HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-09-02, Page 2YOUNG
Grandmas was going along the
lane, hunting for strawberries. Sha
was not grandmania then, of course,
only a little girl named Mary, who
lived on a farm. She had just knelt
down to look under some big leaves
when right ahead of her she heard
a queer, buzzing sound. She looked
up quickly, and saw a black cloud
corning straight toward her. In a
moment it, had flown over her head
and had turned into the orchard.
Mary dropped her basket and fol-
lowed. Through the orchard and
as er a field went the bees and Mary
after then(. There was a smaller
orchard beyond, and presently the cold, and the Major asked the land -
His Experience With a Brawny
Hotel Porter.
Did I ever tell you the Major's
curious ads uture last winter? No?
Well, the Major carne into the Rum-
feozlers ono night with three pieces
of court -plaster on his nose and an
eye in half-ntuurulilg, and was vain -
,y importuned to divulge its ori-
gin. He declined all confidences,
but the Yapper, to whom in a weak
moment he had related the circum-
stances under whiel he had receiv-
ed his scars, told us all about it
after the Major's departure.
It appears that he was stopping
at an hotel where a brawny farm-
er's son had been engaged with no
experience in hotel work, but with
a frame capable of caring for his
master's property during the small
hours, and with a profound sense
of duty as well. The weather was
bees lighted on the limb of one of
the apple -trees. Mary waited a
minute, but as they did not move,
she ran back to the house as fast
as she could. She was a country
child, and knew what this meant.
When Mary's mother heard that
a swarm of bees had settled in the
c•rchard, she went to the linen-clo-
pet and took out a large, coarse
sheet. Then when Mary had found
her father and excitedly told her
story, they started out.
Mary was almost afraid to look
for fear that the bees had gone,
but there they were, on the same
bough. Mary's father climbed the
tree and began to saw off the
branch. When it was cut through
he laid it on the linen sheet. All
this time the bees were as quiet as
possible, all huddled together, e , so
that they looked like a big rubber
ball. The hive, or as Mary's fa-
ther called it, "the skip," was put
over them, and the four corners of
the sheet tied together over the
top. Then some of the men carried
it back to the house. It was put
with the other hives and all through
the summer the bees were busy
making honey. When fall came the
hives were full, so the bees were
smoked until they were stupefied
and could not sting. There was a
great deal of honey in Mary's hive,
se much that it was sold for three
dollars, and the money was given
to Mary for her discovery.
"O," mother!" cried Lucy, jump-
ing up front the supper -table as she
heard music in the street.. "My
old organ -grinder man and the dear
monkey have come!"
Mother went to the window, and
sure enough, there was the organ -
grinder man who used to comp the
summer before and while mother
was looking out of tho window the
monkey climbed to the porch. He
wore a little blue jacket, red
breeches, and a round red cap.
Mother and Lucy went out on the
porch and gave the monkey a piece
of bread. He nibbled at it happily
enough until a sugar cooky was
handed to him; then lie carefully
laid the bread on the porch rail-
ing. He had a tiny fiddle, and after
he finished the cooky, he began to
draw tho bow across it, but in a
solemn manner, as if ho saw no fun
it, it himself, but was willing to
pa • for his cooky.
Lucy ran into the house and
brought out a haundful of cookies,
which she gave to the organ -grind-
er. He stopped right in the middle
t f a tune to take them, which made
the music change to a groan. Then
Lucy wanted the monkey to play on
tho fiddle again, but the man said,
"No. Monk's work hard all day—
ho tired„” and patted the little
monkey kindly. "Too tired," re-
peated tho man; and the monkey
aprang up on the organ -grinder's
shoulder, put both arms round his
neck. and blinked soberly from un-
der his cap. The man nodded and
smiled, and started off.
When they came to a turn in the
road the organ -grinder stopped for
a moment, and the monkey raised
his red cap and waved it toward
Lucy.—Youth's Companion.
