Exeter Times, 1909-09-30, Page 6tlitos000,ss NERVOUS DISORDERS III:RI:.tNI) '111ERE:. YOUNG !lits of lefurmation About 'Most i:ttea thine,. FOLKS Promptly Cured by tin Use cf Women live lunger than men. Dr, Williams' rink Pills. The Chinese preserve vegetables �O�p to salt. If your hand trembles er is un- Ladies' feet are larger than they BETWEEN THE LINES. steady, remember that this is a suro ere two years ago. Roger and Donald were about the and early sign of your nervVus cess- In Madrid it is considered un - most excited boys alive when they tern being ut fault. Tho mischief hicks. to Marry on Tuesday. learned that a regiment of troops may develop blowly to a worse The pupulatien of the United .seas to spend a week in camp near stage. You feel unaccountably States per ryussrC mild is 27.71. weak and weary after exertion; Twenty million shooting -stars la th(ir home. Their grandfather, ll who had been a soldier himself, you lose flesh ; you turn against upon the earth's surface daily. lull them Inaay thrilling tales of fund and suffer palpitations and in- in the last half century Japan ingestion after eating. At times has recorded more than ii7,000 soldier life. you are intense) irritable, greatly earthquakes. When the time at last arrived it depress(�d and easily worncd• The population of Russia is in- sous sport to which the soldiers go Sometimes sharp„ pains shoot down creasing at the rate of 9,500,000 per I suppose,„ said tho watchnlak- mare•hing by, company after come .our spine and les and probably annum. er to a friend who had just banned bony, with the bund playing and neuralgia rubs you of your sleep King Edward has just had a spree. Lint his watch for repairs, "you do the flags flying; and the older Deo- at night. These are somerofethe al tricycle const�cted fur his peer' not hcingsi,wsthat. iluesldonit ego'Ittan 3110 also seemed to enjoy it. troubles that indicate the p sonal use. At first the boys watched the (lo- of nervous disorders. If these During 1908 Wilbur Wright tray the very reason that they aro tircd legs in camp from a safe distance, troubles are neglected they result cllcd between 2,500 and 3,0,e) miles tett and need resting. Sometimes but soon they got used to it and iii complete nervous collapse and in itis airship a wets+ is brought to me which is were bolder. and one day toward l-ossibly paralysis. Dr. Williams' The total number of railway pas- all right. Nothing about it is out the en<1 of the week they ventured Pink fills have won a great repo- sengers in the United King. oin in 4,1 order, and it is fairly- clean. cell into the parade -ground it- tation b • curio all forms of nervi When they become sulky and refuse y g 1903 was 1,278,050,000. , self. ous disease. The nervous system Eurepe has 20,000 newspapers, of to run except by fits anti starts the Suddenly Roger clutched Donald depends entirely upon the blood which Germany possesses the large best thing to do is to lay then aside by the arm. "Look!” he gasped. supply for nourishment ; when the est number. England, however, has for a good rest. The mechanists in "The soldiers are coming this blood is thin and weak the nerves the greatest number of daily news- a 'tired' watch seems to be in per aw.ay;'r are affected as described. Dr. papers. fcret condition, but it just won't From one side of the field the Williams' Pink Pills actually in- In Australia there are ants which work. The fact is, that long and troops wore marching in double- crease the supply of good red blood, build their nests along a north and faithful seri ice has thrown it slight quick time, line upon line, their f(e(1, strengthen and tone the south line so accurately that a ly out of adjustment in perhaps a guns gleaming in the sunshine, and nerves, enable them to perform traveller ma • direct sills course by dozen different places. Scraping the mounted officers riding upon their functions and dispel all signs their aid. y and cleaning and readjusting a intruders gazed, fascinated, at thethe flank. For an instant the two u{ a breakdown. In order to step a plague of lo- 'f.ne watch are the worst things that Mrs. Jas. H. Ward, Lord's Cove, Gusts, every rural inhabitant of could be done to it. A month's oncoming ranks. N. B., says: "About two years ago Northern Syria has to collect and rest will instead cause the works "Do you suppose they are after 1 suffered so much from nervous deliver at least. 