HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-10-07, Page 2` e _ _-- •-- - DRIVEN 1 ('ll.�R.,l"1't:R Tfl' THE FACE.
w->t-r�.i. r-i~.i t»..-,.,•'.- .-..� K iI G U lei tl !1 �t�l �, ,.1.
Tt'lau•ify 'them Areording to Their
Fashion T FROM TIIE BLOOD Outlines.
In judging the character Erten the
T face it is well, first uf all, to un-
derstand that pitys14%11(111sta eau
only reveal tendency;
they Y
furetell positive actions.
To read faces the hest method is
tc begin by classifying theta accord-
ing to their outlines, as certain
characteristics are ninety-nine
times put of a hundred the accom-
lalr gray, 1 a gone
pauimcnt of co/41 class.
ars aro greatly enhanced by Lar- treat-
,/ t According to the text -books, wo-
dull sin- men with the perfectly oval facto
ornaments. rhe ,. I
izin u I wn
gnus g u,cllt.; aim si►n it • to "keep do
ver in bag worked out in many I 1 are tall and of elegant figure, gen-
which may well be cunsid. the t heuulatje pulsous in the blood.
e -a ed woman. The tonic treatment by 1)r. Wil- erally, but not always, dark -eyed,
BeekBred by the middl g 'tams' Pink fills has proved by, energetic:, and possess strung indt-
&lee carobs with bands of filigree hundreds of cures that it builds up' victual characteristics. They are
a Icor aro charming, especially it the blood to a point that enables: firm and self-reliant, and usually
,a contrasting touch appears in jet is to cast out these poisons through constant in friendship and hoe.
insets or the introduction of amo_ the regular channels of excretion - They are often leaders, and are
The jet. gives a touch of the I enthusiasts apt to be carried
blacts. t5 the bowels, the kidneys and . i
black, which is still in favor, whale skin. When this is done the rheu- ! away ,by the power of their own im-
tho lavender hues t the semi -pre niatism is permanently cured, and ' agination. Frequently n the o vao-
e•inge stints reflect the hair h , asthe blood is kept pare faced woman becomes 1 I' n
tinge which most gray hair de -d } the t 'nt will be free great r wl) A deters
T A Remedy Which Assists Nature
T Makes a Cure Which is Pelma-
w..T.l..l..{..t..l..(..L.T•.(••B••!F',••1•'1-IF-1-11•tt >;�:.t, as This lase Proles,
PADS AND FANCIES Every sufferer from rhru!natism
It has been said that beauty wants to bo cured and to stay
draws us with a single hair. if the' cured. The prospect of tho fre-
i bethe attractive pow -
quest return of the trouble is no
attractive to anybody who i s
through one sitsgo. Most- treat -
FAIL $Lt4 bt1 Ln :3.
As Artit:le for Melbas. •
When the chi...ren •' ore ,k out" wit).
etui,U.dJ *,.d a,.11. dix:asas, su [..:1.11,•.•1 1a the
fad, nuu't tun to w' les 41..1 1.ausrau11g
IlICda hits /gall• 1/U♦ 11 „ 11.11 Is 4C- J.tL 11
11 a ►►1" Iw , 41 4 1, alas W.iti.
1 1 t North
CsC l
Lhruue,, Uot., tc..s now ''tam r3.,s cul.d
hal uauv. sue say(:-" My ua.y�'a netd
a1.l 1.(.e was nae nolo, tele Inas ul oras
111, ttcolub 4..11 nun.:.ua 11(1 ICsiluI, 4nd
C ills. Artie t lu.t., flint
Site little nuc'• pleat was ,u 1e tool that t h(T,tlbtte- quickly
t1.•C tune -et fe Ueu urs C.U. w„ul.l ue a deb ort. elltEtl !•y 0 •f
We had to keel, her hay•.. Iltd for A.ys ha Jay's ritaAl� ialist
to Neteut her ruu•'.ue 411•1 s.t..t:..u1e tar Y Y
WC/. (Allan( a 41(11 0 a(0. tica,e11 Iris 10
vain, until 80 gad had ave .t.a:wle, they
au agraal It was a to„nuut c se 111 ecam11a,
LUL nt.,.e of theut all 4111 i.Ci uta uel(1 ttwal.