England's Tall Man Visits the Unit-
ed )itatei.
When George Dolling. an Eng-
lishman, 7 feet 2 inches in height,
landed from the Ellis Island ferry
at the barge office, New York, the
other day, his appearance created
something of a sensation.
The giant smiled good naturedly
down on the crowd that surround-
ed him, and after shaking hands
with his brother-in-law, Benjamin
('ord,it•, a stripling of 6 feet 6
inches, told interviewers how tall
he was and said that he weighed
275 pounds. He is 23 years old
and wears a No. 17 shoo. Ile ad-
ded that he has a brother in Eng-
land w ho is just 7 feet in height.
Mi. Dolling -- ct erybody was
careful to cull him mister --walked
Byress to the food wagon at tho
edge of Battery Park, and. stoop-
ing. p,.ked his head in at the whi-
tlow and asked for a sandwich.
"Iley, you called out the res-
taurant roan. "(bine down off that
wheel and conic in and order what
se.; you want•"
Dolling went around to the door.
and a much subdued waiter served
hint the sandwich.
The giant said ho bad been with
show in England, but was here
his sister.
lord to have a fire made in his room
at 6.30 the next morning. As is
customary, a slate was hung in the
hallway containing directions fur
the night porter regarding the time
guests were to bo called to catch
early trains, etc., so the landlord
wrote upon the slate :—
"Fire 40 at 6.30."
Next morning the Major was
awakened by a loud knock at his
door. He shouted "Come in," for
it was 6.30, and the porter entered.
"You're to git out," ho said,
t riefly.
"What do you mean?" asked the
Major, testily.
"I'll show you phwat I mane,"
remarked Pat, "if you don't git
mighty quick. I've orders to fire
you out at 6.30, and out ye go."
"\\hat kind of a fool are you,
anyway 1" shouted the Major, sit-
ting up in bed.
"I am all kinds," responded the
porter, "but I obey orders just the
salve, and out you go."
Suiting the action to his words,
he grabbed the Major by the neck
and hauled him out into the middie
of the room.
"Now driss yourself, ye black-
guard," said Pat, "and dries quick,
Oi'll throw you out as ye are."
Tho Major began to storm, and
used language not to be repeated,
whereupon the exasperated and
honest porter sprang upon his vic-
tim and shot him into the hall like
a bundle of rags. Tho Major's
clothes, travelling bags, rugs, etc.,
"Now," said Pat, "if ye don't
driss in foivo minutes out ye go in
the stratc as ye were born !"
And out the Major would have
gone, but the landlord, disturbed
by the noise. came and rescued hint
from his formidable persecutor.
And that was the result of Pat's
interpretation of "Fire 40 at 6.30."
If you want to keep your chil-
dren rosy, healthy and full of life
during the hot weather months
give them an occasional doss of
Baby's Own Tablets. This medi-
cine prevents deadly stunner com-
plaints by cleansing the stomach
and bowels; or it cures the trou-
ble promptly if it comes on unex-
The mother who keeps this medi-
cine on hand may feel as safe as
if she had a doctor in the home.
Mrs. C. C. Roc', Georgetown, Ont.,
says:— "I can heartily recommend
Baby's Own Tablets as a great help
to baby during the hot summer
months. I have used them for sum-
mer troubles and am much pleased
with the result." Sold by medicine
dealers or by mail at 25 cents a
box from the Dr. Williams' Medi-
cine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Boer Leader—Rejoiced In
De Wet, Re r Lc j
Spread of Education.
in Europe it is generally held
that men from the rural parts of
the country make the best soldiers
and that the townsmen, who are
better educated but have also a
clearer perception of tho dangers
and discomforts of war, are much
more ready to throw up the sponge
when in their opinion there is no
Use in continuing the fight. Tho
famous Boer guerilla leader, Chris-
tian de Wet, thinks differently, and
it, a speech he made to some Soutn
African students the other day he.
