Exeter Times, 1909-10-07, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES, OCT. 7th 1909
Brown's Grand Showing of
Fall and Winter Styles
We invite all the ladies of Crediton and vicinity
to visit our display of up-to-date Millinery. This de.
partment is under the supervision of Mrs Link, and
her variety of styles surpasses anything shown hereto.
Also Showing a Big Range of Ladies, Misses
and Children's Coats
This week we received our last shipment and our stock is now
omplete. Ask to see them:
We have everything that is new
For Men, Youths and Boys
We have our new fall stock of Ready -Made Suits and Over-
coats and invite you to see them before purchasing elsewhere.
FURS -Our range is m
Buyers of Clover, Timothy and s. BROWN
Alsike Seeds, Live Poultry
Dried Apples and all kinds of
Produce, etc. Highest Market Prise.
Pur6hds6d BId6KsmIth IUSIll6SS
Having purchased the blacksmith property and
business of MR. A. E. PYM, near the Town Hall I
am prepared to do all kinds of Blacksmith Work
for the General Public, and respectfully solicit the
patro'rve of all the Old Customers of the Shop
and many New Ones. I believe we can give you
entire satisfaction.
David Russell.
Send us your name and address, and name
of publication in which this advertisement
appears, and we will mall you absolutely
free a bulb of the beautiful BUTTERCUP
OXALIS. Tho bulb Is small, but It's a
wonder. Plants will flower In six weeks if
properly treated. It's grand for winter
blooming, producing upwards of one thousand
pretty flowers in n season. You'll -be. de-
lighted and astonished with this plat. With
the bulb. we will also send you n 'chpy or
which tells you all about hundreds or other
varieties some of which you may want. -
London, - Ontario.
Any Cold Can be Cured
without "cold cures," cough mixtures" and
the like opiate filled medicines. All you have_to
do is to open your bowels wide with
srcc s AAT- ee
That will carry the cold germs and systemic poisons away and
you'll get well in no time. If you have a cold or are con-
stipated or have rheumatism, liver or kidney troubles,
take an NR tablet tonight and you'll feel
tqlrybetter in the morning.
59 Get a 25c Box
e�than .Vtme�
nPills for
For Sale by W. S. Cole, Exeter.
Weak Women
' To weak and ailing women, there is at least ons
Ney to hetp. But with that way, two treatments.
omit be combined. Ono is local. luno is mnstita.
VN '1, b tI troth aro important. both c:.=cntial.
N• p's Sight Cure Is the Local.
Dr. Shoop's Restorative. the Constitutional.
'lbs former -Dr. Shoop's Night lune -Js a tooleal
11111ueous membrane suppository remedy. while Dr.
Ilhoov s Restorative (4 wholly an internal treat.
Neat. The Restorative reaches throughout the
ogre system seeking the repair of all nerve.
all tissue au.i all blood ailments.
•e "Night Cure' a, its Banno imrlies, r'.oes its
work whale you sleep. It soothes Milan).
84 mucous surfaees. heals local weaker -res and
discharges. white the Restorative. casts nervone
eacltrmnt. giv.y renewed vigor and lees:n m
ballets up %%11.4•.1 tissues. bringing about n nese.'
strength, vigor, anti ens Tak.' Dr. shoo '
energy. rs
--a/ RentomtIv,•-hsl 1.•tsor Liquid -as i general tonic
ID the system. For positive local help, use as well
Dr. Shoop's
Night Cure
-Aas Ellrnville
Mr. John .1`,e lue.a spent n few days
•felting 1a s brother Charles. of Gads
Hill also took in t he Stratford fair.
Mr. Milton Gregory had a misfor-
tune to lose one of It % hors's. 9r
was kicked by another h.t ate causing
its 41e,th.
airs. John 1ierdman has been on the
rdek list for n couple of ssecks part
with a severe attack of lninsy.
Mr. Os:cr 'Morley war laid up with
R severe rod for a couple of .days
fiats% week.