2% lbs. of locust slowly to readjust themselves, and its?” whispered Donald. prostration that I was little hotter eggs to the Turkish Government. at the end of that time, after care - "Perhaps tees think wo are than a helpless wreck. I suffered Silver-grey has been adopted as ful oiling, the watch will go as spies!" ventured Roger. from headaches and a constant feel the color of the uniform for the en cheerfully as ever." They turned to run, but stopped ing of dizziness. The least unusual tiro German Army. It is consid- ÷.-- idlest, for 'behind them was an- move would startle me and set my Bred to be more suitable than khaki WISDOM WHISPERS. other body of soldiers, also coin- heart palpitating violently. I had for campaigning in Europe'Work : Work 1 Work ! —Ser ing straight in their direction. little or no appetite. and grew so Mr. Allan Upward, the English Joshua Reynolds. There was no tree or wall at hand weak that I was hardly able to drag author, recently refused decors All is not false which at first to afford them shelter—only the myself about, and could not do my tions from both the King of Creeee seems a o—Southey. Lig, bare field, with the lines of hctsetturk. In every way I was in and the Sultan of Turkey, as he Take a rest; a field that has rest - soldiers hurrying clown upon them a deplorable condition. As the me - considered that politicians and men r(1 gives a beautiful crop.—Ovid. Seem front and rear. dicine I had been taking seemed to of letters should not aoetepl such In this world a man must be ei Hardly had the two boys start- do me no good, niy husband got n distinctions. flier anvil or hammern must fbe ci- ed to run off to one side, in the supply of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. ( In thet' building and completing they aro never alone that are w. hope of escaping that way, when l lead only been taking the fills ,,f a Dreadnought, daily work is accompanied by noble thoughts.— their houghts re the charging soldiers began firing fora couple of weeks, when I seem worded for between 1,000 and 1, ace mplip Sidney. their guns and shouting with all ed to feel somewhat better, and P00 men. Of the total cult se their might. The air was quickly this encouraged me to continue the e0 iskilled 00, about 70 per cent.— filled with smoke, and then all at tieatanent. From that on my' oof 1:1,365,000—wouldi,9,, go lel wages. A REMARKABLE DEMONSTRATIONthe . once the soldiers whom they had strength gradually but surely re- As stormy weather comes on, sea. To unto'i xhibi o �'thi' yte yearures nonettwas first seen were upon them. turned, and in the course of a fo birds fly inland in search of food; more remarkable nor created more gen- with But the ranks opened a bit, and more weeks I was once more a well wild fowl leave the marshy grounds pine in,ere a than the demonstration of laughter and good-natured woman, able to do my own house for higher localities; swallows and the "Nugget than the odemoin the Main jokes at their discomfiture, the sol- work and feeling better than I had rooks fly low before and during bad lluil3ing. dregs rushed by, leaving two very done for eI have since rn bewilderedyoung mained and feel that I owe weather ; frogs are unusual! noisy h the ht. Nugget"ete PolishpolishednimmC4 wimmediately frightened and bet wellto the healing mos before rain; sheep huddle together afterwardished it. The water ran off men to hurry by t as fast 13s their good healthWilliams'Pills." near bushes and trees. the shoe "like water off a duck's back," legs could carry them. ers ofDr. \ViPink I ills. The German naval authorities and the shine was not destroyed, which "This is the theirclay of the when Every other person sickly, logic mother,when out, nervous person should follow have under consideration an invert- proves that " Nuggetows is a waterproof battle," said tion for the protection of German polish. The shoe was then wiped on a they had related their adventure the example of Mrs. Ward and giveoast harbors and seaports. Sta.andd'sooil the towel polishowel, but the did not conclus conclusive to her a few minutes later. "lo D'AI\1'I?lamos' Pills wllllscn new Mona would have to bo erected evidence that it will not come off on the ought to have told you not to g clothes in wet weather. "—Youth's Compan• blood coursing through the veins along the coasts and at the mouths near the camp.equippedThe Nugget " is a leather preserva- ion. and bring brightness and energy to et rivers which would be •' �_____.