HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-10-07, Page 1Neter
j •••••••••• ••••••••••••-i....••••••••••••••••••
Phone No. 32.
Shopping Here is !''lade
a Pleasure
With our immense stock of Fall
and Winter Wearables to show
you. Our new Dress Goods, New
Jackets. New Furs, New Fur -lined
Coats, New Skirts and Waists and
new Underwear are the best we
have ever shown, We want you to
come and see them and see what
we are doing.
Ladies Winter Coats
One of Our Strongholds
This is one of the many cuts of
our popular Winter Coate. They
come in Black, Blue, Green or Gray
Popular prices, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, $20
Childs Coats
A great many styles and cloths
to choose from, colors Black, Blue
Brown, Green and Gray. Bring
along the girls and we can please
them. Prices $3 to $8,
,' 1 Another Cut of Our
We have all the new Ideas
and Styles shown in Coats for
this season and you are sure
of getting the correct thing
Ladies Fur-iiaed Goats
A Winter Necessity
Every lady thinking about
a Fur Lined Coat this season
should see our special lines.
Our Coats have the hest Rat
Lining and genuine Sable Col-
lars with a good Broadcloth
shell. Do not fail to see them.
Millinery MIIIIaeru
Only a word. Our Milliners
are very busy. Leave your
orders early so as to have
your hat in gond time. They
are working every night to
catch up.
Jones & Clark
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford
Clothing also high grade shoos and wall paper.
••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Weekly Globe
From now till January
1st, 1911, for
Or to January, 1910 for
30 Cents
The Best Flour --
If it is the best flour you want there is but one place
in town to get, it -that is from us. The brands are:
Jewell Royal Household
(Ontario Blended) (Ogilvie's)
(Lake of Wont,.,) (Western Canada Flour Mills)
Leave• your orders of cal up Phone 2.
R. G. , �' � L' ON, EX : t E r.
Council meeting was held Friday in
the office of the Clerk, members all
present. The minutes of the matts
ings held Sept. 17. 20 and 27 were read
and approved. The following ac-
counts were passed, Exeter Electric
Coy., Arc lighting $60.48, Series St.
lighting 48.00, Town Hall, 3.60; Gold-
ie MeColloch Co. Ltd., repairs for
Gasoline engine, 2.70; The Advocate
Printing Coy., printing necount 15.75
The Advocate Printing Coy., Muni-
cipal world supplies, 92 cents; Queen
City Oil Coy., qnsolinc, 5.85: Jno.
Grigg, Supplies, 1.60; rfhos. Barton,
labor, 5.63; 'Times Printing Cosi,
printing, 11.55; James Connor, Li-
brarian pt. salary, 25.00; The Bell
Telephone Coy., messages, 95 cants
Thos. Brock, sr. labor, 3.75; ,''rank
Mallott 1.50; Wm. Creech 1.50; Wal-
ter '\Wcstcott 8.13; Itd. Davis 3.50 ;
Henry Cundy 2.25 ; .Frank Treble 1.50 ;
Geo. Cudmore 2.50; ;Eli Snell 3.75
Albert Bissett 2.62; Sydney West
75 cents; Sidney Sanders 6.00; James
Ogden 3.00; Wm. Davis, sr. 2.75_; W.
J. Ilissett, pt. salary 33.00; C. W.
Cross, pt. salary cemetery, 29.00.
Amounting in nll to $287.53. passed
on motion of Carlin; -Luker+ -Car-
Petitions for new cement walks
were read as follows.
No. 1. From ratepayers on Main
Street between Alexander St. and the
Thames Road cast side.
No. 2. From ratepayers on the
north side of John street between
Andrew and Albert.
No. 3. From A. E. dlodgert walk
on the north side of Mary street from
Main street to Mr. Hod;ert's gate and
from Miss Strang's gate on Andrew
street to the corner of Andrew and
No. 4. From the ratepayers on the
north side of Gidley street between
Gidley and Marlborough. The peti-
tions were received and filed on mo-
tion of Johns -Luker. -Carried.
Tenders for the opening' of a tail
race were opened as follows:
Thos. Ilartnoll, Thos. Creech and
Jno. Ford, A. Q. Itobier, Elmer Law-
son, Crediton; Jos. Lawson, Credi-
Motion per. IIearnan-Johns That
the tender of A. Q. Bottler for 33
cents per t 1. yard be accepted pro-
viding; that :•I r. Itobier will agree
to the making of the race only G Tcctt
wide at the hottoue if so desired by
the engineer and other satisfactory
changes and arrangements as are
satisfactory to the peeve.