The corn crops have been much in- Go to the blood. if you are to drive
lured 1•y the frost of late. i out Rheumatism. A Wisconsin phy-
01rs. Os:, r Morley spent a few Aldan. Dr. Shoop. does this with his
days visiting her parents at Kirkton. Rheumatic Remedy -and with seem-
--- 'n r seer is. It;:h-on'.:-17= the doctor,
. ever did car. 11henm•ttism. It is
-tare than skin deep -it iQ constau-
m X11,
He re's Good News
The market prices for o!d junk
are alive and so is
The Old Reliable Firm
M. Jackson & Son
fine door south of the :Metropoli-
tan. Just look at the following
prices (no trade, and no truck)
all cash.
(tags 73 c. per hundred
Iron from 1141c to 73c. per hen.
Old rubber boots & shorn 7c. 1b.
Copper and brass Sc. per Ill.
}i.)rse hair 300. per Ib.
Lend and zinc 2 1/2c. per lb.
Bring your goads here and get
the worth of your money.
A great Variety of IRON
I'IP/I:always on hand at a rea-
sonable price, suitable for fence
masts, bracing boulevarding.
M. Jaokson & Sons
The follow in„ is the report of
Crediton School for the 'numb of
Division 1 -fart 1. Jr -ii. liotwaid.
1). Roger : roll, \V. llyd,•. 1). 'Bug. r.
C. Barnett ; 2 year old. V . A. '•Ic-
7ienzie, Ratcliff • Bros.. G. l r 1
h,rt ; 1 year old, W. A. 'Mckenzie. 11.
Graham. 1'. Hamilton: Team in har-
nr+s. It .\. Sadler. W. Curren)•. A.
Robinson: hest horse or colt in class.
W. A. Melicnzic.
L. 'Lawson, 1•:. Guenther, 1'. Short, (;.
Wolfe' 1:. ilai,t, G. Sims, A. pwweit- Brood snare. G. Spear -in, Ratcliff,►
e 7,•r ; 1't. 1, Sr. -honors, l.. Sambrook, alto+., G. 3l•cr nn •. roll, G Spear-
lt. Brown, L. hi:ser, W. Appleton, in : 2 year old, .1. Nichol. R. Gut -
pas, L. lieden. G. Weiner. Pt. 11 -
barn, 1). Hanson; Team in harness. W.
Donors. 1.. 'Lawson, pass. 1{. Haist.
Jr. Il -honors, t�k. Finkbeiner, C.
'hist, pass, V. Hoffmann, 0. Weiner,
A. Boltzmann. It. Wolf...
Miss Stethers, Teacher.
Division 11. -Pr. 1[ -Honore M. Ilrood mare. J. Decker: foal, .1.
Benedict, pass; 1)1. King', 0, Eng- nearer: 'I year old, A.. Frazer. W.
lish. Jr. 11, honors, It. Bill, pass, L.
Morten; 2 year old, J. L. Routly, F.
Beaver, It. Clark. Sr. 11, A. (falser, Anderson: 1 year old. J. Decker;
E. W uerth, E. Gaiser, pass M. Brown gin;le Ro deter, Ratcliff • Bros. 2nd :
L. Iloltzmann, It. Finkbeinc•r, L• Span Roadsters. 11. Ross, S. Woods;
Guenther. Jr. III, honors, L. Ilaist. Sddle horse, W. Nairn, Dr. Jose•:
K. Sweitzer, L. Weiner, A. Sambrook ,
I. Wolfe. G. lnuett, pass, M. Nicbol-i Best horse or colt in class, 13. Ross.
son. V. Kestle, G. Lamport. L. Bean
V. (falser. ,bliss Love. Teacher. 1 3 year old. Thos. Near;year old,
:Division Iii. Jr. 3. C. Oestreicher,' J.. Pringle, J. Barr; Single Carriage
E. Smith, 0. Guenther. Sr. 111, 1•:, horse, J. Brien, N. S. Brandon:
mist. 11. Finkbeiner, V. Mote. 'F.' Span `Carriage Ilorses in Harness. J.