A, a ta.1 res. ul.a Ue N•rle aatvl.e11 to try
Ziin 'Sul,. 1 Ile loot uox Jul a„ loom bawd
that we felt stare we art IC al 1411 wu,kn0y In
the righ, direction. We Vetsrvcrcd wit11 rue
tra•at:u.•nt (moot we had us€d tt'IUCCU
and :.t the end of that 1111:c 1 at SW.t lb/.1"L;
'!-a a auk efkcte a rnr�.''
!firs II"►ales. of 30, Guise Ctreet, ilamil-
ton, isqui'e as rl.•yrcnt In net mare:. ane HUNTING FOR BIC CAME.
sans:-' Lou-ltu•. cute( my t'ov of boils The Ifighlandu of Ontario is an ideal
and erupuoos wtlen he was •o .•ad that 110 eput for the t*pertemun during ti.e Oren
lieu been unable to min wt:n mint-0...children htntting season for Uig nlu. In the
a. wig + toll. For example, )Cr -' nlemararni region tnco.,e are plentiful and
d an rt ► tc p t ie d
tnucleus( collection which fro 111}Iei the face
NNL�A17S.1. J(LATX!I. u 7ll+t,
s. ,J •111
tn+datumanou of
its Kltlue)11 of 0.
Bladder, of the •
)luwels. of t ho
Hu •1hro
I a.
Bronchitis. li: Mr a It
Brent„ inlf. ('1„011• ('w
tarrb.la1111e,:,:, !le.ut
Mary had a little lamb,
As you have heard before;
1.ater Mary passed her plate
.incl had a little more.
Iter dinner chock was CO cents
That's what nude Mary sore.
"'That Englishman is a funny
chap," remarked the hat salestnan
ir the big hotel; "he hasn't beeu
out of his room to -day."
"No, he is victim cf circumstanc-
es, confided the coffee salesman.
"Victi;n of circumstances 1"
"Yes, he put his shoes outside
^ 1 !1 t
( dl
-c r
night, t aL T
•i: last ,
hit: (Ler g
the, English custom, and somebctly
threw them at a cat down the arca-
A Pleasant Purgative,-Parnte•
tee's Vegetable fills are so c•'nl'
founded as to operate uu both the
stomach and the bowels, so tlt'tt
they act along the whole aiiuten-
tary and excretory passage. T., to
are not drastic in their work blit
mildly purgative. and the plea=ort.
of taking them is only equalled by
the gratifying effect they prod ice
Compounded only of vegelgtbte
substances the curative qual'ttcs
eg whish were fully tested. (:iey of-
f' rcf relief without chane of la -
Yn'.t to the toils err k n; out he h.d hui a stay be kill[ during lite period (rota
viands. The comb set can be tiled()
front rheumatism. DI r. Thomas bard(, llur:o, an(. Mary - r. ! bad a, :.tion, but Zam• Itnk Bleared this October lith to November ibth. 'tits
the o a says:- describes a circle 1 away tory, and made his on dear and territory is a forest t•r(• crve of vast ex-
ll1C�C11, IlIChlbllCtO, N. Il., y'lanae, and iu addition er being the hunt•
+l never too late tp me b or piece
"Permit to bear tostintony to Ora paradise, its waters abound with
I el'rnit Il C there is corresponding brc�.dth and ins o!h. It is t wunJerlul g'tcl•rr•t•iun, a',d 1
Williams'Pink thickness of limbs and body. The i
Ike thruubhout the land should always game fish of many srecies. The .Ihwe of
+large. Gradually piece by pi('CC the worth of Dr. keep it hao-ly " the red dear is located anneewhut u, she
Can ec raft anti{ a set of gray et, ith eula, Brute' s., rashes. trttcr, dch, south of known 8 particularly u: talc
silver will re- fills as a cure for acute rheutna- c•umplexien is usually florid and the titbwuon,andsln,a r,l;,nd, en.e.,7.(111 u.ik
districts known re 'Ins'dnka Laked.
