Exeter Times, 1909-09-30, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES, SEPT. 30th 1909 Brown's Grand Showing of Crediton KIRKTON • The Stars cotuWill be held on plt•t.d the season la:i FALL FAIR Fall and Winter Styles Wednesday. Civic leant, by idefeat. in_; the Goderich scam, champions of the Perth -Moron league, by the score of 8 to 'S, thus bringing to Crediton. • the championship of th county. The! stars have had an exceptionallysu , Sept 30th and Oct. 1st cesful season, Winnie: the tug) oris • ;awes played. Their strongest con - ,tenders were !be Zurich boys, who copped off one game, but in the final scrimmage, our boys showed their Also Showing a Big Range of Ladies, Misses mettle by trimming the neighboring and Children's CoatsThe unmercifully. The anniversary cervices of the Crediton Methodist church were held This week we received our last shipment and our stock is now last Sunday, when It_•v. It. llobbs, of plete. Ask to see them. Exeter, occupied the pulpit both morning and evening, dcliveriog ex - I RlBSS GOODS ceptionally fine sermons. On Mon- day evening :t special program was We have everything that is new liven. at which the ministers of the neighboring appointments assisted. A large number from here attended Zurich fair. They all reported a good time. Mr. 'Milton llarris spent Friday in Dashwood visiting friends. Mr. Christ. Eilber and daughter of 'Zurich. spent Friday in town the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Wenzel. On `Wednesday of last week the Goderich young men drove in and played a friendly „acne of baseball sat bays. The score was 8 to i,, .,,ear of the Stars. We under- stand that when they were driving in they wanted to know whether this was •Crediton and said it was just a little country place and that farmers lived here, but before very long they saw what the fanners could do. 'To! defeat a team from the County -town speaks well for 'Crediton and adds another laurel (o their long list of victories. Miss Gladys E,-ery was in town one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Siebert and child- ren. of Dashwood, spent Sunday in town the attest of Mr. and Mrs. S. Braun. Mrs. 1yer, of Mr. andis the gustof her parents. Mrs. M• 1Veiner. Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman and children of Dashwood. spent Sunday in town. Mr..1Vm. Braun. who was working in Dashwood, left for Pittsburg*. where be. has accepted a situation. Mrs. llluett-and Gladys are spend- ing a few weeks in Forrest visiting relatives. Miss 011ie and I'e:u'I lloltzmann are spending a few weeks in Merlin and Stratford visiting friends and relatives and attending the Y. P. A. convention in the latter place. Mns. and Miss Heist, of Pelham. arc visiting relatives in the village. .Mr. William 11. Geiser Left for tho west this week. stirs. E. 11. Bean ww•ith sons 1Villiam and Emerson, are spending a few weeks visiting friends in /Manchester. We invite all the ladies of Crediton and vicinity to visit our display of up-to-date Millinery. This de - par Lnent is under the supervision of Mrs. Link, and her variety of styles surpasses anything shown hereto- fore. Thursday and Friday For Men, Youths and Boys We have our new fall stock of Ready -Made Suits and Over - Coats and invite you to see them before purchasing elsewhere. FURS -Our range is complete Buyers of Clover, Timothy and S Alsike Seeds, Live Poultry • Dried Apples and nil kinds of Produce, etc. highest Market Price. BROWN 4ur6lidsco BIdGksoeIth BuIllcss [Laving purchased the blacksmith property and business of MR. A. E. P\ -M, near the Town Hall I am prepared to do all kinds of Blacksmith Work for the General Public, and respectfully solicit the patronage of all the Old Customers of the Shop and