HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-09-02, Page 7NOME SECURITY. ce��cno ---Carter's Little Liver Pill. Must Boar Signature of See Fac -Stelae w'rarper tletow. Very small and as ear, t0 take as aw:at. FCR HEADACHE, FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR T}IECOMPLEXION CARTERS I VER PILLS. sal sas 1 Purely errs MUST 11A.15..*I�i ky ire yretallel !+rte � and sweat of brow. These uiequa- R�r lairs seem to be part of God's plan, and are no doubt meant for A \VIS PURPOSE just as mountains and plains en- hance the beauty and promote the life and fruitfulness of nature. As a level earth would mean a sand desert, so socialism—a dead level of conditions --would mean social stag- nation. Nevertheless, the one -talent man feels sorely his disadvantage, and i.; tempted, as in the parable, to complain and churlishly sit down and attempt nothing. This ten- dency the great teacher here means to reprove. He shows that God rewards men not in proportion to their gifts. but to the use they make of them. To the one who doubles his one talent the very same power it given as to the one who multi- plies his ten talents. "Well done, thou good and faith- ful servant; thou hast been faith- ful over a few things; I will make thee rifler over many things." The duty of the person not bril- WORK POOR ONE TALENT God Rewards Men in Proportion to the Use They Make of Their Gifts. And unto one He gave five tat te'etttt gtltechighest p is to ontk hisono effici- ency. And the pains be requires to advance becomes a discipline oft n more valuable by far than quick na- tt.ral pal ts. ]low often thus the gift- ed scholar, snared by his very teeth- , sees himself lett behind the plod- ding but trained and applying pu- ril. And the same fact is illustrat- •d in business and iii every sphere cuts, to another twu and to another one; to every man according to his several ability.—Matthew xxv. 13. This parable treats of the self- evident diversity in the natural gifts of men. Sonic are two, five, o- even ten talented. They are quick, clever, resourceful. This rower is a gift. The child is burnt• life• with or without it. No power can This parable concerns the great create it in the man lacking it• majority of us. She one talented What a power for good is such a i 'nifty are really of far more import - richly gifted personality ! Yet to I ance than how many have these brilliant parts THE FEW OF GENIUS.proven not aa opportunity, but a temptation, a foil and a snare. For it is by means of the great 1 The saddest chapter of lierature is company of mediocre minds that the caret; of the eons of genius. the chief work and happiness of the Over against, these exceptionally t:orld must he maintained. gifted souls our parable presents "This seems very certain," ps Brooks, "that the the one -talent man. He is dull, wrote, Phillips better and richer stow, grudgingly endowed. What world :; to g Le gets must be by toil of brain it the future, not by the rnagnifi cent achievements of the highly g;fted few, but by the patient faith- fulness of the ono -talented many." It is by common men and women realizing the importance of com- mon and lowly tasks that the wel- 1 SICK HEADACHE. SPAiN IS AWAKENING. Dawn of a New Era is at Hand for the Country. There is much leeway to be made up ere Spain comes into lino with modern methods. Only ten years asp there wore 250 schoolmasters in ono province alone whose salaries d:d not amount to $90 per annum each'. A joke was formerly current of a policeman who found the dead body of a man in the public high- way. In making out his report for the authorities he was at a loss how to describe the profession of the de- ceased, there being no papers by which to identify him. In his per- plexity the officer consulted the magistrate investigating the affair. "Of what did he die V' asked this worthy. "Of starvation, your Hon- or." ''Then write him down a schoolmaster," was the reply. This "joke" explains 73 per cent. of the cause of Spain's present condition. But the lesson is now being learned, though tardily, that the ferrule is more powerful than the bullet. An observant traveller in the days antecedent to even the Grand Tour tells of a cobbler in Madrid who e hon he went to a customer's house lo try on a pair of new shoes al- ways