HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-10-07, Page 3MI Is MINERS WOUNDED BY POLICEtCONDENSED_NEIS ITEMS Seven Men Wounded by Company's Police in Glace Bay Strike Fracas. A despatcl► from Glace Bay, N. S., lays: Seven mon were struck by 1910.1ets on Wedne -day after- inon fired from revolvers in the hands of the coal company's police. Nene of thein were seriously hurt, two of thein being struck in the leg and another man h•tving i por- tion of one of his ears shot off. Tho row starte•I over some men who were stealing coal from one of the little seams which have been opened up by et rikers since the la- bor troubles. A little to the east- ward of No. 2 mire is the seashore and along the cliffs facing the set appear small seams of the coal. These are of little economic value ar.<I have never been worked. The land is included in the Dominion Coal Company's leases and the of- ficials of the company have been forbidden the digging of coal from these seams. Wednesday afternoon it was dis- A LONG SERIES OF THEFTS. J. G. Ross Stole Front Many hotels to Various Places. A despatch from Toronto says: A re'u-irkable series of thefts were admitted, to have been committed by John George Roes in the Police -Court on Wednesday. floss was arraigned on five charges of theft tices at fairs and exhibitions in duf- front local hotels, and to all he ferent p'trts of the Province, Mr. pleaded guilty and elected to be 3. Teickie 1Wilson, Superintendent tried- by Colonel Denison. The of Agricultural Societies, has ar- charges were of stealing suit cases ranged to send a number of private tilled with clothes and other ar- detectives to the various fairs in ticles. Tho case was remanded for Ontario, who will see to it. that is week to allow the police time to the law is strictly enforced. These make investigations. His de-serip- detectives are being sent out by tion and finger prints have been this department without the know - sent to several cities in the United ledge or request el any fair oMiei- St.ates where it is bet eyed that- he is wanted. + SEA LORDS I'i' IN ARMS. covered that two boys were tak- ing coal from the cliff and there- upon Norman McKenzie, accom- panied by M. McAdam and three other policemen of the coal com- pany, each armed with a revolver, proceeded to the cliff to arrest the amateur miners. While in the act of arresting thein a crowd gather- ed and commenced jeering the po- lice. They ordered the crowd to disperse, but the orders were not p1o►nptly obeyed. The police drew their revolvers and fired frret in the nit and then into the crowd. The wounded men were arrested and placed in jail on n charge of "un- lawful assembly" and warrants have been issued for the arrest of the men who used their revolvers. t1AI't'ENINGs IkOM ALL OVER THE GLOME. Ttrlegreenle Briefs From Oar Owe aad Other Countries el Iteccot Events. CANADA. Hon. Sydney Fisher proposes to c.=tablish a number of new experi- mental farms in the west.. Mr. N. A. Rhodes, Vice -President cf Rhodes, Curry & Co., Amherst, N.S., is dead. Mr. William Mackenzie of Toron- to. who is visiting Halifax. sub- scribe $500 to the memorial tow- er. 1\'a er Blythe, convicted of mur- dering his wife last year, has been granted a new trial by the Court of Appeal. The route of the Canadian Nor- thern Railway via Smith's Falls has been approved by Hon. G. P. Graham. The police r -iv the crowd threw t Mr. H. H. Adams of St. Thomas stones before they used their pis will succeed Mr. E. Fisher as Gen- tols, but the men of the crowd say seal Superintendent of the Toron- not a stone 'as thrown until the to, Hamilton & Buffalo Railway. shots were fired. Chief. Justice Meredith dismissed the suit of Morris against Hamil- (:.MES or ('iI.1N('E .17' 1'.tIRS. ton, to restrain the city from en- __ tering into a contract with the Authorities Take Aetine► to Sup- Hydro -electric Power Commission. press (:ambling at Fairs. GREAT BRITAIN. A despatch from Toronto sacs: Tho British Government has pur- It having come to the knowledge chased