HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-09-30, Page 8+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++M
Yes, Business is Goad it
The Best Ever
We are good and ready for the best
fall trade we have ever done. Our stock
is all complete in every department.
LtIO16 Jd6kCtS
Our showing of Tailor Made Jackets is immense.
Corset fitting coats, semi -fitting coats and loose box
coats in Black, Browns, Navys Grays and Greens. Yes
Back and Green will be the best colors. Prices range
from $6.5o to $20.00
Girls and MdlOs Goats
We have a lovely range in fancy Tweeds and plain
Shivcott and Kersey cloths, beautifully trimmed with
buttons and velvets. Loose, Semi -fitting and Military
styles. Let the girls come in and see the new coat styles.
They will like them. Quality and prices are in your fav-
Dress Coods
All the new cloths and all the new shades are on
our counters. The new shades are very pretty, We
show six distinct shades in the new Wistenia and all the
new Edward Greens and smart Blues. Come and see
the hest display of smart Dress Goods in town,
Our New Dinner
are all in and a lovely let
they are. they come to ns
direct from the makers in the
old land. We save you all
the middle man's profits and
that's quite an item too. The
patterns we show are control-
led by onrselves for Exeter.
Conte and see them the pleas-
ure w ill be Mutual, welike to
show thein. You'll like to see
them Full dinner seta $4 $15
Ladies Fur Lined
Nearly 50 to choose ;from;
lined with prime Canadian
Rat and Collate and Reveres
of mink and sable. These
coats are alt 'nage to our own
order. We are show:ng real
genuine values such au can
not be duplicated by the job-
bing trade. Our styles are
new and every garment we
sell goes out under a double
guarantee. Buy early and
get first choice. e=11
++•:•++++++++++++++• •:-+++++++++++++++++++++++++
4-44: ++++++++++++++++++++++ •++++++++++++++d•++
1' F X.N;1 EK '1 '1M S SEPT. 30th 1lluty
Market Report. -Tho fallowing 11
the report of Exeter markets, cor-
rected up to September Seth
Wheat 9fic to tt^1.00
Oats. nese, lt5 to fib cents.
Barley, 48 to 50 cents
Peas, 70 to .75 cents.
Bran x`22.00
Shorts f,'_''i.UU.
Star (Cour :e'=.75.
Feed flour $1.50 to $1.55.
Mutter lac.
1:egs c.
Day $9.0t, $10.00
11ogs, Iveweight, 57.90.
Potatoes 75 to 90 cents
Coal, $7.25 a ton.
Ducks, &,
Chicken lee
llerta 7c.
Dried App'es 5c.
('hone 22
All Our Pars at
25 per cent. discount,
One door north P. O.
Don't Go By
To Stay
Al. Hastings returned front LondonTimes Want Column THE
'Mr. W. May visited his parents in
StitcLell on Sunday.
WANTED -Apprentice wanted to
Mrs. (Dr.) Seltery, of Helvetii, !Tarn barber trade. Penprase and We are still at the old stand and here to do
spent Tuesday with r,:atives in town. llurke. -
The 'Misses Morden. of St. Marys, FOR SALE. -Choice livered l'ocLer- business. This week we are offering a fine line of
are guests of Mrs. S. F. Sharpe at the a at 1.U0 such. Sp_al lutek. 1'.
Manse. I cIl. C:irlirtg• 3u 9-J Dress Goods
Mrs. Herr, of Windham, was the ._-�---
guest o[ Mrs. John alcalahon, flay, FOR SALE Olt itENT- Two storey
last week. brick house, centrally located. Ap-
W. A. Lunn. Collector of customs. ply at Times Office.
Toronto, visited his daughter, Mrs. --.
l:r',Ibt a few days last week. %. %FOlt SALE. -At reasonable prices,
Mrs. N. M. itich:rrdson, of Mama. Durham Portland Cement. Apply to Special
Wes•ry Shier, Woodham
Sask., arrived in town Thursday and .
is tet present the guest of Mrs. T.
Karasek. who has passed the entrance exams.
Mrs. Fred It. (:night, who has been preferred. Apply at TIMES OFFICE.
visiting relatives here for some time
A very tine line in stripe Worsteds in suit lengths, only $1.00 per yard.
Extra value at 75c., itt all the leading cloths and in the newest shadee. Thin
Price goods are good weight, suitable for ladies or cbildrene suits.
left on Friday for her home near WOOD FOR SALE. -We are now
Jansen, 'Sask.