�, .r.. the weak and despondent. Sold with the strongest electric magnets rive which will double the life of your The 1)i action these would exercise such pliable preventing the shoe from cracking. 1 y all medicine dealers or by mail that can be manufactured. When shoes. it keeps the !rather soft and :(131 E TREARISlf HOUSES. nt 50 cents a box from 1 kvlDr in powerful attractive force that Millions otic it all over the civilized Williams' MediciaM;-0., Bros world. Try it, and its superior qualities ++ Nan3.0a they would compel ironclads and will be self•evident. At all dealers, too "Revolving s—Odd Agra - Ont. + other protected vessels to deviate per tin, Black or Tau. in Trees—Odtl 8irurtures• — Lem their course.-----1.--- TOl'SY.Tt'R\_i' 'f1"RKG•�a TRANSFIXED 13Y wi:.1S1:L. Does Things Contrary to Our Way 4+++++++++++++1++++++4 ♦ lt{a(kbird Stricken With Fear at of Poing Them. IZOS�' uttl l hLU UA[i1L> ♦ Bight of .tniutis. China has often been termed the One morning Elgin a land of tnpsy-turvyduni; hut Tur- In rho blackbird was observed outside be a key. the land of young rebels, has heal- ingbythe roadside, pbe► stand - surely nistan equally strung claim to thy, rosy -checked, hed , the footsteps of the passer - o this lith'. 1 ♦ by,says the Glasgow Herald. It The 'Turk nods his head when he ♦ f;ab�'9 health is c t t ♦ was gazing fixedly at four young means "No," and shakes it when + t Ifillnnce on the per L of th0 weasels x the befog, whichn ens "Yes." Ile takes off his nwiher• were approaching undert in a see, circle, he encpP shoes, but never his fez, when he 1 1 1 n(t the � apparently to surround it. Just enters a mosque er a home.. When t mother will Tlwnys be in then a warning cry un heard from ho rides un a street -car his ticket Z II po t t zt them at behind, and the young tares roan is punched at the place he gets on. }once Nu other med c e c n ; behind, in the hedge. 'ones bird dis- instead of nt the place he must get ♦ tnkc the p.nce z kaill remained hedge. and bird off. In order to cut a piece of wood Tablets ii relieving and cu ♦ kill re only after repeated instead of rubbing a saw against it, ♦ing the i is ( y ♦ movaurgible, did and sly l a tree near by, be rubs it against the saw, which chtl(Ihnod, and tl f lsklno when 1L gave forth a weak, fright - Untilholds between his legs. , cued sound, as though still under Until recently, salt, firearms, and t,1 rlt ylggers, I tt the of the terror which education were all taboo in his Ont 5n s — lilt bnbt thead influenceetc(1 its (acuities. country. Stearn machinery and electrical appliances were forbid - the recruit was being shown tit! (len—the first for no given reason, ♦ ting his teeth nn<l did nut ♦ hso of the rifle, and. after firing the second because the word "(lye seven shuts at the target which nil name" too closely resembled the hem Ilnbv' Tablets with missed. instructor, in n rage, word "dynamite." Dictionaries, ♦ t},(. beet of re�ulta lie t. n v ♦ misseshhnute<l. theHere is another cart - too. containing the words "elder" ♦ one of the best �� ♦ ridge.Go behind that waggon and and "brother" were self-conscious- bags one could w" h S i I shoot yourself in a few minutes ly censured, because Abdul timid $ by medicine dealers y the recruit came back fro:n behind usurped the throne from his elder the wagatin, and coolly from bece(l, brother, who has at last come into ♦ T S "I'm sorry, sir, but it's another ♦ „ his own. ♦ mass. % Cool erre PA'tL'.'inViA,9LIV4SY c_-50'414 lA'1f-111110AY pglbttt When tow la 0111 hl through." or a„trera (r,:n, itttuuutattc I'eiue t,e no4elIct a\euro;%if ,t;' t1... t.tlum..tion of toe Isroncluut 't nue... 11.,w eta er Lung.. Cramp., Baro Muscles. ur PainR of aur kin&. use *n itadway'• •1. Weedy WATCHES GROW TILLED. Instances of eccentricity on the fart of those building and furnish- ing houses are common enough in ctery country. The following in- stances of