HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-09-02, Page 5,r t. X 1 T E R TIME S, SEPT. 2nd 1909 Any Cold Can be Cured without "cold cures," cough mixtures" and the like opiate filled medicines. All you have to do is to open your bowels wide with R G . 3 Ma' Cr PR - TABLETS - PR That will carry the cold germs and systemic poisons away and you'll get well in no time. if you have a cold or are con- stipated or have rheumatism, liver or kidney troubles, take an NR tablet to -night and you'll feel better in the morning. s4Geta25cBox ehan Pills fora %% For sale by W. S. Cole, Exeter. YOU PAY WHEN CURED Drs. K. & K. TAKE ALL RISKS • ;e Cured by the New Method Treatment NO NAMES OR PHOTOS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT .4E3 NERVOUS DEBILITY Thou=nnds of young and middle -ager! men are, annually swept to a premature grave through Early Indiscretions, Excesses and Blood Diseases. If you have any of the fol- lowing symptoms consult us before it is tow late. Are you nervous and weak, despon- dent anti gloomy, specks before the eyes, with dark circles under them, weak back, kidneys irritable, palpitation of the heart, bashful, dreams and losses, sediment in urine. pimples on the face eyes sunken, hollow cheeks careworn expression, poor memory, lifel :ss, distrustful, leeenergy and strength, tired mornings, restless nights, changeable: rneods, weak manhood, premature decay, hone pains, hair loose, sore throat, etc. YOU WILL BE A WRECK Influ- ence l mill iethlod Treatmente.te bloon ddrepurifeou d, so tnd hat at alle a tan of pimp! s, blotchesandsulcers disappear, the nerves become strong as steel, so that nerrousnem, bashfulness and des. pondency vanish, the eye becomes bright. the face full and clear, energy returns to the bodyand P 1 the moral, ,r.'I , • ,t: lest and • 1 3 sexual systems are incicorntert• all mora vital n- -drains cease -no sate Isom the system. k, ' S . 1 n t let quacks and fakirs rob you of your hard earned dollars. We will ease you or no pay. EVERYTHING PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL READER: No matter who has treated you. write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. Books Free -"The Golden Monitor" , 11hist r:,tt.l , on Secret Diseases of Men. QUESTION LIST FOR HOME TREATMENT SENT ON REQUEST DRS. KENN EDY& KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. tr (r•\ 7,4 t 1 • _l 1' SPE(: •u. EXCURSIONS Aur#. 19 Aud. 23 Aut3. 27 Sept. 7 Sept. 10 r if V -t 1 0om %4,., 2 CCC At.L'EkTA WORK FOR Safi 111 M ,NIT'tflA AND SR'SKSICI1ESIAN GOING CS I fi''d;tioral fee the Ccturn Tiektf 1Ill!' ►�j ezeftr ctnel cns at. bctw• GOING 1)ATES Frooa Stations north of lin,. of G. (.8. T.,ronto tn'Sarntn, and Can. pee. 81nl:oos on and west of rorunlo•Sucl6nr, line. Front of main Toronto (hoodltttu1"1 runnd all Rlty.. forcnf'o In "arms. and all Stations In Onbsrrn nn M,( .R., 1'. N. and T.11.'. St, P),•;,. F'rorn S,at,ons Tomato v,,.1 r; 51. Ir, 1. •' ,- SI inbol 1 oke and Rinds. ten. and .11Stallnut In Onto.:o trc,• .,( i entree•. also afatlons on (.i). h R, of 0. Rys., and stnllnn% .." h. h P. south of itenfrew. l'rnrn nil :Introns lorunto and west. Including Stations on C.P.Y. 1 orunto to Sudbury. From all Stations east of Toronto In Ontario. ONI:•w,1Y .S F.CONh.CtASS TICKETS 1t11.L DE 1101.D TO N'INNIPF(; ONLY Represmt.,lis-0 tarn, appointed by 31au•, ,,katchewau ani A:1 •r::, , :. a r,,. , ;,•., will ii .•r.l and trig ..• • t,hor; n tea arrival .,• 'n •. -meg. Pees tr,n-(ntrlatiui, .,:;i 1e. furnished at 11 u,oil,.g:u points on Can. I'ar. w',• r.