filagree or attractive (ism. My son, Frederick, was sub hair and coloring light brown, not' -Lake of Hasa," • 1111ganet:.wnn River,"
fleet good taste and individuality."Luke Nipissi.,g." amo "Kawartha Lakes"
is w1 hoot equ•I. It also cures tuts, owns, jECt to this painful trouble for a often dark, especially the be alsta- tc Ws piles, a ,sces•es, chrome .ore , Ui•'d- I territories.
d ltottrd fa ed women may 1 { Write to .1. D. kicnenald. District
Pni.:.etlger Agent, Tor'.dto, for a copy of
'Haunts of Fish a"d Game." io.ued by the
Grand Trunk Railway hystent which
fully describes the hunting territories
reached by this line, giving game laws.
Necklaces in a dull open silver are period of eight or ten years, an
always to be picked up at the eosin- duringthis time periodical attacks ally rend as versatile, impulsive, ar-
ter of antiques or oriental metals.
ornaments in ail would regularly occur. His last at- stcirits. i'helround-facedawticity oman is
Tho wonderfultack was a most severe one, andp
Iter filigree from India are unu the the pains were excruciating; in the more inclined to be fickle than her
al, and canolace used to c.ck.clas1
[lu(fy bit of at rho neck. Dull extreme, shooting through the vary sister cf the ova} [osteo..
silver collar pins are inexpensive nus parts of the body to such an Where you see a woman With a Difficult '1':ri; to Phott►�raf►h a Soap
and help in this silver symphony. extent that even the approach of face which forms a perfect round 1*> Phle.
The new hatpins include oxidized any person would cause hint to cry .make a mental note to this effect :
:mins cut with fear, and he had rest nei- A cheerful, loving, and amiable uul ni:►o I;;
er tractive to v jetr trip g , r da • or nl ht. Our family doc- nature. not much persistence, apt After running horses, j I ght she puts a lighted candle in
and attractive silver rings are le toe a man of kill and experience, to he brilliant rather than thor- athletes, flying cannon -balls, tish- the window to guide him to the
glen. tor, applied many remedies without ough, companionable, and unscl- spectrales of alinesgofand the revoly agshifting double d("How sentimental !"
The pyriforut fact is commonly stars have been successfully photo \eandte there seas. She so can se lite
called pear-shaped because its out- graphed, the airy soap bubble has the re club she keeps to
lines do resemble, the shape of a furnished a stumbling -block that tic him with te
pear. Nine out of ten women with the seie_tific photographer has had the window ledge."
pear-shaped faces have high fore- great difficulty in surmounting. on
heads, pale complexions, and deli- eminent -scientist said nottime it, had long
beehis Par Exterminator ents y Mother axes
t hey
Gaely chiselled woine cs. They are tatnnbition tot for a photographa seep bun- know it is a safe medicine for their
rarely strong women physically, a P
often have delicate chests and sten- l le in the act, of breaking. He children and -an effectual expeller
der, stern -like necks. They gener- anticipated great difficulty, became of worms. -
tally have shining eyes and an abun- be knew the time occupied in the -
dance of soft, fine, silky hair. They disappearance of a breaking b,ibb.e Chinamen will not accept sover-
are mentally very alert, quick and must be only a small fraction of a eigns ar St.