took with hint his two appren- tices, one to carry each shoe, and "away he struts in his satin suit, cloak, and dagger like somebody. The principles of that cobbler still obtain largely in all ranks of so- ciety. The reverence for depart -d greatness all too frequently ob- scures the necessity for present ac- tion. Spain, after her glorious achievements of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, sank into a Rip Van Winkle -like slumber and has dreamed on ever since. But the dawn of a new era is at hand and the possibilities for a wise Govern- ment art great. One of the many reforms to t grappled with is that of the admin- istration of the law. There is an old proverb that "Justice in Spain i.; long and bad," and tho gipsies have a curse which they hurl at their enemies, "May you have law- suits and gin them," the full signifi- cance of which is only appreciated Ly those who have been unfortu- nate enough to have dealings with the I., Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic and Cramps Nearly every one is troubled with bowel comrlaint (hiring the summer months. But. do they know what to do to cure it. Thousands do, many don't. WE CAN TELL YOU1 DR. FOWLER'S Extract of Wild Strawberry WILL DO ITI TIIF S. S. LESSON INTERNATIONAL LESSON, SEPT. 5. ..........4144 not stop the circulation. It is best When covering jam jars use w have a white pair for light waists white of egg and white paper. Vi- and a black pair for dark ones; rectly the pots are filled wipe thein although they never show, it is free of anything sticky, brush over 'safer. These bands may be used some rounds of white kitchen paper i to ho'•d up children's sucks. They with the white of egg and put them keep them from slipping down and et' the jars aten once. g black materials, c'u not bind. "Flat Chest" Corset Cover.—ii such as nun's veiling, the tempera- ' you are flat chested, try making ture of the water should bo tepid, 1 your corset cover this way : Fasten not hot, or the dye will run and the CANNING AM) 1'1tESl ltV1NG• I vi the back, gather the front along black become rusty -looking. Wash Bleeding Heart Pickles.—Select the top. A:ake a ruffle about four the material in suds, and rinse in fine, large blood beets; cook until inches wide and put it across the water of the same temperature. tender ; plunge into cold water fur + from the eishoulldernniug roseamut ,, oturning ly in sClotles ump eel nos time fyout so sprinkledttas d inches into ]ices un; inch thick. skins. Cut . downward ; then another ruffle packed in a tin tub the night be - cut slices one Then re- I cut kith heart shaped cutter. I +about an inch narrower, turning fore ironing k Ihu chlthes as tightly ace a sheet in Fickle in the usual way. Theso upward. Finish the top with a the tub, p aro especially nit to serve with and when You nll it the corsetes icover tiers soandlcover with athe blahketc.or- a plate touch—ono heart to c ich 1 1 air turn duan the upper ruffle. To peel tomateea without scald- ing rub the bask of a knife over the entire surface of the tomato, thus separating the thin skin from the tomato. Break the skin at tho stem part and gently pull it away from the tomato. In this way to- matoes inay be prepared without the semi -cooked taste which scald- ing gives them. Heavy brooms should always be selected in preference to light ones, kir thorough sweeping, as the weight aids in the process. In buy- ing a broom test it by pressing the edge against the floor ; if the straws bristle out and bend the broom is a poor one, for they should remain in a firm, solid mass. Boiling a pudding in a double saucepan will be found an improve - one ha teaspoonful o ci stent on the use of the old time ono cupful sweet milk, two tea- pudding cloths. Fill the lower part spoonfuls of baking powder, and with boiling water and keep it one-quarter teaspoonful of soda, boiling, in rho upper pan put first two and one-half cupfuls of flour. a disc cut from oiled paper, then Heat sugar, molasses, butter, ana pour in the pudding. It will come spices until thoroughly warm. Best out a good shape. up well. Then add other ingred. T1I1: BANK OF ENGLAND. ents. Bake in muffin pans. Premium Gingerbread. — Cream together one cupful of sugar, on: Treasure Vaults as Near Impreg- half cupful butter, one-half