• 1.i .,.r. are need..1, east of )1,..,,P Jaw, including bntnc•tq,. and a1 one cent a mile each waw' arae them, .( w iaskatehew•an rind Alberts. A certifies :e is fnrr.i,hed with each ticket and this certificate when executed by fannerthes,up that Lbosee has sorted tl irty days or ,nom, wail be I:onnr.•d ft -tit that point for a uatnd clad tirket bock to slatting points In Ontario. at SIS.00, prior to Noy. 30th, RCP. Tickets are goo,; only on •t.eriat Farm fat.,rers' araint and will be issued to worsen as well as to men, but will not be i -acrd at half fat: po children. For full particulars see r.enrest C.P.R. agent, or ,.rite R. L. TIIOMf SON, D.P.A., (:.P.R., TORO\TO Klrkton :Miss Cnmpbeil, of Toronto. is vls• , int respectfully solicited. d cnstomnrs itin; her brother 1)r. C. A. Camp- Mrs. Eger. of M.:nnenpo:fs, is the bell. • ' guest of beer waster Mrs. S. N. Shier. 'Mrs. Or. •r1, K. Ferguson, of Tor- Rev. and Mrs. Kuril are spending onto. ,t ns visitin; Mr. and Mrs. 1.. vacation with friends in Inger. V. t'raleo last week. ; s0:1 and \\'oodstock. Mks E. Sperling, of Anderson will Mrs. V. ,1. 'T"roi was in Mitchell conduct th • ervice t in the ICirkton .q 1111 tat. rk s ' cl hn n few P f i 3 d Witha. y that . It 1 church 1 1c1 Mrs. i I on Sunday I. Avery, a hose husband is very ur day morn - sick with typhoid fever. in; nt.xa Cum, mud hear hest The Miss r i;li:l s Jennie Scott. who has been sowins fall stvitin; her cousin Mrs. W. Iiezle- 100%whetet in this vicinity, :Cahouet]'sh.the woad. reterned to b; r home in most of there are sheets the Si,t Ft r8 1 ford on iMond•iy. The Kirkton mill ails be rennins every day after theist of Sept and "As ye Sew So shall you Reap rowed h:,r',•}• ens sown in England for the I, 1st time this your %vith good s,:et. ..-. n h -'e the wheat Ila: ripered 6 no • I h • oats. which was unknuw•it before 'h • new i'rencll ,th eats wet'.• , ne,W. r 1 ,!,:a r ' 1 i le of \Voodhi m, was ui::11. i on Wednesday 25th of An;. 1r to :d.- . '"'chid!, milliner, also of \\'nodhnre. e • lyre constantly F('lciftr; on Children Cry t•he bttt cloths money can buy1 FOR FLETCHER'S Crediton Shipka F'. Slayer and E. Lewis, Il. .A., student, of 'Toronto College, gave in • - Tb • Crediton Stars wi:1 go to Zurich Ierestiny lectures in the church Fri - Labor Day for a game with the fast dny evening. Meant of Ihet p!::e.. Mr. 1•.. Le•tt•is occupied the pulpit' The fun,•ral of th•• lett. John Staeb- ! ler was held 'last 1'hursd•iy from the resident.• of his son -in -':tet. Mr. John F'iakbefu,•r and was :ergo!). attended After the futs.rtt: services were held in the l:vetige'ical ehureh. 'Cryatrattor Lawson is busily en- gaged with a went; of men building the abutments for .th;new bridge across the Saub:e 00 the Exeter side - road. Miss Salome Ti m tit. o. D:tshwood,1 w it, t•isitint! in town oil S,t::rd tr, Sunday morning and gave an inter-; -•sting sermon ou "Am 1 my brother's keeper:'Sirs. Coulson, of Montreal, :s the Miss If. Shenk and al. and A. I3aistau guest of ,Iles. .tabu Sheppard. spent Sunday ut I'. Geiser's.1'1) trustees of the .M bodist Mr. J. Foster, of Cretllway, was a guest at 5. Sweitz:•r':I Nuttday. Farmers in this locality have their crops about all fin. Geo. Kellerman/1 fini..hed flax threshing this week, Sore throats and filckness are doing .r part these bot days. el i.e. F. Iirecner is sick at the time of writing. The Misses F. and A. Geiser, of Crediton, were visitors at• Albert Grt:stir's on Sunday. 