HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-09-23, Page 4E E EXETER TIMESr SEPT. 23rd 1909.
Auction Sales April. 1 8 -year cow newly calved. 1 6
year old cow due to calf time- of bele.
Auction Sale of Farm Mock and Ina-
1 :':year old heifer newt) calve -a. 1 3•
I year old cow with calf at foot. 1 5•yr-
p1c►ncnta on Lot 16, Con. 11, town -
ah of Osborne on Thursday, Oct.)
old cost furrow. :31 -year old heifers, 1
711). 1008. at 1 o'clock sharp.. Kot yearling steer, spring calves, 2 young
reserve its the proprietor 13 r 'Ging I .. lir
from farming. John McCullough i turkeys,
ke -About tun hems and chickens
proprietor, '1'. Cameron, Auctioneer.; '2 turkeys, 1 gobbler, 21 spring turkeys
: implements -1 Massey Harris binder,
1 Frost & Wood mower, 1 lo ft. rake,
Auction Sale of farm Stock and J. 1 champion drill, 1 Champion Uultiva-
plements on Lot 17, N. T. It. l sborn • tor, 1 Cockshut disk, 2 gang plows, 1
on 'Tuesday, Oct. 121b, nt 1 o'clock land roller, set of iron harrows, 1 walk -
sharp. No reserve es the proprietor ing plow, 1 scufller, 1 truck wagon 1
has sold the farm. John Tucker, leo-Thigh wagon, 1 new mikado, 1 pair of
prietor. '1'. Cameron, Auctioneer, bob sleighs, 1 root pulper, 1 fanning
-f.- trill, wagon scales, 2000 lbs., itay rack,
gravel pox; wagon box with stock rack
Clearing Serle of High Class Farm complete, 2 water troughs 1 large tank
Stoek and Implements on 'Tuesday, 1 car. rope and slings; set brass moun-
'October 501. 1909 at 12 o'clock sharp ted harness; set plough heatless; ladder
at Lot .10 Con. V. flay- Township. No handy jack; chopping axe: grain cradle
reserve as the proprietor is giving up cedar posts, cow ties; milk cans; sugar
farming. John Campbell. Prop. 1'. kettle: whiltletrees; shovels, forks and
Cameron, Auct. chains and other articles too nurrter-
--•..- ous to mention.
Straw, Mangolds and Turnips -Cash.
Auction Sale Furniture -1 cook stove, 1 heating
a_ stove, 6 dining -room chaise, screen
.• --Of•'--'- doors, pails etc,
Real Estate, Household F ul No reserve as the proprietor has give
niture and horse. en up farming.
13. S. Philli :s, Licensed Auctioneer TERMS OF SALE
has been instructed by Dir. John All sums of $5.00 sect under, cash;
Smallacnmhe to sell by public auction
over that amount 'n10 months' rovecredd
on Lot 15, Huron Street on SA1'UR.- will be given on furnishing approved
DAY, OC 013Elt, '2, Itett), at 1 p, ut. joint notes or a discount of 4 per cent,
for call on credit amounts.
sharp, the following valuable articles: JOHN CAMPBELL Proprietor.
--1 parlor set, 7 pieces; 2 bed room THOS. CAMERON, Auctioneer.
sets, complete; 3 bedsteads: 1 centre
table; 1 extension table; 1 fall -leaf
table; 1 small tables; 6 cane bottom
chairs; 6 kitchen chairs; 1 gigs. cup- Sad Case of Destitution
board; 1 bureau; 1 sideboard: 2 dozen
pictures; collection butterflies; clock; in Nay Swamp.
1 table spread; 1 hanging lamp; 2 table
lamps: 6 floor mats; 3 pr. lace curtains
8 window blinds; 2 lounges, 1 sewing
machine base burner coal stove with
oven, cook stove, parlor stove, 2 sets
bed springs, 2 matttesses, 2 feather
beds, six feather pillows, 2 silk quilts,
8 patch quilts. 5 cotton sheets, 2 wool
sheets parlor carpet, diningroom car -
The most deplorable condition of
destitution and depravity that has
ever existed in Western Ontario, was
brought to light last week. when
Messrs. Ed. Willis nod John Treibner
pet, bedroom cat pet, paper rack, 2 were shooting in the Ilay swamp
looking glasses, set cooking utensils, ( about five miles from Exeter.