Bing. Cass IV, E. 111uett, ,V. .Ilol-' Decker; Best horse or colt in class,
tzruanu, '1I. Brown, 11. Ilaist. Jliss J• :Brien.
Iiienzle, Teacher. I:. Christie Il. \Velsh, judges. •
se Mr. August Kuhn, of Stratford:
.tit Sunday in town visiting with BULLS
- I: nd relatives. Axed Derham bull, \V. A. meg
.>'lr. : red Harris. of Parkhill, was zie, J. Robinson; 2 year old Durham,
a visitor in town Sunday. 1J. Ilyde : 1 year old Holstein. Ira
Mr. and Mrs. 5. Martin and dauob- Marshall.
ter, of Zurich. spent Sunday in town . DURHAM-
the guests of Mr. and 'Mrs.V. Fahnar.+' Milch cow, W. A. McKenzie 1-2; 2
Mrs. Geor;re Essery and children. 1 year old heifer. W. A. McKenzie, J.
of Centralia, were in town one day , Robinson; 1 year old heifer, F. Mani -
last week visiting friends. 'Mon 1-2; .Bull calf tinder one year.
Mr. Loran Brown entertained a F. Hamilton, Ratcliffe Bros.: heifer
number or his friends to a birthday' calf. J. Robinson. 1�'. Hamilton: Best
party. Loran certainly did things r animal in class. W. A. 'McKenzie.
in creat r.ty:e. JERSEY
Th • Misses 011ie and Pearl Holtz- 'Milch cow, J. Hooper & Sons 1-2;
mann returned home Tuesday even- 2 year old heifer, J. Hooper & <Sons
in;, after spending a few weeks 1-2; 1 year old heifer, J. Hooper &
in Sebring w•illc visiting friends. I Sons 1-2; Heifer calf. J. McCollou;h,
Miss Ettic Fahner, of Zurich. was J.. Ilooper 8i Sons; Best animal in
in town Sunday visiting her parents' class, J. Hooper & Sons.
and friends. I POLLED ANC US
Miss Vera Essery, of 'Centralia. ie Milch cow. G. II. Hazelwood; Best
spending a few days the guest of !animal in class. 0. II. Hazelwood.
Miss Delphine Essery. : HOLSTEIN
The Misses Lillian and E. Haist, � Milch cow, W. A. Kirk: 2 year old
of Michigan, tvho were visiting re- , heifer. 'I. Marshall; Jitifer calf, 'W.
latives and friends around here hare' A. %Kirk, T. Marshall; Best animal
returned to th••ir home. in `'as , W. A. Kirk.
Dir. lMi;ton Harris has gone to! GRADE CATTLE
Parkhill, where he will remain for . Milch cow. C. S. Atkinson, .Dawson
tt while. 1 Bros.. J. More; 2 year old heifer,
A few from here attended the Park _ W. Stephenson ; 1 year old heifer,
hill fair. 1 W. A. •.McKenzie, J. More ; heifer,
The Misses Bean spent 'Tuesday in calf. W. Stephenson 1-2: Steer calf.
Exetgr. r • I E. Robinson: j year old steer, .D.
'Dir. George Eilber, who has been Boxer 1-2; Fat cow or heifer. Dawson
acting as bush ranger, has returnod Bros.: Fat ox or steer, Dawson Maros.
home from New Ontario. George cer-I 1-2; 'Best animal in class. W. A. Mc-
tainly looks well. 1 �ienzie.
Oke; Best horse or cont in class. W. A.
W. 1). Sanders and J. McGrath:
J. J. Young our :ax collector, is;
on the war path. •
The women are running for , the
Hats. The town will be booming for
awhile with hat sacks.
