HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-09-02, Page 6111 Ullexpeeted Coiifossioll;
Or, The Story of Miss Percival's Early Lite.
The astonished girl turned a
blank, white face upon her com-
panion, as he made. the startling
proposal recorded in the last chap -
"Will you marry me, my child •
Mr. Irving had questioned, looking
into her wondering eyes with a
grave seriousness that bespoke the
sincerity of his purpose.
"My gold friend," he continued,
a hen he saw that she was unable
to utter a word in reply just then,
'I know that I have startled. you.
I told you, you remember, that I
was going to put your friendship
to another test, and you little rea-
lized how rashly you were promis-
ing to give yourself away when you
said you were ready to serve mo
in any way. But, seriously, Es-
ther, I am evry much in earn st
af:out this. The property, white,
has fallen to rno is mine, to do
with as 1 like. There is an estate,
besides a handsome income, that
will make you independent for life.
You need toil no longer for your
own support; you can go to school
--as I have heard you wish so many
times—for as long as you like; you
can have every advantage, make
yourself as accomplished as you
will, then take your position in the
world and live as you choose. I
must do something with this pro-
perty before I go. I have no rela-
te es, save my brother, who, hav-
ing already proved himself so un-
worthy, would only squander it,
and bring dishonor upon our name.
l oould bequeath it to some public
charity, it is true; but that I do
not wish to do. I want it to re-
main what it is—a beautiful home,
and to know that some one, whore
1 respect and esteem and who will
cherish a friendly feeling toward
me, will live there and enjoy it
1 could leave it to you, independ-
ent of the formality of marriage;
but in that case there is a liabil-
ity that my will might be contest-
ed by my brother, and much trou
blo made for you. But if you be-
come my wife—if you have a legal
right to bear my name, no one can
annoy you, or tako your wealth
from you. Esther, what do you
Now the hot color, wave on wave,
surged the girl's nock, cheek and
brow. Her eyes were downcast,
and she trembled visibly with nerv-
ous excitement.
It was such at unprecedented
proposition. her breath was fair-
ly taken away, and she was speech
less, from mingled amazement and
She had not once dreamed toward
a hat all this confidential talk was
tending, and now she shrank, sen-
sitively, from becoming the recipi-
ent of such a heavy obligation from
one who was a comparative stran-
ger ; while the thought of becoming
his wife was absolutely paralyzing.
'Why! 1 did not knew-- I did not
think," she at last began falter-
ingly, to break the awkward sil-
ence that followed his last ques-
' i know you did not once
sus. .a my purpose in relating so
much of my history to you," Mr.
Irving quietly observed, to give her
still more time to recover herself,
"but, having conceived it, of
course, I wanted you to know my
past. And 1 have been studying
your character also, Esther, ever
since you begun to care for me so
kindly during my recent illness. 1
have found you to be a pure, true,
noble girl ; you have strong pur-
poses --high aims; you aro honest.
sincere and generous. I know that
ahatover wealth was intrusted to
u, you would use wisely. Besides,
Ioowe you my life ----yea, more; for
you have saved me an eternity of
remorse—have saved mo from going
into the presence of the woman I
loved with the stain of a great
crime upon my soul. I had become
so embittered. by my unhappy ex-
periences, that I was ready to curse
all hur•lanity. and e% en deny the
existence of any overruling 1►owcr,
a hen you came like a sunbeam of
hope to me and kindled anew my
uniting faith. You have taught me
" ' 'Tis only noble to
Kind hearts are more
And simple faith tha
blood.' "
be good ;
than coro-
n Norman
"Oh, Mr- Irving: you surely oyes.
rate the little that I have cjonc 7"
Esther hero interposed, with a de-
precatory gesture.
"I do not," he earnestly returned
and with visible emotion. "If you
could but know how your gentle-
ness, patience and cheery pre -once
have sweetened these. my Inst clays
on earth you would not sie nk �o
i;lightin ' f our effort. and fou
were r .slightest ebli-
a poor pci,•1
"No, dear," he iuterposed, gent-.
ly, '•your honest, conscientious
heart could never have conceived
such an idea. The plan is urine,
and, in according to it you will
simply be gratifying the wish of a
dying mato who desires that his
home may be occupied b) those who
will appreciate it, and his wealth
preserved from wasteful and un-
worthy people. Now say yes, my
child ; then we will have everything
quietly settled at once, and toy
mind will be at rest. Hero, put
your hand in 'nine, and tell me that
you will give it to me, for the little
time that I amu to stay here," he
concluded, us he extended his palm
to her.