2 doz. gets, set dishes, 2 washtubs, 1f1 They were returning home and
boiler, glassware, knives forks spoons were making their way to what is
and a lot of other useful household ar- termed the "island" situated a mita
cies. and a half west of the Sexsmith
1 general purpose mare, buggy, ea. church, when they came across a
ter, set singe harnees, 1 goat robe, 1 tt"oodcboppers camp about 3-4 of a
grind stone, wheelbarrow, 2 long lad- mile south of the "Island". Thera
ders, step ladder. stable and garden they found n woman and infant about
tools. 17 months old completely destitute.
REAL ESTATE -Consists of two The womanwas badly clothed with a
acres of land on which there is a good few old rags chat might nt some
brick cottage containing 0 rooms, a time have been cheap calico skirt and
good cellar underneath house, also a waist but was so worn and faded
good frame barn, everything in good that her body was insufficiently co-
state of repair. Hard and soft water c'red'
at the door. A number of fruit trees,
The child, a curly headed little
flour -
consisting of apples, ,les, cherries ►lump, r)I t hing, so emaciated for wnnt of nour-
c g )1 l
peaches and a sot. of other small fruit. inhment, that its eyes neer. sunken
Lot well fenced; a very desirable pro- In its hnd, was lying on a bed wild
(rtyfor a retired farmer. hardly any were ins the scame
it, and
1 be clothes same condition
Terms of Sale. -On household fur- a, the rest of the surroundin;s, fil-
niture cash: on real estate, 10 per cent thy and dirty.
of purchase money on day of sale, the The woman, who is In n very deli -
balance within thirty days without mate condition and expects to ;ire
interest. birth to a cbi:d any day, expressed
For further particulars enquire of herself as half famished for eome-
proprietor on the premises or B. S. thine to eat. The only thing eatable
Phillips, Auctioneer. were n few potatoes and a couple of
,JOHN SMALLACOMBE, Proprietor, ears of corn, none of which looked
B. S. PHILLIPS. Auct. palatable.
Mr. (Willis Immediately made
known the condition of nffairs and
Rev. 1). %V. Collins undertook to in-
v/'sti;nte. Thursday afternoon be
went out to the shack and found
things were worse than pen can pic-
ture. The permits of the child were
away somewhere. whether hiding of
foraging for wood, he knew not
The child was lying on the floor.
and as the father and mother did not
return, he came back to Exeter and
went out later in the evening, when
the parents were in their aback.
it was learned that the man's name
is James 'Williams and six years a. o
married the woman in Parkhill, the
having a short time before arrived
from England, where sbe bad work-
ed as n servant. and wishing to better
her life came to Canada.
The flintily moved to the neighbor-
hood of ltrucefield. and part of the
time were charges on the charitable
disposed people of that place, al-
though the matt, it i, said, made
about $10 a month, wben he worked,
but his main nutbition seemed to see
how lazy he could be. One of their
children was taken away from them
by Mr. 'Mitchell. of Goderich, who
looks after such cases, and the child
wee pl•iced %n the Refuge ;it 'Toronto.
Hein,; sent from liniorfield about
two years a,To, They made their abode
in tr shack located on the "island'.
There one of the children diad, evi-
denlly front neglect and etarv:lion
and it was buried by the township. •
Last tall. they picked up what b• -
longings they had find moved farther
into the tett amp. into a shack about
six feet wide by about twelve feet
lone. In this one roomed baildin;
was the worst conglomeration of filth
that the 'Times representative Rees
ever seen. There is n stove, 1rlonz-
111 t to the building 11101 used by th,
lumbermen for cooking pitrposee
during th hinter, a 1:i1b:e covered
with an oel piece of oil cloth and
loaded with dishes, pies end oth:•r
thing. In one corner of the room
was en o:d wooden bed on which is a
straw tick. covered with milts so
dirty and fi:1 by that one wmild not
touch them. in another corn. r was a
cot of tome description covered with
etunlly dirty raga, while an the sid,•
of the ,shack was :u1 incubator. A
couple of old ehnirs completed the
furnialiinzs. An old clock. without
any face or hermit a es used for decor-
ative purposes on on.• of the walls.