all the Marconi stations on of the Provincial Government that - the British coasts. a large number of fakirs have boon • Mr. Henniker Heaton criticizes preparing to carry or illegal prac- the British Postmaster -General se - Demand Inceenee of British Navy by 17,000 Men. A •despatch from London flays: Tho Standard reports serious fric- tion between the (.:,vernment and the sea lords of the Admiralty in refetneo to the latter's proposal to increase the personnel of the navy 1•y nearly 17,000 men. The paper says that Vice -Admiral Francis e ridgcman, Secor:d Sea Lord, who is reported to be the author of the tow manning Scheme, has threaten - to' resign if the Cabinet persists n its present refusal to increase to personnel. while Admiral of the 'feet Sir John Fisher's retention I the office of First Sea Lord is becoming difficult. -4„.. - ST.IRTED i'ROM BRAZIER. Plum'ers' Repair Kit Caused Fire et I'arl?antent ilaildiags. A despatch from Toronto says: The origin of the fire which recent - le destroyed the western wing of the Parliament buildings has been officially determined. "The Gov- ernment has investigat d t}:e source of the fire." slid Sir James Whit- ney, when interviewed on Wcdne;- clay, "and there is no doubt What, - ever that it was caused by the char- coal brazier, left among the raft- ers by repairing plumbers. The (.„sernulent has had good reasons for coming to that conclusion." FROST I\ 11E.\ICO. Corn Crop Damaged to the I:xtenf of S211,1NN►,111N). :1 despatch from 'Mexico City says: U npreeedentedly cold wea- ther in the valleys in the vicinity cif this city has destroyed the cora crops. it. is estimated that the lois will reach $20 609,0•ei. The ther- mometer on \1',•<lneelay morning registered two degree below the freezing point. als. In many instances these gamblers carry on their nefarious practises without the knowledge of the directors, having secured space on the grounds ostensibly for legi- timate business. The penalty for the infringement of the provisions of the agricultural societies act is not less than $20, and not more than $100, and costs. + - QI'.1RRELLED OVER MONEY. Iiungarian Shoemaker cit Roches- ter Killed itis Wife. A despatch from Rochester, N. Y.. says: After making his six children go to bed at his home her John Klema. a Hungarian shoe- maker, killed his wife in an a<li, in- ing room with an axe on Wednes- day morning. He then fled, but was later captured. 1When the police reached the scene the chil- dren were found crying by their mother's bedside. Mrs. Klemn's head was almost severed from her body. A quarrel over money mat- ters caused the murder. 4 SUICIDE .1T THE FALLS. Unknown Man Jumped From Bridge Into River. A despatch from Niagara Falls, N. Y., says: An unknown man, about 35 years old, early on Wed- nesday jumped from the upper steel arch bridge into the Niagara River and was drowned. He was seen to make the leap by Frank O'Neil. a :workman, and by several bridge employes. The body appeared on the surface for an instant and then was lost to view. ,r�-- TO .111) C.11'7'. S(' OTT. London's lord Mayor Will Olken Manson Hoose Fund. A despatch from London says: The Lord Mayor of London has an- nounced his intention of opening a Mansion House fund to assist Captain Robert F. Scott to raise money for his expedition to plant the Union .lack at the Smith Pule. THC NEPTUNE I4AIINOIIEP Grcaf, Britain's Eighth Dreadnought in the Water. -patch from Porgy mouth, ly ten feet longer and two feet wid- i,ng' io 1, says : TI,e Neptune, Great er than any of her predecessors Britain's eighth battleship of the She exceeds the Dreadnought type Dreadnought class, or her cleventa, by 2,270 and the Belleraphon by including the three hattleship crui- 1.650 tons. She has turbine en- sers, inflexible, Indomitable, and gines of 3-1,000 indicated horscpow- !evincib!e. was successfully launch- cr. giving a speed of 21 knots an ca here on Thursday, and named by hour. the Dachess of Albany in the pre- The Neptune has been described gents, ef a great concourse. The