine & Tar
Big Bottle for a Quarter
To prickly check a cold, druggiats
are dispensing everywhere, a clever
Cindy Co'd Cure Tablet called Pre-
venties. Preventim• nre (also fine for
feverish children. Take I'revc'nties at
the sneeze stage, to head off a1I colds.
HOS of 48-26c. (*old by w. R. fiowey.
Market Report. -Tho following u , :•t.•ssrs 5. Martin, J. G. Jones and
the report of Exeter markets, cor- A. Q. Dobler were in Goderich last
r. cted up to Octob r 7th. 1 week giving evidcncs on the suit of
\\'heart talc to tat .00 t Youn; vs the Canning Company.
Oats. new, 34 to 35 cents We will Rend Tb•: Times to nny
Barley 48 to 60 cents. address in Canada for the b.tlanca
1', as, .0 to :5 cents. of 1909 (and the whole of 1910 for one
llrau ,$:22.00 dollar a hick is surely touch ;trod
Shorts ti91.011 reading is titer for the small stun of
Star flour 82.75.leas than two cents per week. II you
Feed flour 81.50 to $1.55. me yourself, dear reader, a subscrib-
Ituttcr '2U er, perhaps there is a relative or
1:.rgs 'la friend in the west who is not but who
Hay 89.00, aa10.110 would much appreciate it.
Hogs liveweight 57.55 The (annual Eames of 1h:: l:xet r
Potatoes 75 to 90 cents
Coal, $7.25 a ton.
Ducks, Ac
Chicken 10c
Ilene 7c.
Dried Apples 5c.
Times Want Column!THE
WANTED -Apprentice wanted to
learn barber trade. Feuprase and,
- I
FOlt SALE. -Choice Barred Cocker -1
els at $1.00 each. Sp. ak stick. T. '
B. Ca rii n;. 3U-9-�
I'Olt SALE OR RENT- Two storey'
brief; Loos:, centrally located. Ap- 1 A very tine line in stripe \Vorsteds in suit lengths, only $1.00 per yard.
ply at Times Office. Extra value at 75c., in all the leading cloths nod in the newest sbadee. TbIa
price goods are good weight, suitable for ladies or cbildrens suits.
We are still at the old stand and here to do
business. This week we are offering a fine line of
Dress Goods
sc•h.ol will be held on Friday, Oct.' • tlrOlt SALE. -At reasonable prices
n.a. w - .......... ............ne-i Durham Pnrttat.d Cement. Apply to
ins at 'J o'clock :t. in. ;tt the school; Wesley Shier, Woodham.
grounds, grand procession of school �-
children, football match and basket -I BOY TO LEARN PRINTING -,Opel
ball match. At one o'clock p. m. on � who has passed the entrance c:ams.
We are showing a good reliable cloth at :,0c. per yd. This is a regular
the Agricultural grounds the general i preferred. Apply at TIMES O1 b ICE. 00 cent cloth, but owing to us having a very large supply of this line, we are
;games will be held followed by the i -t-- 1 going to clear it at 50c, per yd.
•••••.•••••••••••••••••••� distribution of prizes at 5 o'clock int WOOD FOR SALE. -We are now
front of the grand stand, Evers body I -prepared o
dt deliver to any par o t t f
• Anniversary and Ite-Opening.-The from orders promptly attended to.
It. GILLIES. The best we have veer shown, ranging in prices fro$1.25 to $.'35.00;
Iwelcome. i the town first class elm slabs. All
Furs! Furs!
err•••••• s•••••••
A great offer to new subscriber*
1 he •Times and Family herald and
\Veekiy Star from now till Jan 1910
fer is good to points in Canada only
painters and decorators who have!
been engaged on Caven Presbytcriat
church nre not" so far advanced that;
it has been definatcly arranged to,
hold the Anniversary and lte-Open-
ins services on Sunday the 17th inst.'
with a good old fasbioned tea -meet-
' ins on the. Monday evening following.