(1,:t aide the bla'd'e ;• it n- an old
brooder, that cvid •nt,y tt •, •1 Tote•
Clearing Auction Sale
-of -
Farm Stock and Ilrplements
Mr. Thomas Cameron has been in-
structed to sell by public auction on
Lot 26, Con. 2 USBORNE on THUIRS.
DAY, 51:1'1'. 30th, 1000. at one o'clock
sharp, the following: -
1 brood mare, general purpose; 1
driving mare; 1 driving filly :3 yrs. old;
1 gelding and one filly 1 yr. old; 2 foals
Cattie.-1 cow due to calve in Nov-
etuber; 1 cows due in Dlarch and Apl.
4 steer., 2 years old; 1 fatheifer 2 yrs.
old; 3 yearlings and 3 calves. 10 pure
bred Dorset lambs.
Hogs -1 pure bred Volkshiro boar,
10 months old: 1 brood sow due to lit-
ter in Nov. 75 hens and pullets.
implements- 1 lumber wagon; 1
truck wagon; 1 pr hob sleighs; 1 7 -foot
McCormick binder, new: 1 mower; I
seed drill; 1 spring tooth cultivator; 2
single plover; 1 2 -furrow plow; 1 land
roller; het harrows, fanning twill, hay
rack, combination stock rack, over -
heed horse power, all complete and
oth r :irl't - too numerous to men -
Coe. '11.1:'.1-'- All reruns of $5 and
unit r . a-li over that amount twelve
moi i l.. c,. dil will be given on fur-
ni,h , approved joint notes, or n
d -. •, . t oI 5 per cent. per nnnum
al net d on credit ttrnounts.
R0111. 'OWN. '1'. CA .11 E itON
Proprietor. Auctioneer. •
Clearing Sale
FA.1 S•1'OC!
11t. Thos. ('.uneron bite received in•
etre(tittts to sell by public auction on
LOT 10, (l )N. .', IIA on Tuesday.
October:, elle., commmic,ng at 19 o'
deck sharp, the following:- HORSES
1 agricultural brood show tear 7 yrs.
old. sired by llolton Rufus, bred to
King'1'houoas. 1 sawiculttu'a) snare (1
yea's old, sired by Royal To:n, 1 ng-
ri.ulttital mare years old sited by
Price's Hero, bred to Sir Matthew. 1
sett iceitural mare 2 yeats old aired by
Alhien 111, bred to King Thomns. 1
heavy draught gelding 1 year old sired
by king Thoma.. 1 draught show fil-
ly. /aisle'''. sited 1 y Kiri,/ Thomas. 1
cart 'mgt. hot re }rata ( I11 by Clear
(Iris. tum of the incubator lee 111, t, hi • a
0011e --I 3 -yr c•ld CJty due to calf iu :,,w.
feet nw•ay is a lea • in 411 • 1"r
Tonic or Stimulant ?
TI' re i; an immense difference between a tonic and a
stimulant. C'p one day, way back the next; that's a
stimulant. Steady progress day by day toward perfect
health; that's a tonic. Aycr's Sarsaparilla is a tonic,
a strong tonic. The only Sarsaparilla entirely free from
alcohol. Do not stimulate unless your doctor ;lays so.
Ne knows. Ask hint. 1)o as he says.
re7I r,cr C'o., l.otrcll,,llau.
stleation t: the one great cause of sick -headache. lehotisncse indigestion, had
keath, dchilitr. n :rvousness. Has your doctor ever recomrnendc,l . iy(ies hash, you?
about lour feet deep by two or th • "
feet wid.•, from which eeepage• eel r
i, used for cooking and washing ltur-
neaete although the surroundings show
very few evidences of nny washings
Pastil; been done. There was a
wash out on the line, the day the
'ranee visited the pace, but it was
the limit. It was hard to tc•11 the
color of the clothes and looked as
thou =h they had been dipped into a
ditch when it was muddy. There
stere 111:• remnants of a garden. but
nothing could be seen growing, ex-
cept a few r.1uash, that bad the same
appearance ne the rest of the sur-
When the Tine s celled with Rev.