S. M. Sanders asked pertnis-: u to
remove n shade tree itt front his
residence -Granted.
Adj. by Carling. •
The Annnal Convention of the
County Woman's Christian Temper-
ance Union will he held at Exeter in
Main St. Methodist Church on Thurs-
day and Friday the 7th and 8th of Oc-
tober. The services of the Rev. C. R.
Jones, of Goderich, has been secured
for Thursday evening. Mr. Jones has
been actively engaged in Local Option
campaign work and his address can
not fail of being both interesting and
S. iS. No. 3., 13TEPTIEN
The following is a correct report of
the pupils of 8. S. No. 3, Stephen, for
the month of September. IV -J. Wil-
lis, V. Ifogarth, Sr. 11I -R. Parsons,
M. Willis. Jr. III- L. Sanders, C.
Triebner. G. Stanlake. Sr. 11 - C.
Parsons, L. Sanders, T, Willis. lr, I1
M. Triebner,L, Hill, V, Box, V. Presz
cator. P. Sanders. Jr. Pt, II, A. Shap -
ton, E. Hogarth, R. Parsons. Sr. I't.
11-C. Hamilton, 0. Hamilton, C.
Sanders. Sr. Pt, r -E. Preszcatar, E.
Stanlake. Jr. Pt. 1-V. Hogarth, I.
Hamilton, C. Willis, E. Preszcator, P.
Wm. L. Triebner, Teacher
Via Grand Trunk tk Ira'
IIWay System.
Return tickets at single fare October
13th to November 6th. to points in
Ternagami, points Mattawa to Port
Arthur and to a number of points
reached by Northern Navigation Co.,
t certain
orate in Quebec. ue
p 2
. 1e w
Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Maine.
October 21st to November Ilth to Mus-
koka Lakes, Penetang, Lake of Bays,
Midland, MAtranetawan River, Lake -
field, Madawaska to Parry Sound, Ar-
gyle to ('oboconk, Lindsay to Hali-
burton, Mltarbot Lake to Colohogic
via IC, & P. lay. Pointe from Severn Acres on the lake (toad West to Mr.
to North Bay inclusive; And certain Alr•x. Vosse•I:I, and has p'rrehas-d the
points reached by Northern Naviga- 100 acre farm on the Toe n Lin . f:om
tion Co. Return limit on all tickets Mrs. John .1ohnston.
December 4th, or until close of navi• The local telephone each 111;e has
gation if earlier, to points reached by ninety subscribers conn ctrd. A nets
switch board eh' shortly be icstal-
led to accommodate several town
subscribers. '1 ti . new board will
have a eap.lcity of eighty individual
lines and ieeuty rural party lineal
A very pretty w:dding nes solem-
nized in St. I', t is Lithe ran church
on Tuesday the 28th of $ pt ember,
sheet Mics O:iya. ( ld'sr d .. rhe, r of
1lr. and Mrs. 11. Wyse oh. c, ,s unit -
td in mirth .te to Mr. \\-i'l:•Itn 'Thi, I.
eldest son of \1 r. and '.1rs. Andr..n-
'1'hiel. The tail- etas charmingly at-
tired in whit '.ilk and carried n
bola lost of as hire ast.•rs. She %yes at-
tended by b r sister. ',iiss A:tads
Wesoloh, who atom a v• ry pretty
;own of pa'.e blue silk. '111 groom
wis AO. assisted by l:• brother.
• 11 r. 1•::afore Thiel. '1 l: %c ddinz
entre!' ss p ayeti by 'dis< id t Sippel
J...I to
and the ver• :pony was vector me(' by
It•v. '1'. C. .1. Maass, after which the
happy couple repaired to the home of
the bride, uhere they r.•c•:ived the
congratulations of their friends.
The ,zeests. about 40 in n:;mb^r. sat .�.
dowel to :1 a •ry sumptuous weddini
dinner.:Ift.: %chic' the yo'.nr couple +
display. : l%.r^ • • . .tied by Ih• Jubilee '•'y•.
end Mrs. Thiel wer
$1.00 per year In advance
A very pretty event took place at hiss Laura Godbolt. of Mensal! Is
hose Hill Villa; Tuckeremith, the re- visiting relatives in this vicinity.
sle er. John ll, V4 ed- m ated e
nesdayncs, SeptofM.:9th at higChaldwenoon, when circAuitnumbteaer froat El(mherevilletend'Tuesdathy
their daughter Ethel A. Godhott be-
came the wife of A. E. Russell, a poi). f Mr. and Mrs. Itoht. Robinson visited
friends in Centralia Sunday.
