HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-09-23, Page 1tirter
£nIRT.y-S1;vENTII: YEAR -NO 1876
Phone No. 32.
Special Fall
All -arc cordially invited to call on us and se^
our extra 1arre showing of Fall and Winter Goods.
It will do you good to see them and us good to show
you our immense stock.
All the Fall Wearables arc now on our counters and
we were never in better shape to supply your wants.
Millinery! Millinery!
For &11 The Ladies
Our large staff of Milliners are now very busy.
The order are already away ahead of them. Come
early and leave your -order and eave your Fall Hat
good and early.
A visit to our show rooms will delight you.
New Dress Goods
In all this season's most
fashionable shades and cloths
plain or striped.
Ladies Mantles
The new semi -fitting coats
all the colors, Black, Blue
Brown, Green or Gray.
Girls Jackets
Something real swell for
the girls. Nice fancy Coats
in Green, Brown, 13h,e or Red
Our New Furs
Are all here. The hest yet
(tuffs, Scarfs, Muffs, Caps and
Coats. Do not miss these.
Silk VVaists
in Black. Create or Ecru,
Silk and net with new braid
Winter Underwear
For Ladies and Children in
Cotton, Union and pure wool.
Soon the time ter theta.
Mens Fall dlld Wioter Wants
Our new Fall Suitings are all in and real nifty. New
Winter Underwear, New Fall and Winter Caps,
New Shirts, Tics, Sox, Gloves and Mitts.
Men's and Boys Coat Sweaters, $f.00 to $2.00
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford
Clothing also high grade shoes and wall paper.
2 •
now Is THIS
Weekly Globe
From now till January
1st, 1911, for
fpr to January, 1910 for
30 Cents
--The Best F1our-a
‚' If it is the 1wst flour you \vont there is but one place
in t')wn to get it --that is from us. The brands are:
Jewell Royal Household
(Ontario Mention 11)gilvie'�
Iiiii_--�\ (Lillis of Woods)
(Western ('anotia Flour dills)
1,e..ce y,•nr nl lei- • • , • p t..• '.
$f.00 per year in a(lvaoce
Exeter Fall Fair
The Exeter fait held Monday and
Tuesday. while not up to those of
some previous years, still the exhibits
as a rule were of a better class. In
the Crystal Palace there was not the
quantity of articles displayed, but the
duality was better than in former
The display of butter was excellent,
was the display s,•
1 Y of bread. In the
latter the judges had to nibble quite a
few times le fore arriving at a decision
There was considerable difficulty en-
countered getting things in shape ow-
ing to a new order of snaking the en-
tries by number instead of naming
the articles. This also confused the
judges to a great extent.
The fruit display was also good and
so were the flower, while in the root
building some excellent specimens of
the recent harvest were shown.
Tuesday evening the Evelyn Buck•
ley Concert Company, assisted by
Eddie Piggott, of Toronto, gave a
very interesting and pleasing concert
in the opera house. The Company is
a good one and was greeted with a
large house.
The Dashwood band furnished the
music and during the afternoon dis-
coursed some lively selections.
Connor Bros. had three cf their air-
cooled gasollne engines on the ground
and were kept busy showing tire farm-
ers what a dandy engine they manu-
Following is the list of successful
Brood snare accompanied by foal. A.
Buchanan, S. E_sscry ; .foal, A. Bu-
chanan. J. Campbell; two year old, 0.
Moir, 11. Williams, 1t. Gilbert; one
year old, S. Eesery; team, Wm. Oke
Brood mare accompanied by foal,
J. Campbell, W. Pepper, I1. IIorton
foal, 11. Horton, W. Pepper, S. Emery
three year old. F. Wrightwon; two
year old, '1V. Davis, A. Buchanan, J.
Jtott•cliffc ; one year old, W. Pepper
R. llicks, .1. tltowcliffe;'team. It. Sad,-,
ler, J. G. McLean .
lt. -'llexandcr, Judge.
Brood mare srecompanied by foal.
It. Hicks, W. I'fai `..1. Hawkins; foal
It. Hicks, W. Hyde, Wm. Pfaf(; three
years old, J. Hawkins, J. Weaver, E.