Mr. ]'red Ilawkshaw Left last week The new pastor, Rev. Samuel F.
for Toronto. Sharp, 11. D„ will preach and :t spec -
Miss 'Myrtle .Dauncey visited iul!al program of music is being pre -
Parkhill last week. rased,
Miss Edna Burridge, of London, is 'Mr. James Whyte, has been ap-
visiting Mrs. C. Southcott. pointed agent of the Massey llarris
Miss Pearl Leavitt, of London, is Company at 'Zurich, land will leave
tisitin; Mrs. ]Tarry Gould. shortly for that place to commence
his works. Mr. \Vbyte, is an excep-
Mr. Wen. Arnold has sold his race tionally fine gentleman and there is
horse to a lady in California, no doubt he will build up n success -
Mr. Geo. Sutherland and mother, ful business. Although not n resid-
of Ilensall, visited in town Monday. ent of 'Exeter a great while. Mr.
Mr. 'Walter Westcott left last week Whyte has made many friends here
to visit his brother J. W. in llamil- 'end he is sure to made good at
ton. Zurich.
\Vill Knight left last week to re- Mr. Mason, the evangelistic sec-
sume his studies at the London Col- retary of the Y. M. C. A. arrived
lege of Medicine. in town Tuesday evening, and ad-
dressed briefly a good number of
Mr. Thos. Russell. returned frhurs- Y. M. C. A. men in the Y. M. C.
day evening from a trip through the A. room. The meeting was more for
Western provinces. the purpose of getting ao;uaintetj
1)r. Prescott Ross, wife and child, with the men, and :getting the Chris -
of Idaho, are visiting the former's tians lined up fort he work that is
parents. Mr.and Mrs. 1). A. Ross.
Notwithstanding the disagreeable
weather last Friday, a number from
Exeter attended the Kirkton •I''air.
Mr. Ed. Fowell, Mrs. al. Vowel! and
Miss Cora, returned last week from
the (lend, where they spent the sum-
Messrs. W..1. 'Carlin; and Jos.
Davis attended the fall assizes :it
Godcrich last week in the capacity
of jurors.
Mrs. 'Moriock is moving to het
residence on Mill street. Mrs. John-
ston, Who has been renting it having
moved to another house.
Mr. J. 0. Jones spent a couple of
d ys visiting Dr. and Mrs. Harrison.
o Detroit. Ale was accompankal
bows by Mrs. Harrison. sr.
A number of residents are fixing
:heir lawns with dirt from the
rt,:.l dam property .recently purchased
Ise the town from J. N. Howard.
The basketball match between the
liens►ll and Exeter girls, scheduled
far Saturday evening, was palled off
on account of the unfavorable weath-
Owing lo the unfavorable weather,
the work of constructing the new
dam was not started last Thursday.
This week will see the work com-
A meeting will be held In the Town
Ilall next Monday evening for the
purpose of organizing a band. Every
person interested is expected to be
Miss lielen Brown. of Detroit, who
recently underwent an operation for
appendicitis, is visiting her mothvi.
and will remain here until shere.-
stains her strength.
Mrs. Fred ,Mills, of Exeter North.
has purchased from Mrs. Bartlett, of
Arkona, the properly on Thames'
Road. just east of the town, formerly
owned by Janes Moore.
, Mrs. John McMahon and two child-
ren, of Winnipeg, nccontpnnied by
Mrs. ,Mcalahon's sister. 'Miss Stella
i'enhale, are visiting their parents.
Mr. and Airs. \Vnl. l'enhale.
Mr. ]'rank ]:night, visited here
Sunday with his grandmother. lie
has resigned his position as break-
rnan with the C. P. It. and expects
to leave today for California.
Mr. John harness was taken to the•
London hospital last wreck to under -
,;o an operation. The operation was
performed Monday. with prospects
that Mr. llarnees will soon be able to
get around.
Rev. E. A. Fear will preach Sun-
day School Anniversary services at
Ailsa Craig next Sunday. Rev. Ken.
ncdy, of Ailsa 'Crain; will take charge
of the services in Main Street Church
dnrin; the day.
Dr. and Miss Mabel Follick, of St.