11't. are pleased to sec Miss Viola around again. Quite a number attended the ser- vices at the Grand Bend Presbyter- ian church Last Sunday. From all appearances wedding bells wri:l soon be ringing in the village DASKWOOD NEWS 1 -- Hensall Siebert & Co. church, of the Kippen and i'his. 1-} Our object is to swell the sales burst circuit, bare added to t It • op- pearatnee of she parsonage her. by; 0118 of the best months of the year. having it nicely rep tinted.•II the following. _er _ _ The ice cream social, udder the auspices of •the Ladies' Aid Society of the iMethodist church, in •t he skating rink, on 'Wednesday evening last. was well attegfded, and was a very pleasant and successful one in ever}- respect. The Zurich band enlivened the proceedings, and contributed largely to 1h., enjoyment of the evening. Mrs. W. C. Charters. her slaughter and grand-daugh• r, of Colorado. are visiting relatives end friends in Hen- ault and vicinity. Mrs. T. Foster, of Creation. is Os - :tin L • re1mtive s here. 1'.ole -Pain Tablets -Dr. Shoop's-<l+ts[rti,eek G. Cfrom etu pleus,rte1rild hotno Shoop's- ,. stop Ilcadaches, womm�ly pains, any the west. She opera a number of slit anywhere, in 20 minutes sure. weeks in Winnipeg with her dough - :Formula on the 25e. box. Ask yonr tees, druggist or doctor, about this for- 'Mr. l:bmes Pope, of !Brandon, Mani- m0:a-it's fine. •_ . B. Jlowey. I. soba, was here last week visiting his Winchelea Mr, W. J. Perkins, of the Connives -- Ray Coward i s confined to his be suffering from nppendicitcs. 'Mr. Samuel Brock narrowly miss ed leaving n serious accident on Sa urday last, and although he suffere 110 broken bones he was badly brei ed. lle was assisting putting sheave TUE 'LATE lit•:\'. J. S'TAEIJLEIt 1 of -grain on n stack and was on a r. Flesh I%i.b.•f has returned •,[_ ladder at the lime. 'taking' the grain \f ter t. i.r ere_ k; vlslt a'rntf the Pu- from the man working on the wagon when n portion of the stack slid of cific Const. currying the ladder and Nr, Brock Mr. end .Mrs. Berry Dyer :and with it. The ladder is n sectiofnal daN:ghter. of Detroit, are visiting1 1 re - one and the portion on which he was :wives around here for a few wecks.1atttrtding fell over the side of the Mr. Stamey Coyle returned to hist W:1,7,00 throwing him to the ground. home in !Louden. I Ile was taken to the house and medi- \1 r. and Mi', Mr.) Orme and daunh- cal assistance summoned. _Mr. ffhos. ter, of Ctntra'ia, were the guests of Brock, who was on the top of the Mr. C. ;leaver on Saturday. stack, also fell, but !landed on a num- Miss Martha I:i:ber r'elirned to bee of 'sheaves, thus escaping any in- lluff:t:o after a few weeks visit with jury. her parents arenfs 'SI MT r. wed 's Fred F%i'her sister -In-law, Mrs. John Pope. d Dial llotnl, Las opened out a moving picture tbrctttrc ire the Commercial _ ! .lore! b!oc•k. Mr. 'Chrtr:c•s Blackwell, of Il:tr, atm" Sat left here on IMondny on n trip to the \Yost. as ` Mrs. Wm. !Kemp, of Oii Springs, is visiting her mother 'Mrs. It. Beek, Ws tt pity when rick ones drug the stomach or stimulate the Ifeart and i:idne•ys• That Is all wrong! A weak Stomach. means weak Stomach ner- ves, always. Anil this is also true of the Heart nr_kl Kidneys. The weak • nerves ere instead crying out for help. This explains why Dr. Shoop's It, storative is prorupl:y helping Scorn - Itch, heart and Ji:dney ailments. The Restorative reaches o:tt for 'she net cause of these ailments -the failing "inside d nerves". . Anyway rnv te. • . r t the 1 Restorative 18 hoer,. It won't rune Mrs. A. Sambrook rind '.