orgeandb'rdragon ong the athe ireverse
ne vous, acutely sensitise. This second. side, es
is the literary, artistic, and poetic soaptLebbletlasrs knted a owvs how quick-
u� ci:t ant role the
in dregon
religious plays matters, and,
'Women v:ith the temperament ly it vanishes,( take eone (gent:( resentationtwonttl:nglishfcoinske s rep
belonging to .the piriform face are thought it might
rarely willing to settle down to the 0th of a second; but by repeated
joys of domesticity. They belong experiments he found that the time after m«kine n most careful
J disappearancestudy of the matter. t'. S. Govern -
artthe public and to the world of thel'iridescentttfilmttas not. inure nient scientists state definitely
art and pocary, than one three -hundredth of a sec -
that the cosnntan Louie fly is the
BAB these vanishing films between the principal means of distributing
instant of its breaking and that of typhoid fever. diphtheria and
ROBBERY TIIE MOTIVE. its complete extinction proved a smallpox. 11•ilson's 1'ly fads kill
host difficult undertaking; but it the flies and the disease germs,
Austrian hoarding 1101,511 Was a \\ hen baby Is was accomplished- boa.
Death 'Trap for Lodgers. tQR� t P Some persons may think that it
would be equally difficult to photo•
graph a lightning flash; bat it must
be recollected that lightning makes
an intensely vivid impression, while
the soft reflection of a soap bubble
i:: evanescent, even in the bright
g.are of an electric spark. Froin
1.1 inting the image of the flying edese
e f a broken bubble in the three -
hundredth of a second to disclos-
ing the existence of great nebulae
n the heavens by the cumulative
effect of several hours of continu-
ous exposure, the modern photo-
graphic plate is performing many
wonders in behalf of science, and
proving itself one of the most pow-
erful .means at man's disposal to
unlock the secrets of Nature.
I,uisouin,• etc. All dru bits and (toles at
so tents a box, or . us. free for price from
s.aw-buk Cu.. Toronto.
FI:E-1 K P:f O'fOG RAPIN. I maps aad all informotlon.
"Yes, her husband left her sud-
denly seven years ago, and every
With well -kept gray or white hair
these silver ornaments are appro-
priately beautiful. They have not
the shine and glitter of gots! and
colored stones, but they offer a
consistent, attractive adornment
Lei the beauty of decoration.
There never was such a pinky
pink season as Paris has under-
gone. Her women have been lib-
rtally swathed in rose from the
f rst whisper of spring down to the
last loud cry in favor of greens and
olives that shall harmonize with
fief• fading roses.
The vagaries of fashion are, in
truth, as astounding as the vagar-
ies of youth. Just a short season
back we used dyed laces over silk
and chiffon for the blouse to match you can get these Pills from any
the skirt of a coat suit, but now medicine dealer or they will be sent
the lace is the under, or slip, blouse by .mail at 50 cents a box or six
tucked over (chiffonich s(( ooseparn rate blousnother f boxes for 82.50 by The D. Williams'
Medicine Co., Br kville Ont
ors, if you please).
The lace slip is an entire gar-
' nient, finished, :ollared and cuffed,
(while the chiffon overblouse is left
without the cuffs and collar, Mark
the effect, and, incidentally, the
economy, for the lace blouse is
•wearable alone or with another One of the most sensational cgs
chade of chiffon to veil it.
The possibilities of the chiffon es which Vienna has ever known has
pend mousseline scarf have never been brought to light by the arrest
teen greater, for, as they appear of Frau Kobovsky on suspicion of
'with almost every costume, ma- having committed fivo murders.
time may obtain an infinite num- Frau Kobovsky, who is a widow
lien of effects by the exercise of forty-three years of age, kept a
boarding house. Two of her lodg-
A?t,erery ordinary ingenuity.
single scarf may be male to do crs died in the house four years
Baty at once for veil hat trimming ago, and she, was sentenced to two
et•hile driving, walking or motor- years' imprisonment for stealing
ang, and the same scarf may ap- their property. When she came
pear again in the afternoon as a out of prison she resumed the
swathing sash, or even as one of hoarding house, and three more
the new Henry 111. mantles. In lodgers died in it last year.
the evening the scarf may forts! Recently another lodger told the
part of the costume, either as a police that Frau Kobovsky tried to
houlder throw or as a mantilla. push him into the Danube, and then
Veil scarfs of soft silk chiffon gave him poisoned wine during an
tatty le procured in shales of taupe, excursion.
nattier blue, rose, ecru, khaki, and The police have discovered that
green, besides all the usual pastel all the fico lodgers, who died were
shades and black and white. Many, rieh and elderly, and their bodies
too, may bo found with edges hand- will be exhumed and examined.
painted or embroidered, while
others are printed in sofe and love-
ly. Persian shades. The woman
'with the snarf may be far more en-
trancing and beautiful than even
the woman with the fan.