many New Ones, I believe we can give you entire satisfaction. Yours, David Russell. ••ea• ., t'r e.1 !t r t BULBS OF THIS PRETTY PLANT FREE fiend us your name and address, and name Of publieatlon Jn which this advertisement appears, and wo will mall you absolutely free n bulb of tho beautiful BUTTERCUP OXALIS. Tho bulb is small, but It's a wonder, Plants will flower In six weeks If properly treated. It's grand for winter blooming. producing upwards of one thousand pretty flowers in it season. You'll be de-. lighted and astonished with this plant. With • tho bulb. we will also send you rt •ops of our HANDSOME BULB CATALOGUE free, which tells you ali about hundreds of other varieties some of which you may want. DARCH d' HUNTER SEED CO., Limited, ERCUP OXALIS -FREE. London, - Ontario. `As ye Sew hall you Reap" constantly sewing on t cloths money can buy are reaptng satisfied cus- tomers. Natural, isn't it. SVheu ww•r sow our advertishment in thenewbprlpers. stating the price for a Suit, Coat, Trousers, or whatever the ad. might suggest, we include the beet of everything in that suit. The best Cloth, the best Linings, the ear old, Wm. Pepper; two year old. beat Padding's, the hest Thread etc.. J. Campbell. A. Reichert, E. Troyer; as well as the best of our ability in Cut- three year old, F. Ryckman ; span in Mg, Fitting and Making, shouldn't htrn es s and nd wagon, E. Villcrt, A,Ittc er c.we reap our toward?GEN h RALPURPOSE . i{1 osE Prize Winners at Zur- ich Fair IIOIISES HEAVY DRAUGHT Brood marc accompanied by foal, John Campbell; foal, John Campbell one year old, W. Love. J. Geiger; 2 year old, G. Moir, A. Pennington. A. Love; span in harness and wagon. II. Rader. AGR ICI;LT(11IAL Brood marc accompanied by foal Wm. Pepper. Wm. Lamont ; foal, \Vin. Pepper, A. Stelck, Wm. Latnont: one This ad. is sower toIreap you its one );rood neve accom rinird b Of our customers. %Viten you need a • P. Deiehert, A. Stelek. T. Consul' Snit. Coat, Trousers or foa1,T. Consit. Wm.Pfaff. 1'. Deiehert Fancy VC'st one year old, A. Stelck, A. Love, 8. Jacobi; two year old, 8. 'Sararas, S. Jacobi. L. Wt:rm; three year old, J. et this ad. lead you to our shop where Decker, jr., Jacob weber. E. Under: we can prove to you that we live up to span in harness and buggy. IS Schnell word. .1. Decker, sr.. E. Rader. CARRIAGE Brood stare ncconpanied by foal L. Wttrm, L. McArthur ; foa 1 It. Mc- H.Arthur. L. Worm, D. Schnell; one Boltzmann Year old. L. 1Vurm. 11. held; thur: twwo /1 year old, G. Clausins; three year old (..? EDITON. 11. Koehler, .1. :Decker, jr.; span in harness and buggy, J. Decker. sr.; buggy horse in harness and buggy, .1. Geiger, W. ltuby. S. hunter. itOA DSTEJLS Brood mare accompanier) by foal .1. Decker. jr.. G. Moir. W. Love; foal. T. J. Amy. •1V. Love. .1. Decker, tr.; one year old. J. .Decker, jr., 1. %Veber. 8. Jacobi; two year old. i1. Rader, 1). Schnell, 11, Kraft ; three year old, Wes. Miller. J. McBride. J. Harmer; span in harness and buggy. W. Trurnlncr, G. Hepburn. 1'. Sherritt Rheumatism T have found a trier) and tested cure for Rheu. g�ffaat�1p: t! Not a remedy that sill straighten the c/..(1 limb, of chronic cripples, nor turn Cony ggrrvowth+track 1., flesh again. That Is impossible. pat 1 am now <nrclr kill the paint and pants of obis deptnrable di+.dtso. In (ternuo -with a chemist in the City of IDarmstailt -t found the fast Ingredient with which Pr. thon1. s Ithenmatie Remedy wag mado • porb•erm. dependable prescription. Without Ghat last ingredient. 1 s::reesafuily treatedl many. many t*8,•s of VItotunatim,i;12fltriiiir, at fast. It earl. /onnlycun'+all enrtbic eat'-, of this heretofore much drea'1.