•tureen re -1 A c:ever, popular Candy Cold Cure so soon as phot. but you ni:l surely turned hone nfter visiting friends in Tablet -called Prevenlics-is being •".1""• 'but help is contirg, Sold by Woodham. d`spensed by druggists everywhere., tl', S. llowcy. Mrs. J. Ei:bee and children re -1 la a few hours, i'reventics are said turned hems after =pending a week to break any cold -completely, And Zurich i❑ 1)ertfio:d vieitine friends. Prevryttics, being FO safe and tooth - :Miss S. Sat,;t,•r, of Toronto. Is some, are very fine for children. No Miss hest hn V.-0 rel. of Detroit, is the ;nest of Mr. tend Mrs. C:atld:<' Quinine, no lnxative, nothing harsh visiting; at the home of her mother, Bluest' nor sickening. !lox of 48-25c. Sold Mrs. henry .\\ urrn. 'hiss M. Braun relnrned home 'if- by W. 5. Iiow•r•3 Crediton teed Zurich will play e ter spending :t week in Zurich the_ a Game of baseb•tll here the forenoon of fittest of Miss 3L I'rrrLcr' LUC7AN Labor Day. 'Miss S. Sen!. of ItntscrfP. is vis- Two games of baseball will be nod Messrs. Joseph Dew,on. of the Mtn Ding be mint 'Mrs. EA Fling for a played at •Luccut on Labor Day, Sept. flag\exehangrstlbprop;rti,s.b^ villa 3o few weeks. 6th, bet'eeca Woodstock and /he M'ss f)r•lla. Bre tin spent a few Irish Nine. Morning game tet 10 a.m. 'Sir. Arphon .Foster. son of Mr. and days in Zurich. afternoon game al.r :Mr. John Foster and Masi Lottie Mr. and Mrs. \Ven. Tineckfel and stock isbringing a p.m.. \Meed' Hildebrand. were united in marriage G l; picked trash !son Gerald. reh,rr.ed In their home in from their city league and the Irish on Wedn, -tiny, August 25th. by Fa- ;her Strut•d•-r at Sr. Jlonifacc t•htn•ch. I Tea nfter spending rt few days Nine will be on hand with all their , The Zurich bow:res wont to Clinton the guests of 'Mr. and Mrs. S. Braun• old players. ----- - I batl:ycsdny of last week ;:ted although left for ilamillon. Sherr she will Grand bend i ed:y de*rah:d er.• h: .h in their 'Mrs. !ferry 1)t•aver and children visit her 1 praise of the to aIIlvnt accorded sister lies, iso=se 1 Unstable, y evening ih• 'Centralia 1 On 'Monde Th f c:l.hng for tenders for the convey- ` Sl,vl M1oiiit. \\ :leen. of Chic!' so, is as e.• of itis Majesty's mail from t^sitiu; re:ntivcs here. 13r,'aster to tPnrkhilt• Tenders will; The death of 11'nriette L. 'loft - Thebe rcc ived until Friday, October 1st. • snail. widow of the :ate William ltick- present conlrncfnr declined to l>•'it. look place h. re n T::esda} accept the price offered by the Dc- ,\'+L'+ t 2lth, nater attaitan' the pnrluu•nt for Fuppivin3 the rural iSrcnt age of ninety years and three mail delivery hoses aloe; the route' !no,'lhs. The derensed lady was fair - and hence the call for new tenders. i i3' healthy up to a few ►ni:tths ago. This will delay sotnewhat the es-: Iler first husband died many years tnb:ishin_; of .rural mail delivery ' neo and she was substluent:y rear_ along This route. The present con- . ricd to Henry Otto. w ho diad a few tractor has been; in the service a )'ears ago, ;mil she has s`.re • 8 11 loris time and bas given both „lis- mnkin; her home with her chi:drew. inctkon both to the dep:(rtmcnt and The fangs:. ti Well was I ir, •ly fit- Ih, pub:ie, stall err, hop,• he will be teed, d look Vac on Thursda}•, to successful in securing a renewal of I,nlh.•r:in Cent tete of which congre- the contract ret a figure that %Oil gage:, Iht• deer as -4 5-115 :t f•tithfn: pay hits. • member. Sh • :eaves n nember of • 180115 nr,d d•ii:ghters. besieiss tomer- Drive Rheumatism out of the o:oorl o:is other re'ntiv.