Rader; ttt•o year old, S. Sarer:,s, J.
ifnzlewood : J. Hey ; ,one yea • old,
.T. Row•cliffe. R. Iticks, L. witrm
team, Wm. Decker, sr., D. Schnell,
1Vn,. I1yde.
Ilrotd marc accompanied by foal
R. Birch. L Warm :font. Mrs. A.
hicks, It. McArthur, S. Andrew ; three
year old, ii. Jones, E. Koehler; two
year old, 1'. iM. Forsyth, R. 'McArthur
pair carriage horses, Wm. Deckers
sr.; Wm. Oke ; single carriage horse
.1. Pringle, S. hunter, A. McDonnell.
itrood marc accompanied by foal
, M. Forsyth, Jno. Decker, jr., Geo, S
Moir; foal, F. J. Amy, T. M. Forsyth, • YOCNGIPOULTRti'
A. Isltott; three years old. S. Mon- ('olden Pencilled Ilambur;s, Ilou-
tcith, Ch. Robbs, A. 13uchnnnn: two dere; While greeted black Polands,
years old, 1. Armstrong t& Son, D.
Oo!1e fl tons, lludson & Son 1 & 2
Schnell ; one year old, J. Weaver, J. Lt 'to Poland=, d,s C. Prouty ; White
Decker. jr.; pair roadsters, Chas. GLe„horns, liuclson & Son, T. llrock
Chas. Robbs single roadster,,F. Hickse
A. i;BrowIlodgertn e;'Bron n Leghornss. Hudson \ on
Thos. Hay. T 1 . Fassold ; Andy ,driver, J. comb F C ►Prouty i & •' • White Le,;
Pring),•, Phos. Horton.
steer calf, A. Ek-utt, .T. Shepton.
• .1 i-: i; t•: Y
'Cow, I. Armstrong. Peter t'a.. ; .2
year old heifer, T. Brock, sr.; one
year old heifer, d, Armstrong. T.
llrock, jr.; .heifer calf, T. Brock. er.,
I. :Armstrong; bull calf, •T, Brock sr.
W. I'ridham, 0, Andrew, Judges.
Dorset Borne -.\,red ram, ,Chas.
Homey; shearlln„ ram, S. ('udinore!
ram lamb, C. Harvey, S. ('udmore :
ewe, 'C. Harvey, S. Cudmore ;.beading
Blenheim Pastier,, W. Chesney , I+:,
Rader. ,
Flemish lleauty, Ii. •ICr.ch, A. EI-
cott; Duchess of 'Anjouline, J. Gilt,
11. Kreck; Bears IClairzcau, A. Mc-
1'hersau ; Clapp's Favorite. A. EIcott,
M. Bissett; Vicar of \1'in;field, A. El-
cott: 13e11 Lucrative, Thos. Brock, sr.,
b. Powell : East'1Scurre. A. S. 1)eavitt :
Louis Ronnie de Jersey, T. Carlin;,
jr., 1. Ar,nstron; tC Ron: Bur au de LaSt s 101)''e1', bl\'t'S a better
Anion. o 1.
J lF Son.
in;; llartlett, Mrs. J. Ford, 11. liresk. weather better' than :lily other
lamb S. C udinor, C. Marv. y . etc`' PLCSIS wlt•ll pule Boiled Oil, )taw Oil
Laub, S. Cudtnorr, C. Harvey., •
Wnshinrion, A. Flcott, S. Pow•ell;
Sbropsbiredowne-A. Duncan took Imperial Ga re. .A. Flcott; Duane; 1 will be Satisfactory.
all that were won in this cuss. Purple, Ii. E. Huston, T. Brack, jr
for Fall Painting
Use the Genuine Elephant Lead
Lincolns -Geo. 1'enhalt• took all
that were won in this class.
Leicester-Shearlin; rant, 11. Bell 1
& ., ; ram lamb. 0. Penhalc, A. El -
cot t ; ewe, It. 13111 ; shearling ewe, R.
It --It 1 & t.?; ewe lamb, R. Bell, A.
E Icott.