Dr. Browning has workmen engag-
-prepared to deliver to any part of
l the town first class elm slabs. All
ed tearing out the front foundation
of bis drug store, to be replaced by
cement. A new front window will be
out in the building.
A Great Offer. -The Times
s and Hugh McKay, who bas been with
Family herald and Weekly Star from the (tank of Commerce as junior for
ow till Jan. 1910 for TWENTY-FIVE several months. last week tendered
his resignation and left Tuesday for
Cook still seems to have the pole. Detroit, w•bcr: be expects to secure
rt situation. A. It. Hewitt, who has
Mrs. Tuesday.
en. of Staffa. visited Mrs. been with the Sarnia Branch 611C-
C:ark seeds Mr. 'McKay. commencing bis
Mr. August Guhr is moving to town duties Saturday morning.
;rout Shakespeare In the presence of a number of
Bus and Dray calls
promptly attended to.
Horses kept in stock
for Fade.
without stopping in for a look at the on. OVENS EYE AND BAR SUE -
new fall fabrics toe are tailoring in- geon. will be at the Commercial
to suits and top -coats. You won't sec hate'. :(a:tr. 9 n. m. to 1 p.
them anywhere else for we have them
exclusively. •
for yourself while you are here.
We'll make you a swell one for as
little as possible and guarantee more
cloths satisfaction for the money At a meeting of the congregation of
than you ever had before. Coven Presbyterian church Tuesday
• evening it was decided to hold the
W• W TAD�AN viers 00 Sa and Oct;e•oprnhng Fcr-
• • viers on 5.abhath. . lath and to
m. Glasses properly fitted and die -
of eve ear and nose treated.
Monday. Oct. 4th, fore-
ilenea:l in afternoon.
o t
Miss Maud Taylor. of London. is friends of the happy couple, 'MissLou%
visiting her parents. isa Piper, daughter of Mrs. Pipes.
Mr. W. Wilson is moving to his Exeter, was married at the parsonage
new farm near Bethesda, of the Askin street Methodist church
Mr. 1.. E. Fanson this week moved
Ia his farm near Farquhar. London. on Wednesday, Sept. 22nd to
letter Mr. J.. Arthur T. Braithwaite, of Lon -
ll don. The couple will reside in London.
TI e Al torn( y Gn r
Willis\Vis Powell Is tet- IIcnsall cal. is by str-
and Zurich on a business trip. calve h.ltto- :
ma.;istr:rtes, justices
Mr. W. Dignan, of Lucan, spent of the Atereaceand constables. catlins
Sunday here will his parents. attention 10 the provincial law . as
It is expected the work of building nowamended. which imposes heavy
the new dant will commence to -day. fines, with alternate terms of im-
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor have re- prisonment, on the conviction of a
turned after a pleasant visit at Zion. person of - n person for carryinga
Miss J. McQueen, of IIcnsall. is knife. pistol. metal knuckles, skull'
visiting at the home of George Con. AI I C 1 lcm 3
Merchant Tailor.
Reduced one-way second-class colon -
fat rates in effect daily until October
15th, from a:1 stations in Ontario to
above and other Pacific Coast roint'.
vi Grand Trunk itai:way System.
&cure tickets and further infor-
mation from any Agent of Ow Grand
Children Cry
have an old-fashioned tea -meeting and
fowl supper on the Monday eveninz
following. It is expected that the
extensive re -decoration of the church
will be completed by that time. Th.,
Chairman of the Board of Maoa zo-
ment zave a detailed statement of
the work. the coat of which amounts
to $700. Part of this has already
been provided for by ,rifts front mem-
bers of the congregation. Mr. Stan -
bury announced that one member bad
donated the cost of a complete cies-
irk light system for ehureh and base-
ment with handsome char.d.i es north
in nil $150. This generous gift eli-
cit, d warm applause. Csv, n church
is to be conzratulated upon having
such o.1rnt supporters and such
liberal men, !
Mr. John Taylor is this week mov-
ing into his new home on Victoria.
Mr. Al. McDonnell retuned Thum"
day evening mon► a trip to the Pa-
cific coast.
Mr. 'T. E. Handford last Saturday
shipped a carload of horses to the
Winnipeg market.
An extra ;quilt feels good on the
bed these nights. even though they do
smell of moth balls. •
1)r. and -Mrs. Rouiston and child
returned Monday from a visit with
relatives in Milverton.
Misses Winona Howard and Victoria
Miners left Monday for London to at-
tend the Normal School.