•5 o ed fele eds. stho with Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy nl"''crit 1-:•: 'oss. n:►.1 tu•e how suicide pain will d - .I :i • dee: ns:•d 5,os bore in Er!,:rc tart. Itrtb•(ons ,never did reach th • 1'r•.,=::t. on sl i• 17th of May 181N, and real disease. Rheumatism 'net t, e'•i�•1 • to Ci 11141 'n 181`z, s.•rt:ing in the akin. it's deep down -it's con- alt -low;-ship in n')2. wire' she has ktitutiohnl• Getting rid of the pain, 1i e t n coutfnauuy r sad, ret. She is eft 11 •t, 'h• loather of i,.ht chi:treat, feet of Shorn ar-,• '!t•i.•,:. :end there are b.•a'd A. two:.t}•-nine „rand chi:d- r •.: and forty-two ,grey t grand chi:d- 1,.1. The 1 team drove in and played a tame of baseball, with our Brownies. Thu score stood 11-0 in favor of Crediton. I The boys sired practice, 1,Tr. Grorre Rietz -'J who was elec- ted delegate by 'Crediton 'to Chat- ham Ili;h Court gave an excellent rr- , port \Ton'!ny eve'nine. 'Mites ,)ones returned to her home in St. Thomas niter spendinr n few weeks the tritest of Miss W. hill. 'Mr. and Mrs. 6, Braun left for To. ronto, where they will take in the fair. Miss Lente \Villfattis returned home eller spenclin; n few months in Mic- Gillivrny, Whalen Mr. .Terry •McGe• is visiting' friends around here this week. Mr. McGee is forming in the west. Miss Ester lieilarny is vi-iting with Mrs. itnre:wood. Miss Vern Ogden tt•ho has been on te visa( •with, friends at Staffs has re• turned home. ern , what counts. flint is 'Mr, nett Mrs. Wm. Ogden are this why Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy week visiting friends 711 Wi:rton. - . goes. by word of rnotifh from one to Mrs. Alfred Gunning weed son 'Lorne ;teen her. And herein lies the popu- visited with friends here on Sunday. 'airily of this Remedy. It is winning Mr. George Stains. has erected nI fenders everytehrrr• Tablets or ' 0 --In •tet rs 'p. Mr. John Dunkin, Li.l,id. `i&ll h}• W, 8, llotvey cf Thnrn.•s hold. slid the work. -- M, ,s Edna Gurinin3 gave it party ' Tickling or dry Coughs will ;sickly to tt number of her friends. About 401 •nosctt when using il)r. Shoop's Cough n You R Pc0 ' r wereprrscnt, net allI tt lnedp. And it. is so thoroughly enjoyed the good things, naso the ice ( harrn'.e ss, that Dr. Shoop tens mo- rn nm provided h • 1T' C, ' tiers } las un to use Cunnings nothing nq C19t., even for 'Labor day Sept. Gth, promises gto be } very young ,babies. The wholesome n h'f: day great interest is bring green :coves and tender sterns of a mg lrnnifrsted in the big picnie to iurg healing mountninMis shrub give inky p:acc on 'bat day, g.irn^s of all • the curative properties to Dr. Shoop's sores. and music of a:1 kinds, e'peo_', Cough Remedy. It calms the cough. in:ly (be ti.ondon Iierpers, who will be :IA beilis the sensitive bronchial I r• :I, fie.1 numb- r. Also the Chink -i to:mbrlsles, No opium. no cbloro-, rte 1't. ,socia; nt Zips in th' even]ng form. rolhing her,h used to injure n'ong with a good programme pro- )or suppress. i)•in:,ell Dr. Shoop's. miser p'enty of choice for everyone IAre 'Pt - no nth,•r. 'o:d h}• W, (;, to attend. f ;solver. Owing to the cltnege of locality and 1 immense pressure of business thnt 14 being transacted. our choir leader, Iris forma it impossib:e to (111 ! ,'h•, 1u;)• trade returns prove con - position, mad ns n result Mr. 1,1013.":1' e.'isively that hard tint's in C:innd•, 1t Post o (ice department art. lh''tfl by the C::clan brcthrc 110\t' TR SOF: (:1tOWil ndg!son hes been appointed to that lave piss ed ata] zone. For the forrn; w8 tti'1' /1,1 ping 3ati fil'11 (ii. 1 C A r A i nffico, Slias ids ITcrn has (Icccptedi months ending