She lifted a tearful glance to him
--the bright drops g.rttoring upon
her long dark lashes. She was
trembling, too. for she was deep-
ly moved iu view of the decision re-
quired ef her.
She studied his face intently for
a full minute; then she quietly laid
her hand in his and murmured
"If you think it is right—if you
are sure it is best, I will do as you
"I know it is right ; I am confi-
dent it is best, dear," he said, as
his fingers closed firmly over hers.
Then taking a little box from the
table beside hint, ho opened it, and
taking from it u beautiful ring sot
with asimple glittering stone of
great value, ho slipped it upon tho
third finger of her left hand.
"This was my mother's engage-
ment ring, Esther," ho observed,
in a reverent tone, "and it. shall
also be the seal to our betrothal.
You may know in what esteem I
hold you, from the fact that I give
you this jewel, which has always
been very sacred to mo. I have
also her wedding ring, and with r
you, too, shall be wed."
Esther's lips quivered and her
heart beat with almost audible pul-
sations as she listened to this.
Tho next moment, unable to lon-
ger control her emotions, she had
bowed her head upon their clasped
hands and burst into tears.
"I'm afraid I am not worthy, it
seems such a groatresponsibility,"
she murmured, brokenly.
Hor companion smiled, and there
was a very tender light in his eyes,
as he gently laid his free hand up-
on her bowed head.
"That very thought is a better
proof to me of your worthiness than
any other to which you could have
given expression," ho said, in a
graitfied tone. "Now, dear," he
continued, as ho released her,
"wipe those tears and do not al-
low yourself to be burdened by the
fear of care or responsibility, for
I have no idea of permitting you
to wear any yoke. Your future is
to be as bright as plenty of money
and good counsel can make it. My
friend King will be hero presently ;
he is an attorney—tea roan among a
thousand for sound judgment ar:d
integrity, and he is to be my ad
ministrator. I could not leave you
and your affairs in better hands,
and you may safely rely upon h,:a
in every emergency. As I said be•
fore, he knows and approves of my
intentions, and to save time he has
been preparing the documents nee
essary to put them into execution.
I knew, if I failed to secure your
consent, they could easily be de.
stroyed. Ah ! he is coining now. I
hear his voice in the hall below,"
Mr. Irving concluded, as he turned
i.n expectant face ''ward the door.
A moment or two later there came
a tap upon it.
"Conte in," said the invalid,
while Esther sat erect and hastily
wiped the tears from her cheeks,
and the next instant the gentle-
man, whom sho had admitted the
previous evening, entered the room.
Ho was a fine-looking gran of be-
tween thirty and forty, of medium
height, broad -shouldered and stal-
wart of frame, with an honest face,
a genial eye, and a smile that at
once attracted Esther and won her
implicit confidence.
"Ah, Bert, I am glad to have
you back," said Mr. Irving, greet-
'na him with n smile of welcome.
"You will be glad to know that I
have succeeded in my project; and
now allow me to .introduce to you
my affianced wife, Miss Esther Wel-
lington. Miss Wellington, Mr.
Humbert King."
The lawyer bowed with courtly
grace, as he greeted the beautiful
girl, and warmly shook tho hand
sho extended to him, his keen eyes
sweeping her face and figure at a
single glance.
"She is like a young queen; she
will make a glorious woman, one
of these days. It is a thousand pit-
ies that ]fuss cannot live to see her
reign in his home," was his trental
comment, while he ver'rally express-
ed his pleasure in meeting her and
his gratification over the fact that
his friend had gained her consent
to his wishes.
(To be continued.)
your living at the same time. Now
have I made you understand why
I wish to make you some return ?
You have become like a dear young
sister to me, and, as such, since
you aro alone in tho world, I would
like to guard you, as much as pos-
sible, from the annoyances and
vicissitudes of life. This desire and II�
the determination to preserve my I
ir;lteritance from being squandered
have prompted the to ask you to be-
come my wife. and thus have thrown
around you the protection of an
honored name, together with ample
"But it does not seem right --I
should feel like a usurper," Esther
exclaimed, a troubled expression on
her young faco.
"Pray do not allow such a
thought to disturb you for a mo-
ment," Mr. Irving returned, smil-
ing kindly upon her. "I have
grown very fond of you, my child,
during those last few weeks, and
could I but live to manage my own
affairs I should ask you to allow
me to adopt you as my daughter,
and try, in a fatherly way, to make
your future brighter than it might
otherwise bo. In proposing to you
to go through the legal form of be-
coming my wife, I have no wish
to fetter you in the slightest degree.