T. 11. Neil. 1'. Lamont, Jud,;es.
(Yorkshire -R. Birch look all the
prize won in this class.
Berkshire -Boar. two years old, P.
Douglas & Son. Dawson Bros. took
all the rest. -
rfttmw•orth- 1). Douglas & Son
took all the prizes in this class with
the exception of the two year old sow
when Dawson Bros. (got second.
Golden Pencilled Ilamburgir Bou -
dans, White Crested Black Polands.
W. Carter first ; .Orpbingtons, Hud-
son & son 1 .'E 2; Golden Polands, F.
C. Prouty 1 & 2: White Leghorns, T.
Brock, sr., A. E. ltodgcrt ; Brown
Leghorns, T. J3rock, jr., J. II. Batt-
ler : Brown Leghorns, rose comb, E.
C. Prouty, J. 11. Battler; ?White
Leghorns, rose comb, W. {Coates,
Hudson & Son; Black Leghorns, ,A.
Sweitzer, J. Ii. Battler: Andalusians,
A. Sweitzer 1 '& C; Black Spanish,
J. Ii. Battler, IW. Coates;.Black Min-
orcas, Hudson & Son; (Silver Lace
Wyandottes, J. W. Ortwein 1 &
Buff W yandottes. J. Ortwein ;,Black
\Vyandottes, lludson & Son ; Part-
ridge \Vyandottes, lludson '& 'Son ;
Red Caps, J. dl. )tattler; turkeys, 'W.
Coates; •fireman geese, W. Coates;
Rouen ducks, W. Coates; Light 13ra-
hamas, T. 'Carling, jr.. Hudson &
Son ; Barred Plymouth ]cocks, T.
Carlin.. jr., A. Bissett ; White Ply-
mouth hocks, J. Ortwein ; Langshans,
J. II. Battler: Silver Grey Dorking,
T. 11. Battler, 'Colored Dorkins, \Ve
Carter; black red Game Bantams,
Hudson & Son 1 .S.2; brown red Ban-
tams, J. Senior, T. 'Brock. sr, ; duck -
bantams, W. tCoates 1 & 2: any var-
iety bantams, 'W. (Coates 1 & 2 ;
ver Spang,lcd lIamburgs, Golden
Spangled 1famburge, `Silver Pencilled
Homburgs, W. Coates: (Bank Bane -
burgs, W. ICoatcs 1 & _' ; any variety
ducks, T. Brock, sr.. 1 & '2 ; collection
pigeons, W. (Coates, Harvey Bros.;
Belgian rabbits, llarvcy Bros.; any
variety rabbits, Harvey tiros.. 1'.
Brock, sr ; .Guinea+ Fowl, !'. E. J lod-
aertl. .
Special by Jones & CI tic for h.•n
eggs, Rohl-- Kydd.
Three year old, R. Norris; two year
old, .Ins. Itarr, one year old. T. Brock
jr.; font. '1'. +Brock. jr.
Wm. Read. Lucan. Judge.
Special by M. XS McLean for heavy
draught breeding mare and foal, A.
Special by It:ank of 'Commerce for
best marc in II, hear) draught, ng-
riculturnl of neral purpose classes
\1' m. Oke.
Lombard,,'1. C':srging, II. E.'Huston ;
any other variety, It. N. Rowse 1.
Armstrong & Son ; Pond's Seedling,
T. Carving jr., J..Gill ; Praud Duke, S.
Powell; Gloss Seedling, JI. E. Ruston
T. Carling, jr.
Moore's Early, 8. Powell, T. Small
Niagara, S. Powell, 11. Kreck; Con-
cord. A. Flcott,. T. Smale; Delewarc,
T. Prior, Mrs. W. Sweet ; No. 15, M.
E. Hutson, T. (Smate; No. 19, •Mr. A.
McPherson, Alex McPherson; No. 4,
Mrs. W. Sweet; No. 9, Ii. E. Huston;
Alex McPherson ; .No. 22, Salem, 11.
E. Huston; col. of grapes, '1'. Small,
Earfy''Crawford, E. trader,'('. Brock
3r.; late Crawford, T. Carlin_;, jr ; W.