We are showing a good reliable cloth at 5nk. per yd. This is a regultar
60 cent cloth, but owing to us having a very Large supply of this line, we
going to clear it at 511c. per yd.
Furs! Furs!
orders promptly attended to.
R. GILLIEB. The best we have veer shown, ranging in prices front $1.25 to $35.
fur lined coats. This is the first year we have handled these, so are ofierin
.NOTICE extra value in order to get your trade.
As I am now in the west on a
trip for my health, uty book accounts
will not be collected until I return
two months hence. A. E. PYM.
Exeter, Sept., Oth 1909. 9-10-5 A few of those cheap Dress Goode left. A special line of Crockery for
r this week only when we will give you a special price on all lines of DInner
TAILOR MADE SUITS. and Chamber Sets and odd pieces.
Ladies wishing man -tailored suits All kinds of Poultry taken, Butter 19e; Eggs 22c; Dried Apples 5c.
call and leave your order and measure
with Miss Torn, as she represents a
leading city tailor.
Miss Tont is prepared to t: ash + L -
Lakin Dressmaking own while they are •1• 000 I
making their own dresses. Terms1 o,.
and full particulars may be learned 1 r 1 - } '`
by calling at her dressmaking rooms
over Wilson Bros. store. Also an aft-
prentice wanted. 9-1U-4 + � \
4 -
Cottage and three lots in Exeter, +
being lots Nos. 55, 50 and 57 south of +4. }• Over one thousand stn• +t
Simcoe Street. On this property is a 1-• llentsenrolled by our chain
last year. It pays to at- J / /
Sargairi Table
cracker or slingshot. I frame cottage (brick foundation) con-
- in County Secre• twining five rooms tend a good cel-
tary ofI the Y: M. 'C. A., who at- lar also a good well and a large
tended the class of instruction atstable. Good garden and fruit trees.
Silver Itay, N. Y., several weeks ago.
last Friday received word 'that he
got 98 per cent. in the County work
examinations. carrying off the honors.
This is the second time Mr. Fleming
has brought the honors to Canada in
examinations in this line of work. '
Four of Adam heck's string of
racehorses. Photographer, bloorshot,
and two -two -year-olds, were • smother
ed and burned when the car in which hardwood bush. bank barn 72 x 36
they were being shipped to London good frame house, never failing well,
aught fire as the train was pulling
cistern at the barn; good orchard.
The other has frame barn, good
wells, orchard. Moth pre in good
state: of cultivation.
These farms will be sold together
or separate or will sell 150 acres.
Possession can be had on March 1st,
1910. 1f patties wish to purchase
they can do their plowing now. For
further particulars, apply to Thos.
i1. Martyn, Exeter, Ont.
Mrs. Vrooman and child, of Ilar-
i burg, are visiting the formcr'a
tr.•nts, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. An -
der :on.
'.Messrs. T. E. 'landlord and J. 'M.
ithcott attended the Crossley and
:hunter meetings at Illyth 'Tuesday
Garvey Acheson has recovered [roin
the effects of his recent operation for
appendicitis, that he is now able to
act around.
If Cook and Peary belonged to
different nations, there probably
would have been n declaration of war
by this lime.
Francis Carling. the hotel keeper
at Staffa. has made application for
the transfer of his license to John
C. Eickmeier, of Walton.
Out of da municipalities In Huron
County 9 are now under Lacal Option
on no licenses (►tnl 11 others will vote
on Local Option January 3rd next.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adams re-
turned here last week to spend a few
days with Mrs. Adams' mother Mrs.
I). Johns, before going to their home
in Calgary.
Mrs. 1i. Cotter. of Toledo. Ohio.
who has been visiting her mother.
Mrs. Thos. Gregory. is this week the
guest of her sister. Mrs. W. O. Mil-
ler. of London.
During the past f. w• weeks enorm-
ous .)na['titles of plums have been
shipped front Exeter to London and
other markers. One firm alone ship-
ped 1,500 baskets.
In last week's issue we gave the
open season for ,game, which included
that of grouse from Sept. 15th to
Dec. 1501. Grouse crtnot b' taken
ibis year at all.
When they emptied those keys
of beer Into Elk Lake men went in
stwimnun,, who Lad before oven noted
for a natural antipathy to nater and
baths of any kind.
Dr. .1. A. ironing. ` Sept. of the
Orillia Asylum. called on friends here
Saturday and Sunday. 'min; came
up from London. where he was at-
tendinz the funeral of the late Mrs.