You will simply bear my name, to
seal your right to my fortune, and
you are to be as free as you aro
now in all other respects, even
though I should linger on for some
weeks yet. It is only to secure you
against all future annoyance that
I suggest it at all. Now, Esther.
tell me that you will grant. my re-
quest," he concluded, appealingly.
Still the girl did not reply. She
sat with averted face, scarlet cheeks
and heaving bosom.
She was almost appalled by the
thought of having a fortune thrust
upon her in such a way—of mount-
ing at a single bound from the
depths of poverty to tho topmost
wave of affluence, so to speak —to
have her future made so smooth and
attractive—to be able to gratify all
her craving for learning and cul-
ture, and have it also in her pow-
er to do all the good she wished
for others.
Oh, it was an outlook that was
almost bewildering 1 But dare she
accept it by becoming a wife'? Had
she any moral right to marry this
dying man for his money, especi-
ally when her heart was given to
She loved Donald Lancaster with
a love so intense—so deep-seated
that she knew she could never en-
tertain an atom of wifely affection
for any other man; and now, since
learning within the last hour that
Donald could never be anything to
her—that ho was pledged to an
other, she had told herself that she
should live out her life alone. Then
why, since the hopes which were
stirred within her during that
short, blissful half hour spent with
him that morning had been so
ruthlessly destroyed, why should
she not avail herself of Mr. Iry-
ing's desire to give her his inheri-
tance 1
She would regard it. as a sacred
trust—she would preserve his name
spotless, and dispense his wealth as
nearly iu accordance with his wish-
es as would be possible. And, oh'
it would be such a relief not to have
to work.
"Front early morn till dewy eve"
for the little that sho was able to
earn—not to be obliged to come in
contact with supercilious people,
submit to their rude treatment and
cater to their arbitrary demands.
She was peculiarly sensitive in
some respects, and she shrank from
contact with these women of the so-
called "upper crust,' who always
n•ade hor feel the great social dis-
tance between them.
"Esther. I am waiting for your
decision,'' gravely observed Mr.
living, breaking in upon these re-
- Then he leaned forward and tried
to study her downcast face, a start-
led expression creeping into his
03 es.
"But possibly, dear. you are nut
free to give me the answer I de-
sire. I had not once thought of
that until this moment," he said,
a trifle unsteadily. ' Perhaps you
are already pledged to sante one
whom you love---"
"No; oh, no 1 ' Esther exclaimed,
a siyid scarlet mounting to her
brow, yet with a note of keen pain
in her tones, "I am pledged to no
one ; I am free-- free to do as 1
"Then will you do as I wish 7 Will
yon merry me to day. lather 7"
..Today !"
-Yes. the ,,loner the better,- he
gravely answered.
' Oh, do you think I aught to
she cried, almost wildly. ''It 'a'ea1a
such 'snc•h a tnereeuary:ding to
toil for do---"
l.1VEI) 94 YEARS 1N a INE HOl'SE
The death has occurred at Braun-
ton at the ago of 91 of G. P. Hart-
noll, who had been church warden
of St. Brannock's Church. Braun-
ton. for fifty years. He was born
to the house in which he died and
had only dept away two nights dur-
ing the whole of his life.
.\ loafer may
some people, but
paid for it.
ke a hit with
le doesn't get
McKendry's Fall and Winter Style Book
The daintiest hats you ever saw, the very
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At great expense this book has been prepared for our out -of town cus-
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the excellence of our work, and at tl;e mtune have made a must sa:b-
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f t+++++♦ tt +++++•+t f ++ ♦+
In Bulletin No. 73 of the Mon-
tana Experimental Station, 1)r.
Lindfield gives the results of sev-
eral interesting experiments in
pig -feeding. This bulletin is sum-
marized as follows:
(1) Experiments 2 and 6 are il-
lustrations of the economy of feed-
ing young pigs, when they receive
the proper ration. In experiment
2, pigs averaging 35 pounds in live
weight gained an average of 1-2
pounds per day, and put the ono
pound of gain at a food cost of 3.5
cents. In experiment 6 pigs aver-
aging 90 pounds gained .92 pounds
per day, at, an average cost of 3.62
cents per pound.
(2) Peas make a more efficient
hog feed than does barley, but be-
cause of tho greater cost of the
peas tho barley makes a more eco-
nomic ration.