gave very striking evidence in fav-
or of educated soldiers. He said
that he himself had no school learn-
ing because he had never had the
chance, but that during the three
years of the war be had gone I
through a process of education. He
found that the bravest and most
trustworthy soldier3 were those who
had received a good education. At
the end of the war eighty per cent.
o" those who still remained under
arms on the hoer side wore men
ef learning. Nearly all the men of
the back veldt had abandoned the
struggle and gone home. That,
said De Wet. was his experience.
and therefore he rejoiced in the
spread of education in the Trans-
— -- - --'1'.. . --
Canada produces nearly
v end's asbestos.
all the
Kindly mention the name et (hit
paper in writing to adrertisers.
Sir Robert hart at Chinese Ban-
quet of 123 Courses.
Sir Robert Hart, the veteran in-
spector -general of the Chinese cus-
toms, speaking at a dinner in Lon-
don the outer day, said that he
once in Pekin sat out a banqutt
that lasted seveuteea consecutive
hours. There were 125 courses, a..d
he tasted then all. Mr. Ward, the
American envoy to China, who tri.0
to secure an i:itervicw with the
Emperor Hieug-I''ung in 1659, tolls
how he was entertained at a dinner
that lasted from noon one day uu-
til six o'clock on the evening of
the day following. The total num-
ber of courses is not given, but
'Ward mentions that he had to give
in after partaking of 133 different
dishes, "whereupon his hosts won-
dered greatly"—presumably at his
Probably, however, the Esquimau
banquets last lorger than any other
and the quantity of food swallowed
i: also proportionately greater.
Ross records that seven of his party
of natives once ate continuously for
thirty-three hours, during which
time they consumed 200 pounds of
seal meat. Europeans exposed to
the saino climatic conditions act in
much the sonic way. Captain Scott
of the Discovery, on his return from
his long journey over the inland ice
of the Antarctic continent, did no-
thing but eat and sleep for the
apace of three day's and nights,
and even then he was stil hungry.
Commander Peary and his party,
returning famished from the futile
dash for the pole in 1903, slaught-
ered a herd of seven musk oxen on
Hazen Island, off the extreme north
of Greenland. For two days and
nights thereafter they crouched in-
side their snow huts, eating con-
tinuously, and when they had fin-
ished the pile of bones outside was
"as high as a tall man's chin."
Band of Fakirs Who Feed on Pari-
sian Companies.
Avery clever swindler, passing
under the name of Count Grenot-
ton de Thuin, lost his temper with
an omnibus conductor. in Paris,
France, and lost his liberty in con-
Ho tried to get into an omnibus
whish was full, and struck the
conductor during the altercation.
He was thea taken to the police
station, where he was asked whe-
ther he had any claim to the ribbon
of the Legion of Honor in his but-
ton -hole. His reply was given in
such forcible language that the in-
spector ordered hint to be searched.
About thirty accident insurance
policies and details of accidents
were found in his pockets. In-
quiries were made, and the "count"
was found to belong to an organ-
ization which has in the last year
or two defrauded several insurance
companies in Paris of large suers
of money.
The organization owns a number
of motor cars so constructed that
accidents occur constantly. The
drivers, who are accomplices, ar-
range for heavy indemnity, and
then put their cars in order again.
A number of women and sten
who also belong to the organiza-
tion have for some years past suc-
ceeded in throwing themselves,
without serious hurt, under the
wheels of motor cars, omnibuses,
private carriages and cabs. They
get medical certificates for injuries,
and in many cases obtain heavy
The "count " after a severe
cross-examination, confessed that
he was at the head of the organiz-
ation, and that ho mads *10.1,
last year as his share of the fraud.
Seven of his accomplices were ar-
,s -
Remarkable Occurrences Recorded
In Thine Documents.