A. .1. Rollins.
here's a sus„ estion. Let all
dramatic critics. ltooseve:t, Bernard
Shnw, ala:t Caine and a few other
stellar bor, s he sent ns a committee
to the North Pole. with instructions
rot to return until they find out all
t pout it.
Dr. ltyndm-t'n teat Th•trsday even-
ing while driving along William Rt.
ran into a pie of ,zravel on the ride
of the road. His baggy was upset,
but fortunately he sustained no in -
Juries. The top of th- rig was twist-
ed a little.
The case of Dale vs. the Township
of B::inshard. re the recent by-law
granting the St. Marys & Western
Ontario Railway $20.000. which was
to have come up at Toronto on Mon-
day after several adjournments, tris
further postponed until to -day.
The death occurred at Landon on
Wednesday, Kept. 22nd. of Annie
Kick•, be.oved nib, of Arthur .1.
Rollins. a former resident of Exe-
ter. 'Mrs. Rollins had h•, n ill for
some time. itesides her ltnshand. she
!eaves several .trop n up children to
mmtrn their loss.
The Bible w ill soon he printed in
a •e dialect w
every isn;n i. or dr ct kno n
throurlont the nor'd. Last year tte-
rerdinr In the 105th repast of the
Mit ish and Void:fit 11:M'. Society. the
•Inelf ages it wbi•-t, .iib r complete
Bibles or parts of it ttrre Issued
reached a total of 410.
The property has to be sold to wind
up an estate. APP1y to
Exeter, Ontario.
Tt o hundred acres lots 20 and 20
10th and 11th concession, of Step-
hen. The farm has 10 acres good
out of the Toronto station on Mon-
day. Both Moorshot and Photo-
grapher were plate starters. the
'.atter having won several good
The annual field day sports of the
Exeter high school will be held itt the
agricultural grounds on Friday after-
noon, October 8th. This annual event
is awaited with much anticipation by
the pupils, who are anxious to show
their prowess at athletic games. Rn
the school there are a number of
good athletes and preparations are bo-, 6 South East Boundary, Kirkton. It
in Made' to have the corning event is well situated three quarters of a
the best one in the history of the mile from Post -office, store. black -
school. . smith shop, mill. church etc. Forty
An opera company barnstorming rods from school. Bank barn with
Ontario struck town Monday for a atone foundation. Straw bairn with
three nizhtlt' engagement at the Operapigpen
Good frame house. The buildings and
house are supplied by water from a ,
drilled well and windmill. Good
maple bush. Large gravel pit. For
further particulars write to -Mrs. W.
J. Tufts. Kirkton, Ont. 9-16-4
FARM FOIL SALE -100 acres Lot
(louse. The 'hall was fairly we
filled Monday evening. but on Tues-
day evening the attendance was so
slim. that the company decided to
leave town yesterday tnorning. Wa
don't know how good the company
was. we didn't hear them. Some
thought it was pretty good. while
others thought it a little off color.
The Exeter high Fchool basket -ball
team went to Ilensall Saturday after-
noon. and succeeded in adntinisterini
A meeting of the Lord's Day At-
liance will be held in Maim street
church. Friday, Oct. Ist at 8 p.tn. Mr.
Manna. of Toronto. will be present to
defeat 10 the Menson team. The I address the meeting.
score was 8 to 6. The young ladies Master Douglas Stanhury. of Tor -
were hi zhly elated over tie it sue- onto, who it will be remembered sang
cess as they rams all down Ibrouzh so acceptably here last spring, has
the town singing "We won". • They been engaged to sing at ttt•o concerts
were pleased with the entertainment in Rochester. N. Y., in company with
given them by the IIcnsall young the celebrated Symphony Orchestra,
ladies. bring dined at a restaurant of Pittsburg. Master Douglas re-
and taken to the nicks• show. A re- ccived this engagement piite unsoli-
turn ,!ante is expected on the school cited. It is hoped that he may be
;rounds next Saturday. heard again at Exeter this fall.
\Ve would call the attention of (lig Mason. the Lumber -Jack Evan -
readers of The Times to our club- gelist is cooling to Exeter tinder the
'dux offer with The News. Toronto* auspices of the Y. M. C. A.. from
whereby they can obtain the two Tuesday to Friday of next week for a
papers for $2.25. The News is un- four day, campaign of Evangelistic.