Col. canned fruit, Mrs. Decker sr.,
Mrs. A. McPherson; col. of honey,
Alex McPherson ; honey in comb, Mra.
A. McPherson. A. McPherson ; ,honey
in jar, A. icI'h,•reon, Mrs. A. Mc-
Pherson ; col. home tnade wines, 'Dirs.
A. McPherson, :Miss. E. Ferguson;
pickles, Mrs. A. McPherson. W. 1)eck-
ter, sr.; canned vegetables, Win. Deck-
er. sr., Mrs. A. 'McPherson.
Specials. -Extra pleasant, S. An-
drew ; ;Tatman Sweet, S. Andrew s
crab apples, ,Wm. Cornish.
ltobt. Lan;, Judge.
Pointing landscape, Miss Alcock 1
& `2; na•intinz figure blurs, E. J. Wick-
wire, J. 0. Forrest; painting fruit or
flowers, Mrs. 1•'. J. Wickwire, Mrs. .r.
White; }cater color landscape, Miss
Alcock, .1. G. Forrest; water color,
figure, 1. 0. Forrest ; water color,
fruit orflowers, J. G. Forrest, 11. Hey-
wood; &Tin painting, J. G. Forests
Forrest, G. Ileywood ; pyrography.
Miss Alcock, W. 13awden ; crayon or
()listen°, Miss Alcock, Mrs. I''. J.
Wickwire; pencil sketch, J. 0. For-
rest, N. 1). llurdon ; col. of photo-
graphs, J. Senior; photographs, J.
Senior, photographic views, J. Senior
pen Hud ink sketch, Miss A. Carlisle,,,
0, Heywood. MISCELLANEOUS Xe'Mt/tnrmmmmmmmmmmmmMt/Mt?nrmminmmi
'Coins, G. E. Anderson, F. Clark ;
stamps, G. B. Anderson, 1•'. Clark ;
curiosities, G. 1:. Anderson 1 & 2.
lir. Browning. Judge.
Col. boots and shoes, G. Manson 1 &
2; single harness. W. ]icer 1 & '2 ;
double harness, W. Beer 1 & 2;
ladies boots, G. Manson, gents boots
0. Manson; [cured ham. Mass N. Tom ;
Miss W. Sweet ; ,baker's bread, W. J.
Statham• takes, Mrs. A. McPherson;
hand mad, .boot or shoe, G. Manson.
domestic cloth, J. Monteith; .tiannel
J. K. 'Wise; blankets, J. Decker, jr.,
W. 'Chesney ; horse blanket, J. t1C.
\Vise, ,Miss 'M. 33rethour; woollen
yarn, Miss N. Tom. J. K. Wis • • do-
mestic cotton warp, woollen weft;
finish, and withstands the
lead. Insist on having it
and 'Turpentine your job
Martin Senours and Elephant ready mixed paints in f 5,
25, 45 and 5o cent tins
Senours Floor Paints the best made 45c. qt.
Elephant Floor Paints 40c. qt.
Floor Glaze Enamel 35 & 6oc. tins
Chejap Floor Lac .4o & 75c, tins
Crack and Crevice Filler 25 & 35c.
Campbells Varnish Stains 15, 25, 45 & 85
Varnishes ........ , .. , to, 20, 35 & 50
Aluminum Paint ...... • . .............. . . 10 & 25C.
Alabastine & Murallu in ... , 25 & 5oc. pkgs.
Autumn is here and you are thinking of
It may be a heater of some kind, a coal range or a steel
range. If you aro needing a stove it will pay you to call
on T. Hawkins & Son. \Ve are selling the best makes ,n
Canada to -day and will sell them worth the money. Now
we don't want you to take our word for it, hat we will
convince you before you buy.
We do all kinds of Tinsini;hing, Furnace Work, Roofing, (Both Galvanised
and Ready Roofing). Call and see us and tell us your needs
You Take No Gliances
When You (let Your
Fall and Winter Suits
from an old established and reliable house
like ours.
'Tine -tried Reputation is what ensures; you
horns rose comb, W. Coates; Black
`' ° Merchant Tai{:,r - Exeter, Ontario.