Heavy ottoman weaves aro ap-
pearing. Thry will be used for
trimming on hats and for dressy
autumn street costumes.
Chiffon broadcloth, serges of all
kinds, with fine or loosely woven
.Mesh, and rough homespun, aro
Fele goods for fall costumes. Zibe-
line cloths will be, much used.
in these materials a wonderful
richness of tones predominates.
Contrast in just a clash of vivid col-
or is allowed. Dark greens,
browns and purples are popular.
Jet and crystal beads and beetle -
ming embroidery are the newest
<.inalnentation for evening dress,
and jet. and silves spangles often
(over the chtamys of an evening
I,•1 wn. Chlaniys is the classic name
in fugue for the moment to de-
seribo the thin net or mousseline
outer drapery of such gowns.
Strictly speaking. it should be only
applied to the floating fabrics of
a gauss sort.
"My dear." said the banker to
hi!, only (laughter, "I have notic-
e; a young man attired in a dress
suit. in the drawing -roots twe or
three evenings each week of late.
What is his occupation r' "Inc is
at present unemployed. father. '
replied the fair girl. a dreamy, far-
rttay look in her big blue eye`;
"but he is thinking seriously of ac-
cepting a position as life-Compan•
• to a young l,tcly of means."
avail, and could give no encourage-
ment other than that the warmer
weather then approaching might
prove beneficial. Just at this time
we noticed where some person sim-
ilarly afflicted had been cured by
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and decid-
ed to try them. He kept on using
the Pills, each succeeding box
showing improvement, until he had
taken ten boxes, when all pains
and aches had completely disap-
peared, and although his mode of
life is that of a fisherman, and con
sequently exposed to both wet and
cold, he has had no return of any
of the symptoms whatever. The
cure is complete, and is entirely
duelto Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.''
Little Blanche -"At the party a
little girl fell off a chair. All the
other gals laughed ; but I didn't."
Mamma --"Well, why didn't you
laugh V'
"Cause I was the one that fell
teethingthe whole
household is upset. The tender lit-
tle gun's aro swollen and inflamed,
and the poor child often cries day
end night, wearing the another out
and keeping the rest of the family
on edge. In the homes where
Baby's Own Tablets are used there
is no such worry. The Tablets al-
lay the inflammation, soothe the ir-
ritation and bring the teeth
through painlessly. Mrs. Jean
Boutin, St. Marguerite, Que., says:
"When I sent for Baby's Own Tab-
lets my nine months' old baby was
suffering greatly front teething
troubles: and I,hardly got any rest.
A few doses of the Tablets reliev-
ed her, and the teeth seemed to
}some through painlessly." Sold
by medicine dealers or by snail at
ee cents a Lox from The Dr. Wil -
hams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
TvlI1TS and Grass Interwoven With
In order to protect their homes
flout earthquakes many of the na-
tives in the territory around C'hil-
:ancing() and other towns in the
State of Guerrero, Mexico, live in
Dees. Some of these tree homes
fire of large size and are ingenious-
ly constructed. heeds and grasses
are interwoven with the twigs and
branches of the tree, much in the
manner that a bird builds its nest.
The severest wind seldom looses
these houses from the tree. Where
the trees are large and stand close-
iy together houses of two and three
morns are frequently built in their
!trenches. These houses also af-
ford protection from the "tigers'
and other wild animals which are
found in the region in large num-
bers. it is claimed that a "tiger"
wall net attack its prey llilless it
ie upon the ground. The prime ob-
ject of elevating these huusee into
the trees, however, is to keep them
from being shaken down by the se-
vere earthquakes which visit the
Guerrero territory at frequent in-
The rocking of the earth gives
the trees a swaying motio:l that
does no damage to the houses. In
some localities whole villages of
ther=e tree homes are to be seen.