cupful noble as Possible. of lard. Beat two eggs well and The question as to whether the add to this. Then add one cupful treasure vaults of the Bank of Eng- land are strong enough to resist explosives dropped upon them from airships, which was raised by a shareholder at a recent meeting, to an interesting one in view of the fact that bullion worth £40,000,000 is kept there. And the bullion, of course, con- stitutes only a portion of the wealth of the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street. Jewels, plate, and similar costly articles to the aggregate value of considerably over £100,- 000,000 are regularly stored for the convenience of customers. Is this treasure—the greatest, probably, that has ever been gath- ered together in ono place—safe 1 Mr. E. Newby, the shareholder in question, thinks not. Putting aside altogether the hypothetical danger from future airships, to which ho drew attention, he points out that who foresee revolution, chaos and tube railways have been construct- national poverty if large families eel in close proximity to where become general. some, at all events, of the subter ranean strong -rooms are supposed ,F to be situated. The inference is obvious. QUEEN VICTORIA OF SPAIN. :Against this, however, must be Q— placed the undoubted fact that to Denplte Her Leaning to English tunnel into one of them would be Ideals. Is Popular. the Home plate. . This gives a pretty, frilly fullness \1 hen Making Jams. — When to the shirtwaist making jams and marmalades try �_ the easier and altogether more sat- isfactory GINGERBREAD. way of baking them in the oven instead of cooking on top Tip Top Gingerbread.—Half cup - of the range. where constant atten- ful of butter, half cupful of sugar, tion and stirring are imperative. half cupful molasses, half cupful of Turn the burner down low and as sur milk, two cupfuls flour, two your jani thickens around the edg- eggs (not beaten), two teaspoonfuls es of the pan, kettle, or crock, stir of ginger, one of cinnamon, one it down. No further attention is teaspoonful of soda. Put soda in necessary until it is done and you molasses and beat thoroughly. This run absolutely no risk of burning makes it light and tender. it Ideal Gingerbread.—One cupful India Relish.—One peck green 1,f s"gar, one-quarter cupful of tomatoes, six large onions. three New Orleans molasses, one cupful small peppers, one gallon vinegar, of butter and lard, three eggs well ene ounce celery seed, one ounce beaten, ono saltspoonful of salt, white mustard seed, one ounce one small tablespoonful of ginger, black mustard seed, and one ounce one-quarter teaspoonful of cloves, tumeric powder. Run tomatoes l{ f l f innamva fare of every home and the genera} through a neat chopper or chop be rine. Drain off juice. Chop on - well and peppers. Put all the in - promoted being of mankind are to imoted And, none the less, is it by these that God's wise and gredients together and ;coil twenty minutes. Do not add all the vine - blessed purposes to tho race aro to be completed. gar until you find whether so much Let us. then, bear in mind thati'; needed to make Often saceo fu of pro - usefulness, success, happiness and per thicrhull gal the divine blessing depend not up -ion of vinegar is not needed. on our talents, many or few, brit- Quick Jelly.—This method is good for all fruits but pineapple, liant or dull, but upon our wise, patient, earnest use of such capaci crabapple and quinces: Mash the raw fruit t►ntil all is well broken, tier as we have. Lesson X. Paul's Third Missionary Journey. Golden Text, Phil. 4: 13. I. Paul's Journeyings Among the European Churches.—Vs. 1-6. We learn from 2 Cor. 1: 8-10, written not a great white after Paul left Ephesus he took a trading vessel to Troas on his way to Philippi. II. Paul's Experience at Troas.— Vs. 0-12. Paul and his company re- mained a week at Truss, a seaport on the Aegean Sea, a number of miles south of Horner's Troy. They reached Troas five days after the Passover, which in A. 1). 