Leghorns, A. Stce3tzer 1,,,&22.;.=
DI'ss M. Brethour; sea'1111 machine. .tip llJj111111/111/11)11111111111111(1111111.111111(1 j1/ ,
S. Jia rl i n e tour 1 St l ;maorgan. e. '`� tisi agiggiti•NMNstii iti00ti00ti00NONNONtii ieNeMtirrM�N
Lag!. , ... Sw•citzer 1 Martin & S
Lace \1'yandoU's, J. W. Orhwcjn, A. on; Parlor furnilur�, ..i
Sweitzer ; While \Vytindottes, Jos.
Senior ; huff 11'pnndottes, J. Ortwein iey, Rowe & Atkinson ; bedroom
Red Caps, J. ill. 13nttler; any variety 1l'itIs; solJ. Beverley; fine salt, 1).
t for Packing purposes. 1).
turkeys, V. (Cortes; Bremen Geese. Mille: upholstery, Rowe and Atkin -
W. 'Coates: 'Rouen ,Ducks, \V. Coates ; son, J. Ilevcrlcy; wheelbarrow. J
Light 13rnhamas, T. Carling. Hudson
& Son ; Burred Plymouth rocks,. T.
Carling, A. Sw•titzer: Silver Grey
Dorkins. J. Battler; Black Breasted
Murray & Son 1 & 2; home-made
bobsleigh, E. Treble; home-made
allow•, .1. 'Murray & Son.
Three specials, Connor tiros.
Special by \\ , J. Jlean,:,n for best Red Games, J. Battler; any variety DAt1t�1 PitOUI.'cTs
heavy draushl filly, Geo. tMoir. game, Hudson & Hon. A. Bissell I'it''' PO1lncts butter, Itoht. liydd, M.
Special by Tolson s itank Exeter for black red game Bantams. Hudson & ('011d ; ten !rounds butter, icobt.
best henry drsmit t walking team, \V. Son 1 & 2; brown red Barite me. J. (tipdd, M. Gould :.rolls or prints, M.
DI►vis..J, 1!. Mclean.Senior; Uuekwin;( liantati,=, HOW.. & Gould, stir,. A. 'lucks ;plate of huller
CATTLF.. Atkinson, �\'. Coates: any variety. for table use, ft. liyd(l; cheese 10
Bantams. W. Coates 1 & 2: Silver it), Mrs. •s\, )licks.
:\ ;;ed Cow, 1i. Smith 1 & 2; two 6pnngled iTamburg s, 1V, Co:,res; Special by .1. A. Stetteirt, 10 pounds
year ofd heifer, 11. Smith 1 & 2,\V. Blank lIamburgs, `V. Coutes. butter, \L Gould.
Johns; OM. •e � \V, G. Medd, Judge.
In a Nut Shell
We want you to call and inspect our up-to-date stock of
Beds, Chairs, Chiffoniers,
Sideboards, Etc
This is the season of the year when you are going
y nr old heifer. 1i. f3rntth GRAIN AND SEEDS VEGi'TA13L1•
1 & .', W. ,101,►;c; heifer calf, 11. Foil wheat. white, .T. K. \Visa, V.
Smith 1 & 2. W. Johns; bull calf, ILS 13rvtbour; (till wheat, red. Gcorzo acne; Of EriVoy potatoes, '1', Brock
Smith 1 & 2; herd, 11. 'Smith 1 & )C3rethotlr; (Ia.).t:ii';et jr., T. Brock, sr.; red Elephant pota-I
GI(A1)EJ 2• Andrew•, M.
Iaprim, wheat, M, lhithour. ej, loos, \W, 1)eck,r. sr.; winter cabbage
Aged cow•,T, li. (Shaplon, P. Costes 1Vist' o rote d barky. `•1. l)rithoirr A. hissers, db Sanders; Tall cabbage
`• l.'sery ; .two yenr old Heifer, Jno.' J. K. 'Wis. : 2 rowed bar:; y, .1, -N. G. 1:. Anderson ; b'ocd burets, J. $an•
Hawkins; one year old heifer. Frank( Wise. M. Br• thonr; ler:. oats, M. dere. G. E. Anderson; Globe bemtg,`
('onuses J. ilsekins; heifer calf, f8. Ilrcthour, J. K. \Vise; black oats, M. T Cotte, 0. R. Anderson; sugar beets fol' just such occasions. No use taking old Beds and a load
rseen•, A. locolt ; two year old steer1 Brethour. J. h. Wise; timothy seed 11. 1 nasmorc, Gco. Moir:• Ion^- ma q.