The wholesome, harmless ;teen
leaves and tender sterns of a lung
healing mountainous shrub. give to
Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy its curative
properties. Tickling or dry bron-
chial coughs ,quickly and safely yield
to this highly effective Cough mcdi-
P. 0. Robson Geo. Andrew, judges.
Oxford Downs -J. Mountain took
1st and 2nd of all prizes offered in
this c:ass.
Leicester -Ram 2 year o!d. W. Cur-
relly ; Hare 1 year old. W. Currelly',
Jt Roy; itant iamb. W. Currelly, J.
Roy; Ewe. J. Itoy 1-2: Sherlin,; ewe,
J. Roy 1-2: Ewe lamb, W. Currelly
Shropshire Downs -Wm. )goy took
all the prizes in this class.
cine. Ur. Shoop assures moth
Lincolns -Ram 2 years old. \V. 011 -
that theycan with safety vet G. Penhale; Ram 1 year old,
y give it W (; Penhale 1-2: Ram Iamb, G. even very young babies. No opium,
Pen -
no chloroform -absolutely nothing
harsh or harmful. It calms the dis-
tressing cougb, and heals the sen-
sitive membranes. Accept no other.
Demand Dr. Shoop's. Sold by W. 8.
1 Towey. .•
hale 1-2; Ewe, G. Penhale 1-2; Sheri -
int; ewe. G. Penhale; Ewe lamb. W.
Oliver, 0. Penhale.
Grade -Ewe. .1. Roy 1-2: :Sherlin3
ewe. G. Penh's:e, F. Anderson: Ewe
lamb. F. Anderson 1-2; Fat sheep. W.
----•,-- - Currelly. W. Oliver.
Wm. I'ridham. jlld;c.
Whalen PIGS
Yorkshire -Aged hoar, It. Birch:
Anniversaries and fowi suppers are ls8oww, H. Birch 1-2: Boar littered in
all the rage aroend hare. Our young 1909, R. Birch, W. Sparlint: ,Sow••
people aro certainly ,getting their littered in 1909, \\', Sparlin;, It.
outings just now. Birch.
Several of our residents are suf-
fering Belted Hampshire -L. Goodwin &-
from bad cods. Sons, 1t. 8. McCollou;h; Boar. littered
Messrs. Delbert Morley and Wilson in 1909, It. S. Mc.Collou;h ; Sow•. lit -
Morley visited %bole brother at Elim- tered in 1909. It. S. McCollou;b, 1,.
vine on Sunday. Goodwin & Sons.
Many of our young people attend-
ed the special services at Elimvitlle
Sunday evening.
Our Trustees have arranged for
their annual Anniversary on Oct. 31
Rev. A. K. Birks, of Askin street.
London, s• recto
i expected topreach
Sundaand a fowl supper will be all prizes in this class.
held on Dlonday evcnin; with n good Gro. 'Green. Fairview. judge.
pro;ramute from St. Marys. POULTRY
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gunning were Light llrahmns. Nelson Machos .1.
guests of their brother and sister, Iludson tE Sons; Minorcas. 3. Hudson
Mr. r, and D1rs. heed Gunning. & Sons; Minoreas, black, rose comb.
P. F. Dottie. 1-2; Plymouth Itocks,
barred. Geo. Bentley: 4Vyandottcs.
silver -laced. J. Hudson & Song;
Wyandottes, white, J. Hudson &-
Sons; Rhode Island Reda. A. Sweitzer,
.Oww•in3 to the steady downpoer of I. Hudson & Son`: Le;horns. white.
rain Burin; Fr id ly morning and early 1). Dou;:as �& ons, 6.1 Bentley ;
a1t(•rnoon. the lar;c crowd which Leehorns, while, rose comb. J. Ilud-
wwasexpected to attend the second day; sou & Sons N.tFietcher; ie•zhorn -
brown, N. Fletcher. W. Stack ; An-
K'rkt n Fair not mater-, the. 1 o dido tl a ,. ,
%w• z r )-_ I o-
io:ize. However. quite a number of �lalusia s h blue, A. . sit
people bravely defied the dishearten-; tads, w bite crested. (:. Bent L•y 1-2 ;
in,; cle•menta. and were not disap-, Bamber es. silver spangled, J. Ilud-
qon & Sons; Orphinttons, while. 1.
pointed. ns the t ahibits and at1rae.I ..
lions this year were much superior) l .Dou pe; Orphinxtnmt. 1111(1..7. Hod -
10 what they hare been for years) son & ons: Orghin„to)Is. hack, A.