•.1 disww+r. Those sand -like granular waded. faund !nit heamatie (Rood scorn todi.s„'ve e nd t*s-. away 'Hider the action of this remedy as freely as does +agar when added to pure water. ad then. wh'e'n dlasolrcdl• these poisonous wastes iy pass from the ystera, and the (m,rse 01 tlsm 1s gone or.•ver. There> t+ now nn seat need -'n actuat .:a• to suffer longer with. sus bap. We sell. and t confidence recommend Dr. Shoop's eumatic Remedy W. S. HOWEY, tlensall a Gsinlrnison. of Buffalo. is the Worst of Mrs. 'rhos. Pear( and oth.•r friend:. Quite a number from lure attended the funeral of the late airs. Jackson tit hipper,. Mrs. Thee. Simpson. after a vi -it with relatives In Lonrho. l,'r turned borne. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Shipka Announcement ans made last week and the wvicek before of a marriage .it Shipka of John Itatz, jr.. to Mitis Martha Geiser on Sept. 15th. This event did not take place and we are reluested to deity the announcement. However the notice did not appear in the 'Pieties. i Thames Road The wedding of Miss Trent. daugh- ter of Mr. henry Passmore to Mr. John C:otl;b, of llibbert, took place at the home of the bride's parents on Wednesday. Sept. 29th. the ceremony being performed by Rev. Watson. Mr. and Mrs. C:ou eb will reside on their farm near Chiselhurst. ---�--- A clever, popular e:enee ':old Cure Trtb:et-called Preventics-is being dispensed by druggists everywhere. In n fou' hours, 'revenues are said to break . ak (mycold-completely. An d lr• tvc• ' l L1C being e:o safe n sortie, nre very ine for children.. No Quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh nor sickening. Box of 48-25e. Sold by ,W. S. Mowery, Liberal Prizes and Good Attractions 2.3o Trot or Pace, Fanners Green Trot, Ladies Bitching Race, Lady Drivers, Competition among public schools for proces- sion, drill and patriotic songs. The hall has been enlarged. Bring on your exhibits, titers will be ample room for all. For any other informa- tion write the Ser. JOHN HAZLE\VOOD, fres. AMOS DOIIPE, Secy. Kirkton Miss Vella Barr, who bad been vis- iting her mother. returned to St. Marys, last week. The %Vorld's fait- will be held here to -day and to morrow. liirkton big fair October 1st. airs. Dennison who has been visit- ing her sister Mrs. 1F. W. Taylor re- turned to her home in Detroit. 'i'he fartn of the late W. J. Tufts has been purchased by Air. Milton Gregory for $7,000. We congratulate him on his ncjltisilion of suck n de- sirable up-to-date property. Mrs. 'tufts and family will reside in Lon- don. 4 Mr. Ed. Gables, of St. :Marys, paid a flying visit here on Sunday last. Don't forget the Big Concert on Fair night in Aberdeen Ifallf Among those who attended the fair at Exeter were The Misses Annie and Maggie Leigh. They report having a good time. Mr. Frank •Mills is visiting under the parental roof. Miss Flora Brown visited in St. Marys on Thursday. Mr. and Tars. -Holliday spent Sunday with Mr. and kMrs.'Thornas Blake. Mr. Nelson Watson spent Sunday at \Vincheisca. Ohl you Jack; the coons are in the corn. Some of the farmers around this burg have cornmenoed silo filling;. Messrs M. Watson and liay attend- ed the Exeter fair and concert. Miss M. Hrclhonr, of Base Linc, took first prize tit. Exeter hair on her rug mat hooked. Mr. and 'Mrs. Nelson Pletcher and family took in the fair at London. Misses Anna and Marie Watson, of Toronto. who have been spending a few days at their home here, left Wednesday for Detroit, talieb. Mr. \Vm. 