HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-09-23, Page 8'1! ti h; 1=; ..t±: 1. E k !' 1 Al i S SEPT. 23rd ilial`
i•++++++++++++++++++++++4•+++F3 +++++++++++++++4
New Fall Stock ++
We are ready with the best stock and we believe
the best values we have ever offered.
Ladles Tailor=Made++;
Are a very strong line with us. Smart t+
New York models are what we offer you. �t.+
Our lines are unbeatable.
We are Ready to Take Care ofd;£Your
Early Orders
Miss Auld is again in charge. She
has just returned from the fashion
centres of Detroit, Buffalo and Tor-
onto and is prepared with the very
smartest styles for your approval,
11 Dress Goods
We just ask you to do us the kind-
ness to conte in and take a look. We
want to introduce to you our exclusive
styles Come and see us.
Farm produce as good as cash with us.
+++++++++++++++++. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+++++++++++++++++4+44.+++++ •4++++++++++++:•+++
The Big Bargain Store
During Fair Week
Ladies Mantles, Children's Coats
Big assortment of Fur Muffs and Ruffs, Fur Coats and Caps,
Fur lined Coats and New Dress Goods in all the leading colors.
Ladies and Childrens Fine and Heavy Boots
Mens light and heavy Boots.
Mens and Boys Suits and odd Trousers, all at bargain prices.
Don't forget to see our table of Ladies and Girls hats at ioc
each. Very nice for school or a second hat; also some nice trim-
mings and feathers cheap.
Peaches in Stock for Fair Day
I'I1one 22 One door north P. O.
Don't Go By
without stopping in for n look at the
new Fall fabrics we nre tailoring in-
to suits and top -coats. You won't ece
them nnywhere else for we here them
exclusively. Exeter. (ti, d at the home of his
ORDER A SUIT MADE mother Mrs. Char. Knight, Station
for yourself while you are here. mtrcet. ( nr:y Monday morning, nged
We'll make you n swell one for as 16 years. Ili death resulted from
little ns possible and guarantee more tubercular peritonitis from which he
cloths snlisfaetion for the money tt'ns an intense sufferer for poem
than you ever hid b,fore. time. Ile bad been in poor heeltb
for several years and on a few oc-
ca+ions hid taken extensive trip.; for
the benefit of his health. but to no
nv•til and last spring his condition
became much that he ons compelled
to dispos of his business. A year zo
Inst An:net he twos bereft of his wife
who had been nn invalid for yrnrs.
and a few weeks aro his father
Mr. Knight was horn in Paris, Ont.
and cattle hero as a young lad with
itis parents over thirty yea; s ago. Ile
engaged himself as clerk with Mr, 1;.
Mace, later going to California, where
he engaged in business with his broth
er-in-law. ice suhsequentle returned
to Exeter and engaged n leinese.
Ile is survived by two eons, Frank
To Stay
Bus ;111(1 Dray calls
promptly attended to.
Horses kept in stock
for sale.
Mr. !'rank .1. Knight, who until
Inst M ty. had for a number of years
been :t prominent b1191I1ess man of
Merchant Tailor.
The North-East corner of Lot 13.
Concession 6. t-sborne, the property of
th• late isra I ilarris. The house
V one and one-half stories high and
contains six rooms, kitchen and wood-
shed. There ie a frame barn about
10 by 10. hard and soft water, and
abodt one aer! of good fruit trees. and Will, his mutter and four broth.
The soil is n good clny. The lot is ere and one sister. The funeral took
1postly seeded nut and is well fenced place Wednesday afternoon for in•
sad drained. Apply to ferment in the F.geter cemetery. He
GLADM.AN & STANiWRY, was a member of the Exeter lodge, I.
t Exeter. 1 O. 0, F.
8olieitora for the Executor.
Market Report. -The following is Mr.+Peter Frayne left Tuesday for
t 1
the report of Exeter markets,
r, Times Want Column T E
crud tip to 5:ptenlber .'•3:d.
Wheat 97e to 81.00.
Oats, new, 35 to 36 cents.
Barley 48 to 50 cents
1'ea.s, .0 to 75 cents.
Bran 622.00
Shorts *24.00.
Star ;'lour 1'33.00
Feed flour $1.50 to $1.55.
Butter 19c.
Kegs 22c.
tiny $9.00, :.10.tV)
Hogs, iiveucight,
Potatoes 75 to 90 cents
Coal. $7.25 a ton.
tor- a ip through the west.