OM. There is uo doubt that 11 1" Hudson
1'. Jamieson: Game. J.
t' Iludson & Sons 1-2; Dorkin;s silver
Berkshire -Aged boar, R. Douglai-
& Sons, Dawson Tiros.; Sow, Daw-
son Bros.. It. S. McColloigh; hoar.
littered in 1909, 1t. S. McCollou;h.
Dawson giros.; Pow, littered in 1909.
R. S. •McColloii th 1-2.
'Tamworth -1). Dou;las & Son took
Kirkton Fair
weather bad been fine, there would
have been a record attendance.
The management. after viewing the
ribbon of mud which formed the
track. declared off the races, which
were to have been particularly good.
The display of flowers, fruit and
vegetables was particularly fine this
1)nshwood year, as was also the hand work of the
ladies, some beautiful embroidery
Mr. Joseph \Vill�•rt has purchased and lacework being shown.
the village prop•rty of Mr. Simon SPECIALS
Miller and vs ill glove in shortly. . Bank of Commerce. Exeter, best
The Misses Louisa and Bertha i:idt co:t. Geo. Spearin : Exeter Times. best
left last week for Detroit. Hampshire boar. any ate. 1.. Good -
The many friends of Mr. Jacob win & Sons; Harvey Bros., Exeter
Kelllrmann will be pleased to barn best bread baked from their Star
that he is slaking conte improvement Flour. Mrs. N. C. Sw•cit.ter; Com -
and it is holed !bat he will be finally m •rcial Hotel. Exeter. hest 3 pounds
relieved of his trouble. of butter. It. !terry: Rowe &• Ate
- kinson. Exeter, best 10 rounds of
Matter. 1'. Anderson; •Mo'sons !lank.
St. Marys. Heavy Draught team. \Vm.
Oke: Lady drivers J. )trine. T.
CASTOR 1 A 'sr)re 1111 '•<. '%excuse of this grin•
rp'e, t)r. fi)inop's 11h^nmatie 8•mcdy
For Infants and Children. 1a •rhap= 01, reed pep i'ar in exist•
De e.'• it Tow by word of month from
Di Kind You Hare Always Bought nn.• • In nnoth^r. everyeh•re. Grateful
salienta gladly spread results. It i=
Bears the • es 7� la 'act of h :inanity. In tel) the sick
e• •• 1, ;'✓,li'f; ;,� of a w. 1y to health. Tell some sick
lure - c'�' ' :. _ cam. one. Sold by W. S. Howey.
GENIit \I. 1'Fi(P031:
Brood mare. A. Arsh y. 1'. Hamil-
ton. 0. Cr 'ells rt ; foal. A. itobin-
son, G. i'rlithart ; a year n:(1. 8. 'A.
Womb,: 2 year old. .1. 1117,•Iwood jr..
1(.. S. Mt Ca l lough. A. Arshey ; 1 year
o'(l. W. Stephenson. A. Robinson:
Team in harness. \V. Iled.. J. Docker
Rod horse or colt in elas., 'tV. llvd•.
Brood mare, C. Bern it. W. d .
grey. 3. Iludson & Sons; Geese, 1).