(3) A ration of gain, with skim
milk as a supplemental food when
fed to hogs gave: First the most
rapid gains, and second, the most
economical gains, but took second
place to tankage a9 an efficient
(4) A ration of gain with tank-
age as a supplement food came sec-
ond in rate of gain, but first in ef-
ficiency ration. Because of the
high cost of tankage, it makes an
expensive ration when fed in tho
proportions given in these tests.
(5) Hoots as a supplement food
also make a valuable addition to
the ration, conning next in value to
skim milk and tankage.
(6) Clover or alfalfa fed as hogs
will eat it, together with a grain
ration, improves materially the
rapidity of the gain and the feed-
(7) In these tests the hogs fed
grain aloud made economic gains
but tho lowest daily gains, and on
the average the most expensive
gains were made on such a ration.
(8) Hogs fed a half grain ration
on clover and half alfalfa pasture
made, in proportion to the grain
fed much faster gains a',rl much
buy stock to fend for the butchers
as it does to purchase a stock of
It is natural for hogs to root.
They find things in the ground
that their systems need. Hogs do
better when permitted to live na-
Do not allow farni stock to tramp
around beehives, for they oftendis-
turb the bees, and cause them to
fill themselves unnecessarily with
honey, frequently producing dysen-
tery, and death will be the result.
If horses or colts have worms,
try feeding them raw potatoes,
thinly sliced. You will probably
have to mix the potatoes in grain
at first to get the horses to eat
thein. A few raw potatoes each
week are good for a horse at any
If permitted to follow their own
inclination, clucks will hasten to
the ponds and streams beforo they
have laid, and drop their eggs
wherever they chance to bo. Tho
eggs thus become chilled and will
not hatch well. Confine them to
the yard or house until theiy have
been fed and have deposited their
Every farmer will concede that it
costs no more to feed and care for
c. good horse, or good animal of any
kind, than a cheap and unsaleable
scrub, yet mol,' will go on breed-
ing and raising such horses as will
only sell at plug prices when they
could as easily and cheaply raise
an animal that will sell readily at
any time after maturity and at a
profitable price.
The mistake made in raising pigs,
too often, is the radical change
!made in their diet at weaning
time. Weaning should be an evo-
lution, not a revolution, of their
habits. They should be early
taught to eat slop made of mid-
dlings and skimmed milk, or a mix-
ture of middlings and cornmeal.
By the time they are ready to wean
they should be getting two-thirds
their living from the feed trough.
Pigs stunted at weaning time will
never make the hogs a steady
growth would have made.
When bees really require atten-
tion give it to them and then quit.
Do not tinker and fuss with them
every day. Every time bees are dis-
turbed it takes then' two or three
hours to get settled down again to
the natural order of things and to
gathering honey. Sometimes when
more ecereenic gains thee those their hive has been hastily taken
fed a full grain ration.
(9) The central thought in these
tests is that some supplement food
is necessary in feeding a (~rain ra-
»part, and combs taken out and
handled, they will be more or less
confused for a whole day. If from
a desire to study pec habits and
tion to hogs if the most rapid eco- ways, it seems necessary to handle
nomio gains are to be had. them, select one or more colonies
For conditions in Montana the
value of the Fupplentent food is:
First, skim milk ; second roots;
third tankage; fourth pasture;
fifth, clover and alfalfa.
The following suggestions con
ceruing the use of hen manure are
worth consideration at this Feaou
Ly all so fortunate as to have a
supply of this valuable fertilizer :
There are two general methods
of using hen manure -One is to put
it on grass land as soon as it is
taken from the house, the other to
mix it with chemicals into a ferti-
lizer. Some also use hen manure
for corn and potatoes by scattering
it in tho hill or drill when plant-
ing. Such men probably claim that
the increased labor and cost of
mixing the fertilizer would not pay
them. Another class of farmers
claim that this mixing is very pro-
fitable. They keep the manure in
a dry place through the winter. By
dusting plaster or "floats" under
the roots and in the shed the ma-
nure is kept in hard. dry chunks.
Early in spring this manure is
crushed as fine as possible. This
is usually done by spreading it on
a hard floor, smashing it with a
heavy spade or maul and sifting it
through a coarse sieve. Just be-
fore planting a mixture about like
the following is made; 900 pounds
sifted hen manure, 150 pounds ni-
trate of soda. 750 pounds acid phos-
phate and 300 pounds sulphate of
potash. In some eases 250 pounds
c f fine bone are used in place of
an equal weight of the acid phos-
phate. This cnmhination has given
good results as a potato fertilizer.