'Mack is on Ihr sick list. Canning and pickling are the order of the day around here for the wo- men. Huronaale A very pretty event was solem- nized at the home of Mr. and airs. George Ferguson, on September 15th, when their youngest daughter. Miss Victoria 11., was united in rtiarriaee to Mr. Thomas l'rr;uson. 0 prosper - our young fanner of Tuckersmitb. Wbi.e the wedding march was heincr played by .Miss Mabel Douleall, cousin of the bride. the nuptial party took their places on the lawn, under a beautiful arch of evergreens, de. corated with pinks and lillie9 of the valley. in the presence of one hund- red guests. The bride wwas gowned in white si:k, in empire style. and wore the usual bridal veil and orange. blossoms, and carried a boulnt•t of bridal roses and maiden hair fern. dlte was (elven away by h --r father and %vav unattended. flee stir d The ll. ceremony rrmony wwas performed by Rev. 'Colin Fletcher, of Th ones load church.. After eon- grntulntions all sat (loon to a sump- tuous repast. The bride Is one of our most estimable young ladies, as was own bthe useful and Mit. ROOSEVELT'SRIDE ON THE costlyltpresents she received. Amonr 'COWCATCHER THROUGH A the ;itis was a beautiful "NA'TURALIST'S WONDER- LAND and chain from tar gold watch LAND youn * :room. Tbr their�nc wlhorn't on the ninth iconces- sionng of 'l'trckcrsniith. The day after we landed are board - 'd the irain to take ti hal seems to tie. t„ 1 think it would be to Inc. tie, as I drink it would be to most nen fond of natural history. the most nleresling railway journey :n the mor:d. It was (joy •rnor .Tacksan's %pe :inn ,eta 1 train, t u an f" •t t f! addition n t i t o his own party and ours there was only `Ir:ons; and we travelled with the ttmost comfort through n naturalist's vondcrland. All civilized govern- ments are now realizing that it is heir duty here rind there to preserve inharmed tract: of wild nature, with hereon ( he sw iid t flings 1 he des( rue - ion of wwhich mean% the destruction I, n of half the charm of wild nature. sty horse in harness and bu38Y, 11. The i:nglis,h Government has made a !titers. 1'. hassold. G. frodd: lady urge game reserve of touch cf the. driver. J. Decker, sr.; 1'. Fnssold, G. region on the way to Nairobi, estretch- fodd' in: lar to the south. and one mil •. to Special- Silver cup by Al. Y. Me- h.. north of tate track. Thr reserve Lean for heavy draught marc and swarms with game; it would be of ;all. John Campbell. little value except as a .reserve; Judge. Richard 1Velsh. Exeter. and the attraction It now offers to CATTLE ' travellers renders it an asset of real Ui:nii >L Cow. E. Rader. 1'. Deich•rt. Jacob Jcons'I'ICn.• to the whole colony. On our train the locomotive was I!ik.•r; 2 year old heifer, 1'. Deieh�rtIfitted wit ft n comfort abl,' neat across I: k oitp; )Titling heifer, C. Rauch, the cow -catcher, and on this, except 1 Rader, I'. Deich'rt; heifer calf, W. at mealtime, 1',penl Inost of the '•', .%1!ister, E. Rader 2nd and 3rd. hours of daylight, usually in company t►tber than tttoron :hbred Durham' with Solon+, and often nith Gover- -Cow, .T. llaberer. E. Gies A. ltieb-l„er .l:ackson, to wham the territory ' 1 year old heifer. J. Ilab.•rer, tad tit • ,Lime were alike familiar. I -t. -ted and :;rd.; yearling heifer, J.! Tb • drat afternoon we did not se: - 1i -31)A -or. E. Rader. P. Deiehert ; two many wild animals. batt birds abound- 3-enrtold Meer. C. Hauch. E. Klopp. 2I ed. nod the scenery was both beauti- tnd lrd: year:int steer, C. Mauch 1st fel and interesting• A black and ;'•.d and 3rd; •steer c i:(. ('. Ilaueh ; I whit(' hornbii!. feeding on the track. 1.. --y cow. W. ilo;fm•ln. 3'. Rummel. ros• so late that we nearly caught Ir lobi,, 11. 'Smith. Exet, r. i with our hands: guinea-fowl and SHEEP franco'In. and occasionally bustard. Lanj Woo:-A,red ram. Snowden roue near by ; brilliant rollers, snn- Ilro..: yearling en... J. liabercr, W. b:rda. bee -enters, and weaver birds Rltt:, r; ewe lamb. .1. linberer 1st flew beside its. or Qat unmoved among led Ind:ram 'lamb. W. Battler lat the Ire s as the train passed. in the t• d .2nd; ewe having rais:d lamb flask we near;) ren over a hyena; a tette.E. Kopp. W. (Tattler. yenror two previously the train netn- l'ie • Lilco:.