I)ou3:as & Sons, N. Pletcher; Ducks,
1). Douglas & Sons; Turkeys. D.
i ouslas & Sons, N. Fletcher. Special
O:d Leghorn, A. Sweitzer; Black Leg-
horn. A. Swyeitref'. •
i.ieht ilrahmas. Nelson Fletcher,
Hodson & Sens; Minorcas. W. Brown
1-2; Minorcas. black. rose comb. 1'. F.
holly• 1-2; Plymnnth Itocks. barred,
A. Sweitzer 1-2 ; \V 'rndottrs,
:need As A.. Sweitzer 1-2; \Vyandotles.
white. 3. lltdson & Sons; Rhode !s -
land Reda, .1. Iludson C. Sons 1-2:
Leehorns, white. G. ikntley. 3. 'Hud-
son & Sons ; I.••zhorn•. white. rose
comb, N. Fi, tell r. J. Hudson & gore:
Leghorn s. brow n. .1. Hudson At Sons.
P. F. Deeit • \•.•lalnsi.lns. blue. A.
Sw•eitz •i' 1-2 Po inds. 1'. F. Donn,
Pn'•tnd:. %%bite et •sted, 0. Rends`:
i1 ni)mrg4, F!lvcr spangled. J. laud•
son R Noes 1-2; Orphin;tons, whitfl.
P. 1'. Do•tpe ; Ort hin;tons. ituft, A.
Sweitzer. .1. Bette y Orphinrtons.
black. 1'. Jamieson 1 ' • (;::me. .1.
Hudson & Sona 1-2 : Uh,. . • zs. Mayer
grey. .1. Hudson & Son= ; f) icka, 1).
Do-:; ' t: & Son.
Collection of P).enna. A. Dnffiel(%.
A. Copeland : Pair of Rabbits, A. Duf-
field 1.2.
A (aerie )aid r• .
'onlinned en 1' • C Fonr
(Irand Mend
ltev. T. A. St..cdtuin will preach
a sermon on t. m;• ranee nett Sun-
day `venin; in the Methodist church,
special music by the choir.
Mrs. Frank Allister is on the sick
Mr. John Love, of Ilarpley, was in
town on Monday.
Miss Venetta Ravens, of Brewster.
It St1 a birthday party on Monday r
Mr. J. Roberts. phatoarapher, i-'
here this week doing business.
Messrs Holt and Tiedemann have
the contract of plastering Mrs. Gill's
Mr. Geo. lIeaman, of London. is
here looking after bis fall work.
Louis ltavellc has his store lookiu_
fine, ha vin; got the grading finished.
The %tater is beginning to raise in
the river e ;ain, after being very
:ow this summer.
Ezra Brenner bas moved to Grand
112 110 I say, an- person want in r •n} -
thing in the millinery line cannot
do better than :give W. T. Amos n
call as he has sontethin e to suit every
person in that line and under the
capable management of alien 'Cook.
a first class milliner in every res-
pect.. Come and sec for yourselves
and be convinced.
'W. B. Oliver has a ,sang of men at
work making cement blocks for 1910
delivery. Any one ss ntint anything
in that line give him a call.
A very pretty wedding took place
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Tiedemann. on Wednesday. Sept. 29th,
at 2 o'clock p. m. when, Violet, their
eldest daughter was united in mar-
riage to Bert Ilolt second son of Mr.
and Mrs. John holt, of Stephen. The
bride who entered the parlor leaning
on the arm of her father, to the
strains of the Lohen;riu ww•eddins
march played by !Mrs. Rev. Steadman
looked charming in a gown of white
taffeta, chiffon silk, trimmed with
silk chiffon over lace and braid. The
bride wore the usual bridal veil.
can;ht up )with a wreath of silver
loves and flowers and carried a
botrluet of white rases tied with
white satin streamers. She was at-
tended by her sister 'Miss Viola, who
was daintly attired in a dress of
blue silk mulle !trimmed with white
silk overlace and carried a bou;ueti
of pink roses, tied with satin stream-
ers. The ;room was attended by his
brother 'toy. The zroom's gift to
the bride was a lovely ;old chain and
to the bridesmaid a crescent pin. Af-
ter the ceremony was over and the
happy couple had received the con-
zratulations and best wishes of their
host of friends, n very pleasant time
was spent until 5 o'clock when ;nests
to the number of 125 partook of a
bountiful wedding %supper. The cere-
mony was performed by the Rev. T.