July :II of the current' ' .! :� the position of organist berg. I fiscal year, she total trade of the Do•I tomer,. `7attir.tl, isn't it. * a m':nion nrnnuntcd to $191.919,301• ns' Cougn Caution RUBSELDALI: (compared with eel 6.1..m1,021 in the When iv <• yon our xJvicerliohn:er,t. in . forst four months f If f' news!) tees s, et.)Iin the , •1• thef lK J+ irefor A Snot, (',net, Tretteer:s, or h,ttever the ed. -night suggest, %ye 30, 'ode the best of everything in thst. soil. The beet (:loth. the best Linings, the Ttee,r,;nsitiveiynever prase your lungs. ityopq (s 1gL-cvrn from a simple colt only -r',u should ale:_ Ts heal, soothe, and ease the irritated Bron. ehia1 tubes. Don't blindly suppress It with a ttapefyfng roistn. It's strange how some things n m :est fiscal 1Too Petr for Inst week.) 1 rear. hs includes exports and int - ports of coin and hellion ind foreign' Mr. and Mrs. \\'a:krr (Intl son !len-1, tnerchand;se exported through ent- ry. of t:rnnton. Mr. and Mrs. \Vyctt,a,li, of Detroit. and Mrs. Garvin., of I)uf-I Impart A for consumption for th, tte>titt i',uldm 'a, the hest. 1 l fhas inal 'ycvunnabout. Fortwenty years tr.Shoo, talo, were pleasant callers in Ih- four snort hs amounted to $1!1.''65,50'= ' R !bread etc.. r.,lxh constantly wanted tteoplenot to take cough village On Thiursth . I as sten +er, the best of elle Ability In Cut- Drnrrlptfnns rnnta ndng Oplum, y i I: '+ it:er(3s °( $22,377,303 over t h tit,w Fit ti:tK and fourap, ty in Chinsofori, 01itmllarptlsons.Andnow-s11(11e Mr. Jos. ]]ill, of Woodstock. was. r.),•r,•apordingt period of lest Ietethough-coneremIayt "rumen the tate) the latest of Mr. nes! Mrs. •Toh'! Ci'; t y' we reap our tetvar(1? 1t poisons ere In our Cough Mixture." (tnoetl h.e exports folnllcd R7 , A5(y 40x7, n t Very goo,i1!11eMeltertor thtsver reasommnthers, from Saturday to MTondey. , crease of fi,19, r .T►tis nil. is sowed to reap you es one and others. should Insistent hating Dr. Aheop'a 1 IQ + over the oor- lir. and Mr:. loin 11'1':; ; n,l; , spending period 1n •t }•rat. Tots! of our rustonn'rs. Wirt) } nu need a Cough Owe. No Poison marks on Dr. sheep's Iwo little dna; hlers Me r• if nil 11.8.1 • 110101s d $2Q,r,'O.Q1a0 in I h Shit. ('salt, Tr(nlser t or le._he ,1.nthni abeltAndltslnotonlysafee.lesIS Katie, spent Sender ttifh 'Ir. :,ted tete' (noir months over the Pim, per- tswldtoheITtt to lira. •\\'nt• • o' ltothrnvr''. ( lull 'est veer Th, 1 lel It I wettable ecnutth remedy. Take nochsnra t ,ten • lose that known test. a truly re. F'aiu'1' gest. k hl 1 parllculatly with yotir children. Insist on has In( lir• tehoov'i Cough (Urn. Compare carefully- the his adlead you to oar shop where Dr, t hcx,r rackafe with others and note the ditterenee. No ponon marks thrrn! You caw an prase to ytot that the live up to CRS) s be. en the sat) 11,10 t'p drman•ting ere-, Dr. Shoop's oltzmann Cough Cure EDITON. The lire. Mr. C rrissinn, who Is;.fn'v exceeded that of last yeer hv� supplying for th Rev. Mr. 1frICnyt A7.I49,616. The customs receipts for prenehrvl :, vt rp e:0c'rmon in lb • pn:t (ntr months tonne ,ted to lioy's rb ireh on Su'iclny. 1:;17. ttlieflt8, n gaits of el1,G:1..1:0 0• r Miss Co, •y Nethercott. 0f !Brat-, Ih• •nm. period of the last fisted ford. is at present th • g•.e st of Miss; rear. Pcnrl itos.s. } These figures wlil indicate that con - For has returner!. that the faetor- I'or any ea s0 of nervon.n,•s•,, sleep ars ere• busy. th{' the people his • 1 s-.nr•.ts, we•,It sown esh. u,! more ;nosier to , tut, And tilt the ! • r-<• try C•trtr!a Little i.ivher revision. is ruin•, filly nclirf is Pure. ,:rhe only ner's untied maid. ne • tion and a rete rs a rt .