Marys, visited thrir (,gents here
Sunday. Miss Follicle hes just re-
turned from a Grip to the coast. tak-
ing in the exhibition at Seattle and
a .o viciting San Francisco.
airs. Thom. Gregory' eat. unfortun-
on Saturday in isustainin; a frac-
.re of her wrist. She was walking
the 'garden a hen clic slipped on a
1 ,ird, and in falling threw out h,•r
rm to protect hes self. the breaking
of her wrist 1
Willie, the young son of Thoma„
Webster. Exeter North. had his
ri,rht lig broken bett"ecn the ankle
artd the knee Tuesday noon by a
kick from n horse. il,r was riding on
a lard of wood with his father
aa hen the horn:• kicked hien causing
the injury.
The rival bus lines started nut Mon-
day- mornin,t with a change of driv-
ers. Sid Davis, who drove the Arnold
bus for sonic time. was relieved of
his position Saturday evening and
Monday morning was in charge of
John (lillespie's outfit. w bill' Dick
Daniels was driving for ,Mi. Arnold.
Mr. llcllorian. caretaker of the
London Thistle Ilowlin; greens, was
her,' ;ash w:•ek looking over the
green% of the local bowling club. llo
FOR SALE -Some first class fine
Shelving either in sections or separ-
ately; also a couple of good counters
and four up-to-date show cases. Ap-
ply at Post -office, Ilensall.
aeon. will be at the Commercial
tlotel- Hours 9 a. tn. to 1 p.
m. Glasses properly fitted and dis-
eases of eye ear and nose treated.
Next visit Monday, Oct. llth. fore-
noon. Ilensall in afternoon.
As I am now in the west on a
trip for my health, my book accounts
will not be collected until I return
two months hence. A. E. PYM.
Exeter, Sept., Oth 1909. 9-16-5
Ladies wishing man -tailored suits
call and leave your order and measure
with Miss Totn, as she represents a
leading city tailor.
Miss Tom is prepared to teach
to follow. Wednesday night he Ladies Dressmaking while they are
making their own dresses. Terms
and full particulars may be learned
by ,calling at her dressmaking rooms
over Wilson Bros. store. Also an ap-
prentice wanted. 9-164
speaks to men and boys only in the
Main Street 'Church; 'Thursday .night
he addresses a meeting to men and
boys in the James Street Church, and
Friday night he will speak to every-
body in the Main St. Church. He is a
winning fellow, a pleasing, cermet
speaker, and he wants to meet every-
man. Men, don't fail to hear him
and .act aoluainted with him while bs
is here.
The question of free udvcr•tisins is a
public source of worm• to e
fisher of a country n,•tvt.p
does not wish to appear mean or to
offend bis friends, and yet he must
remember that he has to depend up-
on the revenue from his paper to pro-
vide his bread and butter and no
small portion of this revenue must be
made out of the advertising. In this
office there is a rale that whenever
an admission fcc is charged to an en-
tertainment or meeting, we charge
for n11 advertising in connectlou
therewith. i\1'e also charge for all
cards of thanks, or nny matter from
which any person or organization ex-
pects to reap a pecuniary benefit.
The storekeener is not expected to
hand out free of charge the goods he
has for sale; the publisher has his ad-,
vertising space for sale and he
should sot be expected to give away;
his goods.
The suit of Col, Wm. Young, of
Goderich, against the Exeter Canning
& Preserving Company was tried at
the assizes held in Ooderich last week.
Owing to other engagements, His
Lordship Mr. Justice Clute did not
open the court until Thursday after-
noon. Col. Young sued the company
for the return of $1,750 prod by him
on 100 shares of capital stock in the
company for which he had subscribed
He claimed that when he subscribed
for the stock it was with the under-
standing that he would not have to
put up any money. but that the stock
would be carried for hire until the
earnings of the company would pay
for it. He also denied having received
a copy of the company's prospectus
and claimed that the prospectus had
not been flied with the Provincial
Secretary ae the law requires. Wit-
nesses were called on both sides. Tne
Judge struck out the jury notice and
tried the case himself, finding against
the ('ol. on all points raised. .Judg-
ment was given in favor of the corn•
pany dismissing the action. Win.