A. Steadman under an arch of lace
with treen back ground. Those at-
tending from a distance were, Mr.
and Mrs. :McMoran, Emmett. Mich.:
Mr. Fred White. of Capnc, Mich.
Mrs. \Vm. HIolt. of Sarnia, and her
s,randdaughter, Ethel; ,Mr. and 'Mrs.
Alfred Tiedemann, of .Goderich;
others bein _ present -nt from Parkhill.
Crediton and Dashwood. The pre-
sents received were numerous, cost-
ly and useful, showin•, the high es-
teem in which they Bre held by their
hosts of friends.
Stomach troubles would more quick-
ly disappear if the idea of treating, the
cause, rather than the effect, would
come into practice. A tiny, inside
bidden nerve. says Dr. Shoop. governs
and gives strength to the stomach. A
branch also goes to the Ilcart. and
one to the Kidneys. When these "in-
side nerves" fail, then the organs
must falter. Dr. Shoop's Restorative
is directed c ted specifically to these [ail -
in; nerves. Within 98 hours after
atartins the Restorative treatment
patients say they realize a ;ain.
Sold by W. S. Mowry.
-- i
The home of Mr. and :Mrs. Stephen
Webb was the Scene of a very happy
event on 'Tuesday 28th of Sept. when
their eldest daughter Miss Myrtle,
was united Imted o[ m ts d by .thebonds n a'
mony to John 11. McGregor, a prose
Verona young farmer of McGillivary
Township. The hride was attired
white silk trimmed very beautifoi_'s
with ribbon and lace aecompanii
the usual bridal veil held in rise 1111
by orange b:ossota, and carried .a i
hand n sou leer , white esters a:
ferns. From the entrance to n
Ereen arch decorated with ns • g. a
a Nessus was formed by six • else
Siris. cousins of the bride •
which the bride advanced, :,i• r.'
the arm of her father, p' •. - r
the groom, who received •a„
alter. '1'h•• 1111rria3e r .
preformed by the Rev.,
of Grand Bend. in at
to inner. 7•h• weddiux .w
prayed by bliss Ed
ter of the k; root' e,
molly and mom:
eomp•Iny repaired . -. s
dinning room. where ..
past wvas arran;ed for t.. •cecnsi,)t'.
After the inn •rinan I.as ,atisfled,
several toasts were proposed and res-
ponded to. A toast to the health of
the bride was proposed ny Rev. 8.
A. Carriere and irctponded 'to by Mr.
John Love. uncle of the hride. 8 v-
eril toasts followed amon; which was
one to the «room rr:aponded to by'
Mr. Stuart `MacGregor a brother of
the groom. and Mr. Jaynes ilodgin.
A toast was proposed to Our King
and country and %was ably responded
to by Mr. J. Sherritt and Mr. 3. Mac-
Gregor. father of the groom. to
treat many costly and useful pre-
vents were received by the hride from
h r .ny 'rien•l=. 'I'b• rootn's t r -
�•lit to the bride was a beautifi:
told watch and chain and to rich of
the ribbon ,;leas n gold nrooch. The
bridal party took the six o'clock Io
Toronto. Niazara Falls and other
eastern points. Th • young coup'.
will be at home to their friends
;h • 3roorn'.s farm on Tuesday tb• a!1.
of October 1909. '
Mr. Alexander Slirnmon. of 8
forth, died on Saturday, Sept. 25;1:
in his 85th year. ile had been a ere-
sident of Scaforth for over CO60 years.
h,rinr came from Glasgow when a
swine man. lie was a man widely
knots n and his strictly honest grin.,
sip:es in b11sineas mad • him very!