The way in which application
form for insurance are filled up are
often more arousing than enlight-
ening. As illustrations the Brit-
ish Medical Jaurnal gives the fol-
ol-lowing: Mother died in infancy. An
uncle died of cancer on his mo-
ther's side. Father went to bed
feeling well, and tho next morning
woke up dead. Grandfather died
suddenly at the age of 103. Up to
this time ho bid fair to reach a
rips old age• Applicant clues not
know anything about maternal pos-
terity, except that they died at an
advanced age. Applicant docs not
know cause of mother's death, but
states that she fully recovered from
her last illness. Applicant has nev-
e' been fatally sick. Father died
nothing serious. -
plicant's brother, who wai an in-
fant. died when he was a mere
child. Grandfather diecl from a
gunshot wound, caused by an ar-
row, shut by an Indian. Appli-
cant'• fraternal parents died when
In; was n child. Mother's last ill•
tiers was caused from chronic rheu-
mnti-rn, but he was cured before
- -- - --'S- ------
Nearly 167.090,000 tons of coal
re e,nsunied in Englund eve ry
Rhjr1 blood iv greatly valu-
er) bs' t'.- Burmese and the Chi-
ne, s ti a i,:edicine.
ELIAS ROGERS, President.. ALBERT J. RALSTON, Managing DInsteP
F. SPAR LING, Secretary.
National Life Assurance Co.
OF 0111NAll A..
2S Toronto St., Toronto.
B usiness In Force •
D aily Income over
In.ostod In high grads securities
Surplus to Policy Holders' Account • -
- tr!.‘,3.811
$1,:(6 111.17
The only Company reporting to ('ane:diau Insurance Drp't. Ottawa. no &IN
rears of interest or principal un any investment.
A oplJnild opt:n n, in this county for an active,
energetic agent possessing gsod character.
Apply direct to head office. rS Toronto 85.. Toronto.
SOME LARGE SALARIES. Applicant — "No, ma'am. I
Some interesting inside facts are (wes• couldn't work where there was
onally divulged in regard to the enorm-
ous salaries earued by some iusurauce
It is reported tb.tt two agents recently ap-
p doted by the Nati 'nil Lilo Assur-t co t'••rn-
children." Mrs. Keephouso—"But
e advertised for a girl who under-
stood children." Applicant — "I
Early in one of our large western citir•e Gyri understand 'em, ma'am. That's
uss.oeo.o01 a month from the time they
ave earned over Two Thousand Dollars wiry I wouldn't work where they
started to get business for this Company. ate."
Of course. these men are hustlers, and
are well equipped in every way, possess-
ing even small motor cars W cover the
territory more rapidly.
We understand, however, that any man
who has real ability in this line could do
as well.
One of the reasons for the success of
National Life agents is the splendid
standing of the Company which is shown
in their advertisement elsewhere in this
paper. If it baa ever occurred to you to
take up the Lite Insurance business you
cannot make arradgenleuts with an
easier Company to secure business for
than the National Life. And they need
an Agent right in this territory. Com-
municate with the head office.
A lady to her friend: "What a
splendid library you have! You
must lend me a few books." Tho
Friend—"I regret that i must de-
cline to do so. because books aro
so seldom returned. Just fancy!
All these are borrowed!"
Mother Graves' Worm Extermin-
ator does not require the help of
any purgative medicine to complete
the cure. Give it. a trial and be
"One kiss," pleaded a departing
lover. "Nonsense!" exclaimed his
fiances in a teasing motif. "Some-
one might see us." "Who?"
"Why, the clock—it has a face."
"Yes, but it keeps its hands in
front of it."
PAINKILLER cures all sorts of cuts,
bruises, burns and strains. Taken intern-
ally it cures diarrhoea and dysentery.
Avoid substitutes, there is but one " Pain-
killer "—Perry Davis' -25c. and 50c.