None of then* suffered (tentage from
the recent earthgeake'1 which
wrought such ruin to the buildings
on the ground.
Neter judge a Iran's kickiug abil-
ity by the size of his feet.
ossesscd burglar take~
Tn title ago there are many different
forms of insurance against lose from
almost every conceivable cause and it is
remarkable to note that we have now
arrised at a point where it is possible
to insure your new clothes against be-
coming prematurely worn out. and no
doubt when people aro aware of this
fact thousands will take advantage of it.
Shoe insurnnee in the form of "Nugget"
Waterproof Shoe Polish is the best kind
of an Investment, for it sill double the
life of your shoes, because It brew' lea-
ther soft and pliable and prevents crack-
Tour dealer keeps "Nugget" -why not
insure your shoes? 1t costs but 10o
Black or Tan.
The "Nugget" is a Waterproof prenare-
tlon whish in wet weather retains it.
thine, and the polish itself will not rub
oft and Boil the clothes under any condi-
Ilarker--"hrncly's wife is the
most intellectual woman 1 ewer
Parker -"Indeed "
Harker ---"Yes. 11-hy, she can ass -
'Nally tell what timo it railway
train arrives or departs by con-
sulting the time table."
Don't Crow Old.
fly going around with gray hair when Dr.
tiring ibarkto
Tremain tl
l it* naturalcolor, eventive l
though it has been gray for years. Two
Ileraonl might use from the tame bottle
and the ofand
the therhair ne blonde, o just asnith yecoeack were In
youth. So it is not a beir-dye: it will not
Injure the scalp, and is no trouble to ap.
pie. We guarantee satisfaction or money
returned. Price one dollar ,Poet*ge paid),
Tall: TRE1tA1N SUPPLY CO..o.
IS Wood Ft.. •
(10 a.l••nt*e.otrt.dSt .ln.
(`cid tor '.00kiet-raga.
The Yeter,wery Ri.sedy
tom.any. Limited.
14 .A ;:,1,1v.1(19•t,L
t..nr.l•'• taua,t1.
1)p1' W.iNIFll 1'O M'r Ai AGENT
for 'TORON'I<t 1%'1't'RDAYNIG 111"
in Lia 111,:l re 1(019. 0.41d m(Aley. Ostia -
!anon 11ai aRtr, Toronto.
( 1 .INV.t,-!'IR!: %ANTED Ger 14 sr
twenty dollars we. lily Ar v., A.ircd
Tyler. Loudon. Ont.
motley .'r premiums send your name
and address for our Juvenile eatah.aue et
easy selling household specialties. Our
adult Agents 68 page catalogue is also
ready. free on request. Canadn either.
cloth Co.. Toronto. Ont.
It nlfowed to roam over your
house those few innocent -looking
house flies may cause a real trag-
edy any day, as they are known
to be the principal ](gents for the
spread of those deadly diseases,
typhoid fever, diphtheria and
stunllpox. No other fly killer com-
pares with Wilson's Fly ('ads.
Little Tommy Tucker had eaten
and was filled, but he would not
give in.
"Have some more cake, Tom-
my?" said his hostess.
" I think I could," said Tommy,
"if I stood up.,,
-Unscrupulous tankers are putting np a
counterfeit of "The D. h L." Menthol
Plaster. The genuine is made by Davis
,k Lawrence Co.
"I am sorry, my dear sir, but I
neglected to bring my surgical in-
struments with me."
"That will be all right, doctor.