n, "the last word" in battleships. bulkheads of this super -Dread- Iter ten 12 -inch guns will be of the nought are so heal i!y armored that new fifty -calibre pettern, which experts consider her practically un- has it greater range and penetra- sinkable by a torpedo. tion than the 12 -inch guns now in The Neptune wits commenced at use, and in addition she will car- Portsinnuth on January 9th of this ry four -inch guns for repelling tor. year. She has n displacement of pedo attacks. The Admiralty con- ee,ee0 tons. length 510 feet, and Eiders her the most powerful') beam se feet. Sh.1 is consequent- at incd Nasse! thus far built. verely for allowing all the burden of the lower magazine post to be borne by Canada. UNITED STATES. Fear of a Black Hand outrage caused a panic in a New York school. Four men were killed in a cave - ill in a waterworks tunnel at New Haven. Conn. Theodore Rizzo has confessed to the police of Utica. N. Y., that he murdered two children in that city. The Massachusetts Democratic State Convention at Boston deslar- eel in favor of reciprocity with Ca- nada, and demanded a lower tariff on the necessaries of live. JUMPED IN'T'O it1V-ER. Joseph Gay of Ottawa Takes His Own Life. A despatch from Ottawa. says: Joseph Gay of Ottawa, 23 years of age, a clerk in the Marine Depart- ment, and at one time Secretary to Ilon. Mr. Brodeur, committed sui- cide on Thursday morning by jump- ing off the interprovincial bridge into the Ottawa River. Several i men saw him run out half way • across the bridge and leap from the •railing into the river, forty feet be- low. A boat was hastily procured and put off to the rescue, but the swift -flowing river bore the body away before the rescuers could reach it. Mr. (lay returned to his office in the Marine Department only a few days ago after a long holiday in the country north of Ot- tawa, where he went to recover from nn illness brought on by over - study. It is supposed that the sui- cide was the result of a recurrence of the malady from which he pre- viously suffered. FIRE(( RIFLE .1'1' WIFE. Frontenae Man Sent to Central Mixon for Two fears. A desnetch from Kingston says: Jolts Hickey, c,f Clarendon. charg- ed with aggravated assault and threatening to shoot his wife, was sentenced on Thursday to two years in Central Prison. The pri- soner pleaded guilty to the first charge of assault. The man came brine drunk and began ill-treating his wife. He finally fired a rifle nt her, the ball passing close to her head and entering the wall be- side the bed. DOMINION REVENUE. Groat Inerea'e in (•n•+loniv iteceipts Or September. .1 de -patch from Ottaua sass: The customs revenue of the Do- minion for the month just ending shows an increase of no less than thirty-five per cent. over Septem- ber of last %ear. The total entice - tions were 85.1:;7.15$, an increase of 1 , 911.00: No. 3 Spring, $1.00 to $1.109,531. For the six months of •,Oi. Corn -No. 2, 61 to .00 to the fiscal year the customs revenue No. 2 yellow, 6t% to 61%e; No. 3, totals $2e.741.068, an increase of 6N1, to O1%c; No. 3 yellow, 6t'/,c; i?5,91e.350, as compared with the . q 63!;e. Oats -No. 2 white, first half of the last fiscal year. 42%e: No. 3 white, 39 to 39'4e: No. --.1.- PARK 1N NO DANGER. 4 white 36 to 39c; standard, 42%e. . ' Prairie and Hush Fires Doing Dam- LiVE STOCK MARKETS. T11E WORLD'S MARKS E REPORTS FROM TIIF: LEADING TRADE CENTRES. ('rices of Cattle. Grain, Cheese and Other Dairy Produce at (blue and Abroad. 11 ItFADSTUFF'S. Toronto, Oct. 5. -Flour --Ontario wheat 90 per cent. patents. $1 to $4.05 in buyers' sacks on track, Toronto, and $3.90 to $3.95 outside in buyers' sacks. Manitoba flour, first patents, $5.60 on track, Toron- to ; second patents, $5.10, and strong bakers', $5 un truck, Toron- to. Manitoba wheat. -No. 1 Northern $1.00%, Bay ports, and No. 2 Nor- thern at. 99!, s, Bay ports. Ontario wheat -No. 2, 97c out- side. Barley -No. 2 55 to 56c outside, and No. 3 extra at 53 to 51c out- sid- Oats -No. 2 Ontario white, new, 37 to 38c outside. New Canada West oats, 37'/..e, spot, Bay ports. Peas -No. 2 new, 78 to 80c out- side. Rye -No. 2 6r; to 70c outside. Buckwheat -55 to 56e outside. Corn -No. 2 American yellow, 75 to 75%c on track, Toronto. Bran -$18 to $19 outside in bulk for Ontario bran, and $20.50 to $21 for shorts in bulk. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Apples -Wind falls, $1 to $1.50 per barrel, and hand-picked apples $2 to $2.75. Beans -Prime, $2.25, and hand- picked, $2.40 to $2.15 per bushel. Honey -Combs, dozen, $2.25 to 83; extracted, 10c per lb. Hay -No. 1 timothy, $15.50 to $16 a ton on track here, and No. 2 at $1.1 to $14.50. Straw -$9 to $9.50. Potatoes -55 to 60c per bag on track for Ontario, and 75c for New Brunswick. Poultry -Chickens, dressed, 12 to 14c per lb.; fowl, 11 to 13c; tur- keys, 17 W 19c per lb.; ducks, 11 to 13c. THE DAIRY MARKETS. Butter -Pound prints, 20 to 22c; bib's' and !serge rolls, 18 to 19c; in- ferior, 17 to 18c; creamery, 25 to 26c, and separator, 22 to 23c per lb. Eggs -Case lots, 25c per doz. Cheese -12%c per Ib. for large, and at 12'/..c for twins. (JOG PRODUCTS. Bacon -Long clear, 13 to 15%c per lb. in case lots ; mess pork $26 to $26.50: short cut, $27.50. Hams -Light to medium. 16 to 16%c; do., heavy, 1-1 to 15c; rolls, 14% to 1.1%/c; shoulders. 13j; to l a' :c; backs, 19 to 19c; breakfast lieenn, 17 to 17%e. I.ard-Tierces, 15 to 15'/,c; tubs, 15% to 15%c; pails. 15 to 15%c. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, Oct. 5. -Oats -No. 2 Canadian Western, 42!:; to 43c. Barley -No. 2, 66 to 07c ; Manitoba feed barley, Ot to 63c. Buckwheat, 55 to 55%e. Flour -.Manitoba String wheat patents. firsts, $5.70; do., seconds, $5.20; Winter wheat patents, 85.50; Manitoba strong bakers', $5; straight rollers. $5.25; do., in bags, $2.25 to $2.50. Feed -Ontario brut, $21 to $22; On- tario m'ddlinge. $22.50 to $23.50; Manitoba bran, 821 ; Manitoba shorts, $23 to *21; pure grain 11101611e, $33 to $35; mixed inouille, $25 to $27. Cheese -Westerns. 104, to 11'',c. and ensterns at 11% to 11%c. Butter -Fine -t creamery, 24% to 25e. Eggs -Selected stock, 25!,1 to 26e; No. 1 candled at 22% to 23c, and No. 2 at 16 to lite per dozen. UNITED .STATES 11 111KETS. Minneapolis, Oct. 5-- Wheat -Sep- tember. 9R% to 04%e; December, 954%c; May. $1.01', ; cash, No. 1 hard, $1.02N; No. 1 Northern. $1.- 01'h ; No. '2 Northern, 99%e; ; No. 3 Northern. 95%c. 1141111' --First pat- ents, 85.20 to $5.30; second pat- ents, $5 to $5.10; first clears, 81.- 3n to $1.55; second clears, $3.10 tc $3.30. Bran in 100-1b. sacks, $19.50. Chicago, Oct. 5. -Cash wheat - No. '2 red, $1.16 to 81.17: No. 3 red. $1.09 to 81.11; No. 2 hard, $1.05 to $1.0y'. ; No. 3 hard. $1.- 01 to 81.0'1' No. 1 Northern, $I.- 05 to $1.09: No. 2 Northern. $1.03 age in Srtskalebrl)an, Montreal, Oct. 6. -Prince beeves sold at 5 to 5,,,c per 111.; pretty A despatch from Fort Saskalehe- good animals. 4 to Se, and the com- wan, Alta., says: Prairie and hush mon stock. 2% to 334e per Ib. Small fires are burning three miles south hard -looking balls, 2c per lb. ; milch and east of the park. There is no cows from 830 to ftee each. Grass - damage to the park, and none is fed calves, 21% to 3'4e. and good anticipated. Fires are reported in vents, 4 to 5%e per lb. Sheep, the timber country north of Bat- 3t -J to 4e, and lambs. 5 to 5!:",c per tleford. which have been burning ler. Good lots of fat hogs sold at for some days. and it is reported q?, to Oe per ib. lnrgo areas of valuable timber Toronto, Oct. 5.-.1 few extra bav0 ben destroyed. l:rime picked cattle sold at 81. hat IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND 'BRITISH TARS IN NEW YORK N1:11'S BY 11.111. ABOUT JOR\ BULL AND UIS PEOPLE. Occurrences in the (.and That Reigns Supreme in the Com- mercial World. A woman named Brown has made her 165th uppeeraneo before the Sunderland magistrates for drun- kenness. Outdoor wards for consumptive patients are to be built at the Plnrnstead Infirmary by the Wool- wich Gardens. Mr. John Brooks, of Higher Quarry y road, - , I{uddc s Broadley, - �r field, a foreman navvy, left estate valued at $3,555. (luring the school vocation near - l1 every orchard in the Willesden district has been broken into and the fruit stolen. 