Collins friday nftt•rnoon, the woman
and child were alone, the husband
hatviu, left in the morning for Hen -
eel', where be bad been working,
and would be kept at work if he were
sa inclined. Mrs. Williams was sit -
tin; looking very dejected by the
side of the bed, watching the lilt!:
one sleeping. She had tried to get
a dinner for 'the two of them with
a few unpalatable looking potatoes
and cold water drawn from the im-
provised well, but iuforuttd us that
the baby bad not eaten very much,
and it really slid not look R. Ale
though nearly n year and a half old
it is not able to creep, althou;h it
does not looked deformed in any
way. It eagerly took a drink of milk
which -had been taken along, and
seemed to brighten up at the sight
of strangers. The woman talked
somewhat incoberrcutiy, but withal
did not appear to be weak minded, al-
though it would drive some women
crazy if they had to live ns this wo-
man bas for the past several years.
For several weeks last winter the
family subsisted on nothing but cook-
ed turnips. The farmers in , the
nei;bborhood have extended charity
to them on many occasions, but as
t he swamp has been the rendezvous
for people of their stamp for years,
they did not feel like encourn;ing a
tetron; healthy man in his idleness.
The woinan, they have not seen for
some time and were not aware of her
The employer of Williams in Ilen-
sell and his neighbors say he is a
good worker when he feels so inclined,
but when he gets a little money he
buys provisions and lies around idle
until they are used up and then
starves himself and family until ha
taken a notion to go to work again.
He has tried on various occasions to
.get another place to live in, but owing
to their unsauitary mode of living,
no one will allow them a house of
any description.
So desperate are their circum-
stances, and the fact that the woman
expects to give birth to a child
any day, the authorities of flay were
notified that something must be done
at once to take care of the woman
and little child and on Saturday
Reeve Peter Lamont interested him-
self to secure a location for them,
Mr. .Mitchell, of Goderich was con-
ferred with regarding the 17 months'
old infant for the purpose of having
it removed to sore institution. ,The
family have since been taken care of
and the husband bas secured work.
A clever, popular ee:n _'; gold Cure
Tablet -called I'reventics-is being
dispensed by druggists everywhere.
lit a few hours, 1'reventics are said
to break nny cold -completely. And
Preve;►tics, being do safe and tooth-
some, are very fine for children. No
Quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh
nor sickening. Box of 48-25c. Sold
by .\V, 8. llowey.
One of the pioneers of Goderich i p.
passed away do the death of Mrs. G.
Cantelon, which occurred on Tuesday
31st tilt. The deceased was born in
Tipperary, Ireland, in 1827, her maid-
en name being Catherine Cook. When
she taus in her nineteenth year the
family moved .to this country and
settled nt '.5tr, etsvilte. There she was
married to George Cantelon and in
4 he year 1855 they settled upon the
farms 011 the 7th concession of Gode-
rich township which had ever since
been their home.
The death of Eb,•nezer Ituutbell, of
the 1•111t concession of Goderich tot•n-
ship, removes another of the early
settler's of the township. Mr. Rum -
ball died on 'Tuesday 7th inst., at the
good old age of eighty-one years. lie
wtli a native of Norfolk. England,
and came to this country with his
parents in 1833. Of 1 b eight child-
ren of the family, only one, Fred
lturnball, of Clinton, is now left.
About two years ago Mrs. lturrtba:i
After nn illness of only a few days.
Mrs. Richard Young, of Colborne
township, passed away on \VcdneSday
of inat week, thus surviving her hu --
band only about six months. •Mrs.