57 was celebrated April 7-14. Paul, on tho evening of the Lord's day, held a preaching service and holy commun- ion in an upper chamber. As Paul was to sail the next morning the Danzig service lasted till midnight. A young man named Eutychus was sitting in the latticed window of the third story. The place was crowded and hot, the hour was late, and the young ratan was weary, so he was overpowered by sleep and fell down three stories to the ground and was taken up for dead. Paul immediately went down by the outside stairs common in Oriental houses, and fell on hien, embracing him, as Elijah in the case of the son of the widow of Zarephath 1. Kings 17: 21), and Elisha, in that t.; the Shunammitc'a son. Doubtless Paul prayed as earnestly as those prophets, "and the close contact, the clasp of warm affection gave new intensity to the prayer of faith." His prayer was answered, and the young man was restored• The whole incident was very im- pressive and also comforting. It revealed the love, the faith and the power of Paul and the religion he represented. III. Paul's Review of His Life at Ephesus.—Vs. 13-27. The change of pronouns to "we" "The race is not to the swift `r the battle to the strong,y� o the faithful and deserving. It is those who have had an in- feriority of nat.tral towers and who, in spite of disadvantages, have put over the fire to cook. Measure mnde the•els elves a help and a bless one cupful of sugar for every cup- ful of juice, putting on the stove or in the oven where it will be- come hot, but do not let it scorch. Lot the juice boil for about eight HEADACHE. In all eases of headache the first thin/ to do is to unload the bowels and thus relieve the afflicted organa or the over - full blood vessels of the brain; and at the same time to restore tone to the system. re-establish the appetite. pro- mote digestion and invigorate the entire body. then take a cupful at a time and of dark New Orleans n►olasa:s. put in a bag—a salt bag is good Take one cupful of sour milk, put. for the purpose—and gently squeeze into this one teaspoonful of the juice into a dish. When all of Then add to the entire mixture the fruit is thus treated measure enough flour to stiffen not quite as the juice and place in a kettle and stiff as cake dough. Last add :,n: and one-half teaspoonfuls of gin- ger. Cover bottom of pan with thick greased paper, as it burns easily. ing who deserve best of the race and shall shine the brightest in the kingdom of heaven. JUNIUS R. REMENENYDEIt. rr.inutes and skim, then add the hot sugar, bring to a boil, and cook set was detained here for an Stn one minute snore. The color and certain length of time, and Paul flavor of the fruit is much better sent for the Ephesian elders to• , preserved by this plan than by the more tedious process. From be- ginning to end it will take less than an hour to make the jelly. IN THE SEWING ROOM. When Making Plaits.—In snaking plaits in skirts, particularly in %cash materials, if the plaits are stitched on the inside close to the outer edge where it is creased about half way down the plaits will always be easy to keep in place when ironed. Corset Covers.—To make the embroidery corset covers, cut out the half circles for the arms, from the top of these half circles cut a strip to go over the shoulders and stitch in place on the machine, trim the armholes evenly and hem. The part over the shoulders will br like the rest of the cover and ail} look much better than if a dif- ferent kind of beading is used. Tho bottom can be finished with stitch- ed plaits from the waist line to the bottom or with a peplum. Tailor's Hint.—A skirt could :ie finished in the same way a tailor finishes men's trousers. Tho skirt binding braid may be stitched at the bottom in the usual way, but when turning it up to baste put in a strip of mending tissue the width of the braid, and press with a hot iron. Fasten the braid at each seam and you have a much neater finished skirt than by tho old me- thod. Two Uses of Elastic.—A great many girls use rubber bands to keep their short sleeves in place, but a far better way is to make a pair of elastic arm bands about one-fourth of an inch wide and just big enough to slip over the elbow without stretching. They are ser- viceable and comfortable and do come to 11filetus and greet him, for it would not be safe for him not to he ready to embark at short no- tice. Luke was probably present at the meeting, so that be was able to re- port what Paul said. Those present knew that he was speaking the truth. What ho had done and taught was an example for them to follow, and on inspira- tion to faithfulness. IV. Farewell Counsels to the Ephesians.