1Vu!sall Guardians have decided to charge school children one half penny for Admittance to the cor- poration swimming baths. The funeral of Constable Charles ,Algar, who was shot at Gorleston took place in the presence of thou• sands of spectators. Ur. Robert Gorton Coombe. Lon- don's oldest surgeon, died recently at North Kensington. He was in his ninety-second year. Tho widened Blackfriars Bridge is to he lighted with inverted man- tles with extra -pressure gas and will be the best illuminated bridge in London. The King has approved of the Inns of Court Rifles (27th County of London Ilittalio r) being in fu- ture designated "The Inns of Court Officers' '('raining Corps." At an inquest on a patient who died of lockjaw, the East London coroner commented on the preva- lence of this disease in Essex, par- ticluarly about Walthamstow. The Eastbourne Gas Company, of London, recently, declared a di - s idend of 15% per cent. on the ori- ginal capital and the C shares, which was stated to bo a record for any gas company. Police Constable Jackson; who retired on his pension recently, has during the seventeen years ho has been stationed at Barkingside, Il- ford, had only one case before the magistrates. Following a lecture at Ilford by Salvation Army officer on inci- dents of the South African war, a collection was token in an old ket- tle used by General Piet. Cronje during the siege of Kimberley. The tent fur lost children provid- ed on the beach nt Yarmouth by " Here Come the British ! " Was the Cry of Everybody. A despatch from New York says: One of the pleasant features of Thursday's military pageant was the hearty interest evidently felt by the crowd in the British sailors and marines, and the apprecia- tive reception accorded them. From the first to the last, the crowd found merit a -plenty in these sai- lors here to join in the Hudson -Ful- ton celebration, to whom t i ► the city has been paying special tribute for u week, and did not heeitato to show its appreciation. The crowd was quick to recognize tactical merit and unstinted in approval of i;, where found. They cheered the British jacks in their odd-looking straw hats, and the Royal Marine light infantry with the gold globe or: their collars, which tells the story of battles and hard service in every part of the world. Tho well -set-up sailors from the Brit- ish ships in their service uniform aroused great enthusiasm, the ac- claim subsiding only to rise again as all the details of precision and perfect alignment of movemeid were grasped by the crowd. "Hero come the British," ever body yelled, and thou they at stood up preparatory to givini King Edward's men just such a re. ccption as the King's Australian subjects tendered the men of the Atlantic fleet in Melbourne a little oer a year ago. It was the first time in the memory of the oldest of those present when a British column of fighting men had parad- ed through the streets of New York, The inflexible's band headed the Britishers, and well did it sustain i'n reputation as one of the finest naval hands on the seven seas. The 13ritishors got a great recep- tion all along the line, and when the color -bearers with the Union Jack and the Admir'al's pennant passed. the people stood up in hon- or of the colors, while the Ameri- cans and foreign officers who were in the stand stood at attention, their right hands at their caps in salute. the loadgeneras of good,but hers'erage ►wasrfrom ight cloy"fi11NIE SCOTLAND 1.85 to $5.25. Good butcher cows were strong. Milkers and spring- ers were in steady demand and sold NOTES OF iNTUIU:ST Fi1031 well, as high as $69 being paid for a few extra choice cows. Calves- iILIt BANKS AND BRAES. Steady and unchanged. Sheep and Lanibs-Steady. Hogs -Firmer. -•• Selects quoted at $8 f.o.b., and What is Going On in the