Landlord — "'Ere you, you
'aven't paid for your beer." Way-
farer—"That's all right. Did you
pay for it ?" Landlord—"Course I
did." Wayfarer — "Well, then,
there's no need for both of us to
do it."
.The microscope in the bands of
experts employed by the United
States Government has revealed the
fact that a house fly sometimes car-
ries thousands of disease germs
altaohed to its hairy body. The
continuous use of Wilson's Ely
l'ads will prevent all danger of in-
fection from that source by killing
both the germs and the flies.
"So you have decided to cull in
another doctor 1" "I have," was
the reply. "The absurdity of the
man prescribing linseed -tea and
mustard -plasters for people of our
position 1"
The never failing medicine, Hol-
loway's Corn Cure, removes all
kinds of corns, warts, etc.;
the most difficult to remove
rot withstand this wonderful
Kindly mention the name of this
paper in writing to advertisers.
Hops for the Chronic Dyspeptic.
—Through lack of consideration of
the body's needs many persons al-
low disorders of the digestive ap-
paratus to endure until they become
chronic, filling days and nights
with suffering. To these a course
of Parmelee's Vegetable l'ills is
recommended as a sure and speedy
way to regain health. These pills
aro specially compounded to com-
bat dyspepsia and the many ills
that follow in its train, and they
aro successful always.
"Who's the woman who calla
every day to use our telephone?"
"The one wlio complained be-
cause our children take a short cut
through her yard on their way to
school." ---
Jamaica ginger is more than twice
as valuable as any other.
Although the world consumes a
million tons of sugar a month, the
production is more than sufficient.
iSSU'E NO. 35-09.
Tho change of dietary that comes
with spring and summer has the
effect in weak stomachs of setting
uI inflammation, resulting in dy-
sentery and cholera morbus. The
abnormal condition will continue If
not attended to and will cause an
exhaustive drain on the system.
The best available medicine is Dr.
J D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial.
It clears the stomach and bowels
of irritants. counteracts the inflam-
mation and restores the organs to
healthy action.
"I had a fight yesterday with the
boy next door," a boy confessed
to his father. "Yes, I know ; his
father is coming to see me shoat
it at my o;ice." "Well, father, I
hope you will get the best of it,
the same as I did yesterday."
Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eye's.
Relieved Dy Murine Eye Remedy. Try
Murine For Your Eye Troubles. You
Will Like Murine. It Soothes. 6Oc At
Your Druggists. Write P'or Eye Books.
Free. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Toronto.
Jacky had been imparting to the
minister the important and cheer -
fu' information that his father had
got a new set of false teeth. "In-
deed. Jacky," replied the minis-
ter indulgently, "and what will he
do with the old set?" "Oh, 1
s'pose," answered Jacky, "they'll
cut 'em down and make me wear
Don't experiment with nnsatis-
factory substitutes. {I'ilson's Fly
Pads kill many times more house
flies than any other known article.
An orator holding forth in favor
ef woman—dear, divine woman --
concluded thus :—"Oh, my frien:Is,
depend upon it, nothing beats a
good wife." "I beg your pardon,"
replied a woman. ''Sure a baJ
husband does."
DON'T BE DECEIVED.--lnecropulous
Makers are attempting to steal your money
and our reputation by putting out un
imitation of "The D. & L." Menthol;
Plaster. Be sure to get the genuine wadi
My Davis k Lawrence Co.
Salt Left Would Cover Entire
Globe 200 Feel Deep.
Sea water contains a.,uut 31A per
cent. of sodium chloride and other
salts. 'Tule evaporation of all the
oceans would leave a mass of salt
sufficient to cover the entire globe
to the depth of 200 feet, and equal
to the bulk, above sea level, of
North artd South America, of one -
heath that of the whole earth.