Miss Eliza Clements returned home
last week after visiting friends in
St. r. Roy Lasts loo
unattended and owing to a recent be -1 11 r. ]toy Coward, %c ho has b.s ii ill �+
reavement in the groom's family, the with appendicitis, is able to get weather
wedding wbetter than any otherer, rives a better
as very quiet. The bride, ;,round again. with pure Boiled Oil, Raw Oil
will be satisfactory.
ular young accountant of St. Paul,
Minn. The ceremony was perforated
by the groom's father, Rev. Russell of
Lambeth. rhe bride and groom were
For Fall ralnung
Use the Genuine Elephant Lead
who was one of Usborne's accomplish-
ed young ladies, having taught school
for a number of yeat•sin Tilbury, look-
ed charming in a Princess gown of,
brown satin with yoke of rosebud lace
and buttons. After congratulations
were over alt partook of a dainty wed-
ding dinner. The bride and groom
took the afternoon train for the south
and will spend a few days with friends
in London and Tilbury before leaving
for their home in St. Paul The tra-
velling dress of the bride was navy
blue serge with bat to match. The
popularity of the voting couple was
evidenced by the costly presents,
among which were many pieces of
cut glass, substantial checks and sil-
verware, also a gold watch set with
diamonds the gift of the groom. fhe
Tithes joins in extending the young
couple congratulations.
On the 29th, of September 1909, a
very pretty wedding was solemnized
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. henry
Passmore, (Sunnylea) 'Thames hold,
when their daughter Christina J., was
united in marriage to Mr. John 1I.
Cluff, of Tuckersmith, by the Her.
Hugh Watson. of Elimvillc. The
bride looked charming in a beaeliful
robe of cream tnousclline de sole
trimmed with satin ribbon and Irish
point d'sprit and wore a veil of
silk melline and orange blossoms, and
carried a bouluet of white Asters
and Maiden -hair fern. Th.: groom
took his place under an arch of
Evergreens and .Asters where he was
joined by the bride who entered the
parlor leaning on the arm of her
the strains of Mendel.
ssohns march which was played
by Miss Estella Passmore, cousin of
the bride. After the congratulations
of over sixty friends and neighbors,
the company retired to the basement
where a sumptuous dinner was ser-
ved. After dinner being over the
evening was enjoyably spent in
speeches, recitations and ►male, Mr.
Charles Borland ,giving several selec-
tions on the violin. The esteem in
which the young couple are held
was shown by the number of useful
presents. The ,:room's gift to the
bride ayas a pearl crescent. The. !wo-
oly retired to their homes after u
well spent evening. ler. and \era.
Cluff accompanied by the brid :'s sis-
ter Miss Annie Passmore left the fol-
lowing evening for the home of Mr.
Samuel Cluff, Idilldrop farm, Tucker-
srnit b, where n reception was given
there. when about forty ,ru.sis gath-
ered and spent :1 very enjoyable
ct•eninr, all t•xtendiug ,th( it good
wishes to the bride and ;,room by the
beautiful and useful presents ;giv'.n
by them. Mr. and Mrs. tCiuff tail)
settle on their !arra on the 10th, Con -
of Bibb •rt and n i:1 b • at home
to their friends after October the
Mrs. DEnetn 1:ra(l. \Ira. Jacob
Sehoenrin and Master Irwin Pink
from Preston, are visitors at th'
Lutheran I'arsonage.
Mr. James Cameron, fornt,•rly
leacher at Ilillsgrcrn Iris taken Mr.
licLeod's place as principle of the
public school, for the balance of the
A very sad event occurred her: on
Thursday evening S, ptet::ber 23rd. in
the death of Mr-. .latch Kipfor.
daughter of Vr. .lacob Moyer. The
deccas.•d %%as a Victim of height's
disease, and as oth.•r complications 'et
in, the local rn dieal meet, aver(' un-
able to rave h.,r• life although cv: ry-
I tett possible tt:t. r
} u alb lone to bring
1r r
31 g
through. She was about thirty-eight
years of ago. and leave, beside= a
sorrowing husband. her aged par-
ents. and a number of nrol11 •is and
sisters and many friends who sincere-
ly mourn her early death.