Volatile formerly Miss Martha Wool -
tier. utis born in Suffolk. England.
over eighty-eight years ngo, and cane.
to Berlin. Canada, in 1832. with her
parents. She was married in Gode-
rich. anti her life was spent in Gode-
rich, Goderich township and Colborne
toen+hip. residing in the last -men-
tion; ft
ast-miss•tioned township mince 1867.
I'or any ease of nervousness, Bleep•
lessnesn, weak monied), indigestion.
dyspepsia, try Carter's Little Liver
Pi11s. Relief ie sure, 'I he only nerve
medicine in minket.
Results up-to-date 0; the
Hey. Collins
Dr. Sweet
skip 16
W. D. Clark
J. Gould
:?kip 19
I. 11. Carling Jas. Taylor
J. A. Stewart C. I.inderfie'd
Ski!• 11 :kip 18
W. 11. Lovett Mr. ilarr/eon
G. Anderson H. Spackman
Skip .12 =kip 11
i'. W. Gladman R. N. Creech
,t. Pedlar. 309. Davis
Skip 17 Skip 23
E. J. Christie Dickson
. \e t,•,cnn W. May
Skip 18 Skip 12
(1. 11. Seel) Wm. Ill ere/ ••.I
It. G ti..elnn J. Grieve
Skip i.!) eke, 21
Palpitation of the 6e.trt, ner-
vousnees, 4ternbl;ngs, ',errotlrt heed -
ache, cold hands anti fe.il, pain in 4 he
hick end other forms of weakness
ars relieved ity Carter's Iron fills
�i'egetable PrcpsrationforAs-
similatiltg 1thcFeodandltcgula-
tirt; t:,e ;',10.1:1,1d1.5 and'Jewels of
Promotes Diges(ion.Cltectfid-
tiess and lies t.Contains neither
Opiutn,Morphine nor Nincial.
Now N.%.deDTIC.
T.:cyeteem/ R•.£t I PgreEII
Ji",. air:, Se(1
.11e. Pars s •
.' -
u e Seal •
11 0.11130. l.l:.g •
St (.1-
('w,i,.r Jv9i .
Apctfcct Rean2dy for Ctonslipa-
ti on,
(ion, Sour StoirtaCh,D!arrilnea,
ncss and1OSS OF SLEET'
Tas Sita k Signallere c.r
•y ••• •••••••••••••••q
The Molsons Bank
Incorporated 1855
CAP TAL (paid up) $3 500,000 00
RESERVE FUND $x500.000.00
Has .65 Branches in Canada. and Agents and Correspondents in all the.
Principal Cities in the World.
General Banking Business Transacted.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
Savings Bank Department
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
• Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager
B. K. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000,QQQ
ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager Reserve Fund, 6,000,00
DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS sold, and money transferred by
'telegraph or letter.
For Over CQLLECTIONS made in all parts of Canada and in foreign countries.
IOREIGN BUSINESS. Cheques and drafts on the United StateS,
Great Britain and other foreign countries bought and sold. 123
ExeterBranch-G.W Harrison, Manager
Branch also at Crediton.
Thirty Years
Exeter Fair
Continued from page 1
chief, Mliss 13rethour, Mrs. W. Sweet ;
collar and cuff set. Mrs. W. Swecet;
tatting, Mrs. ;W. Sweet ; drawn
thread work fine, Mrs. Wickwirci
Sanders & 'Creech: drawn thread
work coarse, ;Miss 'Brooks, Miss Car-
lisle : work on screen or Java canvas
Street ; eyelet.mbroidery, W. ltawden
Sanders & Creech; nppliene embroid-
ery, Miss McKnight, Mrs. J. White;
.coronation braid work, Mi_s 'Yom,
Miss Alcock; embroidered shirt waist
Miss Carlisle, M. 'Wynn ; embroidered'
parasol, Miss 'Carlisle; ;doylies, Mrs.