The theory that this enormous
gttautity of salt has been dissolved
fro.0 continental rucks and carried
down to the sea by streams is not
tenable, because the salts found int
solution in river water contain 60,
per cent. of carbonate ef lime and
only 7 per cont. of chlorides, while
common salt, or sodium chloride,
constitutes f9 per cent. of the salts
of sea water. Moreover, the evap-
el ation of inland seas which has
,taken place in Central Asia has
left saline deposits very different
in composition from the salts of the
It appears, therefore, that salin-
ity must be regarded as an original
property of the octan.
It you aro fond of fishing, canoeing,
camping or the study, of wild animals look
up the Algonquin National Park of On-
tario for your summer outing. A fish and
gauze preserve of 2,000.000 acres interspt'rs•
ed with 1,200 lakes and rivers is awaiting
you, offering all the attractions that Na-
ture cart bestow. Magnificent canoe
trips. Altitude 2.000 feet above era level.
Pure and exhilarating atmosphere. Just
the place for a young man W put In the
summer holidays Hotel accommodation.
An int?restiug and profusely illustrated
descriptive publication telling you all
about It sent free on application to Mr. J.
D. McDonald, Union Station. Toronto.
Customer—"Are these shoes too
far gone for repair?" Bootmaker
—"No, I don't think so. A naw
pair of uppers, with soles and heels,
will slake 'cru all right. The laces
seem fairly good."
We all Have Missions in the
World.—There is a work to do for
every man on earth, there is a func-
tion to perform for everything on
earth, animate and inanimate. Ev-
erything has a mission, and the mis-
sion of I)r. Thomas' Eclectric Oil
is to heal burns and wounds of
every description and cure coughs,
colds, croup and all affections of
the respiratory organs.
"I-ook here„” exclaimed the an
gry man, as he rushed fasts the es-
tate agent's offft:e, "that plot I
bought from you yesterday is thirty
feet under water 1" "Pardon my
oversight," apologized the gentle-
manly agent. "We give a diving
suit with each plot. I will send
yours to you to -day."
"There goes a man who has never
spoken an unkind word to his wife."
said Willoughby. "Fine! Who is
be?" asked Dorrington. "He's a
deaf and dumb old bachelor named
Hrakaway," said Willoughby.
Revive the Jaded Condition. —
When energy flags and the cares
of business become irksome; when
the whole system is out of sorts
and there is general depression,
try Partnelee's Vegetable fills.
They will regulate the action of A
deranged stomach and a disorder -
ea liver, and make you feel like
a now loan. No one need suffer a
day from debilitated digestion
when so simple and effective a pill
can be got at any drug store.
Humble Origin of Canadian Cap-
tain of Finance.
In 1890 there was no Canadian
Northern Railroad; to -day there
ate 7,000 miler, of it in operation,
under construction or surveyed. At
the present rapid rate of extension
it will in a few years form a con-
tinuous streak of steel from ocean
to ocean, making the third trans-
continental highway in Canada.
Tho Canadian Northern is unique
among railroads, say Hampton's
Magazine, in that its shares are
not sattered among a Targe number
of holders, but are owned and con-
trolled by two men, William Mac-
kenzie and Donald I). Mann, two
cf t)te most interesting characters
Canada has yet produced.
Mackenzie's early experiences
embrace school teaching, operating
a sawmill and running a coent'•y
store in Kirkfield, Ont. He is
known as a financial wizard. His
s:bility to secure capital to float his
enterprises is one of his chief char-
He slips-
to Eg
land every now and then so quietly
that he is back almost before any
one is aware of his departure
and he brings with hint the cash
needed for new railway extensions
or big enterprises of some kind.
He is a genius for selling bonds,
for getting the majority of them
c;uaranteed by the Canadian Gov-
ernment. It matters not whether
tines are prosperous. He can bor-
row millions where others would
find it difficult to negotiate the
lean of a postage stamp. His busi-
Bugg interests are extensive and
be is said to have rejuvenated mere
lopsided, tottering etterpriscs than1
any other Canadian.