MIs. Ashley Fisch.•tt, of Thsdford,
vi.ited Mr. and etre. J. H. Iltickwood
fair day.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stewart of Lan-
don, spent fair day with the former's
brother. Alex.
Miss Stella Gregory visits d in Lon-
don last eek with 11. -r. -r sister, .Mrs.
\V. O. :hillerw.
• •LOCALS ••
•••••••• s•••••••
A (heat Offer. -The Times and
Fancily herald and Weekly Star from
now till Jan. 1910 for '1'WENTY-FIVE
Miss Millie Martin visited in Lon-
don last weekks street repainted and a neat porch
Mr. James Bissett, of London, was erected in front. This is now n
a visitor in town fair day. very desireable residence and will no
doubt sell well.
Dr. and Mrs. Rouleton and child
are sending a week's vacation with
relatives and friends at Milverton.
Mr, Ezra Oestreicher has resigned
his position as stenographer with W.
H. Levett to accept 0 similar one with
a Berlin firm.
Mr. John \Vocd left, Tuesday even-
ing for Listewell ar.d other places to
act as judge of cattle and sheep at the
fairs at thoe,e points.
A. H. Clarke, M. P. for South Es-
sex, while here in connection with
matters pertaining to the Stewart
drain. last week, called on his cousin
Mrs. J. 8, Ilarvey.
Messrs. Gladtnan & Stanbury are
having the Cloward house on William
Mrs. W. J. Neaman spent several
days in London last week.
Miss Mara, of Lucan, visited her
sister, Mrs. W. S. Colo this week.
`,fis., Eva Hobbs, of Birr, is visit-
ing her sisiter Mrs. D. W. Collins.
Mr. Jos. Cobbledick, of Calgary,
visited his father here during the
past week.
Mr. Joseph Cobbledick, of Calgary,
vas a visitor in town during the
past week.
The interior and exterior of the
Coven Presbyterian church are being
Mr. A. D. R. Duncan, of the Union
Bank at llillsbulg was a visitor in
town Tuesday.
Miss Fleming. of Kincardine. who
was the guest of Miss /Arnold, return-
ed home I'harsdny.
:dr. S. 1Coxon, of Granton, sang a
very pleasine nolo in the James St.
church Sunday evening.
It has often been wondered where
pole cats originated, but Cook and
l'eary have put ns twine.
Miss Maude Johns left last Satur-
day for Hamilton, where she will at-
tend the Normal school.
Miss Edith Ilyndman and Mrs. Bert
!knight visited Rev. and Mrs. Per-
kins, at Ingersoll last week.
Mr. and 'Mrs. R. Keddy, of Heir -
mutate, left 'Thursday to visit their
children in Detroit and Fenton, Mich.
Mrs. John Anderson and Mr. and
Mrs, Wm. Arthur, of Anderson. were
the guests of Mrs. John White Sun-
Mr. Jos Lawson has been awarded
the contract for the building of the
ding and is now getting the material
on the ground.
`!r. and Mrs. Will Goodison, of
c aie. left Friday morning for their
,ue after 'spending n week or FO
-Oh relatives here.
Mrs. Weldon, of Iluron street, who
was in the [vest dnrina the past two
months, returned home Wednesday
evening of last week.
The ratepayers of Myth last [week
defeated the water -works by-law by
59 majority. the vote standing 91
a gainst to C12 for it.
Mrs. (Dr.) Anderson. of \Winnipeg,
who was the guest of airs. Saxon
Fitton for a couple of weeks. left for
her home Friday evening.
Mr. J. If. Scott, at the London
fair look ,;ecoid prize for the best
exhibit of print butter. There were
about fourteen compctitora.
1n the swords of a newspaper re-
porter itwas up to Cook to get a
Scoop on l'eary when he announced'
the finding of the north pole.
Mr. A. llaetines was in London
last week, working nt his trade, be-
ing engaged by one of the barber
shops of that city on account of fair
Mr. John Campbell, of Clay. who
recently purchased the store business
of Joshua .iohns nt Fareuhar, will
have an Auction Sale on Tuesday, Oc-
tober 5th.
Mr. eSamucl Passmore, of the
'1'hanies Cloud left this week for the
northwest to ser sthat the country
is lik. If it looks favorable to him
he may maks up his mind to remain
The lorn1 option CI 111 pi 1 .t has
started in Exeter in 1'3 rnzst. The
eelilio11 asking i rouecil to sub -
mil n by -la it hats been circulated
and still no doubt receive enough sig-
natures prescribed by law.