freakishness in that, way may be cited in illustration of cer- tain phases. In the County Westmeath an Ir- ishman has built himself a house, all the windows of which are made to resemble in outline the backs of easy chairs, the idea of tho eccen- tric owner being to match the backs e,f the set of chairs in the dining room. A Russian gentleman recently erected, at a cost of 8,000 roubles, c n his ctaantry estate at Savinow- ka, in Podolia, a sixteen-ruome(t house made entirely of paper. This house is calculated by its architect to lest longer than would 8 build- ing of brick or stone. The whole ot the furniture, too, is made of the sank material. In another instance a landowner, thinking that the view from his house lacked a church, proceeded to supply its place by erecting a row of cottages so designed as to resem- ble, (rem his side, the edifice re- quired• Approached from the other direction, however, the sham is at once lnanifest. Some years ago a plan of scieriti- ri:. attainments, as well as of con- siderable means, elected to live in a tree in the suburb of a busy city — that is, he enjoyed his leisure mo- ments in the branches of the tree itself, where he caused to be built a platform large enough to aecom- nu date easy chairs and such other furniture as he desired to make the of during the day. At the base of the tree, however, and surrounding it was built a structure of brick and stone en- closing the sleeping apartments of this eccentric individual. For many Bears this unique' residence was o e (,f the sights of the district. One of the oddest, house• ever constructed was the fruit of n Frenchman's inventive fancy. This oast the "revolving house," a struc- ture actually built upon castors �o to speak. in cyder that the occu- r:Int Haight. by means of an ingen- ious niechnnism. at any time roll it about, obtaining whatever light and air his fancy (irctatetl. "\\'hat's the mn!ter1 Doesn't life look rosy 1"' "Not much, its creditors are after mk and life i snore ^.I a don cuter." Nothingweed is such ♦♦♦ ♦ a comfort andjoy as a happy t baby. But the price v constant The ills of baby - 4 hood corse suddenly en y n wise' position to re. i ie u 1 of Baby's Own babyhood 'hood aad there other medicine as sae. rs, • erre on, " was ♦ troubled with his stomach and was very cross while get - sleep well at night. I gave Baby's Own o. natured bn• - iy Sol Magistrate F. Rasmussen, of zit, 1larquette Street, Mol:tteal, writes to the 'bum Buk Co. as follows :— ••Genttemen,-For many years I was troubled with a serious eruption of the skin. which wss not only unsightly. but at times very painful. 1 first tried various household remedies, but all these proved altogether useless. "I then took medical advice. Not one. but several doctors in turn were consulted, but 1 was unable to get any permanent relief. Some time back 1 noticed a report from a Justice of tha Peace who had been cured of a chronic akla-disease by Zam•Buk, and 1 determined to give this balm a trial. 5 After a thoroughly fair test. I can say I am delighted with it. I have the beat reasons for this conclusion ; because, while everything else 1 tried -salves, embroca- tions, washes, soaps, and doctors' pre- parations -failed absotutety to relieve my pain and rid me army uoubte, three boxes of Zam-Buk have worked a complete cure. "In my opinion Za'n-Buk should be even more widely known than it is, and 1 have no objection to you publishing this Setter." For eczema, eruptions, rashes. tetter, itch, ringworm, and similar skin diseases, Zam-Buk is without squat. It also cures cuts. burns. scalds, piles. ab chronic sores, blood -poisoning, etc. Ali druggists and stores at so cents a box. or post free for price from the tam-Buk Co.. Toronto. V "BOTHER THOSE FLIES!" If wo were asked to name the greatest drawback of summer, the answer would almost invariably be "Flies:" These little pests are only now beginning to receive the unfriendly interest they deserve. They have hitherto been looked up- on as nuisances, but now the me- dical fraternity are labelling them as dangercus. The fly is hatchet_ and thrives in decaying matter. In two or three weeks from the laying of the egg the fly attains its full Growth, and COrtiIt1C11CCS to plague a world which so far has found no