J. White, Mrs. '\V. Sweet ; embroider-
ed table linen, 'Mrs. J. Millar, Sanders
& Creech; hand made handkerchiefs,
Miss McKnight, Miss Brooks; embroi-
dered centrepiece in white, J. 'Mon-
teith, Sanders '& 'Creech ; embroidered
Mrs. J. White, Mrs. Hastings; un- centrepiece in colors, J. .Monteith, 1. Associate Coroner of Huron.
derwaist, Sanders & 'Creech, (Mrs. Armstrong '& Sons; hemstitching,
Wickwire ; bead work, LMrs, Wick- Miss 'McKnight ; .13attenburg Jace, J.
wire. Miss 'Marriott ; netting J. G. G. Stanbury, W. J. Statham ; Iloniton
Stanbury, DI. Wynn; knitted or cro- lace, Mrs. J. White, W. Baw•den;
cbet underskirt, Miss !Carlisle, ti Queen Ann darning, Mrs. J. White
Neeb; photo frame, Miss Brethour• and work by .women over 70, Mrs.
1. G. Stanbury ; 'cross stitch, Miss J. \\ hite ; .collection of Indies work,
•Marriott, M. Wynn; apron, Miss Car- Sanders & Creech; largest collection
lisle, Mrs. Hastings ; painting in oil
on chinaglass, (terra cottn, Mrs. Mc-
Pherson, Miss 'Alcock : crochet shawl
or cape, Sanders '& 'Creech, Miss A.
Carlisle : crochet table mate, bliss
DR. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. 13,
D. D. S., Dentist. Member of
R. C. D. 8., of Ontario and Honor
Graduate of Toronto University.
OFFICE: -Over Dickson & Carling's
Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former
dental parlors
DR. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D
D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto
Dental Surgeon
Office over Gladman & Stanbury Return
Main street -EXETER. I At Single Fare and One Half
W. BROWNING, M. D., M. C Via Niagara Falls
• P. S., Graduate Victoria Un Sept. 23rd to 30th inclusive.
reralty, office and resldenence. Dominion Return limit Oct, 10th, 1001)
Laboratory, Exeter. Account of Hudson -Fulton.
Through car service from Toronto
and Hamilton via Grand Trunk and
Lehigh Valley railways.
Winnipeg $10
via Chicago and Duluth
from all Stations in Ontario
Sept. 24th
New York and
R. Bright, M. D., M.O. P. and
JaL•S., Honor Graduate Toronto Un-
iversity. Two years resident physician
Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. Office
and residence, Dr. Amos' old stand
Andrew Street, Exeter.
Low Colonist Rates
ladies work, Miss 'McKnight: home -
MONEY Vancouver
made bread, W. I3attden, W. Fisher 4i TO LOAN Seattle
home made buns, John Decker jr., Portland
A. •McPherson; ,painting or satin, I We have unlimited private fondetor tayesl San Francisco
Hiss Marriott;. eo5upon term or village TrcyrrLy+.l lowest
Brooks, Sanders do 'Creech : crocheted Special by }tort•a '& Atkinson for r 'COs ° interest'. Los Angeles
slippers, Miss Brooks, 11. Neeb; ;cro- three lonv,s 01 bread, Win. "Cornish.
Chet fascinator, Mrs. W. Sweet; cro- Special by IIntvpy pros., for loaf of
Exeter Via Chicago from Exeter,
.hot Infant's jacket, alias McKnight,. bread, DI. Gould. ; DICKSON & CARLING, Daily until October lith If)fita
ells"; Brooks; crochet bonnet, Miss
'CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT One way Second Class.
Ilrooks, Mrs. Hastings; crochet lace, I'aintin,e any object, Wm. Chesney,1parristers,Bouoltors. Notsrtart,Ceeve teaoers Secure tickets from Grand Tr
W. Ilaw•den, bliss Ferguson: heavy or Rosa & Taylor; drawing, N. 1). slur- Coapmiseloaerre, Solicitors roe elte�oteon• unit
Irish point crochet Ince, bliss tell.- don, 'C. Heywood : dressed doll. D. Bask, Ebo. agents.
Knight, A1iss Brooks ; crochet work
'latish ; pin cushion, 1\'m. !Chesney, �0°ey bo1'Oa° s0loweet rater of interest.