Siebert & Co.
To the Ladies of Dashwood and
Vicinity owiiig to the continuous rain of
both days of our Millinery ()pilling,
not all had the privilege to see our tine display of
Hats. We herewith extend t') you a hearty wel-
come to see the latest in Ladies, Misses and Child -
rens headwear. It will pay you to do so, as our
showing is second to none and our prices are cer-
tainly very reasonable.
Dress Goods a Specialty. Bring along your Produce
Siebert & Co.
Hartleib Block. DASIIWOOD
Grand Bend
Departmental Store
Fall fIDflollfl6dlllOflt
SVe wish to again renlilul you of this Department of our
business. We claim to have ,just as goo(1 a showing in this
line as anywhere else. We have one of the Best Milliners
we could get and she having attended the largest wholesales
and workrooms is right up-to•date in the leading styles and
Give us a call. Leave your order and get Satisfaction.
In is r sestasonsriped.most fashionable shades
New Dress Goods pietisttho
Ladies Mantles Grrls Cents in the leading colors and rock
bottom prices.
Winter Underwear is ready for yen. Soon be time to wear
them. Ask for them.
Men's Fall and Winter Wear
Our New (foods are in. New Underwear, New Suitings, New Ready.
made Suits, Caps. Sox, Mitts, Gloves, Jackets and Sweaters.
All kinds of trade taken at highest prices. Dried apl' :••anted.
WC l'jts
.gin �.
Bicycles are
r.,pttily coming back
into popular favor,
the demand this year being
Ice times what it was five years
,sago. \\'e have planned for it in
two ways -by getting the very best Eng-
lish wheel we can for popul. rselling,and
saving to our customers all intermediate pro -
tits by filling orders direct by mail instead of
through agents. in this way we can offer
$50 Wheels for $25
and give better satisfaction all round. The quality of the wheels is all right
- only the best materials uscol and only skilled mechanics employed in
construction. The equipment is right up-to-date and the machines
throughout are such as me can thoroughly recommend. We sell automo-
biles as well as bicycles and our plan is to make wheels serve as a good
advertisement to the entire business. Send for illustrated folder.
glgh-Class Automobiles and Bicycles
Dr.. K. & K. nee favornl• 1. known thrnngh•
out. Citt a, 0 whcro 1be ),nwo 1410 hush
tress for over eo years. 1! •studs of patients
have been treate.i and cured by their groat
skill and through the virtue or their New
Melhod Treatment. 111(•n you treat with
t1' to yon knoav yon ern deailug with rests n-
ems physicians ns they own and occupy
their own ofllco building in Detroit, valued
at $r00.tl(10. When they dce.do your case IS
curable, all your worry it removed for_you
know they will not dee(Fo you. They
guarantee to cure all curable cases. No
matter how many doctors baro failed to
benefit you; no natter Low much money
you have spent In vain: no matter 11ow dis-
couraged you nroy It'. dont giro tip In des-
lmir until you get a freo opinion from thr.o
master specialists. 11 )ori are at pr,sent
within the clutches of cue ferret habit %faith
is sapping your life Ly ,i. gives; if )oti aro
suffering from the ri sults .,1 Lest fndisrre•
tions; if yoitr bleotl 1 en tainted front
any private dlsmse and yeti dare not marry;
if you are married at .1 l:,0 in dread of tong).
\\. toms breaking out all l . • i., sing )(ow lost;
If you are suffering m • result of n nils•
s 'pont life -Dr., K. & F ere your Refuge.
/.• Lay your case before' ' onfki ntisily and
C - they will tell you hone i1 you 'intent- tk•.
• Y
tan Krr'rnv. MI nrr.si. Drnrrroa
r itits. (1 A. K.
Rooks Free on Dia of Men. If unable
to call, write for • Question Blank for
We Treat and Cure
•nd all Diseases Pcc..'iar to M-
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.