The plumber who has been work-
ing in the cellar has left his tools
Youngly-"Did you ever roti e
that the matrimonial process is lice
that of making a call? You go to
adore, and ring a belle, and gi,e
your name to a inaiid." Cynieu.s--
"Yes, and then you're taken in."
who has never heard of Painkiller. Sold
for over 60 years. Is the be,'t remedy for
cramps, colic and -lysebtery, a'Id un-
equalled as a liniment for cuts and
wounds. Avoid .ubatitutcs, there is but
oro "Painkiller•' -ferry Davie' -2.5c. and
"Grandfather, 1 know what 1
shall give on for your birthday -
n nice meerschunl pipe." "That's
good of you, my dear, but I already
have one." "that is to say, grand-
pa, you did have ono. I've just
broken it."
The house of a wealthy lady was
cpproachecl one day by a tramp
seeking a meal. The lady at first
refused the knight of the road hts
request, but fetidly consented, say-
ing she would give hits foodifhe
would first saw some wood. Plead-
ing, however, that he was too weak
to work before eating. he obtaiecd
the meal, after which his hostess es -
estrum! Mr. Dusty Rhede% to the
1o,dshed, and showed him the pile
of wood he was to raw. Returning
half an hour later. site found her
guest sitting in the calm enjoyment
uf a smoke,
With just indignation she
as n that
"Why, haven't you
wocel yet 1" said her
"Pardon me, madam,"
guest, pain at his hostess' ignor-
ance struggling in his voice. "You
should nut say 'nave sawn' wood,
you hhuuld say 'have seen' the
it's almost as difficult for you to
fet a man t o take pill ado iCC a°
it is for you to take his.
el OM1(' iIEa•1'r.t'1''ON BOOK --hest
\J 1,r.t;t,n 1'(IbLt!:ed to English Irangua
'1 4.n 041114. Arthur Rice. Granby. Que.
M C) rtM CI tNi i ¥
IN GL1r'0111NIA'S
t -+t r:0.11• 4(11'fa.,4 Suet
log :cts,s. w[0. p..P Sol --IAN
gated, 1..1 Hrurnts. 501. tea
1541U/TL0 1.41
Mutsells -• comet
• e e SUITS
Cast* do... eeet.,tt, t,g our rr•orli Nroce.a TIT M
•*11115 AMERICAN 0Y11140 CO.
IBMWENt11. TORONTO, eirr.tWA 4 WiElli0
An txl►ibition ofet mper is invari-
ably' a free slit W.
The things you are going to do
add nothing te toter hank balance.
Something that Should be Rub -
Led In. --Whenever pain is felt in
the limbs or back, take Dr. Tho-
mas' Eelectric Oil; pour a little in
the hand, and applying it to the
surface beneath which the pain is,
rub briskly. If the first applica-
tion does not afford relief, which
is not usually the case, keep rub-
bing. The Oil will gradually pene-
trate to the affected part and re-
lief will come.
Lancaster -"Are you making as
much fuss over your baby now as
Jou were two months agol"
Forrester --"Oh, no. The baby is
making all the fuss now."
fled. Weak. Weiner. Watery flyer.
11011(ved ftp \1)111.4 Eye. Remedy. Try
Murine For Your Fye Troubles. You
Will like Murine. It Soothes. SOc At
Tour Lrugglsts. Write For Eye Books.
Free. !Aurin Eye Remedy Co., Toronto.
"Some men aro so unreason-
able," sighed Mrs. Scolder-
"Yes, and all women are," re-
plied Scoldcr quickly.
Attacks of cholera and dysentery
come quickly, there seldom being
any warbling of the visit. Remedial
action most be taken just as quick-
ly if the patient is to be spared
great suffering and permanent in-
jury to the lining membranes of
the bowels. Tho readiest prepara-
tion for the purpose is Dr. .1. I).
Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial. It can
Ito got at sinall cost at any drug
store or g sera} dealers, and it
st ill afford relief before a doctor
can be called.
Where can I get some of 1`i'•11.'
way's Corn Cure? 1 was e'•tirely
cured of my corns by this remedy,
and 1 wish some more of it f'): naw'
friends. So writes Mr. J. W.
Brown, Chicago.
Kindly mention the name of this
paper in writing to advertisers.
The man who is satisfied to mere-
ner -
ly "get along itt this world
mustn't grumble if his neighbor in-
sists on earning enough to travel
it stale.