Full infor oration from
in wool, •.hiss Brooks, Mies blcl{nizht 4 Mrs. Hastin;s; col. of fancy articles, OTFICEt-MAIN BTEEET, Ea)LTER, J. J. KNIGHT, Depot A
write J. I). AICDONALD, Uni0131
Depot. Toronto, Ont.
knitted lace or trimming cotton, Miss W. J. Statham • mounted sofa cushion a, OAm ella a a.
r»a.nrasrsoa __ p Agent.
Ferguson. Miss Tom : slippers knitted Mrs. Hastings, ,W, Chesney.
Mrs. J. White, W. Ilnwden ; Nor- Mrs. Thorne and (Miss Nina Caring) rlONEY TO LOAN.
welkin or Hardanger embroidery, ,i,rdge' ..
Mrs. J. llillnr, Mrs. J, White; Wal -
I We havealar,reamonsbotyrlvabe lode
inchin embroidery. Mrs. J. White, W. Begonias, tMrs. Asa McPherson ; %a on farm an village propertlee allowrate
Bowden; Mount Mellick work, Miss tnberest.
ferns, Mrs. A. 'McPherson. J. Cottle ;
McKnight, 'Mrs. \Vickwire; ` shadow foliage, G. E. Anderson. Jno. Cottle•OLADMABarristers eolli c & t3TANBURY
embroidery. Mire. \\'
e. . hitt, Mrs. W.
Geraniums. Jno. Cottle , hanging
bas -ked Mee. A. 'McPherson; novelty in
trotted plants, Firs. A. •Mcl'bereo►.
OWES Dab -
Asters, Jno. 'Cottle. W. Hern: 1)nb-
lies, Jno. !Cottle; dahlias, display )no.
Cottle; Gladioli, J. It;. Stanbury : Sas-
J. G. Stanbii'. W. Hern:
Petunias. single, Ono. Cottle: 'i'etun-
ins, double, Jno. ;Cottle ; Phlox "Drom-
mondii, .Jno. Cottle, i\V. Hern; Stocks,
Jno. Cotte; Sweet pens, A. E. Iiod-
gert, 41. E. eluston ; Verbenas, Jno.
Cottle; 7,innias, Jno. Cottle; best ar-
rangement, Jas..Afonteith; col. timm-
a:s. ,Ino. Cottle; novelty in cut flotw-
re. J. G. :atnnbury,
Wm Sweet. Judg •.
Lydia E. Pinkham's 2.1a trot 1 pact, lime it. (r T.
\lurdock, 1 1 1: 1in,t a it. G. \\'.
Broderick. 2; The hip, \'t. l\i:ntz
Vegetable Compound :t 3 :t.
Vicuna, \V. Var.-"1 feel that Iowe Gent:cmnn's road race, KiIpee (1,,,•••n
the last ten years of my life to Lydia A. Dow. 111, ;Mand A.. Wm. ,\meed,
1.41,1)' kPa mous nd. a S t, cial Farmers' only. 'Mary Gr. y
table Compound. 1
Eleven years ago I \\'• Wood. 1 1 ; Eva 11., R. Birch. 22 :
was a walki)rfi Iles\��i'1 n\rnslimiter. 13 3; (frown Gir: JOHN MISERY, Exeter, agent tot
shadow. I had. been C'eborne and J3iddul
under the doctor's Ladies Novelty race. Clara %R etve! t ph'
c•arebutgotnorellef. 1, Jti:a 1 . Ferguson 2. OLIVER IIARRIS, Munro. agent
My husband per----- - - - for Ribbert, Fullerton and Logan.
suede(' me to try
Lydia E. 1'inkham's JOSIii'A JOHNS
Vegetable Com- t1ih1 Grade P1HO� Secy.Treas. Farquhar.
lpound and itworkNI
ike .t charm. It re-
lieved all my pains lire a Pleasure to their
lull misery. 1 advise all suffering
wnnlen to take Lydia E. I'inkham's Owners.