Highland! $8.25 fed and watered. and Lowlands of Auld t, STRANGLED IN .1 TOWEL. Three-year-old Boy Found Dead by Ills Mother. A despatch from Galt says : The little three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. David Hastings, North Water street, strangled himself on Thurs- day morning in the kitchen while hie mother was working in the next room. He hat) been playing with the roller towel, and it is supposed becoming enmeshed in it, was un- able to extricate himself. The lit- tle fellow made no outcry, and his mother had no intimation of the accident until she had occasion to visit the kitchen, when she was hor- rified to find iter son entangled in the towel and suspended in it. Drs. Wardlaw and Charlton were at the corporation has proved most once summoned and every known useful. During the season more method of resuscitation was tried, than a hundred children have been but without effect• Life w'ts,appar- cared for and restored to their ently extinct when the mother made parents.her discovery. A vagrant of Notting -Hill, frito --+ appealed for help, wearing boots 11.I.-'I'It E 1'1'M I:N'I' .11,1.1•:(:1:1). from wIt ch his bare toes p•r„tri deg. -- obtained in one day 15 pairs e,i t1:rr:pu,a Farmer ('barged With Scotia. At Aberdeen one day lately 33 steamers landed 231 tons of white fish. A hundred wagons were loaded with lambs at Thornhill in one day recently. An organized gang of boy thieves none older than 17, was discovered it Edinburgh. Tho other day Mr. W. Rennin, Dumfries, caught a 35'{ pound sal- mon in the Nith. At Renfrew good progress is Ben- ing made with the erection of the new police buildings. Port Glasgow people still live in hope of getting a brand new rail- way station some day. The Renfrew Old Age Pension's Committee are still examining claimants for the pension. Miss Helen T. Baptiste, dress. maker, Selkirk• was fined $11 for working her girls beyond statutor; hours. ('amhusnethan School Board is t( .erect a school for the educati•.,it of defective children in the parish. Messrs. A. Rodger & Co., Po boots and when arrested. was in 11►u•in� Home Ito 9. Glasgow, have contracted to buil possession of another nine pairs. ) h steamer of 300 feet in length fo( I3ecalve• they anticipate a rush -\ despatch from Lindsay says: to the workhouse in the winter, the Ott Thursday morning, before Mag - Dartford Guardians have decided ist•ate Moore. a charge was heard to hire cottages in which the olu against a Mariposa farmer for as - men of the "house" will live if the malting toe Bernardo Home boys, union becomesInglis. overcrowded. named respectively Albert E. ('ar- Miss E. M. Jnliwho for poen• ter, 15 years of age, and John W. Car- ty -five years w is in the service of young, 8 years of age, who were the late 1;mpr-•-, Frederick of Ger- indentured to him. The charge many, died at C'ricklewode two was made by lir. ('has. H. Blake, 'Necks since. She was nicknamedinspector for the Homes, who af- "Inky" by the Kaiser when he was ter an investigation. took them a boy, back to the Home in Toronto. The number of patients in et- ler, the elder, testified to his hay- rpliCar- various fever hospitals of the Met- ing been assaulted by his master, reopolitnn Asylums Board on Sat- first striking him with his fists, nrday was 3,411. Those suffering then hitting burn with a wrench. •front scarlet fever were 2,526, diphtheria 83-1, enteric 57, a d there was one case of typhus. Not only are Scotch and Pen- zance vessels earning big money in the Scarborough herring harvest, but -the Seathorough, Filey, Flame :\ despatch front \\'averts, N. Y., I'orough, and 1Whitby cobles, which says : .