Proudfoot. K. C., appeared for the
plaintiff and ter, 1V. Sladwan for the
A Reactionary Storm Period is
central on the 9th and 10th. Al-
though the Mercury period and
Earl hat autumnal eluinox are both
bearing on all this part of October.
we figure That this reactionary per-
iod will bring only moderate distur-
bances. The temperature tsii! rise•
and the barometer will fall and in-
creased cloudiness may result in light
rains, with •e c a r
change to cooler rtturn-
irig about the 10th to 12th.
A Regular Storm Period is central
on the 14th, covering th' 12th to
17th. This period etnbrnc s Moon in
apogee and on the ee'estial eluator
on the 13th. and New Moon on the
11th. About the 12th decided storm
conditions will be,'in forming in the
west. Ity the 13111 and 14th the tem-
perature will be high. and the baro-
meter will he low and falling in west-
ern aces inns. and from Wednesday the
lath to Sunday the 17th. heavy nota
tumnit storms. with lightning and
thunder on and lotichin; the lath:
will pass from west to east across the
country. The same period comprises
n very marked 4•imtnic period. cen-
tral on the' Iilb. At this lime irho
Cane( Saturn is in opposition with
Earth and Sun, and Uranus and Nep-
tune ni•e in luadratnre with Earth
and Sun within a few blurs of the
same time. This aslronotnic outlook.
all within 1110 days of Moan's con-
junction nigh Earth and Sun on the
14111. ,'ret] increaast the probe
Walk.; of ,norma, seismic Finks and`
general volcanic and iteroral rnani-t
adds. d set, sal chanes. one in pi'- hsstations. This 19 a time wh 0 navi-
tien'.ar beinr th sowing of s•ed. Ile sailors of the north Atlnntic and thef
ndvised the discnntinn•ine-' o. pinntinj Brent Ink's should exercise caro
cower heed ns the clover impedes the against 1' :t, danger. Change to
irowieg of the Erase suitable for much co:d.i• ..ith high barometer at,.
bow lirtg purposes. violent gales will wind up this p; riot;
Cottage and three lots in Exeter,
being lots Nos. 55, 56 and 57 south of
Simcoe Street. On this property is a
frame cottage (brick foundation) con-
taining five rooms and a good cel-
lar r.lso a good well and a largo
.00d garden and fruit treed.
,..operty has to be sold to wind
'gip an estate. Apply to
Exeter, Ontario.
---. -•-
Two hundred acres lots 20 and 20
10th and 11th concession, of Step-
hen. The farm has 10 acres good
hardwood bush. bank barn 72 x 36
good frame house, never failing well,
cistern at the barn : good orchard.
The other has frame barn, good
wells, orchard. Both are in good
state of cultivation.
These farms will be sold together
or separate or will sell 150 acres.
Possession cnn be had on \larch 1st,
1910. if patties wish to purchase is better than no ba; at All. That's
they cnn do their plowing now. For why we suggest that for a trial, you
further particulars, apply to Thos.
It. Martyn, Exeter, Ont.
fur lined coats. This is the first year we have handled these, so are ofTertn
extra value in order to get your trade.
Bargairi Table
A few of those cheap Dress Goods left. A special lino of Crocks for
this week only when we will giye you a special price on all (Ines of Dinner
and Chamber Sets and odd pieces.
All kinds of Poultry taken. Butter 20c; Eggs, trade 23c cash 21c;
Dried Apples 5c.
"20,000 Razors
for Free Trial!"
A near scientific discover 3•-a secret
process -has revolutionized the manu-
facture of razors. This discovery en-
ables us to offer you a blade of Carbo -
steel -(steel plus carbonl-which you
do not have to hone or grind; a blade
that stays sharp always.
To prove it we will distribute Carbo -
Magnetic Razors on 311 Days' Trial ab-
solutely free --there 1s one hero for
This Razor is tempered by n secret
electric process at an absolutely even
temperature of 2.500 degrees. The re-
sult is the hardest cutting edge known
to science. A blade of Carbo -steel that
we guarantee for a lifetime of perfect
wear, no honing -no grinding.
We wantyou II know
and enjoy
the smooth sh:nb,.; comfort you can
obtain only throupn the long sweep-
ing diagonal stroke of a straight blade
standard razor-ts a Carbo-Jlagnettc-
whtch cuts the h.eire cleanly without
splitting them or turning the ends
back into the skin to cause irritation,
pimples, and even worse troubles. o
come iri today and get a Carbo -Mag-
netic Razor on 30 Days' free: Trial.