—Vs. 28-35. 1 V. 28. Take heed . . . unto yourselves. See that you are fit instruments for the work God has given you to do, and set an example that aids your work. Take heed to your intellec- tual life, to your spiritual life, and to your bodily life that your body may be the most perfect instrument of the spirit - INVENTS NEW AIRSHIP. it has t•ecn on the market 61 years, and is unive'•sslly used in thousands of families. There are many imitations of this sterling remedy, so do not be led into taking sotnethine "just as good" which some unscrupulous druggist tries to talk you into taking. Dr. Fowler's is the original. 'Pnere are none just as goo 1. it cores Summer Complaint, Cholera Morbus, Cholera In- fantnm, Seaaickne-.' and all Bowel Com- t•laints Prier 3.1 cents. Mao ifaetnred oitty by The T. Milburn Co., LituVml, Torus:o, Engineer Uses Boards, Not Metal. An interesting development in the building of air cruisers is an- nounced Ecom Danzig, Germany. An eminent engineer of that city, Professor Schutte, has construct- ed the model of a new wooden air- ship which promises such success- ful results that the great engin- eering firm of Lanz, in Mannheim, have taken the matter up and agreed to have the airship built some time in autumn. Professor Schutte's ship, like Count Zeppelin's, will he rigid. The niotor power will probably be 600 h.p., which may result in a speed of 33 miles an hour. Tho body of the cruiser will con- sist of light boards placed diagon- ally over one another. The inter- ior will bo of goldbeater's skin, lightness and imperviousness thus both being secured. The absence et metal in large masses from the Cody of the balloon :nay obviate such catastrophes as happened to Count Zeppelin at Ecbterdingen, where the electricity in tho air un- it, v. 13 shows that Luke had now c'oubtedly played a large part. joined the party, and he continues Another advantage of n wooden with them till they reach Jerusa- oter a metal body is that the form - lent (Acta 21: 17). etmay be more readily supplied From Troas to Assos. one day's lath wireless telegraphy.bac sail, there were two routes. The The hall to hold this ship has al- Sallow which is n. ete. to a the delegation went by vessel the long ready been begun. It will tie 13b the hit, and leu it Ret into the blood may around the promontory of Lec- yards long and 60 broad. instead, thus causing Constipation. tem, and on account of the peat- Siemen's electrical works at \tilhnru's Laxa.Liver Pills will regu- liarity of the winds at that t.eason Nurnberg are also actively engag Itt' the flow of bile to act pmperly upon they must start very early, "soon re in building a gigantic flexible the I,owala, and wilt tone. rettoyste and niter midnight." airship with a length of 125 %Ards: purify the liver. 1trv. J. Westterg Paul decided to wait a little while and a diameter of 13, with 39,000 swan Nivea, flan., writes C. '•1tsnfe'reej tenger at Trees and take the short- feet of gas. It will hate three ears for veers, more than tongue can tell, t liver 1:• lend mule. twenty milee n•,rosa suspended from the balloon on ani ofitmedirir.r►{,uticouldtried n relief until the ermine)! ry, and join the cow- entirely new system. �i'our I)aim- o got dliihurn's Ienu diet o rel I can - 1.,:f inv t! .1 It is probable Shat ler me,tors, each of 1:3 h.p., will to: praise thein too highly for shat they 1 , • .1 1 remnin hinee•r ,on ne. •ii iv,• it. 'fltis halleon mil} only be ]rave for ma" 1 .,;r : , ' 1 r,tyclitta. and to complete • Sel,tly smaller than Zeppelin'. vl,ll, done ,for fever Pills ar+ 25c. les e. ,..hi'"li was interr,+lttcd Jed if 'twee«ful will revive the 1,,,,N1,1,1):1170:1 „,r ti,l, ar 5 for 11.00, at all dealers, L, tile r .:t •nt. - e,�ni Fret er'v regarding the respcc- I or mated direct on receipt of price by 1111 1'.. : th (lit.