\ scratch Frust the paw of a carry four nu•n each, are having a rabid dog was responsible for the largo measure of success. (It ath on Thursday of George Mur- - d' ------ ray, the four-year-old child of a lo- 1111-- OFWOMEN, cal merchant. The boy was piny- + - ing near his home recently with BEATEN AND i10881;». Hoe Sarah. Ditches,' of Marlhor- two older boys, when they were - eugh Punished Dressmaker. suddenly attacked by a strange dog. The other two were bitten S('It1'I'('11E1) R1' M19 i)OG. I'il.;ful Death M a Little Boy at W:anerly. N. Y. •Swansea owners. Tradesmen have commenced t( erect the chapel for the Order d the Knights of the Thistle at St Giles' Cathedral. There is quite a building boom it Bothwell. The Donald Instituto being erected, is giving employnteui to n large number of men. In one day recently at Wick, 31 boats landed an average of eight means of herring. The week's tuts is estimated at 5,500 crans. Mr. James Coats, jun., Fergus. lie house, Paisley, has gifted t( -school library of over 180 voluntel to Eglington district school, Kil- winning. The contract for the new graving dock at Burntisland, which is to cost about $1,000,000, has been giv- er• to Messrs. J. Young el• Son, Ltd.. Glasgow. Among the 24 poor chargealele to Ardrossan parish who died during the past year ten were 70 years of age and upwards, and t wort over 80 years. The 'fainous Sarah, duchcs: of Jlarlborough. was the shrewdest of women and hardly anyone e'.cr got the better of her. The fashionable diessin:ker of the day ens a Mrs. Ruda, and the duchess sent her some costly material le be amide up into a court tlregIf'" 1\'lien the gown 011110 home her grace notic- ed that the amount. of meterinl used did not correspond with the quantity sent. and resolved te pun- ish the fraud. Mrs.. Blida was wearing a beautiful dinn:o el ring, which the duchess pretended to .grently admire. and she asked the flattered dressmaker to teed it to her in order that she aright lune a similar ring made. in n f••w days Mrs. Buda received n letter from the duchess, saying that she held the ring Is n pledge ter the yards of brocade that had heel taken (1o111 the pi-' sent for 11 'r gown. Needless to soy. the brocade owls speedily returned, and the ring {Vas placed on Mrs. lucln't finger. the sarcastic duchess improving the oc- casion with caustic remarks on the offence. And some people are afflicted wit', the 1;e7:i,e eea!!owing liebit- nod were sent to the Pasteur In- stitute for treatment as soon as it became known that the dog ens mad. The Murray child's injury tens so superficisl, however, that no alarm was felt. On Wednes- c:try he developed utmistnkable symptoms of rabies and died on Thursday in great agony. :►:►n 1111.05 01' ('.%IIS. -- Western Wheal Prop Will More Than fill IIienr. :\ despatch from Jfentreal says: The housing of a record herve••t is being provided for by a new eleva- tor record, acs ordi- g to ecus which has reached Greed Trunk heael- quarters. Tee illirnired and twen- ty ne sv eieaters were c,,ustruct- ed in the ('anadia•i west during the pnst building stetson. This gives the prairie Proeinccs a total et 1.700 elevators o'er the lines of the G. 1' 11.. 1'. 1'. 11. and C. N. 11. A western railwayman es;i- rnatcs that it world require a train 550 miles long to carry oat this rea- son's crop 1t broken up into sep- arate trains it would meal 2.:25 trains of thirty fate cars Cita. lion cal Ilan Claim% 10 Have 1,+es1 1.O:Nr nail Diamond. A despatch from Montreal says t Beaten into inrensibility and rob- bed of $1,000 in cash. and n dia- mond ring valued at $150, was the story told in the Arraig meet% Court on Thur'day by Mr. ('hat -lee ('edarstruin, manager for I�loom- field Brothers, wholesale merch- ants. who appeared to press the charge against Joseph I.oblane, a cnlnnnn, who was arreste'I on Wed- nesday night on suspicion. 1111 story was that nfter taking the cah 1.e was driven into an unfrequent- ed part of the city, and assault') soul robbed. The accused was ro- mnndeed. N\I III 1_ S POP1'I..IR. Siipmel u1 earl( Report, net -Pipit( Already of $2211,099, .1 dcspat.h from Ottawa saysl The Smperintende•nt of annuities, 31r. 8. T. Enstedo, announce+that the receipts on this new brunch of the public sernice have already ex- erected 8.250.000. Applications Cort. _- time to come in from all part, of Canada, and the system has al - ads passed beyond the sta;;o Vi exp;; rimcnt.