Mr. 1•:d. 1)enorny Its sn'd his 30
steamers. Secure tickets and dr, her
information from any Grand 'Trunk
Children Cry
. � .... .... 4••;• ::•� •. 1. {..1..¢.;.J,..1.
that $20 will buy a genuine :•
Edison Phonograph and 8
recorns at this store? We have :.
October selection. in. and carry •L
a full stock of Heller-.`•'nlrs etc,
Ask to hear t)•..••• e..1„e for
Watch cot 1'.
.-t lard
For any case of nervousness, sleep-
lessness, weak stomach, indigestion,
dyspepsia, try Carter's Little Liver
Pills. Helief is sure. The only nerve
medicine in market.
Mrs. Charles lluplan spent Monday
with friends in Lucan.
-Mrs. Will Foster and little son
Harold. who have been visiting with
her father Mr. James llardford re-
turned to their home in Toronto on
Mr. and Mrs. 'Wen. Essery ,have re-
turned home after a pleasant visit
with relatives in Chicago.
Miss Brownie Andrews who bas
been visiting friends here returned
to her borne in Springfield on (fhurs-
day Inst.
Miss Maggie Clarke, of Bayfield,
is the guest of her cousins .The Misses
Myrtle and Ethel Walker.
Mr. Byron hicks returned on Wed-
nesday of last week from an extended
trip to the North \Vest which lasted
for several weeks.
A number from here took in the
fowl suppers at Saintshury on Tues-
day ,last week and EIimville on Tues-
day of this week.
The pulpit of the Methodist church
was filled on Sunday by the pastor
who in the morning gave a rousing
sermon on "Temperance" and in the
evening gave the first sermon of his
series the: subject being 'Repentance'
Mr. Richard Luker who has been ill
for some time is now able to bet out
around again.
Women with pale co lorless faces
who feel weak and discouraged, will
receive both mental and bodily vigor
by using Carter's Iron Pills. which
aro made for the blood, nerves and
If you would .rank :unong the men of
Your conversation roust portray your
birth ;
Their confidence tend trust ; if you
would gain,
Bridle your tongue, profanity disdain.
We're pained and shocked to bear the
name most blest
Lewdly profaned, and linked with
filthy jest
Ity blatent fools, and some '.vho do
not mean
So basely to insult the Friend Su.-
\\`hen you's,: inclined your friends to
entertain ;
Relating valiant deeds, you fain
would chin;
God's name you use. t0 emphasizd
You situp;y earn your friends to
doubt its truth.
Strange. that before the gentle sea
you can
Even scorn to swear, and p:ay the
g, ntleman.
But schen you issue from that loved
You hasten to expose the couIII u'rfei1.
Young mon. if you'd prove valiant
in ea rth'.•t strife,
You can't :afford to handicap your
If virtue and integrity you prize,
Revere your trod. profanity despise.
J. I'. Ross. Calgary.
Palpitation of the heart, ner-
'. u5 es
o n s rumblings, 1rc
III 11 1 A
. us
t nervi bead-
le/re. cold Lands and fell, pin in lite
back and tit her forms of weakness
are relieved by Carter's Iron Pills
The sale of Mr. John Smallacomb,
on Sate v
Saturday % ; . ' v
% 1 4 .1 C
rl .e . i ❑f 1
:+ holt ?h
1he real caiat. was not sold at that
time. Since then the resid'nce and
land his been purehas d by Mr. Wes-
ley Snell. oho n ill hat' • th- place
t7101'(1 4 .1 :3 rlverb', led.
Chilciren Cry
8. 8. No. 5, I'SGOHNI•:
The following is report of S. N.
Na. 5 1-vborne ;or the month of
Sept. Sr. 1V Moors, Itu;us I:a•st!e:
Pass. Emma I isher. F.mice McFall,.
.11-. IV llonort. I.il:u Moir. Jr. IIi
Matterie Moodie. Gare i .'.1eFalls. 6r.
1i Honor.:. Thelma Fold. Orby Kestlr;
I'Iv', Ferrol Ilieerins, llarold Voir.
I't. II ('h 1, :i,• Trout. Arnold Ford.
1'i. I ('h I'1.t1 •r.