.,o • .ATO /Ki
'&ie6l&decuih6ie Carbo
buy "a small bag.' of flour we sell.
We know what the result will be -le
will be your return to buy
During the past few weeks there A IIID HAG
has been great destruction of sheep of the fame kind of flour. It's no
by dogs among the flocks of farmers use exp-'rimenting on flour after
not far from this village. Apiong you've tried ours. It beats any we
those who suffered tire Mr. Samp. know of and is freshly milled and
1'.irsons tete lost r', fusel, Mr. \V m, properly priced. Leave your order
\\'finer for t"Iwur ths destroyed five nt the mill.
and Mr. 6. J. llog:trill into whose
flock they have been at least three H A RV EY
titnes, killing six and mutilating
about a dozen others. The destruc-
tive work has bceu done at night and
the dogs have escaped and their own-
ers are unknown. As :t conseluenca
of the danger in leaving the flocks in
the fields the sheep owners have for
weeks been ta4ting their sheep into
their barnyards in the hop: of there-
by protcctine thea'. On 'Thursday
night last week however while Mr.
Ito; arth wile at Hamilton, Mrs. lio-
earth heard the sheep bells ringing
and called to the boys who were in
bed who hastily got to the barn with
the still found a dog madly chasing
the sheep, even into and out of the
pelt grabbing one and then another.
Gifford who had the gun luckily tuaq-
nged to get sure aim on the boast and
shot him dead thus putting an end
to al least one of the vicious brutes. (� p
Some of the "'beep trere
bowels (railed out as they (led, and
de"when Don't Go By
found, some mill Aurin; had their
others again the flesh eaten from
their shoulders and thighs and they
tout yet dead. Is it any wonder the
sheep industry has declined when so
many useless dogs are permitted by
the municipality to he kept even by
those who have so i;s:' for them.
The council refuses to cornpensats
the sheep owners for loms_s sus-
tained in itis manner and as a re-
sult many farmers have discontin•
lied ;a hat would otherwise be a pro.
1111 b:. industry.
WALTER -lei Exeter, Monday,
let, to •$1•. and Mrs. Herbert
ter. n daughter.
Children Cry
The old way lo
Cure a Cold
The New
Cure a -Cold
Sold 1(„ly r.t
without stopping in for a look at the
new Fall fabrics we are tailoring in-
to suits and top-eoats. You won't see
them nnywhere else for we have them
for yourself while you nre here.
We'll mnke you n swell one for as
little ns possible and guarantee more
cloths satisfaction for the money
than you ever had before.
Merchant Tailor.
The Centralia
Highest prices pail.
Thos. Elston
+++++++++-:-++++ +++++ + ++4 J'++
Over one thousands, -fit -
dente enrolled by our chs
last year. It pays to a
tend a link of this gre
chain, for "IN usi
TIIERE 1s ic'rneserrii•"
The demand for
graduates is TNR
TIMES the soppy.
Other schools eng
our gradeates as teache
A special course for teach
Graduated of two years
ago are now earning $2,
000 per annum.
Three courses-C(013ER.
fall Term Opens Aug. 30
Write for particulars.
Clinton Business
College $
+, ++++ l'++++++++++'rl S• : +1 : +�e
Geo. Spotton, Principal.
!laving leased the store pro-
perty of Mr. J. \V. Broderick,
Main Street, i beg to announce
to the public that i have opened
out, business in the line of Gen-
eral Provisions.
The very bent grades of flour
always on !emir:
(Goods delivered to any part of
We invite your patrnnage and
solicit a call frorn 1011
I3r(lderick's � EIDT
Old Stand •
A 1 t prescription is printed stem
each . e. box of J)r. ,,oep's fink
Ptin 1 tb'•ete. Ask )(ter Doctor or
Aro r;.aa if this formula ill not com-
p:et, . 11, ad paths, womanly pains.
pains anytthere get instant relief
from t I'i•+k 1'••in Tablet. Sol-] by
‘c. S. Ilse, t.