It takes as tau 'h judgment to
for this purpose and let the others
alone. Rees stirred up until they
are in a frenzy will not work, they
will sometimes start to robbing.
"No Nose Club."
Club," Things of
"Hum ilum
the Past.
Watched in Window for the Man
Who Never Came—Would Not
Touch Food.
Grief over the death of Dr. Mo-
noro S. Leech, of Chicago, caused
tho suicide of the physician's pet
monkey, which refused to touch
food after its master died.
Three years ago Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Hartman of Irving Park
made Dr. Leech a present of a baby
monkey. Tho serious -faced animal
grow am prospered under the care
of the physician and his family.
While it was friendly with Mrs.
Leech and Miss Anna, the only
daughter, Monk, as it was called,
gave most of its affection to the
When I)r. Leech finally was taken
ill, Monk took up its post at, tne
sick bed and refused to leave. On
the day the physician died it is de-
clared by members of the family,
the animal whimpered like a child.
At the funeral Monk was perrnit-
ted to look for the last time on the
face of its dead master. With shrill,
The days of quaint and queer
clubs are days of the past, says
London Tit -Bits. We do not hear
at present of a. "No Nose Club,"
or "Club of Beans," or a "Mart -
Killing Club," whose titles are sug-
gestive of the "Surly Club," whose
object was the practice of contra-
diction and of foul language, so
that the members might not be
wanting in impudence to abuse pas-
sengers on the Thames; or of the
"Man -Hunting Club," established
once by young limbs of the law ; or
of the "Lying Club," every tneni-
ber of which was required to wear
a blue cap with a red feather in it;
or of the "Scatter -Wit Society,'
consisting of wits; or of the "Huum-
Dum Club," whose members were
k say nothing till midnight; or of
the "Two -Penny Club," a member
ef which, if he swore, was to he
kicked on the shins by the other
members or of . the "Everlasting
Club," which has not lasted long;
or of the "Kit -Kat Club," known
after its touts of "Old Cats and
Young Kits," or of the "Beefsteak
Club," of which the following amus-
ing description was written by one
of its illustrious members :
Like Britain's island lies our teak,
A sea of gravy hounds it :
Shallots confusedly acatter.•,I n::r' e
The rookwork that eur-o,,nd' it
EMI i' 1'.1t..t,('ES.
Moat Royalties 111%0 More Montes
Tliau ',they Can l'ossiuly
Lite 111.
There is talk of 11r.: King a air-
ing a residence at 11 ortn,ua. The
place in gi.estion is Leach 'louse,
tr.e pruperty of Major 1•.ustaco
Loder, and is famous ter ite beauti-
fui grounds, says t-earsuu's Weekly.
tor the monarch of the greatest
Empire on earth our King has cum-
pat•atit ely few homes. .\omtually
ho possesses eight palaces, namely
Buckingham Palace, \\ indsor
Castle, tat. James's Tulare, Kens-
ington Palace, Hampton Court,
Saudringnam, Balmoral, and holy -
rood. But practically all his time is
spout in only three of these homes.
He ha sanother residence, a com-
paratively small one, iu. the 15:o
of \fight, Barton Manorwhich
is renowned for its beautiful gar-
dens. When this place first came
into his possession it was 51111111 anti,
comparatively speaking; incon.eui-
eut. Extensive alterations were
completed about a year ago, and
in future His Majesty will make the
placo his headquarters during
Cowes Week.
it clung to the casket and strong
Lands were necessary to pull it
All efforts to comfort and con-
sole Monk were useless. Tho night
following the funeral the erica of
the monkey were heard by several
neighbors in the block.
When several days had passed
and the monkey had not eaten,
Mrs. Leech and her daughter rea-
lized that the little animal was
slowly taking its life. They called
several friends of the family, but
none of them could induce Monk
to take nourishment. They even
attempted to force food clown its
throat, but it was much like tne
saying that "you can lead a horse
to water, but you can't make him
"Doctor always used to como
home at 4 o'clock in the afternoon,"
said Mrs. Leech, "and Monk was
always at the front window watch-
ing for him. It seemed as if the lit-
ho fellow could tell time the same
as a human being. The last thing
Monk did was to ernwl feebly to
the front room and take its old po-
sition before the window. It she,
there, and if I ever saw a look of
ietclligence it was in that little
monkey's eyes as it gazed longing-
ly out of the window.