Dr. homer Kinsman, of Sarnia.
was here during the latter part of
last week visiting his brother and
sisters. His ehildrea Miss 'hlargaret
and Mester fled. ttlw spent their va-
cation here. ,rrl:iined with him.
Sunday n •xt will be rally day in the
James Street Methodist Church, w•h:n
Rev. Itobt. hicks. of Crediton. will de -
1 ver nddresses in the morninz. after-
s oon and evening. At the mass meet-
' ot; in the afternoon. Revs. Sharpe
end Yelland swill nisei address the
The open r+t•nson for sale is as to:-
:ows:-Ducks, Sept. 1st to Dec. 3Ist;
geese and moans. Sept. 1511.. to May
1st; eronse, Sept. 15th. Ko Ile. 15th:
plover. Sept, 1st, to Dec. Bath ; rail
Sept. 1st, to Dec. 151h. Snip' and
[woodcock open arnson--snip', Sept.
15111. to Dee. 151h. S tnirrels. black
anti grey. Nov. 1st. to Dec. 1st.
11r. W. \V. Tame n Zest Thur. day
received the rand intelligence announc-
ing the death of hie fath, r John
Taman at Myth. sthich and event
occurred during the tiny. The de-
ceased ts•:►s in his 82nd year and for
many Via re wits an eett'einitd resident
of !Myth.
Mr. Paul Mad ;e. of the Thamca
Rend. [who rteverel days a;o left for
II,•ua. Nevada, with n largo ship-
ment of Lincoln sheep. writes us from
Pert Heron. that he [would like to
beve his paper fora ;rdrd (here for
f.n- weeks. until the 17. 5. offi-
e;a'. think the ,herr have been in
tear 'mine Ion. etlongh se they will
not cutch nny bell disorders lee-I.:-
ee-I : -oat in that reentry.
Mrs. Eastwood, of Whitby, who has
been visiting her daughter. Mrs.
Stnnbury for the past month, re-
turned home on Wednesday, Mrs.
Stanbury accompanying her as far as
On Sabbath Last ltev. 8. F. Sharp
delivered two able addresses to
large and delighted congregations nt
Caven Presbyterian church. t.Tr.
Sharpe has already won his way in-
to the hearts of his congregation and
is attracting many others to bear
him. During the extensive building
improvements which are going on ser-
vices will be held in the basement
of the church.
Mrs. Thomas Yellow and Mr. John
Morgan, of Usborne, received a tele-
gram from Chicago reeuesting their
presence nt the deathbed of their sis-
ter, Mrs. James Fulford, (nee Eliza-
beth Nola -Tan) formerly of Exeter.
They left on Friday evening the 17th
but when they arrived death had call-
ed her three hours before they ar-
rived. The funeral took place on
Monday to Mount hope cemetery,
Misses Mary and llertha Mack at-
tended the wedding of their cousin
Mr. .Jaints Mack. only son of Joseph
Mack, of :Durham to 'Miss Sarah fool
only daughter of \Villiam Pool, of
Toronto. The marriage took place at
high noon at the home of the bride'a
parents, 37 Sullivan street, Toronto.
The happy couple left on the 4.30
train for Durham, where illr. Mack
farms the old homestead of 200
acres of choice land.
The marriage took place at Lon-
don on Monday. September 13th, of
Miss Lida 'May Quance. to Mr. Wm. J.
Veer, both of Exeter. The ceremony
was perforated by Rev. W. C. Beer
nt the home of George A. Young,
brother-in-law of the groom. They
were unattended. Mr. and Mrs. neer,
returned from their honeymoon Wed -
WW1 SALE. -At reasonable prices,
Durham Portland Cement. Apply to ,
\\'[•;ley Shier, Woodham. ! We are still in the swill!. Our Bargain Counter l► again
who has issed the entrance exams.
1AT BARGAIN PRICES. Both ends and
preferred. Apply at 'TIMES OFFICE.' DRESS GOODS large pieces. Regular 35, 40, 50, rpt and
WOOD FOR SALE. -We are now75e per yard to deer 25t•. 'Thee.' goodie
are all good, heavy and durable; make splendid dresses for your girls going
-prepared to deliver to any part of i to school or you mothers. Come quick before they are all gone.
the town first class elm slabs. Ail i r
orders promptly attend dEatra value in table linen tor A few days
only. Real Linen Damask full 72 in. wide
i with neat pattern. while they last $1.00
FOR SALE 011 RENT- Two storey I per yard, also napkins to match at $2.25, $2.75 and $3110. Beautiful bleached
brick house, centrally located. Ap- table linen. good width, special at 50 and 75e and unbleached table linen In
ply at 'rimes Office. I heavy, well finished at'.5,:35, 40, 45, 50, 05 and 75c. These are extra value.
but having a quantity of theta are going to clear to inske room for our fall
WANTED -Apprentice
learn barber trade. _ wanted to i enprase goods which are arriving every day.