•t11 0f ern i n the admin' to prosper ore eet CHAFED PLACES, BLISTERS.r>t,, Are your feet. hot, sore and blistered ? If so, try Zam Buk. As soon as Zane-Buk is applied k cools and soothes Injured smarting a and tissue. Its rich, refined herbal essences penetrate the skin; its antiseptic pro- perties prevent all 1 danger of festering or inflammation from cuts or sores ; and its healing essences build up new healthy tissue. For sthtgs, sunburn, cuts, ba�rrnns, Drubes, etc. -lust alt effective, Mothers find it inv#ttablk for baby's sores! All Prevost. awl Storrs, -608. boa. aiuk Amy 01 August. I-Ience to and make it CUL prices in Men's 2 piece Summer Suits Ladies lVbite Shirt Waists Dress lengths of Dress Goods in dill rent shades Balance of trimmed and untrimmed summer I fats Balance of our Lace Curtains Remnants in Dress Goods, Prints, Gingham, Fancy Muslins t crate of Glassware regular t 5c. and loc. Dinner Sets (;rive us your trade and we Will suVo you good money. Siebert 71& Co Hartletb Block. U:\SI-1WOOD THE DASFIWOOD IPLANINtO MIL(. CO,, Litritedr 'Live on llruui: and for Sale CIIEAP Pine and Hemlock Lun)ber; Shingles, Laths, Posts, Sash, Doors Frame Flooring and Siding. We sell the celebrated Paroid hoofing -None Better All kinds of Factory woe k done to order for which our prices are reasonable. Just to hand, a large import. order of WINDOW GLASS which we S ell sell at very close prices, Now is the time to order your May Racks and Water Troughs. Call in and See us. The Dashwood" Planing Mill Co. Limited. ted. T)ash,e e:r:J. Ont. CANADIAN NATIONAL ExrnaITIoN TORONTO August 28th - 1909 - September 13th Greatest Live Stock Exhibit on the Continent. in active operation. Forty industries ADMIRAL LORD CHARLES BERESFORD will officiate at opening ceremonies on Tuesday, August 31st. MILITARY YEAR AT THE FAIR Model Camp -Victoria Cross and Wrestling on Horseback Competitions be- tween teams from Dragoons and Artillery -Artillery Drive -Musical Ride, etc. GREAT DOUBLE BILL OF FIREWORKS THE SIEGE OF KANDAHAR BATTLE OF THE NORTH SEA WATCH FOR REDUCED RATES AND EXCURSIONS. For all iatotmatlon write Banner 3. O. ORO. 21t: 11aQ Toronto. Dreadnoughts iD Naval Battle 1 008 Von Ualronn la P $I CDs 1i:cycles are rapidly coming back into popular favor, the demand this year being tit'c times what it lyls five years ago. We have planned for it in two ways -by getting the very best Eng- lish wheel we can for popular selling, and saving to our customers all intertnediatc pro- fit; by filling orders direr/ by mill instead of through agents. In this way we can offer $50 Wheels for $25 and give better satisfaction all round. 'the spfality of the wheels is all right - only the best materials used and only skilled mechanic, employed in construction. on. The equipment pert ines throughout are such as we canthoroughly trecom recomate mend. \Veltsell automo- biles as well as bicycles and our plan is to make wheels serve as a good advertisement to the entire business. Send for illustrated folder. H}'SLOP BROS., Limit'd High -Class Automobiles and Bicycles TORONTO, ONT Western Fair Open 10 the wet ld Athletic Day Monday Dog Show LONDON Lntario's opular hibition t 10-18 Increased Prire List Speed Events Daily Cat Show The Great Live Stock Exhibition Music Attractions gist Highlanders Program Twice Daily 7th Fusiliers The Best 1.' fireworksI Take a Holiday Each Evening and visit London's Pair Prize Lists. Entry Pomp, Programmes an W. J. REIU, Presidenp/