• 11,1 • r"rr•'eal . e teerit' e•f the rigid and the flex- 1 eo 1'. Mtiltiurn Co., Limited, Toronto, N: i'e n. h •) and Colic ,. T ,e, • es• . -. -;tins. USEFUI. HINTS. Vegetables should always be kept on a stone floor out of the air. Iron body linen on the right side only and table linen both sides, wrong side first. A pudding cloth made of cheese cloth does not retain the grease, and is easily cleaned. Garnish boiled mutton with beet - rout cut in thin slices and a 11:• tic chopped parsley on each. Wheat bran placed in coarse flan- nel bags is excellent for cleaning dust from delicate wall papers. Dissolve a tablespoonful of rock ammonia in a bath. This makes the water soft and invigorating. When stewing fruit, add a pinch cit salt to every pound, and yoi will find the flavor greatly imp+ -v- cd. New tan boots should be poli'h- ed several times before they are worn. This will pi -event their staining easily. Before boiling milk put a lite:e water at the bottom of the sauce- pan and it will prevent the milk from burning. Use tubo muslin for pillow cases. L is only necessary to sew one end and hem the other, and the deed is done. Cucumber cut into slices, dredged with flour, and fried, makes an ex- cellent accompaniment to chops and steaks. To fix the colors of print dresses, colored shirts, and other similar things, rinse the goods in a little weak brine for the first few wash- ings. Choose lamp wicks that are soft and loosely woven. Soak them in vinegar before using, and dry in a cool oven. This is the surest way to obtain a good light without smoke. Stuffing for Ducks.—Chop very finely one apple, one onion, and one ounce of sage leaves. Add to it six dunces of breaderumbs, one egg, pepper and salt. Mix with a raw egg. Keeping Vegetables Crisp.—Wash your green vegetables. such as let- tuce and spinach, incluse in cover- ed dish and let stand. Vegetables treated in this manner will keep fresh and crisp for days. To Tighten Lid on Glass Jar. — Break white of an egg into a sau- cer and dip tho rubber and lid of the jar into the egq and place them tion has been strengthened by the g�+ may es. ,[ion the jar and tighten and there installation of an excellent system tions o e a smother ng sensation. gasp for will be no danger cf the fruit fer- of No fewer than 33 fire alarm boxes breath and feel a3 though about to die. nienting. In surh evra the rvaion of Milhorn's To wash colored stockings put a have been erected at different iletrt ant bene• fills in quieting the tablespoonful of salt in A quart of points of the palace, and each one heart, restoring its normal treat an.t im- water. Let the stockings soak in hears a distinctive number. When setingqq tone to the nerve centres, is, that for ten minutes, and then oa land 1, r handle signaled ovler tlheebox ntirr ys. give reel% pr.r► pt relief thatmarvellous. one neeed them out and wash in s p water. tem including the res den es in tl+r ` suffer. Mrs Arthur M t -on, Nonbank. Ont., Brush skirls directly they are taken off, remove tiny spots and stains before they I ocome to set, and hang everything in its proper le phone Apparatus, by means of place, instead of throwing it just an t e effectedhich nic ertmmtinieation with the firms station an 1 tcowidtlscatave rcelysevere lie down choking a13. 1 anyhow un a chair. ,salons outbreak .,f tr ' 1 invny re Fie l ca but trot none to A teaspoonful f baking soda fi Alt hells!' a 1 •1n, cep frp r•► ILL. �o tr t 1 d Suffered More Than Tongue Can Tell From Liver Trouble. will remove the cause of the trouble and restore the system to healthy action and buoyant vigor. Mrs. J. Priest, Aspdin, Ont., writes:— "I was troubled with headache for several years and tried almost everything with.- out ith•out results, until a friend advisedmeme to bt two ottles, butBitters.k Blood before 1had finished I was completely cured. I can never say too much for 11.I3.Il." For sale at all deniers. Mtanutactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. BON US FOR CHILDREN. Two French Savants Propose a Scheme. The grave problem presented by r~ decliug birth rate is again dis- tressing France, which is particu- larly engaged at this moment in weighing the merits claiincd for a plan proposed by Prof. Charles Richet, of the Academy of Medicine and M. Leroy -Beaulieu. The scheme proposes a system of bonuses for children, the bonus growing as the number of children in one family grows ; that is, while' the parents get nothing in consideration of the first child, they get 50of. for the second, 1,000 for the third, and se on. Prof. Richet believes that births will be increased annually by 750,- 0000 or 1,000,000 at, the cost