good in him. The best way to guard against flies is to see that no de- caying food, either flesh or vege- table, or other dirt is left about for thein to breed in. Then, use the good old-fashioned, sticky fly- paper. This is far preferable to sweetened poison. as it keeps its victim in its grasp, and so the lat- ter has no chance of wandering off to die in the milk -jug or jam -pot. TO COPE Wl'1'II SMUGGLERS. !hessian Authorities to Dig Trench Along Frontier. Smuggling across the thousand guiles ur so of frontier line that di- vides Russia from Germany and Austria-Hungary has grown to such au extent that the Russian authori- ties are at their wits' end to cope u ith the lawbreakers. Now tiles eropuse to try cutting a deep and wide trench along the border. This adaptation of the Chinese wall idea e ill, it is hoped, put a stop to smuggling by the cart -load which is now going on with impunity. The great difference in price of various articles, such as silk and tea, between the neighboring coun- tries stakes successful struggling a Most profitable business. horses, cattle and sheep are also driven continually across the frontier at lonely slats without paying duty' True, there aro the strazhniks, tl.e Russian frontier guards, who are supposed to be very severe on smug- glers, but as the popular saying along the border goes, "A paper plaster over the guards' eyes works wonders," Enormous quantities of firearms and printed matter have been of late conveyed across. Often tite smugglers on their way "lose" a bale or so of printed pamphlets which are "found" and eagerly read by the soldiers. Afterward they are turned into cigarette papers, for paper is dear in Rai sia. 4. VAttV) T A Y AtltY : i` .it ♦NA?Tern SPAVIN CUR(" M.I'et. mrsort pttf3I,b ,cud tut baukiot- r/aag� The Veterinary SenseE Company. Limited, a . A. 75 Adelaide NL. - t.,toot t', Canada The Banker's Wife -"Give inc A loan of your handkerchief, John.'' The Banker (absent-mindedly) — "1\'ait a bit. 1Vhat �itrity have sou got to offer t" These Pills Cure Rheumatism.-•. 'Jo the ninny who suffer from rheu- matism a trial of Parine1ee's Veg table fills is recommended. Th have pronounced action upon liver and kidneys and Iiy regu ing the action of thes.c organs as an alternative in preventing t admixture of acid and blood that causes this painful disorder. They roust be taken according to direc- tions and_ used steadily and they trill speedily give evidence of theist beneficial effects. _ The average married Ulan wcu:d almost as soon kiss his ui;e':. nl,• they as pay his doled akeso if every housekeeper would use Wilson's Fly fads freely (luring the Summer monlh:i this hoose fly peril would soon be a (hiag of l� least. Trial is Inexpensive.—To those who suffer from dyspepsia, indiges- tion, rheumatism or any ailment arising from derangement of the digestive system. a trial of Pursue - Ice's Vegetable Pills is recommend- ed, should the sufferer be unac- quainted with them. The trial will I e inexpensive and the result will he another customer for this excel- lent medicine. So effective is their action that many cures can certain- ly be traced to their use where other pills have proved ineffective. • or b • ttrail nt '25 cents a box from • he I)r. Williams' Medicine . Co., Brockville, Ont. •1' 4 THiNC wen'rH KNOWING is the filet that 1'n nkilt r findm more tiros in n hoareh'.1,1 than any other remedy. For nit bowel contplaiute. Externally for Cuts and wounds. Avoid substitute•, there is but ono •'Paitkilter"--Prrry Dasls'- 2 e. and 50ts. NOT EXACTLY PLEASED. ' • i suppose you're glad you have a baby brother," asked the neigh- bor. "Not exactly. Yon see." answer- ed the fl -year-old girl, "I've figured it all out that when I'm old enough to have a beim he'll be just old enough to be a nuisance." SAVED 1N HIS OLD ACE. Annapolis, N. R.. ]lav 14. 1509 - 1 nm over eighty Years of are end hasp suf• feted from Kidney and bladder Trouble for fifteen years. 1 took doctors' medicine Mit got no help. 1 went to thank ono for ,enainu me the sample boa of Gin Tills which helped me. 1 hare taken six hole. of (lin Pill. nl• together. but frit relict before 1 had taken near that amount. I had to get un •nine nights every flitr'cn minutes and had to use an instrument before I could urinate Now 1 can lie in i,ed four or Ste hours wathote getting 00. W. n rteneI. Write National Drt1R A chr•mu-al Co. ip'•pt W. 1, 1 Toronto for Inc si.mt.e. Kreuter size, 60v.