� Call and See our new range of fancy Suitings for
I ladies in all the n'w shades and styles.
ladened with
It GILLIES. I Table Linen
Miss Tom is prepared to trach
Ladies Dressmaking while they are For Two Weeks Only we will give a special discount of 15%
making their own dresses. Terms
and full particulars may be learned
by nailing at her dressmaking rooms
over Wilson Bros. store. Also an ap-
prentice wanted. 9-16-4
Cottage and three lots in Exeter,
being lots Nos. 55, 56 and 57 south of
Simcoe Street. On this property is a
frame cottags (brick foundation) con-
taining five rooms and a good cel-
lar also a good well and a largo
stable. Good garden and fruit trees.
The property has to be sold to wind
up an estate. Apply to
Exeter, fa-1#ario.
Te o hundred acres lots 20 and 20
10th and 11th concession, of Step-
hen. The farm has 10 acres good
hardwood bush. bank barn 72 x 36
good frame house, never failing well,
cistern at the barn ; good orchard.
The other has frame barn, good
wells, orchard. Both pre in good
stat,of cultivation.
These farms will be sold together
or separate or will sell 150 acres.
Possession can be had on March 1st,
1910. 1f patties wish to purchase
they can do their plowing now. For
further particulars, apply to Thos.
I!. rTartyn, Exeter, Ont.
'FARM FOR SALE -100 acres Lot
6 South East Boundary, Kirkton. It
is well situated three quarters of a
mile from Post -office, store, black-
smith shop, mill, church cto. Forty
rods from school. hank barn with
stone foundation. Straw barn with
pig pen and hen house combined.
Good frame house. The buildings and
house are Fupplied by water from a
drilled well and windmill. Good
maple bush. Large gravel pit. For
further particulars write to Mrs. W.
J. Tufts, Kirkton, Ont. 9-16-4
nesdny evening and have taken up ,NOTI'CE '
their residence with the groom's far- As 1 nm now in the wes a
cots on Sanders street. ( trip for my health, my book accounts
Mrs. Russell. of Saginaw, who „.„11 will not be collected until I return
visiting her sister Mrs. Charles Bir -,two mouths hence. A. E. PYM.
!ley on Huron street, was last Thurs- Exeter, Sept., 911, 1909. 9-16.5
dny taken tor, o' nn operation
Lon-' I Dissolution of Partner=
don to undergo nn o peration for the
removal of nn obstruction .in her
intestines. The operation was per- t
and was thought the pa-
tient formed
tient would recover. but her con -I
The pnrinorship of the Shipka
dilion was such that her death ensued;
tiering the evening. The remains store, times was registered Mr. 11.
were taken to 'llelgrave her former
home on Friday for interment.
ing & Co.. has been dissolved and
will not+ be carried on by ,Cohn Raizof Khiwu.
"rhe coroner's jury sitting, on the
case of Mrs. \Wesley Scott. of Thorn-1TAliLOIi MADE SUITS.
dale. who shot her father-in-lawbl Ladies wishing man -tailored suite
broil:lit in n verdict that she was call and leave your order and measure
justified in (,hooting hint. owing tot with Miss Tom, as she represents a
the fact 11E11 he had continually
abused her. The verdict of the jury
will have no effect in Navin; the
woman tried but it is doubtful if n
jury can be secunsil to convict tier
leading city tailor.
An accommodation trail has as
many stops as a pipe organ.
of warder. The will of the late The average woman seldom
Harvey Scott was read at the funeral sorry for herself if she can find
man to feel sorry for her.
and the bulk of the estate was ;;vin
to his grandson. The !instal ml of the
woman, a ho committed the crime
was given $500.