.viestionably one of 1h.• most inflien- work. On Tuesday night he twill
tial papers published in Canada, its meet the members in their rooms.
editorial comment being •looted On Wednesday night it will address
from one end of Canada to the other. a masa meeting; of men in Main street
1•'or anyone wishing to keep In touch Methodist church. On Thursday he
with Canadian affairs. there is no will address glen also at James street
better paper than The News. Sampler church and on Friday evening he;
copies can be obtained by dropping a tt•iil address a teac. meeting of men i
post -di rd to 'this office. and women in Main street church
Air. \\'. A. (:nnlin, of Chntha►n. Big Mason isa powerful speok••r and
these meclinz' thou
who 'looks after children that aro should be largely at-
not being properly meed for. was
here Friday investigating the case of
three Eirk children residing near
Zion. The children were out in tt
field twitching :► neighbor plowing.
and when Mr. Gnntin stud Constable
Bissett hove in sight. They took to
their heels. Two of them were cap-
tured, but the Third managed to get
no:ly. Tho father of the children
tuns consulted 11011 and it was ar-
ranged to leay.i them in care of re-
ves who lire In give bonds that
they will Fet• the youngsters are pro-
perly looked after and provided for.
'A Regular Stortn Period extends
over the lst to the 6i h. having its
center on lb- 3rd. The Mercury
period it also central on th.• 4th, ex-
tendine puha to the 14th. General
cloudiness and threatening weather
will prevail 95 we pass from Septem-
ber into October. bet these conditions
will increase into positive storms of
rain. wind and thunder. on and touch -
in. the 3rd. 4th and 5th. These
storms promise• general rains and
twill hind up with murk cooler. au-
tumnal winds and weather. Sections
:t on the north ride of the country
rnty possibly have a torch of early
sleet and snow. along with the high
barometer that is sure to press close/
on the western flanks of ties- storm”.1
it will be th prop: r thins. to watch
for high • - • • he esterly gal. s over the
great sat this period. Frosty
nights. sth.11 the nits nee of Mercurial
r'ouds will permit. will be natural in
northerly dircetion• from about the
iitb to the 8th. i
-+t *Geo. Spotton, Principal.
tend a link of this great
chain, for "IN INION s,
The demand for our t:
graduates is 'THREE
TiMES the suppy. -r
Other schools engage S-
our graduates as teachers- -,l1,
A special course for teach- T
Graduated of two years+1.
ago are now earning $2,
000 per annum.
Three courses-COM/11ER.
Fell term opens Aug. 30
Write for particulars.
Clinton Business
Having leased the store pro-
Mperty of Mr. J. W. Broderick.
ain Street, I beg to announce
to the public that I have opened
out business in the line of Gen-
eral Provisions.
The very best grades of flour
always on hand.
Goode delivered to any part of
the town
We invite your patronage and
solicit a call from you
Bro(lel'ick's Stand EIDT
because we have the exalted right to
do so. Who wouldn't "crow" and feel
exultant when they knew
sold by there was going to give th
best kind of satisfaction? There isn
even the germ of dyspepsia in an
pies, cakes, rolls or bread made from
our flour. To buy it is to be healthy
and wise.
The Evaporator is now open to re-
ceive apples, for which the highest
price will be paid. The company
has always given satisfaction and
will continue to do so.... .
adonis E!'poratinl
O. W. GOODWIN, Nw.R.•.
. •
The market prices for 0
are alive and so is
The 014 Reliable F
M. Jackson &
one door south of the Me
tan. Just look at the fol
prices (no trade, and no
all cash.
Rage 75 c. per hundred
Iron from 00c to 75c. per hun.
Old rubber hoots & shoes 7c. lb.
Copper and grass 9c. per lb.
Horse hair 30e. per lb.
Lead and zinc 2 1/2c. per 1b.
Bring your goods here and get
the worth of your money.
A great variety of IRON
P1PEalways on hand at a rea-
sonable price, suitable for fence
poste, bracing bonlevarding.
M. Jackson & sons
The Best School
The best time to enter our s
classes is now. We ate funning
the largcrt and, we believe, the
hest business training Fcheol in
West ein Ontario. Three de-
('oNNF'ncisi,, SInu1taitATt1
TFtE itesetlr
(set it inoney tanking educa-
tion. Our graduates me in de
mend and ate /meting with sue-
= cess. Get our free c•atalegue
i now.
1 Manure Litters 1
Beatty l3ros.' Feed
and Litter Carriers
Overhead Conveyors.
Beatty Bros.' Steel
Stalls & Stanchions
eon be installed as cheap
R - Iumher and last forever.
Q•'at.ty Bros.' Load
'these three things are great.
1 .' "r•savets for farmers and
r.• • easitiee en farm
For Hale by
W. T. Gillespie
A Phone 51. Exeter. Vii]