- A Ted ram. A. Dunkin: ally did rant over a lioness one ni zht, 3 tr i.,r ew•, A. Duncan 1st and 2nd; and the rondretor brought in her hiring reieeI iamb, in 111b9, A. head in triumph. In fact, Ihor. have I •.kin 1st and end. been continual mishaps such fig cord d PIGS only happen to a railroad in the In the lierkshire .n 1 Tamworth l''.•istneen,• 1 s Scowden Bros. took all the 1'rorn -African r r Ttalla" wr I r'7 '. • Thcodnr•' nowt • the Oetob Continued on page 4. Scribner. IMP FALL SKIN DIei1sA81:s. An Article for Mothers. When the children "break out'' with 'eruptions com- mon inthetlfall, skin diseases, to use. less and nauseating tncdicinea. ;Zen - Birk is what Is needed. It Is a skin food Hi well ns a heath); balm. Mrs. Chas. Lcvere, of l'rescott, North Channel. Ont., fells how Zam. Ilnk cured her baby. She says :-"My baby's head and free was on • eonl- nletc mass of sores. The itching and irritation wwere fearful, and the lithe one's plightwwns so Iva rfu) that tit ane time wo feared her ears would be eaten off. "We had to keep her hands tied for days •to prevent her robbing and scratching the sons. Doctor niter doctor 1rentett her in vain. ,untiI we had had five doctors. They all azreed it wwas a friehiful case of eczemas ant none of them did any permanent good. to try Znm'tl, . Thew we were r first box did so twirl) (rood that we felt .ur.• two waver' at last wworkin; in the right direction. \1'e persevered with the treatment until we had used thirl, en borer. and at the end of that lime i .nl glad to say giant-Ifuk °fleeted .1 cure." Mrs. Ifoimes, of BO, Guise Street, Hamilton. is quite eloquent in her praises. She says:' ''Z to-U;;k cured my boy of boils and eruptions when h•• tens so bad tit it he had b. en un• •ib'e to mix with other children. Prior to the boa:s breaking out h • had hid n bid erupt:on, brit %ani-Ifnk c:eared this away too, and made his skin clear and smooth. It is t wor.d•'r.ul preparation. and moth •rs (broil rhort the lard the .1 :Ow•ay;t keep it handy,'' For eczernn, eruptions, rasbea. fetter. itch, Jin ;worm. and Rimilar •,kin rlis;•na,.:, %ate -ii tk i+ et e tont. it nifo cure.* (elle wwbth nae scalds. piles, abscesses. chror ie sore, l✓oodpoisoning, etc. All , uftgisls and stores at 60 refills 1 le) free for price from Zam•ll Toronto. DASHWOOD NEWS Grand t3end i \\'o'k on the construction of the new Brenner hotel stables i; bean; rapidly pushed and when a en pie tett the building will be one of t ._• finest in the county for the p•urpax•s in- tended. The basement end first story I nre of cement, while the loft will b.• . of lumber. Mr. \Vare Oliver, our !guiat town; -i pian, last week harvested his crop of tobacco: The crop this year Is trot a.. good as iormerly owing; to Mr.Oliverl being away a portion of the time and' not being ublc to properly cultivate it. 1''or the last, we can't tell how many years, Mr. Oliver bas been; bow to properly cure it. F The Bend has a somewhat desr,rted1Ilartlelb Block. .rowing his own tobacco. and knows; iebert Co. You are cordially invited to our MILLINERY OPENING on W(.dnesday and Thursday September 29 and 3o, when Miss Siebert will be pleased to show you a large stock of the very latest New Vcrk and Paris Novelties in millinery and pattern hats. Siebert & Co nepcarauce now. the campers with - •w few %- t xceptions, having :eft for their! bones. Mr. Itnrw•c 3 DASHWOOD Harvey I o, , ub, t ry visited la� Parkhill rvey y. ILL/NE We ore hawhic •Zoite o do frosts Ry opEN/at preid . uhiclr afll no doubt doNG corn tied other late et•opS pantie Thrmshin' is about completed in We beg to announce to the ladies of Dashwood and vicin- this neighborhood some crops have' turned out fine, while others have not, ty that our formal millinery openings will be held on been r+o good. 1 :SW:sou ,t:c•, .'