A Thorough I'i11 -To clear the
stomach and bowels of impurities
and irritants is necessary when
their action is irregular. The pills
that will do this work thoroughly
are Parmelee's Vegetable Pills,
v,itich are mild in action but mighty
in results. They purge painlessly
and effectively, and work a per-
manent cure. They can he used
without fear by the most delicate:
constituted, as there are no pain
ful effects preceding their gentle
Send fcr free sample 10 Dept. W. L., Na-
tional Drug £ Chemical Co., Toronto.
.A. ,_incorporat<0Ic (Z;
'G�� 1�(yIt�Krt
rf�l:, �ti
r `d
IwArrILUTiON\ P DIM -1 i'%,TCi•CN TO
12 and 14 PEMBROKE ST.
F. H. Torrington, MUS. Olr.
Tickets may to t 411 tit the College.
for FALL TERM - no better time.
Thorough, practical courses, individu-
al Instruction and every up-to-date fa-
cility provided by our oldest and most,
reliable school.
British-Amertolan Bus'ness College,
Write for catalogue.
T. M. W ATSON. Principal.
will change your win,1'w1 to
rich .tah.e,l ilea.. WINDOW -
FRAME, t.e.tutituily co),red
and transparent, will du M.
Special de agn4 los chnrch0s.
Samples free. Agents want -
eft. %trite mo n• w.
1f. P. St•LIIVAN,
1119 MI .lame. !•11. M"1111051
Mrs. Newed-"Mamma says she
dues not think we will ever quar-
tet as she and papa do."
Mr. Hewed -"Never, dearest. -
"Nu; she says you will be much
(osier to manage than papa was."
"Ifow's your husband now 1"
"Poor man, he's lain up at home
with acute rheumatism. 111 he is
:,1110 to do now is .mind the Lady.
chop the wood, answer the doer
hell, an' run errands."
Most wives would he alile t't save
money if their husbands gave them
enough to sate.
Small Lilian's father was very
homely, and one day she said:
"Mamma, wily did yon marry pa-
pal" "Because I loved Ilirn, dear,.,
was the reply. ,r con-
tinued Lilian, "love will make us
(.omen do anything, won't it 1"
Some men are too lazy to com-
plain if they can't find work.
ISSUE NO. 40-09.
For individuals with funds
-fur investment at the present
time, 'cheater of large amount
or small, We /tare compiled a,l
exten.ire list of MUSIC ll'A
I'ORA7IOJV bonds. The se-
curities oj)'ered ([till receire the
approval of the :moa conservative
Ontario Municipal debentures
to yield 4% to 4i%. Other
Canadian Municipals - 1'ro-
rinee, County, City and Town --
to yield 4% to 5;,1%.
Ire fir a select list tf Londa
of Railroads and Public Service
Corporations (;/ denu,tistrated
earning power at prices to yield
the investor 4i% to 6%.
Canadian Northern Railway Co.
Equipments 11.2 per caws.
Duluth. Rainy Lake l Winn1Pel
Railway Company 5 per cent's.
Toronto and York Radial Rail-
way Company 6 per cent's. (Guar-
anteed by the Toronto Railway
Suburban Rapid Transit Cont•
theninl(Guaranteed by
the C
Bour1+ of tong established
conliuleot(aly prosperous tardus
tries to yield 6A to 6%•
Western Canada Flour Ftlll/ Co.
6 per rent's.
P. Burns and Company, Ltd., s
per cent's.
Lone -Bell Limiter Company I
per rent S.
Dominion Iron 6 ;tee! A.. con.
solldated . nor cant's.
i, (f 1)4:m ire to 1 17.0771
ut'r gv'erinus a Rai/ablr bon,'
noel to (tit in to a thorough in-
vestigation rf the security.
IttAD 011(1. TORONTO :le r:N0 ST. r
en AN 11SS:
Iiindly nienlion the name of tl.?s
paper in %shins to aliterli'.'rs.