Vegetable Compound." -Mits. EIMA
WIIF..\TON, Vienna, W. Va. We have sold and are selling a great
Lydia E. 1 inkhaln's Vegetable Coin. many high class pianos and our Hurn
Anand, made from native riots and prods satisfied customers is the strong
herbs, contains no narcotics or harm-
fol drags, and to -(lay holds the record est guarantee of this assertion
for the largest number of actual cures Our pianos today are the hest that
of female (lisoasesof any similar meds- tine best Piano makers produce and
mine in the country, and thousands of our prices are right.
voluntary testimonials aro on hie in
the l'inkhant laboratory at Lynn, Do not he ton quick to believe per -
Mass., from women who have been sons who tell you different from the
cured from almost every form of above for the purpose of selling you
female complaints, inflammation, ul- cheap and in some cases trashy goods
ceration,displacements,tihrnid tumors, at big prices. Fateter.
Irregularities, periodic pains, backache,
indigestion and nervous prostration. C111� and see Us
Orders for new connections, t hanges
Entry such suffering woIn.ui awls it to of firms names, changes of street ad -
herself to give Lydia E. Plnkhapn's and pe convinced 1 hitt what we say dresses, or for duplicate entries, should
Vegetable Compound a trial. we live up to. he hnnded in at once to I
If pm would line peefnl nrlviee
nl►o11t year ('a:ae trite a confiden-
fins .......1„ Mrs. I'inkhan), at S Mrthi
Lynn, Hass. Her advice is free,
S. & SOH
and always helpful.
Conveyancer Accounts Collected
MONEY to loan at lowest rates,
North west lambs for Sale.
Office. Main Street. Exeter
Tne Usborne and Hibbert
Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur-
anGe Gompanu
Head Office. Farquhar,',Ont.
President -J. h. RUSSELL.
Vice -President - W. if. I'ASSMORB
WM. Iltio 'K WINCHKLAEA 1', 0.
The Bell Telephone
Y.n8psiS 01 ink Gonotlion;Not�
Any person who is the Bole heal
of a family, or any reale over U
Scars old •^
sectoni of available Dominion lewdInaManitoba, Saskatchewan, or Alberts,
The applicant must appear in person
at the Dominion Lauds Agenoy or
Sub -agency for the district. Entry hits
proxy may be had at the y, o0
certain conditions, tar, mother
son, daughter, brother,st torr,ser of
intending homesteader.
Duties: -Six months residence upon
and cultivation of the land in sash
of three years. A homesteader may
live within nine mile of itis home,.,
stead on n tfartn of at least 80 aerie
solely owned and occupied by him Or
his father, mother, eon, daughter,
brother or sister.
In certain districts n homesteadda
in Rood standing may pre-ompt a
quarter section alongside hie borne,
stead. Price $3. per pore. Duties -I -
Must reside six months ineaoh of sits
years from date of homestead entry
(including the tithe required to earn
homestead patent) and cultists.
fifty acres extra.
A homesteader w ho has exhausted
his hotnes tend right It nil cannot
tain a ch sees homestead rintCerta take district*
Price $3. per aore. Ihitien.-Must
resido six months in each of three
Years, cultivate fifty ncres and ereet
n horse worth $300.011
Deputy of the lfinister or the intette►r
N, It.-Cnanthorired pnblfrauon of 1h`s adVertMll
moot willow. be paid for
Company of Canada Drive rheumntiern oat of the with .Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic it,medy
is about to issue a New Tele• mid ace how "'tickle, pain 0.i!I de-
part. ituborta ncmtr did reach the
phone Directory for the District real dieees•. Rheumatism in='t in
of Western Ontario, including the skin. ft's drop down -it's eon-
istiluliolnel. Getting rid of the pain,
is after 011, whit counts. That is
why 1)r. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy
go••;. by word of num th from one to
another. And herein lies the popu-
Inrity of this Remedy. It is winning
d -feed •rs every•twh r• . Tnb:tls or
1.: t till. Sod by l\ . S. Ilowe-.
A. 1ARCHA�r 11 '
Isocal Maagcr.
Tho less you know about tvrtain
people th, better opinion you have
of them.