-- for *250. • ♦+♦♦♦++♦+++♦+++++++♦♦+ ARABS I.iVI: LONGEST. An English thoroughbred seldom lites to a ripe old age; twenty- three, leteever,, is not an excep- tional age for an Arab steed. Al- thv'Ugli he cannot compete with the English er American thoroughbred fol speed. there is no horse in the world like the Arab fur endurance and a:1-1rouIid fitness. Lord Heberts r"de the same Arab through all his campaigns. cover - :nit in twenty-two years n distance ,,f some 50,000 utiles. For the last three thousand years hursu's in .\tahia have been inured to hardy usage ettd eery scanty fer-ding frim earliest ytutth. Now they reps,'. scut rt splendid example of Nature's hard rule—the suri it al of the fit- test. "Do you like a brass band?" he asked, as they were listening to the n,u•ie in the park. "Oh, yes" she said; ',a bras band is eery ince. but 1 think 1 would rather Base a gold ouc." Schoolmaster — "Now tell me what were thethoughts that passed through Sir Isaac Newton's hind when the apple fell on his head." Hopeful Pupil—"I 'xpects he was awful glad it wasn't it brick.,, VINNO EDUCATIONAL. It is an undisputed fact that one packet of Wilson's Fly Pads has actually killed a bushel of house flies. Fortunately no such quantity can ever he found in is well kept house, but whether they he few or many Wilson's Fly Pads f OUR CUREHEAVEt9wnmerits. ett"herr will kill them all. ail.ptonists furnished on apptieatuo •••••••••••• ( jour drusgla 1.. Ret y ,tt r ec't top Four Rrothers, Itentouio. :Hasten—"How was this vase er ackag,t. ('Purges paid to 0 splashed. Mary I" Mary—" If you resa ofare. None ReIOTII wi rade mark. FOt1R ISROTSIF:StR, please. sir, it tumbled down and ppackntre. Try a naekage end be '' ' �7►trnuae othrro have failed is r broke, itself."Master— Hmph . !,ashy Henscs cannot he cured Tho autoinatie brake again!" (Your Brothers llcave Cure. WANTED. BE SURE YOU CET THE KIND YOU HAVE ALWAYS HAD. Owitg to the great ; popularity of "The D. & L." Menthnl 1140 for "TORONTO SATURDAY N1( Plaster like it. ptdoua makers ore putting , up one like it. Made by Davis & Lawrence in int tIm Menage t,uTornnto nioneY- Ui Cu. _ e� Ot'TF:MAN wANTF:D. MO WHOLE., pale to private families. Apply "1 ani proud to say that my Alfred Tyler. Loudon, Ont. grandfather Made his mark in the world," observed the conceited 'revs n ere y D 61111.5 emlt nagII."' , t' 1sTO rF' ami youth. "Well, I Suppose he wasn't ' 011(1 ndttrcsx fur our upd cnile ratgr it'ie (mils lho only elan to those days who ass !wiling lhitlg It ti63 hpto catalogue is nen couldn't write his name,"replied adulready. free on request. Canada Nilscr- bis bored companion. cloth c'n.. Toronto, out. AGENTS WANTED. Very many persons die annually from cholera and kindred summer complaints, who might have been saved if proper remedies had been used. If attacked du not delay in getting a bottle of Dr. J. 1). Kel- 1 egg's Dysentery Cordial, the medi- cine that never fails to effect a cure. Those who hate used it say it acts promptly, and thoroughly subdues the pain and disease. The Turkish Sultan possesses a gelid gold throne, studded with no less than 10,000 pearls as big as filberts. With a flying -machine capable of travelling SO utiles nil hour. practi- cally the whole of 1?tini 1"' would be within a (lay's jotirnt ' of 1'.r'rlin. �ROYD'S SHORTHAND 5('11001.. 18t e Yonge St.. Toronto. prenares come petent stenographer. in 30 daysby the SOY D SYI,-LA-1110 SYSTEM. Positions se cured. write for catalogue. ED is 11* kt'tl of eduction th,t is pr,.vidu t by Ca.,ada•s ntde,t aml 1.34 bush's.* echo.), The Itritisb•Amerituu ItusiuesCollege ituilding. Tumult Now open for Fall Term. Rt,rt any time. writ., fur catalogue. T. 51 w.t'I';ON. rrineip,t Ontario 1 eterin wry College TEMPERANCE ST., TJaONTO, CAN. gstabttshed 1354, taken over by the Preeltlgli% Government of Ontarte, 1903. .iftliatei with the Ynl,era ty of Invent. . under the control ✓1 the Dept. of Asrieultnre of nnla,!o. Cent s6 a; eota 1.1 Uet,e,, 19)3. ('nurse of ata 7 • au„�f throe h 3 eo.l.