"After the doctor's death we had
to remove all of his pictures from
the rooms because of Monk. When-
ever it would seo a photograph .
would seize it in its arms and cry
Of all King Edward's residences
Sandringham is his favorite. Small
wonder, for the place was pur-
chased specially for him, and he
has practically .made it from the
'l'nose who are old enough will
remember what a iot of talk there
was about the purchase of Sand-
ringham, or Sand Deraiugham, as
it was originally called. It was
openly said that the place was a
poor investment and that it would
no‘er have been selected but, for the
representations of Lord Palmers-
ton, to whose wife's son it belong-
Werrington Park, in Cornwall,
was first thought 4, and the Prince
—as he was then—is believed to
have preferred a Cornish to a Nor-
folk residence.
Osborne, which was left to the
Kin byhis mother, he never was
fon° of. Still, it was most goner.
outs of His Majesty to make a gift
of the palace to the nation, for he'
might have sold it for a very large
stun. White Lodge, the other Isle
of Wig►it house, which came tee; ,
him at the sante time, he did dispose
For every home which the King
owns the Kai'tor has more than half-
a -dozen. At his accession, ho came
in for about forty-five palaces,
castles, and hunting boxes iu vari-
ous parts of his dominions. This
number he has increaaed by pur-
chase or by legacies to fifty-four.
One of his latest acquisitions was
the celebrated hunting lodge of
Damsmuelile, a lovely place on a
lake in 13randeuberg. Here is
sumo of the fineat shooting in
Europe, and His Imperial Majesty
paid $600,000 for the place.
Six years ago a charming villa at
Arco, in the Tyrol, came to the
Kaiser by the will of Herr Wilhelm
Hildebrand, of (b erlitz.
Whon we went to take it away Monk
would fight desperately for its pos-
"Whether anyone believes it or
not, we know and our friends know
Monk committed suicide because
the love in its animal heart was
•o groat that it could not bear to
live without its master. It seemed
to know Dr. Leech was going to
die for soveral days before my hus-
band's death. It would climb up
on the bell and hold its car down
to the doctor's mouth to listen for
the breathing."
Monk's attributes in life were a
loving and affectionate disposition
and a passion for bathing. It in•
Fisted on having a bath every morn-
ing, and if anyone forgot it the pet
would go down to the basement of
the house and turn on the water
itself It also bad a rubber doll
This gentlemnan also left his sov-
ereign the comfortable sunt of $750,-
000 with which to keep tap the place.
Kaiser Wilhelm is supposed to have
sccretlfr purchased the island of
Pilchelswerder, situated in a large
lake a few miles west of Berlin,
and contemplates building there.
The idea is that the place should be
made a sort of island fortress,
where its owner could take refuge
in case of a rising among his not
very loyal citizens of Berlin.
The Czar holds the record as
palace owner. He probably could
not tell you at a moment's notice
quite how many dwellings call him
roaster. They probably number
ninety-three. Thirty-five thousand
servants are their principal inhabi-
tants, and of them all there are
only thirty-two upon which their
Royal master has so much as set
c3 es.
Tho Czar is more fortunate than
his Royal brother of Italy. His
civil list being the Inrgc•-t in the
world, he can afford to keep up all
these stately homes. When the
present King of Itnly mine to the
t:u•one, he found that his fm'teen
lpalaces and country houses Pswal-
owed two-thirds of his $3;,500,000.
ile therefore proceeded to put up
for sale more than half his houses.
The palaces at (Ireton, Milan, and
Palermo, together with half -a -
dozer, great country houses. were
that it bathed until most of the all disposed of. Even now he has
rubber came off. It had a table of
its own, ate with a knife, fork and
61•,tx,n, and otherwise conducted it-
self as a well educated monkey.
As monkeys are not permitted to
he buried ;n cemeteries, the body of
Monk was inteared in a little patch
r,f woods e e.h c f Chicago. A re-
gular coffin was used, with silver
trimmings and flowers and the fam-
ily declare, tbet the grave always
shall he well oared tor.
: •! .! r!, 6,000,000 people depend
,,i„•,, the sea for their eoitlhood.
lett four great palaces, the Quirinal
at Rome, and the palaces nt Turin,
Venice and Naples. He also keeps
the splendid model farm which his
father purchased at Monza, near
"What makes you so late 1'' asked
the boy's parent. "The teacher kop
me in be ause I co 1tj n't find Mi
oqw on the map of Europe,,.
plied Johnny. "And no wont,
you couldn't find Moscow.” retu
sd his trate parent • "it was bu
down years ago! It's an outs
to treat a child ie that %%14 :-