.! •, who has been with FRIDAY AND s brother ill the store Iters for the SATURDAY J years removed to his brother hi la.'removed Alex's. (arm 1-1 mile north of the Bend on Monday. The store's loss will be the faun's gain as Nelson hl a 1st class farmer. The Moron County, road and bridge committee, alma the county engineer passed through Imre on Thursday for the purpose of looking after the erec- tion of a bridge across the river at the townline between Stephen and McGillivray. George Oliver was in Parkhill vis- iting on Monday. W. Il. Oliver contractor for the cement block portion of Jos. Brenner new barn has it completed, it looks fine. 111r. Brenner is rebuilding a much more commodious building, be - 44x75 fl. :3 stories high. Mrs. Thos. lbbitson, who ha; been visiliag her brother and sister, •\V 116 O.iver and Mrs. Wm. Patterson, returned to her house near St. Thomas on i''riday. 1Vcdding bells are expected .to ring here in good shape this week. More about it next week. J. W. holt accompanied by Mrs. Holt was a Parkhill visitor on :Mon- day., Jos. Sharron- has purchased 0 re- sidence from Rich. Hamilton and in- tends coming to Der ton tt in the tucar future. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Winchelea A- very pretty but 1•:i •t wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John tCaldne:l. Hose hill Villa, 'puckers/nit h, on Wednesday. September 29th, when their dauzh- daughter, Miss Ethel A. Godbolt, of Winche:sea. was united in wedlock to Mr. E. A. Russell, of St. Pant. Minn. After the wedding Mr. and airs. Rus- sel left for their home in St. Paul, where th:•y will make their home. The bride, who is one of %Vinchclsea's charming young ,iadics will be great- ly missed, but her many friends un- ite in wwistl:n; her a long life of ha ppinecv. The following is the report of the September examinations held in S. S. No. 6 I'sbornc :-,-Sr. IV. total 460. ,, Emma Heywood 39.., Sr. ill. total 410, Inez C erer. 3u.1 :(� . 1 i wa rd Kellett est 397 Roy Goulding 287, Erie Coward 230. Jr. III. total 390. Hardwick Cornish :3:30, Dia Cornish 310, May Clarke 221, Ini t Heywood 218. Sr. 11. total 350, I:,,rdon Duncan 308, Lloyd Johns 298, Jr. I1. total 230, .Myrtle Washburn 188, Lewis Cornish 159, Vera Hey- wood it -a. .Jews• A. Hamilton. Zurich 'N1 r. .1. A. '('onstautiue• of Chitin), is now inalt Iger of the ,\lo:sons Bank bra itch here. lir. and Mrs. D. H. Steinbach left last week for tit •.• home iu Detroit.. Air. ,1..1, Met...ft last w -eek for the west. (0 ov, rsee some harvest - in. { Rev. A. 1). ()killer attended tit.• l'oiln r People's Alliance Convention in Stratford la.t week. Rev. Al r. 'Miller occupied the pul- pit of the Evangelical church last Sunday. It is reported Zurich will have a new store in the near future. fir. W. 11. Gabel and daughter, of L'ei vie, visited friends here last. week. Mr. 1', W. Hess. has purchased a besiness site on the Steinbach pro- perty. fronting on Main St.. fom Air. S. !tannic., and wits rnove his Jewellery store to the new location. this fail. w Air. frier Braver, an aged and weli known resident of the 11th Conces- sion, died on 'Thursday, 16,15. from heart failure, 1h• effects of a can- cer with which he had ben afflicated for n few months, having reached the age of 72 yrars and 9 clays. Th'' de• ceased wwas born in the Township of I'us:inch and came to lids Township Ihitt y -there yen ago. Resides a widow, who is n helpless invalid, he leaves to mourn his loss Ih. following children: -Peter of