T. 11. Simplon. J. bhapton; one yeariDi. Ilrethoar, J. K. Wise: merchnnt'a Bold=. f. ganders, 'C. B3rncy: glob,' Of straw fol bedding purposes ('Ut.i :til' )'(tt('1' 111 every
old steer, T. 11. $hnpton, J. T. Allison ; flour, Harvey tiros. ; white beatte. rnnn;old a. 11. Passmore. R. Sander - wag', And then they are
Wm. (ern �h, .1. K. \1'js.- covers . d, intermediates, M. Iti�eett, \V. I.
'IS. \\ ,,, . \1. Prethour; ,train in , , r Ilowcy ;war:y horn carrots, G. Man-
\e, h. .1. l'. \Vis,•; ensiingr' corn `on. \V. J. llowey; Nantes earroli,
i,. Day. (;, u. Moir ; 'Pelts. J, (K W. Decker, sr.. A. S. nenvit t ; orange
Wise, M. Bret hour ; forge peas. M. Or red carrots long, J. Cottle. .1. ,111+1 e01111'111 handy at ;111 11111E
Ilrcthour. T. K. wise; small p,as, J.
Sunders; white or yellow field car-
-K. Wile. ,M. Ilrctho,rr, rola, A. Dearine,, ,1. Sanders; *tweet
1W. llnrding, J':dge,
And We Nave soul(' of the dandiest
corn, A. Biretta t. A. H. Denvitt: In-
dian corn. M. Itieeett, A. Iiis.ett
water melons, D. Ilan zh. 'Mrs. E. .1.
Six ver. winter npples. E. Rad •r, H. Wickwire ; Oilmen No. 1 Potatoes.
lla ugh ; ;our tar. tall 1r'; Ice. 1). A. Meson ; Jill ra1 New Porker.•. A.
E. Iftd.•r; plate wint .•r ep-Iii el t. Brock. jr.; any varietypo-
Wes. 1'. Triebn •r. Mrs..T. Ford :plate tato. =. M. Milliner. S.
i'• Andrew ; '4
fall a ',Wee. A. Dearing. 1Wni. Wood ; new varieties potatoes, A. S. Dra-
Rhode island Greening,. 11. Krcek, (',
Daym•,n: Northern Spies. M. Plies 'it
E. Rader : It ae .
oxboro Ru. . \V
iL iSrown: Spa zenberes. \W n,.
Cheers's-. E. Rather; Ila :do ins, I).
Hon zh, 1f. kr, ck ; Wectfi.•ld Seek-no-
(arther 11. I: reel). S. Andrew•
We[101110 ,1..
r• .1.
Wood ,� ,.
r v
n n.
5. There's no gift that still bee. `t' o. 11. I:ree1,. 11. 1. II ;sten 1'i!
r more apptncir0.1 t that
.in an Gdi- • • /', u,. .1. 1•::cot', M. itis• : t ; (' ;its's-.
.L son Phonr'grel,ir slid a selection4. Win. \\ nod. F. C. Pro.:,) 1' 1� ,
.1, of (hose Anil , eel ds. fo►npkins. D. Hoe + th. F. 1 1 i' I•n r .
1'hnno .\lex arule r,. W. Fish •r. M; 1. ford
•Krs1'1• rest as $111..'1 • ('anadian lt.d, :i, E:eott. ft 'Kreck.
•i. And :le high• .1 want. iAt Whitton !Selene. M. I'. Salter. 1'.
.i us t:how 11-• mo to you, 01 es '(riebncr, M. 1'. Sn:o r ; Grimes (1.
write for eatai Pippins. 1'. 'friebner, J. Ilsywood •
Special attention given to repairing and Upholstering
The Leading 114 nim Fro niehe,sand Miner el Directors.