Mr. David Mack received word on
aloudny of 1h.. death of hie mother
in Carberry, M311. Mr+. Mack had
reached the gond oat age of 86 yrs.
and tear well known in the vicinity
of llensall. Sixty-five years ago she
and her husband came out frotn Ire-
land, taking sip I'nd three ntild4
west of Ilensall ssh it it was all bush.
making for themselves a comfort-
able home. Eighteen years ago lat±t
spring they derided to retire from
life and [vent 10 Carberry where they
had 10 children living. leaving David
on the hoinestend. They built it nice
comfortable home in Carberry and
five yenrs later Mr. Mack was call-
ed away aged 80 years. Mrs. Mack
itas lived alone ever since. excepting
when she visited her daughters. She
wan very active up to within the last
weeks. every year taking a number
of first grippes at the 1Vinnip g fair
for all kind,' of needle work. She
is survived by five sons and three
daughters. e
Don't Put off Calling at
This Store
for post card views of Exeter. We
have Public School, Trivitt Memor-
morial, Station, two River views,
Molaons Busk, and two Main 8t.
views, besides hundreds of comics,
scenery, birthday. Look at ours
first you have the choice of the best
producers at this store. The post
card is n reitof our business. We
have geed e• ; (inner' at Ple., pretty
stationery at 10 and Sc. a sox.
Costnetire, toilet soaps, many kinds
You're aiways welcome.
Women with pale co lorless faces
tt ho feel weak and discouraged, will
receive both mental and bodily vigor
by using Carter's Iron Pills, which
aro made for the blood, nerves and
Children Cry
stopped In 2) minute.
sure with Dr. sheep's
Cmup Remedy. Ono
test will surely prove.
No vomiting no dis-
tress. A pato and pleasing syrup --50c. Wiwi -tee
Now is your chance to get shoed before the winter comes. A good line of
shoes in all sizes, to clear at 49c while they last,
One Case only Ram Lals Tea in Black, reg. Soc, this week 40c
Highest Prices for Produce. Butter lOc; Eggs 21c trade, 20c. cash; These
prices subject to change
.1..1.:•1'•-: + 4.4.q..p.q..• :•{ +++ : or ,••:••I• }•. •i-
Over one thousand stu-
dents enrolled by our chain
last year. It pays to at-
tend a link of this great
chain, for "IN UNION
The demand for our +
graduates is THREE
TIMES the suppy.
Other schools engage
our graduates as teachers.
A'peclal course for teach-
Graduated of two years
ago are now earning $2,
000 per annum.
Three Courses-COM3IER.
F011 Term Opens Aug. 30
Write for particulars.
Clinton Business
(leo. ipotton, Principal. 4++-
rioision Sioe
Having leased the store pro-
Mperty of Mr. J. W. Broderick.
ain Street, i beg to announce
to the public that I have opened
out business in the line of Gen-
eral Provisions.
The very best grades of flour
always on hand.
Goods delivered to any part of
the town
We invite your patronage and
solicit a call from you
Broderick's � It EMT
OI(1 Stand
;'HONE 2.)
The Evaporator is now open to re-
ceive apples, for which the highest
price will be paid. The company
has always given satisfaction and
will continue to do so
Caledonia Fvaporatin C.
(3 (%'. t,(;O' ��t•lrt, .\1i&.t_•
because we have the exalted right to
do so. Who wouldn't "crow" and feel
exultant when they knew
sold by them was going to give the
best kind of satisfaction? There isn't
even the germ of dyspepsia in any
pies, takes, rolls or bread made from
our flour. To buy it is to bo healthy
and wise.
Here's Good News
The market prices for old junk
are alive and so is
The Old Reliable Firm
M. Jackson & Son
one door south of the Metropoli-
tan. .lust look at the following
prices (no trade, and no truck)
all cash.
Rngs 75 c. per hundred
Iron from tiOc to 75c. per hun.
Old rubber boots & shoes 7c. lb.
Copper and brass Oc. per lb.
H3rse hair 30c. per Ib.
Lead and zinc 2 1/2c. per lb.
Bring your goods hero and get
the worth of your money.
A gr•eat variety of .IRON
PIPEalways on hand at a rea-
sonable price, suitable for fence
posts, bracing houleyarding.
M. JaGkson & Sons
The Best School
The best time to enter our
classes is now. We are running
the largest and, we believe, the
beat business training school in
Western Ontario. Three de-
('o)i31Ern IA1, SHORTHANDTEI.t:(in.s1
Get a money makirg (duca-
tion. Our graduates ate in de-
mand and ate meeting with euc-
tess. Get our fire catalogue
1'1 End! ale.
The Haying Season
is dere.
And 3011 Win ht's it a hay
fork. i have tho agency
for Beatty Bros., Feti;us,
round 1'o(1 track.
Fatisfaction guar -
;i nteed and prices
1iav t, capable n,f'te to it:stall
W. T. Gillespie.