E. 1,.:Mcl'hcrsrtn, t, Leh r.
4. .....
4' flints to o::r Correspondents.
41rit,•,n on :id 0: ib• cap rI
Main in tins, to reach u.s
\Wednesday of each week (or
Avoide1) a;I ,tarns reflecting on".f,
1'r<nn 11 character, 1i' :t Rend t.
AI.I. i he NKW,y.
('h etc off this list, it may as-
sist seri to remember an import•?•
ant it(m;
.L Willis Powell, Manager.
• r, ('I ,' -.1' n, nyben.fila,• I,l
Pi V. hich shote (1 . , . . .
1.1 1 Which Ili, younr .,, r, .
.;. h d by 'heir many fri e •
• ': ' Mi. and MIs. 1h1 ui:11 ••
-+++•:-4-:• ++ nuke %IAirh their foto: 1 -one.
n:1 V,
i),•atbs, hfarria,ces, ,F
Accid •nt'. Church News.
s .t 1' r, or Presentations,
ret \-;.:•nr5,
i " 1,
1' :! Int• :o. rn Its,
e.1s. 'Ih (' 7M
finish, and withstands the
lead. Insist o11 having it
and Turpentine your job
Martin Senours and Elephant ready mixed paints in 15,
25, 45 and 5o cent tins
Senours Floor Paints the best made 45c. qt,
Elephant Floor Paints 40c. qt.
Floor Glaze Enamel .. 35 & 60c. tins
Chejap Floor Lac .40 & 75c. tins
Crack and Crevice Filler ... 25 & 35C,
Campbells Varnish Stains 15, 25, 45 & 85
Varnishes • . . ..I0, 20, 35 & 50
Aluminum Paint ..•.. •••• •••...., ., • • .•..10 & 25c
Alabastine & Murallo in .... , 25 & 5oc. pkgs
Autumn is here and yon are thinking of a
It may be a heater of sorn a kind, a coal range or a steel
range. If you are needing a stove it will pay you to call
on T. Hawkins fi Son. We are selling the best makes In
Canada to -day and will sell them worth the money. Now
we don't want you to take our word for it, but we will
convince you before you buy.
We do all kinds of Tinsmi;hing, Furnace Work, hoofing, (Both (;alvaniaat
and Heady Roofing). Call and see us and tell us your needs
mm mmmmmn?mmmmmmm+rmnmmmmmmm
You Take No Chances
When You Get Your
Fall and Winter Suits
from an old established and reliable house
like ours.
Time -tried Reputation is what ensures you
Merchant Tailor - Exeter, Ontario.
%1f11�1111u1�fiu11 11111114411-);�-
if 11=31111111CIIMIliiigauillIIIMM1111111111
t11U.eusic IIINiJIfiorslfllhill'l,O t 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 H 11,
Parlor Suit Parlor Tablesr.
Easy Chair Odd ('hairs
Music Cabinet ('ouches
Sideboards Hall Backs
Buffets Kitchen Cabin( '1s
Dining• room Tables Dining ('hairs
Dainty, well made and at reasonable prices,
Bed Hoole Snits Bed Couches Mattresses
Springs, Brass and Iron Beds
Newest styles and all at popular priers
The Leading Hntn(' Flunisherefind F1/11(131 I)ite(tor s,
iaiaiaa1111:11 sagas sagas,17711111.”6113.
k ai•iiii.i•••
1 Manure Litters 1
Beatty Bros.' Fi'ed
and Litter ('all It•1's
Overhead Convey(); s.
Beatty Bros.' htt'el
Stalls & �tan(hi,lns
can be installed as cheap
as hitch r and last forever.
Beatty Bros.' Load
These three things are great
labor -savers for farmers au(1
necessities cn a fat iii
For sale by
W. T. Gillespie
Phone 51.
Ex' ter
:r: •i•
ISATETININE •6•• sommer4r
The Best School
, ��eaot/'/-� ,
The (rest tiu,e 11, voter r,nr
classes is now. We are running
the largest and, we believe, the
best business training school in
Western ()Mat iv. 'three de -
pat ttnentt.:--
('(,uJts:tu t.11., Siionr 44'. 511
T r f. r.(;1 rA I'll
(;et n money making educa-
tion. Out gra(luales ate in de
nand and are meeting with suc-
cess. (let cur free catalogue
RI.LIO rr & t+