Little Margaret and her mother,
while out walking, approached a
particularly nasty -looking organ -
grinder, with his mousey, and her
mother gave the girl a cent to be-
t'tow on the unfortunate animal
She hesitated a moment before pre-
henting her alms, then gravely
asked : "Shall I give it to the mon-
key or to his father?"
Wilson's Fly Pads, the best of
all fly killers, kill both the flies
anti the disease germs.
Some time ago an accident hap-
pened to a little girl's doll, Bar-
bara, which consequently had to
be sent to a shop where wounded
dolls receive attention. Later on
the little ono called at the shop
and asked if her doll was mended.
"I think so," the young man be-
hind the counter said, fumbling
over a pilo of dolls on a shelf, "but
I ant afraid I can't tell which one
it is in all this lot."
"Oh, you should find her easily
enough!" the little one confidently
answered; "her name's Barbara."
'leg! Cleaning!
foe tae serf (Feet Sas purr wort to rte
!M nit Now ta tees saws. se .«e Nees.
MRSHtt»al,Taroato.Ottawa, Qualms
....►E! r.
yt 5! .00.
need for b.witllet—Hirai
The Veterinary aowaNy
Oeatpany. Oohed,
Bl a A, 7a Adelaide St , R.
T-roIi1,. Ca.ada.
Business Training
The future of your ch'ld juaalepends
largely 011 their present.. ..,ny; The
hest provi.'on for the tutu , . a course
in our oldest and most reliable school.
Como ants see ea du n ; your
Eshlb:tlon Vis t.
B!it'sb Amar;can Wus Caller
T. M. WA1'SON, • Pitt::: irAt.
WANTED -Ladies to do plain and light
sewing at home, whole or spare tune[
good pay; work lent any dlstaticei
charges prepaid. Lend stamp for full par-
ticulars, National Manufacturing Com-
pany, Montreal.
WAN vim.- $5,000, In amr oats of $5c or mon
to acquire the coal ruining right+ .•n a la•ge tract,
of land a tiul.tted to cents's 2o,000,000 ton. of
coal. Au upp..rtunity uta Ifotime to get in on
ground flour. Taunton. McIntyre pluck, Winn!.
;EBuggies L and Harness
DlREC'L' to lbs user at manufact iiers'prices.
Top Buggies. - SE2.da
$In,,l• Harnett, sato Up
Rareagents' pr,hts by Dn)tn,r direct. write ne.
The Toronto Votress and Carriage
Supply Comer rry,
learn good
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ticulars And earn a ooe salary. w
34eerard St. 6., Toronto.
ood salary. We prepare
you thoroughly quickly. ar-
ticulars free.
Gerrard Lt. E., Toronto.
Ontario %'eterinity ('ollego
IStabllthed 1S32, taken sear by the Provincial
government of Ontario. 1991.
Affiliate.' with the Cnireraty of Toronto under the
control r f the Dept of Agricultnre of Ontario- Colleeimge
Oren. 1st October. 1709. (..arse of stn r7 eit•nda
thtotl h 3.o lege year.. FEES PER sESN.0N $15.00.
Calendar cn sept.catiun
E. A. A. ORANGE. V.6., M.a, Fria Mal. Dept. IL.
34 MOW Street East, Toronto.
A high grade Residential School for Girls, Pees
for the year—Re,ldent Students, 5312 to flag'
bay Students. 834 to 1172.
comma Reopens Sept, 15. Calendar on aaplioatIM
MISS CIIARLOTrfi TIIR.SLb. Vico-Principal,
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Young Mi -n trepares for Uuheralty, Sehce!
Science. Business, Lo. 52nd Annual Cal
gent on ap J cations
A. T. MacN LIL, B. A., Principal
Don't fail to see our Exhibit at
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t cr7rraIt Smuts
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rmaneut Rusin,.. os
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plains onr modern syrtcrn of
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.on 5- 1'.ivers'•3•51. Meltr..r,