•te year.. reel Het SF.SS, re 515.t0.: Calendar cn a,Qtirauon. R A. A. t0RA1Ui1/. Y.S., N.S, I'ris.lpal. Dept H.. FOR SALE. ONO ROOK ---150 F:1vO1tiTl: SON(I 1 words, music: Ten cents. Art Rice, Granby. Que. Bashful Youth—"Miss Bella, docs—(fuss your mother object to my coining here so chichi" Fair t harmer—"Oh, I think It other heard her telling pepa tho evening that you merely carne to pass away the time—you didn't mean anything serious." Practically all Canadian drug• gist% grocers and general dealers yell Wilson's Fly Pads. It your storekeeper does not, ask hitt why. Hewett-- "A good d('al depen is on the formative of early habit;." Powell -"I know it ; when 1 was a baby niy mother hired a wolnan to wheel me about, and I have been Pushed for money ever since." ISSUE NO. 39 -op. Ignorance is a Curse --"Know PORTRAIT AGENTS RF:L1.1nL/010 MI's thyself" is a good admonition, whe- we start iu huprncr nt their oleo 4giso, ther referring to one's physical 1 credit. Merchants. Portrait Co.. Toronto. condition or rioral habitudes. The i "r ANTED t - ti betel ANT) (1 steel, man it ho is acquainted with him- men , apply by lett( r. contracts ntract'ut,at Lite, self will know how to act when any insnrauee ('ompanv Toronto. Cont disarrangement in his condition hnndenee rnnfltl'•ntia{. manifests itself. 1)r. Thomas' Ec- 'W ALATTIE3MO. Ieetric Oil is a cheap and simple remedy for the eradication of pain from the system and for the cure cf all bronchial troubles. Corns cause intolerable pa:e. Holloway's Corn Cure removes tele trouble. Try it, and sen what amount of pain is ',avec!. Kindly mention the nnme of this paper in writhe: to advertisers. 00 Mistress (at the agency) ---:Vow. my husband is very particular whom I engage as a nurse. Ile wishes me to go into the most mi- nute details about your qualiftea- tions. Do you know how to prepare food? Can yon sew and mend 1 1)o you mind sitting lip late at night? Are you faithful and devoted, and have you a kind, loving disposi- tion? Nurse -Excuse ole. ma'am -- am 1 to take care of the baby or your husband 1 Kindly mention the name ot this paper In writing to advertisers. He—"What would you say, des- tine, if I told you that you can nev- er be miner She—"1 should say, pet, that I've got a nice bundle of your letters that would help to ' make it expensive to you." et illpl,(,.e 1'11 Batu' always lived hood here Erma! kr(' it ton rIst tt• an aged inhabitant of a sillage. "Oh, ran,'. replied the ratite. '1 was born a good halt-milo away. Ladies to do plain and light see* at home, whole or spare time : gut pay ; work sent any distance, char es paid; send stamp ft•r full parti- culars. Nat ional Manufact11 ring C'ompafn'. Mout real. MONIPY MAKING LITTLE FARMS IN Ut,ronNIA'9. B-01 ?rut, ai'+If. r+a . ✓.. "r. -- Ir( �.c. n I. .b, a•••P t' 1 11.1- (0t.1 ►a.• ..r•,"t, a,,t. (.. 01t!.1 It_.ivat,n l.apn (U. Marrtrl„r • Cat'. us* YOUR OVERCOATS ito&, Weak. Weary. Watery Eye.. et ww I.,9' lt' . ,ll <�t t.«tc it .ir 11 —aims Ting iss itorinod By Mullin '10 Remedy .try •RITIOM AMgR10An QYCINO 00. Morino Por Your 1:)'c Troubles. You Will Elko Morino. It Soothes. Itt• At Your Druggists. Write For Rye itooks. Free. Murine Eye ltcniedy Co., 'Toronto. There's nothing so tiresome ns an argument in which nobody gets mad. Tile superiority of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator it shown by its good effects on the children. Purchase a bottle an 1 l'ur "S,clean" i:i,iuire at )(int give it a trial. dealie a. Tob.cco DRINK,Dru gHHabits CURED New Systtltlof Treatment. Recently 11i cotcrrd Remedy ititt Cures Rapidly and Permanently. Marvellous Results r,htained that make : our rem: dy one of the n ondcrs of Modern "ledicine, Patients cured secretly at their 01111 homes against their own will and 1.1101' ledge. No suffering. no injections, no lues of time, or detention from husIness, no 11:d after elf,c! a 3E112, MI S We rend by mail, fr^e of (harm cur Garoes book, which !ally ex• pia 0010. rt'r modern system of treatm ntrrof and 1 rum'. how the D: ielcs T.)•,kcco and Prior habits ran 0 rapidly is sent in a rinin envelope. RC* ICA from ,'brerv,tirm. so no one ran tell what your letter contains. All cure, spor(h•iu, e 1 henlutely eecr.•t r1.d confidential. .Add -.s.. DC SIL\'A INS11TU'fU. Suite 500. SS 11 tit ersl' y 5t. Montreal, C t tad t ..-