to the State of 30,000,000f. yearly. This expenditure is to be met by death duties. They plan laying a tax of 50 per cent. on ail collateral be- quests and confiscating half the es- tate in case there is only one child. M. Leroy -Beaulieu further would reduce the salaries of unmarried employes of the State as well as of those with only one child, or with none five years after marri- age. Naturally the proposition has aroused warm opposition. It is asked whether the class which would be reached by such an offer is one worthy to be the parents of future generations. There aro not lacking those who affirm that the prosperity of France rests on the ,rinciple of the small family, and s very big job indeed for anybody to tackle. For ono thing, no out- sider knows the actual position of the principal treasure vaults. The bullion room into which or- dinary visitors to the Bank are con- ducted is moro for show than use, and usually contains only about £2,000,000 worth of bar gold. It is, in fact, little more than a white- washed cellar, and the domed roof is not even thick enough to entire- ly shut out the sounds of the foot- steps of the people immediately overhead. Deep down below this, however, aro the real treasure vaults, the innermost and largest of which is a veritable Aladdin's Cave. It is as near impregnable as possible. That is to sey, very heavy charges of some high explosive, such as dy- namite, for example, would be nec- essary to shatter it. While it can only be opened in the ordinary way by the mutual co-operation of the governor, the deputy -governor, nd the chief cashier, each of whom has a different key. A buy, slow or torrid liver 18 a terrible affliction, as its influence permeates the whole system, csusing Biliousness, If part - horn, `Water Rrash, fangnor, Coated Tongue. hick headache, Yellow Eyee, WINDSOR TREASURES. Elaborate System of Protection Against Fire. Extraordinary precautions have palpitation of the Heart. sures Spaniards are beginning to rea- lize that Victoria is made of stron- ger stuff than her husband, and, despite her open leaning to Eng- lish ideas. she continues t gain 10 popularity. It is known she attends bullfights only as a concession to public wish and national custom, and it would excite no astonishment were she to announce her absence from all bull- fights in the future. opposition Against determined she has effected a revision of the rules of the Spanish court, and has introduced a system which makes for the liberality of the English court, in which she was raised and from which Alfonso carried her off a bride less than three years ago. Old-fashioned Spaniards profess to be shocked by the reforms the young queen has wrought, but fast the same they have been unable W withhold admiration for hes strength of will. It has taken brief time, in truth, to mark Victoria as the most au thoritative of the women sharing as consorts the thrones of the ole world. been taken to protect the trey :n Windsor Castle from destruction f y fire. An up-to-date fire brigad ,an it eery modern appliance, ef- ficient salvage corps, is now attach- ed to the Castle, and the protee- One of the first danger signals that an- nounce something wrong with the heart is the irregular beat or violent thro,. t :ten there is only a cluttering sensation, or an "a11 gone" sinking feeling; or again. there may be a most violent boating, with fluetiin of the skin and visabie pulse. town of men connected with the bri- gade. Each box is also fitted with a te- writes:—” Just a few lines to let you know what Milburn's heart and Nerve l'ills have done for ine. I have been troubled with weakness and pali,itatiot of the teaspoon u u i (IA I r i rc, o r.mr i 1 t ,e n iighly to all with solved in a teacupful of hot water i fire has not occurre•cl for over haft ; • isag l 1 baro ' ,err aemiu..lc." good mouth wash fear toothache cenhitt, tie ►e e: site nee+e• 1: t•,ril41 iie 1 ., •e, f,.t rent. Der ',At. Ora homes for c r inflamed gents. It can also be newt Leri re's x• { Si : , ut alt eie+Ic1e, e.r „mike direct on 118e(I as a gargle for Mere throats. irnpo«mice to reel t •" ,e e,•vli , r,f i,t.t1, F•y 1'nG'C Milburn Co.,1 Baking soda powdered on warts tmPa ure•3 in t life ie1 ri 1 , I, i l,cf' t vat. will destroy them. of whist, rnnnere a%e e 0