Sebewwah►r, Mich. Lea, wife of Joh i (l. Wein, of Step- hen; William of the homestead; An- geline. wife of Jo,eph Ifeverley, of C:rw•elatid; Mary .1nn. wife of Oliver I(ellenler, of Del toil. and Clara, wife of Joseph Gartnnu, of 13eriin. Tickling or dry Coughs will lnickly loosen when using l)r. Shoop's Conch Remedy. And it is .o thoro',ghly hermitss. that Dr. Shoop tolls mo- thers to use nothing else, even for very young babies. The wholesome green :eaves and tender sterns of a lung healing tnount.'tinous ehruli triw•c the curative properties to Dr. 811oop'8 Cough Itemcdy. It calves the cough, tied In nly the s •nsitive bronchial rnentbr:ye s. No opium, no cb!oro• forst, t Wiling lin n -h t:s, d In injure r post or suppress. Demand Dr. Shoop's. k Co., Ace,•pt no other. Hold by W. H, llowe . 4 September 24th and 25th We invite the ladies of Dashwood and surrounding coun- try to visit our show rooms on above dates and following days to insnect our beautiful display of Ladies Ileadgear. TIEMAN & EDIGHOFFER DASHWOOD v Ilicycles ars rapidly coming back into popular favor, the demand this year being t we times what it was five years ego. We have planned for it in two ways -by getting the very best Eng- lish wheel we can forpopuL•trselling,and saving to our customers all intermed:ate pro - tits by filling orders direr/ by nmol instead of through agents. In this way we can offer $50 Wheels for $25 and give better satisfaction all round. The quality of the wheels is all right -only the best material; used and only skilled mechanics employed in construction. The equipment is right up-to-date and the machines throughout are such as we can thoroughly recomtnend. We sell autonto. biles as well as bicycles and our plan is to make wheels serve as a good advertisement to the entire business. Send for illustrated folder. H1''SLOP BROS., Lirnit2d High -Class Automobiles and Bicycles TORONTO, ONT. ���tttttt>.• f SIE H W E GAN CIJRE YOIJ FINEST MEDICAL INSTITUTE IN AMERICA OWNED AND OCCUPIED BY DRS. K. & K YOUNG OR MIDDLE-AGED MEN '.silo need t)a•rerriees expert specialists tchy waste your money to treating with doctors you know nothing of, why waste moneyyotir ,yeld-or drug nostrumsuith wlanyucanget guaranteed, reliable, siie,es,tul treatment (rem these Muter Specialists. Drs, K.& K. have treated patients throughout carepli for over s) year, and are r'- l ansiblo fiean- eially. They accept only curable cases and t.hould your case prove incurable it need not cost you n cent.t11 you aro unable to Bali at our office fora is raor,al examination u n will .+ea4 a Question List for you to 1111 up from rt %hicl '.w r o can diagnosenose your case 1 td• Il »u 'then we nitln preserilm pe a pet rernedlr ki for your individual earn %bleb you can take at house. WO hm•e no cure-all remedy that no tend to evcryls.ly mike as most specialists do, but wo 1•r, serlbc the rent. r•.tles required for each individual cast to completes cure. That's d.t:,•of the secrets oP.surnnn.lerfulsuc,•,•..< rhea ethers fail. Send for our tree BooLlet on Diseases of Men hlurlrated.) CURES CUARANTF.rD OR NO PAY wwe,• I;t,nrnnt r,• : • ,'um Nevous Debility, Bloo,d Di,. s, Vatic***Veins, Kidntyl.kfduseer and Urinary Disersea CONSULTATION PRIE if unable to cap, wide for a Q•eestion Blank for home Trertment DRS. KENNEDY& KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. atesemwmasir When Your Head Aches don't take chances with your heart by dosing with headache cures. It's caused by upset stomach or inactive liver. Per • hR-TABLETS- PR will settle the stomach and make your liver act with- out violence but effectively. It will remove the cause and cure the headache. � S1 Get a 23c. Box -\\\�' ff• fit ,we'd Tn pills for For Sale by W. S. Co etere