Sat; pumpkins. 0. E. Anderson. R. Miss N, Marriott .Mr.. /t McPh,•r,o_I` whisk ho:der. Mrs. 1Vickwire, 'Miss
Snnd,•ra:.81u•1sh. h:. Gill;
musk melon,. .1. Sanders. it. Sanders : fine wool socks, 'Mrs. Mcl'h'•reon. 11. • Itrethour ; wnsh.,l,le sot•, pillow, J. G,
Swede turnip=. 1'.. Rini •r, W. J. Ilor• Neel,; fancy stockin,c.. 1 ;+lout
S,.rlbun `i.c rirethorr sofa f1
Orne)' nny tar,, t)f eal,a L. 1;.• 'Marriott ladiestea woolr �lountcd. Miss 'Jnrrlolt, Mrs. Wick -
A. 1;. Hod ;ert: cauliflower, 0. R.. Pfi,s \lnrriott• J1isa N. To; 11n•„\ndersen, 0. Menso); red onions. C. wool mitts, \i k' Marriott. Mist N. wire; Jinno dr.,p^ or scarf. Mitts Tire-
' !limey, A. Dextrin;: S onish onions, C. Tom : teen's wool t'lovee. ;.Miss`thor Jr.'1 . t
Iiirney; tomato •,. A. Bisset t. T. Tom ; counterpane knitted, 'Win. Gi:.t., tt.n r i•t ') in fancy stork; ,Mies
Sena:e; celery. 0. E. Anderson, 3. lespie. C. Keddy. estrn, 8 nd •i-- Ind ff'rn. Sar.,! , . & Creech child's dr. !,14.
('ott:e: citrons. .1. Sender.. ('. I:- ddy Creech ; do., croch••t, Wm. Dee' -r. sr.,\W. I3awden. Sirs. .1. White ; ladies
1 arAniPA. .1. Cot 1:e: lluhh-trd sl'raeh ,Too. Decker. jr.; do..'ttiftcd. . ltntt- en/fe•re:0th 11 . (rand made. Mise
It. Sand.•re. 0. E. Andcreon ; fable ' den 2nd :.silk -,silt, viias N. '1 ,, 1. M;-.1 Brooks; ;rid .• •' underclothin z. ma-
�t'tash. C. itirmy..1. Sanders; mottle-{ E. 1'er,Tuson; e'oth quilt, ,Miss Bre- chine mn•l +nd•rs & Creech. Mrs.
tion of ve;etah.••s. 0. E. Ander.on' lhonr, �1i's \. Torn: patehwo►k. Ji. Ilrt.tin: • r,'= oaring or night
1 and '2 j Wynn. Mr,. A. ,11cl'hereon; button- +•hitt, 'dr- B•r.inz:. Miws Ferguson;
s. ,t n.h, 1,. it:ul, r. \1', Bawd •11; (lot
Specall by ii-:,rh Spiekmel for six ' hoes, Miss N. ,Tom. Mss Brooks; Cain Ines t in.r, Miss N. Tom. \Yens
d• n m:ul,ro:ds, Geo. '�10:r. dnrnin,f, Miss Tom. Miss' :elation ; Steller: tea cots-, Mims Brethour, Miss
It.,..••< 11. 1.'•• • 'e s Andrew; lien' Amos Unupe. Judge.; pillow• Sham•. '•ir•. .i. Millar. Miss
�'` ►' Kr ^! • o t. .. Ton,: h,crh cloth in white nn linen
( •:, ry. Rabe mat. beaked Mist M. Bre. I Irre
ihtcl, es ,u. �1' ^ 1'eaore' rag lois
1.A UTFu WORK \bag.'
"' 1i ' i1i: ; 1'r. ' Jar1n band or lane ,\ Mrs. .I, Millar. Mete /Din i
I 'ickwire; Inandry cloth in colors on linen, Miss Dio-
'� T-� v .1r� riot , lunch
R. G. SEL -CON. 7:: I.... .............•..... • ..
i' t. Jtiss Ili •t t Knight c11�c• 4r box r
t i�v u . a for htlJttdlu